How to reach Mbadifa … Cow Round about Mbarara FARMING IS BUSINESS MBADIFA Famers Being Trained in Fuel Saving Kampala Agip Motel Mbarara District Farmers’ Association MBADIFA To Bus park ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE Membership . . . Individual Farmers (Members) PECS Annual fees: Single: 10.000/= Family: 10.000/= Groups Life members Farmers’ Assembly Affiliate Group/CSO new: 100.000/= Affiliate Group/CSO old: 70.000/= Life membership: 300.000/= Payable at office or by bank DEB 1. 2. 3. 4. Working committee Fin. & Planning committee Publicity Committee App. & Disc. Comm. a/c 0121053649101 Stanbic Bank, Mbarara Branch. Secretariat Business Wing Advisory Board WE ARE PROUD PARTNERS WITH Mr. ……………………………………..…. Age: ……… Mrs./Ms. …………………………….....….. Age: …..… MBADIFA BUILDING Affiliate Group/CSO: …………No. of Members: …….. aBi Parish: ………………………………………………….. Sub-county: ……………………………………………. Type of membership: Single/Family/Affiliate/Life FARMING IS BUSINESS Email:, Website: FARMING IS BUSINESS Plot 47/49, Akiiki Nyabongo Road P.O. Box 1592, Mbarara FARMING IS BUSINESS MBADIFA is … … (Mbarara district farmers Association) , a Non-Governmental membership Organization which was formed and registered in 1994. … affiliated to the Uganda National Farmers’ Federation (UNFFE) in Kampala, Its aims are to unite farmers and assist them to access better services in the areas of production and marketing, through Lobby and Advocacy and access to service providers. MBADIFA has worked with and received support from development partners like, DANIDA, IVA, TRIAS, Farm Africa, PSFU-BUDS, ACDI/VOCA and aBi Trust to implemented various programmes aimed at improving food and income security of the farmer members in Mbarara District through trainings, experiments and demonstrations . The organization has functional democratic structures whereby the farmers at Parish level through their farmers’ assembly elect Parish Executive Committees (PECs) and two farmers’ delegates (one man and one woman) which then send delegates to the District Assembly where they elect the District Executive Board (DEB) once in every three years. 1/3 of the DEB must be women. The DEB is charged with the responsibility of running the organization through a Secretariat of employed staff headed by the coordinator. Farmers groups with special interest (SIGs), affiliated Civil society Organisations (CSOs) , such as women groups, youth groups, CBOs, NGOs, Faith Based organizations (FBOs), etc.) also register with us to access our services and resources. Vision Services Available All farmers of Mbarara District are united under a strong MBADIFA and have attained quality livelihood. Lobbying, advocacy and Resource mobilization. Institutional development of farmer groups and fora, through carrying out group needs assessment, group strengthening, enterprise Mission To unite and improve the livelihood of farmer members in Mbarara District through efficient capacity building, lobby and advocacy and linkage to strategic networks for food and income security. identification, participatory market research, cost benefit analysis, selection of enterprise, market chain analysis, record keeping, business plan, enterprise development, participatory monitoring and evaluation, quality Objectives control, market intelligence and contract management. In partnership with other stake hold- I.Farmers are organized in strong groups/organizations (Cooperatives, Associations, Networks, Movements .) II.Farmers have increased production and productivity III.Farmers have accessed diverse and profitable markets. promoted and enterprises. carry out their own experiments on improved and new varieties of crops. Promoting farm technologies such as rain wa- ter harvesting , Biogas, Solar dryers, improved IV.Farmers are food secure. V.Farmers are influencing policies and demand for goats shed and improved storage structures. Networking with strategic stakeholders for services. complementing provision of farmers services . VI. A Strong MBADIFA delivering quality and sustainable services. providers. Demand-driven trainings on selected Setting up farmer field schools for farmers to in a sustainable way. VII.Farmers ers. are Study tours and exchange visits for farmers and farmer groups. linked to other service Promoting natural resource management and utilization.
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