TUTORIAL HOW TO REGISTER TO THE MONDOCON FORUM The AMV contest organizer staff made an English speaking topic for the international editors. If you want to use this forum to take questions or comment the contest or tell your problem (aside the official mail address, which is amv@mondocon.hu) you can do that here. Unfortunately, the forum engine is working only in Hungarianlanguage so you have to follow the Hungarian registration process to be able to log in the forum. This tutorial helps you step by step how to do that. -----------------------------------------------1 First, you have to type in your browser bar the http://www.mondocon.hu address.You will see this: PICTURE 1. Starting the registration process, you have to click on the right (See on the Picture 1) upper box to the „REGISZTRÁCIÓ” word. 2 You will be turned to another page. (Picture 2) Here you will se a long text, this is the agreement and rules. Roll down in the end of it ! 3 When rolled down tick on the „ Elfogadom a fentebb lefektetett szabályokat, és regisztálni szeretnék” text. This means: „ I agree with the aforementined rules and I want to register”. Click on the „ ELFOGADOM” button. (this means I AGREE) (Picture 3) 4 Fill the empty textboxes with your registration data. you have to give your chosen username, your email address where the activation mail will be sent, repeate your mail address. Choose English as language and set your timezone and tick on the „automatically change to summer time „ box. When done click on the „REGISZTRÁLOK” button (means I will register) (Picture 4) PICTURE 2 PICTURE 3 PICTURE 4 PICTURE 5 5 After this you will get a messagebox. This tells you in Hungarian that you have been successfully registered, and to log in the forum you have to check your given mail address and activate your account. (Picture 5) 6 Login to your given email address. You will get this text in the activation mail arrived from Mondo Fórum: „Köszönjük, hogy regisztráltál a http://mondoweb.hu/_vb/punbb/mondoweb/ címen lévő fórumra. A felhasználóneved példareg, ahogy kérted. A regisztrációd befejezéséhez be kell állítanod egy jelszót. A jelszavad beállításához látogasd meg a következő oldalt: http://mondoweb.hu/index.php?_page=profile&action=change_pass&id=20285&key=H RpVYh5a&func=forum -MONDO levelező (Ne válaszolj erre az üzenetre)” Which means in English: „Thanks for your registration to our forum on the http://mondoweb.hu/_vb/punbb/mondoweb/ address. your username is example registration, as you wished. To finish your registration you have to set your password. To set you password you have to go to this page: http://mondoweb.hu/index.php?_page=profile&action=change_pass&id=20285&key=HRpV Yh5a&func=forum -MONDO mailer service 7 Click on the provided link to set your password. You will be transferred to a page where you type your chosen password, repeat your password. To finish the registration click on the „ELKÜLD” (Means „Send”) button. (Picture 6) PICTURE 6 8 With this step you have successfully registered to the MondoCon homepage .It’s time to log in. Type (or go back to) www.mondocon.hu page and in the upper right box you can log in. You have to type your registered username to the -> „AZONOSÍTÓ” line, that’s the upper line, then have to type your chosen password in the -> „JELSZÓ” line. Then click on the „BELÉPÉS” (means Login) button (Picture 7) 9 You have logged in. Your Login banner has also changed, you will see PROFIL = Profile and KILÉPÉS = Logout lines there. On the left side there is the menu. Find the FÓRUM menu and click there to step in the forum. (Picture 8). 10 You will be transferred to the forum page. Between the topics search for the English AMV Contest topic called „MondoCon Autumn 2010 international AMV contest [English] „ (Picture 9). 11. You have reached the International AMV contest forum topic you can start to write your post with clicking on the „VÁLASZ ÍRÁSA” (means post reply) button. (Picture 10). PICTURE 7 PICTURE 8 PICTURE 9 PICTURE 10 12 You will see a usual forum posting screen. You can write your text in the textbox, format your text with the usual phpBB codes (see above the box). Before sending you can preview your post with the ”VÁLASZ ELŐNÉZETE” button (means preview your reply). When you feel your post is finished you can send it with clicking on the „VÁLASZ ELKÜLDÉSE” button (means send reply).(Picture 11). You can edit your post with the „SZERKESZT’ (means Edit) button until your post will not get any new reply. PICTURE 11 That would be the process of the registration process to the MondoCon forum and the basic usage of the forum itself with illustrations in a nutshell. We hope that you can find it useful. In any case of registering problems or direct questions regarding the international contest if you do not want register to the forum please mail us : amv@mondocon.hu We wish you good luck and fair attend on the contest!
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