Models A-LM, AN-LM, ANR-LM, AFN-LM, ARN-LM, ARNR-LM, AWN-LM and AWNR-LM when receiving 123 Opening sealed goods is too much responsibility for just one person. This should always be shared, because in case of any irregularities there should be an on-the-spot witness Pull to test whether the seal is really closed and not just apparently closed. EL 456 Suspicious marks, specially around the capsule entrance, could mean tampering. Check the seal number to see if it´s the same as that on the document. The number on document should have no erasures or corrections. ELC ELC 1234568 12345 68 To remove, cut thread well aways from seal as to, if necessary, leave it intact for later inspection. Keep seal until checking is finished. Loss of seal, when irregularities occur, makes CAREFUL! the employees responsible. Any irregularity, call your security personnel. If the seal should go to further inspection, the sealed object must also follow it. When all in order, destroy used seal. ELC 566 455 Also, the thread that connects anchor to the capsule should be intact, because if broken, it could mean tampering. ANCHORLMENG - 12/04 45 ELC 5 123 123 EL C Make sure that it is not a loose sealing. 1234 C 9 Laser numbered Anchor Seals (LM) ELC Security Products ELC is not responsible for the incorrect use of this product. CNPJ: 73.323.404/0001-90 Insc. Est.: 84.604.259 8252 NW 30th Terrace • Miami, FL 33122 • USA Phone: (305) 477-2303 • Fax: (305) 477-0186 • Toll Free: 800 377-3257 • E-mail: Laser numbered Anchor Seals (LM) how to use Models A-LM, AN-LM, ANR-LM, AFN-LM, ARN-LM, ARNR-LM, AWN-LM and AWNR-LM when sealing 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 5 0 0 0 0 WIRE - SINGLE STRAND STRING COTTON WIRE - TWISTED STRING PLASTIC Should the connecting thread break replace with another seal. A broken thread could mean tampering. METALLIC RIBBON OF ANY TYPE 1 mm 1 mm Anchor Seal AFN-LM, AWN-LM, AWNR-LM, ARN-LM and ARNR-LM - They came with their own AR C N- C EL LM EL 10 00 00 10 4 00 AF 00 N- et 001 00 00 (w 1 ire 2 M (w bo ire n) ) ) 4 Avoid sliding out of the thread! 12 0 NR -L 10 56 C 65 ELC 0 g) AW EL 45 456 LM C EL 1 000 3 N- 0 C rib AR N (m R-L 10 et M 00 all 02 ic 1 rib C EL str in AW 0 EL 456 Avoid loose sealings! 123 tic 0 ic Pull the capsule to test whether the seal is well closed. n) (p las 1 all 3 Make sure the thread is intact and without knots or joints. bo LM C EL (m 3456 123 string, wire or metallic ribbon. ELC 12 PLASTIC SINGLE STRAND 01 1 0 ELC 234 8 1000001 1 ELC 0000010 000 00 0 1 ELC LM Make sure the seal has no defects. ANR-LM AN-LM 10 C 1 EL 000 A- 9 length of wire, string or ribbon up to 1 mm can be used. 7 If the closing operation is made with no regard CAREFUL! to the directions below, the responsibility will fall on the person who applied the seal Anchor Seal A-LM, AN-LM and ANR-LM - Any The thread must be bent and sealed at a point that gives a tightly adjusted closure. Models AWN-LM, AWNR-LM and AFN-LM with thin string Strings and thin wires can be All these models have a hole at the anchor of the seal, though wound two or more times around which must pass the thread, avoiding it to slide out. anchor groove to avoid sliding out after the closing of the seal. The seal capsule should not be deformed due to an excess of string around the anchor. This prevents clousure, or results in just a false or apparent sealing. 123 456 ELC 456 123 3 12 456 ELC 12 3 3 ELC Important: All Anchor Seals LM are offered in mats with ten seals, for an easy distribution and usage. 3 4 ELC 34 6 5
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