Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Spiritual Life Center UNITYSpiritual Life Center PAID 401 S. 8th Avenue - Yakima WA 98902 Yakima WA Permit No. 99 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED March 2013 . . . If you do not want to receive this newsletter, please mark the box and return to your letter carrier We’re on the Web: Sent with love and blessings to: The Prayer Ministry presents . . . “ How to Talk with God: An Affirmative Prayer Workshop” Do you ever wonder what we mean in Unity when we talk about “affirmative prayer”? Do you sometimes wish you could feel more comfortable and clear about how to use prayer in your life? Have we got a wonderful opportunity for you! Saturday, March 24th, 12:30—2:30pm Come to learn : What prayer is Differences between traditional and Unity ways of praying What denials and affirmations are and how to create your own Energy and prayer, especially in healing touch The prayer and meditation continuum A Five Step Prayer Process All this, plus a chance to get better acquainted with others in our community ! Put this on your calendar today. A love offering will be received for our Prayer Ministry. There’s good energy a-borning here at Unity! Walk through the halls downstairs and it is obvious new things are happening in our youth program. Walk into the sanctuary at 8:30 on a Sunday morning, and there’s a whole new service going on. We are in what we could call “an Easter frame of mind”! Unity Spiritual Life Center is experiencing new life NOW! What I love is that it is happening just as our principles tell us it will. It started within – in the hearts and minds of our community. We have been learning to love and trust one another, learning how to work together in harmony with each other and with the One Power and Presence of God. We have held common intentions as a spiritual community – those affirmations we say each Sunday, sometimes with vigor and sometimes a little less vigorously. Now some of those intentions are beginning to manifest. What was happening within us is now moving into outward expression. We are expanding into our vision and mission in very concrete ways. We want to keep this momentum going so that more people can find Unity’s positive path for spiritual living for their own lives. One way we can do this is to help the outside of our building match the great energy that we have inside. It’s time to refresh our building’s outer appearance. As our Financial Planning Team has been meeting regularly over the last two months, we have come to realize that over the years our building’s needs have often gotten pushed to the background in order to meet other pressing needs. What a blessing it has been to own our building. We are so grateful for those who came before us here at Unity who helped that to happen. Now it is time to give our building some Tender Loving Care. The Financial Planning Team has consulted with the Board on a proposal for getting some of this needed work done in a timely manner that will allow congregants to keep their focus primarily on supporting the ongoing programs and operations of our spiritual center. With interest rates so low, we are proposing that we take out a mortgage loan of approximately $35,000 with monthly payments of about $250. Here are some ideas of how $25,000 of this money could be used: repair outside window frames and paint the outside; remove the wallpaper and paint the fellowship hall; get new window treatments for the fellowship hall; purchase a new air conditioning unit; get new signage over the front entrance, on the “boarded up” area on the south side of the building, and at the entrance to the parking lot. There may be other items that you think should be priorities. We want to hear your ideas. The other $10,000 would be set aside as a reserve fund to draw from at times of the year when cash flow is down. We know this is a whole new way of approaching our finances as a congregation. We want to hear your responses and ideas. We will be getting bids on all work. We will bring all the information to the membership for discussion and a vote when the time is right. At our recent Town Hall meeting on Feb. 24, someone asked to be part of figuring out the list of priorities for what we want to have done. That’s wonderful! If you have an interest in our facilities or any of these projects in particular, please join us for our next meeting at 9:00 am on Wednesday, March 6 in the Fellowship Hall. In the meantime, be watching the front of our property over the next few weeks. We are about to have Yakima’s first ever “Little Free Library”, hand crafted by Marie Eken. The pictures look great! Yes, new life is rising at Unity. Transformation is happening! We are so glad you are part of it all! Peace and Easter Blessings, Cheryl March 2013 Our Vision Our Mission ’ Unity Spiritual Life Center 401 S. 8th Avenue -Yakima WA 98902 2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month 509-575-5551 March 14 & 28 Join growing minds for a bi-monthly group with Linda Tyler Murray and Anne Lemcke, for two separate classes, one from from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Dial-A-Blessing: 426-4988 OR in the evening from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. . Website: The ONENESS BLESSING Email: Office: is offered here at USLC on the first Sunday of every month downstairs in the prayer room from 9:30 to 10:00 am. Sunday Celebration - 10:30am Everyone is welcome to receive the blessing. Focusing on the journey of the feminine in the patriarchal society, what are the roots of the feminine and how do we become who we truly are and honor our gifts to humanity. The cost will be by donation. To register please call Linda Tyler Murray at 969-2687. Office hours - 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Minister………..Rev. Cheryl Rohret Music Director.…..LeAnne Watrous Pianist……………..Sylvia Holtman Adm. Assistant……….Chris Roybal Newsletter…………...Chris Roybal Thursday, Mar 7th & 21st at 5:30pm Marilyn Freed Lynn Pahl Brenda Porter Tish Powers Bonnie Trepanier to come together and share the joys and challenges of parenting. Allergy sufferers should use pump dispensers rather than aerosol sprayers which can fill the air with minute particles of irritants. Time Out for Meditation with warupa Warren The First and third Saturday, here at Unity! 1:00—2:00pm March 2nd & 16th All levels of experiences are welcome - call Warren at 469-7126 for more information Janet Hattrup Todd Hottell In these winter months, this can only happen if Warren has someone pick him up at Mabel Swan and bring him to Unity. If you’d be willing to pick him up at 12:45 on a Saturday, please sign up with Chris at the office. Jessica Richards Jesse Will Thank you for helping to make this meditation time possible. UniTeens The Healing Art of Dawn Fulton Andy Martin Serena Phillips Drumming Free style drumming led by Jon Jaq Come experience the ancient energy and the meditative rhythm of the drums, connecting us together as one spirit. Drop in anytime! This class meets every Wednesday from 10:45-noon. Beforehand, from 10:15-10:40am, there is quiet meditation with music in the sanctuary. Allergy sufferers should use pump dispensers rather than aerosol sprays, which can fill the air with minute particles of irritants. Experts say allergies are reactions to harmless substances that don’t bother most people. Huh! It seems like we all suffer from them! This group will meet the 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month—child care provided. Youth Education Rhonda Buenz “ ” This month - Allergy Season Seasonal allergies are caused by factors such as trees, grass and pollen. Year-round allergies are reactions to things like dust particles, animal dander, mold and dust mites. Whatever their cause they make us feel miserable. An opportunity for Moms of kids 5yo and under, Board of Directors Barb Allen Max Participants will be taken on guided meditations with shamanic drumming to connect with animal totems and spiritual guides. New teachings called "One Earth, One Heart" for the new earth and upcoming changes will be presented at all classes. Current Book Study: Everyone is welcome! “The New Science & Spirituality Reader” $15 per class Stay healthy and happy! Blessings, Max Monday, March 25th Contact Unity Church to register or Franki Storlie at 509-899-1324. Visit Franki's website at 12-Step Support Groups that meet at Unity Alcoholics Anonymous “The Early Birds” Everyday - 6:30am Al-Anon Steps to Recovery” ~If you use hair spray, apply it outside the house, so the fumes won’t linger ~Go through your cleaning supplies and do away with strong scents. Also get rid of the ones that you have had for a long time. ~Don’t mix chemicals ~Look for natural cleaning products such as baking soda, lemon juice, club soda, white vinegar, etc. ~Furniture polish can attract dust and dust mites. Best not to use it. ~Be sure and clean all filters—vacuums, fans, air purifiers, etc. ~Keep pets out of your bedroom ~Use an air purifier in your bedroom ~Stay away from down and feather pillows. They can aggravate allergies, even if you’re not allergic to them. ~Plant flowers and trees that produce as little pollen as possible, such as ivy, African violets and leafy plants such as philodendrons and prayer plants. ~Use natural lambs wool dusters. The lanolin traps the dust and deeps it from spreading. If you don’t have lambs wool dusters, use a clean damp cloth. ~Make sure your curtains are made of synthetic fiber. Natural fibers contain more lint and can aggravate allergies. ~Keep cooking pots covered to eliminate steam. ~Don’t hang clothes in the house to dry. Every Wednesday– 5:30pm Page 3 Unity Metaphysics 101: Crucifixion / Resurrection According to the Revealing Word, crucifixion is "The crossing out in consciousness of errors that have become fixed states of mind..." Crucifixion is an experience in which we let go of error thinking, some cherished aspect of our personality or of our personal life, in order to unfold more of our spiritual potential. It usually feels very painful to us, even if we recognize how necessary it is to go through it. The amount of pain involved in the act of letting go relates directly to the level of attachment we had to the cherished aspect of our personality. We must die to our old ways of error thinking in order to be reborn in the resurrection. In Unity, Easter is an exciting time. It represents new beginnings and our ability to invite new ways of thinking into being. Resurrection follows crucifixion and is an ongoing experience in our spiritual unfoldment. We have risen to both a new awareness of the greatness of God, and our ability to express the Christ consciousness in our daily living. It is evidence of our having overcome our belief in lack and limitation through spiritual mastery. We do this by taking on new thought forms and habit patterns that are in alignment with our highest good. Each effort with the attention directed toward God produces a new resurrection experience, new energies, truer thoughts, purer emotions, and happier attitudes. These are all evidence of the resurrection in our consciousness. THOUGHTS FOR REFLECTION In Unity with Christ I realize that I am resurrected into the life, light, and power of God. Blessings, Marilyn A note to congregants: It’s almost spring and that means it’s time to clean out your closets and garage for items we can sell at our Annual Rummage Sale! Don’t forget! Set your clocks ahead one hour, Sunday, March 10th Our Annual Rummage sale will be held SATURDAY, APRIL 6TH AT UNITY SPIRITUAL LIFE CENTER Begin saving your treasures now! We will need many volunteers the first week of April to help put on this fund raising event. I’ll have a sign up sheet in the gathering room soon. Thank you in advance for all the support! Lynn Pahl, Chairman 509-480-6141 Rummage Sale Committee - 8:30 & 10:30 am We are endlessly creative spiritual beings! Oh, sometimes we tell ourselves we’re not creative at all. Don’t believe it! Every day, each of us is busy creating the life we are living. If we’re not particularly thrilled about what’s happening in our life right now, guess what! We have the power to change – starting from the inside, out. It all begins at … the Beginning, and it ends … well, with new beginnings. In these weeks leading to Easter, step into the wonder of this amazing creative process we call “Life”! March 3 Understanding and Will Move Us In the Creative Process outlined in the ancient story of Creation in Genesis 1, this is Day Four. We’ve been letting our imaginations play, which is great fun. Now it’s time to find our focus. Seeking spiritual understanding of what is ours to do, we join our will with the greater Will of God, and then watch as creation continues to unfold. What we imagined begins to take form! March 10 Discernment Balances Now we’re getting into this creation process! We’re catching on to the Law of Attraction. Intentions are manifesting. We’re on a roll. Suddenly, something unexpected, maybe even unpleasant, happens. In the middle of all our positive thoughts, some yuck appears. It’s time to go within and re-discover what we really came to do and BE. It’s time for a wisdom break. March 17 Life Expands Wisdom may renew our vision, giving us clarity once more. But what makes the whole world come alive is Love. Love is the heartbeat of the Universe. When wisdom and love work together, life in all its abundance happens. Put love in the mix and Creation becomes Celebration; Consciousness becomes a Communion of Souls; and the Christ light shines in every human heart, for Love creates us all in the image and likeness of Itself. March 24 Rest Enjoys One of the great gifts of The Creative Process outlined in Genesis is the gift of the seventh day as a day of rest. We can all use this, and not just physically. Maybe we need to take a rest mentally from obsessive thoughts. Maybe we need to take an emotional rest from feelings that drag us down and sap our energy. Could we allow our recreation to truly become re-creation? Take some time to enjoy the fruits of your creative activity. Take a seventh inning stretch. Ahh! March 31 Easter: The Eighth Day of Creation We know that eight is the number for infinity. We’ve moved through all the steps of the creative process, taken a rest …. Why stop now? Jesus demonstrated the limitless Love of God when he broke through death to new life. When apparent endings turn into glorious new beginnings, joy is released. We find new energy and the next thing we know, our creative juices are running again. Happy Eighth Day of Creation! Financial Report February Operating Income: $8595 Planned Monthly Income: $9800 Expenses: $8939 Planned Monthly Expenses: $9800 We gratefully share what we receive! Unity believes in the spiritual practice of tithing. As we share our income with others, we also generously receive. In February, we tithed 10% of our income to: The Association of Unity Churches, Unity NW Region, Yakima Food Bank, Neighborhood Health’s 107 House and the Prosperity Plus Program. I am very happy to say that things are really revving up in our Youth Ministry. We recently visited the Oak Creek Elk feeding station for an educational tour which was followed by a pizza party. We had an amazing turnout with 14 youth and 10 family members/teachers in attendance. Todd Hottell made arrangements for us to go out on the large trucks to see the Elk and hear the educational tour offered by the Oak Creek volunteers. We learned that the Elk are being fed at these many feeding stations to keep them from crossing the fences of the Elk Preserve and damaging personal property. We also learned that there are an estimated 10-12,000 Elk in the LT Murray Wildlife Preserve. After being trucked out to see the Elk, and being 10-15 feet away from many of them, we started to get cold and very hungry for pizza. It didn’t take us long to make it to Abby’s where we all ate heartily. I want to thank the parents and congregants who joined our youth on this trip and helped out so that everyone could have a wonderful time. Next I want to tell you about our new extended hours. We will now have teacher coverage in the Youth Room on Sundays from 10:15am to Noon. We have found that since we have added several new, fun things to do in our Youth Room, many of the children are choosing to return downstairs and spend time there after church from 11:30am to Noon while their parents fellowship upstairs. We think that this is terrific and would like to request that all parents drop their youth off with the teachers in person, and pick them up from our room in person when you are ready to go so we can be sure that everyone safely connects with their family. Speaking of our new, fun things to do in our Youth Room I want to mention our Foosball table. To insure that everyone who plays at the table is tall enough to interact with it safely, we are limiting the use of the table to our Tweens (ages 9-12) and our Teens (age13 and up). In addition to the Foosball table we have added many other fun games and toys. We also have been doing some special crafts after the service, an example of which being the painting of wooden birdhouses, so that all of our youth can find something do after the service that they enjoy. Finally I want to remind everyone of our Unity Youth Canned Food Drive. The Uniteens are leading the effort. Please place your cans in the marked box at the top of the stairs in the foyer, or give them to one of the Uniteens who will take them downstairs for you. We will be collecting cans during Lent with the final day for collection being Sunday March 31st. It was suggested by Ryan that we make our goal 250 cans, with an Ice Cream Party for all of the Youth if we make this goal. Once all of the cans are collected the youth are going to help us transport them to the local Food Bank on Saturday, April 6th. Please help us to reach our goal of 250 cans so that we can have an Ice Cream party back at the church after dropping the cans off at the Food Bank! If you have any questions about upcoming Youth Activities, or if you would like to volunteer in our Youth Program, please feel free to contact me directly. Oneness Blessing or Deeksha is a hands-on transfer of energy from higher consciousness, given with a light touch upon the top of the head. It works on the Parietal Lobe of the brain to quiet the mind so that one can get in touch with spirit. Deeskha can greatly assist in realizing the truth of one's spiritual path more deeply. There is no limit to the number of times one can receive the blessing, and one can experience permanent, cumulative effects with repeated Deekshas. I am excited to announce that there will be an opportunity to become a Oneness Blessing giver right here at Unity Spiritual Life Center in Yakima! MeriAnanda and David Sneed will come from Portland OR to offer the training on Saturday, April 13, 2013. Training is usually a two day event. However MeriAnanda has been guided to offer the training in a one day, all day session. They will also offer an experiential Introduction session on Friday evening, April 12. This will be for anyone who wishes to receive the blessing and/or learn more about it. The cost will be a love offering for the Friday evening session, and $85 for the all day training session on Saturday (a $25 deposit is due when you sign up). If you would like to become a blessing giver, but can't come on April 13, the training will also be offered in Tri-cities on March 9, 2013. I will continue to offer the Oneness Blessing on the first Sunday of every month. To receive the blessing, simply enter the library quietly any time between 9:30 and 10:00 am. Have a seat and get centered. After you receive the blessing, you can remain in meditation for a few minutes. When you feel complete you can return to your activities. Feel free to see me at church or call or e-mail me if you have any questions. I look forward to having more blessing givers here at Unity! Blessings, Marilyn ~Almost every Sunday, we say in our welcome that we honor wherever people are on their spiritual path and we all can continue to grow in our understanding. It is in that spirit that we welcome Swami Swarupa Warren’s sharings from his other spiritual community, Ananda, based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. ~A Spiritual Quest~ Swami Swarupa Warren I believe in the Eternal Religion with a supreme being who cares for me and loves me. I am a disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda who was born in India in 1893. He was trained from his early years to bring India's ancient science of Self-realization to the West. In 1920 he moved to the United States to begin what was to develop into a worldwide work touching millions of lives. Americans were hungry for India's spiritual teachings, and the liberating techniques of yoga. The Sanskrit word Yoga means union. In one sense this union implies a complete integration of our own self, a total clarity of consciousness. In more expanded states, the yogi experiences a state of union with the atom of creation. In a spiritual sense, the yogi achieves a state of union in which the individual soul merges into God. In 1946, Paramhansa Yogananda, published what has become a spiritual classic, and one of most loved books of the 20th century, AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A YOGI. In addition, Yogananda established headquarters for a worldwide work, wrote a number of books and study courses, gave lectures to thousands in most major cities across the Unitd States, wrote music and poetry, and trained disciples. He was invited to the White House by Calvin Coolidge, and he initiated Mahatma Gandhi into Kriya Yoga, his most advanced meditation technique. Yogananda's message to the West highlighted the unity of all religions, and the importance of love for God combined with scientific techniques of meditation. "As a bright light shining in the midst of darkness, so was Yogananda's presence in this world. Such a great soul comes on earth only rarely, when there is a real need among men" -The Shankaracharya of Kanchipuram Kind regards, Dawn Fulton Warm Wishes, Brahmacharya Warren Lee Wagner, member of the Renunciate Order
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