Resources from General Council To help celebrate 90 years Worship resources for the Anniversary Archival Documents History Historic Time Line Partners in Mission A Lens of Generosity Covenanting for Life Letters from Overseas The United Church Crest Global Partners in Ministry and Mission- from the 1969/1976 (Blue) United Church of Canada Service Book ‘for the use of ministers conducting public worship’ (adapted) The United Church of Canada Celebrating 90 years O God who biddest us to dwell with one mind in thine house: of thy mercy put away from us all that causes faction and bitterness, that, through thy bountiful goodness, we may keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace; through Christ, the Prince of peace. Amen. (p.155) A lmighty God, whose purpose is that all people should love thee and give themselves to thee, we pray for the church. Stir it from its complacency, that it may bear witness to the world in simplicity and in truth. Fill it with thy Holy Spirit that, as in the days of Pentecost, men and women may be set afire with passion and work for your kingdom on earth. We pray in the name of him who is the head of the church, even Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (p. 154) Dare to Be (United Church) (9 min video) Ap A lmighty God, by whose inspiration our fathers and mothers built this church: we thank thee for bringing us to this hour of worship and this day of celebration. We honour thee for giving thy Son, who founded the church in his death and resurrection, and has sent it forth through the ages as a witness to thy love. We bless thee for bestowing thy Holy Spirit, who has hallowed this sanctuary and made it a source of strength. We thank thee for calling women and men to serve thee, and for calling us in our time. Praise be to thee, O God, for thy work in our midst; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (p. 146, 147) a Gallery of Photos ground-breaking firsts in its contributions to Canadian society 15 0 2 ril Prayers of Intercession and Thanksgiving From the Desk of Lorna MacQueen Conference Minister Faith Formation for Discipleship RESOURCES FOR CELEBRATION The United Church Celebrates 90 Years since church Union A Litany of Remembrance Other Litany Ideas * Congregational Response We remember… *we remember before you and this community with gratitude and thanksgiving: faithfully in so many capacities seen and unseen, recognized and often unrecognized, supporting and sharing the work of Jesus in the world, and the ordered ministry personnel who ministered with and among them. (silence/song/ritual) The faithful communities through many centuries upon which the church in the world today stands: Men and women who carried the faith and were sustained by it through persecution, trial and adversity. Women and men who taught the faith to their children and carried the faith with them to new lands and communities. We remember… (silence/song/ritual) O Holy God of Grace… we remember with gratitude and pray that we too may leave an inheritance of faith and faithfulness: That we too may express Jesus’ passion for justice and be his vehicles of love in the world. That we too may be means for others to be nurtured by faith and that this community may also be a foundation of faith for future communities to build upon. We remember… *we remember before you and this community with gratitude and thanksgiving: The courageous and visionary Methodist, Congregational, and Presbyterian churches, the General Council of Union Churches of Western Canada, other scattered union churches and the United Evangelical Brethren as together they sought a new unity through which to live their faith and work for your Reign of Love in this United Church of Canada. (silence/song/ritual) We remember… *we remember before you and this community with gratitude and thanksgiving: The laity of (name of local church – or name of amalgamated or joining churches) who served *I remember before you and this community with gratitude and thanksgiving: The individuals and groups and communities who helped to inspire and guide, teach and support me in my faith journey. (silence/song/ritual) (silence/song/ritual) A ritual might be incorporated into the above litany with candle lighting or a symbol or image offered to enrich this time of remembrance. The silences should be long enough for people to remember names, faces, stories, events that have shaped and nourished the community and their own lives. A sung response might be added such as MV 104 Know That God is Good or an Alleluia of your choice. Post newsprint over a number of weeks and invite people to add their own names, stories, prayers of thanksgiving or petition. Pull them together into a litany of thanksgiving. Invite the children and youth to put together a mural or poster of images and words that express things for which they are thankful in the United Church and their local church. Use this in a visual litany of thanksgiving projected for worship. Invite people of various ages and representing both historic and new families and adherents, languages and cultural backgrounds (if possible) to offer their voices to a litany of thanksgiving offered in worship. Be sensitive to be as inclusive as possible. Flash Mob Litany coming out of the congregation with music… to sing … or rap… a litany of thanksgiving. You could use a current piece of popular music. As long as it was in worship context and the words were not projected or printed you would not need performance permission. You could also live stream a YouTube video to sing/dance along with in celebration. Depending upon the size and participation comfort of your church community, you could pass around a microphone into the congregation asking for people to offer a word or a phrase of gratitude for the church, or to pray for the United Church and/or local church and the challenges and opportunities of this time.
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