Celebrating The Lord ’ s Supper Today We will celebrate The Lord’s Supper this morning. Those who are members of our church (or visiting from another) and have trusted in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord are invited to share with us in the ordinance. We request that children of North Park Church speak to a pastor or elder about being admitted to the Lord’s table. Weekly Highlights Sunday, August 3 Worship Service ................................................................. 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, August 6 Mugs ‘n Muffins (Room 111) ........................................... 9:30 a.m. Thursday, August 7 Men’s Breakfast (RCHA, 117 VIP Dr., Ste. 220, Wexford) ... 6:30 a.m. Friday, August 8 Chair Volleyball (Blue Room) ........................................... 1:00 p.m. Saturday, August 9 Chili Cook-off (Hickory Hills Clubhouse) ........................ 5:00 p.m. Sunday, August 10 Worship Service ................................................................. 9:30 a.m. Hymn Sing ....................................................................... 11:00 a.m. North Park Church Staff Office Phone Number: 412-367-5000 + individual extension Senior Pastor ............................ Dan Hendley .......Ext. 222 ............ danhendley@northparkepc.org Assistant Pastor ....................... Bobby Brown ......Ext. 224 ........... bobbybrown@northparkepc.org Dir. of Children’s Ministry ....... Kim Brunner .......Ext. 226 ............ kimbrunner@northparkepc.org Dir. of Outreach & Min. Dev. .. Bruce Allison ......Ext. 223 ........... bruceallison@northparkepc.org Dir. of Music & Worship ......... Brooke Hopkins ..Ext. 231 ....... brookehopkins@northparkepc.org Dir. of Operations..................... Rich Van Newkirk .Ext. 227 ...... richvannewkirk@northparkepc.org Dir. of Admin. Services ............ Kristen Yealy ......Ext. 232 ........... kristenyealy@northparkepc.org Office Manager ........................ Kirstin Lukas ......Ext. 230 ............ kirstinlukas@northparkepc.org Communications Secretary....... Julie Voddé .........Ext. 225 .............. julievodde@northparkepc.org Receptionist .............................. Janie Koska .........Ext. 221 .............. janiekoska@northparkepc.org Maintenance ............................. ........................................................................... Tom Loar, JJ Gay North Park Church Deacons Adam Bright Janie Koska Bethany Mitchell Pat Hargest Dick Luther Gail Nelson Denny Koska Nellie Luther Dan Sherwin NORTH PARK CHURCH . 600 INGOMAR ROAD . WEXFORD . PA 15090 WWW.NORTHPARKEPC.ORG / FAX: 412-367-9032 OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY-THURSDAY: 8:30 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. / FRIDAY: LIMITED North C H Sunday, August 3, 2014 Welcome to our Guests We are delighted that you have chosen to join us today. Stop by the Information Counter in the lobby so we can greet you and answer any questions you may have! The Nursery is for children ages 3 and under. It is located to your left (off the lobby) where quality care is provided throughout the entire morning. Nursing mothers have a special room—please ask the nursery workers. Parents with Children in Worship should know that there are helpful resources at the Children’s Resource Table in the back of the Sanctuary. CDs of today’s sermon are available by request, and the audio can also be found on the Resources page of our website. Hearing Aids which are linked to our sound system are available. If you wish to try one, stop by the Information Counter. Worship Song Sheets Available We have paper copies of our song lyrics available in the back of the sanctuary for those who have trouble standing or seeing the screen. U R Park C H WORSHIP CONNECT IMPACT WELCOME Scripture of the Month: Ephesians 2:8-9 CALL TO WORSHIP Psalm 149:1-2 WORSHIP THROUGH SINGING Rejoice, the Lord is King Come, People of the Risen King Sing to the King Amazing Love (You Are My King) PRAYER UNISON CONFESSION OF FAITH Apostles’ Creed Children ages 4 through 2nd grade are now invited to Summer Worship in Room 207. OFFERTORY Please sign in all family members on the attendance register. First-time visitors are asked to fill out the entire form. MINISTRY HIGHLIGHT 1-for-1 Testimony: Maddy Karpiak PRAYER SONG Cornerstone GREETING SERMON Pastor Bobby Brown “Equipping the Saints” Ephesians 4:11-12 ’ THE LORD S SUPPER Behold the Lamb BENEDICTION through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast. -Ephesians 2:8-9 August 17, after the service in the Blue Room Please bring a dish to share: A-F: Dessert, G-L: Side Dish, M-Z: Main Dish 30-Minute Join us after the service on August 10 in the Choir Room. Request whatever you’d like to sing from the hymnals provided. All are welcome! Student Ministry Today, August 3 There is no Summer Sunday because many students from our group served in Tunica, MS The next SM event will be: Wednesday, August 6 Girls' Bible Study 12:00—1:30 p.m. @ NPC Thursday, August 7: Co-ed Bible Study & Soccer @ North Park Church, Blue Room 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. We are still looking for Adult Volunteers. For more information, email Kristen Yealy at kristenyealy@northparkepc.org. ATTENTION PARENTS! If you have a child who will be in the Children's Ministry program (Infant5th grade) for the 2014-15 year, use the link that was emailed to you or go to www.northparkepc.org to access the registration form. Even if you've submitted information before, please fill out the form to make sure your child is registered for this coming year! If you use the electronic registration, please fill out one form per child. Hard copies of the form will also be available at the Information Counter, so choose the method that works the best for you! Please submit the forms before the start of 2014-15 year (September 7). If you have any questions, contact Kim Brunner at kimbrunner@northparkepc.org. 5th Annual For by grace you have been saved North Park Church presents… Dog-Day’s Chili Cook-Off Saturday, August 9, 5:00-7:30 p.m. @ the Hickory Hills Clubhouse This year, we will be taking our annual chili cook-off to the Hickory Hills community – purposely engaging the 500 plus residents of this housing community just north of NPC. We need NPC folks to help with this off-site event. You can sign-up on our website, www.northparkepc.org, or simply stop by the table in the church lobby. And be sure to invite your “1-for-1” friend to join you!! Community Bible Study is an interdenominational Bible study that will be meeting at North Park Church every Thursday from 9:15-11:15 a.m. beginning September 4, 2014, through May 7, 2015. CBS is an in-depth Bible study for the community which enables people to grow in the knowledge of God's word and develop a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, while fostering interpersonal relationships amongst its members. This fall we will be studying 1 and 2 Corinthians. There is also a children's program available for infants thru 11th grade. Space is limited in the children's program. Registrations are currently being accepted for the fall term. If you would like to join us, please call Norma Lamperski at (412) 366-5079, or email her at cnjl@comcast.net. We would love to have you join us as we journey through this letter from the Apostle Paul to the church at Corinth. CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Sunday, August 24 at 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary Elections of officers (nominees will be posted in lobby) Presentation of budget (for new fiscal year) Approval of pastor salary Don’t forget to place your “1-for1” card in the offering, so that we can pray for your friend. If you forgot your card, there are additional cards at the Information Counter and in your bulletin. Invite your friend to Chili Cook-off ...August 9 Festival of Hope...August 15-17 Invitations are available in the lobby!
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