FRIDAY. MAY 2?, PAOfi POUR Scrap Melals (dmlimifd from Page 1) "Roiittliky. John ZKOVPV, AuKU't AVicirimd, Mich*.'I Kuctiii'k, Curl llp'lolczzi, .F»hn Cliirk, A. Hcnyoh, HOW TO FILL OUT YOUR OCCUPATIONAL QUESTIONNAIR Bill Yum, (iatnn Chiltilln, Henry An<lrfi>ni, 3. Jawnrnki, Kenneth Knti-n, Kntncl Kftton, Stephen fler druk, Wnller Sohnlc M 14 sky, l.miis Kri-fkniiir, Truman Witrher, Raymond DamoreaVi, H. Koreti'-en, Ji\, Klmer Beck, ( i k Knvclmk, Donion Terryl. Krysko, William Ridyard, Howard Rcydor. William Humphrey, M. <'si'iki, Lntiii Csoki, George Csaki, A. [':inko, Alex l.ojewski, Stanley O P » the qoMlromniir. 10 tli«t p » | « 2 »nd 3 are up, Be*fn Vr w * l ini*ry«liom al top ef p a | . 2 . When you h a t * flniintd filllnl e o t , transfer ln« a m w e n »» Iftt duplicate que«tion» on p » | « 3. Torn o»er th* qiieitlanmir* end follow the tame procedure. Alio Help Also Anlnn Knposatns, William Burns Hohcit Mathiasdii, Joe Durisch, Hairy Kilts, Walter Drews, Dnh Rntclln, .1. Rntclla, A. Cam-. piffliu, Koliert I-ci', Krncst Brazo, Jacob Hilt, Ed Ol^en, Emil Sivy, E»' Van Tassel, H. N'Mler, Georjre IV Worth, II. Navotnik, K. N'ehel, l'hil MfOuirc, (ieorue Wri|{lit, Tom McDommfrh, M. DrMnrco, .1. Cohill, .1. Grace Others who offered their services, but who were unable to go out because the (rucks which were as.Mdiieil to them failed to show up, j weii1: William Finn, Jr., Harry | Limle, Ralph Stnuffer, Stanley Potter, Jr., and Hnrker Rhode*, The rommittee in cnarffe of the drive wishes to thnnk the owners of the trucks, drivers and helpers who so kindly offered their services. Dunne the week the Township trucks have been <.';nvassing all the jtarnires <" 'he Township in order to pick u ptheir scrap metals and all other salvage deemed too heavy to set out at the curb last Monday. A tin can round-up is being planned in the near future. The date will be announced in this newspaper, Ealtr TOOT ioelal itcarliy number • I Indltal.d. If you bare none, write "••no" In fin! block. Mrt *ri*t a lain imd M^l n-h | tVus th* |.»rn >nj pil i f a h imrtSn »««H" r Cng eut a block, °'li|,| i1 H i n | Illfh Mhrwl A Not.i Y«»i, llit r.ffitr»nl, (nofcojy tl»e) mu.t reluri; l n , ,»«„;„„_,. within 10 day. of th. .lanfpad 8tU . ibown Vf \U local B0 , ri , n '"• |l of juge 4. Yon ntti no potMtyi. Siftiply rfrop in the m.ilbo, Car.l«ll y r «Ti, w „,, in ijiteltioni 32 nnd 34 pational claiiif; c »| iohi r i « « tknit and p, o f, 1(i , Tor U clatilfy younri; W«r« •)( tham. It ;, ]]ni •»tr, that you m*y '," 'lf'kf I Knrnn?. When yo« W»»« finiihed filling out your qu«.tionna!r«, fn|,|M trated at the bottom of pa»e 1 10 that th» addrcu o f ,(,„s '"'« Strrkr Board (rtfbber-tfampwl) at bottom of pj t e 4 will n(i ' ' for mailing purpoiei. '''"" Do not itaple, clip, •••'. of paite after foldinr qn«tioniu| r , Print or write clearly in Ink. Do net detach any part of the <roeiti<iniuire. P«7 particular ticular attention to quettlont 17 to 3S, Incluiiye, ••« »n»t Employment Sem«t etn( *tt a cluar eompleU United Statei S E l S l a r and and *l«lBr» of yyour work reeerd, p.ulblt .VilU and training, the material! d prodnctt worked upon in order to claitify you correctly, Viti and c y ir i about b h li h you are not certain thege quciliom where they affect jroun prelenl work, ««k your employer. TKi. questionnaire ii in duplicate. Be lure lo «n«wer .11 qne.tioin which apply «o you. B* at exact in rniiweri ai poi.iblf. Take each robered section and fill it oat completely before joint on to the nu ntxl. t\ | | . . . iMart \ " 3 TMt~iNuT«t tuft 0) It K H ) « >f • » * f*!*** ^ iwfc.tMlr'ita**.- • ' ^L I jl<" wi"^* ^ w \MmWl V l i.'i^.l *!.<« \%< 1)11(111 •H l---« a-il i j * f-'-•'^* " ^ i - t u j i i 4 [j \iu rm» nr. « I' \ ! I tlK'-'-'i'"...^' 0 i:lli.'i|.*'-"i-i • 0 Mi no. i f »>,,,•. Study tbit ctrtfully. You will find that « a t of Ihtit will apply to you. > D At ,**t I JO* r rli^hUH r^^li »M^, tU ) 1 ( |..,,..IP.-I 7 i Vilk ii-nt^ «.. -tirl ' L " "" " ' • • " • H A«iw4r,fW'nion iaitrMt(«M for m , W r / o!lr lion 14 ptrtalnint t "' ''"' worV«d, t r a i n i n i c U . , : ( | I S , f " ' However, wk«r« prt;,ni 'J^' o CIT« • phon» nnmbtr and don't forgit tha tichanit, if any. Amwtrt unlwr kMtta^ulM.) | Hilfhl: _ _ | w r i u "3-2."' ^ 'JIT.' "TV "'"'' I' 0 1 " X V». I riin J InAn: 8 I R>ijH I/O ONI lov Ait to riu iiv iTtMa 1.1.». >. >NP m t t oow w cc u um ion n uko n IN n m s M ' i M i ' i V m rr <« « ion ""' "•''"'• 1 If y o n kav* dtiifntir,! ,,„„; or trtininf In a joVi ( l , rJol';"' question 34, itUct i|1P r_ ' you are bait fitted IV , | it* nunib«r in the hUl, , next belt hi "B," t\< m * more than four. ]f y o ul r ( ™ \ worltini at any of t| lf ,, "" 1 CIRCLE that p a r . i c u l . r h U ^ "I ; "I lo qotitiam »am» ai aboTe. Bt exact. If you are not lure, aik your employer. Ttll what yon do, how yon do it, and what materltli you ui«. M#tGHM^ LEGAL NOTICES MlI)IH.F.<<f?X C d l \ T V C O I H T (II' ( o M M t l N I " I , I H * I In' m a 11 I T o f I l i e A | i - : jilli':illiin i>f Aiulri»w ; KiK'.Hin, i n i l l v l i l i i i i l | v iiiut I l H? ni'xi Irifinl "f A n - [ 'N i l r c w W n l l i i c i - Kur'nif. i i ni I ' K T I T I D N iniiini, ;i n il K l n r . ' t u <• , *''. Be ipeciflc, ba complete. Don't tay t "automobile," > a y "automobile Talret"; not "fun," fcut,"m»ehinefun barrel." 1M l for iMM)i:it I l o n^RJime Itn 1 ! nf A n i i r r w l l n - j n \Vnll;irp | •Ink. Amlri'W h ; u n l I^lurt'ii' 1 ^ I }!, ;, 11 i. <• H l l l l i l k . | ' s 1 hi Amlri-w Kinsls, l i n l l v l i l i i i i l l y :mil !tn n i - s i IriiTiil ill' A n i l r i ' W W f t l l m ' e KorMs, :in I n f . m t . unil Klnifiue l',l'.it[ji.:C I M I ' M S . h a v i l l K "II I'll 1 1 ; i " ' i l n y ni M n y , I n x U i n t , m i p l i c i l u> l l i l " (.'ouri Hy P e t i t i o n . «<"tIInic f o r t h l l i c HrniiinlH o f i l l * i i p p l i i - i i l l n n a m i v e r i fied by H i e . i f B i l a v i l of Ilie uniil « [ i V H c i i n t s iintif-xeil t h e r f l o . ritr : i n Ciri l c r i n i i u t h o r l z e t i l e Kiiid Petitione r s t o nssumi* a n n t h e r n a m e , t o w i t , t t i n t iif A n i t r e w I l i i c l u k i i m l Fl'>r* n i c K t ' i i t r i r e l l u d a h , an<l t o » m h o r l7.p tin* s a i i l IVtitioniM", A n d r e w K u i ' - si'a, n» next frleml of Anilrew Wallh^p KornlH, ill) infsint, to aSHiime anotlier mime for lli^sulil Infnnt, tu Wit, that of Anilrew tViillncc Iiurtiik; Ami it HfipeuriiiK to Hie Court by SDiil Pflitiun iinil Affidavit, Ilia! said Andrew Kocsis mid I'lurpnci' IV^atrlci' Kni-sis, I'imide nt #1.1 Itei'lor Street, in the Township i)f Wooilr UrldKi', I'ount.v of Mlililli'se.x anil S t a t e of Nt'W ,(IT.SI-V, and that they are mntv than 1 weniy-oni; jtuirn nf :i«e: Anil II furtlit'i" jippenrinK t o t h e Court Him nutlet- of »u< h application IWIN lifCTi published UE least ont'p iri eai'h w,'ek for four wefkH su<'resslvely nt'Xt pi-i'rtMlinK tilt1 tinii' of Hit1 .said aiipliralioii, in | l i | d i ' Tiendi'iit-LfadiT" a newspaper of .sold Cijimiy, and the Court IIL'IHK satislled by jiaiil 1'ctition so viTiflfii tlmt tlii'l'f an- reasonable Rraumln lor the iH'Hvst'il rhiingi*, anil Iliai th*ir,' Is no ifammable ohjtn-tlon Ihcri'to that Hie Pt-Ulloliers should itsitiiine anotlier mime: ro. mtk « W J J * * Mcj.0* I U. 11 u n r l.xru. If y « » aan do iome psrlicu!,,;;,! wblck y«tt have nul prt,;)UlP il« wW.ati4Btwi' | Call the machine or tool by iti correct full name, >uch at "automatic bo'rinf mill," not juit "borer") i r , "multiple drill preu," not jutt "drill." (" Br*ift JOB FOR WIULH YOU ARE BEST I iTTEU ..,.., til-ik . «. intL ,r J - . <*M I W H I I W L , \ . I l:» ,1 >H4t.ii: ou>e *cMi»e. M >. i- 'i.- .,'• (l» •III<- a-\'wr j.c-irt )..i-* J(l.- t)V. i., llrnii: 17. I J M . ^ ... j^i 1-iH ^)MUI )'.L ,UL 1 the company name, not the •uperrUor'i or foreman'i name. Aid your employer if you are in ' doubt. GITS the full name of your company: not "Peitmy," b u t "Pennsylvania Railroad Company." r~ fill in r'M,, JT Twice Jf 1- H.i< , 1 , . ! , - '•'»••• M v ' liataa i n queilioni L. ,..,„ • /Wi ^ Wrlti* yoir latactWe itn;;.. ,,u number, tai_. - • . . . - . . - IC'S.,;1 Ml IMUII, 11 18, 21 1; j i l or 34, UMn fill out qutiluaJS, '^"'Fe'ehn-'"• yf^/i JOII Milt M HH t YOU AKi; > M l l l r M HI fKll 'i'«.i' 2». J ' " i ,i J.,>. -.11 W Hi' II V - ' . \ M . > Ii III-I Ilium i Your government need* to know what i»W yew do bait and wbat job, if any, you do next beit. Either of the** may be your present job. In determining the order of theie jobi, coniider your experience, training and (kill. s«*^ touerr Smut. . ';<</AM/ijz " I HPUCiD tMPTi iomns Htm M.ito o«*S- CAUID Lte»r«e* *ifiuui v •<*»• Jit IUUI You May Obtain Further Assistance From Your Local United States Employment Service Office, Union Hall, (Tear Out and Save) ',N$l,orEmplo| " * $1.00 Mr. and Mfcs. Howard Ely, Fred George Bi^ii. Scheiss, Leonard Mundy, Mr. andAlfred J u h l r W, W. WiUnebcrt. Albert Vnre;;i, Joseph J, Toth, S. P . Stumpf, Mrs. Michael 1'anler, Miss MaeMrs. Helen !'" • (Continued jrom page 1) (Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Page 1) Billings, l'lii!; "This Sunday, for Mother's Day, Schlamp, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cunhalo Gelis ,L. Skay, JOT.II Swetits, Ira Iicoimrd, Albert Kress, Mis. Sdphie Krulikuwski. "Because the USO is unitedly Katiansky, Andrew L. Kath, WilTRENTON—Fresh-water fisherSwanson, John 'Nagy, Anton MiIndicated to that high purpose in a men are taking great interest in we are all taking the.boys on a NortPareil Laundry, Woodbridgc holik, Andrew Muchanic,. Mary liam Russell, Norman Tanzman, Mrs. John I'm Flower Shoppe, Mr. and' Mrs. W, picnic. First we will attend Mass vital part of the jpb or winning this the Governor's New Jersey Fishing Lemkovich, Mrs. Kotzen, 0 . H, Michael Taheriak, Charles Blan- burger, Mi^ Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Z. Frank Johnson, C. iM. Josenhan3, Mrs. chard, Mrs. J. Dunham, Anna Egri, Friend, EliMl> war, the USO should be supported Tournament if the entries received and receive communion. Then we Vargo, Charles Leuenberger, Amer- Elizabeth Jardon, Mis. A. Izganich, Mary Egri, Mr. Cahill, Mrs. James It is on this I Ml] d a y of May, will go out for the day.,.. Nlneti'dn llinulri'il ;;nd fiirly-two, by everybody—cheerfully, genei- so far by. the New Jersey Council icus Chapter No. 137, Kaspei John Hacker, John Fischer, A. J.Hahler, Edward Miller, George F . Onlcrwl that Anilivw Koi'sls, infll- iusly, and now."' Tarn married (eight years now) v is any indication. Paul C.(Taylor, vldiiallv ami as nt'Xt rriciid nt AnGregers^ii, Mr. and. Mrs. John "Fox, B. Di'Matteo, Mr. and Mrs.Rdhnebbe, Joseph* A. Ostrowem, and have three children. My husdrj'-^ Wallace Koisls, an Infant, ami of 2107 Third Avenue, Spring For the fiscal year 1041-1942, I'lorcnci- ririitrk'p Kocsls, lit mid band thinks Ralph is tine and theStutski, F. H. Deik, John Misdon, Chas. Bellanca, Mrs. August Bau- Mrs. Lars Larsen; Ingrid Keller, 1IK.V a r e lit'ri'by authut'ixeil to a s - $14,000,000 was subscribed for the J^ake, has taken the lead in the children—especially Judy who is Carl Opdyke, Ladies' Auxiliary niann, pharles Breyer, Anthony Peter D. Katt, John A. Hasaey, Arsume the names of Andrew Hudak (iml rioriMire lleiitriii' Hudak and USO in the United States. It is ijtain'bow" Trout Division; I. Wiladore him. . . . I am making Wood-bridge Fire Co. No. 1, Zoltan Cacciola, A Friend, Hans Simon- thur A. Setterstone, Leslie,Young, Diul the s;|id Anilrew Koisls, as »«xL estimated that this fund will be liam Rosenthal, of 41 Third Avesen, . E. S. MacWhinney, Frank James A. Kath, Charles E. Hall, friend or Andrew VVallai-a Ivorsils, jelly so must go out and put it in Papp, A Friend. he and he \n hereby authoriKed t o exhausted iby the end of this nue, Atlantic Highlands, still holds Borri, F . P. Fleckenstein, Adolph the jars. When we take more picB.tsiime tbe name of Andrew Wal- month. $3.00 Dr. Lester M»m| Peterson, Robert McGowan, Henry top place in the Brown Trout Class tures we'll send them to you—and lace Hudak lor the said Infant, A n Dr. Malcolm M. Dunham Mr. Wight is enlisting the ser-while Chris Spinner, of 622 Mea.Steve Ui-ban, John R. Mantoii G. Schunsberg, Adolph H. Jaeger, drew Wallace KIH'HIS, from and after we will do our best to take good the Kali day of June next, and that rice of volunteer workers in this J. J. Dinsmore, Win. H. Nelson, A John F. Murray. 88 Grove Avc. Within ten day?; ftiiiu Mils date, the Frank J.Toth| dow Street, Roselle, is still tops in care of Ralph for you." mild iietUumers. dn raiise a copy o ( important effort an^ requests that Friend, John Simon, Mickey the Woodlj>ridge, N. J . the Brook Tj'out competition. tills Order to lie published u '••(„, Mr. Pavalc said that'from jthe barber. (Upi!iideiu-I.,.iidev" a. 'puUllc news- all who ate willingto serve write 89 Smith St. j Wishes to iinnounce that his Taylor landed his Rainbow, tone of the letter you "could'tell paper printed in xaiil ('•unity of Mid- him at 284 Amboy Avenue. $2.00 office will b« closed for the dlesex, aiiordiiiif tu the provisions PERTH AMB which weighed 3 pounds, 6 ounces, the Knapps were good people." He of ilii' »Ut ille ill suidi eiiijiWm. H. Stohl,T. J. Major, Louis duration of the war. CAR LCWTED unit provntoiT, and _wus 21 inches long, while fish- also said he wanted jjiart of the letWOODBRIPGE "— Alexander ing' in the ManasquanBrooti; sec- tter puHisKei! HiK! TecauseTe T T TrtHi Koiebun, Wm. Keating, Wm. J. Kli'iiiniur Kalleissen Hamilton, of 263 South Park ond place in this class is.held by it might inspire other people to U li r (iuvrrnmrlll On motion of Coll, Mrs. Jessie • Balsai, Ed. A. fritM leiiihrr fnr Urive, informed Uesk Sergeant Hans F. Kasischau, o f 22 Carpenter ''adopt" soldiers. A. ,1. & .1. S. U'KillT. ur arint'tl ((in-fit. Kopper, Andrew Malon, Courtney Andrew Simonsen Friday that a Street, Red Bank, and Leslie Utter, Attorneys fur Petitioners. f Hti\f Irallirr auil > mi ~ »at t"If we a r e good to a soldier Hillyer, Frank Lattanzio, John ]I luuary liv liailnii >'"<r '•IIIIFD rr-l omplete portable lighting unit at- of R. D. 1, Sussex, each of whom here," he declared, ''perhaps peo- Hlavin, John Demko, George Bar- li«lrril. Our Ftiirrt »orkn>nii»lil|i! tached to the dash board of hisJunded Rainbows weighing 3 ple we don't know will be good to tos, itlll ulit* yuur vuiuriirTnltlr qlmrH Stephen Miklossy, Albert t III- wcnrliii; liiialilira nt lint :ar was stolen out of the vehicle pounds, 2 ounces. our sons wherever they may be.Rapp, American Ceramics Labs., while it was parked on Brook AveDo utito others as you would have Frank Seel, Barney Dunigan, W LOSES LICENSE PLATE nue, near School Street. WOODKftlDGE—A license plate, them do unto you is still a good ter J. Ernst, Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, George Lytka, G. H. Mulculiey, KW214, was lost by John Blohm, motto to follow." WHO TOOK 'EM? Mrs. Mihalko uiul Family, Louis of East Street, Wednesday. Every one wants to Vnow and there ; WOODBBIDGE-fPrank Juvicn, Farber Si., -Service Barber Shop, member of the Warner Chemical Anna L. Johnsdn, Me, and Mrs. W. answers. Some »ay 1943, others guess . ' . ' I ' Frank Faz/ari Jr., Prop. Co. Athletic Club of Carteret, reHolohan, S, Schoenbrun, Mrs, Harothers say five to ten years. 238 Smith St. Perth Amboy; ported to the police Tuesday that old A. Mouncey, 1J. Cotton. Halt Cleaned while his loam was playing softball There is only one right answer. Tin1 at the Parish House Field someuntil we Win. one stole a catcher's mit, baseball bat and a softball. SUN., MON., TUES. You don't have to sh'otilder-a gun or pil MAY 24 - 25 - 26 USO Drive Great Interest In Fishing Tournament Adopts Soldier Emergency Squad I. MANN & » . Opfom«fris(s i Opficiani Uncle Sam Says— i How Long Will the Wai Red Devil Shoe Repairing Attention Homeseekers UNCLE SAM ' STORAGE CARE . . . means longer wear! ncedi the leather for our armed forcei. You »*ve money and you t»ve leather by having your ihoci repaired. All work guaranteed. WED., THURS. - MAY 27 - 28 "THE REMARKABLE ANDREW" Brian Donlevy, Ellen Drew Al.o "Juke Box Jenny" Modern Cold Storage I Amboy Ave. Lawrence Olivier, Leslie Howard, Raymond Massey Al.o "Harvard Here I Come" Ni> doMt about i t . . . out tfr conditioned vaults dc prtserVe the natural" oils that make your furs lustrous . . . protect those fur? from moths, lire and theft, MlUdf1 WOODPRIDGE FUR SHOP "THE INVADERS" KRl., SAT. - MAY 29 - 30 REPAIR SERVICE American Shoe Repairing and Bootblack Parlor Woodbridg*. N. J. "ALWAYS IN MY HEART" Kay Francis, Walter Huston, Gloria Warren Al.o "Blqndie Goes To $O 0 . 0 0 per month I am offering YOU Owe It To Yourself To Have Your Eyes Examined FOR SALE & houses located at 21 to 29 E. Green St., Woodbridge, N. J. These are modern homes, 6 rooms and bath, steam DR. G. HINDMAN, Optometriit heat, garage, large lot. Fine neighborhood. One block shopping cenBr*b«n "Lento ter. F.H.A. financing can Duplioted •REDIT . . . be arranged with small down payment. House* AT NO EXTRA CHARGE in excellent condition. No gas troubles, one block to P. R. R. and bus connections. Owner at property Jeweler* - Optician* Sunday from 11 A. M. to flA. 7-1564 85 L Cherry St. Rahwty N j " ? . m No brokers. ONVENIENT EM-BEE help America's Victory Drive. Every dollar yoii tit* puts niore fq» hands of our ftghtinf f o r c e s . . . m<»"'' the sky . . .more warahips on the sc:i. YOU CAN HELP WIN SAVE mohs in 4 pfrtrthent Saving.-* A11' SAVE more \^\J. ». WiV Savings 1 " ' I SAVE ntoft i» U.'S/tWi Saving? Nut'" ' and do all three w i ^ WOODBRIDGE NATION a Jo ( V*—i KM***
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