C HURCH L IFE Loving God, Loving People FEB. 15 SUNDAY • “Damien” Play - 7:30 p.m.- Sanctuary FEB. 16 MONDAY • 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon - Community Services • Church Office Closed - President’s Day FEB. 17 TUESDAY • 5:00 p.m. - Adventurers - Fellowship Hall • 6:00 p.m. - Pathfinders - Fireside Room FEB. 18 WEDNESDAY • 6:30 p.m. - Time and Space - Music Room FEB. 21 NEXT SABBATH • Sunset - 5:39 p.m. • Sermon - Chris Oberg • Church Offering - Local Church Budget S ABBATH S CHOOL Cradle Roll (Ages Birth - 2) Tiny Tots (Ages 3-4) Kindergarten (K-1st Grade) Primary (2nd-3rd Grade) Juniors (4th-6th Grade) Earliteen (Jr. High) - Fireside Building:North Youth (High School) - Fireside Room College Age - Community Services Young Adults - Garden Chapel Traditional Adult Class - Sanctuary Contemporary Issues - Fellowship Hall Dialogues - Music Room Women’s Bible Study - Ken Curtis’ Office Men’s Prayer Group - Baptistry Discussion Group - Fireside: Middle Room (Dick Davidian) Small Group Study - Sr Pastor’s Office (Betty McAllister) PASTORAL TEAM CHRIS OBERG........................................................................S ENIOR PASTOR KEN CURTIS............................................................SENIORS & SPIRITUAL GROWTH ISAAC KIM.........................................COMMUNITY OUTREACH & YOUNG FAMILIES DUSTIN COMM ....................................................................YOUTH SAUL BARCELO..........................................YOUNG ADULTS AND AND MEDIA ADMINISTRATION CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY-THURSDAY 9AM-2PM MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 647, CALIMESA, CA 92320 PHONE: 909.795.9741 • FAX: 909.795.8205 etary@calimesasda.com • Website: www .calimesasda.com Email: secr secretary@calimesasda.com www.calimesasda.com OUR MISSION As we are saved by grace, so we live, serve, follow and lead by grace. In response to God’s gracious invitation to come and enter into His Sabbath rest, we extend to others that same invitation—to come to Him, know and abide in Him, be equipped to serve Him, and grow to full maturity in Him—as we look forward with joyful anticipation to His soon return. Calimesa • Sunset - 5:32 p.m. Abiding in Christ, Loving One Another, Serving & Bearing Witness in the World - John 15:1-27 FEB. 14 TODAY FEBRUARY 14, 2009 Calimesa Seventh-day Adventist Church 391 Myrtlewood Drive, Calimesa, California 92320 Worship Service Adult Sabbath School - 9:45 a.m. Welcome and Prayer Special Feature Lesson Study Earl Seaman LLU Class of 2010 Reporting on Haiti The Work of the Prophets Announcements Today’s Offering is for Adventist TV Ministries/World Budget. Please place all offering in a Tithe envelope and designate where you want it to go. All loose offering goes to church budget. Monthly amount needed $39,000. Condolences, Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of Paul Eldridge who passed away on Thursday morning from a long illness. Paul was 94 years old. There will be a memorial service held on Sabbath, March 21, at 4:00 p.m. at Cortner Chapel in Redlands. Save The Date!! We will gather for a farewell party for Pastor Chris on March 14. Vespers will start at 6:30, followed by fellowship, dinner and social. Place is yet to be determined. If you would like to help, please contact Caroline Kim at (909)790-7417 or e-mail her at tomsung0625@yahoo.com Potluck Today, following second service. All visitors welcome. Today’s health presentation: Type 2 Diabetes, Statins and Cholesterol. Sponsored by the Health Ministries team. Church Office Hours, The Church Office is now open of Fridays from 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Children’s Church~ Organizational meeting will be Thursday, February 19th, at 7:00 p.m. in the Jr. Room. Those interested in coordinating Children’s Church please come. The Calimesa Adventurers will be holding a FREE car wash in the church mitparking lot on Sunday, February 22 from 10am-1pm, weather per permitting ting. Donations will be accepted to benefit the Honduras Mission Trip. If you have any car washing equipment that you would like to donate for this event, please call Laurel Haglund @ (909) 894-4954 or Caroline Kim @ (909) 790-7417. Bake Sale! The children from Kindergarten Sabbath School will be having a bake sale on Sunday, February 22 from 10am-1pm in the church parking mitting lot, weather per permitting mitting. Money raised will benefit the Honduras Mission Trip. Have your car cleaned by someone else while enjoying homemade baked goods? a perfect day to spend a lazy Sunday morning! Senior Adults: Plan to join us for our regular potluck in the Fellowship Hall on Feb. 28 following second service. Games in the evening. New Small Groups Forming Again. Sign up sheets will be available in the church office. Study guide material will be available for download from the website. For more information call the Church Office, Ken Curtis, or check the web site www.calimesasda.com. Daniel Rodriguez, will be joined by Laurie Gayle Stephenson for a concert on Sat. March 7 at 7:30 p.m. at the Loma Linda University Church. Tickets range from $10 to $100, Golden Circle which includes a reception with the artists after the concert and prime front center seating. Call (909) 558-7193 for tickets. Master card and visa accepted. SECC Jr. High Choral Festival~ Concert to be held Friday, February 20, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. in the Memorial Chapel on the campus of University of Redlands. All are welcome! Please call SECC Office of Education for further details (951) 509-2313. Youth Volleyball: Learn~Improve~Play! A Christian volleyball league for grades kindergarten-8th will be held at Mesa Grande Academy from March 15-April 26. For more information please visit digsvolleyball.org or call Sandra at (909) 801-9363. 8:30 a.m. & 11:15 a.m. Organ Prelude Welcome/Church Life Processional Richard Parker Ken Curtis Nathan Kim We Are His Hands Call to Worship Songs of Praise Madison Oliver, Alison Rosenthal Worship Through Giving offeratory Terry Lidar Nathan Kim, Spencer Sherwin You Raise Me Up Ken Curtis Morning Prayer Scene 1 - Bible Handling Steven Haddad, Cheyenne Hagelgantz Alex Larson Scripture Reading Jordan Curtis, Amalia Goulbourne Selections from 2 Peter 1, Hebrews 4, 2 Timothy 3 and Psalms 119 (Message & TNIV) Children’s Story Jordan Curtis, Luke Hagelgantz, Michael Mathais, Jesse Noble, Alison Rosenthal, Spencer Sherwin Scene 2 - Taking Things Apart Landon Aveling, Sessalena Gifford, Steven Haddad, Cheyenne Hagelgantz, Alex Larson Scripture Reading Selections from John & 2 Timothy Scene 3 - Getting Personal Worship in Music Benediction Postlude Steven Haddad, Cheyenne Hagelgantz Alex Larson Sessalena Gifford, Cheyenne Hagelgantz, Madison Oliver, Alison Rosenthal Alex Larson Michael Fillman Worship Leader: Pathfinders Visual: Brent Hildebrand Audio: Harold Neuendorff Lighting: *Andrew Yakush ** Thomas Blum Deacon in Charge *Reynolds Wright** Chris Noble *First Service **Second Service
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