THE SYMBOLS OF LENT -1- WELCOME TO WORSHIP! No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome in this United Church of Christ congregation. Large-print bulletins, hearing devices, and cough drops are available from the ushers. Nursery and pre-school care is available during worship if you wish. God is calling you today, but not on your cell phone! Please put it on vibrate. ALL are welcome to this time and place of worship. Know that in this space you are welcome as you are, for who you are. Together we celebrate all of God’s children – young, old and in-between; male, female and in-between; gay, lesbian, straight and in-between; the assured, the doubting, and the in-between; the optimistic, the cynics, and the in-between; the foolish, the wise, and the in-between. The Reverend Dr. Laurinda Hafner, Senior Pastor The Reverend Dr. Guillermo Márquez-Sterling, Associate Pastor The Reverend Megan Smith, Associate Pastor The Reverend Dr. Richard J. Bailar, Pastor Emeritus Coral Gables Congregational United Church of Christ 3010 De Soto Boulevard Coral Gables, Florida 33134-6317 Phone: 305.448.7421 ~ CLI License # 11282912 -2- March 29, 2015 ORDER OF WORSHIP Our faith is over 2000 years old; Our thinking is not. 11:00 a.m. PALM/PASSION SUNDAY *Please stand as you are able PLEASE NOTE: This morning our Lenten journey continues, a season once described as a time to “wipe our feet” before entering the glory of Easter. To mark this holy season, each Sunday we have lifted up a symbol of Lent as a way to reflect and meditate on the Passion of Jesus. May this Lenten season bring us to a deeper understanding of our church year. PRELUDE Rejoicing G.F. Handel Jim Hacker and Adam Bookspan, trumpets; Dr. Greg Taylor, organ *THE CALL TO WORSHIP (Based on Matthew 21:1-11) Leader: ALL: Leader: ALL: Leader: ALL: The shocking thing about the story of Jesus is that it turns common wisdom on its head. It is not the story of a child born in a palace to rich powerful parents, but a child born in a stable to a poor carpenter and his wife. And when, having preached all around the countryside, he decided that he would ride into the local capital city, Jerusalem, he didn’t ride on a fine powerful horse, but on a donkey – the lowliest beast of burden, in solidarity with the poor and oppressed of the city. Hosanna to the heir of the house of David. Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest! The people had heard he was coming and gathered at the side of the road and threw down palm branches on to the road in front of him Hosanna to the heir of the house of David. Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest! Despite the fact he knew he was likely to be going to his death, at the hands of the civil and religious authorities in Jerusalem, he rode unafraid Hosanna to the heir of the house of David. Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest! -3- Leader: ALL: In following him, let us also show our solidarity with the poor and oppressed of this city Hosanna to the heir of the house of David. Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest! *PROCESSIONAL HYMN All Glory, Laud, and Honor -4- Please be seated following the hymn. BLESSING OF PALMS by Jan Richardson Alba Abrams, reader This blessing can be heard coming from a long way off. This blessing is making its steady way up the road toward you. This blessing blooms in the throats of women springs from the hearts of men tumbles from the mouths of children. This blessing is stitched into the seams of the cloaks that line the road, etched into the branches that trace the path, echoes in the breathing of the willing colt, the click of the donkey’s hoof against the stones. Something is rising beneath this blessing. Something will try to drown it out. But this blessing cannot be turned back, cannot be made to still its voice, cannot cease to sing its praise of the one who comes along the way it makes. ANTHEM Hosanna! The Children’s and Chancel Choirs Christine Gregor *THE PASSING OF THE PEACE Leader: On Palm Sunday, Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem not as a warrior but as a messenger of peace. Like him, may we be messengers of peace in this place, in our families, in our community and in the world. Let us begin by extending his peace to one another by saying, "The Peace of Christ be with you." People: And also with you. You are invited to share greetings of welcome and peace with those around you. All children and youth through 3rd grade wishing to attend Sunday School are invited to exit to the Fellowship Hall during the passing of the peace. THE GIFT OF MUSIC Ride On, King Jesus The Chancel Choir -5- arr. Wertsch THE WORDS OF WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Thank you for signing the red hospitality pad found in the pews and passing it around. Please use your smart phone to check in on Facebook or Twitter and let your family and friends know that you are at Coral Gables Congregational UCC. Invite your family and friends around the world to worship with us online each Sunday at Be sure to “like” us at You are most welcome to connect your smart device to our free wifi service. THE OFFERING OF OUR GIFTS Offertory Music The Holy City Charmyn Kirton, soloist THE MORNING PRAYERS HYMN My Song is Love Unknown You may remain seated for the hymn Continued on following page -6- Adams POETIC REFLECTION Where Once Where once… feet that danced through the streets of Jerusalem welcoming the Messiah now softly pad the back alleys in search of shadows; hearts that leapt with joy at the sight of David's true son are thrown out with Golgotha's garbage; -7- Thom Shuman hands that wrapped a new born son in bright bands of cloth now shroud his broken body and lay him gently, tenderly, softly in death's manger. where glad hosannas rang out there is now only the silent weeping heart of God. CHORAL ANTHEM Who Is This? Chancel Choir with Madeline Neely, viola THE PASSION STORY AS RECORDED IN MARK 14: 1 – 15:20 Ruth Nunez and Richard Walters, readers Drew Sandbulte, dancer CLOSING HYMN Were you Were you Oh! Sometimes Were you Were You There Please remain seated there when they crucified my Lord? there when they crucified my Lord? it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble. there when they crucified my Lord? -8- John Ferguson Were you there when they nailed Him to the tree? Were you there when they nailed Him to the tree? Oh! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble. Were you there when they nailed Him to the tree? Were you there when they laid Him Were you there when they laid Him Oh! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb? in the tomb? tremble, tremble. in the tomb? Please remain seated for the benediction and postlude BENEDICTION Leader: This worship does not end with words of benediction, for this worship service does not end. People: As people of faith we know that the story does not end – cannot end – with death. Leader: And so we depart with the story unfinished, to contemplate, to wonder, and to wait. People: We return during the week to continue our waiting and our wondering, and, ultimately, to rejoice in the story of resurrection. POSTLUDE O Sacred Head Now Wounded Madeline Neely, viola; Dr. Gregory Taylor, organ Haan Following our service, please join us in the Fellowship Hall for our annual Palm Sunday potluck. Visitors, we would LOVE to have you join us. A WARM AND CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL GUESTS! If you are visiting us today, we welcome you. We are grateful we have found each other. And, if somehow, there is something in you, some still small voice seeking a place to live out your faith, to ask important questions, and to serve beyond yourself, we invite you into our community. For more information about the church, please contact Pastor Laurie at 305.448.7421, ext. 116 or at -9- IN OUR PRAYERS: We remember all those places of war, violence, and unrest as we continue to pray for peace for all people around the world. A lighted candle on the altar table symbolizes our prayers for peace. THANK YOU TO OUR USHERS THIS MORNING: Lois Legge, head usher; Annika Grant, Peter Knezevich, Ann and Felipe de las Pozas, Carol Krech, Sue Burdick, Sofia Larraz, and Coleen Atkins. STAY IN TOUCH Once a week or so, Pastor Laurie e-mails a pastoral letter, Laurie’s Lines, to all members and friends, filling them in on the week’s events, any special concerns that have arisen, and general church business. If you would like to be included, contact Ron Morgan at GERMAN LANGUAGE CHURCH Contact to sign up for our mailing list. FAIR TRADE MARKETPLACE Just in Time for Easter Innovative Easter dinner table centerpieces from Lenca women artisans of Honduras. Columbian design pottery eggs and water vessel pieces now 15% off. Check out wonderful new items from the growing “All Blessings Flow” spiritual center. Your purchases empower artisans to work and build strong families and villages globally. Unique and Special Gifts ~ Located outside the Fellowship Hall JAZZ CONCERT THIS AFTERNOON The Community Arts Program ALL-STAR Jazz Ensemble 4:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary The Community Arts Program (CAP) ALL-STAR Jazz Ensemble goes back to the “Big Apple” in May, as a finalist performing in Jazz at Lincoln Center’s Essentially Ellington. You are invited to a free send-off concert this afternoon at 4:00 p.m. in the Church Sanctuary. Joining the Community Arts Program ALL-STAR Jazz Ensemble will be the Frost Studio Jazz Band from the University of Miami Frost School of Music. A wonderful afternoon of inspiring music by Duke Ellington and other jazz greats. Donations gratefully accepted. Bring your family and friend. All are welcome! - 10 - MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR A VERY SPECIAL HOLY WEEK MAUNDY THURSDAY Thursday Evening, April 2, at 7:00 p.m. in the Church Sanctuary We gather to recall the betrayal, desertion, and eventual death of Jesus as he sought justice for the world. As the sun sets, we gather in the rustic beauty of our sanctuary to recall the Passover Feast when the twelve disciples were with Jesus in the Upper Room for the last time. Through the Sacrament of Holy Communion, scripture lessons, and the gradual extinguishing of the lights, we will remember the Passion of our Lord. This service, which has become very meaningful to so many, begins and ends in silence. A light, soup supper will be served before the service at 6:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. A freewill offering for the supper will be gratefully received. Child care is available. GOOD FRIDAY INTERFAITH GATHERING Friday, April 3, 2014 Judaism, Christianity and Islam: Following God in Love…and War? 9:00 a.m. Kosher & Halal Breakfast in the Courtyard 9:30 a.m. – Presentation in the Chapel It is our goal on this day to break down the old walls of separation that Good Friday has often built and lift up Jesus’ call for justice and respect for others, as we gather for an interfaith breakfast in our beautiful Courtyard with a program to follow in the Chapel. This year we are so pleased to welcome as our speaker Dr. Amanullah De Sondy, Professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Miami, where he connects the study of religion to the key themes of gender, ethnicity, race, and pluralism. He will speak to the theme “Judaism, Christianity and Islam: Following God in Love…and War?” Dr. De Sondy has studied Arabic and Islam in France, Jordan, and Syria and has particular interest in Urdu and Punjabi poetry, or ghazals. This event is co-sponsored by the Florida International University Department for Religious Studies and Gables UCC. This free event is open and welcoming to all. GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE 12:15 p.m. -1:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary It has been said that you can’t have Easter without Good Friday. Only when our hearts break open with compassion for the One who suffered can we truly appreciate the new life represented by Easter. Joining us will be the clergy and members of Riviera Presbyterian Church. All are welcome for this very moving service. - 11 - Kids, get ready for the annual SATURDAY EGG-STRAVAGANZA EASTER EGG HUNT and CRAFT PARTY (Toddlers through 5th grade) Saturday, April 4, 2012 ~ 10:00 a.m. to Noon Fellowship Hall and Church Grounds There will be crafts, food, and lots of family fun. ENTRANCE FEE: MINIMUM OF 1 CANNED GOOD PER PERSON! Egg Hunt Locations: Toddlers-Young 3 year oldsCatalonia Avenue Playground Pre-K 3-Kindergarten Main Preschool Playground on Columbus Blvd. 1 st -5 th Graders “A Timed” Egg Hunt on the Church Green (corner of Malaga & De Soto) Don’t forget to bring your own basket. CALLING ALL FUN-LOVING AND ADVENTUROUS PEOPLE Brunch at Crazy About You Thursday, April 16 at 11:30 a.m. Enthusiasts rave about the amazing atmosphere at this Brickell Area restaurant with a “super-view” of the bay from the ample terrace. $20 per person. Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera exhibit at the NSU Art Museum Ft. Lauderdale Thursday, May 14 ~ Leave church by shuttle at 9:30 a.m. $25 includes tour and lunch To make reservations for either event, call Drew at 305. 448.7421 ext.150 or - 12 - PARENTING CLASSES OFFERED Stop wasting your patience! Take the stress out of parenting! This seven week parenting course (Systematic Training for Effective Parenting) will change your lives. A free introductory session is offered Wednesday, April 1, from 6:15 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The regular classes begin April 15 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Please register in advance with Pastor Megan Smith. Some of the topics which the course will cover: Reducing the stress of parenting Child development and its role in parental expectations Understanding children’s behavior How to speak so children will listen the first time How to build self-esteem, not self-entitlement Conflict resolution and problem solving Numerous parenting skills for any situation The classes are led by Cathy Radziewicz who has been working with young children and their parents since 1984. As the lead teacher at The Family Center preschool, she taught children from infancy through age 5, advised parents, and conducted parenting classes. Come and experience this patient, compassionate, knowledgeable leader who will guide you through a program that will affect not only your relationship with your children but also with your spouse, family and friends. This seven week course includes two hour sessions of lecture, video examples and discussion, the textbook, additional weekly handouts and Cathy emailing you three times per week with support for the week’s “homework.” The cost of this is $350 for one parent or $550 for a couple. Testimonials from other parents are available upon request. COMING IN MAY: THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE OF THE UCC The Annual Meeting of the Florida Conference of the UCC is going to be held right here in Coral Gables on the weekend of May 1 – 3. It is going to be a wonderful weekend as representatives from the 100 UCC congregations across Florida will gather for business, worship, fellowship, workshops, and service. The festivities include the installation of our new Florida Conference Minister John Vertigan and a presentation by the General Minister and President of the UCC, Geoffrey Black. There are many ways you can participate including attending the many activities and events of the meeting and/or volunteering your time. We will need ushers, greeters, servers, hospitality, and cookies! If you can volunteer, please let Drew know at - 13 - COMING IN APRIL GAY PRIDE Sunday, April 12 On this day, there are two locations for worship: You are invited to festive worship as usual at 9:00 a.m. in the Chapel or 11:00 a.m. in our beautiful historic Sanctuary, or you are invited to worship in the beauty of the outdoors on South Beach as we share the good news of an inclusive welcoming gospel message with those who are gathering for the annual Gay PRIDE parade. For those wishing to worship on South Beach, please join us at 11:00 a.m. on the public-domain green space between 10th and 11th streets on Ocean Drive. The church shuttle will leave at 9:30 a.m., and will return after the parade, which begins at 12:00 noon. To reserve a seat, contact Ron Morgan at THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO…MOTOWN Sunday, April 19 during the 11:00 a.m. worship Be with us for a unique celebration of resurrection joy using the music of Motown, known as the sound that changed America. Motown, the first African-American-owned record label to reach widespread national acclaim, helped break down the racial divide by offering up beloved songs that people of every race, nationality, and culture enjoyed. Music from such artists as Marvin Gaye, the Supremes, Michael Jackson, The Temptations, Stevie Wonder, Gladys Knight and the Pips, and the Commodores will be performed by local professional musicians under the direction of our own producer, composer, and performer of multiple platinum and Grammy award-winning records, Clay Ostwald. This will be a Sunday to never forget. So put on your dancing shoes and join us for a service of soul-stirring, dance-provoking, happiness-inducing music. NEW MEMBERS WILL BE RECEIVED SUNDAY, APRIL 19 If you don’t want to check your mind at the church door….. If you know that God’s love embraces all people, no matter who they are… If you want religion with relevancy… If you’ve wished for an open and embracing community of faith to nurture your spirit, grow your faith, and raise your children… Then we warmly invite you to help us build the family of Gables UCC. Contact Pastor Laurie at or 305.448.7421 ext. 116 for more information. - 14 - CORAL GABLES CONGREGATIONAL UCC STAFF DIRECTORY Ministers All Members of the Church Pastoral Staff The Rev. Dr. Laurinda Hafner, Senior Pastor ext. 116 The Rev. Dr. Guillermo Márquez-Sterling, Associate Pastor ext. 117 The Rev. Megan Smith, Associate Pastor ext. 119 Program Staff Mark Hart, Exec. Dir. of the Community Arts Program Dr. Ronald Morgan, Director of Music Ministries Dr. Gregory Taylor, Parish Musician Janet Hiles, Director of Early Childhood Center To contact Early Childhood Center, please call: ext. 120 ext.121 ext. 155 305-444-9792 Support Staff Anthony Cabrera, Cantaté Choir Director Kris Coney, Sound Alice Fernandez, Accounting Assistant ext. 127 Ashley Levin, Cherub Choir Director Alexandra Levin, Agape Choir Director Chely Llorens, Wedding & Baptism Coordinator ext. 112 Tony Prinzi, Print Room Manager & Reception Coordinator ext. 100 Dennis Rodrigues, Business Manager ext.130 Alex Sloan, Director of Media Ministry ext.151 Maintenance and Custodial Team Rene Dominguez, Rosario Noriega, and Guillermo Ordoñez Coral Gables Congregational United Church of Christ 3010 De Soto Boulevard Coral Gables, Florida 33134-6317 Phone: 305.448.7421 - 15 - - 16 - - 17 -
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