Laser Physics, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2002, pp. 355–361. STRONG FIELD PHENOMENA Original Text Copyright © 2002 by Astro, Ltd. Copyright © 2002 by MAIK “Nauka /Interperiodica” (Russia). Photo-Ionization of Two-Electron Atoms: How to Solve a 5-Dimensional Schrödinger Equation on a Desktop PC H. G. Muller FOM-Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics, Kruislaan 407, SJ Amsterdam, 1098 The Netherlands e-mail: Received October 1, 2001 Abstract—We discuss some numerical techniques that help to make numerical simulation of ionization of a three dimensional, two-electron system more efficient. A method to obtain highly accurate ground state, and a novel absorbing boundary condition are discussed in detail. 1. INTRODUCTION Recently, efficient algorithms have been developed for numerically solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for an atom in a laser field [1]. These calculations make use of the single-active-electron approximation (SAE) [2], which means that the atom is modeled as a single electron moving in a potential well describing the nuclear attraction and an average repulsion by all other electrons. This well is assumed to be static, i.e., the other electrons are supposed to not react to the laser field. For efficient computation of such problems, the choice of coordinates plays a crucial role. Solutions to the equations often are rapidly oscillating in one direction, with very little structure in others. In quantum mechanics the rapid dependence coincides with the direction of motion of the particle: the wave vector represents the momentum. In photo-ionization the velocity is directed radially far away from the atom, and can be quite large. A description in spherical coordinates thus concentrates all rapid variation along the radial coordinate, requiring only a sparse grid to represent the angular dimensions. Note that, for instance, in Cartesian coordinates the large radial wave vector would have non-zero components along each of the coordinates, and even adaptive step-size techniques would require fastly more points than in the spherical-coordinate case, especially in three dimensions. In this paper we discuss how the techniques that have proved so successful in the SAE case [3–6] can be applied to calculations in two-electron systems. In particular we will focus on the question of non-sequential double ionization [7]: the creation of doubly charged ions at intensities where the second ionization step on an isolated singly charged ion is not possible. The most important issue in making a highly dimensional calculation manageable is the choice of grid. Any savings here relax the memory requirement (increasing the number of accessible PCs that could be put on the job) and reduce the required CPU time (which is proportional to the number of grid points). A two-electron problem has six spatial dimensions, three for each electron [8]. In the dipole approximation the laser field has cylinder symmetry, and for linear polarization this symmetry persists in time. This enables one to separate the overall rotation around the polarization axis from the other coordinates. The associated angle Φ thus is a “must” as one of the dimensions of our coordinate system, and the dependence of the wave function on this coordinate can be solved analytically as exp(iMΦ). The quantum number M is a constant of the motion, and in the helium ground state M = 0. In other words, the separability ensures that this dimension collapses to a single point. With the success of the SAE methods in mind, the five remaining dimensions are described as polar coordinates (ri , ϑi ) for the individual electrons i = 1, 2, within their (half-)planes through the polarization axis, and the angle ϕ between those planes. For helium the Hamiltonian is given by H = H 1 + H 2 + 1/r 12 (1) atom , (2) 1 2 = --- p i – 2/r i . 2 (3) with Hi = Hi laser + Hi and atom Hi In the double ionization of a helium atom in the ground state, the wave function is expected to have very weak dependence on the ϕ-dimension. The initial state is almost completely independent of it: when expanded as a Fourier series in this dimension, only 0.5% of the norm of the wave function resides in terms with a ϕ dependence exp(imϕ) with m ≠ 0. (Note that ϕ is the 355 356 MULLER difference of the azimuthal angles ϕi of the individual electrons, so that the exponent factorizes as the product of two one-electron wave functions. For each term in the m expansion the ϕ motion of the electrons is thus still independent, and we can say that each of the electrons has the quantum number m or – m.) The bulk of the wave function (99.5%) has m = 0. In the low-frequency regime, ionization of the first electron is dominated by tunneling. This helps in purifying the m = 0 component even more, since all other components have to leave one electron in an excited state of the ion, causing a vastly bigger barrier [9]. Once the two electrons get separated far along the polarization axis, the potential energy is hardly dependent on ϕ, and correlation in this direction can only establish itself after tunneling when the electron recollides with its parent ion. The other two angular dimensions (ϑi ) are treated as an expansion over angular momenta li . This reduces the angular part of the one-electron Hamiltonians Hi to a simple multiplicative potential (the centrifugal barrier, l(l + 1)/2r2), rather than a derivative operator with a singular prefactor. Otherwise, treating a function as a linear combination of L Legendre polynomials or as an interpolation polynomial through L support points is completely equivalent. The wave function is thus written as Ψ = ∑ψ m l 1 l 2 ( r 1, m –m r 2 ) ( Y l1 ( ϑ 1, ϕ 1 )Y l2 ( ϑ 2, ϕ 2 ) l 1, l 2, m –m (4) m + Y l1 ( ϑ 1, ϕ 1 )Y l2 ( ϑ 2, ϕ 2 ) ), where the radial dimensions are discretized on an equidistant grid. Only the operator 1/r12 couples the different m subspaces. The time integration is done as a multiply splitoperator scheme. Each partial propagator of a piece HP of the Hamiltonian over a time-interval 2τ is approximated as (1 + iHPτ)–1(1 – iHPτ). The propagators for the one-electron operators Hi commute. Each of them is treated like in the one-electron problem [1]: split into an atomic and a laser part, half-step propagators for the laser laser interaction H i surrounding a full-step propagaatom tor of H i . Their product is then surrounded by halfstep propagators for the electron repulsion. The latter is itself split according to a multipole expansion. To elucidate the mechanism for non-sequential double ionization [7], simulations have to cover only a limited region of the five-dimensional space. As soon as both electrons have left the vicinity of the nucleus, say beyond a distance R, it seems natural that the presence of a strong laser field should in the end set those electrons free. This distance R can be pretty small: at the laser fields the double ionization takes place (E ≈ 0.1), even the Coulomb attraction of a doubly charged nucleus can only compete with it to a distance of about 5 Bohr. It thus seems safe to set R to a value around 8 Bohr. To see how the wave function moves to the region with both r1 and r2 > R, we only have to follow it through a region where at least one of the ri is smaller than R. We will take this “inner” electron to be electron 2. Electron 1, on the other hand, will then have to be followed to a distance far enough until it can have no possible effect on the ejection of electron 2. In practice, this means that we have to follow this electron to a distance so large that even the quiver motion can not bring it back close to the nucleus again, and this can mean several hundred Bohr. As is the single-electron problem, the angular dependence is very sensitive to the gauge in which the problem is formulated. In the length gauge the laser interaction is described by the scalar potential E · r, which can grow very large far away from the atom, where it dominates tile Hamiltonian. In this case it induces a factor U = exp(iA · r), with ∂t A = E, into the wave function. For large r this factor has both a very rapid angular and temporal dependence. It is therefore advantageous to eliminate this factor from the numerical calculation, by assuming its presence implicitly and solve for the quantity χ = exp(–iA · r)Ψ. This could be viewed as a kind of rotating-wave anzats, which happens to coincide with a gauge transform: The function χ obeys the velocity-gauge form of the Schrödinger equation, where the laser field is represented by the operator A · p. It should be noted that the velocity gauge only simplifies the description for weakly-bound electrons, where the motion is dominated by the laser field. For a tightly bound ground state, the laser field only acts as a small perturbation, and the factor U is not naturally present in the wave function at all. Using velocity gauge for the description of such states thus only complicates the description of such states. In the helium problem, where ionization occurs around 1015 W/cm2, the field in atomic units is 0.168. At 800 nm this makes A = 3. The wave function is largely static up to the saddle point in the combined Coulomb laser potential, which occurs at r = 2.5. Expanding the factor U in spherical waves up to this distance would require about 20 angular momenta. For this reason we only incorporate the effect of E · r1 in the wave function, by making the ansatz χ = exp(–iA · r1)Ψ, after which χ obeys the equation 1 2 1 2 i∂ t χ = ⎛ --- p 1 + --- p 2 – 2/r 1 – 2/r 2 + 1/r 12 ⎝2 2 (5) --- + A ( t ) ⋅ p 1 + E ( t ) ⋅ r 2 ⎞ χ. ⎠ This ansatz is thus equivalent to treating the two electrons in a different gauge. The fact that r2 is rather small in the entire region where we do the simulation ensures that this electron can simply never built up a high velocity within that range through interaction with LASER PHYSICS Vol. 12 No. 2 2002 PHOTO-IONIZATION OF TWO-ELECTRON ATOMS the laser. Collisions with the other electron that kick it out are supposed to be only marginally above the threshold and thus also do not leave much kinetic energy in either of the electrons. Low velocity at close range means also little angular momentum, and in practice the calculations converge to the 1% level with l2 running up to 4 for angle-integrated quantities, and l2 up to 6 for angular distributions. Electron 1, on-the other hand, will be partly in the ground state, and partly in the continuum. The quiver motion brings it quickly far from the nucleus, without the opportunity to spread much in the angular dimension. The narrow angular confinement that results makes the use of a large number of angular momenta obligatory anyway, and with this number of l1 the ground state can be accurately represented even in the velocity gauge. At 800 nm 40–50 angular momenta are usually sufficient to obtain convergence. A classical estimate of the azimuthal (internal) angular momentum can be easily made. The maximum return energy of the first electron is 3.17 times [10] the ponderomotive energy UP = I/4ω2. At 800 nm and 5 × 1014 W/cm2 this return energy is 3.48 Hartree. The core electron is on the average located 0.5 Bohr from the nucleus, (moving radially with a speed 2), where the potential energy is –4 Hartree. By the time the returning electron gets there, its kinetic energy is thus 7.48 Hartree, corresponding to a velocity 3.87. Kinematics of the electron–electron collision tell us that only half this energy can be converted into out-of-plane motion, divided over two electrons. The maximum velocity perpendicular to the collision plane is thus 2.18 a.u., and at 0.5 Bohr from the nucleus this corresponds to an azimuthal angular momentum 1.09. If the collision would take place at r = 1 Bohr (the outer turning point of the 1s orbital) the angular momentum can get up to 1.66. Classically, there is thus no way for the azimuthal angular momentum to get up to 2, and it might thus be expected that components of the wave function with m ≥ 2 will hardly contribute. In agreement with these estimates, practice shows that only two points in the ϕ dimension are required for convergence to the 0.1% level. One could view these as the points ϕ = 0, π or as m = 0, 1, depending on if we chose an angle or an angular momentum representation. We opted for the latter, although a transform between the two of them with only two points is so trivial that this hardly matters. More interesting is that with two ϕ points the problem becomes topologically equivalent to a two-electron atom in a two-dimensional world. In such a four-dimensional problem the symmetry with respect to the polarization axis leads to an overall parity P, which is a constant of the motion, and an internal parity p, that takes over the role of m and can have only two values. After separating off these coordinates, the remaining space consists of the product of two half-planes, just as in the 3d case after accounting of the azimuthal variables. LASER PHYSICS Vol. 12 No. 2 2002 357 1. ABSORBING BOUNDARY As the size of the grid has such a large impact on the resource requirements, a lot can be gained from exploiting localization of the wave function, not wasting any grid points on regions that the wave function never enters. An even more aggressive implementation of this strategy eliminates also regions where the charge does get, but from which it is not expected to return to the regions we are interested in. For instance, an electron can only reach a point much more than two quiver amplitudes from the atom if it has an outward cycle-averaged (“drift”) velocity. For a free electron the drift velocity becomes a constant of the motion, and such an electron will continue to move outward and never approach the nucleus again. Eliminating an area where the electron gets from the grid introduces an unnatural grid boundary that the electron will touch. To achieve the intended effect, namely, the disappearance of the electron into the nonsimulated region, it is essential that no reflections occur from this artificial boundary. We thus need an absorbing boundary condition. For the purpose of calculating the ion yields for double ionization, we do not have to follow the second ejected electron once it becomes certain that it is removed from the atom. Although in principle one can never be sure if an electron in the presence of a longrange Coulomb potential will end up into some very high Rydberg state, the probability for this quickly decreases with increasing distance. The pragmatic approach, adopted by many people, is therefore to simply assume that ionization has taken place after the electron exceeds a certain distance. For instance, a sphere of 8 Bohr completely contains the (n = 2)- and (n = 3)-Rydberg states of He2+, so as soon as the second electron crosses this distance we might consider it ionized.1 To simulate the inner electron only upto r = 8 reduces the grid size enormously: with the fourth-order radial derivative operator [1] only about 32 points are needed in this dimension to get an acceptable accuracy (we aim at about 1%). But at the end of this range we then need a boundary condition that absorbs outgoing waves. The commonly practiced way of absorbing the outgoing flux, by continuing propagation past the point of interest in the presence of a smoothly growing complex (absorbing) potential until the wave amplitude becomes negligible, spoils this advantage. To keep reflections at a bearable level, this method requires and absorber thickness of dozens of points, driving up the number of points needed in this dimension by an unacceptably large factor. 1 Even if the electron would get trapped in higher Rydberg states, from a philosophical point this would not matter: what we are trying to fathom is how it is the mechanism through which the inner electron can be kicked out of the ground state at intensities where the laser alone can not do it, and where the electron ends up is of minor importance. 358 MULLER To achieve the desired result, we developed a method of absorbing outgoing waves that requires only a few points. The most simple one even reduces the absorber size to zero points, in the sense that all points of the grid do faithfully represent the wave function as it would have been in absence of the absorbing boundary (i.e., if the grid was continued beyond R). These absorbers are based on the idea that the radial spacing of the grid is determined by accuracy considerations. As a result the grid is able to support very high momenta (e.g., a grid spacing of 0.25 Bohr supports electrons with kinetic energy upto 80 Hartree). Most of these high momenta propagate very inaccurately, but this does not matter, since they do not occur in the problem. The low energies that do occur propagate accurately, and as long as the integration scheme does not generate the high momenta out of nothing (a numerical-stability issue), we don’t care how unrealistically they propagate. In the same spirit, it is also not important if these high, non-occurring momenta are absorbed by the boundary, as long as the boundary does not inject them. For convenience the following discussion ignores any potential energies, and assumes the electron behaves as if completely free in the asymptotic region where it is absorbed. The zero-point absorber can be constructed by simply require that the outgoing wave exp(ik0r), for some selected momentum k0, is an eigenfunction of the Hamiltonian with boundary condition. The discretized kinetic-energy Hamiltonian is tridiagonal and thus involves only relations between a point and its neighbors. This makes most points of the grid oblivious of the boundary, and the exponential wave is automatically an eigenfunction, just as in the boundary-less case. Only in the last row of the Hamiltonian matrix the boundary is felt, but it is always possible to set the diagonal element on this row to a complex number such that the outgoing exponential wave satisfies the eigenvalue equation also in the last point. To absorb outgoing waves the imaginary part of this lower-right corner then automatically has the proper sign for making the norm of the wave function decrease. The zero-point method gives perfect absorption for outgoing momentum k0, but the reflection coefficient rapidly increases for momenta that deviate from this. For high energies the reflection rises to nearly 1, but we don’t care about this since such energies will not occur. For vanishing energy, the reflection will also approach 1. This is a much bigger nuisance, but unfortunately unavoidable. The very definition of reflection coefficient (as the ratio of the waves of momentum k and –k) implies that it will be 1 at k = 0. In a finite system the reflection coefficient will be a continuous function of the momentum, so some momenta close to 0 will be poorly absorbed too. A complex-potential absorber will also have very poor absorption as soon as the wavelength of the electron becomes larger than the thickness of the absorber. The energy window of good absorption of the zeropoint absorber is thus very narrow, and this makes it only useful in problems where we can make a pretty good guess about the energies that will hit the boundary. In a tunneling situation this might very well occur somewhat beyond the exit of the tunnel. We could tune the absorber to perfectly absorb the tunneling current at the peak electric field. At lower field the tunneling current would have lower kinetic energy at the same point, and would thus be absorbed less well. But the tunneling current decreases so rapidly with field that it would have effectively turned off before this starts to be a problem anyway. Nevertheless, the applicability of the zero-point absorber remains limited: in the nonsequential double-ionization problem the mechanism that ejects the inner electron is not expected to be tunneling, and this makes it hard to predict the electron energy at the boundary. To improve on the zero-point absorber, we simply extend the philosophy that underlies its design stepwise. For the first upgrade, we thus require exact absorption of two independently chosen outgoing momenta k1 and k2. Again such exponential waves satisfy the eigenvalue equation for the tridiagonal operator automatically everywhere except in the boundary point. Unfortunately it is not possible to make two different exponentials eigenfunctions by just adapting the lowest row of the Hamiltonian. With the same amplitude, outgoing waves of different momenta represent different currents to be absorbed, while absorption of norm in the final point only depends on the amplitude in that point. The desired result can thus only be achieved by giving the different outgoing waves eigenfunctions that have an amplitude in the point(s) where the absorption takes place proportional to the square-root of their momentum, i.e., the final point can no longer in all cases represent the wave function. Making the value of the eigenfunctions in this point an arbitrary dynamical variable introduces two complex degrees of freedom (one for each momentum). The point, however, is referenced in the two bottom rows of the Hamiltonian, and we thus have to satisfy four complex conditions (two for each momentum). This imposes two complex (or four real) conditions on the coefficients appearing in the Hamiltonian on these rows. Maintaining the tridiagonal form, five coefficients are available there, so we can even impose extra conditions. We elected to keep the Hamiltonian matrix symmetric, leaving three coefficients to play with. To provide four real degrees of freedom with three coefficients, only one of them has to be complex, and we took this to be the lower-right corner. The absorption is then limited to this single point. The appendix shows how to derive the required coefficients. Usually we pick k1 = 0.6 and k2 = 1.5 causes better than 99% absorption in the energy range 3 to 40 eV. (Note that at R = 8 the depth of the potential well of a doubly charged ion is 0.25 Hartree, or 6.8 eV, so that it LASER PHYSICS Vol. 12 No. 2 2002 PHOTO-IONIZATION OF TWO-ELECTRON ATOMS is not evident that in the full problem electrons with an energy below 3 eV would not reflect back to the nucleus.) With the described choices, the only deviation from hermiticity is the imaginary part of the lower-right corner of the Hamiltonian. Using a split-operator scheme to implement the time propagation, where we split the Hamiltonian into the hermitian and anti-hermitian part, reduces the partial propagator of the latter to a simple mask multiplication, where the mask differs form 1 in only a single point! To have as only non-unitary part of the propagator a multiplication in a single point with a factor smaller than 1 guarantees that the absorption process can only decrease the norm of the wave function. The reflection coefficient is thus smaller than 1 for any outgoing momentum. It is furthermore very easy to keep track of how much probability is removed that way from the grid, and the equation of continuity (which the propagator for the hermitian part obeys) tells us that this removed probability is a measure for the current leaving the grid edge. The absorber discussed above assumed a simple three-point finite-difference representation Δ2 of the radial Laplacian. In our calculations, however, we use 2 –1 h the fourth-order correction ⎛ 1 + ------ Δ 2 ⎞ Δ 2 . The cor⎝ 12 ⎠ rection brought about by the first factor is supposed to be small, so to lowest order the boundary condition in Δ2 would have to be the one discussed. We simply use the hermitian part of this operator as Δ2 in the fourthorder operator, which guarantees that the corrected operator remains hermitian. The anti-hermitian part is not corrected at all. The correction of the hermitian part turns out to hardly affect the absorber properties. 2. INITIAL STATE The initial state for the calculations has to be chosen with great care. Photo-ionization probabilities can be extremely small, since they are exponentially sensitive to the magnitude of the laser field. Double-ionization probabilities are even smaller. An initial state that is not the exact ground-state eigenfunction of the propagator will contain components along other eigenstates of it. If the propagator is any good as an approximation to reality, such eigenstates are either continuum states (amongst with the double-ionization continuum), leaving the atom from the very beginning, or excited bound states that will be completely stripped of the atom at very low laser fields. With an inaccurate initial state, such initial bursts of ionization can easily swamp the true signal if the latter is weak. In the SAE case, using a half-implicit scheme (1 – iHt)/(1 + iHt) for the atomic propagator, this problem is solved by using the ground state of the discretized atomic Hamiltonian as initial state. Since the propagator is a function of the Hamiltonian, they have the same LASER PHYSICS Vol. 12 No. 2 2002 359 eigenfunctions. Note that in another popular way to solve the SAE problem, where the propagator is split in a potential- and kinetic-energy part, this method can not be used, since even in the absence of the field the propagator is not a function of the atomic Hamiltonian. In the two-electron case we face a similar problem. The atomic propagator is split in several parts: one part for each electron, and one for their Coulomb repulsion. Due to non-commutation of the two one-electron operators with the repulsion, this is not the same as the exponent of the sum of these operators. One really has to determine the eigenfunctions of the propagator. A popular way to determine ground-state eigenfunctions is imaginary-time propagation. In this method one integrates the Schrödinger equation in imaginary time, i.e., one solves ∂tΨ = –HΨ. The solutions of this equation blow up exponentially, the ground state (having the most negative eigenvalue) the fastest of all. So after some time all other contributions are negligible in comparison. Unfortunately, this method does not solve the problem. When the atomic propagator is split, the splitting error depends on the time step τ, usually as τ2. With non-commuting operators this error will not only show up in the propagator eigenvalues, but also in its eigenfunctions. Making τ imaginary flips the sign of the error and alters the eigenfunctions. In fact the eigenfunctions differ twice as much from the desired one as the eigenfunctions of the Hamiltonian itself (which coincide with those of the propagator for infinitely small τ, since in this limit the splitting error vanishes). A simple and reasonably efficient solution to the problem exists. The numerical solutions generated by the (split) propagator (in real time) are superpositions of the evolution of the contributing eigenstates. So in principle they can be extracted from this evolution by Fourier analysis. Since it is impractical to generate a solution for an infinite amount of time, the various frequency components can not be resolved with infinite precision. If we generate the solution Ψ(t) over a finite time interval [0, 2T], we can approximately extract the 2T Fourier component of frequency E as 1/2T 0 Ψ (t)eiEtdt. ∫ Since Ψ(t) = e–iHt Ψ(0), this extraction procedure is formally equivalent to applying the operator sin((E – H)T)/(E – H)T to the initial state Ψ(0). From this we can see that any contribution of an eigenstate of energy Ek is suppressed by a factor sin(Ek – E)T/(Ek – E)T. If the sought state is well separated (by ΔE) from all other states in the spectrum, we can choose T large enough to be sure that there are no other states within the central lobe of sinc function (ΔET > π), and outside this lobe the maximum of the sinc function is 0.21. This means that all contaminations of the state are suppressed by a factor 5. Simply repeating this procedure a number of times reduces all contaminations exponentially to zero. 360 MULLER This method is trivial to program, since it can make use of the ordinary propagator, and the only added part has to calculate the time-average of the exponentially weighted wave function. The integration time 2T has to be on the order of 2π/ΔE, where ΔE is the lowest excitation energy. In fact convergence can be sped up by not using the same value of T on every iteration, but varying it a little: this spreads the zeros of the sinc function to reduce the contribution of any contaminating state even faster. The eigenvalue equation is ⎛ . ⎜ ⎜ exp ( – 2ik i h ) ( Δ 2 – Λ i ) ⎜ exp ( – ik i h ) ⎜ ⎜ 1 ⎜ ⎝ γi ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ = 0, ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ (7) where γi is the arbitrary value of the wave function in 2 3. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS In conclusion, we can say that it is possible to solve important aspects of the two-electron problem even on a single PC. Using the highly efficient techniques developed for integrating the single-electron problem reduces the integration times to about 5 μs per grid point per time step on a 333 MHz Celeron. Aggressive trimming of the five-dimensional grid can reduce it to 500 × 40 × 32 × 5 × 2 = 6.4 M points (r1 × ϑ1 × r2 × ϑ2 × m), for a modest memory requirement of 52 Mbyte and an execution speed of 120 steps per hour. With 2000 steps per cycle a short pulse can be simulated in four days. the last (auxiliary) point of the grid, and Λi ≈ – k i the eigenvalue corresponding to momentum ki (i = 1, 2). We assume everywhere that ki h 1, so that we can approximate exp(–ikh) by 1 – ikh. As mentioned in the text only the equations resulting from the last two rows of the Laplacian matrix are relevant; the others are satisfied automatically by the choice of Λi . To find the conditions for the Hamiltonian coefficients A, B, and C, we first eliminate γi from the equations using the last row: 2 γ i = B/ ( h Λ i – C ), (8) substitution of which in the equations of the forelast row produces 2 2 2 – ik i h + A + B / ( h Λ i – C ) – h Λ i = 0. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work is part of the research program of FOM (Fundamental Research on Matter), which is subsidized by NWO (Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Research). (9) We then proceed to eliminate C (which, like the γi , is an arbitrary complex number): 2 2 2 C – h Λ i = B / ( A – ik i h – h Λ i ), (10) leaving the single (complex) equation 2 APPENDIX Obtaining the coefficients for the absorbing termination on the Laplacian is not entirely trivial, due to the fact that we are dealing with mixed real and complex conditions and a set of non-linear equations. As a consequence, a brute-force elimination attempt quickly leads us to unwieldly equations. With a little subtlety solutions can be easily found analytically, as shown below. The simplest finite-difference approximation of the Laplacian, written in matrix representation on a grid with spacing h is ⎛ . . ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ . –2 1 ⎟ –2 ⎜ ⎟. Δ2 = h 1 ⎜ 1 –2 ⎟ ⎜ 1 –1 + A B ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ B C⎠ ⎝ h ( Λ2 – Λ1 ) 2 1 1 = B ⎛ ------------------------------------– -------------------------------------⎞ . ⎝ A – ik h – h 2 Λ A – ik h – h 2 Λ ⎠ 1 1 2 (11) 2 Both A and B follow uniquely from this single complex equation because we required them to be real; to solve for them we write separate equations for the real and imaginary part. 2 2 2 2 ( k 1 k 2 h – ( A – h Λ1 ) ( A – h Λ2 ) ) = B , 2 2 (12) 2 h ( Λ2 – Λ1 ) ( – k 2 ( A – h Λ1 ) – k 1 ( A – h Λ2 ) ) 2 = B ( k 1 – k 2 ). (13) Eliminating B2, we are left with a quadratic equation for A, which is easily solved for any momenta k1 and k2 that we care to pick: (6) 2 2 2 2 A = k 1 k 2 h – k 1 k 2 h ( ( k 1 + k 2 ) h + 1 ). (14) From this B2 and C then follow easily by backsubstitution in Eqs. (12) and (10), respectively. (The choice of LASER PHYSICS Vol. 12 No. 2 2002 PHOTO-IONIZATION OF TWO-ELECTRON ATOMS sign of the square root in Eq. (14) guarantees that B2 > 0.) REFERENCES 1. 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