UUFB November 2014 Sunday Services

of Bozeman
November 2014
Calendar of Services & Events
Sunday Services
November 2, 2014 - Peg Wherry and The Fellowship Readers “Daily Life and Eternity in ‘Our Town’”
November 2md, 2014 - Peg Wherry and
the Fellowship Readers - “Daily Life and
Eternity in ‘Our Town’”
November 9th - Rev. Dr. Nina D. Grey "Hold On"
November 16th - Rev. Dr. Nina D. Grey "Impermance and Still Water"
November 23rd - Rev. Dr. Nina D. Grey “For All Life is a Gift”
November 30th - Betty Strook, Pam Pride
and Susan Bianchini - “Attitudes of Gratitude”
Thornton Wilder’s “Our Town” may be the best known American play ever
written. Its first two acts present daily life in a typical American small town
around 1900, but its third act starts with observations about “something
way down deep that’s eternal about every human being.” The focus is on
Emily Webb, who has just died and who wants to return to visit earth for a
day. By presenting key scenes from Act 3, the Fellowship Readers will illuminate that encounter between death and day-to-day living—an encounter
that shows the value in daily life and provides a new perspective on the
Since the Senior Center is not available to us on November 2nd, the location of the Sunday service on that day will be moved to Fellowship Hall
(22nd and Durston). We will return to the Senior Center for our November
9th service.”
November 9, 2014 - Rev. Dr. Nina D. Grey - “Hold On”
The voting will be over, and it is possible we will know all the results and
possible we will not. Our call, regardless of election outcomes, is the same.
“Keep Your Eyes on the Prize, Hold On” was one of the most powerful civil
rights era songs, reminding seekers of justice to stay focused on that which
draws them forward. That will be our need too, no matter how the elections
turn out throughout the nation and no matter what the challenges we face.
Progress toward peace, toward justice, toward healing has never been a
case of onward and upward forever. But there has been progress we can
point to, and lessons learned, from what we see as success or of failure.
What is the prize hidden in plain sight in our UU principles? Who are the
teachers, what are the movements we can point to, what was their legacy to
us, that can give us courage, stamina and hope in these difficult and uncertain times?
Services held August to June at
Bozeman Senior Center
807 N. Tracy,
Sundays 10:00am to 11:00am
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Rev. Nina Grey has participated in efforts for voting rights, women’s reproductive rights, GLBT rights, immigrant rights, advocacy for the poor and
working class people, and she is a student of philosophy and theory about
November 2014
what gives us hope in uncertain times. Today she will begin a three part sermon series on inspirational legacies that
can give us hope in uncertain times.
November 16, 2014 - Rev. Dr. Nina D. Grey - “Impermanence and Still Water”
Living with uncertainty, we may seek to grab on to what doesn’t change. Yet it seems everything changes and always has. How can we cope with moving waters and the transiency of life? In this morning’s service we will recall
our own ways and those of teachers of spiritual lessons and practices that can help us stay a course we do not completely control.
November 23, 2014 - Rev. Dr. Nina D. Grey - “For All Life Is A Gift”
Rumi reminds us in “The Guesthouse” that “This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A
joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor.” Leonard Cohen wrote
and sang that cracks are what let the light in. Are there some teachers whose teachings have helped you endure the
cracks and let in the light?
November 30, 2014 - Betty Strook, Pam Pride and Susan Bianchini - “Attitudes of Gratitude”
Three women with attitude--Betty Stroock, Pam Pride, and Susan Bianchini--will share unique stories that will inspire gratitude in your heart for the infinite variety of personal experience.
“…And To Care For One Another”
The Caring Committee has recently updated their description to read:
“The Caring Committee works in close coordination with the minister to respond to pastoral needs in times of grief
and loss, illness, changes in relationship or employment and other transitions.” Among its activities, the committee:
• Visits the ill
• Sends cards and prayer flags
• Maintains supportive contact with those who are unable to attend services
• Arranges for meals and/or transportation as necessary
• Functions as a clearing house of community assistance resources
• Coordinates support groups if needed and
• Responds to any other requests for help on an ad hoc basis.
Contacts are Rev. Nina Grey 773-746-6552, minister@uufbozeman.org and/or Susan Backer 406-586-9132,
Members of the Caring Committee are Susan Backer, John Berg, Louise Corbin, John Hooton, Shirley Smith and Pat
Swenson. We are so grateful to all the members and friends who help us in our outreach to others in the congregation. It is work that helps us all live out our mission and covenant with each other. Thank you so very much!
We are maintaining lists of those who can be available to give rides or provide meals as needed. If you would like
to be on one of those lists please contact Susan Backer or any member of the committee.
Susan Backer, for the Caring Committee
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November 2014
UUFB Committee on Ministry
What is UU Committee on Ministry?
The Committee on Ministry (CoM) focuses on all aspects of the congregation's ministry, including professional
leadership, music, social justice, religious education, pastoral care, and so on. This model helps the congregation
make sure that its ministries are serving its mission and vision (see
The UUFB Committee on Ministry (COM) met on September 18, 2014. Attending members of the committee were
Pam Poon (chair), Michael Brody, Beth D’Atri, Rev. Nina Grey (ex-officio) and Carolyn Boyd. Susan Backer was unable to attend.
Future Meetings of UUFB COM will be the third Friday of the month from 3-5PM. The committee meets at the Mediation Center (next to the Ridge on Mendenhall St.). Meetings for the remainder of 2014 will be: 10/17, 11/21 and
12/19 and attendance by non-COM members is by invitation only. UUFB members can contact any member of the
committee if a matter needs to be brought before the COM. The chair is Pamela Poon, 406-539-2474,
Our COM meeting
The UUFB COM embodies a collaborative decision-making model and respects confidentiality of all persons.
The role of the COM was discussed. Some ideas presented were: taking the pulse of the Fellowship, conflict resolution, assessing and improving our ministry based on our mission. Role of the COM is discussed in the chapter on
“Ministry: an Original and Workable Model” (see
New Business
The UUFB COM is tasked with an assessment of the congregation's ministry that includes an assessment of the minister as mandated by our Letter of Agreement with her. Discussion: Desire is to assess where we are now as a congregation. That would include both our professional and congregational ministry. Assessment could lead to goals
for the future. Goal might be to determine where we would like to be as a congregation in two years.
Next meeting October 17th 3 PM, Mediation Center.
Thank you for your consideration and support.
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November 2014
UUFB Hospitality/Membership Committee
The UUFB Hospitality/Membership Committee is currently working on ways to keep better track of our
visitors and continue to make them welcome. That is an ongoing discussion and any suggestions are welcome. We are also looking at ways to keep members and friends engaged at the level that is comfortable
for them.
We are now setting up our orientation meetings. They will be held on November 9 and 16 after service
from 11:30-12:45. This is a chance for current members and friends to refresh their knowledge about UUA
and UUFB and for learning about becoming a member. We are also putting the 2015 Directory together,
which means contacting every member/friend to make sure we have current information.
As always we so appreciate those who help greet visitors and members and who take care of coffee for the
services. This month thanks goes to Dick and Louise Corbin, Janine Roberts, Dick and Jan Young, Beth
D’Atri, Paul Stouffer and Susan Anderegg, as well as members of the Committee who always step in to
Social Activities
Women's Group will meet on November 12th at Susan Backer’s home. Please contact her to RSVP and for
more information at 586-9132 or backersu100@gmail.com
Men's Group will be Wednesday November 12th at 6:30PM. It will be at the home of Ken and Linda
Pierce. Please contact Ken at 599-5157 or kenlindapierce@gmail.com to RSVP.
Thanksgiving Dinner is planned for Eagle Mount. All are invited to gather at noon November 27th with
dinner at 1:00 and an afternoon of games and entertainment
Sign up sheets will be at upcoming services.
Make & Take Event will be on December 7th. Volunteers are needed to plan or help with craft projects.
Donations of fresh greens and pinecones are needed.
Treasure Sale will be on December 14th. Good news: our Holiday Treasure Sale is making a comeback!
This year it will be held after service on December 14th. The Treasure Sale provides an opportunity to recycle your gently used goods--gift items, household goods, books, indoor and outdoor sports equipment,
CDs, DVDs, jewelry, handmade one-of-a-kinds, winter clothing, etc. It also provides a fun shopping adventure for the youngsters and the not-so-youngsters, while raising funds for UUFB. It’s not too early to
start saving your gently used items for this special event! Questions? Contact Marv Backer or Marie
Food Bank Collection is on November 16th. Holiday foods will be especially welcome.
The Social Activities Committee encourages all members to make use of the list serve to plan impromptu
activities such as; movies, dining out or in, hikes, lectures or events and anything else you would like to
share with others.
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November 2014
Family Promise: Does UUFB Want To Continue To Serve?
In 2006, UUFB enthusiastically voted at a congregational meeting to partner with St. James Episcopal and
serve as hosts to homeless families in the Family Promise program. What an opportunity! We, as a congregation, thought we could make a difference to help homeless families get a foothold and reach some
stability in their lives. Family Promise allows the homeless families housing and food for 3 months as
they look for work and find affordable housing. The staff at Family Promise also provide the families
help with parenting skills, budgeting, and ways of dealing with many of life’s issues as they arise. This
has been our Fellowship’s primary social justice commitment.
UUFB is responsible for 3 evenings during the week of our service. We serve 5 times a year which works
out for UUFB : a total of 15 days ; 12 people needed for evening and overnight host positions and 6 people
needed for meal prep. To serve as an evening or overnight host, it is necessary to receive 2 hours of training from the Family Promise staff.
Currently, the religious organizations involved in the Family Promise program are: Grand Ave Christian,
Methodist, Pilgrim Congregational, Beth Shalom, Lutheran, Baptist, Presbyterian, Seven Day Adventist,
Church of Christ, Journey, Bozeman and Belgrade LDS, Holy Rosary Catholic, St James Episcopal and
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Bozeman.
UUFB has 47 folks who have been through the 2 hour training required by Family Promise to serve as
evening and overnight hosts. (Training is not required to do evening meal prep) There are certainly circumstances in our lives that change our ability to serve as hosts in the program. That being said, I am so
appreciative of the core volunteers who step forward on a regular basis and prepare the evening meals
and serve as evening and overnight hosts. If that core is unable to serve (illness, out of town, etc), I am left
scrambling. In recent months, it has been so difficult to find volunteers that I feel my role as UUFB volunteer coordinator becomes beggar-in-chief.
For me, serving as a volunteer with Family Promise has meant so much. I have learned and grown
through this experience. I have a greater appreciation of what it means to be homeless with children in
Bozeman, MT. The motto at Family Promise is: Ending Homelessness One Family At A Time. If UUFB
can make one small difference, it is well worth the effort.
Or is it? Does UUFB want to continue its commitment with Family Promise? I would appreciate your
Thank you,
Sara Williams
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November 2014
Creating a Congregational Gratitude Wall, Sunday, November 30,
From researchers to spiritual leaders to survivors of tragedy, gratitude is often identified as an essential
for finding joy and abundance in our lives. People live longer, marriages maintain their strength, people
report fewer health problems, and goodwill increases when people practice gratitude. We especially focus on gratitude as part of our cultural heritage with the Thanksgiving holiday. On Sunday, November
30, our fellowship will reflect on gratitude. As part of the service that day, a gratitude wall is being created for all those in attendance to share what makes them feel grateful. You will find markers available
for writing and drawing - be creative! Please think about what you would like to write in preparation for
that service. If you would like to write your ideas ahead of time on a piece of paper or bring images from
magazines that represent what you are grateful for, you may, and we will tape those to our wall. You may
also choose to share a quote about gratitude. We look forward to this multi-generational activity as a way
to strengthen our bonds and witness the abundance that supports our faith community.
Valley Peters
For the Sunday Service Committee
Religious Education Corner
Children’s Religious Education Classes
The Preschool class (2-4 year olds) is taught by Raha Sovereign. This year’s curriculum, “Celebrating Me and My
World” helps our little ones understand their place in the world while gently introducing UU principles.
The K-2 class (5 year olds - 2nd Grade) is taught by Claire Eldridge. The UUA curriculum, “Creating Home,” develops a sense of home that is grounded in our faith. This program imparts a deep sense of sacredness while
teaching the value of hospitality and loving relationships.
The Grades 3-6 class is taught by Stefanie Knipfer. This year, the children are becoming Bible literate with “Timeless Themes.” This curriculum focuses on the great stories from the Hebrew and Christian Bibles, and relates them
to UU principles and values.
Our 7th and 8th graders are now taking the Our Whole Lives class, which began in September. Trained facilitators
provide age-appropriate information regarding sexuality in an affirming and supportive setting. Curricula focus
on anatomy and health, as well as interpersonal skills, values, respect, and justice. This class is a joint venture with
Pilgrim Congregational Church, and is taught outside of Sunday morning Fellowship time. Please visit
http://www.uua.org/owl/ or speak with Laura Mentch to learn more.
Please remember that children develop a sense of belonging and community by regularly attending RE classes at
UUFB. Parents, please make every effort to bring your children to Fellowship at least 2-3 times a month.
Children’s Chapel
This year the Lifespan Religious Education Committee has decided to try something new in Children’s Chapel. In
order to weave some of the themes from the adult services into the children’s RE program, the stories and activities
in Chapel will focus on these themes with child-friendly language. Parents, please take a few moments to ask your
children about what they learned in Chapel.
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November 2014
Our second Children’s Chapel of the year will be held on November 2nd at 10:00 am. We will be meeting at Fellowship Hall that week, so please ask one of the RE teachers to direct you to the correct location.
Lifespan Religious Education Committee Meeting
The next meeting of the Lifespan Religious Education Committee is scheduled on Wednesday, November 19th
from 6:45 to 8:30 pm. Anyone with an interest in Adult or Children’s RE is welcome to attend.
UU Principles - Children’s Version
Parents, try this at home with your children--it’s sung to the tune of Doe a Deer.
1. Each person is important.
2. Be kind in all you do.
3. We’re free to learn together,
4. And search for what is true.
5. All people need a vote.
6. Build a fair and peaceful world.
7. We care for Earth’s lifeboat.
And that brings us back to me and you, you, you!
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November 2014
President’s Notes
November 2014
The beautiful weather we’ve had in October has certainly made it difficult to stay indoors. Yet the work of the Fellowship moves forward.
I want to say a big “thank you” to all those who stayed after the service on October 19 to put dots on (which means
set priorities on) our previous work to answer the questions “Who are we,” “What do we need in our Fellowship’s
physical home,” and “What can we do without?” The results, especially for the latter two questions, will help us
move toward some definite action on the space issue. On November 23, after the service, we will hold a Town Hall
session to give all members the chance to gather information and ask questions; then at the congregational meeting
in January, there will be one or more resolutions brought to a vote of the membership. The Town Hall will present
clear and consistent analyses of the five space options that emerged from the Gracious Space conversation on June
1: a) staying at the Senior Center, b) finding different space for rent or lease, c) sharing a building with another congregation, d) buying a building of our own, e) buying land and building to suit us. There will also be information
about the financial options and requirements for any of these choices. So mark your calendars for November 23 to
participate in this important information opportunity!
Another effort now under way, led by the Committee on Ministry, is assessing the ministry of the Fellowship,
which will involve educating the congregation about its role in ministry. Yes, the congregation has a role in ministry! I was on the Committee on Ministry for the UU church in Ogden, UT, when our first interim minister arrived.
She asked us, “What is the ministry of this church?” We responded with blank stares and observed that she was
the minister. She then helped us understand that we as a congregation had a ministry, which we eventually began
to identify. One important form of ministry for that church (and yes, by vote, they called themselves a church) was
providing a “drop-in” center for GLBT youth in the community. Thus, as that church looked for its own building,
they knew they needed space to carry out that particular ministry. The church I belonged to in western Massachusetts had a ministry of music among other things. They had a lovely century-old building with fine acoustics, right
downtown, so from September through May, they provided free noon-hour concerts every Thursday. As UUFB
begins assessment of its ministry, we can draw on our first Gracious Space Conversation on May 18, when we answered the questions “Who are we,” “What are we called to do,” and “Who are our neighbors?”
Elsewhere in this newsletter, you will see a message from Sara Williams, who has been our Volunteer Coordinator
for Family Promise, which this Fellowship adopted in 2006 as our primary social justice work. Last Sunday when
we reviewed the statements answering the question “Who are we,” labels naming social justice got a very high
number of dots. Yet Sara has noticed that it is difficult to fill our volunteer slots when it is our turn; she asks if we
should re-consider our commitment to Family Promise. Please read her thoughtful message and reflect on how or
whether Family Promise should be part of our social justice commitment. Our next scheduled volunteer time is the
week of December 7.
On the administrative side of its work, at its October meeting, the board took the following actions:
• After a couple of hours of thorough line-by-line review, approved a Preliminary Budget requiring a Stewardship goal of $125,000. This is almost a 7% increase over last year’s goal and nearly 10% more than was
actually pledged last year.
• Approved minor revisions to Rev. Nina’s Letter of Agreement following a prescribed review after her third
year with us.
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November 2014
• Approved creation of a Personnel Committee and a draft of a Personnel Handbook. Now that we have more
employees, it is time to have policies that allow us to treat them consistently—and to have policies we can
refer to rather than continuing to reinvent the wheel as issues arise.
Because I cannot do it too often, I want to once again thank all of you who have been so thoughtfully engaged in
our Gracious Space Conversations and all of you who are contributing to the committee work by which we live
out our mission and our covenant.
In fellowship,
Peg Wherry
UUFB Spiritual Pluralism Project
Embracing Spiritual Pluralism in Congregational Life
The UU Buddhist Group meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 7:30 pm, the next one being Tuesday October 28th @
7:30pm at the home of Dr. Don Funke. The group meets in group members' homes on a rotating basis and is open to
new members. In general, the group will explore ways that Buddhist teachings can inform our Unitarian Universalist faith, and we practice meditation techniques to help us deepen our spiritual lives. Please Contact Edy Harrington
600-0101 or edyharrington@gmail.com or Warren Knipfer 599-9223 or rwkbozeman@gmail.com for information
The UU Earth-Based Spirituality Group will meet Sunday, October 26 at the home of Bill Mallory. The group explores a spirituality rooted in our experiences of connection and interdependence with all life, chances for discussion, reflection, experience, learning, creating ritual, and sharing stories. Our focus this fall will be Native American
spirituality, so please bring any books and ideas that we might consider using. We’ll also discuss meeting times and
frequency. All are welcome to attend. If you have questions about the group please call Susan Backer,
backersu100@gmail.com 586-9132, or 451-8831.
The UU Humanists Group will discuss religious humanism and its impact and future in Unitarian Universalism.
The next meeting will be on Monday Nov. 3rd @6:30pm at 1483 N. 15th (2nd floor meeting room). We will be discussing the next book to read as a group. Contact: Sara Williams at gjulian@aol.com.
The UU Mysticism Group The group will explore various strands of mysticism within UUism, world religions and
other sources. Contact: Sherrill Dolezilek at Frameitmt@aol.com or Elizabeth Rose at erose@montanadsl.net.
Are you interested in exploring a path within the Spiritual Pluralism Project? Participants are limited to joining only
one group although after a substantial period of immersion in one path, they may choose to transfer to a different
group. Dialogue among the groups is part of the project. Speak with Rev. Nina Grey or a Group Facilitator with
questions or if you wish to join a group, or fill out a form available at a service or from the office.
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November 2014
Parliament of World Religions
The Council for the Parliament of World Religions has recently announced that the sixth Parliament will be held
next year in Salt Lake City, Utah. The five day gathering of people of many faiths from all over the world is set for
October 15 - 19, 2015 at the Salt Palace Convention Center.
The Parliament is the oldest, the largest, and the most inclusive gathering of people of all faith and traditions.
The first Parliament took place in 1893. Since, this historic event has taken place in Chicago, USA (1993) • Cape
Town, South Africa (1999) • Barcelona, Spain (2004) • Melbourne, Australia (2009) - and now in Salt Lake City,
Who Should Attend?
If you care for religions and nations working together in harmony with each other for the good of humanity, you
should attend.
You must attend...
...if you are concerned about wars, terrorism, and hate,
...if you care for creation or are worried about climate change,
...if you are troubled by the widening wealth gap and wasteful consumption
...Because there will be Nobel Laureates, experts, religious leaders, master trainers and activists at the Parliament
who will share their opinions with you in panels, workshops, and plenaries on these issues. Speakers at past
events have included Nelson Mandela, President Jimmy Carter, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Laureate Shirin Ebadi, Queen Noor of Jordan, Jane Goodall, Karen Armstrong, Rabbi
David Saperstein, Hans Küng, Deepak Chopra, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, and Amma the Hugging Saint. The invited
world figures for the 2015 meeting will certainly be equally thrilling.
You will also find:
• Trainings in dialogue, interfaith activism, fundraising, and organizing
• World-class religious music, films, exhibits and performances
• And shop ethnic, international, religious books & things
More information can be found at www.parliamentofreligions.org.
Early registration is open until November 30th, 2014. As part of the Gallatin Valley Interfaith Association, we are
looking to get commitments from at least ten people to attend so that we can get the group registration rate of $189
per person. This registration fee covers entry to all public programs, opening and closing sessions, plenaries, development workshops, training classes, exhibits, and market place. Registration does not include food or hotel
accommodations. If you are interested in attending and would like to be included in the Gallatin Valley Interfaith Assoc. Group,
please contact Warren Knipfer (rwkbozeman@gmail com or 599-9223) or Diane Knipfer (dlknipfer@gmail.com or
599-9225). We have attended past Parliaments and will be happy to answer questions you might have.
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November 2014
UUFB Used Book Sale
The next used book sale will be on Sunday, November 9th. The sale takes place before and after Fellowship and
relies on your donations of gently used books, cds, dvd, and puzzles. A few commonly asked questions have been:
• What type of books are you interested in for the sale?
Well, all types of books appeal to our Fellowship. History, autobiography, general fictions, cookbooks,
travel, philosophy……….you name it and our members seem to be glad to pay just $1 for a new book. Old
textbooks are about the only book that seems to be left behind.
• Do you need children’s books for the sale?
Oh, yes, please! Our children are always on the prowl for a new book and I’ve noticed that many grandparents are shopping too.
• How much are these books?
Just $1 for all books is the price. We ask that you donate a $1 per book, cd, dvd or other items. If you are
lucky and find a new hardback or nice collectible, you can consider donating a bit more if so moved.
• What happens to the leftover books?
The books are stored for the next sale and are culled after three months of not selling. We have donated
books from the sale to the new Community Café library, Community Health Partners Children’s program,
Gallatin County Detention Center and the Senior Center bookstore and still have boxes as a starter for our
next month’s sale. We are book rich!
• How much do you earn from the book sale?
Our monthly sales vary greatly--$75 to $200 monthly—during this past year! We generated $1247 during
our last church year and that amount goes in the UUFB General Fund.
• Can I help with the book sale?
There are many ways to help with the book sale! First, please consider donating books! Help is also
needed to set up (around 9:15 the day of the sale). After the sale, we could use help boxing up the remaining books and moving them to my car. This year, I’d like to sort the books by rough categories and that
would take a few more willing volunteers.
If you have any questions, always give me a call. Many thanks, Leona Poritz 586-5111
“Listen! The wind is rising, and the air
is wild with leaves,
We have had our summer evenings,
now for October eves!”
― Humbert Wolfe
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November 2014
2014/2015 Board Members:
The UUFB Board generally meets on the third
Tuesday of each month at 6pm at UU Central
President: Peg Wherry
Vice-President: Amanda Cater
Treasurer: Suzy Sterling
Secretary: Beth D’Atri
Member-at-large: Sandra Olendorf
Member-at-large: Bonnie Andes
Member-at-large: Leona Poritz
Committee and Task Force Leaders:
Adult Religious Education: Stephen Guggenheim
Caring: Susan Backer
Committee on Ministry: Pam Poon
Environmental Justice Task Force: Dean Littlepage
Finance: David Andes
Family Promise: Sara Williams
Historian: Maureen Vaughn
Hospitality/Membership: Jan Young & Carolyn
Lifespan Religious Education: Bar Turner & Becca
Men’s Group: Warren Knipfer
Power of We: Amanda Cater
Program Council: Bonnie Andes and Amanda Cater
Properties/Facilities Management: Jim Gaffney
Social Activities: Tom Adams
Social Justice: unfilled
Social Justice Reading Group: Diane Knipfer
Stewardship: Tam Miller
Sunday Service: Pam Pride & Neil Gregersen
Women’s Group: Pat Kauffman
UUFB Online
The UUFB maintains several online resources. An email list has been
established in order to communicate announcements and events of interest to the UUFB. To make an announcement to the group, please
send email to “uufb@yahoogroups.com” (you must be subscribed to
the list in order to send mail to the list). Mail sent to this address will be
delivered to all members of the list, and will also be archived. This is
not an appropriate forum for political commentary or jokes (see uufbdiscuss below), so please use discretion when sending email to this address.
To Subscribe: uufb-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
To Unsubscribe: uufb-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
Email address: uufb@yahoogroups.com
Web page: http://www.uufbozeman.org/
In addition to the announcement list, we also run a discussion list in
which all manner of concerns can be discussed:
To Subscribe: uufb-discuss-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
To Unsubscribe: uufb-discuss-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
Questions or problems? Email cfaehl@mac.com
Lifespan Religious Education: Bar Turner
Adult Religious Education Committee: Stephen
Guggenheim, Contact Person
The UUFB newsletter is published monthly
from September to June. Send articles to
Unitarian Universalist
of Bozeman
4135 Valley Commons Drive, Unit C
P.O. Box 7136
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