Dear Search Committee members: I am writing to express my strong interest in the position of Senior Vice President and Provost at the University of Oregon (UO). The prospects for contributing to future developments at UO, within the context of its outstanding history, its leading national and international role in education and research, are very exciting to me. During my academic career I have been trained or worked for 5 AAU institutions. I appreciate UO’s achievements in undergraduate and graduate education and its goals to reach higher levels of successes in its research and creative areas as well as in service to make it the outstanding institution in the state of Oregon, the US and the World. I value, in particular, the opportunity to collaborate closely with its new President Michael Gottfredson, to help develop and implement a new Strategic Plan based on the goals set up by conversation and participation of all UO stakeholders. Your challenge will no doubt lie not in attracting strongly qualified candidates, but rather in selecting one uniquely suited to your present and future priorities. The University of Oregon has, as do many other top research universities in the US, a set of competing imperatives; how to keep UO’s growth and excellence to be able to achieve the important goals of being an excellent educational and research university for the state of Oregon, for the nation and the World. How to be at the distinguished forefront of US research and educational universities by continuing your growth based on an excellent history and traditions; how to benefit your students, faculty, staff and all your stakeholders by providing the best service and education to them, to Oregon the nation and the World; how to preserve, increase and better use UO’s new administrative independence, financial and human resources in the midst of significant transformational and budgetary challenges being experienced by the University of Oregon System and by most research universities in the nation. I think it would be important to leverage further interdisciplinary and translational collaborations between different UO’s entities and schools as well as other institutions within the state and outside: To further enhance and cultivate the creative activities in the arts and the humanities as well as UO’s impact in the local and global communities. The aim of this letter shall then be to briefly outline my qualifications for the SVP and Provost position, so that I might aid you in determining how my strengths as an administrator and research scholar might be brought to your service. I provide further details about my academic and administrative career in my CV. During my academic and administrative career, I have been fortunate to study in one and worked in five AAU institutions, as well as in Northeastern University in Boston. I was interim Chair and Chair of their leading Physics Department for three years. I was the Vice President for Research (VPR) for the Buffalo Campus of the System University of New York (SUNY) for five years. This is my fourth year as the System VPR for Indiana University (IU). The latter was a new position created to oversee and integrate the whole research and creative enterprise, as well as compliance, for the 8 IU campuses. Of these, there are two main core research campuses: one in Bloomington (IUB) which is a member of the AAU and of the Big 10 Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC); Another core campus is in Indianapolis (Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI)) which houses the state’s only Medical School (IUMS). Indiana University has over 110,000 students with about 43,000 in IUB, 32,000 in IUPUI and the remaining students in the regional campuses. IU has total budget of over 3.4B, composed of 1.4B for IUB and 1.2B for IUPUI. The 2011 total IU research expenditures exceeded 510 million dollars. Indiana University in Bloomington has many things in common with UO. Apart from being a member of the AAU, It has an emphasis in undergraduate education and research in in the basic sciences as well as in the Arts and the humanities. It also has distinguished professional schools. It does not have a medical or engineering school, but is quite strong in the basic sciences. The University at Buffalo (UB) is one of the two flagships universities in the SUNY system and is also a member of the AAU. It has 28,000 students and a budget of about 1.3B, with 357 million in research expenditures as of 2009. UB is the largest and most comprehensive public research university in the Northeast and the best funded. I joined UB in 2005 as they were launching the UB 2020 strategic plan. The essence of this plan is to foster UB’s interdisciplinary research. I had similar administrative responsibilities to the ones I now have at Indiana University, except that I presently oversee a much larger enterprise in terms of resources and FTEs that report directly to me - at UB, I dealt with one campus and with a different research scope. At UB I did oversee the Technology Transfer Office (TTO), which I do not at IU, although I’m in the executive board that oversees the performance of the TTO. Because of my last two senior administration jobs, I have had the opportunity to oversee all the research and creative activities of two flagship AAU universities in the US. This has allowed me to interact and to learn about all academic areas and activities in these institutions: Going from the Medical Schools to the Jacobs School of Music, from the Kelly School of Business to the Maurer Schools of Law, Engineering, Computer Science, Public Health and Education, to name a few. I have overseen seed founding programs for the Arts and the Humanities as well as those in the Social, Physical and Biomedical Sciences. I have been involved in the development of new initiatives and programs in areas of academic strength in both institutions. This has given me a broad picture and understanding of the whole academic enterprise of each academic institution, based on their academic strengths. I have been involved, in both places, on nurturing and supporting collaborations from faculty of different schools, deans and department heads, centers and institutes, in particular to address some of the most important educational and research challenges we are facing in the 21st Century. I have also been involved in the hiring of outstanding faculty, and administrators; the faculty’s tenure evaluations as well as a committed researcher and teacher. As VPR my job has entailed managing research expansion initiatives, grants and contracts, compliance offices. I believe that this, together with my experience as Chair, working in leading European and American institutions qualifies me well to be a strong candidate for the SVP and Provost at OU. When I arrived at UB there was an ongoing process, with faculty playing an essential role, of putting together a strategic plan known as UB 2020. UB 2020 provided the strategic path for investments in UB’s eight strategic strengths, covering all areas of research and creative activities at the university. I was very much part of the development and implementation of this strategic plan during my tenure at UB. UB 2020 is an interdisciplinary strategic plan. I believe I was hired as UB VPR in part because of my experience with interdisciplinary research having been the founding director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Complex Systems (CIRCS) at Northeastern University in Boston. I directed that center for 10 years and it continuous to be very well funded and strong to this day. By the time I left UB we had achieved a cultural transformation where interdisciplinary research became the norm among many faculty and one reason why UB’s research expenditures at that time grew over 30% in less than five years. At IU, I was a member of the committee which developed the “New Academic Directions” (NAD) strategic plan for the Core campuses two years ago. One of my contributions to the implementation of the NAD strategic plan has been to identify, develop and nurture 6 new university wide strategic strengths. We identified these strengths after several meeting retreats with faculty and deans from both core campuses. As a result we are launching a new “Indiana Network Institute (INI)”. This involves close to 60 faculty almost equally divided between the two core campuses including disciplines from the social sciences, biomedical and physical and computer sciences. This is a multimillion dollar three year investment with contributions from Deans, Provost the President and my office. We are also lunching a Consortium for the study of Religion, Ethics and Society with three years seed funding, with contributions from the Chancellor of IUPUI, the Dean of Arts and Sciences from IUB and 60% coming directly from my office. I give these examples since I had to “raise” these resources by convincing the corresponding units that it would a benefit for them to create these entities. We just formed Private/Public /Sate collaboration in the health and bioengineering sciences research. This involves Purdue, Notre Dame, IU, pharmaceutical companies like Elli Lilly and State of Indiana. At all stages of these developments I had conversations with all stakeholders, in particular negotiations with deans, chancellor, provost and president. Throughout my academic career I have been directly involved in trying to hire outstanding faculty and dealing with the intricacies of approving or denying tenure. There is perhaps no more important decision made at a research university than granting tenure. A central goal of a research university is thus to hire and tenure the best distinguished faculty: Provide them with the best environment for them to succeed and to make sure that they are comfortable with the institution. I believe that retention of the best faculty is very important and it should already start before faculty get outside offers, by recognizing their achievements and their worth in advance. To listen early about their needs so that if external offers come they are less attractive to them. At UB I was assigned the task of overseeing the Empire State hiring program. The SUNY Empire State Program involved hiring midcareer or senior researchers who had to have at least $250,000/year funding. The provost gave me the task of overseeing and making decisions about who to recommend for hiring based on the preliminary recommendations by faculty and deans. After the first two years of the program the UB hires were considered the most successful among the six SUNY research universities. Undergraduate and graduate education is undergoing significant scrutiny in the US. Questions about student retention and completion rates, both for undergraduates and graduate students as well as affordability have attracted significant attention from the state’s legislators and from the federal government. New pedagogical ways of teaching, including massive open online courses (MOOCS), have evoked questions about their impact as disruptive new pedagogies. Questions about how we are going to be teaching students now and in the future using the power of novel internet developments have been raised. Answers to these questions, however, are still being developed, but I believe that each answer depends strongly on the type of students each institution has. How can we enhance the teaching and learning environment and experience of our students so that they can be best prepared for the competitive national and international job market’s needs? I consider strengthening the undergraduate and graduate student educational experiences a central problem for all research universities. I have not been in charge of managing a university wide budget. However, I have been a member of two president’s cabinets where we have discussed budgets in great detail, in particular due to recent state budget cuts, the multifaceted components that make a university’s budget: tuition, endowment, financial aid, investments, bond borrowing, state and federal support, private/public partnerships and other external funding sources. At IU we have the Responsible Center Management (RCM) business model. My office has its own multimillion dollar RC budget. I oversee over 260 part time and full time FTEs. This involves research administration and management of some centers and institutes in the arts and the humanities and the physical and biological sciences. In the almost four years since I joined Indiana University, we have completed the organization of the new VPR IU System’s office. This has involved integration of all compliance and budget offices into one. Pre and post award office integration was underway when I arrived. We have integrated all the disparate components of the previous IU campuses research administration offices where possible we have consolidated disparate budgets into one. To do so I hired a new Chief Financial Officer with an MBA degree from the Kelly Business School. There were no new resources added to the base RC budget to pay for the reorganization or the new hires. They came from a thorough analysis of the unit’s expenses and from finding new efficiencies that allowed us to reallocate resources. During my academic career I have spent much effort and time helping to attract, nurture, and retain excellent faculty in general but, in particular, faculty who reflect gender and racial characteristics of the population and student body at large. For example, I was involved with an NSF Women in Science program at NU back in the 1980s. For four years I was an active member of the New England Board of Higher Education Minority Mentor Program for students who were under-represented in STEM, particularly African-Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans. Presently I’m involved in an STEM IU-HBCU’s joint research program. My present senior staff is formed by white Americans, two African-Americans, one Mexican American, and two Asian-Americans as well as a Middle Eastern member. I believe that it is very important to showcase, promote, and reward successes by undergraduate and graduate students and by faculty to sharpen and enhance the already very high UO’s reputation: with all UO’s stakeholders including state and federal legislators, donors, funding agencies, as well as all its other constituencies – students, parents, faculty, alumni, other universities. To establish new programs and institutes or centers that will increase and enhance the visibility and recognition of UO as a leading and outstanding research and educational university in the US and the World. It is also important to tell the world about the marvelous things that can happen when we merge outstanding faculty with outstanding undergraduate and graduate students. I have been very interested in teaching different courses both at the undergraduate and graduate levels during my academic career. As a result I wrote a graduate textbook Contemporary Classical Mechanics, together with my late colleague E. Saletan, published by Cambridge University Press in 1998. Our book has become a leading graduate textbook on the subject in graduate schools on the US and overseas. During my academic career I lived mostly in Boston but for about three years in Europe, almost six in the Midwest and three in California. I have traveled in many countries across the World, speak 3 languages well and communicate in another two. In my vision, the key element of the position of SVP and Provost at University of Oregon is to provide leadership through collaboration in particular during this time of important changes at UO. The Provost must work closely with the President, and collaboratively with all UO’s stakeholders including: faculty senate, union, faculty, students, alumni, state and federal government and industrial and community leaders. The Provost needs to provide strong leadership by recognizing common needs across divisions and constituencies, by creating mechanisms to integrate these common goals into cost-efficient and productive programs. Identification of these threads will allow the development of the university’s Strategic Plan, creating specific actions for the enhancement of the already outstanding UO reputation in education, scholarly and creative activities. In sum, I consider myself a builder not a caretaker. I like to extensively consult with people so as to find the best route to tackle a goal or resolve problems. I’m a strong believer in shared governance but in the end only one decision can be made. I feel that I would bring to this position significant amount of energy, enthusiasm, and a record of achievements as an administrator, researcher and scholar. Yours sincerely, Jorge V. José Vice President for Research, James H. Rudy Professor of Physics, College of Arts and Sciences; Professor of Cellular & Integrative Physiology, Indiana University School of Medicine Indiana University JORGE V. JOSÉ Present Position: Vice President for Research, Indiana University James H. Rudy Professor of Physics College of Arts and Sciences; Bloomington Professor of Integrative and Cellular Physiology, Indiana University Medical School, Indianapolis Indiana University Education/Training Dr. Sc. (Physics), UNAM*, (L. P. Kadanoff, U. Chicago thesis advisor) M.Sc. (Physics), UNAM, B.Sc. (Physics), UNAM, Research Associate, Brown University Assistant Research Professor, Brown University James Franck Fellow, James-Franck Institute, University of Chicago Assistant Research Professor, Rutgers University *UNAM= National University of Mexico 1974-1976 1972-1973 1968-1971 1974 – 1976 1976 - 1977 1977 - 1979 1979 - 1980 Administrative positions held System Vice President for Research, Indiana University Vice President for Research, SUNY at Buffalo Chair, Physics Department, Northeastern University (NU) Interim Chair, Physics Department, NU Founder and Director, Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Complex Systems (CIRCS), NU Faculty positions James H. Rudy Professor of Physics Professor of Integrative and Cellular Physiology Medical School, Indiana University Professor, Physics Department, SUNY Buffalo Adjunct Professor of Physiology and Biophysics, SUNY Buffalo Emeritus Matthews University Distinguished Professor, NU Visiting Scientists, Salk Institute for Biological Sciences Visiting Professor, Center for Theoretical Physics, University of Utrecht, the Netherlands Matthews University Distinguished Professor, NU Professor of Physics, NU Visiting Scientists Laue Langevin Institute, Grenoble, France Visiting Scientist, Saclay Nuclear Research Centre, Paris, France Associate Professor of Physics, NU Assistant Professor of Physics, NU Profesor Titular B, Instituto de Física, UNAM 20102005 – 2010 2004 - 2005 2002 - 2004 1995 – 2005 201020102005 – 2010 2005 – 2010 20072000-2001 1994-1995 1996 – 2007 1988 – 1996 1984-1985 1985 1984 - 1988 1980 - 1984 1981 Assistant Research Professor, Rutgers University Guest Scholar, Kyoto University, Yukawa Institute, Japan James Franck Fellow, James-Franck Institute, University of Chicago Assistant Research Professor, Brown University Research Associate, Brown University 1979 - 1980 1977 1977 - 1979 1976 - 1977 1974 – 1976 Consultant Corporate Research and Engineering, Exxon Corporation Schlumberger-Doll Research Center, Ridgefield, CT. American Association for the Advancement of Sciences 1982 1984 2013 Honords/Awards Member of the Alliance of Distinguished and Titled Professors, IU Fellow American Association for the Advancement of Science Manuel Sandoval-Vallarta Prize, Universidad Metropolitana, México Chercheur Etranger D’Haut Niveau et de Renommée Internationale, From the French Government, Corresponding Member, Mexican National Academy of Sciences Fellow, American Physical Society Thomas Brody Chair, National University of Mexico Eizen-Moshinsky Chair, National University of Mexico Robert D. Klein Lecturer, Northeastern University Guest Scholar, Institute for Fundamental Physics, Kyoto University, Yukawa Institute, Japan James Franck Fellow, James Franck Institute, University of Chicago 201020072004 2002 200019971996 1994 1993 1977 1977 - 1979 Highlights Appeared before Congress’s House Committee on Science, Space and Technology on 7-26-2011*. 170 publications (20 Phys. Rev. Lett. 1 PNAS, Frontiers in Neuroscience) 20 theoretical physics grants awarded continuously for 25 years, NSF, ONR, PRF, National and international patent application “Diagnostic tool and Method to Quantify the Statistical Significance of Movement Variability in Subjects with Neurodegenerative Disorders, Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorders”, serial number 61/558,957” 2011. 12 Ph.D. graduate students Referee of 18 professional national and international journals Proposal reviewer for 7 Federal & private funding agencies (including NSF, NIH, DOE, DoD) Consultant for the National Academies Technical Reports 2013260 invited talks, 22 countries 3 conferences co-organized Member of the Conte ad-hoc National Institute of Mental Health review Panel 2004-2005 Phi Beta Delta Medallion, Honor Society for International Scholars, Alpha Nu Chapter, Northeastern University, 1998 Several Professional National Committee Activities Taught 13 different undergraduate and graduate physics courses Several university Committees and Service Activities Director and Founder, Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Complex Systems (CIRCS) at Northeastern University 1995-2005 * Administrative responsibilities Responsibilities as System Vice President for Research, Indiana University, 2010 New VPR position created to oversee the research and creative activities of 8 campuses of Indiana University Provides visionary leadership for the strategic development, implementation and communication of all areas of research and creative scholarship to all campuses Promotes and supports commercialization of intellectual property and technology transfer. Develops research programs and initiatives to enhance research competitiveness and provides leadership in the development of research infrastructure, major funding initiatives, and core facilities. Member of the IU’s President’s cabinet Oversees compliance with federal, state and university wide regulations governing research and creative activity in 8 IU campuses, specifically, IACUC, IRB, IBC, COI, Research Misconduct Association of American Universities (AAU) Senior Research Officer (2005 – ) Association of Land-Grant Universities. Executive member of the Research (20092012) and International Committee (2010-) Direct Reports VPR Cabinet units (2012 total research expenditures 512 million): Associate VPR Bloomington IU campus; Associate VPR Indiana University, Purdue University, and Indianapolis (IUPUI); Associate VPR for Collaborative Research; Senior Associate VPR Medical School; Assistant Vice president for Research Compliance; CFO for VPR budget; Associate VP for the IU Office of Research Administration; Assistant VPR and Director of the Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CTSI); Accomplishments as system VPR at Indiana University since 2010 As a central goal of my administration I have catalyzed and been very involved in developing and submitting several multimillion dollar grants in different areas of strength of IU. After I came to IU I spent time identifying new focal areas of research strengths for special funding and development. I catalyzed the creation of the Indiana Network Science Institute. This is the first interdisciplinary Institute that involves the two core campuses at IU. The Institute includes over 60 faculty from Bloomington and Indianapolis campuses. Lunched 2014. Initiated and helped create the Consortium in Religion Ethics and Society with faculty from several of the 8 IU campuses, lunched in January 2014. In collaboration with the Vice President for Information Technology and the IUB Library Dean are developing the IU Digitization Master Plan for the physical and digital world preservation of new knowledge generated at IU. Started the process and obtained the first AAALAC (Association for Assessment and accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care) accreditation for the Bloomington IU campus (9-30-2013). Oversaw the successful first accreditation of the Bloomington and Indianapolis campuses together by the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs (AAHRPP) (2011). Reorganized the Humans Subject office hiring new director and staff and developing new best business practices and approaches. We now have one of the most efficient HSO offices of any major research university in the US. Our successes in the HSO office reorganization played a role in the recent renewal of Indiana’s NIH Center and Translational Science Awards proposal having obtained the second best score, together with Stanford University. Started, in collaboration with the IT Vice President, the process of developing the first research university Kuali-Coeus electronic software tool for IRB Human subject’s research. It was completed after 18 months with advice from a committee of 26 IU stakeholder members on 8-05-2013. Started a new pilot program to develop the APPS (Administrative PI Proposal Preparation Support). It has now been extended to 35 departments in Bloomington, in the Medical School in Indianapolis as well as the School of Science there. Played an active role as a member of the Academic Board for the formation of the new “Indiana Bioscience Research Institute (IBRI).” A private-public enterprise funded by the State, Elli Lilly, Dow, Cook, plus the three Indiana Research Universities: Purdue, Notre Dame and Indiana University. Promoted Indiana University participation in the consortium of several research universities and industries to compete for the single Department of Defense Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation (DMDI) Institute for close to 250 million dollars for five years. University of Illinois is the lead institution. Placed emphasis in increasing IU’s DoD funding by hiring a Washington DC consultancy firm to help IU’s researchers get contacts to secure funding. Started a joint planning and collaboration between Purdue, Notre Dame and Indiana University to respond to President Obama’s recent BRAIN (Brain Research through Advancing Neurotechnologies) initiative. In 2010 started a 1Million/year Indiana University Collaborative Interdisciplinary Research Grants program targeted to new innovative collaborations between members of different campuses and disciplines for transformative projects. Positives returns on that investment have started to come forward with the first year having a 17-1 ROI. Reconfigured and oversees the “New Frontiers” 1Million/year seed funding program in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Facilitated relationships between researchers and affiliated IU institutions: Regenstrief Institute of Medical Informatics. Bio-Crossroads. Indiana University Health Hospitals. Supervises and administers several campuses and university wide research Centers and Institutes and core instrumentation facilities. Developed and got approval the first university-wide Centers and Institutes IU policy Developed a university wide Conflict of interest and Conflict of Commitment policies consistent with the recently approved NIH policy. Formed the Vice President for research Advisory Board with leading academics from all areas of academic expertise from IU’s 8 campuses. Member of the Schools for Public Health (SPH) Executive committee for the formation of the two new SPH at IU (one in Bloomington and the other one in Indianapolis). They expect accreditation next year. Member of the board of IU Research and Technology Commercialization Member of the board of the Kinsey Institute IU representative for the Universities Research Association IU representative of the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy Works Closely with the Washington DC IU office for federal affairs Accomplishment as VPR Buffalo Campus of System University of New York, 2005-2010 Administered research funding through the SUNY Research Foundation and the University at Buffalo Foundation (UBF) Oversaw and catalyzed growth of UB research expenditures going from 259 million in 2005 to 338 million in 2008, a 30.6% increase Oversaw compliance with federal, state and university regulations governing research and creative activity Oversaw the merger of pre- and post-awards units, into the new unit of Sponsored Project Services, with grant life cycle teams that reports to the VPR Started UB Book recognition Award ceremony 2007-2010 Started the VPR Research Advisory Council Started the IRB Newsletter COEUS implementation to submit grants in the new agency of as a joint effort between al 4 research SUNY centers Organizer of UB’s Stem Cell research groups and Regenerative Medicine Center as a response to the 600M New York State Stem Cell funding program, 2009 Started the formation of the Vascular Bioengineering Research Institute 2009 Established New Seed Funding opportunities to enhance research and scholarly efforts UB2020 Scholars Fund for the Humanities and Social Sciences UB2020 Interdisciplinary Research Development Fund (IRDF), biomedical and physical sciences and engineering Multidisciplinary multi million Proposal Support fund (MIPS) Chair of the Empire Initiative Hiring Distinguished Professor’s Program (EIP) Initiated a 1M/year return of F&A Principal Investigator Incentives Program Oversaw successful Association for Assessment and re-Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC) inspections on 2006 and 2009. Started process to obtain accreditation from the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs (AAHRPP), approved on September, 2009. Facilitated relations between researchers and affiliated institutions, i.e. Roswell Park Cancer Institute, the Hauptman Woodward Institute and Calspan-University at Buffalo Research Center (CUBRC), UB’s Medical School and private industry and government Supervised several research centers and core instrumentation facilities Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics and the Health Sciences Planning Board Member Member of the UB2020 Strategic Strengths Committees Aging and Chronic Disease Artistic Expression and Performing Arts Extreme Events: Mitigation and Response Integrated Nanostructure Systems Molecular Recognition/Bioinformatics Cultures and Texts Health and Wellness across the Lifespan Information and Computing Technology Faculty Recognition Committee Started VPR Navigator Quarterly Newsletter (2006-2010 ) Started VPR IMPACT Annual Report (2006-2010) Oversaw development of Research Policies a. PI eligibility b. Fiscal Responsibility c. Fiscal Agents d. Proposal Submission Deadlines e. Cost Transfers f. Institutional Conflict of Interest h. Institutional Base Salary Selected Advisory Committees and Boards Board member of the IU’s Research and Technology Commercialization 2010Board member of the Kinsey Institute 2010New York State Grid Council Member 2007 –2010 Board member of the Calspan-University at Buffalo Research Center, 2007-2010 Vice Chair, Nicholas Metropolis award, American Physical Society 2007-2009 The New York Academy of Sciences 2006– Board Member of the Great Lakes Consortium 2005 – 2010 Association of American Universities (AAU) Senior Research Officer 2005 – 2010 Board Member of the New York Structural Biology Center 2005 – 2010 Member of the External Advisor Board of the NSF-CREST “Center for Mesoscopic Modeling and Simulation” City University of New York. 2002 – 2007 Member of the selection committee of the American Physical Society Edward A. Bouchet Prize 2002 – 2004 Member of the New England Board of Higher Education Minority Mentor Program for students who are under-represented in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, in particularly African-Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans 2001-2005 Secretary-Treasurer, International Physics Group (now FORUM), American Physical Society, 1990-1994 Local committee member, XVI Statistical Mechanics Conference, Boston, 1986 Book reviewer for Physics Today and New Scientist 1986 Referee for NSF, DOE, NIH, DoD, Conicet (Argentina), Conycit, (Chile) Conacyt (Mexico) and DyiCyt (Spain). Advisor for Houghton Miflin Publications for High School physics education 1987 NSF Mathematical Physics Review Panel 2006 NIH Conte Center Review Panel 2004-2005 NSF Biological Physics Review Panel 2004 Accomplishment as chair in the Physics Department at Northeastern University Physics Department Chair 2004-05 Interim Physics Department Chair, 2002-04 As soon as I started as interim Chair we developed a strategic plan. The NU physics department was unusual since they have a strong component of biological physics researchers (8 faculty members then) as well as high energy and condensed matter physics. The physics department funding among private universities was ranked 11th by the NSF since it had a 9 million dollar/year of research expenditures in 2003. The strategic plan targeted areas the department felt were most important to reaching a new standard of excellence in our programs: 1. Increase undergraduate and graduate enrollments and improve student quality. 2. Hired outstanding junior faculty whenever there was an opening. 3. Improved department’s space and technological resources. 4. Explicitly rewarded faculty to recognize excellence in teaching and research. 5. Expanded degree and educational programs. 6. Improved research climate and increase scholarly productivity. 7. Increased funds for faculty recruitment and development. 8. Improved the image of the department within the university and the outside world. 9. Most importantly, provide the department a sense of collegiality within a consensus environment, including the administrative staff. After only 2 ½ years, our progress toward reaching those goals was very good. For example, our freshman enrollment increased by 100% in 2003 and a further 20% in 2004. We simultaneously improved the quality of incoming undergraduate students as measured by a 40 point rise in their average SAT scores. Similarly, we increased the number and quality of applicants to our graduate program by 50% in 2003. We hired four new excellent Assistant professors: 3 got the NSF Career development award and the other a K21 $750,000 NIH training grant. They are full professors now. In collaboration with the Engineering department we introduced a new way of teaching physics to engineering students. The new approach was based on a program named Renoir, developed by E. Mazur at Harvard. We tailored our engineering student’s classes following this approach and we had very good results. The NU program won a teaching award from the National Academy of Sciences. Service to Northeastern University University Senate Member, 1982-1984. Organized seminars for Condensed Matter Physics seminars for several years. Organized seminars for ten years for the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Complex Systems (CIRCS) Active role in the search for a solid state theory faculty member 1985 and 2003. Member of several in-house committees: Journal Club for graduate students CASGS (Committee on Academic Standing of Graduate Students) Computer group representative RAC (Raise and Appeals Committee) Advisor to twelve Ph.D. graduate students. Research advisor to 13 postdoctoral fellows from Mexico, Canada, France, the Netherlands, Poland, and the US. Graduate admissions Director, 1988-1989, 2001-2002 Member of Provost Search Committees, 1998, 2002 Graduate Curriculum Committee Chair, 1988-1989, 1994-1995, 2001-2002 Member of the Minority Faculty Advisory Group 1988-90. Founder and Director of CIRCS, 1995-2005. Member of Engineering Dean Evaluation committee, 2004. Recent Publication separated by field from 2000Books 40 Years of Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Theory, Editor and contributor. Published by World Scientific (July 2013). Classical Mechanics: A Contemporary Approach (with E. Saletan). Cambridge University Press, (670 pp), September 1998, 1999, 2002 Neuroscience 1. “Strategies to develop putative biomarkers to characterize the female phenotype with Autism Spectrum Disorders” (with EB Torres, RW Isenhower, P. Yanovich, KA Stigler, and JI Nurnberger) Journal of Neurophysiology, Published July 17th, 2013. 2. “The Micro-movement Perspective” (with EB Torres, M. Brincker, RW Isenhower, P. Yanovich, KA Stigler, JI Nurnberger, D. Metaxas) (2013). Autism: Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, July (2013) |Volume7|Article32 | 1 3. "Cognitive load results in motor overflow in essential tremor" (Hong SL, Isenhower RW, Jose JV, Torres EB, "Cognitive load results in motor overflow in essential tremor" Neurocase (published May 24, 2013) 4. “A unified and quantitative network model for spatial attention in area V4”. (With E. Hugues) J. Physiologie, Paris J. Physiol. (Paris) 104:84-90 (2010). 5. “Stimulus competition in attention: A neural model of visual cortex area V4”. (With E. Hugues) Int. Jour. Mod. Phys. 17, 915-923, 2008. 6. “From multiple neural cortical networks to motor mechanical behavior: the importance of inherent learning over separable space-time length scales” (with E. Torres, K. Ganguly and J. Carmena) (2008) BMC Neuroscience, 9 (Suppl 1): p70 7. “A biophysical Neural Model To Describe Spatial Visual Attention”. (With Etienne Hugues) in AIP Conf. Proc., vol 978, eds. Dagdug and Garcia-Colin Scherer, 135-148 (2008). 8. “Locomotor Network Modeling Based on Identified Zebrafish Neurons” (with D. Knudsen, S. Hill, M. McElligott, J. Arsenault, and D. O’Malley). J. Neurocomputing 69, 2006, 1169-1174. 9. “Neuro-Kinematic Modeling of complex swimming patterns of larva zebrafish” (With Scott A. Hill, Xiao-Ping Liu, Melissa A. Borla, and Donald M. O'Malley) J. Neurocomputing 65-66, 2005, 61-68. 10. “Inhibitory synchrony as a mechanism of attentional gain modulation”, Journal of Physiology (Paris) 98, 296-314, 2004. "Decoding and Interfacing in the Brain: From Neuronal Eseemblies to the Brain” (with P. Tiesinga, J. M. Fellous, E. Salinas and T. Sejnowski). 11. Neurokinematic Modeling of the Locomotive Repertoire of the Larval Zebra Fish (With S.A. Hill; M.A. Borla; D.M. O'Malley) Neurocomputing. 65, 61-68, 2005. 12. “Synchronization as a mechanism for attentional modulation” (with P. Tiesinga, J-M. Fellous, E. Salinas and T. Sejnowski) Neurocomputing. 58-60, 641-646, 2004. 13. Modeling the Neural Control of Zebra fish Locomotive Behaviors S.A. Hill; M.A. Borla*; J.V. Jose; D.M. O'Malley Soc. Neurosci. Abs., 29:278.10, 2003. 14. “Entrainment, Arnold tongues, and duality in a periodically driven integrate-andfire model” (with J. Escalona, P. Tiesinga) Neurocomputing. 44, 91-96, 2002. 15. Information transfer in entrained cortical neurons. (with P. H. E. Tiesinga, J. M. Fellous, T. J. Sejnowski) Network-Computation in Neural Systems. 13, 41-46, 2002. 16. Computational model of carbachol-induced delta, theta, and gamma oscillations in the hippocampus. (with P. H. E. Tiesinga, J. M. Fellous, J. Sejnowski) Hippocampus, 11, 251-274, 2001. 17. Computational model of carbachol-induced delta, theta, and gamma oscillations in the hippocampus. Neurocomputing, 38-40, 587, 2001. (with P. H. E. Tiesinga, J. M. Fellous, J. Sejnowski) 18. Optimal information transfer in synchronized neocortical neurons. (with P. H. E. Tiesinga, J. M. Fellous, T. J. Sejnowski) Neurocomputing. 38, 397-402, 2001. 19. “Robust gamma oscillations in networks of inhibitory Hippocampal interneurons”, Network: Computation in Neural Systems 11, 1-23, 2000. (with P.H.E. Tiesinga) 20. “Synchronous clusters in a noisy inhibitory neural network”, Journal of Computational Neuroscience 9, 49-65, 2000. (with P.H.E. Tiesinga) 21. “Comparison of current-driven and conductance-driven neocortical model neurons with Hodgkin-Huxley voltage-gated channels”, Physical Review E 62, 8413-8419, 2000. (with P.H.E. Tiesinga, and T. Sejnowsky). 22. Model of carbachol-induced gamma-frequency oscillations in hippocampus. (with S. Zhang, P. H. E. Tiesinga) Neurocomputing. 32, 617-622, 2000. 23. “Comparison of current-driven and conductance-driven neocortical model neurons with Hodgkin-Huxley voltage-gated channels”. (with P.H.E. Tiesiga, T. J. Sejnowski) Phys. Rev E. 62, 8413-8419, 2000. 24. Driven by inhibition. (with P.H.E. Tiesinga) Neurocomputing. 32, 249-254, 2000. Cell Biological Physics 28. Computational Modeling of Self-Organized Spindle Formation (With S. Schaffner). Biophysical Tools for Biologists, VOL 2: in vivo techniques Method in Cell Biology Volume 89, Ed. J. J. Correia and W. Detrich. pp: 623-652 Invited Chapter. Academic Press, 2008. 29. Biophysical Model of self-organized spindle formation patterns without centrosomes and kinetochores (with S. Schaffner) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, Volume 103, Number 30, pp.11166-11171, 2006. 30. A dynamical model of kinesin-microtubule motility assays. (with F. Gibbons, J. F. Chauwin, M. Desposito) Biophysical Journal. 80, 2515-2526, 2001. 31. Thermodynamic Distributions of Heterogeneous Receptor Populations M. V. Jose and J. V. Jose In “Drug Receptor Thermodynamics: Introduction and applications” Ed. R. Raffa, (J. Wiley and Sons, LTD, Chichester, Sussex, England). P.p. 593, 2001. Quantum Josephson Junction Arrays 32. "Reentrant quantum phase transitions in two capacitively coupled Josephson arrays in perpendicular magnetic fields" (With G. Ramirez-Santiago). Phys. Rev. B. B77, 064513, 2008. 33. "Phase and charge reentrant phase transitions in two capacitively coupled Josephson arrays with ultrasmall junctions" (With G. Ramirez-Santiago). Phys. Rev. B. 70, 174516, 2004. 34. Capacitance-matrix and geometrical effects on the ground-state properties of quantum Josephson-junction arrays. (with T. K. Kopec) Phys. Rev B. 6305, art. No. – 064504, 2001. 35. Three-dimensional Josephson-junction arrays in the quantum regime (with T. K. Kopec) Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 749-752, 2000. Quantum Chaos 36. Classical solutions of an electron in magnetized wedge billiards. (with A. Gongora, S. Schaffner) Phys. Rev. E, 66, art. No. 047201, 2002. 37. Dynamic control of an embedded cavity resonator (with A. Antillon) Optics- Communications, 208, 145-153, 2002. 38. Quantum and classical solutions for a free particle in wedge billiards (with A. Gongora-T, S. Schaffner and P. H. E. Tiesinga) Phys Lett. A. 274, 117-122, 2000.
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