d WELCOME TO WORSHIP! No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome in this United Church of Christ congregation. Large-print bulletins, hearing devices, and cough drops are available from the ushers. Nursery and pre-school care is available during worship if you wish. God is calling you today, but probably not on your cell phone! Please remember to put it on vibrate. ALL are welcome to this time and place of worship. Know that in this space you are welcome as you are and for who you are. Together we celebrate all of God’s children – young, old, and in-between; male, female and in-between; gay, lesbian, straight, and in-between; the assured, the doubting, and the in-between; the optimistic, the cynics, and the in-between; the foolish, the wise, and the in-between. Invite your family and friends around the world to worship with us online each Sunday at http://gablesucc.org/live. The Reverend Dr. Laurinda Hafner, Senior Pastor The Reverend Dr. Guillermo Márquez-Sterling, Associate Pastor The Reverend Megan Smith, Associate Pastor The Reverend Dr. Richard J. Bailar, Pastor Emeritus Coral Gables Congregational United Church of Christ 3010 De Soto Boulevard Coral Gables, Florida 33134-6317 Phone: 305.448.7421 ~ www.Gablesucc.org CCLI License # 11282912 October 26, 2014 THE ORDER OF WORSHIP Our faith is over 2000 years old. Our thinking is not. 11:00 a.m. Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost Philosophy is the love of wisdom: Christianity is the wisdom of love. ~Augustus William Hare and Julius Charles Hare * Please stand as you are able GATHERING MUSIC Dr. Gregory Taylor, Parish Musician THE WORDS OF WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Thank you for signing the red hospitality pad found in the pews and passing it around. Please use your smart phone to check in on Facebook and let your family and friends know that you are at Coral Gables Congregational UCC. Invite your family and friends around the world to worship with us online each Sunday at http://gablesucc.org/live. Be sure to "like" us at http://facebook.com/mycgcc. You are most welcome to connect your smart device to our free wifi service. CALL TO COMMUNITY Namaste The choir will sing the verses; the congregation is invited to sing the refrain below. Namasté, Namasté, Namasté, The divine in me blesses and honors the divine in you. Namasté, Namasté, Namasté, The divine in me blesses and honors the divine in you. (repeat) *THE CALL TO WORSHIP One: Come together, people of God. Many: God’s Spirit is poured out on all of us, young and old, women and men. One: Come with purpose! Come with hope! Many: We come in love; to dream, to envision, and to receive. 2 *HYMN Love Divine, All Loves Excelling 3 *OPENING PRAYER Unison: God of Love, author of our days, originator of our lives, we come before you as one people, to worship you this day, celebrating your love and your purpose, revealed in the words of Jesus. Move in our midst, God of life, and draw us closer together in your love. Amen. *THE PASSING OF THE PEACE Leader: Friends, this is a place of welcome for all. May we express that welcome as we greet one another saying, “The peace of Christ be with you.” People: And also with you. You are invited to share the peace or words of welcome with those around you. All children toddlers through 12th grade wishing to attend Sunday School are invited to leave during the Passing of the Peace to the Fellowship Hall. CONTEMPORARY READING Lourdes Garcia, reader From the Buddha May every creature abound in well-being and peace. May every living being, weak or strong, the long and the small The short and the medium-sized, the mean and the great. May every living being, seen or unseen, those dwelling far off, Those nearby, those already born, those waiting to be born, May all attain inward peace. Let no one deceive another. Let no one despise another in any situation. Let no one, from antipathy or hatred, wish evil to anyone at all. Just as a mother, with her own life, protects her only child from hurt, So within yourself foster a limitless concern for every living creature. Display a heart of boundless love for all the world, In all its height and depth and broad extent, Love unrestrained, without hate or enmity. Then as you stand or walk, sit or lie, until overcome by drowsiness, Devote your mind entirely to this, it is known as living here life divine. THE GIFT OF MUSIC Healing River Charmyn Kirton, soloist 4 Dengler THE SCRIPTURE READING Matthew 22:34-40 When the Pharisees heard that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together, and one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” He said to him, “’You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” Friends, listen. God is still speaking. Thanks be to God. THE MORNING MESSAGE The Rev. Dr. Laurinda Hafner CHORAL RESPONSE From This House Anthony Cabrera, soloist; Seth Woods, percussion Allaway At this time you are invited to text your prayer requests to Pastor Laurie at 305.968.6482; or hand your prayer requests to the ushers. Paper is in the pews. THE MORNING PRAYERS CHORAL PRAYER RESPONSE Be Still and Know That I Am God The Vocal Ensemble Andrew March THE RECEIVING OF OUR MORNING OFFERING Invitation Offertory Music *THE SINGING OF THE DOXOLOGY Praise God, from whom all blessings flow. Praise God, all creatures here below. Praise God above, ye heavenly host, Creator, Christ and Holy Ghost. Amen. *THE PRAYER OF DEDICATION All: Receive our gifts this day, and not only the visible gifts we place in these plates, but the gift of our will and intent as we pledge to love you, our neighbor, and ourselves through our words, actions, and deeds. Amen. 5 THE RECEIVING OF NEW MEMBERS *CONGREGATIONAL COVENANT We welcome you with joy in the common life of this church. We promise you our friendship and prayers as we support one another in the work to which we feel called: striving for peace and justice among all people, protecting and restoring the integrity of all God's creation, and bringing hope to those most vulnerable. Amen. Please remain standing for the Closing Hymn *CLOSING HYMN Siyahamb’ ekukhanyen’ kwenkhos’ 6 *THE BENEDICTION One: Receive God’s blessings and take them with you into the world to care with others, to dare with others, to share with others God’s audacious love. Amen. *THE POSTLUDE Dr. Greg Taylor, piano During the postlude, you are invited to come forward to the piano and enjoy the music. Following our service, please join us in the Fellowship Hall for some refreshments provided by the Women’s Fellowship. Visitors, we would LOVE to have you join us. A WARM AND CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL GUESTS If you are visiting with us for the first time this morning, we welcome you. We are grateful we have found each other. And if somehow there is something in you, some still small voice seeking a place to live out your faith, to ask important questions, and to serve beyond yourself, we invite you into our community. For more information about the church or membership, please contact Pastor Laurie at 305.448.7421, ext. 116 or at LaurieH@gablesucc.org. THANK YOU TO OUR USHERS: Annika Grant head usher, Susan Wilson, Sofia Larraz, Lisa Cantu, Andrea Heuson. FAIR TRADE MARKETPLACE TODAY: Just say “Boo” and get 20% off everything in the Fair Trade Shop Your purchases empower artisans to work and build strong families and villages globally. Located outside the Fellowship Hall HOURS: Sunday: Noon - 2:00 p.m. Monday: 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Tuesday: 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Wednesday: 11:00 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. Thursday – Saturday: 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. SPANISH LANGUAGE SERVICES Gables UCC - Ahora En Español Each Sunday at 1:00 p.m. in the Moye Chapel All Are Welcome 7 STAY IN TOUCH Once a week or so, Pastor Laurie e-mails a pastoral letter, Laurie’s Lines, to all members and friends, filling them in on the week’s events, any special concerns that have arisen, and general church business. If you would like to be included, contact Ron Morgan at RonM@gablesucc.org. THIS AFTERNOON A SPECIAL INTERFAITH SERVICE The MCCJ* Communitywide Service Pursuing Peace: A Common Path TODAY, October 26, 4:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary For the fourth year, the MCCJ Interfaith Clergy Dialogue will celebrate the diversity of the South Florida faith community through an interfaith service for peace. This is always a very inspirational program as people from a variety of faith communities and traditions here in South Florida gather together representing the beauty and strength of our diverse community while praying for peace together. The service will be led by clergy from many different houses of worship and will also feature choirs and music from various religious traditions including our own choir and clergy. The community is encouraged to attend. A reception will follow. *Historically known as the Miami Coalition of Christians and Jews, the nation’s oldest interfaith dialogue, it now includes ALL faith traditions. CHURCH NIGHT IN Each Wednesday Evening from 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. $5 for adults / $3 for kids 12 and under Take-Out Available Come see old friends and meet new friends while gathering for a delicious dinner. ALL CHURCH RETREAT Saturday, November 1 from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Registrations are closed and over 120 people have signed up for this special retreat in a beautiful ballroom that the Biltmore Hotel is loaning us for the morning. There we will share some pastries along with devotions, conversation and reflection as we create together a new church mission statement. And of course, there are a few surprises planned! Afterwards, we will all gather for a BBQ in the church courtyard. Park at the church that morning and the shuttle bus will be available to transport you to the Biltmore if you wish. Children under 12 are to be dropped off at the Arts and Education Wing for a morning filled with fun. 8 BOOKS AND BOOKS AUTHOR SERIES Books & Books in collaboration with Florida International University’s Department of Creative Writing, presents one of the most beloved and influential poets and storytellers writing today… Richard Blanco Saturday, November 1 at 8:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary As a historic inaugural poet, public speaker, teacher and memoirist, Richard Blanco continues to travel the world, inviting audiences to reconnect to the heart of the human experience and all of its beautiful diversity. Through the power of his words and presence, Blanco taps into our unspoken dreams, hopes and frustrations. He captures the human spirit and condition, in all of its complexities, opening up our minds and encouraging us to see beyond our differences to share in the universal experience of our humanity. For more information, or tickets, please contact Books and Books at 305.442.4408. NEXT SUNDAY, ALL SAINTS DAY Sunday, November 2, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. On this day, we will commemorate All Saints Day by remembering those loved ones we have lost since November 2013. As part of our recognition, candles will be lit for those who have passed away. If you would like to remember a loved one, please contact Pastor Laurie at 305.448.7421, ext. 116 or at LaurieH@gablesucc.org. Remember to set your clocks back an hour before you go to sleep on Saturday, November 1 so you won’t be too early for church. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN BECOMING PART OF OUR CHURCH FAMILY? Inquirers’ Gathering Sunday, November 2 at 12:15 p.m. in the Library If you know that God’s love embraces all people, no matter who they are… If you want religion with relevancy… If you’ve wished for an open and embracing community of faith to nurture your spirit, grow your faith, and raise your children… Then we warmly invite you to help us build the family of Gables UCC. Come if you would like to inquire about becoming a member. Come if you just want to inquire more about who we are, what we stand for, and what we believe. This gathering will also give you a chance to meet some of our members and staff and give us an opportunity to meet you. Childcare and a light lunch will be provided. Contact Pastor Laurie at LaurieH@gablesucc.org or 305.448.7421 ext. 116 to RSVP or for more information. 9 PACT ANNUAL MEETING Monday, November 3 7:30 pm PACT is a diverse coalition of 37 different congregations in Miami-Dade County that seeks to organize and train leaders from these 37 congregations to build a powerful community voice. On Monday, November 3 will be the Annual Meeting to vote on the priority issues for the year. Past priorities have included out-of-school suspensions and alternatives to arrest for non-violent youthful offenders. Please pass by the Justice and Witness table after the worship service to sign up, or contact Sandy Leon at sleon@post.harvard.edu. CIRCLES OF DIALOGUE November 8, 9, & 22 For the fourth year in a row, the Board of Justice and Witness is helping our church change the world. Circles of Dialogue is designed to promote stimulating dialogue while also enjoying food and drink with friends who are willing to learn and dialogue about a pressing justice issue. This year, the Circles of Dialogue are about the immigration and refugee issues that our nation can no longer afford to ignore. To sign up, visit the Justice and Witness Table in the Fellowship Hall after Sunday worship or contact Meribeth Shank at meribeths@earthlink.net. CELEBRATE MARTINSTAG Our German church community cordially invites all children age kindergarten through fifth grade and their parents to participate in a very special German tradition called Martinstag, or St. Martin’s Day. This occasion is named after St. Martin, who is said to have shared his heavy cloak with a beggar in need of some warmth. Thus was born the tradition of children carrying lanterns around on the feast of the saint in honor of this noble deed. On Friday evening, November 7, from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. in Aunt Mollie’s House (the Youth House at 1207 Malaga Avenue), the children are invited to make their own lantern to light the way for St. Martin. Cost is $5.00 per lantern. Light refreshments will be served. THE CORAL GABLES INTERFAITH THANKSGIVING SERVICE Wednesday, November 19, 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary We will share together in gratitude for all our many blessings through the beautiful music, the spoken word, and prayers of our brothers and sisters of faith in this community. Please join us for this very special and beautiful service. 10 CORAL GABLES CONGREGATIONAL UCC STAFF DIRECTORY Ministers All Members of the Church Pastoral Staff The Rev. Dr. Laurinda Hafner, Senior Pastor LaurieH@gablesucc.org ext. 116 The Rev. Dr. Guillermo Márquez-Sterling, Associate Pastor GuillermoM@gablesucc.org ext. 117 The Rev. Megan Smith, Associate Pastor MeganS@gablesucc.org ext. 119 Program Staff Mark Hart, Exec. Dir. of the Community Arts Program Dr. Ronald Morgan, Director of Music Ministries Dr. Gregory Taylor, Parish Musician Janet Hiles, Director of Early Childhood Center To contact Early Childhood Center, please call: MarkH@gablesucc.org ext. 120 RonM@gablesucc.org ext.121 GregT@gablesucc.org ext. 155 JanetH@gablesucc.org 305-444-9792 Support Staff Anthony Cabrera, Cantaté Choir Director cabreraa25@att.net Alice Fernandez, Accounting Assistant AliceF@gablesucc.org ext. 127 Kris Coney, Sound Technician info@gablesucc.org Ashley Levin, Cherub Choir Director Ashlevin93@aol.com Chely Llorens, Wedding & Baptism Coordinator ChelyL@gablesucc.org ext. 112 Tony Prinzi, Print Room Manager & Reception Coordinator TonyP@gablesucc.org ext. 100 Dennis Rodrigues, Business Manager DennisR@gablesucc.org ext.130 Drew Sandbulte, Administrative Assistant DrewS@gablesucc.org ext.150 Alex Sloan, Director of Media Ministry AlexS@gablesucc.org ext.151 Alexandra Woods, Agape Choir Director awoods@cushmanschool.org Maintenance and Custodial Team Rene Dominguez, Rosario Noriega, and Guillermo Ordoñez WE ARE OUT OF THE BOX PEOPLE! 11
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