Our week’s calendar (Oct. 19—26, 2014) TODAY Worship—Traditional (Sanctuary) ........................................................................... 8:15 A.M. Worship—Contemporary (Fellowship Hall) ............................................................ 9:38 A.M. Worship—Traditional (Sanctuary) ......................................................................... 11:00 A.M. Youth Groups .......................................................................................................... 4:00 P.M. Dinner (Fellowship Hall) .......................................................................................... 5:30 P.M. Family Promise Host Week ..................................................................... 5:30 P.M.–7:00 A.M. Adventures in Faith & Financial Peace University classes ...................................... 6:00 P.M. MONDAY Mother’s Morning Out (Nursery)……………………………………........…8:45–11:45 A.M. Fit and Faithful exercise (Fellowship Hall) ............................................................. 9:00 A.M. Concert Series Meeting (Library) ............................................................................. 3:00 P.M. Family Promise Host Week ..................................................................... 5:30 P.M.–7:00 A.M. Good News Vibrations Handbells (Sanctuary) ......................................................... 6:00 P.M. TUESDAY Community Bible Study ......................................................................... 8:00 A.M.–1:30 P.M. Family Promise Host Week ..................................................................... 5:30 P.M.–7:00 A.M. Women’s Salad Dinner (Classrooms 1 & 2)............................................................. 6:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY Mother’s Morning Out (Nursery) .................................................................. 8:45–11:45 A.M. Prayer group (Deese Chapel) ................................................................................. 11:00 A.M. Worship (Deese Chapel) ......................................................................................... 12:00 P.M. Family Promise Host Week ..................................................................... 5:30 P.M.–7:00 A.M. Chancel Choir practice (Music Room) ..................................................................... 7:00 P.M. THURSDAY MANNA! Cooks (Kitchen) ..................................................................................... 9:30 A.M. Family Promise Host Week ..................................................................... 5:30 P.M.–7:00 A.M. Your weekly connection to ways for living out your faith—Oct. 19-26, 2014 Links for today WE WELCOME PASTOR DEBORAH STEED TO OUR PULPIT—Pastor Deborah Steed is bringing God’s Word and presiding this morning while Pastor Todd is away. Pastor Deborah retired to North Carolina about a year ago to be close to her children and grandchildren. She is a member of St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Durham. Be sure to greet her and thank her for filling in. WHAT’S THE BIG IDEA? The Big Idea for today is Uncle Sam or God. This weekly idea, which is based on the Gospel text for the day, will be the theme for our worship and Sunday Night Live activities. Resources are available for small groups based on the Big Idea. So what’s the Big Idea? Look for it each week! SUNDAY NIGHT LIVE has gotten off to a great start! Thanks to everyone who’s helped make it so successful. There is a sign-up sheet for October and November kitchen helpers on Nicole’s door, which includes the meals to be served tonight and the rest of this month. No cooking is necessary … just set-up and/or clean-up. We had a great September, so let’s make October even better! ADULT BIBLE STUDY—Pastor Todd’s Bible study on the Big Idea is cancelled for today at 4:00 P.M. and also cancelled for Wednesday at 4:30 P.M. Links for tomorrow FRIDAY Fit and Faithful exercise (Fellowship Hall) .............................................................. 9:00 A.M. MANNA! Cooks (Kitchen) .................................................................................... ..9:30 A.M. Family Promise Host Week ..................................................................... 5:30 P.M.–7:00 A.M. HOSPITAL VISITORS—OSLC is forming a new team of volunteers to visit our members in the hospital. If you would like to join this special ministry, please call Adele Prill at 295-9198 for details. SATURDAY FLOW Praise Band rehearsal (Fellowship Hall) ..................................................... 8:30 A.M. Family Promise Host Week .................................................................... 5:30 P.M.– 7:00 A.M. Confirmation Banquet (Fellowship Hall) ................................................................. 6:00 P.M. PICK A DAY TO PRAY—The Evangelism Ministry is looking for volunteers willing to pray for our ELCA missionaries. Look for the calendar at our Welcome Center, then choose which day you’d like to pray and sign your name on that day. At the same location you’ll also find copies of recipes for Costa Rican treats. SUNDAY: Same as Oct. 19 schedule. Reformation Sunday-wear red. ATTENTION ALL WOMEN (OF EVERY AGE)!—You’re invited to attend a Fall Salad Supper on Tues. Oct. 21 at 6:00 P.M. in the Fellowship Hall. Bring your mother, daughter/s, friend/s, neighbor/s or just yourself to enjoy salad from Panera Bread and lots of fellowship. Cost is $6.00/person and $3.00/girl age 12 and under. Sign up at the Welcome Center or call the church office today. Childcare is available by advance reservation. If you need a ride, call Bunny Wilson at 692-7255. AFFIRMATION OF BAPTISM/RITE OF CONFIRMATION —We will welcome six young people into adult membership next Sunday, Oct. 26 through Affirmation of their Baptism/Rite of Confirmation. Please pray for our Confirmation candidates as they prepare to commit themselves to the Lord: Rachel Board, Jacob Chrisco, Nick Klug, Karenna Levin, Taylor McGuire, and Lyle Summers. HELPING, HOTDOGS AND HALLOWEEN—Costumes welcome! Bring your family and friends Oct. 31 from 5:30 –8 P.M. for hotdogs, chips and drinks. Come for a campfire, s’mores and fun skits. Please bring a new or gently used children’s book to share with the Northern Moore Family Resource Center in Robbins. THIRD QUARTER GIVING STATEMENTS are in member mailboxes. 13th-MONTH APPEAL—Our Finance & Stewardship Team is asking for your help with our current financial shortfall. Please mark your envelope “13th Month” and give an extra month’s donation (or more) by the end of the year to keep all our ministries intact. Consider it as a special thanksgiving for God’s blessings during 2014. Your gift could make all the difference. MINISTRY PLAN 2021 GATHERINGS— There are two gatherings this week to hear more about the Ministry Plan 2021. The first is Tuesday, Oct. 21 at 10:00 am in Deese Chapel and the second is Thursday, Oct, 23 at the home of Peter and Peggy Benson. RSVP not needed unless you plan to attend the gathering at the Benson’s (910-725-0120) home. + + + THE ALTAR FLOWERS TODAY are given to the glory of God by Steve and Libby Carter in honor of the wedding of Stephanie Carter and Jason Cooksey. THE ETERNAL CANDLE is given by Bill and Trudy Blake in honor of their wedding anniversary Oct. 14. WORSHIP ATTENDANCE LAST WEEK—256 Our prayer ministry As a community of faith, we join together in prayer for the needs, concerns, joys and sorrows that we share. Please pray for God’s grace and strength to surround those listed below. AT HOME—-Richard Barnes, Sr., Diane Daniels, Leatha Ferebee, Fritz Flemming, Marilyn Hess, Christine Hughes, Mel Johnson, Nancy Johnson, Bonnie Kendall, Knud Kornberg, Joan Nelson, John Olson, Mary Olson, Marian Oswalt, Barbara Reid, Ellen Roesler, Walt Schoen, Jean Sherrill, Len Stanislawek, Pat Williams, Sue Zeller. IN EXTENDED CARE—Pine Lake Rehab: Jack Hammett; Penick Village Rehab: Barbara Holderby; Quail Haven Rehab: Florence Ward; Penick Village: Siv Schuch. IN RETIREMENT COMMUNITIES—Elmcroft (Upper Unit): Peggy Smith; St. Joseph’s Villas/Pine Knoll: Flo Moore; So. Pines Retirement Living: Lucille Howard; Penick Village: Janet Nelson. IN SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY—Sean Barnes, Peter Benson, Todd Board, Spencer Cole, Jon Drew, Luke Erickson, Jonathan Gribben, Will Huerth, Brian Hughes, Mark Jennings, Michael Karlowicz, Ted Mataxis, Phillip Sounia. OUR MISSION PARTNER—Water of Life Lutheran, Wilmington. OUR MISSIONARY IN COSTA RICA —Stephen Deal. YOUNG ADULTS IN GLOBAL MISSION—Michael Dickson (Jerusalem). ENGAGED TO BE MARRIED— Roberto Garcia-Padilla and Nicole Rauscher; Kyle Lykes and Jessica Crandall. Please note any prayer requests you have on your Welcome Card at Sunday morning worship or notify the pastor or church office. + + + NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS—Jeremiah 31:31-34; Romans 3:19-28; John 8:31-36 Be sure to check out the latest faith and activity links for any and all followers of Our Saviour on our website at www. oslcsp.org—especially our popular new faith formation section. You’ll also find details about how to link to our other publications and social media sites. Or you can always call the church office at 692-2662 to get any answers you need.
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