Unity News Volume 8, Issue 45 November 13, 2014 United in Christ’s love, we glorify God through worship, nurture, and service to all people. Thanksgiving Cornucopia During the month of November, we are collecting non-perishable food items for the Thanksgiving Cornucopia. Please begin making preparations by purchasing extra food items. Again this year, we will be collecting food for the Fort Mill Care Center and providing Christmas meals for our 30 Angel Tree families. Items needed are: canned cranberry sauce, green beans, corn, green peas, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, rice, instant potatoes, stuffing mix, evaporated milk, chicken broth, boxed macaroni and cheese, peanut butter and jelly, pie crust mix, cake, brownie or other dessert mixes. Please do not bring flour, sugar, cereals, or pasta sauces. The Cornucopia will be displayed on November 23. Thank you for your continued support in helping provide food to our neighbors in need at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Sunday Morning November 16 2014 8:45 am Worship Service 10:00 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship Service November Lunch Bunch Bring a sandwich, join old friends, and make new ones at the November Lunch Bunch, 12:00 Noon, on Monday, November 17th. Our program features David A. Gwilt, host of the radio talk show Radio 4 the Ages. He will offer an inspirational and entertaining hour filled with insightful musings on aging with wonder, maximizing abilities, and embracing life, with an underlying spiritual message that our primary purpose is service to others. Drinks, chips and desserts will be provided. Third Grade Bake Sale The third grade Sunday school class will be selling baked goods on Sunday, November 23, in the Ministries building hallway before, during and after Sunday school and outside the Narthex in the conversation area after the 11:00 service. All proceeds will be used to purchase Angel Tree gifts this Christmas season. Please contact Maren Coffman if you would like to donate baked goods at m.coffman@uncc.edu. Come by and support our third graders as they learn to serve others. Prayers of Concern David Choate Betty Miller Leslie Montgomery Helen Knyfd Monk Case Gwen Perry Rob Butler Sandy Rea Dr. Bob Martin Bill Grantham Brad Kay Anna Honeycutt Carolyn Blair Please continue to remember those with special needs. Volunteers for Youth Breakfast Needed We are in need of generous people to supply breakfast for the high school youth on Wednesday mornings for prayer breakfast. We have 8-10 youth who come to the Fellowship Hall for devotion and a quick breakfast before school each Wednesday morning. If you would be willing to supply breakfast, please contact Beth Chuck at bchuckapril@gmail.com or sign up using this link: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/409084caeab2aab9-volunteers. Thank you for supporting the faith development of our youth. ♦ Christian Sympathy is extended to: The family of Mary Hallett, who passed away on November 4 in Charlotte. What’s Happening in Christian Education? SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER MEETING Sunday, Nov 16 12:15 pm Lunch will be provided. For all youth and children’s Sunday school teachers CHILDREN Third Grade Sunday School Bake Sale to support Angel Tree Sunday, November 23 before, during and after Sunday school Ministries Hall Wing YOUTH Nov 16 Middle School Youth – 5:00-6:00 pm Mission Trip and Conference Trip Info Meet in the Youth Room (Room M108) Youth Dinner - 6:00-6:30 pm Fellowship Hall - $6.00 Eat & Hangout with your friends and youth advisors. High School Youth – 6:30-7:45 pm Mission Trip and Conference Trip Info Meet in the Youth Room (Room M108) Nov 23 Middle School Youth - 2:00-5:00 pm Angel Tree Shopping High School Youth – 12:00-5:00 pm Angel Tree Shop & Wrap Bring $ for lunch. Need adult drivers ADULTS Sunday School – Sunday mornings at 10:00 am Fellowship Fellowship Hall Holy Grounds Fellowship Hall Parlor Koinonia Room M210 Feasting on the Word Unity Hall Upper Room Room M321 10/12 – 11/23 – Community: A Study of Acts Fellowship & Devotions 11/2 -11/23 OT Stories from the Backside 11/16 –Matthew 25:14-30 Year-long study of Hebrews Unity News page 2 Outreach Opportunities Thanksgiving Cornucopia and The Angel Tree offering benefit clients of the Fort Mill Care Center. Presbyterian Women gather canned goods for the Fort Mill Care Center through the cornucopia. Clients of the Fort Mill Care Center actively sign up for the Angel Tree gifts. Please watch the newsletter for collection information. Thornwell Offering The Thornwell Home for children provides loving homes for abused, neglected and abandoned children. This offering will be collected on Sunday, November 23rd. Envelopes will be in the pews, and you can make a check to Unity with “Thornwell” on the memo line. Will you be a champion for all the children and families served by Thornwell by making a special gift. American Red Cross Blood Drive is Tuesday, November 25th.You don’t need a special reason to give blood. You just need your own reason. Some of us give blood because we were asked by a friend. Some know that a family member or a friend might need blood some day. Some believe it is the right thing we do. Whatever your reason, the need is constant, and your contribution is important for a healthy and reliable blood supply. You will feel good knowing you've helped change a life. If you would like to sign up online, go to www.redcrossblood.org/make-donation or you can signup in the Narthex after church. Unity Newsletter Update Please remember, starting January 1, 2015, if you have an email address on file, you will receive your newsletter by email and no longer by mail unless you have contacted Gina Mitchell to receive by mail. Please call the church office or email Gina at Newsletter@UnityFortMill.org. The newsletter is also available on the website: http://unityfortmill.org/newsletters. Financial Information for 11/1-2014-11/7-2014 Actual Budgeted Year to Year to Date ($) Date ($) ($) +/- $$ +/- % Operating Income 28,354 908,823 926,047 (17,224) Operating Expenses 10,575 878,845 992,075 (113,230) -11% Building/Debt Campaign Giving 12,954 309,530 289,372 20,158 SANCTUARY DEBT BALANCE………………$2,327,752 Unity News page 3 -2% 7% Attendance November 9, 2014 8:45 11:00 Sunday School Visitors 185 288 204 84 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS AT UNITY 27-Joe Asbell, Barry Blackwood, Jim Camann 28-Michael Chandler, Fred Chuck, Sarah Gholson 29-David Choate 30-Scott Dammann, Ed Fritz, Greyson Gload, Charles Keenum, Kevin Kern, Michael McDonald, Chuck Welfare December 1-Kathy Choate, Bob Elisha, Jake Gaulden 2-Landen Oltmann 3-Bob Anderson, Leslie Dekoster, Bailey Greemon, Peyton Mistler Continuing Long-Term Prayers of Concern Libby Kern Jessie Little Jane Godfrey Molly Coggins Ira and Doris Ussery Karen Eklund Terri Marshall David Choate Betty Miller Angie McCrae Leslie Montgomery Mary Lay Derrick Jenny Fike Fred Langford Welcome to Unity Coffee Sunday, December 14 We want to invite anyone who is interested in learning more about Unity to a “Welcome to Unity” get-together on Sunday morning, December 14. This is an informal gathering at 10:00 a.m., during which we will have coffee, share some basic information about the congregation, and answer any questions you may have. This should last about 30-40 minutes. Children are welcome to come with their parents or to attend Sunday School. “Welcome to Unity” will take place in Room M201 (Hospitality Room) in the Ministries Building. Room M201 is on your left as you follow the hall from the Sanctuary Narthex to the Ministries Building. We hope to see you there! Church Office Volunteers Needed With the holidays approaching, we are very busy in the Church Office. If you feel you have a gift to help out by answering phones, mailings, or any clerical tasks, we would love to have your help. As our church is growing, so is the need for volunteers. Please call the church office at 547.5543 or email Gina Mitchell at gmitchell@UnityFortMill.org. Presbyterian Women Honorary Life Award We are currently accepting nominations for the Presbyterian Women Honorary Life Membership Award. This award will be presented at the Mother Daughter Sister Friend Luncheon on April 12, 2015. Nomination forms are available at the Welcome Center, from your Circle Chair, or you can go to our website to access a form; http:// unityfortmill.org/presbyterian-women. You may e-mail your form to Mary Sue McGrath at kevmsue@gmail.com or drop them in the envelope that is provided in the church office or in the offering plate. If you have any questions, please call Mary Sue McGrath at 803-802-2398. All forms should be turned in by December 7, 2014. Many women in our church are worthy of YOUR nomination, and we hope you will take the time to nominate one of them. Red Cross Blood Drive, Tuesday, November 25 Give thanks for good health, give blood. For many Americans, Thanksgiving is about family, food and football. And when we gather for our Thanksgiving Day feast, we often give thanks for all that's good in our lives, including good health. However, there are countless hospital patients who are battling serious health issues through the holidays. Many of these patients will need donated blood to survive. So, before you dive into that turkey, sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie, consider giving blood with the American Red Cross. It only takes about an hour to help save the lives of up to three patients. Appointments are encouraged. Walk-ins welcome. Sign-ups will be available in the Narthex from November 1623rd. For online sign-ups visit: http://www.redcrossblood.org/. Remember to eat iron-rich foods for 2 weeks before donating blood. Drink plenty of water and avoid caffeine on the day of the drive. Our next bloodmobile is: November 25 from 2:30-7 p.m. In the Fellowship Hall. Grief and Loss Support Group This group began at Unity in September. This is open to anyone who has experienced grief or loss of any kind. The purpose of the group is for participants to support and encourage one another. The group is open to Unity members and also to anyone in the community. Unity’s Grief and Loss Support Group meets on Friday mornings at 10:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall Parlor. The meetings will take place every other week; the dates are November 21, December 5 and December 19. For information, or to register, please contact Ken Nunnery at 547.6062 or knunnery@comporium.net. Upcoming Music Events December 7 – Christmas Joy Service presented by the Children’s Choirs, at 4:00 p.m. December 14 – Service of Lessons and Carols at both services December 21 – Concert by the Charlotte-based group, Renaissance, at 4:00 p.m. in our sanctuary Christmas Joy Service Our Christmas Joy Service, presented by the Children’s Choirs on December 7th, at 4:00 p.m., will be different this year. Our theme for this service is called “Some Children See Him,” and will focus on the way the baby Jesus is viewed by children around the world and the way they celebrate Christmas. Our music selections will be from different countries around the world. Unity News page 4 Christmas Joy Nativity Display Christmas Auction 7 th Our Christmas Joy Service will be held at 4:00 p.m. on December in the sanctuary. This is presented by our children’s choirs, and the service this year is centered around the way that children around the world view the baby Jesus. As part of our celebration, we would like to have a display of the many different types of nativity sets that we have in our own congregation. The display will be put up the day before the program between the hours of 1:00 and 3:00 p.m., and will stay up on Sunday until the Christmas Joy service is over. A form is available in the Narthex to enter your nativity, and may be returned in the offering plate, at the church office, or by mail. Deadline for entries is November 30 th. For more information or questions, please contact Patsy Surratt at 547-5543 or e-mail her at posurratt@UnityFortMill.org. Choir Project On Sunday, November 23, the Cherub Choir will meet from 4:15-5:00 to work on their art project for the Christmas Joy program and the Junior Choir will meet from 5:00-6:00 to work on their artwork. Both groups will have their rehearsals at the regular times (Juniors, 4:00-5:00 and Cherubs, 5:00-5:45). Choir members are asked to bring crayons, markers, and/or colored pencils. Paper will be provided. We will not be using paint or glitter for this project. If you have questions, contact Patsy Surratt at 547.5546 or email her at POSurratt@unityfortmill.org. The annual Christmas auction, sponsored by the Tony Dehler Circle, will be held on Tuesday evening, December 9th, in the Fellowship Hall. Donations of NEW craft items and homemade goodies are needed to make this event a success. Mark your calendar and plan to join us for a hot dog supper prior to the auction and sale. All proceeds will be divided equally between the Nutrition Center and the Fort Mill Care In Retirement Communities and Extended Care Facilities Dot Hollis Robertson Winona Kennedy Buddy Culp Buzz and Amy Benson Phil and Fannie Ray Mary Lay Derrick Carolyn Martin Maxine Nesbitt Mary T Littlejohn Homer Kirkman Barbara Bergvist Molly Coggins Bob Hill Joanne Kimbrell Dr. Bob Martin Trudie The Thornwell Home for Children, located in Clinton, SC, is a ministry of the South Atlantic Synod of the Presbyterian Church USA serving abused, abandoned, and neglected children in SC, GA, and FL. The home opened in 1875 and is one of the oldest children’s homes in the United States. The children at Thornwell live in a family setting in 11 residential cottages with eight to ten children and professional caregivers in each home. They learn how to value themselves and their families and are assisted in learning academic and social skills, sound values and high morals. Unity collects a special offering for Thornwell each year around Thanksgiving. Thornwell receives approximately 78% of its funding through gifts such as these. This offering will be collected on Sunday, November 23 rd. Envelopes will be in the pews and you can make a check to Unity with “Thornwell” on the memo line. Please open your hearts to these children. Online Giving Please contact Jeannie if there are any changes or additions to this list. As technology changes, the Stewardship Team has researched additional ways that members, visitors and guests can contribute to the minstries of Unity Presbyterian Church. As a result, Online Giving is now available on our website. To access Online Giving, go to www.UnityFortMill.org, find the "Giving" tab in the menu bar across the top of the home page. Select the "Giving" tab to be directed through a series of screens, where you can choose the amount of the gift you wish to make, along with payment options and whether this will be a one-time contribution or a recurring gift of generosity. You will then receive a confirmation notice via email as soon as the transaction is complete. Communion Schedule for 2014 12/24/14 Christmas Eve Please note that Online Giving is yet another vehicle for our members, visitors and guests to share the gift of generosity. The Online Giving does not replace existing auto draft. Please contact Pam Bright at pbright@UnityFortMill.org or 547.5543 if you wish to change your auto draft so that duplicate payments can be avoided. Then the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all people shall see it together... Isaiah 40:5 Unity News page 5 Unity Presbyterian Church 303 Tom Hall Street PO Box 1267 Fort Mill, SC 29716-1267 803.547.5543 Www.UnityFortMill.org Non-Profit Organization U S Postage Fort Mill, SC 29715 Permit #23 Church Office (803) 547-5543 Dan Holloway (803) 548-7215 Jeannie Bickett (704) 588-4809 Return Service Requested November 13, Dear Friends, Newsletter Publication Deadline: Wednesday, November 19 at 6 pm for Issue date: November 27. Please submit information to: Gina Mitchell: newsletter@UnityFortMill.org Advent is just around the corner which means it is Rev. Dr. Dan Holloway almost time for our annual Christmas Joy program, set for December 7th at 4 p.m. I am giving you an early heads up because we are adding something new this year. We are using an international theme for the service and are inviting members to bring nativity sets from around the world to set up in the hallway of the sanctuary. More information is available from Patsy Surratt or in the church office but we would love to have your participation. Also, remember that now is the time to bring food for our Thanksgiving cornucopia. As noted elsewhere in this newsletter, we need particular donations, so please check the list of needed items when planning what you will bring. Finally, thanks to all those who made Pasta Night a great success, with special thanks to chef Chris Routh and our senior high youth and their parents. Great job everyone! In Christ’s Service, Dan
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