Morniny News • Sunday, November 16. 1997 — 7F AROUND Me Morning News welcomes information from local artists about their exhibits It is the responsibility of the artist or the gallery where the works are being shown to submit the information in writing to this newspaper at least 10 days before the opening. A date when the exhibition will end must be included. ARTS ME RED PIANO ART GALLERY will pre• sent Its holiday season exhibition, titled Little Picture Show, from Nov. 22-Dec. 24. There will be more than 50 small paintings available representjng both contemporary and early American artists. or more information, call Nancy L Chamberlain or Jack Lane at (803) ,785-2318. iatlery hours: 11 a.m.-5 pm MondaySaturday. The gallery Is at 220 CorrJIto • Parkway, Hilton Head Island. life SMWMAHWTERNOIONAL ART GALLERY, home of All African Art, features: "Miami In Savannah", an exhibit of the fine art of 30 artists 1rom Miami. Trie, exhibit runs through Jan. 4,1996. Opening and reception: 7-10 p.m. Nov. 22 at 232 W. Broughton St. 9440955. Off THE MMil presents a new show. '/ expressions In Nature: Contemporary . Pastel Landscapes, introducing 15 ' new works by Ohio artist John Caracillo. The exhibit will run through Dec. 14. Also on display are several new original drawings and monotypes by Penny Feder who won a merit prize at the Telfair Art Show and original mixed media drawings as well as prints by ' 'Conrad Bell. Also new work by Marty . Whatey Adams. New and exclusive to the gallery for the holidays is a collection of technoromantic Jewelry by Thoma Mam from New Orleans. Off The Wall is at 412 Whitaker St. 1 ^aallery hours are 10 am-6 pm Monday-Saturday and 10 a.nx-3 p.m. Sunday. For more information, call Gall Levftes at 2338840J UOHTWWES GALLERY will host a reception presenting the works of sculptor Tina Logan and photographer John , -McNeil from 5-7 pm Nov. 22, Studio 8, upstairs. Franklin Ward South, the Art Center at City Market. The public is invited. Also on exhibit will be new . works by painter Kip Bradley, mixed media artist John MitcheH, painter Karen Nagte and photographer Joseph Shields. Exhibition continues through Jan. 10,1998. For more information, • call 236-1080. MMWNAH RUM RUNNERS "2" — Dessert Cafe of Tybee, in collaboration with Tybee Arts Association, presents "The Baker's Palette," featuring a different local artist every month. Chefs choice for November is Judith K. Hendry with her array of watercotor florals aid landscapes. Hours: 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Wednesday&Monday. Located at U.S. 80 (1st Street) and .Campbell Avenuajori Tybee Island. Admission Is free. Call 78&8003 for more Information. . THE ATHENA GALLERY, 409 E. Liberty St., features contemporary and traditional works of art by local and national artists. The gallery also features monthly exhibitions. "Creations from Chaos" by Stephen Fessler is showing through November. Hours: 10 am. -5:30 p.m. Tuesday-Friday, 11 am-6 p.m. Saturdays* 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sundays/Call 232-0403 for mom Information. THfc OWENS-THOMAS REGIONAL Aim GALLERY presents the work of several local artists In a suite of small paintIngs and works on paper through Jan. 4. Featured artists are Mary Adams, EBse Ansel, Michael Chad Barrett, Elizabeth .Cain, Nicole Fisher, Rene Kutz, Karen Mangle, Joseph Shields and Mark Uzmann. They will show works ranging from oils and watercoiors, to abstracts and photographs. Fhe Regional Arts Gallery, located upstairs in the Museum Shop of the Owen* Thomas Carriage House, 124 Abtroom St., Is open free to the public. The ;allery Is open the same hours M the Owens-Thomas House: 10 a.m.-6 pjn. Tuesday-Saturday and 2-5 p.m. Sunday. Starting Jan. 1. the Owens-Thomas House will also be open noon-5 pm Monday. For more information, catt 23S8252. "GRANTS FRIENDS" — The SignatunJ ' ' Gallery in Savannah's City Market Will focus on the* hew holiday print "Grant's Friends" by Gwen Fllnn during 'November and December. Fllnn also presents a variety of her latwt prints and originals, many featuring , children's toys as well as feature series on low country scenes such as the Harbor Town and Haig Point light houses. Signature Gallery is open seven days a week, with one of the member artists • always available to discuss the wide variety of the gallery's works. For more information, call 233-3082. THE WALL* OF SAN MIGUEL Is an exhlbitlon by Rowland Sherman In The Lobby Gallery in trie Decker Courtyard of City Market for November Gallery hours: 9 a.m. 5 p.m. weekdays and weekends by appointment. For more information, call 232-4903. THERAPEUTICS EXHIBITION — The Telfair Museum of Art will present its exhibition of works by physically and mentally challenged artists in rehabilitation from traumatic Injury or Illness through Nov. 30. "I Have Marks to Make" highlights paintings, drawings, and sculpture created in the museum's outreach to special audiences and by individuals working with local agencies. Participants represent the city of Savannah's Therapeutics Program, the Memorial Rehabilitation Center, the Second Chance Program of Goodwill Industries, the Savannah Association of the Blind, and TMelands Lighthouse Canter or have executed projects with Savannah community artist Kip BrarJey. SCARYSTOWES —Through Nov. 17, the School of Visual Arts/Savannah at 110 East President St. hosts "Scary Stories," an exhibition of illustrations by School of visual Arts/Savannah Juniors for Halloween stories written by thirdgraders at Bluffton's M.C. Ritey Elementary School. For more information, call Ashley at 651-1280. MAMUm UTON FOLEY — An exhibition of recent watercoiors presented by Kim locovozzl Fine Art. 12 W. Harris St.. will run through Nov. 30. Hours: 10 a.m.-5 pm Monday-Saturday. The exhibit is free. Call 2349424. LOW COUNTRY ARTISTSFMLLEXHM. . TON, titled "Southern Inspiration," will run through December. The 25 artists from Hilton Head Island will exhibit their paintings at the Fraser Museum in Sea Pines, 175 Greenwood Drive, Hilton Head. The museum is open daily from 9-5 p.m. Monday-Friday. There is no charge for the exhibition. Call (803) 837-5041 or (803) 363-2615. MOONBHELL QALLERY A STUDIOS — Two island artists, Ellen Huey and Joyce Thompson, are holding a joint show of their recent works at Moonsnell Art Gallery. The exhibit continues through' • December. Moonshell Art Gallery, for meriy located in the South Beach section of Sea Pines Plantation, has recently moved to No. 37 New Orteans Road in the plaza on the second floor over Expressions Interiors. Works by other Moonshell artists will also be displayed, 1MEDOLPHW*THEMERMAI)lsanew cooperative working gallery which has recently opened in Thunderbolt. The gallery is at 3121 River Drive (oirectly across the street from The River's End Restaurant). Through December, the gallery is featuring the works of local artist: Rebecca Kahrs Willis, watercolorist; Linda Ray Undeborg, watercolorist, graphic designer; Robert Istey, pastel & oil; Ariane Montemuro, oils; Debbie Mueller, Raku pottery; and Greg McDonald, stain glass. The Gallery • sponsors workshops weekly In art and has free monthly lectures. The community Is encouraged to participate. Gallery hours: 10 an>6 pjn. TuSsdayr ' noon-9 p.m. Wednesday; 10 am-6 pm. Thursday and Friday; 10 am-4 p.m. Saturday; closed on Sunday and Monday. For more Information, call 351-9911. OAUJERY 209: During November, Gallery . 209 features the photography of Joseph Shields and the handouirt ceramics of Betty Melaver. Shields' work explores a variety of subjects from scenic landscapes to abstract colors and designs, many featuring Images from his Tybee Island home. Melaver's organic clay forms draw their inspiration from what the artist sees in nature. Gallery 209, displaying the work of 30 local and regional artists and fine crafters, Is on East River Street and open from 10:30 a.m.-5:30 pm MondaySaturday and from noon 5:30 pm Sunday. Call 2364583.. DtSIOM SOUTH «AUJfltY presents hand- v \ ,\ How to get stuff in Calendar The Savannah Morning News and Carolina Morning News welcome information for our Calendar listings. Night Clubs. Music. Theater and Audition listings appear in Friday Diversions. Saturday and Sunday's Accent sections contain a list of area tourist sites and norventertainnrtent events. And Arts, Attractions and Classes/Talks/Readings are listed in Sunday's Arts and Travel section. Information must be submitted IN WRITING by 5 p.m. one week prior to publication. Items without information such as date, time, place, sponsor, cost or phone number may not be used. The Calendar listings are free. The newspaper reserves the right to reject Items at the editor's discretion. Unsolicited Information or photographs cannot be returned. EVENT: : DATE TIME „ ; „ LOCATION:.. _ ,, COST: „ FOR MORE INFORMATION CAli: OTHER:. „. „ _ Cut out this form and send information to: Items for this calendar must be received at toeM 14 days before the event. Only clniiDfio or lectures that are free or have a,nominal cost will be accepted for publication. Nonprofit groups will be given priority. The cost must be inciuded with the announcement. HOSF1CC SAVANNAH INC. offers its annual Grief & the Holidays Workshops, free to anyone who wants to learn more: Nov. 16 — 7 p.m.. First Presbyterian Church. 520 E. Washington Ave. (WANT WRTTINQ WORKSHOP — The Savannah Streams of Service (programs sponsored by the Corporation for National Service) is having a free grant writing workshop, at the Savannah Civic Center from 9 a.m.noon Nov. 18. PtBLOtOPMCAt DEBATE — A meeting of Armstrong Atlantic State University students, faculty, staff and Interested community members who enjoy the discussion of philosophy and philosophical Ideas wM be held at 8:30 p.m. Nov. 19 at Gamble HaH, Room 106. No experience in or prevkjus knowledge of philosophy is needed. The session Is free and open to public. Call 921-7322 for more information. Community News Desk Savannah Morning News/Carolina Morning News P.O. Box 1088 Savannah, Ga. 31402 Savannah Sailing Center, fall program — "Catch The Wind" event wtil be held from 9 am-noon every other Saturday through Dec. 6 at Lake Mayer. The event is presented by Savannah Sailing Center. The cost is $20 per session (one Saturday). Scholarships, dteounts available to those who qualify and discounts for multiple sessions. For more information, call 231-9996 or fax 231-9699. THE GEORGIA HKTORKM. SOCKTY 1997 Fall Lecture Series will be on Agriculture in Georgia The schedule: Or fax information to 912-2346522 Nov. 18 — 730 pm. SI. PNHp AME Church, 613 Martin Luther KJng Jr. Blvd. Nov. 20 — 7 pm, Skidaway Island United Methodist Church, 54 Diamond Causeway. Nov. 25 — 7:30 pjn., St. John Baptist Church, 526-528 Hartridge St. Holidays Workshop for Children & Adolescents: Dec. 6 and 13 — 10 am.-l p.m. at Hospice Savannah Inc., 1352 Elsenhower Drive. Reservations suggested. For more information, call Roenia Detoach at 3552289. THE D04PHM PROJBT, an attvoiunteer organization, is continuing its longterm study of the Atlantic Botttenose Dolphin along the coastal waters of Georgia and the southern portions of South Carolina Scientific experience Is not necessary to participate and all are welcome to Join. The project. always needs skippers (with boat), photographers (with 35mm camera and a 200mm or longer (ana), and data recorders. Orientation and a training workshop, In preparation for Survey No. 35, will be held Dec. 6 in Hawes Hall at Armstrong Atlantic State University. Anyone interested in learning more . about the Dolphin Project is invited to attend the orientation, beginning at 9:15 am. for approximately one and a half hours. Training for those wishing Mariene Cessna $30. Orchid Watercotor Painting Nov. 18 from 10 am.-l p.m. Jerry Klmball, one painting done in workshop. $30. Floral Christmas Tree making — freestanding tree to match your decor — 1-3 pm Nov. 22. $17. Plate painting —10 a.m.-l pm Nov. 19. Blllie Strickland. $10. Poinsettia Ban ornament painting — 5:308:30 pm Nov. 21. Barbara Percell. $10. Landscape oil painting — 9:30 am.-6 p.m. Nov. 22. Blllie Strickland. $35. ' low-income individuals. This orientation is for Chatham and Effingham resi-. dents. Call 650-7861 for more Informattan. COLOMAL QUITS CLASSES: AH classes wW be held at U710A Largo. Drive. Must register ahead offline and . pick up supply list For more information, call 9250055. Chained Stars Quilt Class —10 am.-2 p.m., two sessions; beginning Nov. 29. Cost: $25. Beginner's Quick Quilt — 10 a.m.-2 p.m., four sessions, beginning Nov. 26. Cost: $40. Savannah In Paper Piecing II Class —10 am.-lp.rn., two sessions, beginning to participate In the January survey Dec. 2. Cost: $25. wlH follow the orientation. The program ,. Slippers for the Whole Family Class —10 will conclude by 1 p.m. Training for am Nov. 18. Cost: $12. experienced members who wish to Radiant Star Tree Skirt Class — 6:30 advance to the position of "team . leader" wlH begin at 9:45-am. pm, two sessions, beginning Nov. 18. For additional Information, call 925-7420, Cost: $20. HoHday Table Runner Class —10 am-2 354-9377 or (803) 837-2612. pm Nov. 20. Cost: $12. „ SONNET WRTTWG WORKSHOP WHI be held Mr. Claus Class —10 ajn.-4 pjn. Nov. from 8-10 p.m. Nov. 20 at 429 22. Cost: $20, plus pattern. Abercom St., Wesley Monumental Stamp Your Own Christmas Cards Class — United Methodst Church Fellowship noon-2 p.m. Nov. 21. Cost: $18, Hall. Presented by the Poetry Society Includes kit. of Georgia. Free. The public is Invited. Call 897-5015. NMHT STAR POTTERY: MICHAELS' CUSMS POR NOVEMBER: Located on Abercom Extension next to Book&A-Mllllon. Basic Drawing — beginner or advanced — 6:30-8:30 p.m. Nov. 18. Betsy Haun. $10. Let's Get Loose watercolor — 6:30-9 p.m. Nov. 18 and 25. Separate classes beginners. Maxlne Helmey. $8. Santa Frosted Ball ornament — 1-4 p.m Nov. 16. Barbara Percell. $10. Mini Painting with one-stroke watercolor — 10 a.m. 1 p.m. Nov. 20. Jerry Klmball. $30, Tole and Decorative Brush Stroke — Basic beginning: 3:3O7 p.m. Nov. 22, Barbara Percell. $10. Bob Ross oil painting — 1-5 p.m. Nov. 16. •The Rise and Fall of King Cotton" — Jonathan Bryant, Georgia Southern University — 7 pm Nov. 20. Workirg the Waters: Georgia's Shrimping and Oystering Industry" — Jack Leigh, photographer-T- 7 pm Dec. 11. Book signing following program. All programs are in the library at Hodgson Hall, 501 Whitaker St., and are free and open to the public. Call 651-2125 for more information. YOUTH DANCE CUSSES.wlll be ongoing Wednesdays, 6-8 pm (13-20 years of age); Fridays, 4-5 p.m. (&8 years), 56 pjn. (9-12 years), and &8 p.m. (13-20 years); Saturdays, 1-2 pm. (643 years), 2-3 pm (9-12 yeas) and 46 p.m (1320 years). The free classes will be held at W.W. Law Center, 909 E. Botton St. Presented by Leisure Sarvfcec/YouuV Futures. For more information, call 651-6787. THE SEACOAST WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD will hold its weekly Job training orientation at 10 am. Nov. 19 at Savannah Technical Institute, 5417 White Bluff Road, In the Clm Lab Room 217. SeaCoast offers free training to welfare recipients, (aid-off workers and ongoing series of free afternoon and . evening classes: Tuesday: 4-5 p.m., Drama Class; arid 6-7 pm. Intanmedate/Advance African Modem Dance (14 and older), adults welcome. .'. Wednesday: +6|&nv, Irnanl Choir, 4-5 t pm, BegVnlng Bsjiat/Modem (6-11 years old); 5:30-7 pm, Afctean Drum Claw (6-20 years old); and 5SO«:30 pm, IrAarmadtote Modem/African Basic Techniques, 6:3O8:30 p.m. Nov. 17. •. Learn a variety of techniques from faux finishes, opaque vs. transparent stenciling to sponging. Katherine Sandoz, a , graduate of Savannah College of Art arid Design, wHI gukto your Wees with her helpful hints and tricks. Fruits and vines, 7-9 pm Nov. 20. Shae Stanley, a graduate of the University of Georgia, wiH teach you how to paint '. . Dance (12 years and older), and shade fruits and vine* on a pottery Thursday: 6-7 p.m., Intermediate carved bird figures created by local Modern/African Done* (14 years and piece of your choice. artists W Law** and W» aon, Tim.'at older); and 6-7 pm Capoeira Angola Floral Design, 6:308:30 p.m. Nov. 24. 1100 Elsenhower Square next to the (African instrument Making Katherine Sandoz will teach you how theaters. The figures will be on display free through December. to design spiral roses, daislM, tulips, Workshop). For more information, call Tanya S. Hunter CREATIVECOUECTIBLE* ARTS AND sunflowers, pansles and daffodils on a CRAFTS, 40 E. Factors Walk, exhibits at 661-6810. pottery piece of your choice. the work of 70 artists. Featured in Cost of each class Is $16 plus cost of pot- ART HBTORY LECTURE BERKS — The TeifalrMueeum of Art presents a free, November are 20 new artists. Includtery. Each class is limited to 18 stueight-pan Art History Lecture Series • ing Isabella Davis, stained glass, and dents. Prepay for three clastes and through April 1998. The series will Helen Harris, floral designs. Hours: 10 get one class in December free. Does range from ancient to contemporary a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Saturday. Call 238not include pottery. Midnight Star is at western art. 213 W. St. Julian St. Call 236-3473. 9148. CUSSES, READINGS & LECTURES « March 22 — The Foundations of Modernism: From Impressionism to Cubism Diane Lesko, director. Telfair Museum of Art. April 5 — Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Modern Art (But Were Afraid to Ask). Christine C. Neal, cura tor of fine arts & exhibitions, Telfair. Museum of Art. April 19 — Trends/Issues in Contemporary Art. Julie McGuire, professor of art history, Georgia Southern University. Each lecture will be free to the public and presented at 3 p.m. on a Sunday. Seating is available on a first-come basis. For more Information, call the Telfair Museum of Art Department of Education at 2321177. Nov. 23 — Great Artists of the Renaissance. Daniel Levlne. professor of art history, Savannah College of Art & Design. Dec. 7 — The Age of Baroque and the Art of Becoming. Roy Sonnema, professor of art history, Georgia Southern University. Feb. 15 — From Royalists to Realists: Art in the Age of Revolution. Holly Koons, assistant curator of eduction, Terfair Museum of Art. im PEOPLE* utv SCHOOL is in * Savannah through December. The course is being taught by local attorneys, who cover a broad range of legal The two-hour classes are each Monday In the fall and winter quarters. The • course is designed to help participants better understand how the legal system protects and preserves Justice and fairness. To register, call the Coartat Georgia Center at 651-2767. The cost of each'sesaton and the hanoV out materials Is $10. . • Participants may attend as many of the classes as desired. Every student. receives handout materials for each of the Bartons and a certificate. The school Is sponsored by the Georgia •CMI Justice Foundation and the Law Offices of Howard E. Sprva, who will chair the school. ATTRACTIONS MMMTV 0TH AR1 FORCE HERTMAE ; MUSEUM honors the more than one million men and women who have served In the 8th Air Force since It was created In Savannah In 1942, and is now open to the public from 10 am.6 pjn. seven days a week. It features a 100,000 volume capacity library, archlvei, memorial gardsns, an art gallery, meeting and study rooms, a gift shop and a anack bat at wed at a t*W txNb* tret The 9aoOO««M» > foot museum It located at the War-, section of Interstate 96 and U.S. 80 lExjt 18) in Pooler. Admission is by membership card or by purchasing tickets at $7.50 for adults, $6.50 for children ages 6-12. Children under six are admitted free. Group rates are, available at $5.50 per person for groups of 20 people or moff. RAtPH MARK MLBERT OWL RJBMlt MUSEUM showcases Savannah* dynamic role In one of the.tiatton's most significant and critical eras: thi CMI Rights Movement. Located at 460 Martin Luther Klrg Jr. Boulevard, the museum Is open 9 ajtt-S pm Monday through Saturday and 1-6 pjn. Sunday. Cost: $4 adults, $3 aBntor*, $2 students. 231-8900 CHATHAM COUNTY OARDEN CENTER/BOTANICAL GARDENS, 1388 Eisenhower Drive. This 1840s farm house, was relocated and restored as a center for developing landscaped gar dens of interest to the area and educa tional purposes. The lOacre tract pro vldes a variety of seasonal plantings. Sponsored by Savannah Area Council of Garden Clubs. Open 10 a.m. 2 p.m. Mortday Friday arxJ Oy special arrangement. Cost: $3 adults for guided tour. 3553883 THE GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, 501 Whitaker St. is open 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Tuesday-Saturday. Call. 651-2125. MUSEUM Of COASTAL HISTORY and St. Simons Lighthouse is open seven days a week. Hours: 10 a m.-5 p.m., Monday-Saturday and 1:30- 5 p.m. Sunday. Closed on holidays. Admission prices: 12 and over $3, children 6-11 $1, and under six free. TOURS OF HISTORIC RRST BRYJIN BAPTIST CHURCH are available 10 a.m. noon on Wednesdays by appointment. 232-5526 or 233-7366. MVENPORT HOUSE AND MUSEUM, 324 E. State St., is open 10 am-4:30 pm daily. Walking tours on the hour and hatthour; last tour at 4 p.m. each day. $4 general admission, $3 for ages & 18, free for children under 6. 2368097, EfflNOHAM OLD JAM. MUSEUM, Pine and. Early streets in Springfield, is open 2-5 pjn. Sundays. Coat: Free, but donations are accepted. mnTMTAIIiinii ItTATf HUTfJUlf PARK, nine miles east of Richmond Hill, is an example of a Confederate earthwork fortification. It has a museum, historical movie, tours by reservation, and camping. Open 9 a.ra-5 pjn.' Tuesday-Saturday, and 2-5:30 pjn. \ Sunday. Closed Monday. $1.50 for * adutts, 75 cents for children ages 5- • 12. 727-2339. PORT PUASMIOnONAL MONUMENT, U.S. 80 East between Savannah and ^ Tybee Island, js where, in 1862, defense strategy changed worldwide when rifled cannon first first overcame' a masonry fortification. Museum ' exhibits, audiovisual program, bookstore, nature trails, boat launching ; ramp and a picnic area are available. Open 8:30 am.-5:15 p.m. daily. Admission: $2. under 17 free. 786: 5787. QRFFNMn DRJM HOUSE, Madteon Square, was Gen. William T. Sherman's headquarters during the Union occupa-1' tlon of Savannah and is the parish. '. house of St. John's Episcopal Church. Open 10 am-4 pjn. Tuesday-Saturday. $4 for adults, $2 for students. 2333845. HAMUON-TURNCR MUSEUM, 330 Abercom St., across from Lafayette Square. It is where the character "Mandy" from "Midnight in the Garden and Good and Evil" lives. Tours dally • 10 am-5 p.m. Cost: $5 adults, $2.50 children. Walking tqurs start at the . house and go throughout historic downtown Savannah. Cost: $10 adults. $5 children. Make reservations. Ghost tours are offered every Friday and . ' Saturday night at 8:30 pm Cost: $10 adults. $8 children. 2334800. MSTORtC RAEROAO SHOPS on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. These antebellum shops, a National Historic Landmark, recently designated as the official State of Georgia railroad museum, make up the oldest and most complete railroad repair and manufacturing facilities remaining in the United States. Operating HO model railroad layout, volunteer activities. Open daily 10 am-4 p.m. for self-gukJed tours. Fee: $2i50 adults; $2 seniors, students and military. 651-6823. KMH MUSEUM, 505 W. 36th St., has African carvings and other artifacts. Open 11 am.-5 pm. and 7-9 pjn. Tuesdays and Thursdays by appointment only. No admission charge. 2368544. ANDREW LOW HOUSE, 329 Abercom St., facing Lafayette Square. Open 1030 am.-4 p.m. weekdays; noorv4 pjn. Sundays; closed Thursdays and national holidays. Last tour at 3:30 pm Donation: $6 for adults; $3 for children 6-12; Including Girt Scouts and Scout leaders, children under 6 free. 2336854. JUUETTE GORDON LOW OWL SCOUT CENTER, 142 Bull St.. Is open from 10 am-4 p.m. weekdays except Wednesday, 10 am-4 p.m. Saturday arid 12:304:30 p.m. Sunday. $5 for . adujts, $4 for children 6-18 and students.. Free for children 5 and under. * Discount for Girt Scouts. 2334501. , «*•> ftOUT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, v 330 Drayton St., Is open 10 am-5 pan. Tuesday through Saturday. Features historic Girt Scout memorabilia,'gift shop and merchandise, and > activity center for troops. Free. Troops should call ahead to register for activi. tie*. 232-8200. MABBRT HERTfAOE CENTER of the Savannah-Chatham Public Schools. '207 E. Gordon St., has exhibits on Savannah's unique city plan; Egyptian, '. Q»ek, Roman and Victorian archltec . tun; and a 19th century schoolroom. Open 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday Friday. • Admission: $2. 651 7022. OMflAM) ISLAND EDUCATION CENTER, 711 Sandtown Road, has a trail sy& tern, plant and animal exhibits, and a hist one cabin site. Open 8.30 a.m. 5 p.m. Monday-Friday and 10 a.m.-5 p.m. every Saturday. Admission is $2 per person ages 4 and older. 897 3773. OWENS-THOMAS HOUSE, 124 Abercom, See next page
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