unity of madison . 601 tompkins drive .madison, wi . 608-221-1376 http://unityofmadison.org Grace Notes December 2014 Volume 147 ...an open, affirming and heart-centered spiritual community. We live the Christ consciousness of acceptance, love, peace, justice and joy. Inside this issue... In the Silence / Here I am Lord, page 2 Letter from Marshall and Carrie, page 3 Farewell Gathering, page 4 Board and Staff List & Report, page 5 Nominations Board of Trustees, page 5 Youth Education / Stuffed Animal Roundup, page 6 Candle in the Window, page 7 December Services... Sundays, 8:30 and 10:30 am. Nursery is available during both services. Youth Education is available during 10:30 service. December 7 "Peace", Rev. Marshall Norman December 14 "Love", Rev. Marshall Norman December 21 ALL MUSIC SUNDAY 10 am only Financial and Tithing Information, page 8 Porchlight / Women's Retreat, page 9 Holiday Craft Fair, page 10 Holiday Event Schedule, page 11 Mailer, page 12 INSERT Calendar INSERT Pete Calgaro in Concert December 28 BURNING BOWL SERVICE 10 am only, No Youth Ed * * * IMPORTANT NOTE * * * The office will be closed from beginning December 24 through January 4. In the Silence by Pat Arnold As we enter into the coming holiday season, we have much to be thankful for as members of our families, communities, our nation, and world. Thank you, Sweet Spirit, for the loving and blessed members of our birth and/or chosen families. They are our teachers, students and classmates. Thank you for the communities where we live, work and play. These communities say much about who we are and what we are about and are blessed by our presence. Thank you Spirit, for our beautiful nation as we work toward peace, health and prosperity for all. Thank you, especially for our earth and our universe. We are all blessed by your presence in our lives and in our world and we are so grateful. Thank you, God. Please join the Prayer Chaplains on 12/31/14 at 6 am for our World Healing Meditation. Join with brothers and sisters around the world to set the intention of World Peace and World Healing. This is the 28th year for this worldwide gathering. Here I am, Lord by Pat Arnold It is with joy and also some sadness that we look forward to a new year of training for new and returning Prayer Chaplains at Unity of Madison. We are sad because this is the first year we will be without our leader, Sandy Strietelmeier. Sandy brought the Prayer Chaplain program to Unity of Madison in 2002. Over thirty-five (35) individuals have trained and dedicated as Prayer Chaplains since then and we have Sandy to thank for that. We miss her now and when we train. The joy is that we are continually blessed as a community to have Prayer Chaplains available to pray with and we Prayer Chaplains are blessed to serve and pray with community members. If the Prayer Chaplain Ministry calls to you, or you are even just a little bit interested, please come to our orientation on January 10 from 1 – 2:30 pm to find out more. We will be glad to have you. Blessings Your Unity of Madison Prayer Chaplains Letter from Marshall and Carrie Good Bye! Dear Friends, Carrie and I are going to write this letter of good bye together….me first. This is the season of gratitude and deep appreciation and the giving and receiving of gifts of all kinds. I would like to express to the Unity of Madison spiritual community a very deep gratitude for these past ten years. Our son Michael was 15 and our older son Zack was 18 when we first arrived. They are both grown men and married now to beautiful women. Our cat Jack was only 3….13 now and doing great! You have been a part of our lives for 10 years! I have a deep appreciation for you for all sorts of reasons. I cannot think of a better final ministry for the Normans than Unity of Madison. I know that the doors and windows of Heaven are open for Unity of Madison and great good is pouring in…assuring that the future of this most important community will be one of great growth and prosperity of all kinds. You have been generous and patient and kind and we will always remember you fondly. Thank You! Dear Friends (our beloved Unity of Madison Family), You embraced us so very warmly when we arrived 10 years ago and now, as Marshall & I take our leave your love, sweetness, graciousness, generosity, and kindness are, once again, being so warmly extended to us. You have, indeed, all become so very dear to both of us. I will sorely miss being with you, laughing and singing with you, especially, as we have gathered together on so many Sundays. The words to a Charley Thweatt song come to mind…”Sometimes we say goodbye, sometimes we have to cry, but you will always live in my heart, my friends, love will never die….” I look forward to hearing about all of the good that will continue to unfold for this wonderful community! I also look forward to any future “chance” encounters we might have with you outside of the church as our paths, no doubt, cross in the days and years ahead. You have blessed us so richly! We have grown together, in love, in palpable ways. I’m so very thankful for this chance to have served this community in all of the ways that have been given me to do. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Just remember, (to quote a line from yet another one of my favorite Thanksgiving songs) ”Life is full of sweet surprises, every day’s a gift….” You all have been to me… Who knew? With a smile from our hearts, Carrie & Marshall “Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation.” ~ Rumi Come one! Come all! A Farewell Gathering for our beloved Rev Marshall & Carrie-Om-Shanti Norman On Sunday, December 21, Unity of Madison will host a retirement potluck party directly following our spectacular annual All Music Sunday service, lovingly dedicated to Marshall and Carrie this year. Please put the date on your calendars and join your spiritual family for a fun-filled day of music, fellowship, food and more as we honor the Normans! Keep your eyes open for a potluck sign up in the foyer, a beautiful opportunity to share your favorite dish at this very special offering. Looking forward to celebrating ten abundant years and loving Rev Marshall and Carrie into life’s next chapter! For more information, please contact Linda Tyllo at lindatyllo@gmail.com. UNITY OF MADISON Senior Minister Rev. Marshall Norman 2014 Board of Trustees President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer & Finance Chair Trustee & Service Chair Trustee Trustee Alternate Elaine Stebleton Tyrone Bell Jenny Persha Eileen Isom Helen Kenyon Daria Boissonnas Diane Pauly Ann Munkres Zenner Staff Senior Minister Office Manager Volunteer Coordinator Youth Education Director Nursery Staff Music/Choir Director Musician Bookstore Manager Newsletter Editor Maintenance Cleaning Licensed Unity Teacher Rev. Marshall Norman Julie Marca Carrie “Shanti” Norman Julia Meyers Deb Lucas Aliye Gallagher Kaitlyn Hopfensperger Pete Calgaro Brian Schultz Diane Gould Susan Spahn Jim L’Huillier Barb Peters Barry Roberts From the Board of Trustees by Eileen Isom Search Committee volunteers have been interviewed and approved by the Board, and the first meeting is scheduled for the first week in December. The members are: Sarah Coyle, Deb Lucas, Carol Meyers, Dave Pauly, Jenny Persha, Louie Phillips, Steve Roberts and Laura Schaffer. We love them and bless them in their important work. Going Green: Two additional ways that Unity of Madison is Going Green are: 1. LED lights. Your generous donations to the Buy-aChair Fund were over and above the amount needed. We designated the surplus to purchase and install LED lights in the sanctuary ceiling light fixtures. LED lights use about one-tenth of the electricity that incandescent lights use, and they do not contain mercury like the compact fluorescent lights. 2. Energy audit. Laura Paprocki performed an Energy Audit of the entire church building and created a detailed report. We are using this information to further decrease our energy usage for heating and cooling. Thank you, Laura. The Hidden Treasures sale brought in $2,700. Many thanks to Diane Pauly for organizing this fun event. We give thanks to each person in the Unity of Madison community for their generous giving of time, talent and treasure. Respectfully submitted ~ Eileen Isom, Treasurer Nominations for Board of Trustees. If you are interested in a wonderful opportunity for service, serving on the board of trustees here at Unity of Madison may be something to explore. Please contact our chairperson of the nominating team Aine Calgaro (aine.calgaro@gmail.com), board liaison Tyrone Bell or Marshall for details on the duties and commitment of this position. We hope you will consider blessing the church in this way! Trustees desire to serve on the board, endeavoring to live in accordance to the principles of love and truth as taught by Unity. The individual will have demonstrated leadership capabilities, ability, time and prayerful commitment to fulfill their duties and responsibilities. Nominees must have current membership at Unity. All members must renew to continue their membership each year. We will be filling two 3-year terms. The trustee application and the skills assessment should be returned by Jan. 11, 2015. Interviews with the nominating team and candidates will take place from Jan. 11-18. The bios of the applicants who have been nominated will be made available to the community for review before the election at the Annual Meeting. Please note: our Annual Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, February 22, 2014. Please remember to fill out your membership renewal forms (located in the foyer) in time for the meeting. Please contact the office with any questions. Thank you! Youth Education by Julia Meyers The Youth Education Ministry with its wonderful staff and volunteers wishes all of you- parents, children, and our congregation a peaceful and blessed Christmas season. The Youth has started to practice this year's Christmas play “A Night in Bethlehem”. During this time we do not have official classes, but do provide nursery and playtime for the children who cannot participate in our play. If you have not signed up your children for the Christmas play yet, please do so as soon as possible. Every child can be included and I will create fun, non-speaking roles for everyone who would like to be part of it. The play will be performed on Christmas Eve, the 24th of December at 4 pm. Please plan on being there thirty minutes early. Our Youth Education classes, including the teen class, will commence on January 4. Please feel free to contact me with questions or comments. Peace, love, and blessings, Julia Meyers 2014 Stuffed Animal Round-up For children whose families are in needPlease bring your new stuffed animal to our sanctuary to receive blessings from our community. In December, they will be taken to the Dane County Parent Council. The last day to bring them in is Sunday, December 14. Thank-you! Candle in the Window by Marie Doty Romance brought Julie Marca to Unity. The romance would end - but her love for Unity would endure. “I was introduced to Unity by a man I was dating in grad school,” she says. “He showed me a Daily Word. I was astonished by it. I read it every day for many days, cover to cover and felt so much better. Later, I got cassette tapes from Unity. That was when I learned about prosperity mapping (or affirmative prayer).” Julie is a familiar face and voice to veteran Unity of Madison members. As office manager, she is our ‘go-to’ person for Julie Marca most of our questions. And she has an incredible knack for doing two or three things at the same time. During the interview at her desk, she typed a report and answered phone calls, all without losing her train of thought. “I learned about prosperity mapping and it changed my life,” she says quietly. “At the time I began, I was not happy. My life was not going the way I wanted it to go. So, I followed the instructions. I took a page and wrote ‘health’ at the top of it, “money” at the top of the next page and so on. I spent about six months trying to complete the pages. But it was hard. I had no visioning skill at all.” Julie’s main challenge in life will strike a note with many. “It has been to love myself,” she says somberly. “To place myself as an equal to others - to be in partnership with others. I have a tendency to put myself last and then, of course, I don’t take care of myself. “I remember in grade school making the decision that the best way to get along with people was to consider myself less valuable. I tended to pick friends who told me what to do. For people who were inclined that way, I allowed them to take advantage.” When she looked at her life then, Julie says now, “It sucked!” What I saw at that time was a life (or garden) full of weeds. If you have an icky garden but want a beautiful garden – you begin weeding.” But not everyone in her garden at that time was a weed. Her “garden” today contains many friendships that have lasted for decades. When she first began prosperity mapping, she admits, she thought it was stupid. But since her previous attempts to improve her circumstances had failed, she thought she’d give it a try. And, not too long after she completed her first map, things began to change. “One of my prayers was an affirmation for more money. The first thing I noticed was a totally unexpected check in the mail. Over time, I noticed more and more of my prayers were answered.” It was absolutely astonishing. When she and her late husband, David were married, she introduced him to Unity. Together they re-started the Sunday School (ages 6 and up) at the Unity church in Boston, Massachusetts. “We came to Madison in 2007,” Julie recalls. “As we considered which city to settle in, one of the criteria was definitely ‘must have a Unity church.’ ” Now she is very happy with her beautiful fourteen year old daughter, Kelsey. We have a great life together. One of my affirmations for our family is: ‘ we are a medium-sized family with fur. We laugh, we persuade, we work it out.’ “When I find myself too busy and a bit adrift,” she says, “I know my map is out of date or I’ve stopped looking at it. I thank God in advance and then I wait for my prayers to be answered in ways I expect and in ways I don’t expect. That is one of the most powerful aspects of prosperity mapping- watching for your prayers to be answered in ways you don’t expect. This happens more often than you think. When you thank God in advance, you’re aligning yourself with the Spirit of God.” And what does she live by? “Five years ago I revised my resume,” Julie replies after a moment’s thought. “What I learned by doing that was that the fundamental aspect of all the work I’ve ever done has been about promoting people’s welfare and well-being: whether it’s teaching K-12 or managing a day treatment center, being a stay-at-home mom or working in the church office. I’m not a do-gooder. It’s just that for me, collaborating with others for the well-being of everyone is the only thing I’ve ever cared about.” We Live in an Abundant Universe Thank You, Divine Spirit Financial and Tithing Information October 2014 Tithes: Based on general donations of $22,451.99 during the month of October 2014: Unity World Wide Ministries 20% $449.04 GLURC (Great Lakes Unity Regional Council) 15% $336.78 Silent Unity 25% $561.30 Rasur Foundation (BePeace) 15% $336.78 Porchlight 1% $224.52 Northwoods Niijii Enterprise Community, Inc. 5% $112.26 10% $224.52 (Lac Du Flambeau Reservation) Floating Tithe - Outreach LGBT Community Center (The Outreach LGBT Community Center promotes equality and quality of life for LGBT people.) TOTAL $2,245.20 October 2014 Contribution to the Reserve Fund: 2.0% of $22,451.99 = Current Total: $372.42 $9,923.39 Income Statement as of October 31, 2014 Operating Income $23,413.95 Operating Expenses $17,401.40 Net Ordinary Income $6,012.55 ____________________________________________________________ Unity Porchlight Team. Well, tis the SEASON! Lots going on with our Porclhlight Team at Unity and serving the homeless in December. First, our fearless leader and “dynamo”, Lloyd Rowley, had heart surgery. Please keep him and his family in your daily prayers for the best possible outcome! Next, eleven people attended the 30th Year Anniversary Banquet for Porchlight on November 12. It is amazing what this organization has accomplished in thirty years, with the help of hundreds of faithful volunteers! Speaking of which, if you would like to join our team, whether you belong to Unity or not, please contact Janie Lynaugh at 608-215-5895 or Ron Ruzicka at 608-347-1193. We are especially looking for some younger folks with strong backs and lots of energy who will carry out our work of service to the homeless in the future years. This is not a huge commitment! You can do as much or as little as you like. Starting next week, we will have a sign-up sheet in the foyer with the dates we will be serving in 2015. We are the largest team at Unity and we have such fun getting together, making meals for the homeless, collecting needed items for them and just being together! So, please consider joining us in 2015! Our Annual Duffle Bag project for personal care items and stocking hats, socks and insulated gloves continues through December 20. The collection box and list of needed items is in the foyer near the bookstore. Please give generously! The shelter is also in need of used but clean and useable items like dish towels, men’s winter coats, flannel shirts, large cans of ground coffee (regular not flavored),single sheets, single blankets and always personal care items like travel shampoos, etc. We have a bin in the coatroom on the far left under the counter. We will be serving Tuesday, December 16 and Wednesday, December 17 at breakfast this month. Last, but not least, Pete Calgaro will be giving his annual Christmas Concert on December 12 from 7-9 pm to benefit Porchlight and Second Harvest Food Bank. If you are interested in helping out that night selling tickets and clean up, please see Pete or Aine Calgaro and let them know. Wishing you all a blessed holiday season and asking for your prayers for our homeless population. Janie Lynaugh & Ron and Joanne Ruzika WOMEN'S RETREAT 2015 mark your calendars) We are pleased to announce the 2015 Women's Retreat. Theme: Finding Water; The Art of Nurturing the Soul Facilitator: Barbara Joye Date: March 13-15, 2015 Location: The newly built Siena Center in Racine, WI More information to follow... Come One Come All UNITY HOLIDAY FAIR Sunday December 14, 9 am - 2 pm On the lower level *GREAT GIFTS *support local crafters *keep the $ in the community A fundraiser: 10% of every sale goes to Unity For vendor info or questions contact: Jae Almond Email: jalmond@merr.com Phone: 608-270-0559 Our Holiday Season An Evening of Meditative Music with Pete Calgaro Friday, December 12 at 7 pm in the sanctuary. Tickets are $15. Part of the proceeds benefit Porchlight & Second Harvest Foodbank Holiday Craft Fair Sunday, December 14 from 9 am – 2 pm All Music Sunday & Farewell Potluck with the Normans Sunday, December 21. One service only at 10 am. Christmas Play Wednesday, December 24 at 4 pm Candlelight Service Wednesday, December 24 at 6:30 pm Burning Bowl Service Sunday, December 28. One service only at 10 am. World Healing Meditation Thursday, December 31 at 6 am White Stone Service Sunday, January 4 at 8:30 and 10:30 Unity of Madison 601 Tompkins Drive Madison, WI 53716 Unity of Madison An open, affirming and heart-centered spiritual community. Contact Us: Counseling - marshall@unityofmadison.org Office - julie@unityofmadison.org Volunteer Opportunities – carrie.shanti@unityofmadison.org Youth Education – youthed@unityofmadison.org Newsletter Submissions - imagine_peace1000@yahoo.com Website: http://unityofmadison.org December 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday S = Sanctuary UL = Upper Level LL= Lower Level O = Office PSM = Prayer Shawl Ministry PC = Prayer Chaplain LO = Love Offering YE = Youth Education 1 2 6 pm Chime Choir S 10 am PSM at 7 pm Vocal Choir S Ann Zenner’s RSVP office Harmony Reach Out 3 4 5 6:30 pm Ministerial 12 pm Prayer 6:30 pm MA UL $ Circle S Search Mtg (closed) LL Breakthrough Independence Guidance 7 Services at 8:30 & 10:30 am Talk: “Peace” 9:45 am Communion S 10:30 am Cookie Delivery YE 12 noon Town Hall Meeting S Second Harvest $ collection Joy 8 9 6 pm Chime Choir S 7 pm Vocal Choir S 10 6:30 pm Trustee Mtg LL 14Services at 8:30 & 10:30 am Talk: “Love” 9-2 Holiday Craft Fair LL 9:45 am Drum Circle S 1-3 pm BePeace UL Simple Words 15 16 6 pm Chime Choir S 6 pm Trustee 7 pm Vocal Choir S Mtg UL 3-7 pm Porchlight LL Divine Caregiver Connection 17 21 One Service only at 10 am All Music Sunday 12 noon Farewell Potluck with the Normans LL Pathways 28 One Service only at 10 am Burning Bowl Service No Youth Education 22 23 6 pm Chime Choir S 7 pm Vocal Choir S 24 Office Closed 4 pm Play S 6:30 pm Christmas Eve Service S Satisfied Soul 31 Office Closed 6 am World Healing Meditation S Everlasting Love Pray for Others Prosperity Protected Healing 29 Office Closed 30 Office 6 pm Chime Choir S Closed Create Divine Order Forgive 11 7 pm Dream Circle UL $10 World Peace 18 12 pm Prayer Circle S Free Triumph Let Go, Let God 25 Office Closed Acceptance Saturday 6 9:30 am PC Mtg UL New Adventure 12 13 6:30 pm MA UL $ 9 am Men’s 7 pm Evening of Breakfast LL Meditative Music w/ $ Pete Calgaro, S, $15 Community Faith 19 6:30 pm MA UL $ Environment 26 6:30 pm MA UL $ Inner Peace 20 Recharged 27 Courage Unity of Madison 601 Tompkins Dr. Madison, WI 53716 608.221.1376 unityofmadison.org Unity of Madison An open, affirming and heart-centered spiritual community. We live the Christ consciousness of acceptance, love, peace, justice and joy.
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