Graduate Student Association Formed

Graduate Student Association Formed
Student Awards
Student Graduates and Exam Successes
Welcome New Students!
Council for Graduate Studies Updates
Important Reminders
Funding Opportunities
Training and Career Development Opportunities
Graduate Student Association Formed
Graduate student leaders from The College of
Veterinary Medicine’s Comparative and
Veterinary Medical Graduate Program have
organized their own representation, the
Graduate Student Association (GSA). The GSA
has been officially approved by the University
and will provide representation to departmental
committees and the campus-wide Council of
Graduate Students (CFGS). As a result, the
GSA will now provide graduate student
representation to the Council for Graduate
Studies. Some of the goals of the new
organization is to provide self-government by the
graduate students of the CVM, serve as liaison between faculty, staff and graduate
students, disperse policy information from the Graduate School and the College of
Veterinary Medicine to the graduate student population, and act as a clearinghouse of
opportunities for the graduate students of the department (i.e. career, grant, funding, etc.).
The GSA will also serve to plan, organize and develop social and programs, promote
graduate student relations and interactions, and provide forums for policy and curriculum
issues. Current representatives (and founding members) represent all three CVM
departments and include: Paula Martin-Vaquero VCS: (,
Famke Aeffner VBS:
(, Judith Stella ( &
Andrew Bowman VPM:
( The group is seeking additional
volunteers to help them carry out their mission; please contact these founding members.
Selected Graduate Student and Resident Accomplishments
The following former surgery residents passed all portions of the certification examination
of the American College of Veterinary Surgeons (ACVS) and are now ACVS Diplomates:
Dr. Kate Fitzwater (Small Animal Surgery)
Dr. Shannon Murray (Equine Surgery)
Dr. Jarred Williams (Equine Surgery)
Dr. Julie Zitz (Small Animal Surgery)
Dr. Lisa Berman-Booty won first place for her abstract and poster
representing the Molecular Carcinogenesis and Chemoprevention
program of the Ohio State Comprehensive Cancer Center at the
OSUCCC-James 13th Annual Scientific Meeting at the Ohio Union.
She is a DVM and PhD candidate in the laboratory of Dr. Ching-Shin
Chen, a graduate faculty member in the Department of Veterinary
Biosciences and Professor in the College of Pharmacy.
Graduate Students, Residents, Postdoctoral Scientists and
Veterinary Students Present Research at College of Veterinary
Medicine Research Week
"Advances in Veterinary Medicine Week" features Ohio
State researchers presenting their latest work, as well as the
annual "Research Day" in the College of Veterinary
Medicine. Noontime seminars include Dr. Michael Knopp,
professor of Radiology and Novartis Chair of Imaging
Research (Monday, April 11); Dr. Linda Saif, Distinguished
University Professor, Department of Veterinary Preventive
Medicine and the Food Animal Health Research Program
(Tuesday, April 12); and Dr. Larry Schlesinger, Samuel
Saslaw Professor of Medicine (Wednesday, April 13). All lectures will be held in the
Veterinary Medical Center Auditorium. Research Day, April 14, features poster
presentations by veterinary and graduate students vying for travel awards to scientific
meetings, as well as keynote speaker Dr. Guy Palmer, Regents Professor and Creighton
Endowed Chair, Pathology and Infectious Diseases, and Director of the Paul G. Allen
School for Global Animal Health, Washington State University. For more information visit:
Congratulations Winter 2011 Graduates!
Dharanesh Gangaiah, PhD in Veterinary Preventive Medicine, Dr. Y Saif, advisor
Abdul Rauf, PhD in Veterinary Preventive Medicine, Dr. Y Saif, advisor
Kelly Santangelo, PhD in Veterinary Biosciences, Dr. A Bertone, advisor
Stacey Fossey, PhD in Comparative & Veterinary Medicine, Dr. C London, advisor
K Hope Valentine, MS in Veterinary Preventive Medicine, Dr. P Rajala-Schultz,
Welcome New Students!
Karla Irazema Moreno Torres will be pursuing her PhD with Dr. Garabed
Jason Couto will be doing his MS with Drs. London and Kisseberth
Brandon Forshey will be completing his DVM/MS with Dr. Da Silva
Congratulations to Mary Drozd on passing Candidacy exams!
Mary Drozd (Drs. Rajeshekara and M. Saif), advisors
Council for Graduate Studies Updates
The Council for Graduate Studies met on April 1st with members
beginning new terms after being reappointed by their department
chairs. Dr. Kathy Boris-Lawrie was re-elected as Council President.
The Council finalized our nomination for the University Fellowship
competition and discussed some revised language regarding the
doctoral candidacy exam which will be placed in the handbook.
Finally, there was brief discussion about the criteria for choosing a prospective student who
will be the recipient of an annual David White Fellowship. Minutes will be posted on the
College intranet site.
Graduate Student & Faculty Reminders – Important!!
Students MUST be registered for full-time by the first day of the
quarter! Most students should be able now to register for winter
quarter. For Spring Quarter, this was March 28th. If you are in a
GA appointment, the college cannot pay your fees unless you are
at full-time status. Failure to do so will result in late fees that the college is unable to
waive or pay. For most students, full-time is defined as 10 credits or more; however,
students should register for 15 credits per quarter for their first two years to ensure
enough credits for graduation.
Applications to Graduate for Spring quarter, 2011 were due to the Graduate
School by April 8th. Please contact Janelle Henderson or Dr. Boris-Lawrie for
The minimum stipend for new international students has been set at $19,608
effective January 1, 2011. Faculty should keep this in mind when extending offers or
budgeting for future graduate students.
If you are changing from one HR title to another as a result of a new award,
please contact your dept. HR representative to determine how this change will affect
your benefits and to see if there are any forms you need to fill out. Many forms are
due within 30 days of the event change; failure to complete them may result in extra
funds being taken from your paycheck (for example, retirement).
Students who are taking any personal time off should document their leaves of
absence. Please contact your departmental HRP (Lin Hess, Ann Sanders, or
Ronda Baldwin) for the proper forms. Forms need to include the dates of your
absence and must be signed by your advisor/supervisor.
Students who have completed their candidacy exam must be continuously
enrolled for 3 credits each quarter until graduation, per the Continuous Enrollment
Policy. Waivers are available due to emergencies, but they must be applied for in
advance. Contact the graduate school for more details.
Graduate Minors & Interdisciplinary Specializations Information Session
The Academic Relations team of the Council of Graduate Students is offering a new event,
aimed at educating the graduate student body, about extra credentials they can pursue in
addition to their graduate degree. The Graduate Minors and Interdisciplinary
Specializations info session, set for 3:30 to 5 p.m. Thursday (4/14) in the Ohio Union
Cartoon Room, is open to all graduate students, faculty and staff. Light refreshments
provided. RSVPs are not required. Contact: or Read more >
Writing to Communicate Workshop April 18th
We often tell our students that, in order to make written communication effective, their ideas
must be engaging and compelling, but it can be difficult to explain how to get there. CSTW
is offering "Writing to Communicate" in conjunction with UCAT from 3:30-5 p.m. Monday
(4/18). Learn strategies for designing assignments that make communication meaningful
for students, as well as helping them to write in ways that increase the likelihood that their
ideas will be easily understood and remembered.
-- > Register:
The American Language Program Seeks Conversation Partners
The American Language Program (English as a Second Language) is recruiting
conversation partners for international students. Conversation partners offer students
studying English the chance to converse in a relaxed and non-academic atmosphere with a
native English speaker. Each conversation partner commits to spending at least one hour
per week (for one quarter only) with his/her international partner. Students, faculty, and
staff are welcome to apply. Contact:
Funding Opportunities
OSU Presidential Fellowship
The Presidential Fellowship is the most prestigious award given by
the Graduate School to recognize the outstanding scholarly
accomplishments and potential of graduate students entering the final phase of their
dissertation research or terminal degree project. Recipients of this award embody the
highest standards of scholarship in the full range of Ohio State's graduate programs.
The Presidential Fellowship provides financial support so that each Presidential fellow
may devote one year of full-time study to the completion of his or her dissertation or
degree project unimpeded by other duties. The spring quarter deadline is April 15, 2011.
Students cannot apply directly for these fellowships. Nominations are made and submitted
by graduate studies committee chairs. To be eligible, a student must have a cumulative
grade point average of at least 3.6 for all Ohio State graduate course work, have
completed all degree course work by the time the fellowship is activated, and have passed
the candidacy examination (doctoral students) by the nomination deadline.
For more information, or to be considered for nomination by the College, please contact
Janelle Henderson ( or Kate Hayes-Ozello ( by Friday, April 8, 2011.
TL1 Mentored Clinical Research Training Program
The OSU Center for Clinical and Translational Science is seeking applicants for the NIH
CTSA TL1 Mentored Clinical Research Training Program. The deadline is Friday (4/8).
For this award cycle, applications will be accepted in two different programs: Clinician
Scholar Pathway and Special Emphasis Training Program in Biomedical Informatics or
Experimental Therapeutics. For more information, visit:
T32 Cancer Genetics Training Grant Postdoctoral Fellowships
Applicants are sought who are interested in multidisciplinary approaches to the study and
treatment of breast, gastro-intestinal and hematopoietic cancers. The commitment to
coupling basic knowledge to translational and/or clinical research will be realized by
providing postdoctoral trainees with two co-mentors having divergent expertise. While
applicants and mentors are encouraged to have chosen the co-mentor prior to the
application deadline, it is not mandatory; the Director and co-Directors can participate in
choosing the most appropriate co-mentor for the candidate after the fellowship has been
awarded. Together, the primary mentor and co-mentor will provide trainees with strengths
in basic and translational research, bridging the gap between these two areas. The
training program will enhance these pre-existing interactions and foster intellectual and
practical exchange of basic and translational concepts to cancer genetics research.
Applications for these Postdoctoral Fellowships must submit applications on or before May
1, 2011. All postdoctoral applications will be reviewed by an internal and external review
committee, and candidates will be selected by the end of May. The beginning date for these
awards is scheduled to be August 1st, 2011. Contact Elizabeth Stranges at or 614-292-2347.
Ray Travel Awards
The Edward J. Ray Travel Award for Scholarship and Service (Ray Award) encourages
and enables graduate students across the university to participate in professional
conferences, both in their respective fields and in the broader academic community, by
reimbursing or partially reimbursing the expenses incurred by graduate students during
travel to conferences and meetings to present original research. The fund is primarily
intended to assist with travel expenses. The applicant must be enrolled in the Graduate
School at Ohio State during the quarter in which the applicant presents research at the
conference, or at least enrolled Autumn Quarter for conferences attended during the
Summer Quarter. No applicant will be awarded more than $750 in a given year. The
spring quarter application deadline is April 29, 2011 for Conference Dates: Summer
2011: June 10, 2011 – August 27, 2011. Contact:
Training and Career Development Opportunities
International Careers Week (open to all OSU students) May 9-11,
Registration open for College of Public Health Summer Program
This year the Summer Program is celebrating its 12th year of bringing world-renowned
faculty to the Ohio State campus to teach a broad range of courses in epidemiology,
biostatistics and public health practice. The program begins Monday (7/11) and ends Friday
(7/22). Twelve one-week courses are offered. Registration is now open and will be
available until Monday (6/20). For more information & to register, visit: or contact 292-2291.
Critical Difference Professional Development Grants
Professional Development and Women of Color Advancement Grants are available for
women faculty and staff continuously employed by Ohio State for at least one year, and
students (graduate/professional students with a 3.0 GPA and undergraduates with a 2.5
GPA). Grants can be used for professional development activities, research, etc. Significant
financial need is a key consideration. Applications are due Thursday (4/14) and are
available online.
American Society of Microbiology (ASM) Institutes: Professional
Opportunities for Graduate students and Post-Doctoral Scientists
ASM Kadner Institute focuses on five areas: Opportunities and preparation for
diverse careers in microbiology, Preparations, review and critique of research
proposals, Scientific presentations and communication, Effective teaching methods,
and Development of professional standards in microbiology. Positions are open to
senior level PhD students and early career level post-doctoral scientists.
Application Deadline: May 15, 2011. For more information, visit:
ASM Robert D. Watkins Graduate Research Fellowship aims to increase the
number of underrepresented groups completing doctoral degrees in the
microbiological sciences. The ASM Robert D. Watkins Graduate Research
Fellowship is aimed at highly competitive graduate students who are enrolled in a
Ph.D. program and who have completed their graduate course work in the
microbiological sciences. Students must be from an underrepresented group,
including African-Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Alaskan Natives, and
Pacific Islanders. The awards provide 3 years of fellowship and support to attend
the annual meeting. The application deadline is May 1, 2011. Contract:
Teaching Feedback Available for Graduate Students and Residents
It is now possible for CVM graduate students and residents who teach in courses in the
professional curriculum to request SETs (Student Evaluation of Teaching) for their
lectures/presentations/laboratory instruction. Graduate students who lecture or instruct
VME I, II, or III students in core or elective classroom courses or in laboratories are
encouraged to request these SETs as valuable feedback on their teaching and instruction
from which they can learn and develop further effective practices. Please look out each
quarter for an email from Trudy Busby of Educational Design & Systems that asks all
lecturers/instructors if they would like to be evaluated by the students – the email provides
detailed instruction on how to sign up for evaluations. The e-mail will be sent out in midquarter, and students interested in the feedback must carefully follow the instructions &
deadlines mentioned in the e-mail. For more information, contact Trudy Busby at
Registration Open for Annual CCTS Scientific Research Meeting
Faculty, staff and students are invited to register for the second Annual Center for Clinical
and Translational Sciences Scientific Research Meeting to be held 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday
(5/24) in the Biomedical Research Tower. Titled "Translational Therapeutics," the meeting
will focus on new paradigms in therapeutics, how to engage academia in translational
therapeutics and how to best create and foster a culture of innovation. Register online by
Sunday (5/15).
-- > Contact:
National Conference on Diversity, Race and Learning
The Office of Diversity and Inclusion, formerly the Office of Minority Affairs, was created in
1970 or provide leadership for The Ohio State University in supporting the success of
minority students, faculty and staff. You and your colleagues are invited to participate in our
Annual National Conference on Diversity, Race & Learning (NCDRL) at The Ohio State
University. It is the University’s most comprehensive single day conference that focuses on
issues of diversity and cultural inclusion and acceptance. It is scheduled for the first
Tuesday of May each year. (The 17th Annual NCDRL is scheduled for Tuesday, May 3,
2011). For more information and to register, please visit:
XXV Symposium of the International Association for Comparative
Research on Leukemia and Related Diseases
The XXV Symposium of the International Association for Comparative Research on
Leukemia and Related Diseases (XXV IACRLRD Symposium Tokyo) to be held in Tokyo,
Japan, from September 15 to 17, 2011 entitled "Molecular Pathogenesis and Translational
Research in Leukemia and Lymphoma." The call for papers page has been updated and
abstract submission is now available on official website at: Deadline
for Abstract Submission is May 31, 2011.
Eighth Annual Ohio Valley Mass Spectrometry Symposium
The Ohio Valley Mass Spectrometry Consortium is pleased to announce its eighth annual
symposium which will be held April 18-19, 2011. The location of this year’s symposium is
the Quest Conference Center in Columbus, OH. As in previous years, the purpose of this
meeting is to provide an opportunity for academic and industrial researchers in the Ohio
Valley region to present their work, share information, discuss research problems with
fellow colleagues and form new collaborations in the field of mass spectrometry. The
conference format is similar to an ASMS Sanibel or Asilomar conference. We strongly
encourage students to submit abstracts to present their work. The symposium provides an
excellent opportunity to showcase recent work in a small, collegial environment before any
presentations at large national meetings. Advance registration is due April 8. For more
information, visit or contact Kari B. Green-Church, PhD,
Positions Available
American Academy of Microbiology (AAM) Fellowship
Beginning this year, the American Academy of Microbiology (Academy) will provide a oneyear fellowship to a recent microbiology PhD recipient. The goal of the AAM Colloquium
Fellowship is to provide an opportunity for a recent microbiology PhD graduate to develop
skills in science policy and communication. The fellow will work closely with the Academy
Director on the AAM colloquium program, participating in the entire process from choosing
appropriate topics, through proposal development and fund-raising, to writing colloquium
reports, to publicity and dissemination. Applicants for the fellowship should have a broad
interest in the field of microbiology and a willingness to learn about topics outside their own
area of expertise. Exceptional writing skills are essential. The fellowship will provide salary
and some benefits. The fellowship term is one year. Contact AAM website. Applications are
due by April 29, with a preferred start date of June 1. For more information, visit:
Special Postdoctoral Fellowship Award in Biomedical Research
Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute (LRI) is now accepting applications for the
competitive prestigious David and Lindsay Morgenthaler Endowed Fellowships that provide
up to 3 years of support at a stipend of $55,000/yr. Cleveland Clinic is one of America’s top
hospitals and a leader in biomedical research. The LRI is well supported by NIH funding
and houses more than 150 laboratories conducting cutting-edge research in all areas of
biomedical science ( All LRI investigators are potential
mentors for Morgenthaler Fellows. Applicants must have received their PhD and/or MD
after May, 2006, or expect their degrees by December, 2011. Successful candidates will
have outstanding research training and publication records. Application materials and a
detailed description at . Deadline for receipt of
applications is May 11, 2011.
Rhodes and Marshall Scholarship Competitions
Do you know OSU’s next Rhodes Scholar? The Rhodes and Marshall Scholarship
Committee is hopeful that a truly outstanding student comes to mind when you think of the
Rhodes and Marshall Scholarships. These highly prestigious national fellowships fund two
years of graduate study in the United Kingdom. Eligible students will be current juniors or
graduating seniors with exceptional academic records, extensive leadership experience,
and a demonstrated commitment to public service. Please forward any names of
outstanding students and we will contact these students directly. In addition, faculty and
staff may recommend students via our website, The faculty selection committee will nominate the most competitive
applicants to represent the University on the national level. Please contact the Honors
Collegium with any questions,
Biological Research Position at Pfizer
Pfizer has the following job opening in the Biological Research Group: Manager, Livestock
Biologicals, Global Development and Operations, Veterinary Medicine Research and
Development. Location - Kalamazoo, MI. Responsibilities: 1. leading efforts in the design
and implementation of livestock studies (cattle and swine) to test the safety and efficacy of
biological products. This includes obtaining clinical samples, conducting clinical evaluations
and writing of facility procedures and study protocols. 2. Collecting and maintaining
accurate documentation to meet regulatory requirements for conducting livestock studies 3.
interpreting and correlating clinical results and preparing reports 4. Participation on
research project teams with the goal to license animal health biologics 5. Establishing
contacts with external experts and third party contractors for the conduct of livestock
studies 6. Up to 25% travel is required. Qualifications: Educational background - Minimum
DVM or BS/MS; -Desirable - PhD or DVM with post-graduate training For information, visit: and enter Position Job ID: 949361
Anatomic Pathologist, Colorado State University
The Colorado State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory and College of Veterinary
Medicine and Biomedical Sciences is seeking applicants for an anatomic pathologist to fill
an annually renewable special appointment faculty position at the rank of Assistant
Professor in the Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology. Qualifications
include a DVM degree or equivalent and advanced training in anatomic pathology.
American College of Veterinary Pathologists board certification is preferred, although board
eligible candidates will be considered. Applicants motivated to pursue a career in diagnostic
pathology in an academic setting will be given preference. The position involves a 70%
commitment to service activities of the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, a 20%
commitment to teaching and 10% creative activity in the Department. The successful
candidate will share necropsy and biopsy service rotations with 9 other pathologists and
instruct veterinary residents and students enrolled in the professional veterinary medical
curriculum. Scholarly activity can include publication of natural disease investigations or
collaboration in hypothesis driven research programs. Applicants should submit a letter of
intent, curriculum vitae and 3 letters of reference to Ms. Ida Tieman, Department of
Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology, 1619 Campus Delivery, Colorado State
University, Fort Collins, CO, 80523-1619. Ms. Tieman can be contacted at:, tel 970-491-3228; fax 970-491-0603. For more information
about the position contact Gary Mason, Search Chair at 970-297-5128 or by email: Review of applications will begin June 15, 2011 and
continue until a suitable candidate is identified. The Department of Microbiology,
Immunology and Pathology website is visible at: and
the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory at:
Research Associateship Awards at the National Research Council
The National Research Council has conducted the Research Associateship Programs in
cooperation with sponsoring federal laboratories and other research organizations
approved for participation since 1954. Through a national competition, the NRC
recommends and makes Research Associateship awards to outstanding scientists and
engineers, at the postdoctoral and senior levels, for tenure as guest researchers at the
participating laboratories. A limited number of opportunities are available for support of
graduate students in select fields. Participating laboratories receive a stimulus to their
programs by the presence of bright, highly motivated, recent doctoral graduates and by
senior investigators with established records of research productivity. New ideas,
techniques, and approaches to problems contribute to the overall research climate of the
laboratories. Indirectly, Associateships also make available to the broader scientific and
engineering communities the excellent and often unique research facilities that exist in the
sponsoring laboratories. The NRC makes Research Associateship awards at the
Postdoctoral and Senior researcher level and Fellowship awards at the Masters, Doctorate
and Postdoctoral levels. For information, visit:
Upcoming Deadlines for Spring Quarter:
Spring Quarter Classes Begin
Deadline to add/drop classes on-line
Application to Graduate Due
Presidential Fellowship nominations Due
Final Oral Exam Report Due
Thesis/Dissertation submission deadline
End of Quarter Deadline
Spring Commencement
Monday, March 28, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
Friday, April 15, 1011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
Sunday, June 12, 2011
HOLIDAYS (University and Offices Closed)
Memorial Day
Monday, May 30, 2011
For comments or suggestions for our newsletter, please contact Janelle Henderson,
Graduate Program Coordinator, at