Volume 10, Number 3 May - June 2012 Exercise Is Essential How To Live On A Smaller Income A Quilting Legacy FITNESS TIPS “Berkeley Senior Services is a funded partner with United Way of the Eastern Panhandle.” Please designate your CFC and United Way donations to Berkeley Senior Services #98181 3 Do We Really Need To Exercise? 4-5 Senior Spotlight 6 Activities and Wellness-May & June 7-8 Event Calendars 9 How to Save Money & Transportation 10 AARP and Birthday Bash 11 Senior Support Service & EGO Club 12 Bus Trips 13 Volunteer of the Month 14-15 A Look Inside Our In Home Care 16 Puzzle & Brain Fitness 17-18 Menus - May & June 19 Thank Yous & Wish List 20 Adult Day Services 21 Family Caregiver Support Groups 22 Best Exercise for over 60 Crowd How To Reduce Prescription Costs 23 Assessing Your Driving Abilities Senior Spirit available online! www.yourbg.com click on Senior Spirit and find it also at www.berkeleyseniorservices.org Published by 415 Wilson Street • Martinsburg, WV 25401 (304) 267-9983 • Fax (304) 263-7106 Display Ads: graphics@yourbg.com ADULT DAY SERVICES IN-HOME CARE SENIOR SUPPORT SERVICES NUTRITION PROGRAM TRANSPORTATION RECREATIONAL AND SOCIAL ACTIVITIES MISSION STATEMENT Our mission at Berkeley Senior Services is to offer a network of programs and services to enable Seniors to remain independent, participating members of our community. Berkeley Senior Services is funded by the WV Bureau of Senior Services, Upper Potomac Area Agency on Aging, Berkeley County Commission, The City of Martinsburg, United Way of the Eastern Panhandle (CFC # 98181), and by private donations. The Senior Center will provide services to persons 60 years of age or older, irrespective of sex, race, creed, color, national origin, political affiliation, belief, or handicap. Persons under age 60 are welcome guests to our programs and services and certain restrictions and fees may apply. 2012 BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE Fourth Wednesday of Every Other Even Month at 3:00 Meetings are open to the public On the cover: Chris Strovel receives an award for Years Of Service on the Executive Board Page 2 Shepherd University’s football players donate their community service hours for their “Inclusive Recreation” Class. Left to Right: Dameon Hairston, offensive guard; Anthony Weisenmiller, tight end; Robert Hayes, defensive tackle; and Sean Hull, offensive center. Capture the “Spirit” with BSS Exercise Instructor, Nancy Burke ! Buyers Guide Senior Spirit Wednesday, May 2, 2012 DO WE REALLY NEED EXERCISE? Whether you have just entered your 20’s, reaching your mid 40’s, or celebrating your golden years, proper exercise is essential to a healthy lifestyle. While many seniors stop exercising for a variety of reasons, it is very important for the body to continue to move. It’s equally important that these workouts include 4 different types of exercise seniors need. These include: strength training, endurance exercises, flexibility exercises, and balance exercises. Fran Unger, Leads the OWLS PALA + Fitness Challenge with Seniors * Strength training As we age, our bodies begin to lose bone and muscle mass which makes us weaker, slower, and less able to do things. A great way to prevent and perhaps even reverse some of the damage is to do regular strength training exercises. * Endurance exercises While some seniors find it easy to walk, run, or do other strenuous activities; others find it difficult just walking down the hallway. For both types of people, it is important to participate in exercises that maintain or increase your endurance and stamina. This could include walking, using cardio equipment, or even doing some gardening during the spring and summer. * Flexibility exercises Some things that were once easy may now be more difficult. Much of this is because bodies lose their flexibility and become much more rigid. Even the simple act of walking or opening a door may become a challenge. Exercises that can help with flexibility include yoga and simple daily stretches. * Balance Nothing can be more devastating than a serious injury, such as breaking a hip or dislocating a shoulder because of a loss of balance. It is very important to exercise muscles to improve balance. Whether you are looking for a program using state of the art equipment or an Exercise and Fun, Tai Chi, or Line Dancing class, to enhance balance and flexibility, the fitness program at Berkeley Senior Services has something for everyone. Instructor Nancy Burke leads classes with as much or as little movement to suit the needs of everyone. She also partners with the Shepherd University having students’ complete internships and assist leading activities designed to help our seniors remain physically fit. For more information on the fitness classes available, please check our activities calendars in this issue, or contact Rhonda, Activities Director, at Berkeley Senior Services at 304-263-8873. Taí Chi Class with Eldon Winston Wednesdays 9:30am-11am Silver Age Services We Are Just Like Home Healthy Meals Personal & Longterm Care 304-267-1717 1000 N. High St. • Martinsburg, WV Wednesday, May 2, 2012 XPRESS Painting and Roofing • Gutters • Roofing 304•676•5042 • Painting • Shingles • Interior • Metal 304•258•6686 • Exterior • Standing Seam 304•995•2925 • Residential • Maintenance Free Licensed & Insured • Business/Farms • Metal Roof XPRESSpaintandroof@gmail.com Paint/Repair/Replace Over 30 Years Experience • Deck Staining Call Us Today! FREE ESTIMATES! Thank You and God Bless! Buyers Guide Senior Spirit Page 3 A Quilting Legacy of Love Continues at the Senior Center with NaJibe Sanders! Submitted by NaJibe Sanders & Rick Bell Olive’s 91st birthday. It has been a lot of research and long hours of slow hard work, but I’m glad to say that this project has reached completion, and will be presented to Ms. Olive Bell on April 21st as a gift. When I started quilting classes six months ago at the Senior Center, I had not sewn anything for about thirty years! I didn’t even have a sewing machine. My teacher, Jean, let me borrow one of hers. Five years ago, I moved to Martinsburg with my “bucket list” in hand. I was able to complete all but one-learning how to quilt. One day, I heard a lady (Jean Vogel), talking to Rhonda about teaching quilting at the Senior Center, and I became hopeful and excited! I was the first to sign up for class. A few months ago, while keeping company with a newly met family, I was introduced to Olive Bell, an elegant lady of 90 years young, and we began to talk about her life in a place called Jane Lew, WV, in Lewis County. She showed me pictures of a dirt road town of a few hundred people. She had her son Rick show me crocheted and quilted bed covers that her mother and grandmother had done. Rick then pulled out a very old, beatup box and very old, soiled and stained muslin squares, with hand-embroidered bonnet girls on it, called “The Sun Bonnet Sue Quilt”. Ms. Olive said she remembered working Page 4 with her mother on these pieces when she was a little girl, and that they never finished them. Ms. Olive told Rick to show me the old Singer Sewing Machine her husband gave her as a gift on his return from WWII. She said she made her children’s clothes on it (Rick and Linda Brown). We went to the basement, and there it was, covered with cobwebs. Ms. Olive said to Rick, “Give her my machine, I won’t need it anymore”. I had the machine picked up and taken to a shop, and completely overhauled. She runs like a dream now! To thank Ms. Olive for this wonderful gift, I decided to have her quilt completed, if possible, but was surprised to find that it would cost more than the family wanted to spend. So, through words of encouragement from a quilter named Honey, and help and fabric donations from another WV quilter named Kathy, I decided I would try my best to complete this quilt for Thanks to Jean Vogel for starting this class at the Senior Center, which led me to Ms. Olive Bell, and my addiction and JOY of learning to quilt, and the opportunity to meet so many talented WV quilters. I now belong to three quilt guilds/clubs in WV. One of Jean Vogel’s class projects was quilting adult bibs. Ms. Olive’s caregivers were using towels for this purpose at her meal times, and I was able to quilt 3 decorative bibs for her that have made a big difference! Call me to see how much you can save. Safe drivers cost everybody less. That’s why they pay less. But at Allstate, they pay a whole lot less. In fact, safe drivers save 45% or more on car insurance. Protect your home with Allstate too, and you can save an extra 10%. Why wait? Call me today. Cheryl Walls (304) 754-5750 35 Collins Dr. Martinsburg cherylwalls@allstate.com Insurance subject to terms, qualifications and availability. Actual savings will vary. Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL. © 2010 Allstate Insurance Company Buyers Guide Senior Spirit Wednesday, May 2, 2012 A Quilting Legacy of Love continued... The pictures depict the legacy of quilters over the span of many years! Because of Jean Vogel’s quilting class at the senior center, Najibe was able to preserve this generational piece of art, using materials to protect the integrity of the 100year history, and make it possible for Olive Bell to pass this quilt on to another generation! Henry and Aura Belle Oldaker Romine w/Flodia Olive’s Great Grandparents Flodia Belle Romine Hitt & Olive Smith Bell (Olive’s Mother) Rick Bell holds a bedcover crocheted by Flodia in 1920’s Olive Smith Bell, born 4-21-21, to Dess L. and Flodia Romine Smith. She married Virgil R. Bell in 1942, in Weston, WV. The family moved to Martinsburg in 1952. Olive is a member of the EGO Club, that now meets at the Senior Center. Olive Bell is presented the finished Sun Bonnet Sue Quilt by NaJibe Sanders and son, Rick Bell at her home, as a gift for her 91st Birthday, Saturday, 4-21-12. Flodia Belle Romine Hitt, born on 9-26-1896, (Olive’s Mother). She moved to Jane Lew when she was three years old, and her parents operated a restaurant grocery store until 1923. Flodia moved to Martinsburg in 1980. She was active in DAR, Eastern Star, Farm Women, Senior Center Kitchen Band, and other activities until her death in 1996 at the age of 100. “Double Wedding Ring Quilt” made by Aura Belle in the 1800’s Wednesday, May 2, 2012 Buyers Guide Senior Spirit Page 5 ACTIVITIES & WELLNESS 304-263-8873 Rhonda Singer, Activities Director; Ext. 117 Dianne Waldron, Activities Assistant; Ext. 106 Maria Hamilton, owner of MedCap Pharmacy accompanied Robert Cyparski, pharmacy rotation student from Shenandoah University, and presented Nutrition Education Brian White, City Hospital Wellness Center Leads Warm Ups at OWLS PALA+ Kickoff Berkeley Senior Services collaborates with the Wellness Center @ City Hospital, for the 4th annual Health and Fitness challenge for seniors. of others who are not as well off as ourselves, but still have a great attitude! We never stop growing and learning new thingsage is just a number!” Older Wiser Living Stronger Please read the activities calendars for May and June on Pages 7 & 8 carefully, and find the activities that interest you. Come on in and join us! A volunteer will give you a welcome packet and offer a tour of the senior center. Call Rhonda at 304-263-8873 Ex. 117 for more information. Check the menus too on pages 17 & 18, and sign up for lunch before 9:30 am on a given day in person or via telephone, (304) 263-8873 Ex. 116. PALA+ VICTORY CELEBRATION! 40 seniors, led by Fran Unger, participated in our 12-Week PALA+ (Presidential Active Lifestyle Award) Challenge, whose goal was to exercise at least 30 minutes each day!! Nutrition Education presentations, as well as some yummy samples, were presented to participants on Wednesday mornings, before warming up and walking together at the Senior Center! Testimony: Barb Kwiatkoski had a stroke 19 years ago, but her comment is, “I had the stroke, but the stroke didn’t have me!” Barb has never missed a challenge presented at the Senior Center, and this was no exception. She said it helped her work harder on varied fitness activities and to learn new ideas about nutritious food. “Working on challenges together is always much more fun, and reminds us Page 6 Auditory Processing Testing Chemotherapy Monitoring Ear Wax Removal Hearing Tests Hearing Aid Fittings Hearing Aid Repairs Noise Measurements Tinnitus Evaluations A udiology, Inc. 400 W. King Street (corner of W King & S Church) audiologyinc@ymail.com Jean Bibby checks Edith Powell’s Pressure - Monuments - Markers - Bronze - Engraving Quality Craftmanship Locally Owned & Operated Double Monument $950.00 Single Monument $650.00 Flat Marker $200.00 Providing Professional Hearing Care in Martinsburg for over 20 years. 304-267-8220 Walking together on Wednesdays Michael Zagarella, AuD Doctor of Audiology How’s YOUR Hearing? Buyers Guide Senior Spirit HAMMAKER MEMORIALS 304-263-3677 839 E. Moler Ave., Martinsburg, WV Wednesday, May 2, 2012 Special Events for May: Fri. May 4 @ 10:00-11:45 am: Senior/ Senior Prom with Hedgesville High School Leadership Class-Theme is “Arabian Knights”; Music with DJ-Rick Rohn; Dancing; Refreshments; Games; Prizes; Great Food, and tons of fun! Don’t miss it! Call 304-263-8873 Ex. 116 to sign up! Wednesday, May 2, 2012 Wed. Thurs. & Fri.; May 23, 24 & 25: The Annual Robert W. Jackson Senior Conference at Cedar Lakes, Ridgeley, WV. Come to the Senior Center to get information and registration packet. There is a $100 scholarship available that can be used several ways. Buyers Guide Senior Spirit Friday, May 11th @ 10:30 am: Mother’s Day Celebration Theme is “Mothers wear many hats!” Entertainment with the Opequon Elementary School 2nd Grade Singers! A time to Honor moms and grand moms and share a delicious lunch together! See Page 17 for the 5-11 menu for details! Page 7 9th Annual ROCK-A-THON Hosted by Martinsburg Cracker Barrel Restaurant Sign up at the Senior Center lobby, to rock, and pick up a Sponsor Sheet Saturday, June 2, 2012 9:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. For more information, Call Berkeley Senior Services 304-263-8873, Amy Orndoff Ext. 130 Or Fundraiser Co-chairs Rose Straley--304-274-1125 Dorothy LeFevre--304-274-1910 Proceeds to benefit Berkeley Senior Services Transportation Program Rock-A-Thon will take place rain or shine Cash or checks made payable to Berkeley Senior Services Page 8 Buyers Guide Senior Spirit Wednesday, May 2, 2012 TRANSPORTATION HOW TO LIVE ON A SMALLER INCOME As many baby boomers enter the retirement age, they join the ranks of the seniors who are living on a fixed income. This means they will also have to implement strategies to live comfortably on less money. Upon retirement, many retirees are faced with quite a reduction in income and the reality of making ends meet with this new level of income sets in. Those who are successful are often those who are adapting and are able to budget cleverly. Here are some ideas to do just that. Set priorities - What are the necessities that you cannot skimp on? They may include mortgage or rent, utility bills, or other existing loan payments. These amounts must be deducted from your monthly budget before you will discover how much money will be left over for other things. Downsize where possible - There is an option to cut back on certain things to free up more money. Many people find it is wise to sell their home and move into a smaller condo or apartment. Not only will this lessen a monthly payment, the maintenance will also lessen with a smaller living space. 340-263-8873 Ext. 100 Melodi Shull, Ext.100 Transportation Assistant / Receptionist Beverly Gerlach, Ext. 104 Transportation Supervisor Consider shopping at consignment stores - Many times the merchandise in consignment stores is brand new or has only been used once. This could be the ideal place to turn for housewares, clothing, accessories, and even gifts for others. Get crafty - Sometimes things that are sold at stores for a high price can be replicated at home easily with just a few materials. From curtains to decorative pillows, chances are with a little creativity, you can make these items yourself. Or enlist the help of a friend or family member to assist you in a project. Berkeley Senior Services is a great place for a variety of activities for anyone on a limited income. Whether you are looking for a nutritious lunch (fee for lunch is a suggested donation, based on your income if you are 60+), need transportation to a doctor’s appointment, or want to participate in any of our numerous recreational activities, BSS has something for everyone! For more information on the services offered, contact us at 304-263-8873. Please welcome our new driver Doug Dolan. Need a ride to your doctor or the hospital? Do you want to come to the Senior Center for lunch? We offer transportation to and from the Senior Center and Medical transportation. If you are on Medicaid and need transportation, you will need to contact Beverly at Berkeley Senior Services at 304263-8873, Ext 104 for pre-approval to ride the Berkeley Senior Services vans. REMINDER If you would like to come in to the Center for Special Activities, give us a call and we will do our best to put you on the schedule. SPECIAL MONEY SAVING VALUES Big Cheeseburger 50¢ OFF Any Size BLIZZARD $ Limit 4 Expires: 6/15/12 Limit 4 With This Coupon. Not Valid With Any Other Coupon. $4.99 NO ADDITIONAL WEDNESDAY DISCOUNT. SAVE OVER $ 00 Expires: 6/15/12 2 FREE Car Wash & FREE DQ Treat Expires: 6/15/12 Bronze Wash $6.99, Silver Wash $9.99, Gold Wash $12.99 1016 N Queen St. Martinsburg, WV (Behind Dairy Queen) Wednesday, May 2, 2011 With This Coupon. Not Valid With Any Other Coupon. Martinsburg • Ranson • Inwood Martinsburg • Ranson • Inwood YOU PAY ONLY 49 1 ® Buyers Guide Senior Spirit with Oil Change Expires: 6/15/12 • 10 Point Oil Change & Filter 1016 N Queen St. Martinsburg, WV • Up To 5 Quarts Of Oil (Behind Dairy Queen) With This Coupon. Not Valid With Any Other Coupon. And Winchester Ave. Page 9 AARP/ Driver Safety Program announces special Educators’ discount for classes in July and August BIRTHDAY ROYALTY for the months of March and April In special recognition of educators and their dedication, AARP/ DSP is offering a special fee of only $5 during July and August when taking the class. This includes teachers, administrators, bus drivers, custodians, PTA members, parents, teacher aides - the list is endless! Our regular classes for May and June are as follows: May 16 & 17 from 9 to 1 at BSS with Alan teaching (call him at 304-258-3427 for reservations.) June 18 & 19 at Ranson Senior Center, 9:001:00, call Roger at 304-876-0249, and June 20 & 21 at BSS from 9:00-1:00. Call Helene at 304-267-8756 for reservations. The AARP Driver Safety classroom course is the nation’s first and the largest course designed for drivers 50 and older.. You’ll learn proven safety strategies to help maintain your confidence behind the wheel, so you can make new memories on the road. Plus, you could get a great discount on your car insurance! Ready to sign up? Call the instructors listed here, or Helene Brill for further information at 304-267-8756. March King & Queen Junior Green and Dorothy May April King & Queen Louis Hilliard (Honorary) and Hazel Marie Crosby AARP Safe Driving instructors meet with Governor Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin chose the students’ parking lot of Musselman High School for the ceremonial signing of Senate Bill 211 into law, making it a primary offense to text while driving. Joining the staff and students of the school were AARP/DSP instructors (left to right) Cathy Clark, State Coordinator Bill Clark, Gov. Tomblin, Helene Brill (seated) District Coordinator, and Roger Kyger. AARP/DS has urged the passage of this safety bill since its inception, and they were pleased to be included in the signing ceremony. Page 10 Buyers Guide Senior Spirit Marlene Boarman and Viola Johnson dance during a Birthday Bash Wednesday, May 2, 2012 Senior Support Services Beverly Gerlach Senior Support Supervisor SHIP Counselor, Ext. 104; Stephen Englebright Senior Support Assistant SHIP Counselor, Ext. 105; Kelli Richard, Senior Support Assistant, Ext. 131; Don Stevens, our new Senior Support Assistant, Ext. 122 from 9:00am-11:30am. This service is for seniors 60 and older in Berkeley County. You must have a scheduled appointment in order to meet with Mr. Peters. For more information, please call the Senior Center at 304-2638873, Ext. 104 Notary Services Notary Services are available for Living Wills, ENSURE Program We order Ensure on the 1st and 3rd Medical Power of Attorney, and more. Wednesday of every month for seniors 60 Donations are appreciated so that we may years or older. (suggested minimum continue to provide this service. contribution per case). Call Kelli Richard, West Virginia SHIP Program Monday thru Wednesday, Ext. 131. Senior Support Services SHIP (Senior Health Insurance Counselor) Grocery Shopping Assistance and essential errands For seniors 60 years or older who live in Steve Englebright and Beverly Gerlach are Berkeley County, please call at least five able to assist you with Medicare Part D, business days in advance to be scheduled obtain assistance in Medicaid, and enrollment (suggested donation rates based on a sliding helps towards Medicare Part D. Personal counseling sessions for beneficiaries and scale will be provided). their families by appointment only. Senior Farmers’ Market CouponsMust be at least 60 years old, a resident of Please donate generously, so we can Berkeley County and meet the income continue to provide Senior Support Services. guidelines. You must have a picture ID. E.G.O. ENJOY GROWING OLDER Annual Dues: $10.00 Monthly Dinner: $10:00/per person P. O. Box 1060 Falling Waters, West Virginia 25419 Contact Rose Straley: 304-274-1125 EGO holds a catered dinner meeting at the Senior Center, 217 North High Street, Martinsburg, WV, on the 3rd Monday of each month. There is a scheduled speaker or entertainment. NOTE: For EGO Dinner Meeting, reservation and payment must be paid by the Thursday before the Monday dinner meeting date. The caterer needs this information on Friday. Please call after June 15th to see if you qualify and to be put on a schedule to pick up the coupons. May 21, 2012 Pork BBQ Sandwich, Cole Slaw, Baked Beans, Brownies, Ice Cream, Coffee or Ice Tea. DHHR Representative (Department of Health and Human Resources) June 18, 2012 Tossed Salad, Roast Pork Loin with Sage Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Roll/Butter, Steamed Summer Squash and Sherbert. Representative: Mike Peters will be at the Senior Center. Appointments are scheduled for the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month, Chris Rose answers questions regarding VA Health Benefits July 16, 2012 BBQ Chicken Breast, Fresh Fruit Dish, Potato Salad, Baked Beans, Apple Pie and Ice Cream Cup. August 20, 2012 Tossed Salad, Chicken/Broccoli Alfredo over Pasta, Garlic Bread and Pineapple Fluff. September 17, 2012 PARK PICNIC AT THE October 15, 2012 Tossed Salad, Pot Roast with Redskin Potatoes and Carrots, Roll/Butter and …clair Cake. Anyone interested in joining EGO and learning more about the club, please come join us! Call and make a reservation. 304-274-1125 St. Patrick’s Day Fun! Wednesday, May 2, 2012 Buyers Guide Senior Spirit Page 11 BUS TRIPS PLANNED For additional information regarding trips, call: Rose Straley 304-274-1125 Dorothy LeFevre 304-274-1910 Martha Miller 304-263-0185 Dot Parrott 304-267-7826 Cancellation insurance available upon request for all trips. Wildwood New Jersey 4 Days - 3 Nights June 19-22, 2012 Depart 9:00 am $340.00 per person (double occupancy) Package Includes: • 3 Nights lodging • 3 Breakfasts • 3 Full course dinners while in Wildwood • Visit to Atlantic City and the casinos, including a casino bonus • Dolphin Watch sightseeing Cruise • Experience the spectacular Wildwood Boardwalk • Visit to historic Cape May • Enjoy the finest and safest bathing beach in the world • Daily activities • Fabulous entertainment • Souvenir gift • Luggage handling • All taxes and meal gratuities • Motorcoach transportation PENNSYLVANIA OPRY Mercersburg, Pa. “Fabulous 50’s Music” Lunch at “Mountain Gate” Buffet Style Cost $77.00 per person “WICKED” - at the Hippodrome Theatre in Baltimore, Maryland October 6, 2012 2:00 PM SHOW More information on cost, meal, departure time will follow. Package Includes: • 2 Nights lodging at an oceanfront property • 2 Breakfasts • 2 Dinners • A Dickens-style Christmas at the Boxwood Inn • Virginia Beach’s Holiday Lights at the Beach • Virginia Air & Space Museum • Christmas Imax Movie • Virginia Living Museum • Newport News Park’s Celebration in Lights • Planetarium Show- “Star of Wonder: The Mystery of the Christmas Star” • Guided tour of Colonial Williamsburg • Souvenir gift • Baggage handling • Taxes and standard gratuities • Motorcoach transportation CHRISTMAS TIME IN NEW YORK CITY 2 Days and 1 Night December 3 & 4, 2012 Depart 9:00 am $285.00 per person (double occupancy) Package Includes: • 1 Night’s lodging • 1 Breakfast • 1 Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular, featuring The Rockettes • Guided tour of Lower Manhattan by Bus, to include Ground Zero • Rockefeller Center • Fifth Avenue shopping • Macy’s Herald Square • Souvenir gift • Luggage handling • Taxes and meal gratuities • Motorcoach transportation CHRISTMAS AT THE BEACH Virginia Beach, VA 3 Days - 2 Nights November 26-28, 2012 Depart 8:00 am $314.00 per person (double occupancy) Page 12 Buyers Guide Senior Spirit Wednesday, May 2, 2012 CHARLES MEISTER JERRY OLSEN VOLUNTEER OF THE MONTH OF JANUARY VOLUNTEER OF THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY Charles is an Amazing Man! He is not only on the BSS staff as a van driver, but also contributes greatly to our volunteer team in the Activities Department! He is a substitute Line Dancing Teacher in the absence of Maria Brassfield, who has been out with broken bones from a bad fall several weeks ago. Charles is always dedicated, enthusiastic, and possesses strong leadership skills. He spends many hours learning steps to the dances to teach to the classes on Tuesday and Friday afternoons, from 1:00-4:00 pm. He is patient and loving and thoroughly enjoys what he is doing. He knows that line dancing is an excellent way for him and other seniors to stay fit! Charles also started and leads Sanctioned Duplicate Bridge on the fourth Thursday each month at the Senior Center—another great love of his and the others who join him. His lovely wife, Sue, is the hostess for the group, making sure all is taken care of during the games. Charles puts his heart and soul into all he does and impacts many seniors through his van driving and dedicated volunteer commitment at BSS! Thank you Charles! Submitted by: Rhonda Singer, Activities Director Jerry is an incredibly active board member and Chairperson of our Fund Development Committee. He is also the Executive Director of the Washington Redskins Alumni. I have had the privilege of working closely with Jerry on planning the Celebrity Breakfast, and what an amazing “go getter”! On Saturday, March 31st Berkeley Senior Services honored Martinsburg High School Head Football Coach Dave Walker, at their annual Celebrity Sports Breakfast. Among those who attended were, NFL Hall of Famers, Sam Huff and Charley Taylor. Other Washington Redskin Alumni who attended were Roy Jefferson, Ron McDole, Mike Bragg, Pat Fischer, Jimmie Jones, and Ron Saul. Sam Huff award February Volunteer of the Month Jerry Olsen and Martinsburg High School Head Football Coach Dave Walker at the Celebrity Breakfast recipient and Martinsburg High School Senior, Logan Jenkins, also attended the event. The buffet style breakfast began with welcoming words from Jerry, followed by each of the Redskin Alumni, speaking on the impact of high school coaches on their own lives. Jerry is a fantastic leader, as well as an invaluable team player! Whether attending the board meetings or serving a meal, he is more than willing to jump in and assist wherever and whenever needed. Thank you Jerry for all you do! Submitted by Amy Orndoff Resource Development Coordinator From left to right, NFL Hall of Famer Charley Taylor, Martinsburg high School Head Football Coach Dave Walker, NFL Hall of Famer Sam Huff, and 2011 Sam Huff Award Winner, MHS Senior, Logan Jenkins ELAINE MCLAUGHLIN VOLUNTEER OF THE MONTH OF MARCH “I wanted to give seniors, who never had the chance to take lessons, to experience that great joy!” said Elaine McLaughlin, a year ago in March, when she started teaching piano to seniors on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday afternoons at the Senior Center. And JOY it has been for each of the 15 piano students that Elaine has taught, primarily at the beginner level! Each student has a positive testimony. When asked, “How do you like piano lessons with Elaine”, Phyllis Michael said, without hesitation, “I love it! Wednesday, May 2, 2012 My patient instructor is why I love it. I’ve had many piano instructors, but Elaine has been the most patient.” We are all very grateful for Elaine, who gave generously of her time, coming in three days a week, and giving back by sharing her gift of music with seniors and enriching their lives over the past year! She plans to continue teaching piano in the future, at her home, for interested students. Submitted by: Rhonda Singer, Activities Director Buyers Guide Senior Spirit Elaine enjoys teaching Phyllis Page 13 A LOOK INSIDE OUR IN-HOME CARE A Vital Service offered by Berkeley Senior Services! Mr. Marvin “Jimmy” Bowers was diagnosed with a debilitating and progressive disorder that causes him to require assistance with his activities of daily living. Jimmy’s family support has been the back-bone of his care; however, the family decided to pursue other means of assistance in addition to the family support, to help meet Jimmy’s needs. Jimmy’s mother, Ms. Betty Bowers, made a phone call to Berkeley Senior Services and was able to speak with the Aged and Disabled Waiver Case Manager, Ryan Bird, LSW. After discussing the additional care Jimmy would need, beyond family support, in order to keep him at home, Ryan, Ms. Bowers and Jimmy agreed that the Title XIX West Virginia Medicaid Aged and Disabled Waiver Program could meet those needs. Therefore, Jimmy applied for the program. Once approved for the WAVIER program, Ryan was able to connect Jimmy with Homemaker services, apply for appropriate assistance through WV DHHR, refer him to appropriate InHome Skilled Care, and set a support plan in place, that Jimmy and his family agreed would meet the wide range of Jimmy’s needs. Before Jimmy’s annual medical recertification for the WAIVER program came due, Jimmy had a medical set-back that caused his need for assistance in the home to increase. Jimmyís Homemaker, RN, Robin Raines, and his Case Manager, Ryan, were able to work with Jimmy, his family, and his physicians, by advocating for additional homemakers hours. Those extra hours were awarded. With the addition of these extra homemaker hours, Jimmy was again able to have his needs met in the home, without having to pursue placement into a Skilled Nursing Facility. With continued support from family, friends, and the WV ADW Program, Jimmy has remained in his home with his family in a dignified manner, according to his wishes. Ms. Betty Bowers has stated to Berkeley Senior Services In-Home Care Department staff on numerous occasions, “If it wasn’t for you all [Berkeley Senior Services In-Home Care Department, including Jimmy’s homemakers], Jimmy would not be here in his home with the rest of his family. Thank you for all you have done for us.” It remains the goal of Jimmy, his family, and the Berkeley Senior Services In-Home Care Department staff, to keep Jimmy in his home as long as possible according to his wishes. Not all programs through the Berkeley Senior Services In-Home Care Department are exclusively for what is referred to as seniors/60 years or older, but adults that are physically disabled, such as Jimmy, that require assistance with the Activities of Daily Living. The programs are there to supplement and/or assist the family, but never to take away what the family and clients are capable of doing for themselves. Our staff takes great care helping, not only seniors, but other disabled individuals, to remain independent community members. If you are interested in what InHome programs may be available to you, please call the In-home Care Department at our Direct Line of 304-596-5514, or stop by the office at “The Pink House” right next to the Berkeley Senior Center. Submitted by Ryan Bird LSW, Disabled Waiver Case Manager IHC Employee of the Month for January IHC Employee of the Month for February IHC Employee of the Month for March Tonya Mesner Norma Ryder Darcia Hess Page 14 Buyers Guide Senior Spirit Wednesday, May 2, 2012 IN-HOME CARE 304-596-5514 - 304-596-2491 Robin Raines, IHC RN, Supervisor: Ext. 119; Shirley Huntzberry IHC RN, Supervisor: Ext.112 ; Ryan Bird, Case Manager: Ext. 115; Wendy Webber, IHC Program Manager: Ext. 121; Dianne Boyd, IHC Program Coordinator: Ext. 124; Molly Greenfield, IHC Program Coordinator: Ext. 124 Berkeley Senior Services providing quality care for seniors and persons with disabilities for over 40 years! 3rd Annual Mother’s Day Memorial A good time to stop and reflect on those women who have selected this very tiring, challenging (and many times unappreciated) role in life. Sunday, May 13 • 2PM Rosedale Cemetery 917 Cemetery Road • Martinsburg, WV 304-263-4922 Berkeley Senior Services is Your First Choice for In-Home Care for Our Community’s Seniors! Pastor Dave Caplinger and wife Linda Officiating The House of the Lord, Martinsburg, WV Balloon Release donated by Roses Garden & Treasures Florist & Gifts Let us help you regain your independence and your quality of life. The staff at Berkeley Senior Services In-Home Care Department is dedicated to keeping our clients healthy, comfortable and independent in their homes for as long as possible. We provide our community with quality and compassionate care. Our staff and Fantastic team of 100+ In-Home Care Aides make their CLIENTS THEIR NUMBER ONE PRIORITY! Stony Pointe Apartments 19 Tevis Circle, Martinsburg, WV (Behind United Bank and Arby’s on Edwin Miller Blvd ) For a fulfilling career, become an In-Home Care Aide with us. Our Aides are trained in CPR, First Aid, and also receive additional eight-plus hours of IHC standard training. It is also mandatory for our caregivers to attend classes for continuing education on health issues. They also receive state to state background checks and fingerprinting. Hepatitis B Vaccine is offered, but not mandatory. If you are a caring and reliable person with a valid driver’s license and automobile, please fill out an application at the “Pink House” 217 N. High St. Martinsburg, WV Monday-Friday from 8:00am-4:00pm 304-596-5514 - 304-596-2491 Wednesday, May 2, 2012 For more Details Call (304)283-8631 or visit www.AikensGroup.com Property Amenities Include! Location...Location...Location Water and Sewer included in Rent Large yard space High Speed Internet Ready Basketball Court • Picnic tables Grills • Central Air Conditioning All units include patio/balcony Full size washers and dryers Units with Fireplaces and Cathedral Ceilings Available Buyers Guide Senior Spirit Page 15 BRAIN FITNESS The vast majority of people who think about exercise, really only ever consider the exercise that goes into the human body. In reality, however, it is important for you to make sure that every part of your body is as fit as possible. This would include the brain, which is not only necessary for thought, it can actually help you in many ways to overcome barriers that you may be experiencing in the gym. Here are some brain fitness exercises that will help you to get the most out of this all-important part of the body. One of the most important things for you to understand is that in order for the brain to be sharp, you need to exercise it regularly. This is something that many people have lacked, simply because they spend most of their time watching TV or mindlessly surfing the internet. A number of things that can assist you in doing so would be mind games, such as crossword puzzles or sudoku. As a matter of fact, as people age, their doctor may recommend Page 16 that they do these puzzles regularly in order to keep the mind sharp. Another thing that can really affect the function of the brain is our diets. There is an old saying, you are what you eat, and our brain is going to get the lions share of what we put into the body. The reason why this is the case, is because it is responsible for so many different functions that go on within the human body and it must be nourished in order for everything to function properly. Eating a diet that is high in raw fruits and vegetables is a great way to start. You should also make sure that you are feeding it throughout the day so that you do not experience any highs or lows in your sugar levels. One of the most essential things that you can do is to make sure that your brain is getting enough water as well. The human body, and especially the brain is made up almost entirely of water and if you are depriving yourself of this natural resource, Buyers Guide Senior Spirit you’re really depriving yourself of the ability to lead a normal life. Hydrate yourself thoroughly by drinking half of your body weight every day in ounces of water and you will notice a huge difference in the function of your mind. Although it is not really one of the brain fitness exercises, such as puzzles, it is equally or more important to do regularly. Finally, make sure that you’re getting enough rest as the brain needs rest in order to grow mentally. Most of us tend to push ourselves and only get six hours of sleep a night or less, but the human brain needs much more than that in order to function properly. Whenever you put all these things together, diets, hydration, proper rest and the use of a few brain fitness exercises, you will really have a resource that will benefit you in many different ways. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert= Guido_Nussbaum Wednesday, May 2, 2012 Colorful Eggs add to the lunch trays for the Spring Celebration Wednesday, May 2, 2012 Nutrition Program (304-263-8873) Ext. 113 or 126 Join us for a nutritious meal every Monday through Friday at the Senior Center. Meals are served from 12:00-12:30 in our beautiful dining room. See our menus online, in our Senior Spirit, or come in Buyers Guide Senior Spirit to the Senior Center and pick up a current copy. Check our menus and sign up before 9:30 am on a given day or call 304-263-8873 to get your name added to our list. Also, be sure to sign up for our “special occasion lunches”, such as the Birthday Bash, the third Friday of each month! Meals are delivered to: * Senior Towers * North Site (2nd Tuesday of the month) * Ambrose Towers * Stonewall Haven * Homebound Seniors We count on your generous donations to continue to provide the lunch program for you! Page 17 Moroccan Carrot Salad Recipe source by the West Virginia Bureau of Senior Services, Food and Fitness, Susan M. Poindexter 1 pound carrots, sliced (about 4 cups) 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro (or parsley) 2 to 4 gloves garlic, minced 1/2 tsp. ground cumin 1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon 1/2 tsp. paprika Pinch of salt 1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper (optional) Page 18 Buyers Guide Senior Spirit Cook carrots in a small amount of water until they are tender but not soft, about five minutes. Drain and set aside. Combine remaining ingredients in a small jar, seal, and shake until mixed thoroughly. Pour over carrots; cover and let sit for about an hour so spices can permeate the carrots. Serve chilled or at room temperature. Wednesday, May 2, 2012 Thank You! Shepherd University - Office of Student Community Services and Service Learning (100lbs. of Sweet Potatoes), Jerry Mays, Gerry Whitford, Dan & Joanne Hit, Dolores Brown, Bennett Family, Tracey Behn. Donations to Adult Day Services: Nancy Burke, Barbara Meller, Rick Pickwick (Edible Arrangements) and Two Anonymous Thank You for Your Support! Activities Department Wish List Monetary Gifts from BSS Friends: Barbara A. Asgari, Larry Redman, Sharon McDonald, Pearl Terrell, Edward Files Potters Bowl Donations: The Center for Positive Aging, Robert E. Bowen, M.D., Sylvia Sanders, Cathy McCalister with Highmark West Virginia an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, G & Triple T LLC- Carol Anne Tabler * Hardback and paperback books * DVDs * Books on Tape * Birthday, Sympathy & Get Well Cards * Cosmetic items for Men & Women’s Birthday Gifts * Ironing Board- New or in good condition for quilting class * Cotton Fabric for Quilting Class Call 263-8873 for more details on any items. Hedgesville Church (Seniors) in Honor of Mary Murphy: Jim and Betty Bowers in Honor of Marvin Bowers “Jimmie”: Clara R. Evans in Memory of Clara V. Roberts Adult Day Services Wish List Wednesday, May 2, 2012 We are very grateful to the businesses and individuals who support our nutrition program. Thanks to the Lord’s Table Food Bank for the English Muffins; Arden United Methodist Church for donations of vegetables and fruits; for Petrucci’s ice donations on a regular basis; Martin’s Food Store for weekly breads and sweets; Gene Detrow for the donation of Pork Roasts; and to Rick Lowman, for the consistent donations of goodies and boxes of non-perishable food items! Thank You! Please-No magazines or VHS tapes Contributions in Memory & Honor of Family Members & Friends: Donations of items and services: J. Scott Boyd from South Berkeley Pharmacy, Rick Pickwick of Edible Arrangements in Martinsburg,Chick- FilA Restaurant, Kathleen Keisecome, Pauline & John Hornberger, David & Cathy Staubs, Melodi Shull, Marie Crosby, Luther & Pearl Terrell, Alice Ott, Bernie Cookus, Tracey Behn, Delores Bailey, Clifton Brooks, Jr., Linda Humes, Bill Ashforth, Penny Malcom, Diane Steece, Dorothy LeFevre, Ryan Byrd, Paula Greenfield, Jo Fridinger, Mary C. Myers, Marvin Wilson, Mary Cleminson, Rick Frye, Donna Barbour, Catherine E. Smith, Nutrition Program *Easy handy-work projects for men *Potting soil *Flower seeds *bird seeds *bird suet supplies (peanut butter, shortening, flour) *Hand sanitizer *facial tissues *moist towelette wipes *Craft foam *Craft paint *laundry detergent *snacks including low sodium/sugar (pudding, cookies, ice cream, PB & J, unsweetened drink mixes, non-herbal tea bags, instant tea, and decaf. coffee). Food items must be in unopened, unexpired store packaging. All items are tax deductible and donations will be acknowledged in our Senior Spirit. American Legion Post 14 BINGO WEDNESDAY NIGHTS Doors Open 5:30pm Early Birds 6:30pm • Regular Bingo 7:00pm ~ Refreshments Available For Purchase ~ Handicap Accessible ~ SMOKE FREE HALL THURSDAY NIGHTS 5:00PM to 8:00PM ALL U CARE TO EAT SPAGHETTI $4.00 Eat In • $5.00 To Go STEAK NIGHT 5:00PM to 8:00PM First Saturday of the Month 9oz. Steak includes $10.00 Advance Veg., Salad, Roll $12.00 At Door 125 W. Race Street • Martinsburg, WV For More Info. Call 304.267.6100 Help Us Help Veterans! Buyers Guide Senior Spirit Page 19 ADULT DAY SERVICES Caregivers’ Book of Experiences 304-263-8873, Ext. 114 Celebrating 16 Years! Supporting Families in Adult Caregiving bssads1@berkeleyseniorservices.org Program Manager: Kathy McIntyre, BSW, LSW(15+) Ext. 114 Activities Coordinator: Katherine Donovan(5+) Ext. 118 Activities Assistants: Dale Bradfield(5+), Carrie Carper, Deana Keplinger(5+), Sarah Melchek, Shelley Lynn(5+), Lily Pryle, Jessica Seibert, Gloria Simmons and Kathleen Teter(New!). Adult Day Services is provided to assist family caregivers through: *Respite support at the center and at home by providing supervisory assistance to a loved one while family gets a break from the constancy of care. This respite time enables the assisted adult loved ones to receive supervision (and help as needed) in doing meaningful activities of their interest with others as a way to maintain current abilities and interaction with others. *Counseling on methods of support at home and alternate care options. *Support group opportunities to gain fresh insight and feeling of not being alone. *Educational opportunities on related issues to help family caregivers provide the best care for their loved one while also caring for themselves in the process. If you are a family caregiver, an assisted adult, or someone looking for a worthwhile volunteer experience, now is a great time to check out what ADS is all about and how we may be just what you are looking for. Come to the Senior Center and fill out an application. Learn all about of our ADS or other BSS volunteer opportunities! Contact Veda McDowell at 304-263-8873, Ext. 103. You are welcome to visit our day program between 8:00am and 5:00pm weekdays or simply call us for more information. NewADS Staff Member, Kathleen Teter, assists in the Egg Hunt Page 20 Due to expressed interest by local family caregivers, we are coordinating the production of a book that will educate, comfort, inspire, & sustain family caregivers. Submissions to this project can also help bring healing and closure to individual caregivers who have completed their caregiving journey. If you are currently caregiving for an assisted adult family member or friend, or have done so in the past, you are welcome to share something about that experience. It can take the form of: * a poem of a single event or your feelings during the journey, * a diary entry of a particularly challenging or rewarding day, * your own created drawing of the life of a caregiver, * a list of wise statements of advice, * one single sentence in particular that impacted you, * a short story of a particular event, or * any other way you wish to express an aspect of your caregiving experience. “A thought I could submit would be ìIn looking back to that last few years with my parents, I remember being a bit confused why mom would have a small photo in her sock drawer, a poem written by a niece in her scarf drawer, other little mementos in another drawer, and wondering if there may be some dementia developing, never having the opportunity to go through her drawers before. I concluded that this discovery was her way of leaving herself little remembrances around so that they could evoke warm memories as she went about her routine day. What a secret, yet positive, habit she had!” There are no wrong ways to express the most memorable thoughts, feelings, experiences Buyers Guide Senior Spirit as all can be used as a learning or confirming tool. It is expected that there will be submissions that will shed light on the dark, suffocating, prisontype experiences some caregivers understandably feel. Other folks will share the joy, strength, and reward they gained through their journey. Some submissions will include situations that will make you laugh (because life is funny and humor is therapeutic). I know of a caregiver who said his father used the toilet brush to clean the kitchen table! - Not funny at the time, but now he can laugh about it. Other submissions will pull at the heart strings. I remember a caregiver who shared that she was always the “black sheep” of the family. Yet she was the one who ended up caring for her mother with Alzheimer’s-and it was the best their relationship had been, ever! So, have I convinced you to share a bit of your caregiving journey with others? Please submit your information via e-mail at bssads1@ berkeleyseniorservices.org or you can mail or hand-deliver at 217 N. High St. Martinsburg, WV 25404. You are welcome to submit more than one entry. If you are comfortable with doing so, you can add your name, name of person you are or had cared for, your relation, and even perhaps something about your loved one such as former bank president, avid storm tracker, or known for her homemade rolls and biscuits. Additional book details will be forthcoming once adequate submissions are received. Wednesday, May 2, 2012 FAMILY CAREGIVING SUPPORT OPPORTUNITIES For more information regarding any of the following listings, call Kathy McIntyre at 304-263-8873, Ext. 114. In the event of inclement weather, please contact the meeting location to confirm status of meeting. Any postponed meeting will be rescheduled the following week. TBI Support Group Providing information and support to brain injury survivors of all ages and/or their loved ones, this group meets the second Tuesday of every month at the Berkeley Senior Center, 6:30pm8:30pm. Meetings include an informative speaker or encouraging activity. Time is provided for supportive interaction among attendees. For more information: * call Lindsey Sipes at (717) 860-3404, * e-mail TBI_supportgroup@hotmail.com, * and/or check our web site: http:// panhandletbisupportgroup.webs.com Lunchtime Alzheimer’s Support If your loved one has memory concerns due to Alzheimer’s or a related dementia, you are welcome to attend a new lunchtime support group to meet at the Berkeley Senior Center, 217 N. High St. Martinsburg, the second Friday of each month, 11:30am-1:00pm. Time will be given to share challenges and successes in your caregiving journey. Experienced family caregivers will provide an understanding ear and share honest, helpful information about what to expect as well as suggestions that work. Helpful take-home literature will also be available. See related flyer in this Senior Spirit for additional information. LunchOut gathering. Contact Kathy ahead to reserve adequate seating. Brain Fitness Club This monthly first Monday 10:00am11:30am educational group is attended by folks concerned about their memory health, may have confirmed early memory loss, or wish to attend with a family member with early memory loss. For more information contact Shari Scolaro at scolaros@frontier.com or call 304-754-4230. Alzheimer’s & Related Dementias Support Group Meets--Second Friday each month 11:30-1:00 pm; This new monthly group is open to anyone affected by Alzheimer’s or a related dementia and their family members. Onsite adult respite care is available and lunch with advance notice. We encourage employers to support their employees who care for an adult family member with dementia, by allowing them a lunch break opportunity to attend these helpful and beneficial meetings. Beginning in June, the meetings will include a half hour educational video: June 8 July 13 August 10 September 14 October 12 November 9 December 14 January 11 February 8 How to care for someone on bedrest How to help someone who uses a Wheel chair Infection control How to manage medications Fall Prevention Fire Safety Elder Abuse and Neglect Personal Care Caregiver wellness For more information, contact Kathy McIntyre at 304-263-8873, Ex. 114. First Friday Lunch Out Treat yourself to a midday break in a light-hearted atmosphere to talk about “everyday topics” as a way of breaking the constant focus on caregiving. Family caregivers are also supported in the sharing of challenges and solution ideas of current caregiving situations. You are welcome to attend any Wednesday, May 2, 2012 Barb Meller leads exercise with ADS THE PERSON COMES FIRST: A PRACTICAL APPROACH TO ALZHEIMER’S CARE: A two-part training for anyone responsible for the care of individuals with Alzheimer’s or Related Dementia Topics to be covered Defining Dementia & Alzheimer’s Disease Effective Communication Understanding & Managing Behaviors Effects of Dementia on Daily Living Tasks Making Activities Meaningful Working with Families $40 Course Tuition. FREE to family caregivers. NOTE: This course includes a take-home manual for the cost of $7.00 to be paid to the instructor the day of class. Students who attend the entire course will receive a certificate of completion. Summer Training Date & Time to Be Announced Call Kathy McIntyre to be put on training call list at 304-263-8873, Ext. 114 Buyers Guide Senior Spirit Page 21 Best Exercises for the Over-60 Crowd The human body needs exercise to operate at full capacity. Exercise is important at any age, but can be particularly beneficial for individuals in their golden years. The key is finding exercises that are both safe and effective. Benefits of Exercise The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that 28 to 44 percent of seniors ages 65 to 75 are inactive, meaning they don’t get enough daily exercise for optimal health. Studies indicate that there are many reasons that seniors should engage in regular exercise. * It can help stave off illness and chronic conditions by keeping the immune system healthy. * It paves the way for better sleep, including falling asleep easier and sleeping more deeply. * Exercise releases natural endorphins, which help a person feel good about him or herself and can boost mood. * Regular exercise can promote weight loss, especially when done in conjunction with a healthy diet. * Improved muscle tone can take pressure off of joints and help with mobility. * Research indicates that exercise can boost brain function and keep dementia at bay. * When participating in social exercise, seniors realize companionship and stress relief. * Exercise can keep systems of the body in check, reducing constipation and helping circulatory issues. Engaging In the Right Exercises While it may have been the norm to do multiple, rigorous repetitions of exercises during one’s youth, older adults should employ different strategies. Certain exercises are better than others and can help reduce the risk of injury. Before starting any type of exercise regimen, seniors should talk with a physician about the pros and cons of certain activities. The doctor may be able to provide guidance as to which activities are better for specific conditions a person has. How to reduce prescription medication costs For the millions of people who rely on prescription medications every day, the day when a drug faces generic competition is one many circle on their calendars. That’s because generic prescriptions are often significantly less expensive than brand name medications, and consumers are able to save substantial amounts of money once a brand name drug faces generic competition. But many men and women currently taking a brand name prescription might be quick to point out that, while generic medications cost less, brand name prescriptions often rise in price in the months before they face generic competition. Such was the findings of a 2011 study from the AARP Public Policy Institute that examined the 217 brand name drugs most commonly used by people in Medicare. Prices of drugs facing generic competition in 2010 rose by an average of nearly 14 percent in 2009, an increase that was nearly twice the amount of all other drugs. So while drugs might be more affordable once they can be purchased generically, consumers can expect brand name drug manufacturers to drastically increase their prices in the months prior to facing generic competition, as the manufacturers are, in a way, looking for one last big revenue score before their patents expire. * Ask for generics. If there are generic alternatives to brand name medications available, always ask a physician for those medications instead of their more expensive brand name counterparts. Your Retirement Destination Independent Living • Assisted Living • Health Care Center A Continuing Care Retirement Community Serving Active Seniors. 16505 Virginia Avenue • Williamsport, MD 21795 301-582-1750 • Toll Free 1-877-849-9244 www.homewood.com Page 22 ,QWURGXFLQJ:DVKLQJWRQ&RXQW\¶V 1HZHVW5HKDELOLWDWLRQ&HQWHU &RPLQJ)DOO :LOOLDPVSRUW5HWLUHPHQW 9LOODJHZLOOEHLQWURGXFLQJ WKHQHZDGGLWLRQWRWKHLU UHKDELOLWDWLRQDQGQXUV LQJFHQWHU7KLVVT IWZLQJZLOORIIHUDVWDWH RIWKHDUWUHKDELOLWDWLRQ ZZZZUYEJIRUJ GHSDUWPHQWVSDFLRXVURRPV 0'5HOD\ ZLWKPRXQWDLQDQGFRXUW 1RUWK$UWL]DQ6WUHHW \DUGYLHZVDQGDYDULHW\RI :LOOLDPVSRUW0' ZDUPKRPHOLNHIHDWXUHVWR SURPRWHUHVLGHQWV¶FRPIRUW DQGFKRLFH Buyers Guide Senior Spirit Wednesday, May 2, 2012 How to manage medications at home Turn on the television and you’re likely to be inundated with commercials for the latest prescription medications that should be discussed with a doctor. According to “Generation Rx: How Prescription Drugs Are Altering American Lives, Minds, and Bodies,” by Greg Crister, the average number of prescriptions drugs taken per person, annually, in 2004 was 12. It is estimated that people will spend over $400 billion on prescription drugs by the end of 2011. Individuals who take multiple medications may find it difficult to manage them all. The challenge of managing medications can be difficult for anyone but particularly for seniors. Some organizational strategies and a little help from others may be the keys to getting meds straight. It can be challenging for many people to keep track of all the medications and supplements they need to take. First and foremost, it’s important that doctors and pharmacists know of all the medications that are being taken. It’s a good idea to use one pharmacy to fill prescriptions. This way it will have a record of medication use and can alert to drug interactions that may be dangerous, which could otherwise go undetected. And remember, over-the-counter supplements, vitamins and medicines count, too. They should be mentioned at the doctor’s office or, at the very least, when getting a new prescription filled at the pharmacy. Herbal remedies and other items -- even foods -- can interact with certain drugs. For example, it’s best to avoid grapefruit juice while taking many of the cholesterol-lowering statins available. step to getting drugs in check. There are a number of different styles and sizes available. Seniors may want to enlist the help of a family member to sort through pills at the beginning of each week and place the right pills in each compartment. Knowing which days to take each medication is sometimes not enough. Certain medications must be taken at different intervals each day, often inviting confusion. A chart listing the times of each medication posted next to where the prescriptions are kept can help. A watch with a timer or an alarm clock can be programmed to chime as a reminder. Tech-savvy people can program smart phones or PDAs with reminders to alert when it’s time to take a pill. There are even advanced pill dispensing systems that can be programmed to dispense medication according to a set schedule. The Maya from MedMinder.com is one to consider or the Philips Medication Dispensing Service at ManageMyPills.com. People who are worried about an elderly relative can enlist the help of medication reminder services that can call or message a person to keep track of pills. They also may provide reminders about doctors’ appointments. There are a number of options available to help make organizing care a little easier. Safety should be the top priority when there are many different medications that need to be taken. Purchasing a medication organizer can be the next Assessing your abilities as an aging driver Aging drivers should weigh a host of factors when determining if it’s still safe for them to be on the road. When a person first earns a driver’s license, they’ve earned more than just the right to legally operate an automobile. To many drivers, a driver’s license is symbolic of freedom and self-sufficiency. The significance of a driver’s license never truly dissipates, which makes it difficult for aging men and women to address their abilities as a driver and whether or not they can still safely share the road with other motorists. Though many drivers can safely stay behind the wheel well into their golden years, others begin to recognize their skills are starting to diminish as they approach senior citizen status. For those who want help gauging their abilities as a driver, some self-examination can help. Wednesday, May 2, 2012 Assess your eyesight Healthy eyes are essential to being a safe driver, and drivers can assess their eyesight in a number of ways. In addition to visiting an eye doctor for an eye examination, drivers should look for signs that they’re having difficulty with driving. If signs and street markings aren’t so easy to read anymore, you might need a new prescription for eyeglasses. When the glare of headlights at night makes it difficult to see, your driver’s seat might need to be adjusted or you might want to consider antiglare eyeglasses that make it easier to see at night. Assess your comfort level Safe drivers are also comfortable drivers. To assess your comfort level as a driver, ask yourself the following questions before getting back behind the wheel. * Is it troublesome to look over your shoulder and change lanes? * Has steering become difficult? * Has your reaction time when switching from the gas pedal to the brake pedal decreased? If you can answer “yes” to any of the questions above, then it could be that you’re beginning to lose strength, coordination and/or flexibility, which can make it more difficult to operate a motor vehicle. Answering “yes” doesn’t mean you have to give up your driver’s license. In fact, your doctor might be able to prescribe therapies or medicines or suggest a fitness regimen that can make it easier for you to comfortably drive a car. In Buyers Guide Senior Spirit addition, if you’re having trouble steering or operating a motor vehicle in any way, you might just want to find a vehicle that’s easier to drive, such as one with an automatic transmission that has power steering and brakes. When assessing your comfort level, also examine your mental state while driving. If other drivers make you uncomfortable or traffic signs are confusing, this can make it difficult to safely operate an automobile. Such feelings when driving could also be a side effect of a particular medication, so discuss the issue with your doctor to see if that’s the case and if there are any alternatives. Honestly address loved ones’ concerns Aging drivers are often the last to notice if their abilities behind the wheel are starting to diminish. Loved ones are often put in the position of talking to aging drivers about their abilities, and this can cause friction. If loved ones have expressed concern about your abilities as a driver, honestly address these concerns, even if it’s initially hurtful or embarrassing to do so. Your loved ones are sharing their feelings out of genuine concern for your well-being, so don’t look at it as an assault on your self-sufficiency. Some organizations, including the AARP and AAA, offer driving classes for mature drivers to help them more adequately handle the challenges aging drivers might face. See page 10 - AARP Safe Driving Classes. Page 23 BERKELEY SENIOR SERVICES NEEDS YOUR FINANCIAL SUPPORT In order to continue to provide quality services to seniors! Please check amount _____ $25 _____ $50 _____ $100 _____ $250 _____ $500 _____ Other Restricted Contribution: Nutrition In Memory of Transportation ADS In Home Care Other: _______ In Honor of : ___________________________________________________(name of individual) Please send your contributions to: Berkeley Senior Services 217 North High St. Martinsburg, WV 25404 (Make checks payable to Berkeley Senior Services) Your Name _______________________________ Address _______________________________ _______________________________ Thank you for your generous support! BROWN FUNERAL HOMES Peace of Mind • Guaranteed Costs for the Future • Your Choices • Medicare Qualified Call Today For Info On: • Preplanning Guide • Up To $200 Off Pre-Arrangements Some services offered by Brown Funeral Homes include: Traditional Services Pre-Arrangements Memorial Services Non-Traditional Services Caskets & Cemetery Vaults Public Speaking Cremation Services Cemetery Coordination Memorial Marker Assistance Out of Town Arrangements WELCOME TO THE FAMILY. When you need a place to live, choose a place where you can really live. A place that cultivates friendship and an adventurous spirit, where caring is something we all do for each other. That’s an Elmcroft assisted living community. Call to schedule your visit. 304.267.5800 Irrevocable Funeral Trusts Call or Stop in Today for a Convenient Appointment and PrePlanning Information 327 W. King St. • Martinsburg, WV 304-263-8896 • BrownFuneralHomesWV.com 200 Gloucester Drive Martinsburg, WV 25401 elmcroft.com Robert C. Fields, LIC Stephen W. Hedges, Preplanning Martinsburg • Inwood • Charles Town Page 24 Buyers Guide Senior Spirit Wednesday, May 2, 2012
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