T Where every heart finds a home.

Where every
heart finds a
We joyfully live in an
enlightened world united
in love, peace, and respect
for all creation.
We are a heart-centered
community inspiring
spiritual growth by living
consciously, aware of our
innate divinity and the
oneness of all.
Alex Clarke
(c) 757-713-6659
Roddy Bryan
Margie Tate
(c) 757-887-8602
Bob Osmon
(h) 757-564-3088
Roxanne Burnette
Jerry McVeigh
Jan Sloan
(c) 757-692-0880
our receptivity and/or
he mornings are crispy cool as we pull
the covers across our shoulders once
The opposite of gratiagain. The leaves have begun to bring forth
tude is ingratitude. When
new and fabulous colors, and we know that
we are in the state of inthe last season of the year is upon us. Each
gratitude, we have closed
month of this year has been marked with an
our minds to the Spirit of
event of some kind. We have planned and exLove that could be at work
perienced it, and we go forth in preparation
in our lives. Ingratitude
for the next month and the next experience.
Rev. Jan Sloan
can block the efforts of Associate Minister
We anticipate new acquaintances, new
God, our neighbor, and nature, and even our
work schedules and even a new life style. But
own prayers that are struggling to bring us
the truth of all this is that there is nothing
our good. The practice of thanksgiving does
new. In reality the saying goes, There is nothnot change the nature of God or life, for “God
ing new under the sun. Yes, seemingly new
is love” and does not need changing. Thanksthings come into our lives—new products,
giving changes the nature of the one who
new technology—but the thought behind
practices it.
them is not new. All ideas are inherent in DiAs we enter into this holiday time we call
vine Mind. They have always been there and
Thanksgiving may we consciously be in an
always will be there.
Attitude of Gratitude. All of our attitudes
November brings us this kind of experiare ways of living—thinking, feeling, expectence. Each year our thoughts go to many
ing, acting and reacting—that were started
forthcoming events—football, the falling of
consciously or unconsciously and never
the leaves, and the celebration of Thanksgivstopped. Let’s begin consciously to practice
ing. Each of us may experience and enjoy
this Attitude of Gratitude. First a decision
these in a different way; however, there is
is necessary. Repeat often: I am fully aware
another experience that we may all join in
of what I am doing. I start the practice of
expressing as we practice being thankful.
thanksgiving. My subconscious acts promptly
There are many reasons why we should have
and powerfully on the practice that I have conan Attitude of Gratitude.
sciously started.
We read from an article by Unity minisAt this time of Thanksgiving may we be
ter, Sig Paulson: “Gratitude is receptivity, that
conscious of the good that has come to us and
open state of mind and heart which permits
may we take with us an Attitude of Gratithe good we are designed to experience and
tude for the good that is yet to come.
express to flow through us without restriction. The practice of thanksgiving stirs the
gift and the talent of gratitude into full-blown
The Unity Fellowship Church continues to inactivity and makes us irresistible targets for
vite everyone to join in this powerful affirmaall the good in our inner and outer world. The
tion each day as we draw to this church our
next minister:
spiritual lights of all ages have advocated the
practice of thanksgiving as a way of life.“
Through the Power of God within us, we afJesus, our Wayshower, teaches us to be
firm that progressive Spiritual leadership
thankful for all of the good that comes to us.
and prosperity of every kind are manifestWe are taught to use our energy to turn to the
ing at Unity Fellowship Church now.
Thank You God! And so it is...
Source of Good who supplies according to
What’s Going On...
Community Partners
with Thrive
Thrive is in need of help for a family who has three
children—daughters ages 12 and 6, and a son age 4.
They are in need of household items. You can contact thrivepeninsula@thrivepeninsula.org or
call 757-877-6211. Because of limited
space, please contact the Thrive
(DUCO) coordinator first
with information of what
you would like to donate to keep duplicates down. Thankyou for your generosity!
Page 2
Note from the Unity Fellowship
Nominating Committee
It is that time again when the Nominating Committee is
looking for Board Members. If you are interested in being
nominated for the Unity Fellowship Board of Directors
please call Syndey Newbauer at 757-810-1222 or Miriam
Edwards at 757-221-7213.
Rev. Jan Sloan
Remembrance Sunday
Louis Purdey
How to Build a Better Box
Eddie Oliver
How Beliefs Shape Our Lives
Dr. Ernie Panza
Attitude of Gratitude
Rev. Jan Sloan TBA
November 9!
Total income for Sept. was ..................... $12,760.00*
Total expenses for Sept. were .................. $9,941.00
Surplus (+) or deficit (-) for Sept. was .. +$ 2,819.00
YTD income for 2014 is .......................... $98,357.00
YTD expenses for 2014 are .................. $102,778.00
YTD surplus (+) or deficit (-) is .............. -$ 4,421.00
Thank you to all our church parishioners who increased
their donations as a result of returning from summer
vacation. If we can continue at this level for three more
months, we should be positive for the year. God bless
you all for your wonderful support in so many ways.
—Bob Osmon, Treasurer
*September income includes $1281 from our
There will be a Craft Sale and Bake Sale on Sunday,
November 9, after the Sunday Service. Those wishing to
donate craft items, please bring them to the
church that morning, priced and
ready for sale.
If you are not a crafter, you may
donate baked goods for the bake sale.
Please bring the baked goods to the
church that morning, wrapped,
priced and ready for sale.
Contact Sydney Newbauer at 757-810-1222 regarding your donations or for any questions. A letter for an InKind Donation will be provided upon request.
Congregational Meeting
Following Fellowship
Sunday, November 2
Please plan to attend. All are welcome.
Where every heart finds a home!
Workshops, Book Studies, etc.
Tuesday Morning Book Study
Page 3
Birthing A Greater Reality
10:30 AM–12:00 PM
Our new book study will be
Birthing A Greater Reality, A
Guide for Conscious Evolution by
Robert Brumet. When it feels like
the end of your world, you’ve arrived at a point of magnificent opportunity: the possibility of transforming every dimension of your
life. This book is your navigational
guide for releasing old ways of
thinking, entering the ground level of your being, and emerging as a conscious co-creator of your reality and an active
participant in global transformation.
Every 1st and 3rd Monday
7:00–8:30 PM
This course is a study of principles and truths. It is a
spiritual guide which leads to growth and development in
each individual’s life. Come and join in the joyous discussions. For further information call Susan Cardozo, 2205402, or visit susan@cardozo.org.
Sunday, November 2
There will be a presentation for our new church members to review all the opportunities available to members of
Unity Fellowship. Please mark your calendars and plan to
attend—new and current members alike!
CDs Are Available
We are currently recording our talks and medtations
again. Within a few weeks of the service, Tony Williams makes extra CDs and places them on
the table. Please check
often to see if the
CD that you wish
has been copied,
and take your copy at
that time. Thank you so
much. Please pick up the copy that you would
like when you see it on the table.
Once each month those ladies who are free for lunch
gather together for fellowship and the making of new friends.
If you are free for lunch, please call the office at 757-5940389 to have your name and phone number placed on the
list to be notified.
The next Lunch Bunch will meet Friday, November
7, 12:30 PM at Frazoli’s, 11739 Jefferson Ave., 757-5964324. Please contact Sydney Newbauer at 757-810-1222,
or call our office at 757-594-0389 if you wish to attend.
All ladies are welcome!
A Message from
Our President
Unity Fellowship continues to move forward. Our
ministerial candidate, Rev. Bill Heller, seemed
to make a positve impression on everyone. On Sunday, November 2,
we will decide if he will fill the
position of minister. I am excited about moving into a new
era, and I strongly believe that
Bill has a lot to offer.
—Blessings, Alex
Health Insurance Help
Now Available
We have all been made aware of the necessary change
some individuals need to make in their health insurance.
Darry Paterson, who regularly attends Unity Fellowship
has made the offer to help anyone who feels they would
like to have help in this area. Darry is with Sun Financial
Services, Inc. and is licensed for this purpose. You may call
Darry at 595-5240 for information or help.
Where every heart finds a home!
Food for Thought
Page 4
November Affirmations
For Illumination
I praise God for divine intelligence.
I use good judgment in all I do.
For Prosperity
God is my resource, and I am secure in my prosperity. I am grateful.
For Healing
I praise God for His healing life, mighty in the
midst of me.
I AM in tune with divine timing.
I let God create this day for me.
I claim Divine Order for my life.
I AM strong in the Lord and in the Power of
His might.
My yoke is easy and my burdens are light.
New strength flows through my body and I
AM whole with the Lord.
I AM strong in my faith. I AM lifted out of fear
and doubt.
I AM secure in the protective love and power
of God!
I know that God now perfects that for which I
AM concerned.
I rest in that peace.
Thank You, God.
This is November
by Trula Waters
Nothing’s lost in change.
The seed
becomes a sprout,
becomes a stem,
becomes a plant,
becomes a flower,
becomes a seed again.
Let my life change
and grow,
and as I leave
old thoughts behind
and rest my mind
on newer, greater things,
my thoughts take wings,
and once again
return to Him.
by Nonee Nolan
With all fall’s scarlet washed away
The earth on this November day
Is like a grand old pewter bowl
That God has patterned with a scroll
Of dark elm boughs with shadows dim,
And leaning birches, bare of limb,
Engraved against a silent sky.
So beautiful—I wonder why.
No color and no flash of wing—
No glint of sun on anything!
And yet the One who fashioned it
Has made this day so exquisite,
So full of lovely, hushed restraint,
It heals my soul of all complaint.
November lifeless, dull, and mean?
Not when you glimpse what lies unseen.
Where every heart finds a home!
Office & Sanctuary:
624 Queen’s Creek Road
Williamsburg, Virginia 23185
Phone: 757.594.0389
Email: unityfellowship@verizon.net
Please check here if you no longer
wish to receive the newsletter.
What Is the
Meaning of Gratitude?
All metaphysicians have found by experience that being
thankful for what they have increases the inflow. Gratitude is
a great mind magnet, and when it is expressed from the spiritual
standpoint it is powerfully augmented.
From the Board,
Staff &
Minister at
Unity Fellowship Church—
We wish all of you
the most grateful and joyful
Thanksgiving holiday ever!
Where every heart finds a home!