1 What is modern physics? 2 Write a sentence that seems obviously true to a classical physicist, but which is not completely accurate due to quantum mechanics. 3 Given the bizarreness of quantum mechanics, why would anyone believe it to be true? 4 What is a black body? 5 What is blackbody radiation? 6 What is the ultraviolet catastrophe? 7 Equation (1.1) in the text is P = σAT 4 . Does it matter which units we wish to use for P? for A? for T ? Why or why not? 8 On page 4, Scherrer refers to “the total energy density ρ of radiation inside a blackbody cavity”. In figure 1.2, Scherrer plots “the energy density ρ(ν) of blackbody radiation as a function of frequency ν at temperatures of T = 1000 K, 1500 K, and 2000 K”. Do ρ and ρ(ν) mean the same thing? Explain your answer. 9 Evaluate the denominator of equation (1.6), i.e. Z ∞ P(E)dE 0 by using e−E/kT P(E) = kT Interpret your result. 10 Planck suggested a change to the classical theory mean energy: R∞ e−E/kT 0 P(E)EdE R E classical = ∞ , P(E) = kT 0 P(E)dE Write down the expression for E Planck . Evaluate E classical and E Planck . In what limit does E classical → E Planck ? 11 What is a photon? 12 The photoelectric effect is described by Emax = hν − EB Carefully define each quantity in that equation. 13 Derive the Compton scattering formula, λf − λi = λC (1 − cos θ), and thereby determine the parameter λC in terms of fundamental constants. 14 An isolated pion of mass m can spontaneously decay into a pair of photons. Calculate the momentum of each photon. 15 Can an isolated electron emit a photon? Why or why not? 16 What is an electron? 17 Compare/contrast the Compton wavelength and the de Broglie wavelength. 18 Calculate your de Broglie wavelength while walking. 19 In Bohr’s model of an atom, is the electron relativistic? 20 Is a virus a particle or a wave? Is an insulin molecule a particle or a wave? Reference: www.nature.com/news/2011/110405/full/news.2011.210.html 21 True or false: √ −1 = i. Explain your answer. 22 True or false: Re(zw) = Re(z)Re(w). Explain your answer. 23 Evaluate the following and express your result in Cartesian form. 2 + 3i 4−i 24 Evaluate the following and express your result in polar form. 2 + 3i 4−i 25 Evaluate the product of the following three complex numbers. z1 = 2eπi/2 , z2 = 3e−πi/6 , z3 = 4eπi/4 . 26 Evaluate e7πi/4 − e−πi/4 . Interpret your result. 27 Write down the complex conjugate of (2 + 3i)4 eiπ (1 − i)3 28 Is the operator defined by C[f (x)] = f ∗ (x) a linear operator? Explain your answer. If it is linear, provide eigenfunctions and eigenvalues. 29 Is the operator defined by A[f (x)] = |f (x)| a linear operator? Explain your answer. If it is linear, provide eigenfunctions and eigenvalues. 30 Is the operator defined by D[f (x)] = df (x) dx a linear operator? Explain your answer. If it is linear, provide eigenfunctions and eigenvalues. 31 Is the operator defined by Π[f (x)] = f (−x) a linear operator? Explain your answer. If it is linear, provide eigenfunctions and eigenvalues. 32 Our textbook says that a linear operator must satisfy two properties. (a) Write down those two properties. (b) Can the two be replaced by a single property? (c) Why do you suppose the name is “linear” operator? 33 Consider the function Ψ(x, t) = Bei(kx−ωt) where B is complex but k , x, ω and t are real. Describe this function using basic wave language. ¨ (No reference to the Schrodinger equation is required.) 34 Is i~ ∂∂t a linear operator? If so, find the eigenvalue corresponding to the following eigenfunction: Ψ(x, t) = Bei(kx−ωt) 35 ∂ Is −i~ ∂x a linear operator? If so, find the eigenvalue corresponding to the following eigenfunction: Ψ(x, t) = Bei(kx−ωt) 36 Given the momentum operator ∂ ∂x and the total energy operator P = −i~ E = i~ ∂ ∂t (a) construct the kinetic energy operator for a nonrelativistic object. (b) write down an operator equation for conservation of energy. 37 V= 8 V= V=0 x=0 x=a 8 What forces are felt by an object in the following potential well? 38 V= 8 V= V=0 x=0 x=a 8 ¨ Derive a Schrodinger wave function for an object in the following potential well. 39 Consider an object described by the wave function for x < 0, 0 −i~π 2 t Ψ(x, t) = 2ma2 A sin πx for 0 ≤ x ≤ a, a e 0 for x > a What is the probability of observing the object within 0 < x < a? 40 Consider an object described by the wave function for x < 0, 0 q −i~π 2 t 2 2ma2 Ψ(x, t) = sin πx for 0 ≤ x ≤ a, a a e 0 for x > a What is the probability of observing the object within 0 < x < a2 ? 41 Consider an object described by the wave function for x < 0, 0 q −i~π 2 t 2 2ma2 Ψ(x, t) = sin πx for 0 ≤ x ≤ a, a a e 0 for x > a Calculate hxi. Z Fact : 0 π θ sin2 θ dθ = π2 4 42 Consider an object described by the wave function for x < 0, 0 q −i~π 2 t 2 2ma2 Ψ(x, t) = sin πx for 0 ≤ x ≤ a, a a e 0 for x > a Calculate hpi. 43 Consider an object described by the wave function for x < 0, 0 q −i~π 2 t 2 2ma2 Ψ(x, t) = sin πx for 0 ≤ x ≤ a, a a e 0 for x > a Calculate hEi. 44 Explain the distinction between ¨ the time-dependent Schrodinger equation and ¨ the time-independent Schrodinger equation. 45 What is a stationary state? Why is the word “stationary” appropriate? 46 Derive the following equation. d 2ψ 2m = [V (x) − E]ψ dx 2 ~2 List situations when it cannot be used. 47 Sketch ψ(x) for a particle in the ground state of this potential. V(x) x What does ψ(x) represent? 48 Sketch ψ(x) for a particle in the first excited state of this potential. V(x) x What does ψ(x) represent? 49 Sketch ψ(x) for a particle in the second excited state of this potential. V(x) x What does ψ(x) represent? 50 Can an unbound particle exist in this potential? If so, sketch ψ(x). V(x) x 51 Sketch ψ(x) for an unbound particle in this potential. V(x) x Which energy values are available to an unbound particle? 52 A √ particle with energy E > V0 and momentum 2mE is incident from the left in the potential V(x) shown. V=Vo V=0 x=0 Calculate the probability of reflection. x 53 A √ particle with energy E < V0 and momentum 2mE is incident from the left in the potential V(x) shown. V=Vo V=0 x=0 Calculate the probability of reflection. x 54 A √ particle with energy E < V0 and momentum 2mE is incident from the left in the potential V(x) shown. V=Vo V=0 x=0 x=a Sketch ψ(x). Could this particle be transmitted? Could this particle be reflected? x 55 V= 8 V= V=0 x=0 x=a 8 Derive all allowed energies for an object in the following potential well. 56 Define zero-point energy. 57 In one or two sentences, explain whether the ¨ Schrodinger equation can accommodate a discontinuous wave function. 58 In one or two sentences, explain whether the ¨ Schrodinger equation can accommodate a discontinuous potential V (x). 59 In one or two sentences, explain whether the ¨ Schrodinger equation can accommodate a kink in the wave function (i.e. a discontinuous dΨ/dx). 60 There are kinks (i.e. discontinuous first derivatives) in the energy eigenfunctions, ψ(x), at the walls of an infinite potential well. Which of the following provides the best explanation? (a) V (x) is discontinuous at the walls. (b) V (x) is infinite at and beyond the walls. (c) Both (a) and (b) are required to produce the kinks. (d) Neither (a) nor (b) can produce the kinks. 61 Why is the harmonic oscillator potential so valuable to physicists? 62 Are there unbound solutions to the harmonic oscillator potential? 63 Prove that, for any one-dimensional potential V (x), each energy E has only one eigenfunction ψ(x) (up to the usual unphysical phase). 64 Prove that for any one-dimensional even potential, i.e. V (x) = V (−x), each eigenfunction ψ(x) will be even or odd. 65 Find the allowed energies for the harmonic oscillator potential. 66 Sketch the wave function Ψ(x, t) and probability density for the first excited state of a harmonic oscillator potential. Choose t = 0 and t 6= 0. 67 Given two observables a and b, is it possible for a particle to be in a state of definite a and definite b at the same time? 68 Which of the following operators can share a common set of eigenfunctions with the harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian? position momentum kinetic energy potential energy total energy parity 69 Suppose we have a particle in the first excited state of a harmonic oscillator. Now we measure the particle’s position. Does the wave function change? 70 TRUE OR FALSE: The wave function of a particle in an infinite square well is always one of the energy eigenfunctions, ψn (x) for some n. 71 Write down the most general solution to the ¨ Schrodinger equation for an infinite square well. 72 Given ~v = axˆ + byˆ + c zˆ express the coefficients a, b and c in terms of dot products. 73 Derive the coefficients An and Bn in the Fourier series ∞ X An Bn √ sin(nx) + √ cos(nx) f (x) = π π n=0 defined for 0 < x < 2π. 74 Let Ψ(x, t) = ∞ X cn ψn (x)e−iEn t/~ n=0 denote the most general solution to the ¨ Schrodinger equation for some potential V (x). ψn (x) are the normalized energy eigenfunctions as usual. Use the normalization condition to derive a constraint on the values of the coefficients cn . 75 Let Ψ(x, t) = ∞ X cn ψn (x)e−iEn t/~ n=0 denote the most general solution to the ¨ Schrodinger equation for some potential V (x). ψn (x) are the normalized energy eigenfunctions as usual. Derive an expression for hEi and use your result to interpret the physical meaning of each coefficient cn . 76 Consider a particle in an infinite square well at 0 < x < a with wave function r πx 2 Ψ(x, t) ∝ sin e−iE1 t/~ a ra 2 2πx e−iE2 t/~ sin + a a Derive the probability density. 77 Is the derivative operator, d/dx, Hermitian? Prove your answer. 78 Is the momentum operator, −i~d/dx, Hermitian? Prove your answer. 79 Find the allowed energies for a electron trapped in an infinite potential box of dimensions L × L × L. 80 ¨ Express the 3-dimensional Schrodinger equation, for arbitrary V (~r , t), in terms of the angular-momentum-squared operator L2 . 81 ¨ Derive the radial Schrodinger equation for a time-independent central potential V (r ). 82 Calculate [Lx , Ly ] and [Ly , Lz ] and [Lz , Lx ]. What is the implication of your results? 83 Calculate [L2 , Lx ] and [L2 , Ly ] and [L2 , Lz ]. What is the implication of your results? 84 Calculate [H, L2 ] and [H, Lx ] and [H, Ly ] and [H, Lz ]. What is the implication of your results? 85 ¨ Solve the angular part of the Schrodinger equation for any time-independent central potential V (r ). 86 Show that Y`m is an eigenfunction of Lz . What is the eigenvalue? 87 It is standard to combine Lx and Ly into new operators called L± . Then instead of Lx , Ly , and Lz we can use L+ = Lx + iLy L− = Lx − iLy and Lz Are these operators Hermitian? What are the implications of your results? 88 Show that L+ Y`m and L− Y`m are eigenfunctions of Lz . What are the eigenvalues? What are the conventional names for L+ and L− ? 89 Beginning from (L+ Y`m |L+ Y`m ) ≥ 0 and (L− Y`m |L− Y`m ) ≥ 0 prove that −` ≤ m ≤ +`. 90 Consider an electron in a central potential having 2~2 as the eigenvalue of L2 . Suppose the component of angular momentum along the z axis was measured to be ~. What is the probability of finding the electron within 10 degrees of the z axis? What is the probability of finding the electron within 10 degrees of the xy plane? 91 Sketch the potential energy for one proton plus one electron. On your sketch, label the bound-state region. On your sketch, label the scattering region. 92 Write down the total energy of one proton plus one electron. Re-express that total energy in center-of-momentum coordinates. Based on your findings, propose a center-of-momentum Hamiltonian for hydrogen. 93 ¨ When solving the radial Schrodinger equation, Scherrer described one boundary condition as follows (page 133): “as usual, as r → ∞, we require u → 0” But the radial wave function is not u. It is u/r . Should the boundary condition really be this: as usual, as r → ∞, we require u/r → 0 ? Explain carefully. 94 Write down the most general solution, ¨ Ψ(r , θ, φ, t), to the hydrogen Schrodinger equation in terms of Rn` (r ) and Y`m (θ, φ). 95 Consider two eigenfunctions, ψn`m and ψn0 `0 m0 , of the hydrogen Hamiltonian. Write down the mathematical definition of orthonormality. 96 Orthogonal spherical harmonics? R 2π R π ∗ (a) 0 0 Y`m (θ, φ)Y`0 m0 (θ, φ)dθdφ = δ`,`0 δm,m0 (b) R 2π R π 0 0 ∗ (θ, φ)Y`0 m0 (θ, φ) sin θdθdφ = δ`,`0 δm,m0 Y`m (c) Both of the above. (d) None of the above. 97 Rn` (r ) denotes a hydrogen radial wave function. Identify each of the following as true or false. R∞ (a) 0 R10 (r )R20 (r )dr = 0 R∞ (b) 0 R10 (r )R21 (r )r 2 dr = 0 R∞ (c) 0 R20 (r )R21 (r )r 2 dr = 0 R∞ (d) 0 R31 (r )R31 (r )dr = 1 98 These curves are |rRn,` |2 for n ≤ 3. Label each. • •• •• • |rR10 (r)|2 |rR20 (r)|2 |rR30 (r)|2 • •• •• • |rR21 (r)|2 |rR31 (r)|2 • •• •• • |rR32 (r)|2 • • • l=0 n = 1,2,3 l=1 n = 2,3 • • l=2 n=3 0 5 • 10 15 20 99 The hydrogen ground state energy is E1 = −13.6 eV. How many hydrogen eigenfunctions have energy E91 ? Write down the quantum numbers for each. 100 Consider √1 3 q i Is it normalized? ! 2 3 101 Consider ψ1 = √1 3 q i q ! ! 2 3 Are they orthogonal? and ψ2 = i 23 − √13 102 Consider Is it Hermitian? 0 −i i 0 103 Consider ψ1 = √1 3 q i q ! ! 2 3 and ψ2 = Calculate (ψ1 |ψ2 ) and (ψ2 |ψ1 ). i 23 − √13 104 Consider ψ1 = √1 3 q i q ! ! 2 3 ψ2 = and and Calculate (ψ2 |σ1 ψ1 ). σ1 = i 23 − √13 0 1 1 0 105 Consider σ1 = 0 1 1 0 Calculate [σ1 , σ2 ]. and σ2 = 0 −i i 0 106 Find all eigenvalues of 0 −i σ2 = i 0 107 Find all normalized eigenvectors of 0 −i σ2 = i 0 What space is spanned by the eigenvectors? Write down the most general vector in that space. 108 Explicitly calculate N X |vi ihvi | i=1 where the |vi i are the normalized eigenvectors of 0 −i σ2 = i 0 109 Provide explicit expressions for c1 and c2 in |ψi = |v1 ic1 + |v2 ic2 If the |vi i are the normalized eigenvectors of 0 −i σ2 = i 0 then find c1 and c2 for |ψi = 7 4 110 Suppose the charge density of an electron is approximated by ρ(~r ) = −eδ 3 (~r − ~r0 ) What are the appropriate physical units for ρ(~r )? 111 Suppose the charge density of an electron is approximated by ρ(~r ) = −eδ 3 (~r − ~r0 ) What is the total charge of the electron? 112 Suppose the charge density of an electron along a wire is approximated by ρ(x) = cδ(2x) where c is some constant. What is the total charge of the electron? 113 Suppose the charge density of an electron is approximated by ρ(x, y , z) = cδ(x)δ(y + z)δ(1 − 2z)e−(x where c is some constant. What is the total charge of the electron? 2 +y 2 +z 2 ) 114 Given any electron, can you increase its spin angular momentum by rotating the electron faster? Explain. 115 The operator L2 has eigenvalues `(` + 1)~2 . The operator S 2 has eigenvalues s(s + 1)~2 . Write down the allowed values for ` and s. 116 What is a Stern-Gerlach apparatus? In 1927, Phipps and Taylor shot a beam of hydrogen atoms, all in their ground state, through a Stern-Gerlach apparatus. What did they observe? 117 What effect does a Stern-Gerlach apparatus have on a small bar magnet? What effect does a Stern-Gerlach apparatus have on a small current loop? 118 Electrons are called spin- 12 particles. In terms of experimental observations, exactly what does this mean? 119 The electron in a hydrogen atom is in an ` = 1 state. What are the possible values of j and mj ? 120 The electron in a hydrogen atom is in an ` = 5 state. What are the possible values of j and mj ? 121 Suppose the electron in a hydrogen atom is replaced by a rho meson. The rho meson is a spin-1 particle. Let’s call this a “rho-onic atom”. The rho meson in a rho-onic atom is in an ` = 5 state. What are the possible values of j and mj ? 122 1 Let represent an electron that is spin-up 0 along the z axis. 0 represent an electron that is Let 1 spin-down along the z axis. (a) Write the standard eigenvalue equation for each, for operator Sz . (b) Derive the four elements in the matrix representing Sz . 123 1 Let represent an electron that is spin-up 0 along the z axis. 0 Let represent an electron that is 1 spin-down along the z axis. (a) Write the matrix representing the raising operator S+ (with units of angular momentum). (b) Write the matrix representing the lowering operator S− (with units of angular momentum). 124 Given the familiar identities S+ = Sx + iSy S− = Sx − iSy use the matrix expressions for S± to obtain matrix expressions for Sx and Sy . 125 Express S+ S− in terms of S 2 and Sz . Verify explicitly that the matrices really do satisfy this relation. 126 Find the eigenvectors of Sx . Can these eigenvectors be expressed as linear combinations of the Sz eigenvectors? (If so, then do it.) 127 Find the eigenvectors of Sy . Can these eigenvectors be expressed as linear combinations of the Sz eigenvectors? (If so, then do it.) 128 Consider a constant magnetic field B zˆ containing a stationary electron that is spin-up along the z-axis at t = 0. At time t = T /3, the z-component of the electron’s spin is measured. Definition: T = π~ µB B What are the possible values, and what is the probability of each? 129 Consider a constant magnetic field B zˆ containing a stationary electron that is spin-up along the z-axis at t = 0. At time t = T /4, the x-component of the electron’s spin is measured. Definition: T = π~ µB B What are the possible values, and what is the probability of each? 130 Consider a constant magnetic field B zˆ containing a stationary electron that is spin-up along the x-axis at t = 0. At time t = T /2, the x-component of the electron’s spin is measured. Definition: T = π~ µB B What are the possible values, and what is the probability of each? 131 Consider a constant magnetic field B zˆ containing a stationary electron that is spin-up along the x-axis at t = 0. At time t > 0, the y -component of the electron’s spin is measured. What are the possible values, and what is the probability of each? 132 (a) Complete the list of possible wave functions for a pair of neutrons. (Show your work.) |1 1i |1 0i |1 − 1i |0 0i = = = = | ↑ ↑i ? | ↓ ↓i ? (b) Carefully and completely define the notation used in the list above. 133 Consider two electrons at rest with Hamiltonian ~1 · S ~ 2. H = λS (a) Express H in terms of S12 , S22 and S 2 . (b) Are the eigenstates of S 2 , i.e. |s ms i = |1 1i, |1 0i, |1, −1i, |0, 0i, also eigenstates of H? (c) List all possible energy levels of this two-electron system. 134 Find the energy levels of a two-neutron system with Hamiltonian H= µ ~1 · µ ~ 2 3(~µ1 · ~r )(~µ2 · ~r ) − r3 r5 where ~r extends from one neutron to the other. (This is example 8.5 on page 184 of Scherrer’s textbook.) 135 Consider a constant magnetic field B zˆ containing a stationary electron that is spin-up along the x-axis at t = 0. Define T = µπ~ . BB In a few sentences, compare/contrast these two scenarios: (a) The system is undisturbed until t = T /2 when the x-component of the electron’s spin is measured. (b) The x-component of the spin is measured frequently throughout 0 < t < T /2. 136 Consider a free stationary electron (not in any magnetic field) that is spin-up along the x-axis at t = 0. Define any constant time T > 0. In a few sentences, compare/contrast these two scenarios: (a) The system is undisturbed until t = T when the x-component of the electron’s spin is measured. (b) The v -component of the spin is measured frequently throughout 0 < t < T , where vˆ = xˆ cos(πt/T ) + yˆ sin(πt/T ). 137 List (by name) the perturbations for a hydrogen atom. Explain the meaning of each. 138 Which states of hydrogen are affected by the Lamb shift? Why? 139 Fill in the blanks: unperturbed En is proportional to (dEn )fine is proportional to (dEn )hyperfine is proportional to (dEn )Lamb is proportional to Select your answers from: me 2 2 4 2 5 2 α me c , α me c , α me c , m α4 me c 2 . p 140 Order these hydrogen correction terms from largest to smallest: • fine • hyperfine • Lamb 141 Consider the hydrogen energy level n`j = 5F7/2 . (a) Which states are degenerate with 5F7/2 when all perturbations are neglected? (b) Which states are degenerate with 5F7/2 when fine structure is the only perturbation retained? (c) In real life, which states are degenerate with 5F7/2 ? 142 What extra term appears in V (~r ) for hydrogen but not for He+ ? 143 Write down V (~r ) for pionic He+ (bound state of an alpha particle and a pion). Explain the physics of each term. 144 Calculate the Stark effect for a ground-state hydrogen atom in a constant electric field E yˆ . 145 Spin-orbit and an external B field: H = H0 + α~ ~ ~ µB B S·L+ (Lz + 2Sz ) 2me2 cr 3 ~ The Zeeman effect is obtained by treating the B term as a perturbation. ~ · ~L term and write down the First neglect the S energy shifts E (1) . ~ · ~L term is not Is your method valid if the S neglected? Explain. 146 TRUE OR FALSE: ¨ Adding a constant to V (~r ) in the Schrodinger equation should not change the observable physics. 147 ¨ Begin with the Schrodinger equation H0 |ψn i = En |ψn i. Add a small constant V0 to the potential. Use perturbation theory to calculate the new energy levels (to second order) and the new wave function (to first order). 148 The perturbation for hydrogen in a magnetic field is H1 = µB~B (Lz + 2Sz ). Write down the perturbation for helium in a magnetic field. Calculate the shift of the helium ground state energy. 149 Given H|ψi i = Ei |ψi i, define |ψi = P∞ i=0 ci |ψi i. (a) Which functions |ψi can be expressed as a sum of this form? (b) Evaluate hψ|ψi. 150 Given H|ψi i = Ei |ψi i, define |ψi = (a) Evaluate P∞ i=0 ci |ψi i. hψ|H|ψi . hψ|ψi (b) Is this ratio larger than, smaller than, or equal to the ground state energy E0 ? 151 Use the variational principle to estimate the ground state energy of a neutron bouncing on a tabletop due to gravity. Hints: (a) Choose the trial wave function to be −αx xe for x ≥ 0 ψ(x) = 0 for x < 0 R∞ (b) A useful integral is 0 x n e−αx = αn! n+1 . 152 In chapter 6, the ground state hydrogen wave function was found to be e−r /a0 ψ(~r ) = √ 3/2 πa0 Generalize this to a one-electron atom with any nucleus. 153 A first guess for the helium Hamiltonian might be Hguess P12 P22 2e2 2e2 = + − − 2me 2me 4π0 r1 4π0 r2 What important term has been omitted? Show that the product of two one-electron wave functions ψ(~r1 )ψ(~r2 ) ¨ satisfies the Schrodinger equation with Hguess . 154 Write down the normalization condition for a hydrogen wave function ψ(~r ). Write down the normalization condition for a helium wave function ψHe (~r1 , ~r2 ). What are the dimensions of each wave function? 155 The ground state wave function for a one-electron atom is Z 3/2 e−Zr /a0 ψ(~r ) = √ 3/2 πa0 Write down the standard trial wave function for helium. In one or two sentences, explain why this choice is physically reasonable. 156 Scherrer’s Equation (10.8): P12 2e2 hψ|H|ψi = 2hψ| |ψi − 2hψ| |ψi + . . . 2me 4π0 r1 Z 3 −Z (r1 +r2 )/a0 where ψ = e πa03 Scherrer (page 232) says: “The integrals in the first two terms on the right-hand side of Equation (10.8) are straightforward”. Response options: strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree 157 For helium, P12 P22 2e2 2e2 e2 H = + − − + 2me 2me 4π0 r1 4π0 r2 4π0 |~r1 − ~r2 | Z 3 −Z (r1 +r2 )/a0 e ψ = πa03 leads to hψ|H|ψi e2 = hψ|ψi 4π0 a0 5 Z 2 − 4Z + Z 8 Estimate the ground-state energy of helium. (The experimental value is -79.0 eV.) 158 H|ψm i=Em |ψm i and (H + H1 (t)) |ψ(t)i=i~ ∂∂t |ψ(t)i P −iEm t/~ |ψm i and |ψ(t)i = ∞ m=0 cm (t)e (a) Which functions |ψ(t)i can be expressed as a sum of this form? (b) Suppose you have a system described by |ψ(t)i, and you measure to see whether it is in the state |ψn i. What is the probability that you will find it in that state? 159 H|ψm i=Em |ψm i and (H + H1 (t)) |ψ(t)i=i~ ∂∂t |ψ(t)i P −iEm t/~ and |ψ(t)i = ∞ |ψm i m=0 cm (t)e (a) Derive an expression for dcn dt . (b) For initial condition ci (0) = 1 and cf (0) = 0 ∀f 6= i, simplify your answer to (a) by assuming H1 (t) is a small perturbation. (c) From (b), derive an expression for cf (t) ∀f 6= i. (d) What is the transition probability P(i → f )? 160 A hydrogen atom is in its ground state. A weak uniform electric field E zˆ is turned on at time t = 0 and left on. At some later time tf > 0, what is the probability that the atom will be in each of the following excited states? (a) n=2, `=0, m` =0 (b) n=2, `=1, m` =-1 (c) n=2, `=1, m` =0 (Compare example 11.1 on page 245 of Scherrer’s textbook.) 161 The central conclusion of time-dependent perturbation theory is Z 2 1 tf P(i → f ) = 2 hψf |H1 (t)|ψi iei(Ef −Ei )t/~ dt ~ ti The leading contribution to atomic transitions is from H1 (t) = eE0 r cos θe−iωt Which factor in P(i → f ) is the key to deriving selection rules? 162 In one sentence, define the phrase “forbidden transitions”. In one sentence, define the phrase “selection rules”. 163 Add arrows to Scherrer’s figure 9.7 to indicate all allowed transitions. 164 Add the n = 4 states to Scherrer’s figure 9.7 and then use arrows to indicate all allowed transitions. 165 Can the 3S1/2 state of hydrogen decay to the ground state? Explain. 166 Define cross section. Define differential cross section. 167 Calculate the differential and total cross section for classical (not quantum) scattering of tiny projectiles from an impenetrable sphere of radius a. 168 Using classical (not quantum) mechanics, derive the differential cross section for Rutherford scattering. 169 What is the Born approximation and when would you use it? What is the partial wave expansion and when would you use it? 170 Work through Scherrer’s Example 12.2 to derive the equation for Figure 12.11. 171 Using quantum mechanics, derive the differential cross section for Rutherford scattering. 172 Calculate the differential and total cross section for low-energy quantum scattering of tiny projectiles (of definite momentum) from an impenetrable sphere of radius a. 173 Show that the exchange operator E12 commutes with the two-particle Hamiltonian if V (~r1 , ~r2 ) = V (~r2 , ~r1 ). 174 Show that the eigenvalues of the exchange operator, E12 , are +1 and -1. 175 Neglecting electron-electron interactions, write down 2-particle spatial eigenstates in terms of single-particle eigenstates. (Be sure they are eigenstates of the exchange operator.) 176 TRUE OR FALSE: (a) When the exchange operator is applied to two particles, it interchanges both their spatial positions and their spins. (b) For two electrons, |0 ms i is always symmetric and |1 ms i is always anti-symmetric. 177 Neglecting electron-electron interactions, write down the ground state wave function for helium. 178 Neglecting electron-electron interactions, write down 3-particle spatial eigenstates in terms of single-particle eigenstates. (Be sure they are eigenstates of the exchange operator.) 179 Define the following. (a) bosons (b) fermions (c) Pauli exclusion principle 180 Define shell for a multi-electron atom. Define subshell for a multi-electron atom. 181 Energy levels in a multi-electron atom depend on n and `. They do not depend on m` and ms . Why is this to be expected? 182 How many electrons can fit into one subshell? How many electrons can fit into one shell? 183 Name that (ground-state) atom: (a) 1s2 2s2 2p2 (b) 1s2 2s2 2p4 184 Label each element in the periodic table by its highest-energy populated subshell 1s, 3d, . . . 185 MRI images the internal human body, and has no harmful side-effects. It relies on spin-1/2 quantum mechanics of hydrogen nuclei. Why are hydrogen nuclei the optimal choice? 186 You are inside an MRI machine with magnetic field ~ = B0 zˆ + B1 cos(ωt)xˆ B Describe the physics of your hydrogen nuclei for the case of B1 = 0. 187 The central conclusion of time-dependent perturbation theory Z tis 2 1 f i(Ef −Ei )t/~ P(i → f ) = 2 hψf |H1 (t)|ψi ie dt ~ ti The perturbation for MRI is 0 1 ~ 1 = µ p B1 H1 = −~µp · B cos(ωt) 1 0 1 0 where has energy Ei = −µp B0 and 0 1 has energy Ef = +µp B0 . What is the probability of a hydrogen nucleus flipping into the excited state? 188 The transition probability for a spin flip in MRI is B12 µ2p sin2 [(ω − ω0 )t/2] P(i → f ) = 4~2 [(ω − ω0 )/2]2 where ω0 = 2µp B0 /~. What is an optimal choice for the phase ω of the transverse magnetic field? In one or two sentences, discuss the value in having the magnetic field depend on position: B0 (x, y , z), B1 (x, y, z) and ω(x, y , z). 189 How are proton spin flips translated into an MRI image? 190 Consider a quantum computer made of two spin- 12 particles (i.e. two qubits). Using the notation 1 0 0 1 | ↓↓i ⇔ 0 , | ↓↑i ⇔ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , | ↑↓i ⇔ 1 , | ↑↑i ⇔ 0 0 1 build operators: AND, OR, XOR, NOT, √ Which of these operators are available to classical computers and which are not? NOT. , 191 Suppose all of your money is in a bank in Ukraine. You want to withdraw it immediately, but remote withdrawals are not permitted. A trusted friend in Ukraine has volunteered to go to the bank for you. All your friend needs from you is the 7-digit account number. If the two of you shared a “symmetric key”, explain how you could encrypt the account number using XOR, and how your friend could decrypt it. 192 Using the quantum key distribution protocol named BB84, show how you and your friend could (a) create a symmetric key shared only by the two of you. or (b) discover that an eavesdropper is trying to acquire your symmetric key. 193 Put the energy and momentum operators into E 2 = m2 c 4 + p 2 c 2 to derive the Klein-Gordon equation. Are there solutions with negative energies? 194 Dirac suggested an equation first-order in ∂/∂t: ∂ψ 2 ~ i~ = −i~c~ α · ∇ + βmc ψ ∂t Use consistency with the Klein-Gordon equation to obtain expressions for αx , αy , αz and β. 195 Solve the Dirac equation for a particle at rest. Are there solutions with negative energies? Discuss. What physics is represented by the four degrees of freedom?
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