Application guidelines: how to apply Queensland basic physician training pathway

Application guidelines: how to apply
Queensland basic physician training pathway
This document provides guidance on recruitment and selection processes for the Queensland basic
physician training pathway (the pathway). It outlines the selection requirements for eligible applicants and
includes specific directions for preparing a suitable application.
What is the pathway?
The pathway is the Queensland model for basic physician training placements. The two year pathway is
designed to optimise support for trainees undertaking their second and third years of basic physician training
in adult medicine. The first year of basic training must be completed prior to applying to the pathway. The
pathway aims to provide trainees with access to training that enables completion of Royal Australasian
College of Physicians (RACP) training requirements including 12 months of RACP-accredited level three
tertiary hospital placements in the lead up to their written and clinical Fellowship examinations (FRACP).
Successful applicants are allocated to a cluster of Queensland RACP accredited hospitals-known as
rotations-to complete basic training and sit the College exams (figure one).
Figure 1
- Townsville Hospital
- Cairns Base
Hospital (includes
Atherton Hospital)
- Royal Brisbane
Women’s Hospital
- The Prince Charles
- Rockhampton
- Nambour Hospital
- Mackay Hospital
- Redcliffe Hospital
- Caboolture Hospital
- Princess Alexandra
- Gold Coast University
Hospital (including Robina)
- Greenslopes Hospital
- Mater (Adult)
- Logan Hospital
- Redland Hospital
- Logan Hospital
- Toowoomba Hospital
- Bundaberg Hospital
- Hervey Bay Hospital
- Ipswich Hospital
- QEII Hospital
RACP-accredited level three facilities-large tertiary centers-are underlined.
Who is eligible to apply for a pathway position?
1. Applicant’s that hold current general (unconditional) registration with the Medical Board of Australia.
2. college registered basic physician trainees who have formal prospective approval of training
rotations-equivalent to 44 weeks-by a Director of Physician Education (DPE)
3. applicants who are able to commence their second or third year of basic training from February 2015
Please note that any material printed is regarded as an
uncontrolled copy. It is the responsibility of the person printing
the document to refer frequently to the pathway website for
What information is required for the application?
It is recommended that you prepare the following information before commencing your online application:
Contact information
Medical Board of Australia registration information
Proof of identity documentation to support a criminal history check
Evidence of your right to work in Australia
Evidence of your medical and other qualifications
Evidence of registration with the RACP demonstrating prospective approval of 44 weeks of training
rotations (screenshot of your College portal page)
Summary of experience in clinical/internal medicine (up to the last four years)
Details of personal achievements, publications, presentations etc
Continuing pathway trainees
It is a Queensland Government requirement that all medical officers apply for positions annually via the RMO
Campaign despite some having extended temporary appointments. Trainees who have previously been
through the Queensland Health pathway selection process and are already appointed to the pathway should
refer to the FAQs for continuing trainee’s document available on the pathway website This document provides specific information relating to submitting
an application, preferencing, examination status considerations and the process of approval to continue on
the pathway.
The pathway application process
Application guidelines: how to apply 2014
Application website
Pathway applications via RMO Campaign:
Key dates for selection
applications open
11 June 2014
applications close
9 July 2014
referee reports close
pathway interviews
applicants notified of selection decision by
25 July 2014
5, 6, 7, 8 & 14 August 2014
9 September 2014
Becoming a physician
The aim of physician training is to develop a physician competent to provide, at consultant level,
unsupervised medical care in one or more subspecialties of adult medicine. To commence basic physician
training in adult internal medicine, medical officers need to both register with the RACP to join the Physician
Readiness for Expert Practice (PREP) basic training program and be appointed to a hospital accredited by
the RACP as suitable for basic physician training.
The RACP oversees the training curriculum of qualified medical practitioners who wish to become consultant
physicians and obtain fellowship. Queensland Health, through the Physician Pathways Office (PPO) within
the Office of the Principal Medical Officer (OPMO) oversees the selection of suitable medical officers to the
pathway using a statewide process. Hospital and Health Services on the advice of the pathway, facilitate the
employment of selected medical officers to positions in accredited training facilities. Training takes a
minimum of six years, which includes three years of basic training, success in the written and clinical
examinations of the college, followed by at least three years of advanced training. Basic training occurs onthe-job, and trainees must undertake placements in both core and non-core training placements. The
hospital accreditation status (level) is determined by the RACP on the basis of the clinical experiences,
facilities and the training program available to trainees.
The selection process
All applications for the pathway will be reviewed by the PPO. PPO will determine each applicant’s eligibility,
and pathway rotations will determine suitability for appointment, which will include reviewing applications,
referee information and conducting interviews. All suitable applicants will be ranked by a merit-based scoring
system, using the information provided in the application and referee feedback. This ranking will be used to
select suitable applicants to one of the four rotations. The higher an application is ranked, the more likely it is
that the applicant will be allocated to their most preferred rotation.
Pathway assessment criteria
When preparing your application, you should review the assessment criteria. These criteria can be accessed
through the pathway website at All applicants will be assessed
against these criteria. To be considered eligible applicants must meet the eligibility criteria-as detailed on
page one. All applicants must also satisfy the standard Queensland Health requirements to be eligible for
Application guidelines: how to apply 2014
The following section provides detailed advice for
applicants to assist with preparing and lodging a suitable
application for the pathway.
Preparing your application
Applications will open on 11 June 2014. All applicants must apply via the Queensland Health RMO
Campaign online application at Only applications via this link will be accepted.
No hard copy applications will be considered.
The application is designed to obtain information relevant to your experience, professional development
activities, presentations, publications, teaching experience, leadership activities, achievements, and
It is your responsibility to ensure that information contained in your application is complete and correct before
submission. We are unable to accept additional information about applicants once applications have been
Before you submit your application, please note the following:
Email is the primary method of communication–please ensure you carefully check that the email
address you provide in your application is correct, and that it is an email account that you access
Positions within the south-east corner of Queensland are highly sought after. To increase the job
options available to you, you may wish to consider preferencing locations outside of this area.
Submission of this application does not guarantee that you will be offered employment with
Queensland Health.
If your situation changes and you are no longer available for job opportunities with Queensland
Health please withdraw your application by contacting the RMO Campaign Coordinator at
Educational details
If you are completing an RMO Campaign application for the first time, you will be required to upload evidence
(electronic/scanned copies) of your primary medical qualification. You must also provide details of any
additional academic qualifications relevant to your application.
Partner applicants
Applicants who wish to be considered jointly with another applicant (in a partner application arrangement) will
need to indicate this in their application. Both applicants will be assessed independently for their suitability.
Successful partner applicants will, be selected to the same pathway rotation however this does not
guarantee allocation to the same pathway hospitals, which will be subject to approval by the respective
Rotation Education Committee (REC).
Scholarship details
If you are a Queensland Health Medical Scholarship holder you will be asked to identify the type of
scholarship, and advise whether bonded scholarship service has been completed and the start and end
Employment details
If you are a current Queensland Health employee you will be asked to provide details of your current position
and-if applicable-details of extended contracts.
Application guidelines: how to apply 2014
Pathway specific questions
You will be asked to indicate if you are currently or intending to register with a specialist training college and
if you are applying to one of the Queensland Health specialist training pathways (e.g. the basic physician
training pathway). It is very important that you select the College and training pathway relevant to your
application. If you are applying for the Queensland basic physician training pathway (adult medicine) you will
need to select YES to this option when prompted otherwise you will not be considered.
After selecting YES to this pathway option a number of specific questions will then appear. The first of these
will assist in clarifying your eligibility. If your answer does not correlate with the eligibility criteria you will be
redirected to the standard RMO Campaign questions and not considered by the pathway selection panel. If
you are redirected before completing all of the pathway questions it is likely that you are not eligible and will
therefore not be considered for pathway selection. Should this happen you must progress with your RMO
Campaign application so that you can be considered for an alternate-non-pathway-Queensland Health
position. If you are deemed ineligible you will be emailed and notified of this.
1-4. Have you sat the RACP written and/or clinical exam? (note, skip logic applies to these questions)
You will be asked to indicate if you have sat and/or passed the written and-if applicable-the clinical
5. Are you already a Queensland pathway trainee?
If you already hold a Queensland Health medical registrar pathway appointment answer YES to this
question. You will then be re-directed back to the RMO Campaign standard questions to continue your
application, as you do not need to answer any additional pathway questions. Unless you have completed
basic training requirements, have had more than one attempt at the FRACP exam or have had issues
highlighted relating to your performance as a medical registrar/trainee by your DPE and/or referees you will
continue on the pathway for a further year. If you are a new applicant you must indicate this by selecting NO.
If you do not select NO you will miss the following pathway specific questions, and you will not be considered
for a pathway appointment.
Figure two
How do I take a screenshot?
Windows captures the
entire screen and copies it to the
(invisible) clipboard.
Where can I find that key? Look for this
group of keys (PrtScn | ScrLk | Pause)
at the upper right of your keyboard.
Note: Print Screen (PrtScn) might have
been abbreviated differently on your
How do I take a screenshot of a single window?
hold down Alt and press PrtScr =
Windows captures only the currently
active window and copies it to the
6. Evidence of college registration
All applicants must provide evidence of registration as a trainee with
the RACP which includes having a minimum of 44 weeks ofprospectively approved-training rotations. The College deadline for
basic training registration is generally late February of each year.
Applicants can apply for either first time (new) registration or if
already registered, renew their existing registration with the College
by visiting the following link Once
your application has been approved by your DPE and processed by
the College you will be emailed confirmation of this along with a
receipt for your training fees. At this time your College training portal
page should be updated.
How can I paste it into a document?
hold down Ctrl and press V =Windows
pastes the screenshot (that is in the
clipboard) into a word document or
image that you are currently editing.
How do I take a screenshot?
hold down command ⌘ and shift and
press #3
= Mac OS X captures the
entire screen and saves it as a file on
the desktop. The file name will look like
“Screen shot 2014-02-24 at 08.45.00
Application guidelines: how to apply 2014
As evidence of your registration and prospective approval of training
placements, you are required to upload an up to date screenshot of
your RACP training portal page(s). All screenshots are to be
incorporated into one document, prior to uploading. Please make
sure that your name (trainee overview) is included on the
screenshot (example in figure three). There are a number of ways
that you can take a screen shot depending on the type of computer
that you are using. The most common methods are provided (figure
Figure three
Further information relating to the College
7. Year of basic training
You are asked to indicate which year of your basic physician training (e.g. second or third) you are expecting
to commence in the next training year (2015). This question will assist with determining your eligibility. Only
applicants who are able to commence their second or third year of basic training in 2015 will be considered
8. Intention to sit the RACP exam
You are asked to indicate in which year you intend to sit the RACP examination (written or clinical if you have
already passed the written). You should provide a realistic expectation of when you intend to sit the
examination(s). This information will assist the REC in determining your optimal training requirements for the
RACP PREP program.
9. Commitment to medical education, teaching and leadership
You are required to provide a statement that summarises your commitment to and participation in medical
education, teaching and leadership (for example your involvement in supervision of students, provision of
lectures, participation in clinical bedside coaching, appointed position of responsibility on a board, committee
or other relevant body including hospital and/or college committees etc.).
Application guidelines: how to apply 2014
This question will contribute towards your application score for ranking. Your response should be clear and
concise as there is a 250 word limit.
10. Summary of academic activities
You are asked to provide a summary of your academic history including examples of relevant-to medicinepostgraduate degrees, with honors and/or masters etc. Examples of relevant postgraduate academic
activities include (but are not limited to):
• PhD / MD (by research) in medical field
• PhD in non-medical field
• Masters degree
• Masters of Philosophy (MPhil)
• Graduate Diploma
• Graduate Certificate
• Medical degree - 1st class honours
• Medical degree - 2nd class honours
• Fellowship / Award of an AMC-recognised medical specialty qualification
11. Presentations
You are required to upload evidence of any presentations you have delivered at international (i.e. outside of
your country of residence) or national, scientific meetings or medical conferences. Evidence can include a
copy of the meeting or conference program or agenda containing your name, presentation title and date of
meeting/conference or, a sample (first two pages) of the actual presentation-this sample must include your
name, the conference or meeting date and title. If you are uploading more than one document as evidence it
is recommended that you combine these or scan them into one Adobe PDF document and then upload as
one file. You can also choose to zip or compress the file as this will assist with faster uploading.
12. Research
You are asked to upload evidence of any research undertaken including publications in medical literature, to
which you have contributed substantially, either as first author or co-author. You should only count
publications during or since graduation from medical school. Please do not include articles which have been
submitted for publication but have not yet been accepted or published. Evidence can include the first page of
each publication including full citation details. If you are uploading more than one document as evidence it is
recommended that you combine these or scan them into one Adobe PDF document and then upload as one
file. You can also chose to zip or compress the file as this will assist with faster uploading.
13. Clinical experience
You are required to upload detailed information about your recent clinical experience, up to the last four
years, which may include your intern year. Applicants must demonstrate recent experience in clinical internal
medicine, including terms approved by the RACP for basic physician training. You must provide information
for at least six terms undertaken, including your current term. As part of this question you will be provided
with a weblink to an approved clinical experience template that you must complete, save and then upload in
response to this question. Failure to use the correct template will jeopardise your pathway application.
The following information is required for each term/placement:
• Specialty description (e.g. general medicine, cardiology etc).
• Facility/hospital
• Position you held at the time (e.g. Intern or Junior House Officer)
• Year and duration-number of weeks-of the placement
• Name of supervising consultant for each term/placement listed (first name and last name).
In addition to previous experience you will also be asked to provide details of terms you are expecting to
complete in the second half of the 2014 training year, if this information is available to you.
Application guidelines: how to apply 2014
Once you have completed the clinical experience template it is recommended that you save this to your
desktop and then upload this as your question response.
14-17. Preferences for pathway rotations
This question requires you to indicate your specific pathway rotation preferences. Successful applicants will
be selected and appointed as a medical registrar to one of four rotations (details provided on page one) in
which they will complete basic physician training (two to three years). Each rotation includes a defined
cluster of RACP-accredited training hospitals:
You will be asked to indicate your preference for all four rotations.
Far North rotation
Northside rotation
Southside rotation
Coastal rotation
Your most preferred rotation should be selected as your first preference. You must only preference rotations
that you would accept if offered to you. Further information about each rotation, including pathway hospitals,
term availability and educational opportunities, is available on the pathway website at
If you are successful in being offered a pathway position, you will be allocated to a rotation where you will be
required to rotate through the various RACP accredited pathway hospitals (level one, level two and level
three). You will be contacted by a project officer from your allocated rotation who will collect your hospital
and sub-specialty term preferences. If you require further information regarding individual pathway hospitals
or sub-specialty term information you are encouraged to contact the pathway hospital DPE directly. DPE
contact details are available on the OPMO website under the pathway rotations factsheet links.
18. Feedback from you Director of Physician Education
It is a condition of your application that you give consent for feedback relating to your suitability for the
pathway to be sought from your current DPE.
You will be asked to provide details including the name and best contact email address for your current DPE.
If your DPE information is not provided, your application will not be considered by the pathway selection
panel. If consent is given, your DPE will be contacted and any advice received will be considered in
conjunction with feedback provided separately in your referee reports.
RMO Campaign standard questions
Once the pathway specific questions have been completed, you will be re-directed back to the RMO
Campaign standard questions to complete your application.
Employment history
You are required to upload your current Curriculum Vitae (CV) the pathway selection committee requests
at (see step two). The information you provide in this CV
template will be used for the purpose of selecting you to a pathway position. In the event that you are not
successful for the pathway, this same CV document will be used to select you to an alternate Queensland
Health position.
Standard RMO Campaign preferences facility, position, specialty and sub-specialty
In addition to your specific rotation preferences, all applicants are required to nominate position preferences.
Application guidelines: how to apply 2014
IMPORTANT: To be considered for the pathway, you MUST nominate the following as your first
Nominate College/Pathway (determined placements) as your “first preference facility”
Nominate Registrar as your “first preference position”
Nominate Medicine as your “first preference speciality”
Nominate Basic Physician Training as your “first preference sub-speciality”
You will then be considered by the pathway selection committee for selection as part of the registrar (basic
trainee) round. If you fail to preference correctly your application will not be considered.
Wed 11/06/14
Wed 09/07/14
21/07/14 – 02/09/14
On-line selection for:
- Advanced Trainees
- Senior Registrars
- Basic Trainee Registrars
- All other Registrars
- Principal House Officers
11/09/14- 14/09/14
Applicants able to make preference changes
15/09/14 –26/09/14
On-line selection process for:
- Senior House Officers
- Junior House Officers
- Unfilled Registrar/PHO positions
02/10/14– 05/10/14
Applicants able to make preference changes to reflect remaining vacancies
06/10/14 – Onwards
On-line selection process for:
- All remaining vacancies
All applicants are given the opportunity to amend preferences between each of the position rounds.
Applicants who are not selected to a position in one round will be given the opportunity to amend their
preferences to increase their chances of being selected to a position in the subsequent rounds. For example
if you are a Senior House Officer wishing to apply for a registrar in medicine position (e.g. pathway) you can
nominate Facility; “College/Pathway determined placement” Position; “Registrar”, Speciality; “Medicine”,
Sub-specialty; “Basic Physician Training” as your first preference. Your application will then be considered
within the basic trainee registrar round (round one) as your first preference. If you are unsuccessful in this
round (i.e. for the pathway) you will then have an opportunity to change your preference from 11 – 14 of
September, and instead be considered for an SHO position as part of the separate SHO/JHO round.
To ensure that you do not miss out on being considered for an alternate Queensland Health position should
your application for the pathway be unsuccessful you are advised to nominate a non-pathway position (e.g.
PHO or SHO) and an actual facility (not College/Pathway determined placement) as your second and
subsequent preferences.
Failing this you will have the opportunity to re-preference and nominate any existing non-pathway positions
(e.g. PHO in Medicine, SHO etc) within the allocated preference change dates.
Application guidelines: how to apply 2014
Part-time positions
Queensland Health encourages and supports the implementation of flexible work practices including the
provision of part-time employment and job sharing arrangements. If you would like to be considered for a
part-time training position it is recommended that you indicate this in your application. Part-time positions are
subject to availability and approval by the governing REC.
Referee details
You will be required to nominate two (2) referees, who will each be contacted to provide information about
your relevant skills and experience. Queensland Health-via the RMO Campaign-will contact each nominated
referee directly using the contact information you provide in your application. You are advised to inform
referees of your nomination before submitting your application and to also ensure that they are not on leave.
You are required to nominate two specific referees as follows:
 Your current/immediate supervising consultant, who has observed your daily clinical work.
 The supervising consultant from your most recently completed general/internal medicine (or medical
specialty) term, who has observed your daily clinical work.
Information provided by your referees and DPE will be used in conjunction with your application to determine
your suitability for appointment to a pathway position. Each nominated referee will be contacted and asked to
complete a referee report following submission of your application. It is the responsibility of each applicant to
ensure that referees are nominated according to these specifications and that both reports are received by
25 July 2014 in order for applications to be considered complete and assessable. If two completed referee
reports from your nominated referees as described above are not received by 25 July 2014, your application
will not be considered.
Submitting your application
On completing all questions and successfully submitting your application, you will be sent a confirmation
email. Please note that your application will NOT be considered complete until both of your referee reports
have been received.
Pathway interview
During the selection process, you may be required to undertake a further assessment of your suitability for
appointment via a pathway interview. You must only attend the interview that corresponds with your first
preference rotation. Each interview panel will include a senior medical staff representative from each of the
four pathway rotations, staff specialists and DPEs.
Interviews will be conducted as follows:
- Far North rotation: Cairns Hospital & Townsville Hospital, 5 August 2014
- Southside rotation: Princess Alexandra Hospital, 6 and 7 August 2014
- Northside rotation: The Prince Charles Hospital, 8 August 2014
- Coastal rotation: Gold Coast Hospital, 14 August 2014
Applicants should be prepared to be available for this interview as per the dates provided. You will be
notified from 25 July 2014 should you be required to present for this assessment. Exact interview location
and time details will also forwarded to you, along with relevant interview coordinator contact details for your
specified day. You will not be able to undertake this assessment by telephone; you must attend in person.
Failure to attend will result in your application being deemed unsuccessful.
Application guidelines: how to apply 2014
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Notification of applicants
Applicants will be notified of the selection outcome by no later than 9 September 2014. Successful applicants
will be notified of their rotation appointment at the conclusion of the pathway selection process. All
unsuccessful applicants will be notified as soon as possible before this date to enable changes to their RMO
Campaign preferences on the specified dates. Please check the RMO website for further details
Allocation to pathway hospitals
Successful pathway applicants will be offered a position in one of the four rotations. The RECs are
responsible for determining hospital and term allocations. Once selected to the pathway, a representative
from your REC will contact you for information about your RACP training requirements and preferences for
hospital and term allocations.
Employment contracts
Successful applicants will be offered a two year basic training pathway place within one of the rotationsdependent on individual training requirements. This will cover you for the remainder of your basic physician
training. Appointments will consist of-up to-two, 12 month temporary employment contracts. The hospital to
which you are first allocated each training year will issue your letter of appointment and employment
contract. Continuation on the pathway is subject to ongoing satisfactory performance at the level of medical
registrar, receipt of two satisfactory referee reports and satisfactory term assessments. Your PRC and local
DPE are responsible for approving your continuation on the pathway.
All Queensland Government appointments are subject to routine pre-employment screening, including the
Pre-employment Structured Clinical Interviews (PESCI) and criminal history checking. It is expected that
appointment letters will be sent to successful applicants at the conclusion of the recruitment phase in
approximately November 2014.
Further information
Please contact the PPO for further information about the pathway and the application process via email to
Please note that any material printed is regarded as an
uncontrolled copy.
It is the responsibility of the person printing the
document to refer frequently to the pathway website for
Application guidelines: how to apply 2014
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