Encourager October 23, 2014 NOVEMBER CALENDAR REGULAR ACTIVITIES Sunday 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Morning Worship 5:30 PM Snacks & Fellowship 6:00 PM Evening Worship 6:00 PM 252 Kids Wednesday 6:00 PM SPLASH FX Prep 6:30 PM Adult Choir Practice ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES November 2 - November 9 SPIHN Sunday, November 2 5:00 PM Deacon Ministry Workshop Monday, November 3 2:50 PM Good News Club @Beech Springs 8:30 PM Adult 1 SPLASH Bible study Sunday, November 9 11:00 AM Operation CC Shoe Box March 4:00 PM Deacon Meeting Monday, November 10 2:50 PM Good News Club @Beech Springs 8:30 PM Adult 1 SPLASH Bible study Tuesday, November 11 6:00 PM Joy Fellowship Sunday, November 16 8:30 AM Men’s Prayer Breakfast 4:30 PM Budget/Finance Team Meeting Monday, November 17 8:30 PM Adult 1 SPLASH Bible study Saturday, November 22 5:00 PM Family Fall Festival Sunday, November 23 4:30 PM Personnel Team Meeting Monday, November 24 8:30 PM Adult 1 SPLASH Bible study Thursday, November 27 Thanksgiving Day Church Family and Friends, Read carefully the words of Peter, "Who is there to harm you if you prove zealous for what is good? But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed. And to not fear their intimidation, and do not be troubled, but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to Make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the Hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence; and keep a good conscience so that in the thing in which you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ will be put to shame." -1 Peter 3:13-16 It would be easy to get frustrated and discouraged by the events unfolding around our nation. Local governments are targeting churches for preaching God's Word, the supreme court is trying to redefine marriage, and Christians are considered a threat to society. Did you notice Peter's question, "Who is there to harm you if your prove zealous for what is good?" What is good? Serving the Lord Jesus Christ, standing firm in truth, and loving both the lovable and the unlovable. Let's praise God for the suffering and attacks we are facing as Christ Followers. Let's be steadfast in faith and love. Let's be diligent to study and apply God's Word so we can give a reason for our eternal hope in Christ, both in word and deed. Finally, let's trust God to do what only God can do, while we focus on what we are able to do. Only God can change lives. Our task is to glorify Him in every way possible. Blessings, Pastor Scott SPIHN Team Meal Reminders Sunday, 11/2 SPIHN Team - Pizza & Salad Monday, 11/3 Adult 4 - Chicken Strips, Mac & Cheese, Green Beans, Rolls, Dessert Tuesday, 11/4 Adult 1 - Hamburgers, sides, chips, dessert Wednesday, 11/5 Adult 3 - Soup & Sandwiches, Dessert Thursday, 11/6 Adult 2 - Spaghetti, salad, garlic bread, dessert Friday, 11/7 Adult 5 - Hot dogs, sides, chips, dessert Saturday, 11/8 Youth & Children - Cold cuts/sandwiches Church Information Scott Stancil, Pastor scott@firstlyman.org Jim Carey, Min. of Music and Sr. Adults jim@firstlyman.org Jordan Davis, Min. To Children & Youth jordan@firstlyman.org Allison Walker, Financial Secretary allison@firstlyman.org Linda Bell, Ministry Assistant linda@firstlyman.org Carol Petty, Director, Child Development Center Family Life Center Kitchen Website Ext. 101 Ext. 104 Ext. 103 Ext. 100 Ext. 102 Ext. 105 Ext. 106 Ext. 108 firstlyman.org EXTENDED CARE SCHEDULE November 2, 2014 Babies Nancy Eubanks Matt Arms 1’s & 2’s Josh Massey Katina Degler 3’s & 4’s Lorene Sill Lindsey McMakin / Kathy Rodgers ……………..........………...…. November Birthdays ……………..……...…...….…..…. ........................................................................................ November 9, 2014 Tiffany Arms Shanna Hadden 1’s & 2’s Vrenda Morrow Donna Burt 3’s & 4’s Curt Hadden Vicki Hadden / Rosemary Shealy Babies …......................................……... .............................................................. …......................................................................… November 16, 2014 Babies Pat Baldwin Meredith Atkins 1’s & 2’s Ron Degler Glenda Thackston 3’s & 4’s Kellie Burdette Layne & Missy Fowler .......……………………...…………...……....................… ……..............................................................…..….... …………….……....……..………...…........... November 23, 2014 Babies Jennifer Morris Elizabeth Petty 1’s & 2’s Ken Eubanks Rita Allison 3’s & 4’s Avonda Mitchem Nick Thackston / Joanne Eubanks …………………………........…. ………..………..…....….…...… 4 Bonnie Clayton 5 Lindsey McMakin 7 Larry Millwood 10 Kara Gillespie 11 Margie Walker 12 Sophie Harris 17 Nell Britt 18 Reece Morris 20 Kristin Bradley 21 Melissa Millwood 21 John Eubanks 22 Glenda Farmer 22 Brian McMakin 22 Meili Gosnell 23 Steve Mabrey 23 Jake Bentley 26 Kevin Crowe 27 Jordan Davis 30 Avonda Mitchem 30 Curt Hadden, Jr. Please wish these individuals a Happy Birthday! ……………......…..... November 30, 2014 Babies Sandra Simpson Beth Arms 1’s & 2’s Jonathan Mason Rhonda Wood 3’s & 4’s Addie Stancil Patrick & Heather Lowery …………………………..…… RECEIPTS September 28, 2014 General Receipts: $10,635.75 ………………….....…. ……………………...…………… Joy Fellowship Tuesday, November 11 6 PM Men’s Prayer Breakfast Sunday, November 16 8:30 AM October 5, 2014 General Receipts: $11,956.70 October 12, 2014 General Receipts: $7,452.60 Homebound Of The WeeK 11/2 - Jerry Taylor Ashlan Village, Room E-1 415 Brenda Way Lyman, SC 29365 11/9 - Verna Taylor Ashlan Village, Room E-10 415 Brenda Way Lyman, SC 29365 11/16 - Hilda Hix Ashlan Village, Room W-10 415 Brenda Way Lyman, SC 29365 11/23 - Frances Stewart Springfield Place Assisted Living Room 11 2006 Springfield Circle Newberry, SC 29108 11/30 - Betty Whitmire White Oak Estates, Room 202B 400 Webber Road Spartanburg, SC 29307 Deacon of The Week 11/2 - Doyle Shealy 401 W. Autumn Ridge Rd. Moore, SC 29369 11/9 - Larry Arms 61 Ridge Road Lyman, SC 29365 11/16 - Clayton Bradley 467 Hammett Road Wellford, SC 29385 11/23 - Josh Massey 173 Lemon Creek Drive Lyman, SC 29365 October 19, 2014 General Receipts: $9,142.30 11/30 - Patrick Lowery 106 Mallard Drive Moore, SC 29369 BUDGET Budget Needs To Date: $399,780.36 Budget Receipts To Date: $364,234.87 GLOBAL MISSIONS GIVING Goal: $30,000 Receipts through October 19: $22,331
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