Elimbah News & Views Monday 11 May 2015 Volume 2, Issue 4 Thank You I would like to take this opportunity to thank our wonderful Elimbah school community for the amazing support extended to the McDonald family, each other, our staff and myself during a most difficult week for our school. It has been very much appreciated by all and you have my sincere thanks. Success Project The ‘Success Project’ cycle for our Years 3 and 5 students was completed last Wednesday. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know your children and working to extend their reading comprehension using the QAR (Question Answer Relationships) strategies. Years 1 and 6 will begin their ‘Success Project’ cycle in week 5 after NAPLAN. NAPLAN Tests Best wishes to our Years 3 and 5 classes for the NAPLAN tests to be held this Tuesday to Thursday. The tests will cover aspects of numeracy, writing, spelling and language conventions such as punctuation and grammar and reading. Tests results are returned to us in September and provide some good information for our school and where to target the development of programs, resources and training. For individual students the test results are just one element of their assessment program. Of more value are assessment items that align closely with the class curriculum program- class tests, observed tasks, reading assessments, writing samples etc… Assessment that occurs in an ongoing way is called formative assessment and is used to continually feed back into teaching and learning. It is a powerful strategy to individualise learning. Research shows that formative assessment has one of the highest impacts on improved learning for students amongst the strategies used by teachers. Summative assessment which is external testing of which NAPLAN is an example, does not feed heavily or directly into improved learning. Learning Goals Individual learning goals are being used in most classrooms as a basis for feedback by teachers to students on how to achieve and build upon their set goals. In many of our classrooms, children can already articulate a key literacy and numeracy goal. These goals are achievable and measurable and are usually reviewed and reset at the end of each term. I trust all the mums had a wonderful day yesterday! Have a great week Tracey Sharpe ELIMBAH STATE SCHOOL Ph: 5432 1333 email: the.principal@elimbahss.eq.edu.au INSIDE THIS ISSUE Deputy’s Desk Lines from the Library Focus on Learning P&C News Community Notices Classifieds DATES TO REMEMBER Tues 12 - Thurs 14 May Naplan Mon 18 May Glasshouse District Cross Country Wed 20 May Prep Literacy info session 3pm Glasshouse District Tennis trials - Tues 26 May Grandparents Day - Prep Wed 27 May Under 8’s Day National Simultaneous Storytime Starring On Parade 1L FROM THE DEPUTY’S DESK with Chris Godfrey I hope our lovely mummys had a good Mother’s Day! Many of our children were hard at work on Friday creating cards, presents, poems and pictures to give to their mums to show them how much they appreciate and love them. I visited the Prep ‘Salon’ on Friday morning to see the children massaging and manicuring and pedicuring their mums. It was fantastic to see so many relaxed ladies! Thanks for coming along…. We are holding an information session for all our Prep parents next Wednesday 20 May. The hour-long session will focus on Literacy in the Early Years – and include information on Home Reading, developing Oral Language and how to get the best out of our on-line reading resource called ‘Bug Club’. The session will take place straight after school in the prep area; parents are welcome to bring their children – who will be supervised in the outside play area. Under 8s Day is also on the horizon – so put Wednesday 27 May in your diaries! Have a lovely week Chris CHAPPY CORNER Sometimes being a mum sure does require super powers. I recently saw a video clip where people were interviewed for a job position. The person conducting the interview was reading out the job description of a 'mother', making the person being interviewed believe these were the requirements for the position they were hoping to get. By the end every applicant expressed that it was impossible to fulfil such a demanding job description. Yes being a mum can be a tough job, and yes some days are better than others but it is the unconditional love, which we mothers have for our children, that gives us the 'superpowers' needed. On mothers day it is nice to be honoured by our family but for me it is also a time where I feel truly grateful to be called 'mum'. I would like to invite you to join me and other parents for a 'Coffee & Casual Chat' on Tuesday mornings 9-10am in the middle room of the A block. It is just a time where you can relax for an hour and enjoy connecting with other parents. Looking forward to having a 'Coffee & Chat' with you. Have a fantastic week! With you on the journey… Chappy Dorothea Focus on Learning What’s happening in 6S? 6S students have been working towards achieving their Year 6 Maths goal of identifying, ordering, adding and subtracting decimal numbers. They are also well underway in writing a persuasive holiday advertisement for a holiday location of their choice. We can’t wait to see and share the multimodal advertisements they create. 6S was proud to march recently at Caboolture for the Anzac Day Centenary march. We had a great turn out. We also really enjoyed learning about some different stories about Australia at war. Including the Battle of Lone Pine where we learnt the significance of the Lone Pine Tree at each of the capital cities war memorials. We tried our best to capture the lone pine in a creative art lesson. In Technology we are still working hard with Lego Robotics. We are reaching assessment time and our groups have been working hard to complete missions together. We are recording and compiling all of our completed missions and programs together and will upload these to our EdStudio page soon to share. What’s happening in PL? The Possums hit the ground running this term. They started home reading and have been eager to show their parents how they read a picture story, word story and can retell a story. In English we are focussing on retelling familiar stories. The students retold the story of The Three Little Pigs, wrote a sentence about the story and created a house for one of the characters. Another focus at the start of Term Two has been counting forwards and backwards. James really enjoys sorting objects and solving real life problems where he needs to count the objects backwards. It’s not all hard work and no play in PL as we have enjoyed building forts out of different materials and learning about the different purposes of different materials. We also showed our Mother’s how much we appreciated them by inviting them to a Mother’s Day Pamper Morning. Focus on Learning What’s happening in 6M? This term began with us refocusing our attention on our personal goals. Students evaluated their progress towards their goals (literacy, numeracy and behaviour) and reflected on where to next. In literacy we have been analysing persuasive advertisements in preparation to create our own persuasive advertisement. We are focusing on how vocabulary can be used to better persuade an audience. We will use what we have learnt for our final assessment task, where we will be creating a multimedia advertisement to persuade others to visit our favourite holiday destinations. Using the data gathered in preliminary maths test at the end of term one, 6M are focusing in on the area of place value of decimal numbers and their use in the real world. This focus will be incorporated with our daily number facts. Year 4/5S Class News We wanted to share with you a few of the great photos taken during our history unit last term, we had to make a Freeze Frame or a moment in time photograph of ourselves dressed in early Australian History, the children did a wonderful job of understanding the terrible conditions that convicts endured and the very powerful marines of the time by acting and dressing up! This term we are exploring light and shadows and making our own periscopes and performing fair tests in science to investigate and explain our scientific findings. We are also exploring 3D shapes in maths and using the see, plan do method of understanding the multiplication of decimal fractions. We are writing persuasive texts some students are very convincing with their arguments, especially as to why brothers or sisters are better read some sizzling starts below! “Sisters, the ear piercing screams and the horrid, girly girl music. I just hate it, I just wish I could pull my tiny little ears off. The screams I hate the screams as well, that makes my ears bleed.” (Bailey D) “Brothers are much sportier than sisters, they run with you and play fight, which is actually teaching you how to fight. When you are playing outside all alone and your older sister is just sitting her room emailing her boyfriend or your younger sister is playing with stuffed up bunny rabbits, a brother will be much more entertaining!” (Savannah) Stop in and see our great learners and their wonderful learning sometime. SPORTS NEWS with Rachel Muller Inter school sport This term year 5 & 6 children will have the opportunity to be a part of the Elimbah SS Soccer and Netball teams to play in the Glasshouse District Inter School Sport Competition. The dates are Friday 5 June, Friday 12 June & Friday 19 June (weeks 7, 8, 9) The cost will be approx. $15 for the 3 weeks including ground hire and bus costs. I will be holding trials at school this week to select teams. Wednesday lunchtime for girls netball; Thursday lunchtime for boys and girls soccer. All interested children are to meet Mrs Muller on the oval at these times. Glasshouse District Sport Congratulations to Emiell - 6S who was part of the Glasshouse Netball team who competed in the Regional Championships last Monday. Congratulations to Brandon - 6M and Xavier - 5G who were part of the Glasshouse Rugby League team who competed in the Regional Championships that was held last week. Also competing for Glasshouse Soccer in the Regional Championships was Sebastian - 5G and Jack - 6S the week before last, congratulations boys. The Glasshouse District Cross Country will be held at St Michael’s College next Monday. Good luck to our team of 18 children competing. If you are part of this team please make sure you have all the relevant paperwork and money to the office by Thursday, thanks. Glasshouse District Sports Trials – Coming Up Students wishing to be part of a Glasshouse Sports Team this year take note of the following sports trials coming up this term – Boys & Girls Tennis (20 May); Boys Softball (1 & 2 June); Boys Rugby Union (3 & 4 June) When forms become available I will leave them at the office and also give them out on parade. Elimbah State School Athletics The annual athletics carnivals will be held this term. The dates are as follows: Senior Carnival (children born in 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003) – Wednesday 10 June & Thursday 11 June (Elimbah Sportsground) Junior Carnival (children in years prep to 3) – Wednesday 24 June (Elimbah School Oval) I will be holding high jump trials in weeks 5 and 6. Children who wish to compete in high jump on sports day need to attend these trials. Due to time constraints on the day we only allow the top 12 children in each age group to jump on the day. We hold trials to select the top 12. I will send notes around to classes to inform each age group their trial day and time. Student Achievements Student of the Week Awards for Friday 1 May went to: Sarah & Kadla-PG, Lividia & Khan-PL, Kirralee-1H, Cooper & Tuxon-1L, Sonny-1R, Cameron—2M, Shantay-2H, Libby-2C, Bella 2O, Logan & Maddiv-3J, Jay-3P, Annabelle & Joshua-3D, Jayden04M, Logan04/5B, Georgia-4/5L, Ewan-4/5S, Angus-5G, Alesandro-6S, Georgia & Willow-6H Student of the Week Awards for Friday 8 May went to: Ariana-PJG, Dominic-PG, Madison-PL, Allegra&Emma-1H, Jade-1L,Ronan-1R, Jackson-2M, Angus-2C, Naviah-2O, Madison-3J, Jesse-3P, Blane-3D, Harry-4M, Hannah-4/5B, Paige & Georgia-4/5L, Meah-4/5S, Cody-5G, Emiell-6S, Will-6H Our lucky Superbus winners for 1 May were Charlee 1R, Indyana - 3D, Jaxon - 2M, Darcy - 3J, Logan - 3J. They each receive a $2 tuckshop voucher courtesy of the P&C. BUG CLUB PRIZE WINNERS Congratulations to Hamish & Logan for being this week’s Bug Club Prize Winner. P & C NEWS P&C Monthly Meeting 20 May 2015 at 6.30pm - (please note winter start time) New Faces & Ideas always Welcome! We hope all our Mums/Grandmas and significant UNIFORM SHOP female role models had a lovely day yesterday! I Open every 2nd Monday—Term 2 loved the little presents picked out by my children 8.30am – 9.30am for me, from the Mothers Day Stall. These kinds Uniform Shop- essuniformshop@gmail.com of presents are the most precious as they are what the children see as ‘me’ through their eyes. Uniform Shop will be open FORTNIGHTLY (every I hope you all liked what was picked for you too! Thank you to everyone who supported our Stall, SECOND Monday) again this term. The n next open day is 18 May. Order forms are available from the our wonderful Volunteers and our Coordinators! Please remember that our Uniform Shop is now in low season opening times. It is open every SECOND Monday, however, you can place between the shop orders and have them available for pick up, or sent home with your child when the order has been filled. For payment, you can either have it taken off the smart card, leave your credit card details (they are shredded after use), or pop the money into an envelope. Please place all the between the shop orders into the P & C box in the Office. Tuckerbox, Admin or online for between shop filling. Smart Card, Cash, Cheque or Credit Card can be utilised on the order form, please note on the form if you do not wish to leave card details and I will call you and do it over the phone or let you know when I will be in for you to come in and meet me. Paid orders can be left at Admin for collection or delivered to your nominated student's teacher. Uniform Shop Convenor Sharon Webb, 0410 468 007 (Txt is fine), A big Thanks to the Wishart-Allen Family and Fullerton Farms! They have donated some pineapples for Brekky Club for our children, plus LOST PROPERTY they donated all the proceeds from their pineapple sales at the school Friday Afternoon to Lost Property is stored near the the school too! Uniform Shop in baskets. It is sorted once a And while we are thanking people, thanks to week and named items are returned to your Steven Kennedy for coming in and getting the childs classroom. Please ensure ALL your items other side of our Fruzia machine working again! are named, and if you have lost something, You will be one popular person with our please come down and have a look! children!! Thanks Susan Please forward your feed back to us, we can’t fix it if we don’t know it needs attentionpandc@elimbahss.eq.edu.au Have a great week! Taroola President THE TUCKER BOX CHAT Our Meal Deal for Thursday Is Garlic Bread ( 4 slices ) 600ml water or 250ml popper with a red or green apple for $4.00. The flavours of the poppers that we sell are Tropical, Orange, Apple & Apple and Blackcurrant. VALUED VOLUNTEERS MON- KERRI TUES- BO BO processing BO BO WED- KERRI COMMUNITY NOTICES McDonald Family Funeral Notice Wed 13 May 2015 - 11am Our Elimbah school community will be able to pay their final respects to the McDonald family on Wednesday 13 May 2015. The funerals for Tyler, Tamra and Tony McDonald will be held at 11am at the Great Northern Garden of Remembrance in Tallowood Drive, Deception Bay.“ THURS- LORRAINE processing SHERRYL & KERRY FRI- KERRI & RENEE processing SAHRON & KERRI We do sell Plain Milk 300mls .85c Thank You To Mr Steven Kennedy for fixing our Fruzia (slushy) Machine, we now have 2 flavours on offer, Vanilla Cinnamon & Pineapple Coconut they cost $2.00. With Health & Happiness Michelle Lederhose esstuckerbox@gmail.com THE BREKKIE CLUB CHAT Thank You to The Wishart-Allen Family for the donation of Pineapples to the Brekkie Club, they are much appreciated by the kids. ON MENU THIS WEEK Date Loaf & Carrot Cake FRUIT- oranges, kiwi fruit, pineapples and Juice & Milo TOAST- vegemite, jam & honey VALUED VOLUNTEERS FIONA, TAROOLA, DALLAS & help needed The Brekkie Club Team If you can spare 15mins to help out at The Brekkie Club please come down and see our friendly team as we would love the extra help. McDonald Family Support After an overwhelming number of enquires from people wanting to offer assistance to the family during this time an account has been set up to assist. Further details are available via the P&C Facebook Page. CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS SL Electrical Industrial, Commercial & Domestic—Locally owned and operated business providing prompt and professional electrical services. Yoga Elimbah Co-Op With Nicole Drop in your old batteries for recycling and you could win a Byron Bay getaway. Come and see the team at the Coop for hardware, pet food and solutions to many challenges around the home & garden. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC—Find us at the end of English Street—near the railway car park. Phone: 07 5496 7637 Mon—Fri 8am—5pm, Sat 8am—11.45am Connecting mind, body and spirit Beginners Welcome Every Wed (gentle Hatha) 9.30am Friday (meditation) 7pm Ph: 0419 660 574 or 54 324516 Email: sl_electrical@yahoo.com.au Ride-on Mower & Motor Bike Repairs All makes & models by Qualified Tradesman with 15 years experience. Also selling & buying second hand RideOns. Call Lee on 0432 187 644/0412 084 482 Soldiers Memorial Hall, Elimbah $10 Contact 0421 814 952 Bookings Essential Complete Pest Control Elimbah Bowen Therapy Do you have Headaches/migraines Sporting injuries/tennis elbow Back pain/ sciatica Stress/tension & much more…. If so maybe Bowen is the way to go. Gentle and effective 5432 8828 or 0419 876 064 Health rebates may apply All common household pests controlled. House Inspections-Termite SpecialistsFree quotes for Termite Barriers. Fully insured - BSA-727 252. Tuesdays 9am-11am at Soldiers Memorial Hall Come and join us for a fun morning of craft and play! 0-5yrs welcome - $3 per family Please bring a piece of fruit to share. Contact Tamara on 0408 787 355 Or Kirsten 0401 353 986 Hairdressing Services Available—my home or mobile service available. Very reasonable rates. Ph Jenny on 0422 317 140 Qld Health License No 014466 - For prompt and reliable service phone Bill or Michelle-54328014 www.cpestcontrol.com.au Operating 7 Days Classes offered at the academy* Have you got an interest in property? If so, call today for honest & reliable Real Estate advice. Alex Dunn – A past Elimbah State School student & a name you can trust. 0413112720 Alex@4510.com.au #DunnDeal Richardson & Wrench Real Estate Caboolture Ballet, Jazz , Hip Hop, Tap, Show Jazz, Baby Dancers, Contemporary, Performance Team Development Class, Adult Dance, Fitness, Stretch & Acrobatics,. Phone: 0411863136 or 0418750760 or email: rmccasker@hotmail.com for further info. www.foreverdanceacademy.com.au Age restrictions apply. 299 Morayfield Rd, Building C, Morayfield Advertising in this newsletter does not necessarily represent promotion or endorsement by Elimbah State School, its staff or Education Queensland CLASSIFIEDS Boxing and Bootcamp Pink Fit outdoor Training, ladies only bootcamps, metafit (Hiit) and Personal Training. Bootcamp and metafit times are Monday and Thursday 9.15am and 6pm, Wednesday 6am and Saturday 6.30am. Supportive and encouraging and fun, get results, all fitness levels are welcome. If you are wanting to improve you health and fitness, Come and join the team! For more info, Please contact Kylie 0423924448 Fit Strong Healthy Happy DJ FOR HIRE: Our very own resident of our school discos, phone Colin on 0409 311 885 for quote. BEAUTY TREATMENTS If you would like to increase strength, flexibility and calm the chattering mind while improving internal health and more… Come join me! When: General: Wednesday 6.30pm-7.30pm (Beginners Welcome) Gentle Flow: Friday 9.30am-10.30am (Great for Beginners!) Where: Stanmore Hall, Historical Village, 280 Beerburrum Rd Caboolture Cost is $10.00 per class For enquiries contact Kylie’s Home Beauty Salon, affordable beauty treatments, without the salon prices. Mention this ad to receive $5 off a treatment of your choice, only with your first visit. Passionate and Qualified beauty therapist. Over 10 years experience. 42 Alzino Court Elimbah Phone Kylie 0422603825 Swimming Classes Elimbah Little Aquatics Ages 6 mths – 5 yrs (Pre-Prep) Local family owned outdoor, heated swimming pool Qualified Swim Teacher accredited through ASCTA & Swim Australia Lee-Anne Garbers 0439 939 799 $10.00 per 20 min lesson For bookings & enquiries please contact: Kylie on 0402 043 858 Tim James Mechanical Ultimately Wrapped by Jodi can offer you amazing natural and long lasting products including body wraps; face peels and creams, facials, greens and much more. Our signature product’ the ultimate body applicator’ will help you tighten, tone and firm up those problem areas using all natural products. Contact me or check out my facebook page for more information on these fantastic products. Interested in earning an income working from home with the freedom & flexibility to work your own hours? Ask me how with this amazing and supportive company. FB: www.facebook.com/ ultimatelywrappedbyjodi Email: ultimatelywrappedbyjodi@outlook.com PH: 0413514408 Web: http:// ultimatelywrappedbyjodi.itworksau.com Repairs Mobile Car Servicing You Can Trust in the Moreton Bay Region, Sunshine Coast and Brisbane's Northside. For all your Logbook Servicing, Fixed Price Servicing, Tune-Ups, Brakes, Clutch, Radiators, Suspension and other Mechanical Repairs Call Tim on 0407 914 065 MELVILLE PAINTING If you're looking at improving the look of your home or boost the resale value , then painting is an easy and affordable way. We offer a variety of different services which include: Interior & exterior painting, timber stain, specialeffects/textured walls, roof restoration (recoating& painting), 2 PAC floors and flake floors & kitchen restorations. We would welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver you the best service in the industry - Call for your FREE quote TODAY! Phone Steve on 0433418349 www.melvillepainting.com.au Advertising in this newsletter does not necessarily represent promotion or endorsement by Elimbah State School, its staff or Education Queensland
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