How to Manipulate Data using the Altiris Connector White Paper January 11, 2017 © 2007 Altiris Inc. All rights reserved. ABOUT ALTIRIS Altiris, Inc. is a pioneer of IT lifecycle management software that allows IT organizations to easily manage desktops, noteb ooks, thin clients, handhelds, industry-standard servers, and heterogeneous software including Windows, Linux, and UNIX. Altiris automates and simplifies IT projects throughout the life of an asset to reduce the cost and complexity of management. Altiris client and mobile, server, and asset management solutions natively integrate via a common W eb -based console and repository. 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Custo mers are solely responsible for assessing the suitability of the Products for use in particular applications. Products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, life sustaining, critical control or safety syste ms, or in nuclear facility applications. Copyright © 2006, Altiris, Inc. All rights reserved. Altiris, Inc. 588 W est 400 South Lindon, UT 84042 Phone: (801) 226-8500 Fax: (801) 226-8506 *Other co mpany na me s or products me ntioned are or may be trade mar ks of th eir respective owners. Infor mation in this document is sub ject to change without notice. For the latest docu mentation, visit CONTENTS Introduction ................................................................................... 1 Resolution Summary .................................................................... 1 Step 1: Create a ODBC Server DSN .......................................... 1 Step 2: Create the Altiris Connector Data Source ...................... 7 Step 3. Create the Altiris Connector Import Rule ....................... 9 INTRODUCTION Use has created a custom dataclass called “Asse t Classification”. This class has an attribute called “Asset Classification” that can take on a number of different values. The customer wants all Monitors and Computers to take on the value of “Primary”. Resolution Summary The Altiris Connector is used to change the status of this attribute. Since both Monitors and Computers need to be changed, this process will need to be completed twice, once for Monitors and once for Computers Step 1: Create a ODBC Server DSN 1. From the Administrative Tools select Data Sources (ODBC). 2. Select the System DSN tab. How to Manipulate Data using the Altiris Connector > 1 3. Click the Add button. The Create New Data Source dialog appears: 2 < How to Manipulate Data using the Altiris Connector 4. Select the SQL Server driver from the list. The Create a New Data Source to SQL Server dialog appears: 5. Enter a unique name for the data source. 6. Give a description for the data source. 7. Select the server where the Altiris database resides. How to Manipulate Data using the Altiris Connector > 3 8. Click Next to continue. 9. Select the proper SQL Server authentication. 10. Click Next. The following dialog appears: 4 < How to Manipulate Data using the Altiris Connector 11. Change the default database to Altiris. 12. Click Next to continue. The following dialog appears: 13. The settings on this dialog can be left at the default values. 14. Click Finish. The following dialog appears: How to Manipulate Data using the Altiris Connector > 5 15. Click Test Data Source. If the System DSN has been configured properly the message “TESTS COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY!” will appear. 16. Click OK. The newly created system DSN appears in the list. 6 < How to Manipulate Data using the Altiris Connector 17. Click OK to close the dialog. Step 2: Create the Altiris Connector Data Source 1. Navigate to the Configuration tab > Server Settings > Notification Server Infrastructure > Data Replication > Data Sources. 2. Right-click the Data Sources folder and select New > Odbc Data Source. 3. Enter a unique name for the new data source. 4. Enter the name of the system DSN created in step 1. 5. Using query analyzer to create your query. This query returns the list of Monitors. SELECT r1.Guid AS '_ItemGuid', 'Primary' as 'Asset Classification' from vResourceItem r1 left outer join inv_asset_classification ac on r1.guid = ac._resourceguid WHERE ResourceTypeGuid = 'FE46D9CE-B71C-4DE4-B790242A9EF1A5D3' ORDER BY [Name] This query returns the list of Computers. How to Manipulate Data using the Altiris Connector > 7 SELECT r1.Guid AS '_ItemGuid', 'Primary' as 'Asset Classification' from vResourceItem r1 left outer join inv_asset_classification ac on r1.guid = ac._resourceguid WHERE ResourceTypeGuid = '493435f7-3b17-4c4c-b07f-c23e7ab7781f' ORDER BY [Name] Note: In this query a custom dataclass called Asset Classification has previously been created and linked to both computers and monitors. The query sets the value to “Primary” which is the value that all monitors and computers need to be set to. The “Left Outer Join” will include all computers or monitors in the vResourceItem table including those that also already have an entry in the Inv_Asset_Classification table. Note: GUID '493435f7-3b17-4c4c-b07f-c23e7ab7781f' is the GUID that represents the “Computer” resource type. GUID 'FE46D9CE-B71C-4DE4-B790-242A9EF1A5D3' is the GUID that represents the ‘Monitor’ resource type. 6. Insert the query in the Import Query field. 8 < How to Manipulate Data using the Altiris Connector 7. Click Save. 8. Click Test Data Source to verify that the query is valid. 9. Click Test Data Source. A W eb page containing the expected query results appears: 10. Close the Data Source View Data Page down. Step 3. Create the Altiris Connector Import Rule 1. Navigate to the Configuration tab > Server Settings > Notification Server Infrastructure > Data Replication > Import/Export Rules. 2. Right-click on the Import/Export Rules folder and select New – Resources Import/Export Rule. 3. Give the new rule a unique name. 4. Select the data source created in Step 2. 5. Select Monitor as the Resource Type. 6. Select Import as the replication direction. 7. Select Allow Resource Update only. 8. Set Removed Asset should be to Left unchanged in the NS. 9. Set the Resource Lookup Key to _ItemGuid. 10. Set the Column Mappings Resource Name: to _ItemGuid. How to Manipulate Data using the Altiris Connector > 9 11. In the Asset Classification section select Asset Classification. This represents the “Asset Classification” entry in the query. It has a value of “Primary”. 12. Save the settings. 13. Test the rule to make sure it will run OK. 14. When the import rule runs, the Monitors/Computers will be reinserted with the Asset Classification of Primary. 10 < How to Manipulate Data using the Altiris Connector
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