The Lighthouse November 2014 THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) OF PACIFIC GROVE A Spiritual Sanctuary for the Thinking Christian. 442 Central Ave. Pacific Grove, CA 93950 Phone: (831) 372-0363 Daniel Wm. Paul, MDiv. Pastor E-mail: churchoffice Website: Sunday Schedule: Worship Service Fellowship 11:00 AM After Worship In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity. Notes From the Lion’s Den Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul. Henry Ward Beecher Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world. John Milton Going to religious places gives me clarity. When I am sitting there, I am in a state of gratitude with my defense mechanism down and am open to receiving that energy, that gives me clarity as at that time, you are listening to your heart. The heart shows you the direction in life. The mind exists only to execute your emotion. Arjun Rampal Perhaps nothing helps us make the movement from our little selves to a larger world than remembering God in gratitude. Such a perspective puts God in view in all of life, not just in the moments we set aside for worship or spiritual disciplines. Not just in the moments when life seems easy. Henri Nouwen “Say thank you!” Awkward words for a child to hear. In some cases, the resulting words come out as hypocrisy, because in some cases a child isn’t really very thankful and says the words because the words should be said in a polite setting. The words said because they should be said, not because they are felt. But, in some cases, “Say thank you!” is an amazing lesson to be learned. Because in some cases, a child is overcome with gratitude and the feeling doesn’t quite trigger the brain to inspire the profound words. As Gertrude Stein said, “Silent gratitude isn’t very much to anyone”. And so the gentle nudge from a parent makes the soul-mind connection to articulate the gratitude. Moving the child from feeling to doxology. From gratitude to thanksgiving. Like most things of the spirit, it seems that gratitude creeps into the soul and can choose to linger. And, like most things of the spirit, it sometimes quietly knocks on the door of the mind. Sitting alone in the quiet of the sanctuary today, gratitude swam through my soul allowing me a meditative glow. Suddenly, gratitude pushed a playful splash into my wet brain and my entire being moved from a subtle glow to a noticeable warmth. And before I could make sense of it, or even realize what was happening, my eyes moved to the highest reaches of the ceiling and my lips whispered, “Thank you”. Thanksgiving! Dan November in the Church Thanksgiving Elder Communion Elder 291623 30- (Elder of the month) Flowers Refreshments Worship Leaders Save your receipts for what you spend on refreshments and give to Dawn Wilson so you can be reimbursed!! 2-Jackie Burns 2-Bingaman’s Bingaman's 9-Dawn Wilson 9– Open Annual Mtg 16-Barbara Brose 16– Charles & Barbara 23- Open 23-Steve Brydon Charles & Barbara 30-Ken Rockefeller Thanksgiving Dinner 30- Open Open (Deacon of the Month: Ken Rockefeller ) Happy November Birthdays 2– Frances Weesner 10– Conrad Newberry 5– Gayle Albee 10– Ethan McCluskey 6- Barbara Bigelow 12- Sarah Ragent 7– Kathleen Kennedy 18–Sean Dremel 9– Kathleen Kennedy 20-Stephanie Bacheller 10–Ken Rockefeller 10– Anita Flanigan Happy November Anniversary’s 11-Craig and Barbara Bigelow 11-Reuben and Magali Negron 12-Floyd and Elaine Viau 26-Pat and Anita Flanigan November 2014 Sunday Sun Monday Mon Tuesday Tue Wednesday Thursday Wed Thu Friday Fri Saturday SSSa 1 All Saints Day 2 3 4 5 Meditation @ 10:10 Worship @ 11:00 am 9 10 11 Lunch Bunch @ noon 12 13 Annual Mtg 17 18 Choir Practice @ 7 PM Bible Study @ 1:00 19 20 Stewatdship & Finance @ 6:30 PM Worship @ 11:00 am Friends of Homeless Women Brunch 23 24 Board Mtg @ 7:30 PM Choir Practice @ 7 PM 25 26 Interfaith Community Thanksgiving Worship at the Carmel Mission 7 pm Choir Practice @ 7 PM Meditation @ 10:10 AM Worship @ 11:00 am Thanksgiving Dinner 30 1st Sunday of Advent Hope 7 Taize Worship at First Methodist Church 7 pm 8 Regional Church Youth meet here for Fall Fest overnighter 14 15 21 22 28 29 Lunch Bunch @ noon Worship @ 11:00 am Meditation @ 10:10 AM Trustees Mtg @ 6:30 PM Choir Practice @ 7 PM Meditation @ 10:10 AM 16 6 CWF meeting 10;30 Lunch Bunch @ noon Bible Study @ 1:00 27 "Holy" Casserole Cookbook Thanks to everyone who has supported the cookbook sales efforts. We still have LOTS of cookbooks left to sell. Think of your friends who might be interested in giving our cookbooks as Christmas gifts. Please just keep it in mind-- you never know when your casual conversation will result in a sale. Thanks! Cindy 2014……... Don’t Forget to Sign Up for Refreshments and Flowers!! Save your receipts for what you spend on refreshments, and you can be reimbursed!! Thanks for all your help. The sign up chart is in Jones Fellowship Hall Christmas Shoe Box Program Suggested items to put in the Christmas Shoes Boxes Toys: Small cars, balls, harmonicas, yo yo’s, jump ropes, small Etch A sketch, slinkys, small toys that light up with extra batteries. Hygiene Items: Toothbrushes, toothpaste, bar soap (in plastic bag), combs, washcloths, lip balm (chap stick), and band aids. Other items may include: T-shirts, socks, ball caps, sunglasses, hair clips, toy jewelry, watches, flashlights (extra batteries). These call all be dropped off in the corner of the Jones Fellowship Hall by the message board. If you don’t want to shop, you can donate $7.00 a box for the shipping and handling. You can make your check out to CWF (Christians Women Fellowship) and give it to Lenora Kennada, Jackie Burns or Eppie Hoover. Thank You for ALL of your support!!!! Eppie Blue Theology learning/serving group touring the greenhouse at Asilomar with Ranger Bill Garner. They got to plant lots of the indigenous plants at some nearby sand dunes Help Keep the Church on Budget How You Can Help: Continue your tithes and offerings. Catch up on your Capital Campaign pledges. Recommend the church for weddings and as meeting space for local groups. 2014 Tithes & Capital Budget Offerings Campaign $73,000 $20,000 $56,717 $13,740 +2.69% -6.30% General Fund Investment Building Fundraisers Dividends Usage $16,400 $14,535 $8,400 $12,794 $11,521 $3,320 +3.01% +4.26% -35.48% After 3rd Quarter Over/ Under Budget Brianna Henderson and her little baby brother dressed for Halloween Annual Meeting Please mark your calendars for November 9th after our worship service for our Annual Meeting where we will vote on our yearly budget and new positions in our church. You will have an opportunity to have any questions answered you may have. There will be finger foods served in Jones Hall after the meeting. Eppie Hoover our 2014 Silver Chalice Recipient and her family of boys!! Silver Chalice recipient Eppie Hoover receiving special check for her Christmas Shoebox Program RUMMAGE SALE WAS A HUGE SUCCESS!!! BIG THANK YOU! To all of you who helped with the incredible Rummage Sale we had on October 19th. And thanks to all those who spent long hours helping Jean prepare during the weeks and months prior to the sale. Jean Saltsman....we couldn't have done this without you. You make everything run so smoothly, look so nice, clean, and neat! Thanks so much for all the long hours you put in! Your church family is deeply grateful and our hearts are filled with so much love and joy for you! Working hard at our Annual Rummage Sale!! First Sunday in Advent November 30th Please start thinking ahead to the Advent /Christmas Season when we have an opportunity to honor and remember our friends and loved ones by purchasing a poinsettia to be displayed in the sanctuary during this time. Please purchase and bring in your own poinsettias through November and December so they can be arranged and ready to go by Christmas Eve, in which your remembrances will be printed for the Christmas Eve bulletin. Let’s fill the church with red this wondrous season. Your inserts for honoring or in memory can be sent to the Church Office or given to Sandi Ellis Christian Women’s Fellowship (CWF) November 20th @ 10:30 AM Lunch Bunch @ noon Bible Study @ 1:00 Bring a friend and join us!! YOUR "SHARES" CARD? Your SHARES card credits each user with one point for every dollar spent for groceries you purchase at the SAVE MART, SMART FOODS, FOOD MAX AND LUCKY supermarkets. Easy Money: Did you know that if 20 individuals or families spent an average of $70.00 weekly using their Share Card, the church budget would have an extra $2,000 a year!!!! So, think SMART and do your part!! For more information and to get your card, see Jackie Burns!! CWF - Christian Women's Fellowship invites you to participate in our church’s Outreach Project to HAMILTON HOUSE: An Emergency Shelter for displaced & battered women and their children (A PART OF SHELTER OUTREACH PLUS) Their funding has been drastically cut! WE CAN HELP! We will be supplying "HOUSEHOLD CLEANING" products for the HOUSE.............such as: Dishwashing Soap (Dawn) (not for a dishwasher) Laundry Detergent, Bleach, Dryer Sheets, Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Floor Cleaner, All Purpose Cleaner. LOOK FOR THE BOX LABELED "HAMILTON HOUSE" in the fellowship hall to deposit your items. The Christian Women’s Fellowship cordially invites you to attend the Annual Church Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner on Sunday, the Twenty-Third of November served immediately after worship. Your suggested donation of $10/person will benefit the continuing ministries of the Church Women’s Fellowship. The Lighthouse c/o The Christian Church 442 Central Avenue Pacific Grove, CA 93950 Church Administration Moderator: Neal Heckman Vice Moderator: Jackie Burns Board Secretary - Erin Farquhar Financial Secretary - Cindy Heckman Chief Financial Officer - Dawn Wilson Chair of Trustees- Jean Saltsman Chair of Elders– Nancy Bingaman Chair of Stewardship & Finance-Ed Kilgore Chair of Deacons– Marc Bingaman & Alex Pardi Church Clerk - Linda Henderson Church Secretary - Sandi Ellis Pastor - Dan Paul Organist— John Shykun Pianist– Heidi Toy
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