AUGUST 31, 1954 Not by Sight " How to Keep Sin From "Taking Bible Lesson for September 11 WE HOLD THESE TRUTHS LIGHT Under ordinary circumstances we would seriously advise against a youth leaving school in order more actively to engage in gospel work. But the incident forming the basis of our guest editorial was so striking that we asked President E. A. Boehm of the Bismarck-Solomons Union Mission to share it with our INSTRUCTOR readers. He told the story at the recent General Conference in San Francisco. ,ZY Brighter in a Dark Place By ERIC A. BOEHM Down at Talasea on the island of New Britain in the Bismarck-Solomons Union Mission, Asotau of Mussau and other nationals were pioneering the work. They had not been long in the district when they began writing mission headquarters, pleading for helpers to answer calls coming from the nearby Kombe Islands. The Kombe islanders were steeped in heathenism—primitive, ignorant, dirty, superstitious idolaters, without discipline, without decency, and without morals. Still they were groping for the gospel light as taught by the "Seven-day" mission, and incessant were the pleas from Asotau for workers. Evangelist Pandahiti of the Solomon Islands visited the area to verify the interest. But we had no men, and no means to send them. "Will you visit the camp meetings in your homeland, and talk to the lay people about this needy field?" we asked the evangelist. He readily assented, and as he told his story he called for volunteers to go to the dark Kombe Islands. Among those who responded was a young student from the mission school. "What has prompted you to volunteer?" we asked him. "You are young, your schooling is not complete, you are not married, you will be lonely down there. Are you really prepared to leave home and loved ones and cross the sea to these heathen people?" His reply came spontaneously. "I am so happy that the light came to my island years ago, and that I have this light. The light that is in me is just a little one. I want to go to a dark place so that my little light will shine brighter." Vol. 102, No. 35 BRIDGES Somewhere recently we saw a note to the effect that covered bridges in America were slowly but gradually disappearing. We wonder whether the same thing isn't happening to the farm horse? It used to be that city dwellers delighted to travel to the country, where memories of simpler days could be whetted. On a recent trip, coast to coast, we saw hardly a horse engaged in the once-noble pursuit of helping in the haying. Our cover picture by Mac Gramlich, from Fredric Lewis, records a scene that seems destined to disappear. The tractor makes easier work, but is less picturesque. Or perhaps we should say less reminiscent of the old days, just to avoid controversy with any who may challenge our ideas of pastoral life. ANALOGY "As I stood wondering at the chemistry of the process, I was struck with the analogy between what I was seeing and the Christian life," writes Vinston Adams in his page 10 article. Thus is demonstrated the fact that spiritual truth can often be reflected from the everyday occupations of modern man. Christ's parables from nature and society were equally effective in His day. DO GOODER This quote from "Be a Do Gooder!" in MV Youth in Action, page five, makes the article and the idea worth study: "When the members at Aiea met for church the following Sabbath, there was much eye brushing and eyeglass wiping, as they checked to see whether it was a mirage." COMING A story of caving the modern way, "Underground Frontier," by J. Bernard Wilt; and "Predictions of. Tragedy," by Geoffrey E. Games, a story with a surprise ending. In next week's Yourifs INSTRUCTOR. Writers' original contributions, both prose and poetry, are always welcome and receive careful evaluation. The material should be typewritten, double spaced, and return postage should accompany each manuscript. Queries to the editor on the suitability of proposed articles will receive prompt attention. Action pictures rather than portraits are desired with manuscripts. Black and white prints or color transparencies are usable. No pictures will be returned unless specifically requested. August 31, 1954 THE YOUTH'S INSTRUCTOR WALTER T. CRANDALL, Associate Editor Consulting Editors, E. W. DUNBAR, K. J. REYNOLDS, L. L. MOFFITT FREDERICK LEE, Editor DON YOST, Assistant Editor R. J. CHRISTIAN, Circulation Manager Published by the Seventh-day Adventists. Printed every Tuesday by the Review and Herald Publishing Assn., at Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C., U.S.A. Entered as second-class matter August 14, 1903, at the post office at Washington, D.C., under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Copyright, 1954, Review and Herald Publishing Assn., Washington 12, D.C. Subscription rates: one year, $4.75; two years, $9.00; six months, $2.50; in clubs of three or more, one year, each, $3.75; six months, $2.00. Foreign countries where extra postage is required: one year, $5.25; six months, $2.75; in clubs of three or more, one year, each, $4.25; six months, $2.25. Monthly color edition, available overseas only, one year, $1.50. The post office will not forward second-class matter even though you leave a forwarding a ddress. Send both the old and the new address to THE YOUTH'S INSTRUCTOR before you more. 2 THE *fiedt:1 INSTRUCTOR Something more than meets the eye can be in a routine TRANSFER OF MEMBERSHIP By RUTH JAYNE E TRANSFERRED the membership of Mrs. Stevens today. And in that routine item of church business is hidden a story so unique in portraying God's oversight of the honest in heart that it deserves a telling. About two years ago, at the close of some evangelistic meetings, the evangelist received a card in the morning mail with a strange request. This is what it said: "DEAR PASTOR, "A pen pal of mine in Oregon recommends that I secure a copy of the book The Great Controversy. Do you know where I can get such a book? If so, please let me know. "Sincerely, "MRS. FRANCES TURNER" Yes, we knew where she could procure such a book. A few days later the Bible instructor, Mrs. Rogers, traveled the mountain roads of West Virginia in search of the home of Mrs. Frances Turner. After much winding and bumping she finally found the house off the main road, its whiteness a striking contrast to the green trees framing it. She quickly parked her car, and went to the door. Her knock was answered by a lovely woman. She was clean and neat, and so was the small cottage. "Good morning. Are you Mrs. Turner? I am Mrs. Rogers, and I have come in answer to this card you sent to, our pastor." "Yes, I'm Mrs. Turner. Won't you come in? I wrote that card and have been hoping I would receive a reply." Mrs. Rogers entered the home, and was made comfortable there. She learned that Mrs. Turner lived here with only her three boys, George and John, away at school for the day, and four-year-old Wade, who was an invalid confined mostly to his crib. After they had chatted awhile and become acquainted, Mrs. Rogers AUGUST 31, 1954 asked, "Tell me, what prompted you to write to this address for the book The Great Controversy?" "It's a long story, but I'll tell you about it if you have the time. One day in my loneliness I found the name of a Mrs. Stevens in a farm or gardening journal asking for a pen pal. From the first letter I knew I had found a good Christian friend. Her letters were always interesting, and I received strength from them. She had found God, and loved Him, and her love and faith in Him were transmitted through her correspondence. You can see what a joy her letters were to me here as I tried to mother this family alone. We wrote for a few years. In that time I felt I really knew her and was happy to hear about her Christian home, for she had a husband who also loved the Lord. "Occasionally she mentioned things in her letters that I had not heard of before in the churches I had attended. When I would ask her a question about different topics, she would refer me to my Bible, so that I was already reading it more. "Then one day I received a letter bearing the familiar postmark, but the handwriting was not familiar. When I opened it I found the letter had been written by Mr. Stevens, the husband of my pen pal. It bore a sad message. My friend had passed away. "Naturally I wanted to know more details, so I answered the letter, expressing my sympathy. Not only that, but her letters directing me to Bible passages had aroused many questions in my mind about her belief, and I wanted the answers. She had told me about the soon coming of Jesus. I believed it, but where could I read about it? She had mentioned that we could see signs all around us of Christ's soon coming. What signs were we to look for? She had talked about a Sabbath and keeping the commandments, and I noticed that she seemed to go to church regularly. There were lots of things I wanted to know, so I wrote a long letter, and hoped that Mr. Stevens would answer. "He was very, very kind. He wrote that his wife had died suddenly, and that he would be glad to explain anything he could. Our correspondence continued, and he tried to help me as much as he could. His work was landscape gardening, and at times he would be too busy to answer too many questions. Then one day he wrote me a nice letter, and it was this paragraph that prompted me to write requesting the book: Then one day I received a letter bearing the familiar postmark, but not the same handwriting. 3 " 'I feel that I am not helping you find the answers to your questions as completely as I should. I also feel you would be better satisfied if you could sit down and read these things. Then, as you read, feel free to write about any questions you may have. In the meantime, if you will try to secure the book The Great Controversy, I know it will help you a lot. If there is a Seventh-day Adventist church near you, the pastor can probably help you secure such a book.' "His letters were always interesting. He mentioned many times that he liked writing to me, because he remembered how his wife had always looked forward to my letters, and he hoped that they would continue a little while longer. I must admit I was enjoying his letters and was just as anxious as he was to continue this correspondence. "Meanwhile I followed the church advertisements on the weekend in the newspaper. One particular sermon topic attracted my attention, and I thought perhaps this church and the minister pictured in the advertisement could help me find the book. I sent the card you have in your hand." Mrs. Rogers, who had listened to this unusual story, said, "You've certainly had an interesting experience, and I'm so glad you sent the card. I have brought the book you requested and want to leave it with you." Then, with a promise to come back soon again, she left. She had found a person in distress, not only desiring spiritual help, but needing other help too, for this woman lived here alone with the three small boys. The Bible instructor determined to bring other help. Mrs. Turner needed wood for her cookstove. Wade, the littlest one, needed special foods, which cost extra money. The men in the church gladly donated their time to cut wood, and they came back periodically during the winter to keep her supplied. Different ones in the church provided medicine and vitamins for the invalid boy. Even a special examination by a doctor was arranged. The welfare society of the church brought in food, particularly around the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. These things were not done all at once, but little by little as the church saw the family's worthiness. Because of Mrs. Turner's interest, Bible studies were begun in the home. Mrs. Rogers looked forward to the studies, for her student was so eager to learn. And Wade learned to look forward to the visits too, for there was always a special treat for him, perhaps some oranges, or some other item of food he liked, or perhaps a little toy to keep him occupied. The church members visited the Turner home too, and tried to help from time to time. Mrs. Turner attended church right from the first. The things she heard there answered many of her questions. 4 brought them from week to week, and they enjoyed Sabbath school and church. Then came a happy Sabbath when Mrs. Turner was baptized. The year seemed to pass quickly. There had been so much to learn, so many new friends to meet at the church. One day Mrs. Turner received a letter. She had been corresponding with John Stevens during this period, and from time to time he had told them of his work and of his plans. But this letter was the one that changed their lives: "DEAR FRANCES, "I have been looking forward to the day when I could write this to you. My plans at first had been to come East and get you and the boys. But I have thought how nice it would be if you would come out here alone, perhaps see the home I Ne0101041 44,14 have here for you and the boys, and then if you feel that you could be happy here, By Olive C. Leary we could be married and then travel back Song that flows from a golden throat together to pick up the boys. Do you think you could work out something And sunlight-painted breast, like that? "Let me know what you think of my Kindles joy with dawn-clear note plans, and whether you can get someone to care for the boys for the weeks you That gives the day new zest. would be gone." Well, it was something to consider, but it seemed a sensible plan. After she had prayed about it, Mrs. Turner decided that the Lord had led her this far and she felt dente He had provided for her beyond He was still leading. Yes, she would do it, her hopes. As her correspondence with if she could get a good Christian woman Mr. Stevens continued, it seemed that to stay with the boys. And with the help not only was he interested in her spiritual of Mrs. Rogers they found Catherine welfare, but he wanted to become better Amos. It is not easy for a mother to make acquainted with her personally. He wrote a decision to leave three little boys who that he would like to take a trip East need her, but Mrs. Turner knew her during his vacation and visit her. family was in good hands. This made Mrs. Turner happy, and She was gone about six weeks, and gave her something to look forward to. then one day a car again drove into the When this Christian man arrived he Turner yard, and as the boys looked out brought joy to the whole family. He the window they saw their mother in the knew how to play with the boys. He front seat, and Mr. Stevens with her. After seemed to like Wade so much. Mrs. the happy greetings were over they were Turner liked this friend who had helped introduced to their new "Daddy." He her find Jesus and His church. She liked had kept his word to come back for them his kind ways. all, to take them to the home he had preThe visit passed quickly, and he had pared for them. It wasn't many days beto return to Oregon. He was happy with fore all arrangements were completed to the family he had found. It pleased him leave West Virginia, and the little family to see their interest in the church too. He packed their possessions, and off they could see how much they had learned and went. We have received many letters from how God was leading them. Frances Turner was reluctant to see her. One of the first letters said, "We are the time come for John Stevens to leave, happy out here, and are all well as usual. for she had learned to like him. He had We like our new husband and daddy mentioned several times that he had a very much too. He is so kind and conspecial request to make, and so one day siderate. Little Wade is his pride and joy. In fact, all the boys take a delight in he told them he would like to come back for them, and make a home for all of being with him. Oh, yes, Wade goes to them. He told them his business would kindergarten for handicapped children. A demand his attention for a year, and since neighbor has a girl in school with Wade, it was a long way to the East from Oregon, and she takes him along and brings him it would be a year until he could come home at noon. I must close now and will back for them. In the meantime he said write again soon, and tell you more about our home." he would get things ready. That's how we came to transfer Mrs. After he left, the little family continued learning the lessons that Mrs. Rogers Stevens' membership today! Several months passed, and she was still corresponding with Mr. Stevens. When he heard that she was attending the Seventh-day Adventist church he was glad. He wrote then and told her that this was the church to which he belonged. He had hoped that she would find this church and make it the church of her choice. She had not fully made her decision yet. She was still studying. God had been good to her. He had brought peace into her heart. Not only was God unfolding to her His beautiful story of salvation, but in His divine provi- THE Z106Lrk INSTRUCTOR Be a Do Gooder! By J. F. Knipschild, Jr. What's a Do Gooder? Well, to begin with, a Do Gooder knows the fun way of doing a lot of constructive things at once. He demonstrates the practical side of Christianity in the Missionary Volunteer way of life. Does it work, and how does it work? We here in Hawaii know it works. It's been in vogue since the beginning of 1954, so here's how Hawaii's MV's do it: On the islands of Oahu (where Honolulu is situated), Kauai, Molokai, Maui, and Hawaii, the MV Societies are organized into MV Federations, whose officers are nominated by the MV Society officers and elected at the first MV Federation meeting in the year. Federation meetings are held every six weeks on a rotation basis around the various churches. When a federated MV officer spots something that would constitute a good federation project, such as repairing a church school building, refinishing the floors or pews of a church, cleaning and fixing up the grounds of physically handicapped people, or some painting job that hasn't been done because of lack of funds—all this information is passed on to the federation officers and conference MV superintendent. A federated officers' meeting is called. We check on our finances (all federated MV meeting offerings go into Do Gooders' Fund, held in trust by the conference treasury department till the money is needed), then consider the project requested, plan with the local pastor of the district involved, set a date (preferably a Sunday morning when fewer folks are working), and notify all MV Societies to converge on the project designated with implements necessary to do the job. The church involved in the project is not usually notified as to what is happening. When the day arrives, all the youth are directed into the part of the project where they best fit. We pray, then away we go— whizbang and it's done! Before any of the local beneficiaries know what has happened we're gone. Sometimes we plan a picnic lunch in the afternoon, with games and nature-lore excursions. Take, for instance, our last Do Gooders' project. The picture tells the story. But let's go back to the beginning a bit. During World War II there was stationed at Pearl Harbor a sailor whose name everyone seems to have forgotten. One thing is sure, he loved the Lord, because AUGUST 31, 1954 he would take leave of the base every once in a while and look for junior boys in the small town of Aiea nearby. He would go for walks with these boys through the cane fields, usually ending up by the local water reservoir. There he would conduct a little Bible class, telling them stories of the Bible, at the same time teaching them songs. One of the lads became deeply impressed. Shortly after, the sailor was transferred, so this lad organized, with his junior-age friends, a Bible-study class in a little cubbyhole cut out of dirt under his house. Some time later, George Kiyabu, now pastor on the island of Kauai, was providentially led to this little Bible club. As a result of the contacts made, a church composed mostly of youth was organized, and a house of worship built in 1947. The lad who carried on the inspiration of that sailor is Kenneth Kakazu, who graduated this year from Pacific Union College. Since the time of building, because of lack of funds, the members were never able to paint their sanctuary. Knowing of their loyalty and active promotion of our denominational activities in every line, with an ambitious MV Society in missionary lines as well as an A-1 Pathfinder Club, the Do Gooders decided it was about time to do the job of painting. Recently from all around Oahu the Do Gooders converged, and between 8 and 12 A.M. the job was done. Needless to say, when the members at Aiea met for church the following Sabbath, there was much eye brushing and eyeglass wiping, as they checked to see whether it was a mirage. They also wiped away the tears out of deep appreciation. For some strange reason, as they sang "Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow" that Sabbath, there was a depth and richness of quality that bespoke the sincere thankfulness of being a Seventh-day Adventist. Of course, nothing need be said as to how such projects affect the morale of our Hawaii MV's! Forty Master Guides Invested at Campion By Lee Carter When the Pathfinder work was first introduced into the Colorado Conference four years ago, the young people at Campion Academy felt as though they were missing out on something. Pathfinders kept telling about the interesting times they had on their overnight camping trips and with other activities. Even though most of the academy students were too old to be regular Pathfinder members, they wanted to be able to enjoy the same thrills the junior youth were experiencing in their club activities. As a result an organization of senior youth at Campion Academy was formed, later to become known as the Pathfinder Guides. Under the leadership of Mrs. Nesmith and Mr. Specht, and with the assistance of Mr. Nesmith and Mrs, Specht, the Pathfinder Guide work has really grown at Campion Academy. Many have been the thrilling weekend excursions high into the Rockies for the members of this new club. The climax came Sabbath, May 1, when forty of their members were invested as J. F. KNIPSCHILD, JR. There was much surprise when the Aiea (Hawaii) church members came on Sabbath morning and saw what Adventist youth had done "behind their backs." Here are the Do Gooders hard at work. 5 LIE CART I..0 Campion Academy (Colorado) has been trying something new—an organization known as Pathfinder Guides. Forty of the group are now Master Guides. Master Guides, and more than 450 MV Honor certificates were handed out. Share Your Faith by Living By Dorothy Mitchell This is a simple story of "Share Your Faith by Living." Cynthia Varner was introduced to a group of Seventh-day Adventist young people at one of our colleges. As she associated with her new-found friends she began to feel that she was one of the group. They had such a pleasant time, and were all so friendly. The good times she was now enjoying were strangely but pleasantly different from the good times she was used to having. When the young people invited her to attend their church, she gladly accepted. It seemed strange to go on Saturday, but she had to admit that she enjoyed it, and everyone was so sincere and friendly. But Cynthia was sure that the Adventists were mixed up on their interpretation of the Bible. One evening when she and a girl friend from her church were comparing the differences between their beliefs and those of her new Adventist friends, she was surprised because she could not find certain texts she felt sure were in the Bible. When she asked her minister where these texts could be found, she was quite disappointed because he was unable to tell her. He dismissed her with a rather curt statement that "we observe Sunday in honor of the resurrection of Christ." "Now let us go to our minister," suggested one of her Adventist friends, and they did. Upon arrival at Ralph Carter's home they received a cordial welcome. He seemed at ease, and as they asked questions he gave logical answers, reading always from the Bible. Pastor Carter was a Bible teacher in one of our colleges. One day Cynthia told her friends of her plans to move to Denver. Colorado. They hated to see her leave, just at the time when she was becoming interested in the church and its teachings. They urged her to go to one of the Adventist churches in Denver, and become acquainted with the Adventist youth of that city and their pastor. As Cynthia for the first time met J. L. Dittberner, pastor of the Denver Central church, she was pleased to find that he was just as friendly and pleasant as was Pastor Carter in Lincoln, Nebraska. He suggested that she might be interested in continuing her Bible studies. He told her of the Bible instructor in Denver, who would be happy to come to her home and study with her on the various Bible topics in which she was interested. Not many months had passed until one beautiful Sabbath day, as Cynthia was watching a baptismal service in the Denver Central church, the thought struck het that she too should be baptized. At the close of that service the pastor invited all who would like to join a new baptismal class to come forward. She responded, and on May 15 stepped into that same baptistry, there to consecrate her life completely to the cause of God, a trophy of the youth who first shared their faith by living. 4 Youth-led Junior Camp By Desmond B. Hills DOROTHY MITCHELL Cynthia Variter, baptized not long ago by J. L. Dittberner, pastor of the Denver Central church, is a church member now because a group of Adventist young people knew how to be friendly. 6 A week is not generally an accepted time for most committees to organize such large-scale activities as a youth camp. But 4 just seven days after the camp committee was elected almost seventy youth were comfortably accommodated at our Avondale MV training camp on the shores of Lake Macquarie, in Australia. The committee members were all active in the Master Guide Society at the Australasian Missionary College. Apart from the direction given by R. B. Watts and W. 0. Broad, the responsibilities for the three days rested on the To page 23 THE *data INSTRUCTOR S We Take to the Road By MABEL C. PARSONS PART TWO HEN we stopped at Chinguar we thought we would be on our way very early in the morning. We had ordered cabbages, carrots, turnips, and peas to be ready, so that we could pick them up. The mission folks insisted that we stay another day, but we did not feel that we could, so after breakfast we left as soon as we could do so graciously. But first we went next door for the vegetables we had ord,-red. We bought about thirty pounds of turnips, five more cabbages, some eggplant, some lovely carrots, and some peas. In the meantime I had a look at the garden. What lovely asters! One would never dream that behind those high stones and brick walls lurked such heavenly beauty. With a promise of some of the seed when we should return, and an additional promise of more cypress trees to plant in front of the pillars holding up the veranda roof of our new home, we said good-by and went on our way. After driving across the flats for a while where grass waved to us from both sides of the road, we came to the bridge that had almost let us down into the river the last time we passed over it in September of 1950. The bridge had never been finished. A retaining wall and two pillars had been built, upon which the wooden structure had been placed. The lengthwise beams and those crossing these had been laid, but there was only a two-plank-wide runway nailed to these crossbeams, which gave enough space for the wheels of a car to cross, while those aboard could look down at the frothing, foaming stream many feet below. One of the planks was curved on the bottom side, and the weight of our car split it, or finished splitting it, letting the front wheel slip off the runway. What saved us was the fact that the wheel rested on the pillar and not in the space just one turn of the wheel beyond! Thanks to good brakes, we stopped on the pillar. Then our problem was in getting out of the predicament. We could not go ahead, and behind we had no way of AUGUST 31, 1954 escape. We were carrying some lumber in the bottom of our .car, and had to offload to take the lumber out. 'We three women passengers pulled the car backward by means of a rope, while the three men pushed from in front, and gradually worked the back part of the car onto the planks we had laid down, and then on to the solid road. We drove it across the stream empty, and then carried the baggage over bit by bit. It was rather precarious even to walk across the bridge, and doubly so as our ears caught the everconstant dashing of the water, across the stones. But we had to pretend we were walking across a solid bridge. This time we crossed the river over a detour and temporary bridge. We were lower than either the road or the bridge, so we had a good view of the profile of the bridge that had almost hurled us to a hard river bed below. Just as we were coming out of the detour we shifted into high. The clutch rubbed against rubber, and we interpreted the resulting little squeak as "So what!" Sometimes along the way it would say "So what?" with a question mark in its voice. That little squeak encouraged us all along the way with its "So what!" Once as we were driving along, a dog broke away from his master and came charging toward us at full speed. As he came closer he evidently saw that we were bigger than he, and let us go on our way peaceably. We passed road gangs made up of men and women with hoes, who were cleaning the grass off the roadways. It was just about the end of the rains, so in thickly populated areas natives were being recruited for this work. To the rear of one of those gangs a mother was running, in order to catch up to the others, her child bouncing around on her back. When we had come up to them there was a deafening cheer for us, the natives showing their even, white teeth through their friendly grins. We always began tooting our horn far down the road, because the people, had a hard time making up their minds on which side of the highway they wanted to wait for our passing. Driving on, we passed a car occupied by three young white men suffering from the chronic Angola malady! They were out of gas! They had sent their African helper into town for a few liters of precious fluid while they sat waiting for him to return. We gave them a little gas from our store and drove on into town ahead of them. Just as we arrived at the filling station—a pump set on a portable cart beside a drum of gasoline—the native boy with a demijohn arrived. Vre told him in Umbundu that his boss had just now come into town on the next street,'but he did not seem to understand. PHOTO, COURTESY OF THE AUTHOR As he takes care of a long line of patients in Angola, Africa, Dr. Parsons examines a small boy. 7 Neither could the filling-station attendant seem to understand that there was no necessity of filling the demijohn, because its owner would soon arrive to have his tank filled. Just then the young man walked up, and then both native and white man were able to understand. We filled up our tank and the small drum out of which we had taken gas to help our friends in need, and again were on our way. The roads were very bumpy. There were many pole culverts that had sagged down, giving us terrible jolts. This sort of road was interspersed with patches of sandy stretches that required rapid action in shifting. 1f we had stopped in one of those sand strips, nothing short of a great deal of shoulder-to-the-wheel effort would have taken us out. But more likely we would have had to go into the woods on either side of the road, to cut down small shrubs with the ax that is part of the car tool kit, and put them under the wheels to give the tires traction. The grass was high and constantly swished against the windshield, making us blink and duck unconsciously. We crossed and recrossed the railroad track time after time, but the monotony of the bumps and sand stretches kept up all the rest of the day. Our cheerful "So what!" contributed to our good nature whenever we had to shift. It sounded often, because we were constantly having to slow down almost to a stop to avoid breaking a spring. When we got hungry, at four that afternoon, we chose a site for lunch that we had visited before—the Quemba Falls. We parked our car, and then walked down the tottering steps to the machine house below. This is a magnificent falls, and a portion of its power is used to run the turbines that generate electricity to run the sisal-extracting machines. We had driven through acres and acres of sisal growing in straight rows. After eating lunch and taking pictures of the falls we again pursued our journey. It was ten at night when we arrived at Vila Luso. Almost everyone was in bed. The gas vendor had been away visiting, but came home just as we arrived. After buying gas we turned our car toward Luz Mission, another hundred miles or so beyond. The roads were duplicates of those we had passed over previously. There is much trucking over them—enough to create many bumps. We crossed the first river on a detour bridge that had a curve right 74de Deeedeoad By 8 UT think of what you could have done with that much money!—finish high school and even go on to college," spoke the president of a large business firm when a lost sum of money had been returned to him. "No one would ever have known that you had it." "I would," the boy repeated. "I live with an honest fellow, not with a thief!" Paul, in admonishing his new converts who had so lately lived in the pleasures and vices of that great city of Corinth, knew that all of life depends on our (tail); decisions. "Ye should do that which is honest," he told them. To those in Thessalonica who were surrounded by evils of every sort he wrote, "Study to be quiet, and to do your own business . . . that ye may walk honestly toward them 8 INEZ BRASIER that are without." They were to live in their souls as they would have all men know them outwardly. Are we honest with ourselves? Can we face each new day conscious that we measure up to God's standard in time, in speech, in thought? Are we honest with Him in the use of His time—a talent of which He will one day require the strictest accounting? Do we speak words we would want echoed back to us from the lips of others? Are our thoughts such that we will not be ashamed to have them penned in heaven's record? We have ourselves to live with—always! And on the kind of person with whom we live, whether honest in the sight of men and angels or not, depends our future, whether eternal loss or eternal gain. in the middle of it. It was just wide enough for the car to pass. The second river had the remains of a second bridge spanning it alongside of the bridge that was used. The third bridge was one that had been in the building process when we went over it nine months before. We were the last car over it before it was torn up and the first car back over it when it was finished, but it was not yet opened to heavy traffic. The fourth and last river we crossed was over the bridge at the post of Dala, named for a very poisonous snake in that region, which, vow the natives, flies. If we could have seen these rivers in daylight, we would have found that they were beautifully clear, with sandy bottoms, but that they were infested with crocodiles. As we crossed the last river we could hear the water rushing over the stones just below us, as it dashed downward toward the falls that forms another beauty spot of Angola. Just beyond Dala we turned off the main road into a narrow, winding road leading to the mission. It was now past midnight, and the heavy dew had fallen. The tall grass leaned out into the road to swish against our windshield and wet it. The tree-lined road looked so narrow that it seemed we would surely hit the trees. After thinking that each flat we came out onto must be the flat just before the Mufeje River, which is the boundary of our mission, we finally did come out to the river, crossed it, and then drove up to the mission. It was so late that we did not sound our horn, but we need not have been so silent. The missionaries, far from sleeping, were praying earnestly that the doctor would soon come. All were in bed with a food poisoning of some kind. They looked sunken-eyed and pale. Surely, we had brought just the thing for them. But when we looked through the medical bag, there was nothing for severe diarrhea. The last tube had been given to some needy person before we left the mission, and we had forgotten to replace it. Not a thing could we do for the poor folks except give them some moral support, and boil some green apple skins and let them drink the water. We told them we had brought fresh fruit and vegetables. What rejoicing that bit of news brought, for they had been living on a diet of rice, peanuts, beans, macaroni, and pumpkin! Even their milk was powdered. Then we remembered that the powdered milk we were supposed to have brought was not with us! The one who had unpacked the car on Sabbath night had included the potatoes, but the milk had remained at Bongo Mission! As we drove into the mission compound at two in the morning the African drums were beating outside. This meant drinking and dancing. We found out next morning from the native nurse, Adolpho, that they make liquor of corn, as the To page 21 I THE Z QGLt4d INSTRUCTOR • A Song in the NIGHT By DOREEN FOX • • i KEYSTONE VIEW CO. HE winter seemed long that year. For days it had rained, turning the crossings into stream beds and filling gateways and paths with sticky, treacherous mud, into which the animals' hoofs sank deeply. With head bowed and shoulders bent, Jan sat upon a bale of hay which should have been diminishing before the onslaughts of the hungry bullocks. His eyes were fixed on an uninspiring bunch of thistles at his feet, while through his mind marched the great question, Why? Why should he have to stay on the farm when all his comrades were at training in the professions they had chosen as lads? All his life Jan had dreamed of the day when he would see the shore line of his homeland fade into nothing as a great ship bore him away to a mission station. Not that Jan disliked his home—oh, no. He loved his home and parents, but the thought of working for his Father in a far-off land filled him with intense joy. That would be his chance to work and sacrifice for One who had done so much for him. It seemed now as if his dream would never come true, for just as he was making good progress on educational lines Illness arrived at home, unpacked his bags, and settled in for what looked like a long visit. Jan remembered with a pang the day he had hung away his college clothes, T AUGUST 31, 1954 placed his books on the shelves by his bed, donned his overalls, and had gone out to take the ax from his dad, who was in no fit condition to be using it. Dad had placed his hand lovingly on the boy's shoulder with, "Thanks, son." Then he had added, "My boy, I am sorry things have turned out this way." "It's all right, Dad," Jan had replied with a cheerfulness he did not feel. "I guess my education can wait. Your health is more important than it." Jan felt repaid a million times for his mock cheer when he saw the smile that swept across his father's pale face. He had used that ax with a will, promising himself that he would use his spare time for study. He'd link up with a correspondence school, that's what he'd do. Things would be fine again. But day after day work for which Jan had made no allowances confronted him, demanding attention. Each day Jan assured himself that things would improve, believing optimistically that tomorrow would be better. There were few better tomorrows, however. The weeks grew into months, and Jan's books enjoyed long vacations. From time to time during the summer, despair and resentment marched into close quarters, confident of overcoming their victim, but each time they had been sent off in full retreat by Jan's optimism. Then winter set in. Each day seemed to bring some gift of vexation. These, allied with winter's dull and miserable conditions, had swept in, stealing portions of the boy's cheerfulness and inner sunshine before he could drive them off. Now upon this bale he sat, the embodiment of discouragement and blighted hope. Presently through all his bitter questionings and proposed plans for kicking over the traces Jan seemed to hear voices speaking to him. One said, "Jan, for many years I worked in a carpenter's shop, serving the needs of people about me. I erected no elaborate architectural struc- tures, but I made many articles that gave people comfort or helped them gain a living from the land." As that voice ceased a second spoke. "Jan," it said, "for forty years I worked in the wilderness, daily seeking pastures for a flock of sheep and keeping them from harm. I was called from the great school in Egypt to learn of God in humble surroundings. Not until those weary years were ended was I allowed to go and work for the Creator." "Jan," said yet another voice, "I was a shepherd boy before• I became king." "Jan," broke in a fourth, "I was plowing my father's field when God called me into His service." While Jan meditated upon what he had heard, there came to him out of the past a cheering line from a chorus he had learned at junior camp, "Trust in the Lord and don't despair," it sang to his troubled heart. Scarcely had the last word died away before into his mind flashed the promise: "Ye shall have a song, as in the night." "God has sent me my song in the darkest hour," murmured Jan reverently. "Perhaps this heralds a glorious dawn. It has removed my burden of unrest, anyway. This must be my wilderness and carpenter-shop experience. If Jesus, Moses, David, and Elisha could serve in obscurity with patience, it certainly is wrong for me to take this attitude toward my position. Perhaps I shall never reach a distant mission field, but I'll find one for myself here. I shall serve, though I have to stay and wait." Having thus reasoned with himself, Jan stood up, grasped the hay, and advanced toward the animals that had been surveying it with anticipation all the while. As Jan tossed it over the fence he sent his blues with it. Striding across the yard, he swung himself into the saddle and galloped over the hill, whistling: "God is still on His throne," another camp favorite. 9 How to Keep Sin From "Taking" By VINSTON E. ADAMS NE day I went to visit a printer, There were many and various machines in. this particular shop, but the one that intrigued me most was an offset press. I was used to seeing presses print from type or conventional printing plates, but here was a machine that printed from plates that were apparently smooth. Certain areas held a photographic image on them, and I discovered that printing was done from these areas only. The offset printing process is too complicated to explain in detail here, but one factor especially intrigued my mind as I saw the press operate. As the cylinders and rollers moved round and round, always in the same direction, I saw that the printing plate was exposed first to a roller covered with cloth, which put water on the plate. But the water would not cling to those portions of the plate where the photographic image was. After the plate was thus dampened it passed quickly under the inking rollers. The portions of the plate that were damp would not receive ink from the ink rollers, but the portions where there was an image took ink readily. The plate, thus dampened and inked, was pressed against a rubber-covered cylinder, to which the ink was transferred. This rubber-covered cylinder, in turn, was pressed against the paper that was to be printed. I was assured that if a plate with no photographic image in it were put in the machine, the plate would not take any ink at all from the ink rollers if it had first been dampened. As I stood wondering at the chemistry of the process, I was struck with the analogy between what I was seeing and the Christian life. When we are first converted the thrill of new knowledge, new spiritual existence, is so great that we are carried along for a time by the momentum of our new enthusiasm. But almost inevitably a reaction sets in. We find ourselves slipping into old habits of sin, into the old ways we left in the first flush of our new spiritual life. This backsliding may occur so quietly and imperceptibly that we do not notice our condition until we suddenly realize that we are no longer Christ's children, and we wonder how it happened. To the more thoughtful, however, this experience comes as a reminder that we 0 10 are still in a world largely controlled by the prince of darkness. When we come to this realization, here and then begins the real battle of the Christian life. How to recognize or prevent this reaction is therefore the greatest concern of every one who is an active Christian. Christ prayed that His Father would keep us who are "in the world," from the evil of the world. And He says further, "The glory which thou gayest me I have given them." The Spirit of prophecy tells us that the consecrated Christian will be constantly receiving supplies of grace. The dampened printing plate, even though exposed to a heavily inked roller, received no ink. The Christian, though "in the world," if fortified daily by Bible study and prayer, will receive no contamination by exposure to the sins of the world. But the dampening process had to be renewed immediately, and before each exposure to the ink roller. Otherwise evaporation dried the plate, and it would take ink everywhere. So daily, hourly, even moment by moment we must seek to have our lives protected by applications of the Holy Spirit. To be without Him even momentarily may open the way to sin. "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost." If we constantly submit our lives to the washing of the Spirit of God, we shall be thoroughly protected against the imprint of Satan. In this manner the perfect Christian life is lived. "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind." The rather involved processes of an offset printing press are based upon the fact that water and ink do not mix. In the well-adjusted Christian life the same principle keeps us righteous. THE tieletti INSTRUCTOR A carload of shipped from the to a city in the East. large red apples, perfect in symmetry such as only Washington can produce, but upon their arrival at their destination it was discovered that inside those waxy, rosy skins there were loathsome white worms, and endless wormholes. Beauty was only skin deep with those apples, and they were a disappointment to all who saw them. So it often is with beautiful girls. They may have a waxy, rosy complexion that would win any beauty contest, but are they as pure and good inside? Is their character as beautiful as their skin? Or is that rosy glow genuine? There are many drugstore complexions these days. When I was a young girl I was not especially pretty or attractive, and because of this I had what is commonly termed an inferiority complex. My mother had repeatedly told me that "pretty is as pretty does," but it hardly consoled my hurt pride when my sister was complimented for her rosy cheeks and gleaming white teeth while I was completely ignored. Heaven's Beauty Contest By MRS. A. R. HOLT HE African snail, anywhere from six to nine inches long, is a beautiful creature with a shell as large as a baseball. With its combination of pretty greens, soft pinks, purples, and browns, often interspersed with pure white, every shell is attractive in appearance. To look at, this snail is most pleasing, but its destructive ability can hardly be overestimated. The only beauty this creature possesses is on the outside, for underneath this glamorous shell is the slimy body that is not at all inviting to look upon, and that carries within it all the destructive power necessary to ruin our loveliest gardens. Like the whited sepulchers spoken of in the Bible, this snail is indeed beautiful outwardly but within is full of all uncleanness. We have always been fond of cats at our house and have had dozens of them within the past years. We have learned much about their world and their habits, but the one thing that has impressed me most is that a beautiful cat may have a very ugly disposition. One cat I had when I was a young girl was a large Angora ball of feline beauty, AUGUST 31, 1954 but it was the most ill-behaved creature I have ever owned. Its disposition was nothing like its coat of gorgeous silver fur. After trying for nearly two years to love this cat I decided it was useless, and finally I gave it to a farmer who needed a mouser, although I could not even guarantee that it would catch mice. Some people are like that. They are attractive to look at but not very pleasant to know. And before long no one even enjoys looking at them. There are beauty shows for dogs, cats, horses, and other domestic animals, as well as for human beings; but I have read that those animals that win beauty contests are rarely good for anything else. Their coats are groomed and regroomed in preparation for the show. Then they are placed in a cage or stall to be ohed and ahed at by all the passers-by who love beauty. When the ribbons are given to the winners their masters or mistresses start grooming them for the next show, and so it is over and over again, until the animals die of boredom or old age. But what else are these beauties good for? They are only to look at and admire. It seemed only natural that I should feel somewhat elated when a girl whom I considered exceptionally beautiful chose to chum with me. Her extraordinary personality, which added to her simple beauty, had me indeed charmed. But there was a sad ending to this experience, which proved to me that beauty is not everything. She became vain and proud when she discovered that she was unusually beautiful, and would stand for hours at a time before the mirror arranging her hair and "fixing" her face, until she thought she looked just right. This vanity increased, until she became very worldly and popular among those in socalled high society. Then one day, while still a young woman in her twenties, she was stricken with what proved a fatal illness. She lived only a few days, and I was one of the few friends who saw her just before her death. I could scarcely believe my eyes when I walked into her hospital room, for she was not the beautiful girl of a week before. Her face was swollen, her once-lovely skin was spotted with purple and yellow blotches. There was no mark To page 21 HE sound of shouting woke Janet. She sat up in bed. The early morning sunlight was streaming into the room, but when she looked down at the bay she could see only a thick white woolly blanket hugging the water. Then she realized that the fog signal from the heads had been sounding in her ears for half the night. But what was that shouting? Had one of the small fishing vessels run aground in the mist? No, it was too regular and cheerful a call for that. First a loud, clear cry, and then a very muffled echo sounded from somewhere out on the water. She took a closer look at the low-lying mist. Ah! that must be what it was! She could just see the tops of two masts, and their supporting guy wires, moving slowly along at the foot of the cliffs, where the channel ran close inshore. Someone on the vessel must have climbed to the masthead and discovered how shallow the fog was, and an officer had taken his charts up and was guiding the ship by the shore markers, which stood on high' ground well above the mist. He was shouting directions to the steersman and the muffled voice was his reply. By the time the fog broke and the three other ships, which had stood outside the heads holding communication by whistles with one another and the shore, not daring to enter the Rip, had sailed majestically inside, the little collier was twenty miles up the bay and well on its way to port. As she watched the mists eddying over the water, Janet thought of the time, nearly a hundred years before, when Margaret Fea, as a child, had sailed in those very same Australian heads—eventually to find herself in fogs of the spirit as thick as shore mists that had mantled the bay this morning—and of the Pilot whom she had trusted to give her safe directions for steering into port. The immigrant ship, with her white canvas billowing, made a pretty picture as she rounded Cape Otway and made for Port Phillip Heads. The captain swung little four-year-old Margaret up, as she ran along the deck. NOT E By RAi "What will I buy you when we come into port?" he asked. "What would you really like?" "Anything, just anything I like?" Margaret was considering. "Yes, anything." Perhaps the captain, having watched the child for eight months, was not so rash as he sounded. "Well, do you think if it wasn't too much trouble, that I could have a loaf of fresh bread?" With a laugh he promised, and before the port officials came from shore he had signaled to land and had a loaf of bread sent out with them in their boat. Amid the hurly-burly of berthing and getting passengers' papers fixed up, little Margaret sat in a corner of the deck pulling the soft, white inside out of the loaf, and after the long months of eating hard, cabin biscuits, she enjoyed the bread as much as if it had been cake. Somehow that incident seems typical of Margaret's simple, sweet, and undemanding attitude toward life, which brought her love wherever she had to go. Life in the new country was strange at first; but the Fea family soon adapted themselves, and Father Fea took a position in the Lighthouse Service. Later Margaret married a lighthouse keeper, and it was while she lived at one of their lonely stations that she found more time to study her beloved Bible. Something began to puzzle her. She seemed to find more and more each day that the old Book taught that the seventh day was the Sabbath. She searched and searched, but found no mention of keeping the first day of the week holy. "How," she thought, "can everyone be wrong, though? Surely I cannot be right, when everyone else keeps another day," so she tried to push the thought to the back of her mind. Persistently, however, the verses rang in her mind. "Remember the sabbath day ... the seventh day is the sabbath." Finally, she decided that she would write to her The immigrant ship, with her white canvas billowing, made a pretty picture as she rounded the cape. "What will I buy you when we come into port?" the captain asked four-year-old Margaret. THE . 4e4.(41 INSTRUCTOR SIGHT HRENS good old father and put the matter before him. It would not be an easy letter to write, but her father was a just and honest man, and she believed that he would give her a true and well-prayed-over answer to her questions. Weeks had to pass before his reply could reach her. Then, one day, it came. "DEAR MARGARET, "Regarding your questions about the seventh day being the Sabbath, I have read the verses you listed, and, personally, I can see no light in the subject. Perhaps it is that I have grown old in the way in which my forefathers worshiped; but, child, this is my message to you. If, after studying those verses, you are thoroughly convinced that God wants you to keep Saturday, do it. If you do not follow the things you believe God wants you to do, you break your connection with Him." From that day Margaret, to the best of her ability, kept the seventh-day Sabbath. For about twelve years she went this lonely way, with only the Voice from above to guide her. Then, one day, they ran out of stores. Her husband came to the kitchen door. "Margaret! We are getting so low with different supplies that I think I will have to get a dray and go into town. Would you like to come with me? We will have to start very early, and the trip will take the full day." Well, if you had not been away from the house for months, what would you have said? It was Saturday morning when they reached the little coastal town. To Porter's for leather goods, to Smith's for parts for a house lamp, bread, candles, groceries, meat. What a list James Stuart had! But when they got to Porter's, the door was shut. They crossed the street to McAdam's grocery. "Is Porter ill?" queried James. "I don't like having leatherwork done elsewhere. He uses the best leather of anyone I know." "Oh, no!" laughed McAdam, "he has taken a notion that Sunday is the wrong day to keep, and he shuts up his shop and reads his Bible all day Saturday." AUGUST 31, 1954 "That's queer. I suppose I will have to get Quilter's to fix this strap for me, as I am in a hurry for it; but I will send in again for the other stuff. I like Porter's work best." The little wife had stood by with a quiet face, but her brain was working rapidly. Here, then, was someone else who believed the same things that she did. All her partly understood beliefs rushed through her mind again. On the long ride home she was very quiet, but that closed door was witnessing in her mind that someone else had heard the same Voice, and was following the same way as herself. Various lighthouses had seen James and Margaret Stuart, and the little folks who had come to gladden their home; but now, James had served his time of office, and they all went back to the city, where the growing children could attend school and learn trades. PHOTO, COURTESY OF THE AUTHOR. Margaret Stuart "Look at that tent, Mamma! There must be a circus coming." Margaret hurried her two youngest away from the large tent. There was no money in their home to pay for circuses; so, the less looking, the less longing, for the little ones. As they neared home they met the woman from two houses away. "Did you see that tent up the street?" she snorted. "Some Americans are there, trying to tell us that Sunday should be Saturday or some such nonsense. Did you ever hear the like? And they have awful pictures of creatures hanging up. They would scare any youngsters stiff. I went once, but not again, thank you!" and, on she sailed. Once again Margaret said very little, but the next Sunday night she and several of the children attended the service in that tent. Margaret discovered that there were still others who believed as she did. The prophecies and studies she heard opened her eyes to other uncomprehended Bible truths. She did not miss a meeting after that, and some time later she took her stand with the new, despised sect. James accepted her decision, and when she asked them, the children went to meetings with her; but only one of them decided to follow the same faith at that time. Still, she felt as though the cloud had been lifted, and once again life became easier sailing. Then James became ill. Trouble heaped up more clouds to obscure her path. After James's death his small pension ceased; also, a flaw was found in his insurance papers, and there was no money to keep up payments on their house. Fortunately the children all had work, or matters would have been even worse. Margaret visited an old friend who had a private hospital. "Elizabeth, would you be willing to take me in here, to train for a nurse?" Elizabeth stared. "Margaret! At your age! Why, you must be fifty-six, dear! Could you do the studying? I don't worry about the work, you will probably spoil all my patients, but the doctor's tests— what about them?" "I can only try. It is the only thing I can think of to do." So, while her children scattered to the other states, to New Zealand, to the Pacific Islands, to France, she quietly put her faith in God and went ahead, and soon Nurse Stuart was an institution. Her patients loved her. They loved to have her come into their homes. They loved to hear her soft voice singing: "There is a happy land, far, far away," or "There'll be no dark valley when Jesus comes." They felt that heaven came nearer for having her there. As the years went by, life grew a little easier. She had had the joy of being joined in her beliefs by two of her younger children. Life settled into a round of gentle kindnesses—a visit to an old patient, a basket of darning taken home to do for a tired mother, a trip to a friend who was a dressmaker so that she could get a bundle of scraps to make doll's clothes for her small grandchildren and other acquaintances, a day spent doing ironing for one of her daughters. The very sight of her old black bonnet with its crisp ribbon tie was the signal for chubby legs to race down the street— "Nurse Stuart [or perhaps Grandma] is coming, Nurse Stuart is coming!" And all the books and childish treasures would be piled in her lap for her dutiful admiration. There came a Sabbath evening when, as the sun was setting in crimson glory, the old white-haired saint sat in bed at her daughter's home. "I feel too weary to get up for worship, dear. Give me baby up here, and I will keep him quiet while you have prayer." To page 21 13 ON CALL for Surgery By EVONNE FROMAN ETTY drew a deep breath and glanced quickly about her. It was hard to breathe through a surgery mask. And she must stand very carefully, holding her hands in front of her. She must not touch anything that would contaminate them. The gown, she decided, was designed for its effectiveness in use, and not for appearance. Soon the patient would be wheeled in. Everything must go perfectly. There was one thing about surgery training that made it different from other phases of nurses' training. It gave the student a special feeling of being needed. Especially on the weekend, when only emergency operations are done, and one is on call, there must be that sense of readiness for whatever might develop. When the call had come, the simple words, "Miss Mills, you're wanted in surgery," were announced to her, and Betty had time only to straighten her clothing, wrap her cape around her, and hurry across to the hospital and up the stairs to surgery. Once there, she flew into the necessary preparations. There were the instruments and the draping sets to get ready. Then Miss White, the head nurse with her, had suggested that Betty scrub her hands and arms in order to lay out the sterile supplies, and she would bring in the rest. Miss White was a wonderful supervisor. She was good to the girls, and though it was necessary for the good of the patient to be precise and keep sterile things sterile, she realized that much more could be accomplished with a smile and encouragement. Now the patient was being anesthetized. There was something almost ethereal, thought Betty, in the sound of the "ting" as the air was drawn in from the breather bag by the patient's slow, regular respirations. It sounded almost like a loosened chain beating against a flagpole on some bleak, windy hill. To the patient this was no ordinary event. She had suffered discomfort and pain and had realized that something would have to be done. Betty tried to imagine how she might feel if she were 14 told that she would have to have an operation. The patient was probably a little apprehensive of this process of going to sleep, and then after she woke up, for several days, or even weeks, she would be weak and uncomfortable and sore from the incision. There would be her family too, to consider. How would they respond to this event? Were they worried about finances? Betty interrupted her reverie, because the doctors were ready, and it was time to begin. She concentrated on the operation. A gloved hand made the incision, and a muffled voice requested, "Hemostat." Betty flipped the surgeon one quickly. More followed. The patient, peacefully trusting her doctor, was unaware how completely her life was in the hands of the masked white figures hovering over her. The doctor called for sponges, and these were laid out to him, so his field could be wiped clear for his work. Through the doorway Betty noticed white-clad Sally Anderson, her classmate, coming. "Miss Anderson will help you," said the supervisor. That was like Miss White —calling another girl. Sally didn't mind. Not only could she help make the work of the operation go more smoothly, but she could be strength to Betty by her charming presence. Sally helped Betty keep the doctors supplied with the instruments they needed. Sometimes their eyes met across the table, and a friendly twinkle came into them. Sally was a good friend. She was forgoing her rest just to do what bit she could. "We're ready to sew up now," the surgeon said, and was given the proper suturing thread and needle, ready to be used. Just a few minutes more. The skilled hands worked quickly. Now the last layer was drawn together and the last stitch taken. A neat bandage was applied, and the patient was transferred to the cart and taken back to her room. The operation was over. But Betty was not through with her thinking. The procedure had served to start a chain of thoughts in her mind. Being on call for surgery is, in a small way, like being on call for God. We may not know just what will be required of us. Let us not, like Gideon, insist on further interpretation of the task we are called to do, before we begin. In this life it is good to have friends like Sally. We can strengthen one another when the going is rough. Jesus is our best Friend. Let us not fail Him. Sometimes with a cheerful word or a smile we can make things seem brighter for those with whom we work. When He comes, how shall we stand with regard to the little things we do as unto Him? Let's be on call for Him. MONKMEYER Sally helped Betty keep the doctors supplied with the instruments they needed. Sometimes their eyes met, across the table, and a friendly twinkle came into them. Sally was a good friend. THE *lettk INSTRUCTOR SABBATH SCHOOL creatures. 'The Sabbath, therefore, lies at the very foundation of divine worship; for it teaches this great truth in the most impressive manner, and no other institution does this. The true ground of divine worship, not of that on the seventh day merely, but of all worship, is found in the distinction between the Creator and His creatures. This great fact can never become obsolete, and must never be forgotten.'"—J. N. ANDREWS, History of the Sabbath, quoted in The Great Controversy, pp. 437, 438. FOR TUESDAY 8. Was the Sabbath made for me? (Mark 2:27.) The Sabbath LESSON FOR SEPTEMBER 11 FOR SABBATH AFTERNOON MEMORY GEM: "The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath" (Mark 2:27). THINK IT OVER: God made the lofty trees that my joy might be full. God made the delicate flowers that my joy might be full. God made the birds to sing that my joy might be full. God gave me time, the Sabbath, to delight myself in the works of His hands that my joy might be full. FOR SUNDAY 1. On which day did God finish His work? (Gen 2:2, first part). "On the seventh day God ended his work which he had made." NOTE.—"God designs that the Sabbath shall direct the minds of men to the contemplation of His created works. Nature speaks to their senses, declaring that there is a living God, the Creator, the Supreme Ruler of all."—Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 48. 2. On which day did He rest? (Gen. 2:2, last part.) "And he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made." 3. Which day did He bless? (Gen. 2:3.) "And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made." NOTE.—The word Sabbath means "rest." His second act was the placing of His blessing upon the Sabbath. Therefore it became His "blessed" rest day. 4. Which day is the Sabbath? (Ex. 20:10, first part.) "The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath." NOTE.—"God saw that a Sabbath was essential for man. . . . He needed a Sabbath, to remind him more vividly of God, and to awaken gratitude because all that he enjoyed and possessed came from the beneficent hand of the Creator."—Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 48. 9. What kind of Sabbathkeeping is pleasing to the Lord? (Isa. 58:13, 14, first part.) "If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy Pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words; then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord." 10. In the days of Christ what day preceded the Sabbath? (Luke 23:54.) "And that day was the preparation, and the sabbath drew on." 11. What day had just ended before the first day dawned? (Matt. 28:1.) "In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week." FOR WEDNESDAY 12. Which day is the Lord's day? (Mark 2:28.) "Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath." NOTE.—The Sabbath is the only day in the week designated as "the Lord's day." The very fact that Christ claims to be the "Lord of the sabbath" is the highest honor that could be conferred upon it. 13. On what day of the week did John have his vision? (Rev. 1:10.) "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet." 14. On what day did Jesus attend church? (Luke 4:16, last part.) "As his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read." NOTE.—It was our Saviour's "custom" to attend divine service "But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God." FOR MONDAY 5. What man will God bless? (Isa. 56:2.) "Blessed is the man that doeth this, . . . that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it." NOTE.—"The Sabbath, ever pointing to Him who made them all, bids men open the great book of nature, and trace therein the wisdom, the power, and the love of the Creator."—Patriarchs .and Prophets, p. 48. 6. What am I to remember? (Ex. 20:8.) "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy." 7. What else will I remember when I keep the Sabbath? (Ex. 20:11.) "For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, .and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it." NOTE.--The importance of the Sabbath as a memorial of •creation is that it keeps ever present the true reason why worship is due to God,'—because He is the Creator, and we are His . AUGUST 31, 1954 Readdeetagee By Nona Keen Duffy You can sleep, you can rest, Knowing God's awake; Watch He'll keep till night shall end And loving care He'll take. Go to sleep upon His arm. His love shall be your shawl; He will keep away all harm, For God loves each and all. I .5 on the Sabbath. The word custom implies a constant practice. 15. On what day did the apostles attend church? (Acts 13:14.) "But when they departed from Perga, they came to Antioch in Pisidia, and went into the synagogue on the sabbath day." FOR THURSDAY 16. How long will we be privileged to worship God on the Sabbath? (Isa. 66:23.) "And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the Lord." nadetegat'd NOTE.—If we hope to share in the blessing of Sabbathkeeping in the earth made new, we must keep the Sabbath here. 17. What do I have when I keep the Sabbath and the other commandments? (Rev. 22:14.) "Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city." FOR FRIDAY Make a list of things that are a delight and are right to do on the Sabbath. Make another list of the things that are questionable to do. Take both lists to Sabbath school and compare with others. 7aa By JERRY HETZER 0 UESDAY morning at Acushnet Bay found the sun just coming up on the Massachusetts Machine Shop with the fishing boats tied up alongside its docks. At eight o'clock the shrill whistle sounded as the last employees arrived for work. Among these professional machinists was a man named Henry. He was a likable man of gentle nature with blue coveralls neatly covering his lanky frame. On his face was a smile of kindness, and through his rimless glasses a sparkle in his eyes seemed to say Good morning. "Hank" was a vertical turret lathe operator of great skill and had been a valuable man to have in the shops. He had worked there for over five years. This morning Hank was to turn a large heavy iron casting of fourteen inches in diameter for the capstan head on the Eulysis II, which had been tied up for several days at the shop docks. He took the heavy casting and chucked it up in the lathe and then selected a sharp tool from the tool bit rack on the machine. The operation began. Hank set the automatic feed and let the lathe do the work. As the tool cut into the metal Hank was able to divert his mind to other things. Being a zealous Christian, he thought of how he could best be able to show his friends at prayer meeting tomorrow night the characteristics of sanctification. He looked at the lathe turning, and noticed how the tool would only shave away a few of the highest places on the rough casting. "Why, here is an illustration for my talk at prayer meeting," he thought. "This resembles the sanctifying power of God upon a person who at one time led a worldly life, with all the evils impressed upon his countenance, and then shows how God fashioned him into a Christian." In Hank's thinking the tool was the 16 hand of God as it trimmed away the imperfections. The driving force of the lathe resembled the power of the Holy Spirit as it moved, trimming away the defects of character that so marred the soul. The casting began to shape up, and the surfaces became smooth, though of a dull appearance. The iron had growled and grumbled during the cutting processes. By its very nature iron is hard. "What a thought!" mused Hank. "That's just the way some people are. They grumble and complain at their misfortunes in life, and they are hardhearted." Soon the machining was finished, and since it was only eleven-thirty in the morning, Hank reported for another job. The foreman gave him the blueprints of a winch shaft, which was to be made of brass, for the same boat, the Eulysis II. Hank measured out the stock and cut it to length. He put it in the lathe, centered it, and then started the machine. The tool of the lathe again began cutting, but there was a marked difference between the way the brass and the iron worked. The brass was softer, and very shiny from the start. It was of the same consistency all the way through. There were no flaws uncovered, as had been the case in the sand holes of the iron casting. To Hank this metal typified the true principles incorporated into the life of a person in which all the motives are pure and consistent no matter how much of the surface has been cut away. The iron had many flaws concealed, and resembled a person of a hypocritical nature. Surely these two metals had revealed to Hank the two characteristics of the heart in sanctification. One was true always; the other, only when occasion demanded it. The operation continued to its completion at the end of the day. With these thoughts still fresh in mind, Hank left for home, where he could prepare for his talk on the following night. With five years' experience Hank was a valuable man. He was a lathe operator of skill. THE eleLettii INSTRUCTOR HE air tonight is full of strange and foreign sounds. From the distance come the shouting, yelling, and laughter of a native beer party; nearer is the joyful sound of children playing and singing in their native tongue; interwoven is the cry of some night bird. But listen! There is a strange noise that I cannot analyze. I go to inquire of my neighbors, who have been in this part of the country much longer than I. "It is the sound of the baboons," they say. Ah, they too are enjoying this beautiful tropical moonlight night. Another evening as I sit on the veranda cleaning wheat, which I will grind tomorrow for making bread, I hear other sounds. Close by I hear in English, "B-U-T-C-H, come to supper." I hear the voices of at least ten children speaking in a language that I can understand; farther down the hill I hear a whistle blow, calling two of the ten children to come for their supper. Queenie, our collie, and Lassie, an Alsatian that lives across the road, have just started a race up the road to see which is the faster runner. At the well a small boy has been trying for at least twenty minutes to fill a little watering can. He is too interested in watching the Azungu (European) children at their play. The sun is just setting, and the sky is a beautiful pink and old rose. How many changes we have witnessed since our arrival six and a half years ago! This too is a beautiful night, and I say a little prayer of thanks to God for the many blessings that are ours here at Malamulo. How many things have happened during those years! How much we have learned! What a training ground it has been for developing patience! • I am reminded of the time that I had a new cook and told him to cook some beets for lunch, never doubting but that he knew how to do this simple thing. When I went into the kitchen just before lunch to see how he was getting along, I saw one pot with some wine-colored juice in it, and asked him what it was. "Oh, that is mulberry juice for the beets!" He was just going to dice the beets into this juice when I stopped him. Too bad I didn't let him go ahead, for he might have shown me a better way of preparing beets! He figured that because mulberries are the same color as beets, they must go well together! Then I remember the time we were given Herman. Herman is a donkey. We sent our boy forty miles into town to get him. Herman had been ridden and was a very gentle donkey—we were told. Poor Daudi! The giver suggested that his own boy go along with our boy to bring him to us, just in case of difficulty. All the forty miles home one boy was behind pushing while the other was in front pulling with all his might! It took Daudi T AUGUST 31, 1954 Those white pieces of paper mean everything in the world to these lepers. They are certificates of health, stating that the person is free from the disease and may enjoy a normal life. MUSINGS of a DOCTOR'S WIFE By ETHEL CARR KOTZ two or three days to get over the strain, and his muscles ached for days! Herman loves children or company of any kind and is very affectionate. He used to come up to our front windows and whinny until someone would come out and talk to him. One Sabbath after he had succeeded in getting the entire family out onto the porch to rub his neck the doctor decided to count his teeth or some such thing to do with his mouth—perhaps to see if he had brushed his teeth that morning. After his inspection was finished, Freddie, our five-year-old, also wanted to see what was inside those ample lips. Herman had had enough embarrassment for one day, so clamped down—right on one of Freddie's fingers. A spine-tingling shriek pierced the air and remained midair until we managed to persuade Herman to relax. We were happy that no part of the finger remained in Herman's mouth, but Herman's teeth marks remained on Freddie's finger for some days. Poor Herman was always into trouble. If not with us, then with the neighbors, which is so much worse. One day he decided to have a good roll over in the neighbor's wheat field. From then on, Herman left our humble abode and went across the tracks to live with the cows. He has been there ever since, and is now employed in the menial task of hauling fertilizer for the mission gardens. A big day in our lives was when the governor sent a message that he would come on Sunday, April 12, 1953, to visit Malamulo Mission. With him would be three government officials. In a second car would be his wife, Lady Colby, attended by two ladies. Many branches were pulled off the trees to make brooms for sweeping up the roads after the bricks had been crushed to fill up the many holes. It's a good thing we have distinguished visitors once in a while, because then we see what a beautiful plate this can be! Everything was really shining when they arrived. 17 We were asked to serve "tea" (refreshments) in our home. Our guests would arrive at 10:45 A.M. I had never served tea to any but friends who frequently drop in, and had no other idea than to pour the drink myself and pass it around as I poured each cup. Little did I know that it was very improper to pour standing up. You always sit! When the governor's car pulled into our driveway (he was early), my hair was still in pin curls and my dress was not yet on! I nearly collapsed, but frantically pulled out pins with one hand while By JOAN ?lea'r vievtek Mr. Rickey Boy cocks his head from side to side as I sit here at the table writing. He is listening for my voice, and when I call to him he answers me with what appears to be a smile and a friendly whine. He is on the patio, looking through the screen door, begging to come in. One of our friends remarked the other day that Rickey has "such a noble face." She noticed how his expressions change, too. He can look very happy, or he can growl and look very unpleasant. Most of the time Mr. Rickey Boy looks pleasant. I am glad for this, because it would not be pleasant to have an unhappy dog about the place. And it is not pleasant to have an unhappy teen-ager 18 around either. Anyone is beautiful if he is cheerful and happy. In the city of Paris there is a bank that takes a picture of all the people who cash checks at the cashier's window. The officers of the bank work on the theory that honest people—good people—show their character in their faces. In an old scrapbook of my mother's I found this quotation: "Don't ever forget that your face reflects the real you. No matter what you may try to hide in your heart that you do not wish the world to know, it is written—indelibly written —upon your face." Not long ago I met two women who had been friends for years. For some reason they both had very "mad" looks on their faces most of the time. I hadn't paid any attention to them particularly until someone remarked one day, "My, I feel combing with the other. Good thing my dress didn't have buttons all down the back! I was out into the living room ready to greet them just after they entered the room. Fortunately my husband and the mission director met them at the car and escorted them in. We went with them in their car while we made an inspection of the mission. The mission director, H. W. Stevenson; the principal of the school, R. Jackson; and the manager of our press, A. Tyson-Flyn, showed them their respective departments, after which we took them to see the leper colony and hospital. How the laboratory at the leper colony shone! It looked more like a dining room than a laboratory, with the white cloths they had placed on the tables and all the bouquets of flowers. Never mind that none of the bottles holding the flowers had water in them. The governor and his lady were amazed when shown one family (a mother with her three children), all with dreadfullooking nodules over face and arms, to hear that we expected to cure them all. Leprosy is not the dreaded disease it once was. We hoped, as they were leaving, that we had not made the same mistake as Hezekiah, but that we had given them a vision of what God can do. so sorry for Mrs. L---. She must be the most unhappy person in the world. I have never seen her when she looked really happy and pleasant. If we knew the story of her life, we would no doubt hear a sad one." Well, I never did hear the story of Mrs. L---'s life, but undoubtedly her unhappiness affected the life of her friend, who also appeared frustrated and cross most of the time. Vainly do we work to gain life's bounties by bitterness and unhappiness. Cheerfulness, kindness, and cordiality are cultivated. We have to learn from example or hard study how to become outgoing, giving, happy people. And now for another quote for your treasured pages, my Diary. "As you think, you travel, and as you love, you attract. "You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. You cannot escape the results of your thoughts. . . . You will realize the vision (not the idle wish) of your heart, be it base or beautiful, or a mixture of both, for you will gravitate toward that which you, secretly, most love." My conclusion is that if I love people and am kind, I will automatically gravitate toward love. If I wish to be selfish and unkind, I will naturally gravitate toward selfishness and unkindness. THE V.:takt INSTRUCTOR IR A OF 0 T WAS a cool fall morning on the farm, and everyone was rushing around with his morning chores. This was the opening day of the county fair, and we were going to take our exhibits to compete with the other farm youth of the county. We had worked hard all summer growing crops and caring for livestock that we planned to take to the fair. There would be many fine exhibits, because the 4-H Club members were really interested in winning firstprize ribbons and cash prizes, but they deeply enjoyed the satisfaction of knowing they had succeeded in completing their projects. This satisfaction was worth the long hours of hard work they had spent in preparing their exhibits. Although everyone was hurrying to get the chores done and the last-minute preparations made, I could not refrain from spending a few extra minutes brushing the Hereford calf I had been fattening for the livestock show. Creeping through the excitement of what the day held in store were the memories of the past years and the knowledge of the fact that this would be the last county fair I would be able to participate in as a 4-H Club exhibitor. I could remember the day that I was old enough to join the club and how excited I had been at the prospect of raising some livestock of my own, and of raising my own crops to exhibit in the contests that were sponsored by the club. This had been eight years ago, but it seemed only a short time, until I thought of all that had happened in the meantime and the many advancements I had made. It was the purpose of the 4-H Club and the objective of the leaders to train me and other farm boys and girls to fulfill the meaning of the club's motto, which is "To make the best better." They also taught us that the four H's on the 4-H Club emblem stand for the equal training of the head, heart, hands, and health of every member. We also pledged our heads W. M. C. MA PARK , 4-H CLUB EXHIBITOR By HAROLD FEIKES to better thinking, our hearts to greater loyalty, our hands to greater service, and our health to better living for our God, our community, and our country—a pledge that, if taken seriously, can lead to much higher and better standards of living. Of course, during the first part of my 4-H Club experience I could not engage in some of the larger projects, such as crop raising and livestock production, but there were many other activities in which I could participate. The club sponsored timely topic and team-demonstration contests. This gave the younger members opportunity to learn to express themselves before groups of people. The club also sponsored health contests and stressed the practice of good health habits. This encouragement from an outside source was very influential in the home, and the principles and practices that were learned and put into use became habits that have remained steadfast in our lives. Because the most convenient place for the youth to meet for their 4-H Club meetings was the school, the club became part of the school's activities. The teachers assisted the county supervisors in the training of club members. They were in more or less constant contact with us, but it would have been impossible for the county leaders to visit all the members individually and help us with our projects. And because there were so many members who wished to enter the different contests, preliminary contests were held in the schools, and the winners of these would go to the county and State contests to compete with the winners from other schools. Then the winners of the county and State contests would compete in the national contest with the winners from other States. By this means of elimination each member was given an incentive to work, with ample reward for his efforts. Time passed swiftly, however, and the knowledge that I gained from my early experience began to lead into bigger and better things. As I stood brushing the calf, I could remember the first time I To page 21 EWING GALLOWAY AUGUST 31, 1954 19 HOOKY Backfires By GEORGE S. ASHLOCK H. M. LAMBERT The announcement that there would be school on Sunday was certainly not welcome to Bill. That was the day he had been planning to go to the air show. AY, Bill, there's going to be an air show next Sunday. Have you heard about it?" asked Glenn. "Heard about it? Why, I've been planning on going ever since I first heard about it. I've even been dreaming about the planes flying in formation, the stunts they will perform before the grandstands, and the large crowd that will gather there next Sunday," exclaimed Bill, full of enthusiasm. The conversation took place during one of the dull moments of a ball game played on the church school playground. It wasn't long before the bell had rung, calling Bill and Glenn and the other eighth graders back to their room. Just before school was dismissed that afternoon the teacher announced with exactness: "There will be an extra day of school this next Sunday. Don't forget that we will have school then, instead of a day of vacation." This announcement was certainly not welcome to Bill. Inside of him there arose a great turmoil of what to do about this shocking announcement. The very event he had awaited these many weeks had to come on a Sunday, when he was supposed to be in school. This would spoil all his plans for the air show. Momentarily Bill's enthusiasm was dampened. "Well, how did you like that announcement? I guess you won't be seeing any air show this Sunday after all, Bill," taunted Glenn as the boys walked across the playground toward their homes. But Bill just grinned slyly and formulated to himself a plan of what he would do. Yes, S 20 he had a plan, one he thought that would really be fun. From Friday afternoon until Sunday morning, when Bill arose rather early, he could think of nothing but the air show. His mother noticed that something was bothering him at breakfast Sunday. "What's wrong with you this morning, Bill?" asked Mother. "Oh, nothing," said Bill with a shrug of the shoulder, seeking to hide his true thoughts. After finishing his breakfast in a shorter time than usual, out the door he went, still preoccupied. It was lucky for Bill (or so he thought) that his mother knew nothing about this special day of school. Therefore he had no parental persuasion to attend school. He had already formulated in his mind that he was not going to attend school this Sunday. Not this Sunday! After all, wasn't the air show much more important? Now, since Bill was just in the eighth grade and did not receive enough money to pay bus fare to the air show, he would have to find another method of traveling. As he walked through the college community from his home, he hoped to avoid any students or parents who knew about the special day of school. He well knew what would happen if they should meet. Questions, questions, and more questions would be about all he would hear from them. Successfully he had eluded all questioners, and finally reaching the main highway, he began to thumb a ride. Traffic was good today, thought Bill, as he walked casually along the roadside, stopping every once in a while to turn about and cast out his thumb before the oncoming cars. None, however, seemed to pay much attention to him. After getting about a quarter of a mile down the road he was tired, tired of waiting, walking, and hitchhiking. He almost wished he had gone to school. But this feeling soon passed away when the next group of cars approached him. Expectantly Bill jerked out his thumb. Suddenly he recognized the people in the first car. And even more old friends were in the second, third, and also the fourth cars too. What could this be? These were classmates from his own eighth grade room! They were supposed to be in school at that very moment. This was not a dream; it was real! As they passed they shouted, "See you at the air show, Bill." After they had passed by and gone out of sight over the hill, Bill began to realize what was happening. Here this special day of school really was a blessing in disguise; for the whole schoolroom, except Bill, had gone in special cars to attend the very air show he had skipped school to attend. It's always a good idea to be where you are supposed to be. I can't guarantee that you will enjoy every school day as did these children at the air show, but at least you won't have a plan for hooky backfire! Bill did get to the air show; but he was late when he arrived, much too late to enjoy the most sensational and spectacular stunts of the whole air show. THE 'tietrZI INSTRUCTOR We Take to the Road From page 8 Umbundus do. These Chokwees have adopted the method of making corn whisky that was taught to the Umbundus by a church cleric. This man, who set Angola afire with his method of distilling drink from corn, came to our mission at Bongo not very long ago to be treated for a sick liver. During the first world war he found it hard to get his hard liquor from home, so he taught a native to distill the corn into liquor. This man taught another, and so on, until there is someone in every small settlement and native village who makes and sells this soul-killing drink. All the good that the missionaries of today teach cannot undo the evil taught by one selfish man. [This is the second installment of a six-part serial. Part 3 will appear next week.] Heaven's Beauty Contest From page 11 of beauty left except her blond hair, which lay against the white pillow, still falling into the nearly perfect waves she had placed there before she was stricken. The one person whose beauty I had admired was now the most imperfect in looks of anyone I had ever seen. Upon her casket sat a photograph portraying the once-beautiful girl, and but few of those in attendance at her funeral knew how marred that beauty had become in so short a time. Nothing could have impressed me more with the truth of Solomon's words when he wrote, "Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain"; and how glad I am that he added, "but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised." I am also reminded of what David said about God's punishment for us when we think too much of our own beauty: "When thou with rebukes dost correct man for iniquity, thou makest his beauty to consume away like a moth." Beauty of character is the only beauty that counts. With this possession we can all be beautiful, and we can all win God's beauty contest. We are striving every day, if we are Christians, to become Christlike in character. It was the beauty of His character that made Jesus the perfect man that He was here on earth. Perhaps Christ would not be considered handsome if He were in the world today, for it is written of Him, "He hath no form nor comeliness• and when we shall see him, there is no beauty ' that we should desire him." Yet we are anxious to become more like Him. He is our pattern, our ideal. It is not outward looks and beauty, but character that makes Him our AUGUST 31, 1954 standard of righteous living. He was without sin. There are more than twentyfive adjectives in the Scriptures describing the character of Christ, and all are such words as these: holy, just, righteous, good, loving, and kind. There is a deceptive theory infiltrating the religious world today that Christ was only another man, and that, although He was a good man, He was no different from any other great man, such as George Washington or Abraham Lincoln, for instance. But the reason for this theory is very obvious to me. Many times I have gone into a strange place where I knew no one. At first everyone looked somewhat the same to me, and as nearly as I could discern, one was no different from another. Then I became acquainted with the people, and the better I knew them, the 009103044.51 Isolate.—If you could stand on the top of Table Mountain, Cape Town, South Africa, and look northwestward over Table Bay, you would see Robben Island apparently floating in the silvery Atlantic a few miles from shore. An island, of course, is a body of land completely surrounded by water. This fact helps us to understand the origin of the word isolate, which comes from the Italian isolato, meaning "detached, separated," and isola, "an island," and the Latin insula, "an island." Surprisingly enough, isolate is a comparatively new word, since as recently as 1800 it was censured by Todd as being a "novel and unnecessary word." &MP/Aja By NATHANIEL KRUM OalMbr more clearly I could see their traits of character. Many times the ones I at first thought unattractive became my most admired and cherished friends. What made this difference? Was it the outward appearance? No. It was something coming from within, something deeper than the eye could see, that changed my mind. My closer acquaintance with those persons revealed their true personality, and forgetting their looks, I desired to be with them more and more. So it is with Christ. If we know Him we will not think of Him as just another man, but He will become more beautiful to us, and we will desire to be with Him and be more like Him. Anyone who says that Christ was just another man is giving his testimony that he has never known Him: A friend of mine who had just come from college surprised me with this question, "Have you ever noticed that many couples who are married look alike, and that others who are just friends or chums also many times resemble each other?" This gave me something to think about, and I have since observed that many married couples do look alike, and that they resemble each other more as the years go by. Of course this has taken place gradually. By beholding we become changed. If this is true of our earthly associations, how much more true it can be of our heavenly associations. And it is proof that we can be beautiful, for our character changes our very looks. It is not our smooth, clear complexion, then, nor our expressive eyes, or lustrous golden hair that decides the contest in God's sight, but it is the beauty of holiness, which lies beneath all of these. Anyone can win God's beauty contest if he has Christ as his ideal of beauty. And if he develops a Christlike character, he is bound to reflect that beauty. If we do not yet have the beauty which God expects in us, we must begin to study the pattern He has given us more closely and become better acquainted with that One who is our example. If we live and commune with Him daily, we will become changed into His likeness, and continue to live with Him throughout eternity, which is the reward supreme for those who win God's beauty contest. Not by Sight From page 13 She buried her face in the baby's soft golden curls, and the twins clung to one of her hands as they knelt with the rest of the family beside her bed. After they were all gone the sky faded to pink, the pink into night, and as she lay there a clear cry came from above: "Margaret, it is growing dark. Let down your anchor and take a little sleep while you wait for the morning!" The sweet old voyager is still taking that sleep; but the time is soon coming when sunlight will shine across that sea, and she will awaken to find that her ship is riding safely at anchor; that the Pilot whom she trusted so implicitly on the long voyage has brought her into her desired haven. 4-H Club Exhibitor From page 19 enrolled in a real livestock project and was able to get a calf of my own. I had been very proud of my first calf, but I 'was equally proud of each one after that; and as I cared for the one I had now, I deeply regretted the thought of not being able to repeat the experience. As I had learned better methods of feeding and caring for the calves, naturally I was more successful each time, until now I was sure that I would have one of the best animals in the contest. 21 IIAAI LNJt *MAMA. STANLEY HALL Launch Your Missionary Program With 00 Predate 7#14a4" "PRESENT TRUTH" Offers a Most Effective Agency for Winning "PRESENT TRUTH" GIVES Souls! Evangelistic Appeal of Our Great Fundamentals THE FULL MESSAGE (Articles Written by Prominent Pastors and Evangelists) Topical Presentation of the Message (Each Issue Confined to Only One Doctrine) New Large Size All Issues Undated Twenty-Four Intriguing Subjects Nearly Entire Message Presented in 24 Issues (1 Year's Subscription) (Numbers 1-20 Available Now) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. *21. *22. t23. t24. 22 Homesick for Heaven (God's Better World) The Book for Today (Inspiration of the Bible) (Faith in God) Victorious Living When the World Ends (Christ's Second Coming) A Better Day Coming (Signs of the Second Advent) (Daniel 2) United or Divided Nations? (Origin of Evil) Is Sin Out of Date? The Blueprint for Happiness (Law of God) Are We Burdened by Law? (Law or Grace) God's Rest for Man (Sabbath) (Change of Sabbath) Man-Made or God Given? We Show Our Allegiance (Seal of God) (Way of Salvation) Jesus, the Center of Life Creation or Evolution? Can Science Conquer Death? (State of the Dead) God's Greatest Gift (Mortal or Immortal Man?) The Way of Life (Sanctuary) Proof of the Messiah (2300 Days) When Divine Judgments Fall (Seven Last Plagues) (Tithe, Obedience) Allegiance to God What Is the Unpardonable Sin? Why So Many Churches? (Marks of True Church) (Baptism) Symbol of a New Life God's Call Today (Three Angels' Messages) * Available October 1. t Available November 1. New Low Prices (Only $12.50 per 1,000 Copies) Quantity Orders 1,000 copies $12.50 7.50 500 " 100 " 2.00 1.25 50 " 1 copy .05 50 25 5 Club Subscriptions $15.00 9.00 2.40 Above prices are for the United States and Canada. Prices on clubs and quantity orders to other countries furnished upon request. Single Subscription United States and Canada, one year $1.00 Other countries, one year 1.25 Order through your church missionary secretary or local Book & Bible House. Pacific Press Publishing Association, Mountain View, California THE€14,fft'd INSTRUCTOR The morning passed rapidly. Everything was finally ready, and we were on our way. As we traveled along with our load of exhibits, I thought of the many other trips I had been able to take because of the 4-H Club work. Many times the award for winning a certain type of contest was a trip to some famous place or to a convention. At such conventions we met other 4-H Club members who had been winners of similar contests held in their own respective communities. Contests were held at the conventions, and we were also able to associate with the 4-H members from other places. We could exchange ideas and practices that were used in the different places and perhaps take new ideas and methods home with us and use them on our own farms. I recalled one trip in particular. It was to the International 4-H Club Congress, which is held in Chicago, Illinois, each year. At this congress members from all over the world gather to hold their final and most important contest in the various fields of their work. They also have many meetings and discuss problems of youth in the various States and countries. They exchange experiences and make suggest tions for different and better ways of promoting club work. I could remember the excitement that had leaped into my heart when it was announced that my teammate and I had won first place with our livestock loss prevention team demonstration and that we would represent our State in the national contest held in Chicago. A trip to the International 4-H Congress is the high light of any club member's experience, and we had succeeded in winning this trip. Even though we did well in the contest by winning a place in the blue ribbon group, which was composed of the three best teams in the contest, I did not consider that the most important accomplishment of the trip. I felt that the opportunity to meet young people from all over the world and talk with them was of real importance. I also gained a better understanding of how to get along with strange people in a strange place, because there were several thousand young people there, and I knew very few of them. It was my first visit to a large city like Chicago, and I had a great deal to learn. There were many other benefits that I received from this trip. We were taken on tours of famous places and through factories that were transforming farm products into all types of manufactured materials. These, of course, were very interesting and educational. The congress lasted for more than a week, and each day was packed with new experiences that will remain with me for the rest of my life. Of course when I returned to my home community the other 4-H Club members, who had not been so fortunate as I, expected me to share with them the experiences I had had at the congress. This AUGUST 31, 1954 UNDERGROUND FRONTIER The story of what has been called the most extensive cave exploration ever attempted. Author J. Bernard Wilt, on the right in the picture, was the only Seventh-day Adventist member of the expedition. IN THE elce,(4d INSTRUCTOR NEXT WEEK relating of my experiences was really a personal help, because it made me better able to express myself before groups of people. There were many other trips connected with my 4-H Club experiences that I enjoyed very much, also many other awards that I received as a result of hard work. As I grew older and more experienced in the work, I became a leader and was able to teach the younger members the beginning fundamentals of the 4-H Club, the meaning of the 4-H motto and pledge. I could also show them the results of hard work and the profits gained from earnest effort. As I recalled all of these pleasant memories I regretted more and more that I would not be able to take part in the 4-H Club work much longer. However, there was one more award in store for me at this time that I did not know about. I was to be offered a scholarship to Oklahoma Agricultural Mechanical College, which is one of the best agricultural colleges in the United States. But because I had planned ever since I could remember to be a doctor, I decided to come to a Seventh-day Adventist college for my premedical education. I am happy about my achievements in 4-H Club work and 1C3CCIEIDKVIEWIESICIEW341CSIEWSCIE 7ede 7244e By Harvey Hansen At the end of day the tide of night Drowns the valley from the sight, And over the hillside rising high, It floods the earth and fills the skyl IMIESEWIEVCWICSICSICIEMSICIEVV* would not part with the experience I received. It was not my privilege to live in a district where there was an active Missionary Volunteer Society, but I like to compare the 4-H Club with this organization. Both are for the development of good character in young people. Both organizations set forth sound principles, and it is their aim to develop citizens and leaders who will be able to face the problems of the future and solve them in a God-fearing manner. MV Youth in Action From page 6 shoulders of young people. These youth not only gave their time and energies but also paid fifteen shillings each to keep costs down, so that more juniors could attend. The youthful superintendent was Arthur Patrick, a theological student, who has dedicated his life to youth evangelism. He was assisted by a business graduate, an enthusiastic ministerial student, and a teacher trainee, while two young women in the Bible instructor's course capably managed the kitchen. Outdoor recreation included games, bush tracking, and swimming. Classwork in animal study was taught by Miss V. Flanigan. The spiritual life of each camper was influenced by the early morning prayer bands and by the devotional meetings, designed to capture the interest of junior youth. These services were conducted by L. A. Dyason, K. J. Wooler, and Desmond B. Hills. The Master Guides and students at Avondale have caught a vision to save the junior youth for the Man of Galilee. Our method is personally to enlist them in Junior Missionary Volunteer and Pathfinder societies, and through these satisfying activities point them to Christ. 23 ▪ TAKING the temperature of patients in a Granite City, Illinois, hospital was a real problem during one of this summer's heat waves. When the temperature in the rooms went up to 105 degrees, the clinical thermometers all registered the room temperature. Since this type of thermometer maintains its reading until it is shaken down, nurses had to resort to a number of devices to get an accurate temperature reading. One nurse ran cool water over a thermometer and cooled it to 98 degrees, but it climbed to 105 before she could get it into the patient's mouth. Finally hospital officials devised a plan of using glasses of ice water to keep the thermometers cool until just before the temperature was to be taken. ... AN AMATEUR astronomer of Ipswich, England, has had a crater on the moon named for him. He is Ronald Clarkson. IF THE annual wood crop of the United States were made into one-inch boards one foot in width, these boards would circle the earth 379 times, according to current estimates. ▪ A CROW recently made a flight to Frankfurt, Germany, by mistake. It was supposed to go to Frankfort, Kentucky. However, it was not the crow that made the mistake. It was in a crate and had been placed on the wrong airplane. ▪ A LARGE collection of bronze weapons and jewelry, believed to date from about 600 Lc., was unearthed recently in southeastern Norway. The curator of Oslo University's archeological museum reports that the find is one of the largest made in many years. ▪ POLICEMEN of Lakeland, Florida, are beginning to use bicycles on their beats in the belief that they can make their rounds more quickly and cover wider areas. Equipped with two-way radios, the bicycles are silent, and the approach of the officers is not noticed, according to Police Chief Leo Brooker. • THE American Geographical Society has an expedition in South America studying the highways of the Incas. Victor von Hagen, director of the expedition, reports that the Inca Highways were at one time the finest communication system devised by man anywhere. There were two main highways— the mountain road which began in what is now Colombia, ran through Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia and split to reach into modern-day Argentina and Chile, a total distance of 2,700 miles; and also the coastal highway which began three degrees south of the equator and crossed the entire desert coast for 2,400 miles into Chile. In addition there was an intricate system of secondary routes— the crossroads that connected the two main trunks at various parts of the empire. These highways were constructed in a straight line going through and over obstacles, not around them. Coming down from the high mountains, these highways appeared like enormous stone stairways. 24 ▪ FOR 75 years a chemical called coumarin has been used as an ingredient of synthetic vanilla. Within the last year it has been taken from the market, because tests showed that it caused liver damage in laboratory animals. The Food and Drug Administration of the U.S. has banned this same chemical from chocolate, in which it has been permitted for many years. Another product, dulcin, an artificial sweetener, has been found to be poisonous and is being taken from the market also. • A COMMERCIAL airliner recently made the flight from Washington, D.C., to Los Angeles, California, in 6 hours and 51 minutes. Ideal tail winds were held accountable for the fast flight. Usual time is about 7 hours and 30 minutes, although the schedule calls for 8 hours and 10 minutes. The plane, operated by American Airlines, was a Douglas DC-7. • THE Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station has a freak type of corn that grows along the ground like a vine instead of standing upright. It was developed by Dr. Donald F. Jones, chief geneticist, who calls it "lazy" corn. • As ONE of their recent projects the Girl Guides of Great Britain have endowed a kennel and four beds at the Training Center of the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association at Exeter, England. ▪ LAST year's production of walnuts in the Mediterranean basin and in the United States was the smallest in 10 years—just under 100,000 tons. IN THE 1890's there were 150 bicycle manufacturers in the United States. Now, says the Washington Star, there are 10. THE area drained by the Mississippi River system comprises the greatest fertile plain on the earth. A RECENT study based on life-insurance records indicates that persons who survive a cancer operation by several years have an encouraging life expectancy. ▪ THE Los Angeles metropolitan area has more automobiles per capita than any other— five cars for every four families, or a total of 2.1 million, according to the National Geographic Society. DOGS in Watertown, New York, are allowed to begin their barking or howling one hour earlier now. Previously a town ordinance stipulated that between 11 P.M. and 8 A.M. dogs must be kept from disturbing the neighbors. Recently the town council voted an amendment to this ordinance, moving the morning curfew back to 7 A.M. ... VIOLENT ringing of the bell of an Atlanta, Georgia, church proved to be the work of lightning, and the lightning set the 93-yearold structure on fire. The pastor of the historic Bethsaida Baptist church, summoned by the bell, called the fire department, but the building could not be saved. Built of pegged, hand-hewn timbers, the church dated to 1861 and had served as barracks for General Sherman's troops during the Civil War. CANADA'S Northwest Territories is served by six noncommercial radio stations. CFYK, in Yellowknife, is typical. Although its equipment is provided by the Royal Canadian Signal Corps and its records and tape recordings by the Canadian Broadcasting Company, it provides a service that is often haphazard and amateurish. Teen-agers, housewives, miners, and businessmen take turns acting as announcers. The station has no scheduled programs, no paid announcers, no permanent staff. It has few bills. Breakdowns or mix-ups are fairly frequent, but the people are devoted to their own Voice of the Golden North, as the station is known. ... CRANE CO., manufacturer of a wide variety of industrial and home products, is planning to open a $25 million titanium ore processing plant at Chattanooga, Tennessee, next year. Dedication ceremonies for this event will coincide with the 100th anniversary of the company. Its history goes back to July 4, 1855, when Richard Teller Crane opened a little foundry in a one-room frirne building that he built himself on one corner of his uncle's Chicago lumberyard. His first castings were tips and couplings for lightning rods. Today, Crane Company's products range from gate valves as big as a door to electronic transistors no larger than a thumbnail. This company is considered to be the largest producer of valves and fittings in the world. Science News Letter asks a penetrating question: "Will today's generation of young adults find, when they reach the 50-to-70 age bracket, that they have been slowly poisoning themselves and cutting one to five years off their lives because of the food they have eaten?" No one knows the answer for sure, but when a long-used chemical like coumarin is banned because of its potential danger to the liver, we begin to wonder: Will other widely used chemicals prove harmful too? Too many of us are blindly feeding upon "unwholesome food [that] destroys the healthy action of the digestive organs, affects the brain, and perverts the judgment, preventing rational, calm, healthy thinking and acting." We can best honor Christ in the care we give our body temple by eating simple, wholesome, home-prepared foods. DON YOST THE tJar.4 INSTRUCTOR
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