How-To Guide WPC Data Model Version 0.2

How-To Guide
WPC Data Model
Version 0.2
Noman Mohammad
WebSphere Product Center
Solution Management Services
OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................... 3
PRODUCT DEFINITION ............................................................................................................. 4
WHAT IS A ‘PRODUCT’? .................................................................................................................... 4
WHAT SHOULD BE MODELED IN WPC? ............................................................................................ 4
FACTORS TO CONSIDER DURING DATA MODELING ......................................................................... 7
CORE .............................................................................................................................................. 9
ITEM IDENTIFIERS ............................................................................................................................. 9
ITEM TYPES .................................................................................................................................... 12
COMMON ATTRIBUTES .................................................................................................................... 12
ITEM STATUS .................................................................................................................................. 14
PRICING AND COST ......................................................................................................................... 16
IMAGE LINKS .................................................................................................................................. 18
EXTENSION ................................................................................................................................ 19
ITEM-TYPE ATTRIBUTES................................................................................................................. 19
ITEM-CATEGORY ATTRIBUTES ....................................................................................................... 20
ITEM-CHARACTERISTIC ATTRIBUTES ............................................................................................. 21
RELATIONSHIPS ....................................................................................................................... 22
MODELING RELATIONSHIPS IN WPC.............................................................................................. 22
ITEM TO ITEM.................................................................................................................................. 23
ITEM TO OTHER ENTITIES ................................................................................................................ 26
LOOKUP VALUES (LOV) ......................................................................................................... 30
OTHER.......................................................................................................................................... 32
EFFECTIVE DATES .......................................................................................................................... 32
SEASONAL ITEM ASSORTMENTS..................................................................................................... 32
DATA MODEL VALIDATIONS ............................................................................................... 33
HIERARCHY MODELING........................................................................................................ 33
DESIGNING AND DEPLOYING THE DATA MODEL......................................................... 33
APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................... 34
LINKS TO OTHER RESOURCES ........................................................................................................ 34
Document Control
The change history for this document is listed below.
Change Description
Initial version by Noman Mohammad
Incorporated feedback from Review Panel
This document is an asset of the IBM WPC Solution Management Team. Please do not
disseminate or make document changes without permission of the Solution Management
team. (
WebSphere Product Center Knowledgebase – Data Model How-To Guide
Given the flexibility of WebSphere Product Center (WPC), the data modeling aspect is
always a challenge. There can be many ways of achieving the same end result. However,
the solution delivery timelines as well as product performance can vary drastically if the
data model is not designed correctly. Hence, good data modeling is the key to the success
of the implementation both in terms of meeting the client’s needs as well as laying a solid
foundation for other WPC components to be built upon.
This document tries to list out some of the common design questions that we come across
during the data modeling exercise, and recommends an approach which has proven to
work well in customer engagements. This is a working document and will be updated as
we continue to learn more from the field.
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Product Definition
What is a ‘Product’?
This is perhaps the single most fundamental question that one should try and get
answered during the early stages of the engagement. Depending on the industry vertical
and the customer requirements the product can be defined in different ways. ‘Product’ for
a Consumer Electronics retailer would include laptops, MP3 players etc. Whereas for a
Clothing retailer the ‘Product’ would comprise shirts, pants, caps etc. of varying color
and sizes. Moreover if you go into another vertical such as Automotive, the product may
be defined as the Part itself e.g. xyz radiator, or from the perspective of the Part
application e.g. 1994 Nissan Altima radiator.
WPC provides the capability to model all such variants in product definitions leveraging
the same platform. Hence, the product modeled within WPC is usually more closer to the
way the business understands it, as opposed to being locked down into a rigid model
provided by a package solution. However, this flexibility may lead towards a slippery
path and one should be clear on what should and should not be modeled within WPC.
What should be modeled in WPC?
To determine what components should be modeled in WPC, it is important to have a
good understanding of the PIM Domain. One should understand the Do’s and Dont’s
otherwise theoretically everything can be modeled in WPC given the flexible nature of
the platform. The following sections outline the different components encountered in a
typical PIM engagement.
Product Attributes
These are the set of attributes that define a product. These are usually grouped into a set
of core and extension attributes. Core attributes are common across all of the enterprise
products e.g. UPC. Extension attributes are specific to certain product types or category
e.g. screen size. WPC can also support relationship data e.g. cross-sell, up-sell, etc.
WPC typically serves as a system of record for referential attributes. Attributes that are
transactional or volatile in nature are best handled outside of PIM by the appropriate
consuming applications e.g. current price being handled by a pricing engine. Also
attributes whose values are derived by business logic in external applications should not
be modeled in PIM. Such data may be kept in PIM as read only but then it necessitates an
update mechanism to keep the data in sync and may also put unnecessary load and high
availability requirements. Hence it is best to leave these types of transactional or volatile
types of attributes outside of PIM.
The following are some common attribute sets that are encountered in a typical
engagement, and are classified as either Core or Extension data, Relationship data, or Not
Applicable (N/A) to a WPC application.
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Product Identifiers
System of
Item Types
Common attributes
Item Status
Pricing and Cost
Pricing Engine
Image Links
Item-Type Attributes
Item- Category Specific
Product Bundles
Product Variants
Static Cross-Sell & UpSell
Dynamic Cross-Sell &
Uniquely identifies a product
e.g. UPC, GTIN, SKU.
Logical grouping of items to
share common traits
regardless of where it gets
categorized. Usually one or
two attributes: item type,
item sub-type.
Description, Dimension
UOM, etc
Tracking an item’s lifecycle
within PIM
Less volatile data such as
initial price and initial cost
can be maintained in PIM
Links to images. Actual
images should be stored in
an external image repository
Attributes specific to a
product type e.g. screen size.
This is part of product
definition. Should not be
used for maintaining external
attributes specific to
Attributes specific to a
product based on the
category it is classified in
Part of product definition.
Bundles usually modeled as
separate products
Variants such as size, color
etc are part of product
definition. The variant
product may be modeled as a
separate product than the
base and linked together
Products that are always sold
Data depends on user
activity and business
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ons Engine
Effective Dating /
Products that are always sold
The relationship is stored in
PIM. Action is taken by
Replenishment system based
on inventory levels.
Attributes around packaging
such as pack size, case
dimensions etc. Provides
input to downstream systems
such as Ordering/Fulfillment
Volatile data. Owned by the
Pricing/Promotions Engine
In roadmap for future WPC
release. Simple scenario such
as Seasonal catalogs can be
supported. Comprehensive
framework for adding date
effectivity to attributes such
as pricing, description etc.
for items in same catalog is
not supported currently.
Product Classifications
Defines how the products are grouped together, whether serving a specific business
purpose such as organizational structure or for ease of navigation. There can be multiple
ways in which a Product can be categorized.
Primary Product
Secondary Product
System of Record
Core Product Classification
Sales Channel Hierarchy
Sales Channel
Packaging Hierarchy
Only for enterprise-wide secondary
classifications. Consuming
application specific hierarchies
should be outside of PIM
In an enterprise-wide PIM solution,
Sales channel dependent hierarchies
such as Print Catalog and Online
should be maintained outside
preferably within their own system.
There is an exception for cases in
which WPC is sold as the PIM
solution specific to the Sales channel
e.g. PIM for eCommerce
Part of item definition
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Foundation Data
Foundation data encompasses any supporting entities and attribute values that are needed
for defining a product e.g. list of suppliers, locations, product brands etc.
System of Record
Financial system / CDI
Financial system / CDI
Imaging application
Product Type / Sub Type
Packaging Types
Product specific attribute
Better positioned to model rich
vendor data and its application
Better positioned to model rich
customer data and its application
Embedded location-based
functionality and mass updates
Image generation, storage and
List of possible values to select
from e.g. simple, complex,
bundle etc
List of possible values to select
from e.g. Each, Case etc
List of possible values for
various product attributes such
as unit of measures (in, pound
Factors to Consider during Data Modeling
During data model design it is also important to take into consideration whether the
approach will enforce any constraints on the native WPC functionality or result in poor
performance of the platform as a whole. Usually we have seen it boiling down to the
following key components: User Interface, Workflows, Search.
User Interface
WPC provides out-of-box item and hierarchy screens. The UI is auto-generated based on
the metadata. This is a combination of WPC objects such as attribute collections, views
etc along with an application of user roles and security. When a user clicks on a particular
item or hierarchy for viewing, there is a lot that goes in the background to generate the
screen. One would not want to replicate this kind of functionality. Hence, the goal during
implementation is to leverage as much of the native UI as possible. Any customizations
should be seen more as enablers to business processes such as for dashboard-like
monitoring capability.
To achieve this one should keep in mind how the data model is being designed. If we
have items spread across two catalogs e.g. core data and detail item data, then that itself
would warrant a custom UI for editing and another for viewing. Instead we could try and
WebSphere Product Center Knowledgebase – Data Model How-To Guide
model it such that both are modeled as attribute groupings on the same item spec. The
multi-edit feature should also be tested against the data model design. Based on the data
modeling certain attributes may not be available for multi-edit and if those are important
for the customer from a multi-edit perspective it may require rethinking the design or else
one will have to create a custom UI.
Therefore, to minimize User Interface customization, it is important to understand and
validate that the data model design will support native capabilities around:
 Single item edit use cases
 Multi-item edit use cases
One can create an end-to-end business process with step-based views and user roles using
the WPC workflow framework. There are two aspects to the framework. One is the actual
layout of the steps and user navigation. The second is the UI for each step view. Both of
these may demand customization requirements based on the data model design. The user
navigation is driven from the Collaboration Area which is tied to a single Catalog. The UI
is auto-generated based on the metadata as defined in the section above.
Therefore at the time of data model design it is recommended to test a prototype of the
typical business processes, or do a conceptual dry run, to see if the data model design
itself is constraining the use of native workflows by any way.
Searching for items based on their attributes is one of the most common use cases in
WPC. The users can search for the items from the left navigation, using primary key /
display name, or they can use Advanced search for searching on particular attributes. The
data model design has a direct impact on the search functionality and hence it is very
important to take this into consideration.
Let’s say one models enterprise items such that different item types are in separate
catalogs with their own attribute spec. In this case to find a particular GTIN/UPC the user
will have to go to each individual catalog and search for them, resulting in a tedious
process. This would force one towards a custom search tool spanning multiple catalogs.
Instead if one were to model it in such a way that all item types are in the same catalog
but instead have an attribute ‘item type’ to differentiate them along with a secondary spec
representing item type specific attributes, then the native search capabilities can be
Therefore, when considering different approaches to data modeling, it is necessary to
have an understanding of how end users will be searching for product data, and ensure
that the data model can support this through minimal to no UI customization.
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Item Identifiers
Item identifiers are used to uniquely distinguish an item. These could be based on
industry standards such as GTIN, UPC or enterprise specific such as SKU, Corporate ID
etc. Usually enterprises may have one or more such identifiers per item. The best way is
to identify a Primary Identifier and then group the rest into Alternate Identifiers.
Primary Identifier
Ideally there should be one Corporate Item Identifier across the enterprise to facilitate
data exchange and avoid duplicate resolutions. This strategy should be discussed with the
customer upfront as it may require coming up with a uniform identifier across all product
lines. It may also have some implications to legacy systems. An identifier can be modeled
as a single attribute or a combination of attributes. However, WPC requires that as part of
item definition there should be a single attribute that is assigned as the Primary Key. This
is best modeled as a sequence attribute. WPC enforces the uniqueness of the Primary Key
and keeps it indexed. Following are different options of storing the sequence number. The
first option is recommended for simple sequence IDs.
 Generated automatically
 Atomic operation ensures
no concurrency issues
Lookup Table
Attribute Value
String key requiring
sequence manipulation
Tighter control on IDs
being issued
Easier to reset value
 If new item is discarded without
saving still ‘burns’ the sequence
 Two items created sequentially
may have IDs far apart
 Harder to reset sequence object.
Has to be dropped and
 Can cause concurrency issues
 Requires coding to access and
increment lookup value
 May run into caching issues
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SEQUENCE - Item Primary Spec
SEQUENCE - Item View
LOOKUP – Lookup table
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LOOKUP – Item Primary Spec
Alternate Identifiers
These are used to search for and identify the products using different values. Usually
standards based identifiers such as GTIN, UPC or how end users are used to
remembering and referencing items for example supplier-model combination as opposed
to a 10 digit sequence. Keep in mind the following while modeling alternate identifiers:
Make sure identifier attributes are marked as ‘searchable’. This will cause WPC
to create indexes on them for faster searching. If the identifier is a combination of
attributes please make sure all of them are marked as ‘searchable’.
Enforce integrity constraints. If the identifier is unique across all items, similar to
the primary key, then mark it as ‘unique’. Otherwise, or for multi-attribute
identifiers, one will have to write custom validations to enforce uniqueness based
on business logic. For details on implementing custom validations please refer to
the Validation Frameworks document listed in the Appendix.
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Item Types
Typically an enterprise would group their products into subsets either representing
different lines of business (e.g. consumer electronics, entertainment, services etc) or
varying product types (e.g. pants, shirts, shoes). During requirements gathering one
should try and get a good grasp on the complete range of items an enterprise carries
regardless of which phase they will be made available in WPC. It may be helpful to have
breakout sessions to identify the item types and sub types that they would like to see in
WPC. This will help in extracting the attribute set that is common to all items, as well as
the set of attributes that are applicable to items of a particular type.
The objective of defining item types is to be able to identify an item regardless of where
it gets categorized. Sometimes a customer may get confused between item types and item
classifications. The difference is clear. Item type is an attribute on the item itself and
remains intact no matter where the item is classified and however many hierarchies it gets
classified under. For example a ‘shirt’ will always remain a ‘shirt’ whether it appears
under ‘Casual Shirts’, ‘Dress Shirts’ or ‘Holiday Deals’. Similarly a ‘Consumer
Electronics’ item will always remain so whether it falls under ‘MP3 players’, ‘Phones’ or
‘Special Offers’.
The following table depicts the different constructs when identifying attributes for an
Item Type
Data Model
Implemented as
an item attribute
Item Sub Type
Implemented as
an item attribute
Common Attributes
Implemented as
the Primary Spec
Implemented via 
Secondary Specs 
Item-Type Attributes
 Helps identify item regardless of
categorization. For e.g. clothing,
electronics, toys.
 Drives the attachment of secondary specs
 Further identifies an item type. Helps
during search on item sub types. For e.g.
shirts within clothing, audio within
electronics etc.
 Common for all enterprise items
Separate spec for each item type
Type of Extension Attribute. For more
details refer to section on ‘Extension’
Common attributes
These are the attributes that are common to all item types across the enterprise. The
common attributes would form the Primary Spec of the Item Master Catalog, and would
enable one to model all item types within the same catalog. Typical attributes found in
this set include: item identifier, description, item status, supplier, cost and price attributes.
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Common Attributes – Item Primary Spec
Common Attributes – Item View
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Item Status
Typically an item's complete lifecycle is managed within a Product Lifecycle
Management (PLM) solution. The item goes through various stages from planning to
active to retirement. Being able to identify the current status of an item is core to product
definition and should be captured in WPC. Based on the status there are usually a set of
functionality such as specific validations tied to the product.
Once the Planning & Forecasting teams have decided on the item assortment, the next
step is to get the items into WPC. It may also be likely that WPC is used to create the
planned items, as dummy items, to feed the Planning & Forecasting system. In this case
the items already exist in WPC in ‘Planning’ status, and once selected need to change
their status to ‘Active’ and then pass through the appropriate business processes.
To capture the various stages of an item a 'Status' attribute should be maintained. From a
modeling perspective this is quite simple. A string enumeration or string enumeration
rule with values such as:
The changes to these values are restricted through a business process, either electronic or
manual. Usually the status changes are initiated in the PLM system and get tricked down,
electronically or manually, into WPC.
It is best practice to keep only active items in WPC’s Master Catalog and move the
deleted/archived ones into a separate repository. This prevents the item count in the
Master Catalog from growing too large, and causing a lot of clutter in the main catalog.
Also, it is suggested to store only a select set of attributes for a deleted/archived items,
leveraging solutions such as User-Defined Logs (UDL) for managing archives to gain
performance. [Please refer to the Archive paper]
Item Status Attribute – Item Primary Spec
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Item Status Attribute – Item View
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Pricing and Cost
Typically a Pricing/Merchandising system should own the management of the Pricing
and Cost attributes. However there are certain attributes that may come into the PIM
system through external feeds which may not change that frequently but serve as inputs
to the Pricing engine. Some examples are
Initial Price
Initial Cost
It is best practice not to store the ‘current price’ of an item in PIM, as it does not provide
a lot of value as users can always view it in the Pricing/Merchandising systems. Instead it
can lead to a lot of unnecessary overhead to maintain the value to be always in sync
increasing the SLA/Performance requirements.
However, if the requirement is such that the current/promotion price be visible in PIM
then the ‘current price’ attribute can be created as read only and an interface exposed to
update these values from the Pricing Engine. No processing of these prices and or
promotions happens within WPC. In effect all WPC is doing is to display these prices and
export them as needed. The data exchange should happen on a periodic basis and no realtime requirements should be imposed. Also, WPC should not store any history of price
and cost changes.
Pricing Attributes – Item View
Cost Attributes – Item/Supplier View
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WebSphere Product Center Knowledgebase – Data Model How-To Guide
Image Links
As we move towards an information rich age, images are becoming integral to item
definition. For businesses that operate eCommerce sites, the quality and different types of
the product images available become the determining factor of enhancing a user’s
experience and helping them make a purchase decision. For other applications such as the
PIM system itself, the images serve more of a referential purpose. Different media such
as print / web have specific requirements for the usage of images and drive the color,
size, resolution and type of image.
We are seeing imaging requirements come up more in recent engagements, driven mainly
by retailers with an eCommerce or Print Catalog system that consumes data from PIM.
Typical business requirements around images include:
Rule Definition: size, color, resolution, compression
Creation: source image capture (high resolution)
Derivative Generation: creation of images through transformation rules on source
Image Association: assigning images to the products
Enterprises typically have a Creative/Imaging team that has set business processes for
generating images. Once the high resolution shot is taken, an Image Server (such as
Adobe Graphics Server) processes this to generate multiple images based on the defined
set of business rules. The final images are placed in the image repository and the imaging
team is notified of the location of the generated images along with the metadata. Once the
images are ready, the Creative team can access the PIM system to perform the image
association. For more details please refer to the Image Management document listed in
the Appendix.
From a data modeling perspective an item would contain a multi-occurrence of images
with the following item-image attributes
Image Type: swatch, primary, alternate, room view, etc.
Image URL: pointer to image location in repository. Preferably thumbnail image so it
can display within WPC UI
Sample Item View (with Images)
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Item-Type Attributes
These set of attributes are only applicable of items of the same type. For example the
dimensions ‘collar size’ and ‘sleeve size’ are attributes specific to shirts whereas ‘waist’
and ‘length’ are specific to pants. There are two ways to model item-type attributes:
1. Use of secondary specs that are attached through a post save script based on the
selection of ‘item type’.
2. Creation of a secondary hierarchy with the categories depicting item types. The
item-type specific attributes can be attached as item category specs. During item
setup one can categorize the item in this hierarchy hence obtaining the additional
set of attributes. This also provides a different way to navigate the item
assortment in the catalog.
Option 2 is recommended as it allows one to model item types and sub types as a
hierarchical structure and provides capability to attach item-category specs at the type
and sub type level. For attaching other extension attributes such as those based on itemcharacteristics, see following section, Option 1 is recommended as you can attach the
secondary spec directly without the need to first define a separate hierarchy.
When defining item types one should not get carried away and model every single
variation as a different item type. This would increase the development time and result in
maintenance issues later.
Item-Type Attributes – Secondary Hierarchy
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Item-Type Attributes – Secondary Spec
Item-Type Attributes – Item View
Item-Category Attributes
These attributes are similar to the concept of item-type specific attributes. They are used
to extend an item's attribute set. Instead of being associated to a type, they are tied to an
item’s classification. If an item is classified under 'Perishable goods' then perhaps a 'best
before date' etc is added. This allows for the dynamic extension of an item's attribute set
as opposed to one big Primary spec across all items.
The data modeling is similar to Item-Type attributes mentioned above. This is always
modeled as Option 2 as the classification hierarchy already exists. Each category within it
has its own item-category spec, which gets assigned to the item upon classification.
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Item-Category Attributes – Secondary Spec
Item-Category Attributes – Item View
Item-Characteristic Attributes
These attributes are similar to the concept of item-type and item-category attributes. They
are used to extend an item's attribute set, but are based on a particular characteristic as
opposed to an item’s type or classification. For example if an item is marked as 'sellable'
then there may be certain attributes such as 'sales channel' etc that need to be appended.
This specific section has been included to acknowledge that such data modeling
requirements do come about, however it is discouraged as this goes into a very granular
form of defining dynamic attributes. Instead it is recommended to assign such attributes
to all items and move the requirements as part of data validations. For example if an item
is marked as ‘sellable’ then make sure that at least one sales channel has been selected
else throw a validation error. Note in this case all items would see the ‘sales channel’
attribute regardless of whether they are sellable or not.
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Modeling Relationships in WPC
A very common requirement that arises during data modeling is the ability to relate
entities within WPC. It may be relating two items together under a certain relationship
such as up-sell, or relating an item to its suppliers. There maybe a set of attributes defined
on top of a relationship, for example ‘supplier cost’ would be an attribute on the itemsupplier relationship as it signifies the supplier cost of that particular item.
In particular the sheer volume that may arise should be taken note of. Let’s take the case
of 1 million items where an item can have a max of 20 suppliers. We are now looking at a
possibility of 20 million item-supplier records. If another dimension such as locations
were added to the mix, say 50 locations per item, the number quickly jumps to 1 billion
item-supplier-location records.
As you can see by the numbers, how one models such relationships can make-or-break
the implementation. Such volume is typically seen when doing any relationships that
form a 3-way join, item-supplier-location being one of the primary examples. Hence, a
lot of thought process should be put into this kind of modeling. Since there is no clear
right/wrong approach, one should seek advice from WPC Services, Engineering and
Architecture on whether the proposed model will be supported by WPC and if there are
any other ways of fulfilling the requirement.
2-way relationships, however, can be modeled in various ways in WPC:
 Use of relationship attributes
 Linked Catalogs
 Hierarchies
 Multi-Occurring attributes
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The next few sections will describe each type of 2-way relationship, and the best
approach to modeling it.
Item to Item
A Bundle is a collection of individual products that can be sold separately, but are sold
together for promotional purposes. For example a digital camera ‘Get More’ bundle
could include – A digital camera, 1 gig memory stick, and the camera case. All these
items could be sold individually, but they can also be sold together for a discount to
entice the buyer to purchase three products, instead of just one of the products.
A bundle is a product itself. It has its own attributes such as ID and description. In
addition to the regular items, it has pointers to the individual products it comprises, which
can be seen as an item-to-item relationship. The individual products themselves are items
in the catalog and have their own IDs, descriptions etc. Like any other product, a bundle
can also be categorized. Further it may have validation rules for combining certain set of
items. For details on implementing custom validations please refer to the Validation
Frameworks document listed in the Appendix.
Any scenario that requires a grouping of products to be represented by a single entity can
be considered a bundle. The names may vary across verticals and serve different purposes
e.g. promotions, functional groupings etc. In the automotive industry there is the concept
of ‘Kits’ which are a group of repair parts to be shipped with an order. These can be
viewed as bundles and modeled similarly.
From a modeling perspective the Bundle is defined as a product with a multi-occurrence
of relationship links to other constituent products within the same catalog. Depending on
the type of bundle, homogeneous / heterogeneous, there can be validations on what type
of products can be valid constituents.
Variants / Differentiators
An enterprise may manufacture or sell items that are essentially the same but have some
variation such as color and size. For example, a blue iPod and a red iPod are essentially
the same product. To reduce the data entry and increase accuracy of the product
information, the enterprise usually groups these items into one item family. This allows
reporting and analysis at the base item level. This concept is commonly referred to as
item variations or differentiators.
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Base Item
Blue iPod
Red iPod
The data model design for this is a bit involved. It depends on how much data can vary
between the base item and the variant, as well as customer requirements around searching
and assigning item identifiers. The following table tries to illustrate some modeling
options based on a set of key requirements:
Item ID: Does the base or variant item require an independent item identifier?
For e.g. a SKU for iPod and a separate SKU for Blue iPod.
Search: Should the base items / variants both be searchable?
Diff Val: Can the variant have a different set of values, other than the
distinguishing characteristics, compared to the base item for e.g. separate
description, supplier id etc.
Modeling key points
Same Catalog
Separate items
Relationship link between
base and variant
Variants cannot override base
item attribute values
Same Catalog
Base item has multi-occ
attributes for depicting
Separate Catalog
Variants in Item Master
Relationship link between
base and variant
Same Catalog
Base Items
Item ID Search
Item ID
Diff Val
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Separate Items
Relationship link between
base and variant
Variants can override base
item attribute values
Cross-sell / Up-sell
Cross-sells and Up-sells are industry specific terminology that provide context to relating
products together. A Cross-sell is another product that may be suggested to the buyer
other than the current product being purchased. It maybe in the same category as the
current product or a completely different category and has no bearing on the price tag but
more on the relevance of being sold together. For example, a merchant can suggest a
high-resolution color printer when a digital camera is purchased, or a particular type of
batteries when a flashlight is purchased. The Up-sell is a similar relationship but tends to
focus on products that are more expensive and belong to the same category.
The relationship names can vary from industry to industry but the concept is pretty much
the same. The requirement is to relate Product A to Product B and define this relationship
to be meaningful to the business and be leveraged by other consuming applications.
From a PIM perspective these are seen as static relationships, and hence make sense to be
part of the item definition. Following is the recommended data modeling approach:
< 10 related items
> 10 related items
Data Modeling Key Points
 Multi-occurrence of Item to Item relationship attributes
 Non-Persistent Attribute (NPA) on relationship to display item
 Custom tool to add, edit and view list of related items with their
ids, name/description and link to the item
Similar relationships can also be constructed dynamically based on user behavior, sales
etc. This would typically require a business rules engine to go through logs of history and
determine the correct linkage, and would be managed by the Personalization/CMS
An accessory is a product that will complement the current item. For example, a headset
can be offered as an accessory with an MP3 player. There could be one or multiple types
of headsets that may be supported for the same MP3 player, all of them being termed as
accessories. An accessory is often less expensive than the main product.
This is another example of an item-to-item relationship, as the accessory product and the
main product are both items. It has been mentioned here as it is a common terminology
that comes up across different verticals. The data modeling concepts are similar to those
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described for Cross-sell and Up-sell, where the main item has pointers to the related item
Substitute / Replacement
The concept of Substitutes and Replacements is widely used across different verticals
such as Retail, Automotive and Manufacturing. The terminology may change based on
industry standard or business definitions. For example in the Automotive industry the
term ‘Interchange’ is used for substitute parts, and ‘Supercession’ is used for replacement
A substitute is a product that is comparable and similar in functionality to the current
item. They can be used at point-of-sale to suggest alternates when an item is out of stock,
and can also be used by the replenishment system for restocking inventory if the max
order quantity of the main item has reached capacity.
A replacement is a product that supersedes the current item. It is assigned when the
current item has become temporarily or permanently unavailable. Any queries to the
current item from a purchasing or replenishment perspective, will yield in the
replacement product being selected.
Again this is an example of an item-to-item relationship, as the current product as well as
the substitute and replacement products are all items. The data modeling concepts are
similar to those described for Cross-sell and Up-sell, where the main item has pointers to
the related item (substitute / replacement).
Item to other entities
Item to Supplier
Supplier is one of the main entities that is modeled in WPC as part of a PIM solution. It is
integral to the item’s definition and can be defined in multiple ways: supplier,
manufacturer, distributor. Essentially it is the entity that supplies the particular product to
the enterprise. Typically a financial or merchandising application holds the Supplier
Master and is the system of record for it. Since the item-supplier relationship is defined
during item setup, the supplier entity needs to be in WPC for establishing the
relationship. This can be modeled as a Supplier Catalog / Lookup Table with a limited set
of attributes such as:
Supplier ID
Supplier Name
Supplier Status
Supplier Contact
The data should be read-only and an interface exposed in WPC to update this data from
the Financial/Merchandising application. For example, iPod is supplied by Apple
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Computer, Inc. This would establish a link from the iPod product to the Apple Computer,
Inc entity. On top of the item-supplier relationship there are typically a group of attributes
defined such as supplier cost, supplier country, supplier packaging etc.
One of the options is to model the Supplier as a multi-occurrence attribute on the item
and within that multi-occurrence have a subset of attributes defined. This works well for
a limited number of suppliers per item. Another option is to model the Supplier as a
Hierarchy and map the item to a particular entity (category). This works well for a large
set of suppliers per item, and is efficient in determining the list of items supplied by a
particular supplier. However, it is not very intuitive from the UI in determining the list of
suppliers for a given item.
Therefore, the following criteria should be used to determine the right approach to
modeling supplier data:
< 10 suppliers per item
Item-Supplier queries
< 10 suppliers per item
Item-Supplier queries
Supplier-Item queries
> 10 suppliers per item
Item-Supplier queries
Supplier-Item queries
Data Modeling Key Points
 Supplier modeled as Catalog / Lookup Table
 Limited Supplier attributes in WPC
 Item – Supplier relationship attribute on item
 Multi-Occurrence of item-supplier relationship attribute
 Attribute subset defined under item-supplier relationship
 Attribute subset to include NPA attribute to display
Supplier Name on UI
 Supplier modeled as Hierarchy with each supplier entity
as a category. Hierarchy can be used to organize
suppliers into groups
 Limited Supplier (category) attributes in WPC
 Item is classified under a supplier to establish itemsupplier relationship
 Item-Supplier attribute subset defined as item hierarchy
Supplier modeled as Catalog / Lookup Table
Item-Supplier Catalog or UDL for performance
Custom tool to create Item-Supplier relationship and
enter values for attributes
Custom tool to view suppliers for a given item
Custom tool to view items for a given supplier
Supplier Lookup Table
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Item/Supplier Attributes – View
Item to Customer
The need for a customer entity arises when PIM is discussed in context of a manufacturer
or distributor. Product assortments get assigned to select customers. For example a Food
Distributor needs to assign what customers/businesses get a particular item. From a data
modeling perspective within WPC, the concept of the customer entity is the same as the
supplier entity. For details please refer to the above section. The only difference being
that the third scenario will usually apply for customer entity as it is more common for
there to be > 10 customers per item as opposed to 10 suppliers of an item.
Item to Locations
Location can mean different things to enterprises based on the industry vertical and
business requirements. It could depict warehouses, retail outlets, target markets, cities,
states etc. Regardless it captures the essence of how an item is related to where it will be
going. The location entity is modeled similar to the suppliers. Only the necessary location
attributes are modeled within WPC, as the Location Master typically resides outside.
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Since an item is typically assigned to a large set of locations, usually in the hundreds or
thousands, WPC has optimized this requirement by providing an inbuilt Location
Hierarchy. It also allows for a subset of attributes to be defined on the item-location
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Lookup Values (LOV)
Lookup values can be used as a set of predetermined or rule-based list of valid values for
a particular attribute. This allows for end users to be able to select a value from the list in
the UI. For example the list of valid countries, suppliers, brands etc. There are two
options for defining lookup values in WPC.
< 20 values
Data Modeling Key Points
 String Enumeration / String Enumeration
No Search by Primary Key
Single attribute value selection
> 20 values
Search by Primary Key
Lookup Table
Multiple attributes in lookup spec
NPA attribute to display lookup value
description on UI
Reference to other attrib vals before selection
LOV – String Enumeration – Item View
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LOV – String Enumeration – Item View
LOV – Lookup Table
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Effective Dates
There have been a lot of requests recently around the requirement of having Effectivity
Dates for attribute values i.e. the new values being entered for the attributes are
applicable only after a specific date or for a limited time duration. Common use cases
include Promotions, Holiday/Seasonal Info, Promoting data from staging to production,
etc. Unfortunately, at this time WPC does not provide an efficient solution to handle such
a requirement.
In prior implementations we have seen one of the two approaches:
Option 1: Passive approach
 For each attribute that requires effective dates, add an attribute grouping which
contains the attribute value and effective date.
 In WPC when the user changes the attribute value, they also modify the effective date
to reflect when that value is applicable and pass this onto downstream systems
 The consuming application takes this data from WPC and plugs this into their
effective date framework
Option 2: Comprehensive / Custom approach
 Create an Effective Date framework within WPC
 Attribute names, values and effective dates stored in UDL / Catalog
 Custom tools to create and view effective date values for selected attributes
 Scheduled job that runs periodically to check on which attribute values need to be
triggered based on the current effective dates
It is highly recommended to avoid ‘Option 2’ as much as possible. The future MDM
Platform is looking into supporting this requirement natively. However, if the customer
insists then make them aware that this is a custom framework which increases the
implementation timeline and adds to the maintenance overhead. In the meanwhile we
may look at how robust the Custom solution as been and whether this can be turned into a
solutions asset. Stay tuned from more on this in the upcoming future.
Seasonal Item Assortments
Some businesses such as house ware and clothing retailers have the notion of seasonal
item assortments. This implies that the items available in each season changes. The
change could be in the item assortment or within the item data such as description,
images etc. They also have requirements where separate teams are working on multiple
seasons at the same time. The planning team is interested in the next season, whereas the
item team is responsible for data on the current season.
From a data modeling perspective one can tackle this by identifying the number of
seasons any team can be working on at a given time, example current season and next
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season. Create separate item catalogs to hold this data with proper access to each team.
This will allow the different teams to login to WPC and work in tandem on separate
catalogs. This is one way of getting around the effective dating framework but only
applicable to this scenario as the business process and organization structure demands
items being duplicated in separate catalogs. May not be an ideal solution for
implementations with a very large item volume.
Data Model Validations
[Future version of How-To Guide]
Please refer to Validations Framework listed in the appendix.
Hierarchy Modeling
[Future version of How-To Guide]
Please refer to Hierarchy Management listed in the Appendix.
Designing and Deploying the Data Model
[Future version of the How-To Guide]
WebSphere Product Center Knowledgebase – Data Model How-To Guide
Links to Other Resources
Validation Framework
WPC Services Repository -> Best Practices -> WebSphere Product Center Validation
Image Management
WPC Services Repository -> Best Practices -> Best Practices: WPC Image Management
Hierarchy Management
WPC Services Repository -> Best Practices -> Hierarchy Management in WPC
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