BANKASTRÆ TEL.: 551 443 Tel: 551 0449 Fax: 561 0449 How to spend a day in Reykjavík B C Örfirisey How t o s p e n d a d a y i n R e y k j a v í k F E D You really want to make the most of your time here, don´t you? Well, following this simple guide will able you to enjoy the city from a perspective no other tourist guide will provide you with. W E S Reykjavík city centre CITY HOTEL 15 18 19 16 13 Hve 4 Hallgríms Church 10 v óla Sk 6 5 a Hr t u ra la H ring Hlemmur HÓTEL LIND The Pond 8 National Museum of Iceland 9 Vatnsmýri Café Paris – Re-energize yourself with a cup of coffee or two, and let your eyes wander the cafe and feast on all the pretty people. THIS IS THE CITY’S MAINReykjavík 15 Art Museum – Hafnarhús KJARVALSSTAÐIR Hop On – Hop Off 18 Dinner time 19 NASA - Connect with past generations in Iceland and experience how a single nation came into being over the period of nearly 1200 years. City Hall – Check out the gigantic 3D map of Iceland. Back on Skólavör›us tígur street 11 The Culture House t 17 – Reach into your pocket for that loaf of bread you GRAND bought and feed the ducks. HÓTEL REYKJAVÍK 10 brau BSÍ COACH TERMINAL 14 – Experience what is probably the world’s northernmost flea market. The trashy atmosphere and weird name just makes you want to cry out: Yee-haw! Maybe you’ll stumble across that Viking helmet you’ve secretly dreamed of. (On weekends only) – In the shadow of the church stands a house looking RECREATION– Check out the fascinating Erró collection. AREA like a grim fortress. Go behind it (the side facing away from the church) and sneak in to the sculpture Reykjavík City Museum garden. Walk around the garden’s paths in the peace – The Settlement Exhibition and quiet, look for a man sitting below and beside the HÖFÐI Experience Viking-Age Reykjavík at the Settlement body of a deceased woman. Exhibition. The focus of the exhibition is an excavated longhouse site which dates from the 10th century AD. National Gallery of Iceland It includes relics of human habitation from about 871, – Definitely one of Reykjavík´s most impressive the oldest such site found in Iceland. cultural attraction, ask the receptionist to tell you the 7 gb in 50 Einar Jónsson Sculpture Garden – The best hot dogs in the universe! Ask for two dogs and leave the last bite of the bread for the hungry birds swarming around the place. Laugarnes Kolaporti› – 2nd place World Barista Champions should be able to make you a decent cup of coffee, ask for cappuccino to go. – Take a hike up the hill, check out the statue of Leif Eiríksson and climb up the church tower for a Spectacular view of the entire city. Enjoy your coffee and Kleina and watch the city waking up. Bæjarins bestu 13 BIRDWATCHING remarkable history of the house. HÓTEL REYKJAVÍK NORDIC HOUSE 12 – By now shops have opened. Check out the various galleries and workshops on both sides of Skólavörðustígur street. – Built by Icelandic craftsmen. Contains exhibition halls, meeting rooms, a cafeteria and a shop. Theme exhibitions, Permanent exhibitions, souvenirs, artwork and books. Now it‘s time to take a nice guided sightseeing tour around the city with Reykjavík Excursions “Hop On – Hop Off”. The tour is on every hour on the hour from REYKJAVÍK 10.00 – 16.00 with 10 stops around the city centre BOTANICAL and each ticket is valid for 24 hours. The busses are GARDEN equipped with a guidance system offering 8 languages and the starting point is Lækjargata at Arnarhóll. The busses operate from June through August. lur ur tíg us 4 8 gat 1 örð 6 Gam – On the left hand side of the street. Go in and ask for 2 “Kleinur”, a delicious Icelandic sweetbread (the ei is pronounced like the a in baby) Also buy half a loaf of bread and put it in a bag. a ard ug La Hve rfis HÓ SA TE GA L 3 Kaffi Tár – Be there at 9 o´clock in the morning, walk there if you are on a hotel nearby or take a bus, most of them stop at Hlemmur sooner or later. Walk down Laugavegur street and plan tomorrows shopping attack on your way. 16 2 7 Sandholt Bakery ga11 ta 3 Tjörnin 2 rfis 17 9 Hlemmur Bus Station 5 12 14 1 G Check out restaurants Fish Company or Geysir HÓTEL REYKJAVÍK ZOO just few steps apart. ÍSLAND HÓTEL – RoundNORDICA midnight you can join the swishy line of people waiting to get in. A night at NASA demands some deep pocket digging - but hey, when are you going to be in Iceland again? www.whatson. THIS AREA HAS DEPARTMENT, i s ELECTRIC AND DISCOUNT STORES 51 Practical Information ::: Tourist Information The Centre Reykjavík´s official Tourist Information Centre in Aðalstræti 2, 101 Reykjavik. Tel. 590 1550. Open daily 08:30-19:00 June-15 Sept. & 16 Sept.-31 May Mon.Fri. 09.00-18:00 Sat. 09:00-16:00 Sun. 09:00-14:00 City Hall Information Located in the City Hall by lake Tjörnin. Tel. 411 1000 / 800 4900. Open May to Oct. Mon-Fri 08:20 to 16:30, Sat 12:00 to 16:00. Buses 1,3,6,11,12 and 13. Icelandic Travel Market ITM Tourist Information Centre offers a free booking service and staff with first hand knowledge and advice on the best ways to organise your time in and outside Reykjavík. At ITM you can book excursions, accommodation, car rental, local shows, access internet and phones for international calls. Situated at the bottom of the High Street, Bankastræti 2, 101 Reykjavík. Tel: (+354) 522-4979. Opening hours: June - Sept, 08:00 - 21:00 daily & Sept - May, 08:00 - 19:00 daily. France, Túngata 22 Reykjavík. tel. 575 9600. E-mail: ambafrance@ Germany, Laufásvegur 31 Reykjavík. tel. 530 1100. E-mail: Japan. Laugavegur 182, (6th floor) Reykjavík. tel. 510 8600. E-mail: Norway, Fjólugata 17 Reykjavík. tel. 520 0700. Russia, Garðastræti 33 Reykjavík. Consular Section tel. 551 5156. Email: Sweden, Lágmúli 7 Reykjavík. tel. 520 1230. E-mail: ::: Embassies Canada, Túngata 14 Reykjavík. tel. 575 6500. E-mail: China, Víðimelur 29 Reykjavík. tel. 552 6751. E-mail: Denmark, Hverfisgata 29 Reykjavík. tel. 575 0300, E-mail: Finland, Túngata 30 Reykjavík. tel. 510 0100, E-mail: 52 Important phone numbers 112 Emergency, Police, ambulance, fire department, medicine. 118 Information Police General number 444-1000 Emergency ward National University Hospital, 24 hrs service, tel. 543 2000. United States of America, Laufásvegur 21 Reykjavík. tel. 562 9100. E-mail: Doctors on duty 1770 National University Hospital, 24 hrs service, tel. 543 1000. United Kingdom, Laufásvegur 31 Reykjavík. tel. 550 5100. E-mail: Dental ward For information on dentists on duty call 575 0505. Health Centre for Tourists Tel.: 510 6500 Hafnarfjörður – The town in the lava only 15 minutes from Reykjavík Tourist Information, Strandgata 6. Tel. 585 5500, e-mail: Open Mon to Fri 8:00-17:00 and at weekends in June, July and August 10:00-15:00 Cintamani, Centre for Adventure Located in a friendly environment on the main shopping street in Reykjavík. There you can book your Icelandic Adventure with the help of experienced guides and at the same time shop for necessities and Icelandic design outdoor brand Cintamani. Free internet access. Situated at Laugarvegur 11. 101 Reykjavík. Tel.: 562 7000. Opening hours: June - August 08:30-20:30 daily. Sept. - May 10:00-18:00 Mon.- Sat. Practical Information free at numerous “hot spots” such as cafés, restaurants, public libraries, museums etc. in the Reykjavík area. ::: Phone & Internet Services Calling Cards With a prepaid Atlas Calling Card you can call anywhere in the world via a toll free number (800 number). Phone cards for public phones are available at most gas stations, bookstores and supermarkets. Phone Centres An International call centre is situated in the Tourist Information Centre at Adal straeti 2, down town Reykjavik. Calling cards can be purchased at the Tourist Information Centre’s main desk Internet Centres You can access the internet on prepaid time at the Tourist Information Centre at Aðalstræti 2, down town Reykjavik or for Gsm / Cell phones There are two GSM / Cell phone operators in Iceland. Iceland Telecom (Síminn) and Vodafone. Both telephone companies sell prepaid GSM phone cards, which visitors may find convenient to use with their own GSM phones. Prepaid cards are available at gas stations around the country. Domestic calls Phone numbers in Iceland are seven-digit numbers. No area codes are necessary, you dial the number directly. The Icelandic phone book, lists names alphabetically by Christian names, not family names. International calls When calling outside Iceland, dial without interruption the international code (00), then the country code, the area code, and finally the number. If you need help to reach the number, you can call 118 for assistance. If you need help in finding a phone number abroad, you can call 1811 for information. ::: Pharmacies Lyfja Apotek Lágmúli 5, by Hotel Nordica, tel. 533 2300. Open daily 08:00 to 24:00. Buses 2,15,17 and 19. Lyfja Apotek Laugavegur 16, tel. 552 4045. Open Mon-Fri 09:00 to 18:30, Sat. 11:00 to 16:00. ::: Transportation also provide a free pick up and drop off at major hotels in Reykjavík (list provided on our website). The Flybus makes 2 stops on its way both going to and from the airport at Aktu-Taktu in Garðabær and at Hótel Viking in Hafnarfjörður. For further information visit Tel.: 562 1011 Taxi BSR, tel. 561 0000. Borgarbíll, tel. 552 2440. Hreyfill, tel.: 588 5522. Besides regular fares most stations also offer various excursions & short trips. Greater Reykjavik Transport / Buses Buses operate from 06:30 until midnight, apart from Sundays when they start at 10:00. On weekdays, the buses in general are driving with intervals of 15 or 30 minutes, until 18:00. Evenings and weekends interval is 30 or 60 minutes. Single bus fare costs ISK 280,- ISK 100,- for children 6 - 11 years. A block of 11 tickets can be bought from the dri ver for ISK 2.500. Reykjavik Tourist Card is also valid as a bus ticket. N.B. The Bus drivers don’t give any change so always have the right amount ready for the single bus fares. Central Bus Stations Hlemmur, Lækjartorg, Mjódd, Ártún and Spöng. Airport transfer / Flybus The Flybus airport shuttle will take you from Keflavík International Airport to Reykjavík city and vice versa. The Flybus is connected with all flights to and from Keflavík airport. Seats are always guaranteed. We Car Rentals Budget Car Rental Vatnsmýrarvegur 10, 101 Reykjavík by the bus terminal. Tel 562 6060. Fax 562 6061. Europcar Car Rental Skeifunni 9, 108 Reykjavík. Tel. 568 6915, fax 568 8663. Akureyri: Tel. 461 6000, fax 462 6476. Keflavík airport: Tel. 425 0300. After hours emergency phone Tel.: 840 6042 e-mail: Hertz Car Rental Flugvallarvegur, 101 Reykjavík. Near Hotel Loftleiðir. Tel.: 522 4400, fax: 522 4421. / ::: Terminals BSÍ Coach Terminal Buses to destinations all around Iceland. Vatnsmýrarvegur, tel.: 562 1011. Buses 1,3,6,14 and 15. Domestic Air Terminal Air Iceland domestic flights at Reykjavík Airport, 101 Reykjavik offers a domestic route network of 9 destinations and links to the Faroese Islands and Greenland. Tel.: 570 3030. Bus 15. Domestic Air Taxis Next to Hótel Loftleiðir, Reykjavík Air port. Bus 19. Avis Car Rental Knarrarvogur 2, 104 Reykjavík. Tel.: 591 4000. Fax 591 4040. e-mail: At Keflavík airport: Tel.: 421 1690, e-mail: Rent-a-bike It is possible to rent a bike to go sight seeing around the city at Hótel Loftleiðir by Öskjuhlíð hill. Bus 19. Petrol / Gas Stations Most service petrol stations are open daily from 07.30-23.30. After regular hours, most self-service petrol stations accept ISK 500, 1000 and 2000 banknotes, credit and debit cards. Viking feast Viking hotel Viking restaurants Viking live entertainment Viking Souveniers For booking and further information: Tel.: 565-1213 Strandgata 55 Hafnarfjordur 53 Practical Information ::: Shopping in Reykjavík City Centre The area around Austurstræti and Hafnarstræti streets has lots of shops carrying souvenirs, woolens and handicrafts. You will also find info centres, cafés, restaurants, pubs & bars. Laugavegur street Main shopping street leading up from the city centre. Designer clothes, street wear, music, eye wear, cafés, restaurants & bars. Gardabær shopping centre (approx. 8.5 km from Reykjavík). Open 24 hours. The Krambúð supermarket on Skólavörðustígur street, carries the basic necessities like fruit, bread, milk, yogurt, toothpaste, soda etc. Skólavörðustígur 42, 105 Reykjavík.Tel. 551 0449. Liquor stores The state runs liquor in stores called Vínbúð. The shops are open Mon-Thur: 11:00-18:00, Fri. 11:00-19:00 and Sat. 11:00-18:00 ::: Money Currency exchange All major banks exchange foreign currencies. Cards Visa, EuroCard, MasterCard, Diners Club and American Express are widely accepted. ATM´s/Cash machines You can get cash advances from your credit and/or debit card at cash machines widely available in Reykjavík. Skólavörðustígur street Leading up from Laugavegur towards Hallgrímskirkja church it is lined with galleries, workshops & showrooms selling various kinds of art. ::: Other Kringlan Mall A short distance from the city centre sits Kringlan Mall with 36,000 sq.m. of shops, catering and services. Buses 1,2,3,4,5,6,13 and 14. Post Offices Icelandic Postal Service main branch is located on Pósthússtræti 5, 101 Reykjavík. Tel.: 580 1000. Open Mon-Fri. 09:00 to 18:00. Smáralind Mall in Kópavogur A modern shopping Mall specially designed to provide guest with a comfortable shopping experience. Buses 2, 24 and 28. Airmail Letter / postcard inside Iceland up to 50g. ISK 75, letter up to 100 g. ISK 90 and letter up to 250 g. ISK 130. To other European countries airmail letter/ postcard, up to 50 g. ISK 140, letter up to 100 g. ISK 200 and letter up to 250 g. ISK 380. To countries outside Europe letter/postcard up to 50 g. ISK 155, letter up to 100g. ISK 265 and letter up to 250 g. ISK 570. Skeifan area Near Laugardalur Valley recreational area Skeifan is the home of discount & bargain stores, markets, electric equipment and home appliance stores. Tax-Free Shopping Visitors can reclaim value-added tax (VAT) on purchases exceeding ISK 4,000 in each shop. Look for the “Tax-Free Shopping” logo and ask the shop assistant for a refund. You will be given a refund cheque or coupon whereby you can cash in at the airport on leaving the country. Tax-Free agents are also at all major cruise ships before departure. You no longer have to wait with your Tax-Free refund cheque until you leave the country, just visit The Centre in Aðalstræti 2 for your refund with Iceland Tax- Free cheques. The refund amounts to approximately 15% of the purchase price. Supermarkets: Hagkaup The only Hypermarket in Iceland. Offers a wide range of merchandise and is located in Skeifan (Reykjavík) and in 54 ::: Opening Hours General offices Weekdays from 09:15-17:00. Public offices Weekdays from 10:00 to 15:00 or 16:00. Banks Normally open 09:15-16:00 Mon. to Fri. Extended hours on Fri. Some branches stay open weekends 24 hour banking is available at Landsbankinn bank at Leifur Eríksson Airport Transit Lounge. Shops & supermarkets Open Mon.-Thu. 10.00-19.00, Fri. 10.00-19.30, Sat.10.00-18.00 and Sun. 12:00-18:00 Malls usually stay open a bit longer on Thu. and weekends. 24 hour shopping Major gas stations stay open 24 hours as well as the 10-11 grocery store chain. Both carry the necessities of everyday life. Pharmacies Pharmacies are generally open 09:00 to 18:00 / 19:00 but some stay open longer. Restaurants, pubs, bars & discos See wining & dining section and Reykjavík by night. Photography / processing Print and film processing are readily available in and many supermarkets Reykjavík Storing luggage/baggage BSÍ Coach Terminal, Vatnsmýrarvegur 10, Tel. 562 1011. Open daily , 07:30-22:00. Buses 1,3,6,14 and 15. Lost & Found Police Station at Borgartún 7b, Tel. 444 1400. Open: Mon-Fri 10:00-12:00 and 14:00-16:00. Buses 4,5 and 12. Laundry Laundry and dry cleaning services are available at most hotels in Reykjavík. Weather/Clothing For weather information in English, tel. (+354) 902-0600, e-mail: Radio/TV News in English You can listen to the BBC live 24 hours a day in the greater Reykjavík area on FM 94.3 and read news in English on the national TV station RUV, on page 130 of the Teletext, or log on to and enter 130 in the space marked “Siða”. Maps and information brochures Tourist information centres have information and brochures for the whole country. Time Iceland is on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) throughout the year, and does not go on daylight saving time. When it is noon in Reykjavík during the summer, the time is 08:00 in New York City, 13:00 in London, 14:00 in Paris, 14:00 in Oslo, 14:00 in Luxembourg, 14:00 in Rome and 21:00 in Tokyo. Public holidays 2011 Business, banks and most stores are closed on the following holidays: New Years Day, Jan 1. Maundy Thursday, April 21. Good Friday, April 22. Easter Sunday, April 24. Easter Monday, April 25. First day of summer, April 21. Labour Day, May 1. Ascension Day, June 2. Pentecost-Whitsun Monday, June 13. National Day, June 17. Commerce Day, August 1, Christmas Eve, Dec. 24. Christmas Day, Dec. 25. St. Stephen’s Day, Dec. 26. New Year’s Eve, Dec. 31. Palm Sunday = Pálmasunnudagur Maundy Thursday = Skírdagur Good Friday = Föstudagurinn langi Easter Sunday = Páskadagur Easter Monday = Annar í páskum Ascension Day = Uppstigningardagur Pentecost-Whitsun Monday = Annar í hvítasunnu Christmas Eve = Aðfangadagur Christmas Day = Jóladagur St. Stephen’s Day = Annar í jólum New Year’s Eve = Gamlársdagur New Year’s Day = Nýársdagur Equivalents 1 kilo (kg) = 2.2 pounds 1 Litre (L) = about 1.76 pints 1 kilometre (km) = 0.62 mile 1 metre (m) = 1.1 yards 1 centimetre (cm) = 0,39 inch Electricity The voltage is 220, 50 HZ AC. Please note that the prongs on equipment you bring with you may be different from Icelandic standards. All major hotels provide you with adaptor prongs for charging computers, cameras, Gsm phones etc. Practical Information ::: Travel Agents Norðurflug Helicopter Service Do you want to reach the traditional whale grounds in 10 minutes or the top of Mt. Hengill? Or do you want to combine trip with an ATV´s racing in the moon-like environment of Reykjanes and possibly stand on two continents and afterwards relax in the Blue Lagoon? If this is your wish we can give you this experience and it’s cheaper than you think. Norðurflug Helicopter Service Kringlan 4-6 • 103 Reykjavík Tel.: 562 2500 • Fax: 562 2504 • Reykjavik Excursions One of the largest organizers of tours for individuals and groups, as well as operating one of the biggest bus fleets in Iceland. On an annual basis the number of staff is around 130 persons. Reykjavik Excursions operates day tours for individuals in English, German, French and Scandinavian, from Reykjavík all year round. For further information visit Reykjavik Excursions, Vesturvör 34, 200 Kópavogur. Tel.: +354 580 5400 Fax: +354 564 4776 / Special Tours offer Whale Watching, Puffin Watching, Sea Angling and Incentive tours on sea out of Reykjavik’s Old Harbour. Our Whale Watching boat, “The Rose”, offers an absolute innovation in Whale Watching. The boat is brand-new and is the fastest and most luxurious whale watching boat in the country. Because of the speed our tours only take 2 – 2 ½ hours but passengers spend the same amount of time whale watching! Our boat “Old Skuli” is ideal for puffin watching due to its excellent view from inside and its shallow draught, bringing passengers closer to the Puffin Island. Tel.: +354 892 0099, e-mail: info@ Ishestar Riding Tours Established in 1982, Ishestar is a leading, fully licensed operator, specializing in riding tours, offer riding tours of great variety with 68 departures of various riding tours form 7 different location throughout most parts of Iceland during the summer time as well as year round single day tours form a new Riding Centre combining riding tours, sight seeing, whale watching, food and entertainment. Out treks combine wholesome outdoor activity with an intimate enjoyment of nature and a rewarding relationship between the horse and rider. Ishestar ehf, Sörlaskeid 26, 220 Hafnarfjordur, Iceland. Tel. +354 555 7000 • Fax +354 555 7001 info@ / Elding Whale Watching Elding Reykjavík Whale Watching specializes in whale watching tours from the Old Harbour of Reykjavík all year round. We also organize other adventures at sea: puffin watching, sea angling, the ferry to Viðey Island and more. The company is committed to provide high quality tours in a way that minimizes the environmental impact caused by its activities while allowing visitors to enjoy nature. Green Globe Silver and Blue Flag Certified. Environmental Award of the Icelandic Tourist Board in 2008. Elding Reykjavík Whale Watching. Tel: +354 555 3565, fax: +354 554 7420, info@elding / Iceland Excursions A well established incoming Tour operator that has been operating tours and developing the business successfully for the past 12 years, (established in 1989). Today Reykjavik Excursions offers the widest possible range of services, covering everything from meet and greet to snow adventures, exciting all year day tours as well as guaranteed roundtrips. Iceland Excursions Funahofdi 17 - 110 Reykjavík. Tel (354) 540 1313. Telefax number: (354) 540 1310. E-mail: 55 THIS IS THE CITY´S CENTRE AND MAIN SHOPPING AREA Reykjavíkurhöfn C2 Hotels & GuestHouses hotels & guesthouses 2 Hilton Reykjavik Hotel Hilton ReykjavikNordica Nordica Hotel Suðurlandsbraut 2. Tel. 444 5000, fax 444 Website: 5001 E-mail:: Gamla höfnin Radisson BLU SAGA HOTEL by Hagatorg. Tel. 525 9900, fax 525 9909. 28 e-mail: 209 HÓTEL REYKJAVÍK NATURA SJÓMANNAHEIMILIÐ ÖRKIN, by Hlíðarfótur. Tel. 444 4500, fax 444 4501 Website: E-mail for reservations: 8 Brautarholt 29. Tel. 568 0777, fax 568 9747. +354-562-7000 3 Hotel Saga CENTERHOTEL KLÖPP, Klapparstíg 26, 101 Reykjavík Tel. 511 6062, fax 511 6071 e-mail: 31 30 C2 GUESTHOUSE ERIC THE RED, Eiríksgata 6, 101 Reykjavik Tel. 552 1940, fax 552 1951 D3 46 4 Óðinstorg, 101 Reykjavík Tel. 511 6200, fax 511 6201 Rau›arárstígur 37. Tel. 514 7000, fax 514 7030. 79 C4 AN EVENING WALK BY THE SEA SIDE IS VERY ROMANTIC 51 Daily from 10 June - 4 September. Departures every hour on the hour from 10.00 - 16.00. 5256 Prices Adults: 3000 ISK / 20 €. 12-15 years: 1500 ISK / 10 €. w0-11 . w years: h a t free s o of n .charge.* is ww ww 36 17 40 35 22 4 tel ík Hokjav y Re 34 21 7 HÓTEL ÓÐINSVÉ Best Western Hotel Reykjavik HÓTEL REYKJAVÍK, HOTEL FRÓN, 24 SALVATION ARMY, 55 Laugavegur 22A. Tel. 511 4666 fax 511 4665. Hotel Baron Guesthouse, Kirkjustræti 2. Tel. 561 3203, fax 561 3315. 11 32 33 3 37 E-mail: - Skólavörðustígur 45. Tel. 562 0800, fax 562 0804. 16 19 33 HÓTEL LEIFUR EIRÍKSSON, 23 43 2 5 38 Laugavegur 16, 101 Reykjavík Tel.: 511 6060, fax 511 6070. 119 THE MAIN SHOPPING STREET - LAUGAVEGUR 10 CENTERHOTEL SKJALDBREID, Ármúli 9. Tel. 595 7000, fax 595 7001. e-mail: C 27 25 9 PARK INN Ísland l a al rp t H Hacer on 1 THIS STREET IS LINED WITH GALLERIES AND JEWELLERS Reykjavík City Centre REYKJAVÍK AIRPORT AIR TERMINAL DOMESTIC FLIGHTS 43 Hotels in the surroundings of Reykjavík 5 FLUGHÓTEL, Hafnargata 27, Keflavík. Tel. 421 5222, fax 421 5223. Website: E-mail for reservations: Hotel Loftleiðir CAR RENTAL 26 Open 7 days a week Map of Reykjavík A Whale peppe Whale peppe Whale peppe peppe Whale Whale peppe Whale pepperst Lágmúli 5 • 7 am - 1 am Smáratorg • 8 am - midnight B C D PART OF ICELANDAIR GROUP PP P w w w. fj a l a k o t t u r i n n . i s E F G H I THERE IS A FERRY TO VIÐEY HISTORICAL SITE 15 PU J Legend THERMAL SPA HOSPITAL POST OFFICE 1 1 GAS STATION D3 CAMPING SITE Reykjavíkurhöfn C2 2 Gamla höfnin 28 l 16 WALKING & BIKING PATHS Hotel Cabin 35 31 42 11 tel ík Hokjav y Re 34 Hilton Hotel 14 Park Inn Hotel 18 21 4 THIS IS THE CITY´S MAIN RECREATION AREA 30 22 4 6 Grand Hotel 17 40 Hotel Saga C2 D3 36 37 3 Tourist Information Centre (C-2) Alþingi – House of Parliament (C-2) Arnahóll Hill (C-2) Ásgrímur Jónsson Museum (C-3) Austurvöllur Square (C-2) Botanical Garden (G-3) BSÍ – Coach Terminal (C-4) Catholic Cathedral (B-2) City Hall (C-3) Dómkirkjan Cathedral (C-2) Laugardalsholl Sports Hall (G-3) Electrical Museum (J-7) Family Park (H-4) Farm Animal Zoo (H-4) Ferry to Viðey island (H-1) Government House (C-2) Hallgrimskirkja Church (D-3) Háteigskirkja Church (E-4) Hlemmur Bus Station (E-3) Höfði House (E-2) Reykjavík Art Museum – Kjarvalsstaðir (E-4) Labour unions Art Gallery (D-3) Lækjartorg Bus Station (C-2) National Gallery of Iceland (C-3) Numismatic Museum (C-2) Perlan Restaurant (D-5) Public Library (C-2) Reykjavík Art Museum – Hafnarhús (C-2) Nauthólsvík – Thermal Beach (D-7) Skating Rink (G-3) Telecommunications Museum (B-4) The Culture House (C-2) The National Theatre (C-2) The Nordic House (B-4) The University of Iceland (B-3) Einar Jónsson Sculpture Museum (D-3) Pavillion Garden – Hljómskálagarðurinn (C-3) Suðurgata Cemetery (B-3) Reykjavík City Theatre (F-5) National Museum of Iceland (B-3) Listasafn Sigurjóns Ólafssonar - Museum (F-1) Reykjavík Art Museum – Ásmundarsafn (G-3) Reykjavík City Mus eum – The Settlement Exhibition (C-2) 44. The Recycled house (F-1) Hotel Baron 19 s s 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 20 24 38 13 7 THIS AREA HAS DEPARTMENTS, ELECTRIC AND DISCOUNT STORES C4 REYKJAVÍK AIRPORT AIR TERMINAL DOMESTIC FLIGHTS AN EVENING WALK BY THE SEA SIDE IS VERY ROMANTIC 5 Hotel Loftleiðir 2 Places of interest 10 9 Ei SPORT FIELD REAGAN & GORBACHEV HAD THE FAMOUS PEACE MEETING IN THIS HOUSE 32 33 3 INFORMATION POLICE STATION THE MAIN SHOPPING STREET - LAUGAVEGUR 25 23 PARKING 41 CHURCH C 27 43 2 5 44 PARKING HOUSE THIS STREET IS LINED WITH GALLERIES AND JEWELLERS a al rp t H Hacer on 1 8 BIRDWATCHING THIS IS THE CITY´S CENTRE AND MAIN SHOPPING AREA CAR RENTAL 26 39 Lau Tel: +35 3 Tel. G3 5 esbr Reykjan s SOUTH AND EAST TURN RIGHT AT FIRST TRAFFIC INTERSECTION Vestu rland ROUTE NR.1 IS THE MAIN ROAD ENCIRCLING ICELAND svegur 6 aut THIS WAY TO KÓPAVOGUR, 29 The Road The to Road to the Airport the Airport 12 braut THERMAL BEACH AND RECREATION AREA AND THIS WAY THIS TOWAY KÓPAVOGUR, TO KÓPAVOGUR, GARDABÆR, GARDABÆR, HAFNARFJÖRÐUR HAFNARFJÖRÐUR AND AND 7 D3 Icelandic Design Jewelry B C D C2 D3 E Wool & 1896 SALMON AND TROUT FISHING 7 KEFLAVÍK KEFLAVÍK AIRPORT AIRPORT KEFLAVÍK KEFLAVÍK AIRPORT AIRPORT A 58 KEFLAVÍK AIRPORT Kringlumýrar H5 GREAT FOR ROMANTIC EVENING WALKS F G D5 C2 H C2 C3 D3 I J H5 Soup+ Main S Bu WEST AND NORTH STRAIGHT AHEAD. 6 D3 4 THIS WAY OUT OF REYKJAVIK: HISTORICAL BUNKERS FROM WW II Museum: E Open: Jun Sep Jan an Sculpture g 59 H V Í TA H Ú S I Ð / S Í A – 0 9 – 0 2 2 3
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