How to enrol with the York St. John University’s subject... Please read and follow ALL of the instructions below very... process works correctly.

How to enrol with the York St. John University’s subject knowledge support moodle areas
Please read and follow ALL of the instructions below very carefully to ensure that the registration
process works correctly.
The York St John subject knowledge support moodle areas are mainly for students who are about to start on a programme of
initial teacher training. They will provide some help in getting you back up to speed in areas of maths, English and science
where you might be a bit rusty, but where you will have to show a satisfactory level of subject knowledge in order to meet the
TDA’s standards for teaching at primary level. It has been designed to allow you to access some self-audit and self-help
materials to help you identify, and work on, any areas for development BEFORE you arrive to start your programme of study
and early on in your first year.
Please ensure that all the self-audits are carried out, and the three subjects’ progress charts that have been made available are
completed, as soon as possible. Bring any completed audits and progress charts to university so that they can be filed in your
personal file, this way your academic tutor can check on your progress. It may be that you are not able to complete all of the
auditing and remediation work necessary before arriving at university. If this is the case then you can continue with the process
during semester 1. Undergraduate students would be wise to carry out the English audits first as your first English module starts
in semester 1, the maths and science modules do not start until semester 2. Postgraduates need to look at all three areas as soon
as possible as your programme includes all three subjects from the start.
Follow the step-by-step instructions below carefully in order to access and register for each subject area of the moodle site. The
final step each time requires an enrolment ‘key’. This is:
Step 1
Access the site via:
(NB ‘Moodle’ is simply the software that is used to create this virtual learning environment. There is a subject support area
for English, maths and science.)
Step 2
Click on ‘Create new account’ (Do not try to log in with a user name and password – it will not work!!)
Step 3
Type in your own details in the form that pops up. Because you are able to use your own private email you will be able to
access the site before you come to university and get a university username.
Please don’t confuse these two log ins once you are given a university username and
Step 4
Once you have clicked on the ‘Create my account’ button’ a message will pop up informing you that your account has been
created and that an email will have been sent to your personal email address for you to confirm your registration.
You will be sent an email from the Moodle site telling you that your new account has been registered. All you need to do now
is click on the link provided in the email, within 24, hours to activate the account. NB This message will arrive almost
immediately as it is automatically generated. If it doesn’t arrive then it could well be that your email system has filtered it out
as ‘spam’ or blocked it altogether. If it doesn’t appear then simply revisit the site after a day or two and log in. We normally try
to confirm registrations manually on your behalf asap so you shouldn’t have any trouble getting onto the site. If you do then
contact and we will sort you out.
Step 5
Click on the ‘courses’ button which takes you to the screen below and then select ‘Teacher Trainers – Core Subject
Alternatively you can vist:
Subject Knowledge Homepage – via
Both take you to the following screen:
Step 6
Now all you need to do is click on each of the relevant courses and type in the enrolment key when prompted.
Course links and enrolment keys (EK).
 Maths:
EK: selfhelp
 English:
EK: selfhelp
 Science:
EK: selfhelp
 PGCE Pre course materials:
EK: selfhelp
We trust that you are able to register and use the site without a problem. If you experience any problems
then email the site administrator Ros Evans via for assistance.