PresbyterianPress October 2014 A Publication of First Presbyterian Church, Clarksburg WV It’s Pastor Appreciation Month!! What’s a Christian to do with Halloween? Many churches observe October as Pastor Apprectiation Month. Given the reluctance of many pastors to call attention to themselves, it’s not likely they will mention anything about being appreciated. Were someone to ask a pastor, however, what might be done to show apprectiation to him or her, the answer would likely be, “Pray for me.” Saint Paul never asked for anything for himself except that others pray for him. To the church at Rome, he wrote, “I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to join me in earnest prayer to God on my behalf, that I may be rescued from the unbelievers in Judea, and that my ministry to Jerulsalem may be acceptable to the saints, so that by God’s will I may come to you with joy and be refreshed in your company” (Romans 15:30-32, NRSV). Encourage Pastor John by assuring him of your prayers and love as we celebrate Pastor Appreciation on Sunday, October 19th after worship. In This Issue… John’s Jottings pg. 3 Session Notes pg. 4 Schedule of Volunteers pg. 5 Fall Festival pg. 7 Nominating Committee pg. 8 Sunday Worship Church School 9:30 a.m. Worship 10:45 a.m. These days, children associate Halloween with trickor-treating and candy. But centuries ago, Christians named the night before All Hallows’ Day (All Saints Day) “All Hallows’ Eve”. As faithful prepared to remember people who were entrusted with the resurrection life, They adopted various traditions to poke fun at death. Around the world, Christians observe Halloween differently: In Poland, kids pray aloud while walking through forests to comfort souls of the dead. In Spain, tolling church bells remind people to remember the saints. In Finland, so many people light candles in cemeteries that the observance is called, “the sea of light.” Although some Christians steer clear of Halloween, others use it as an evangelsim oppprtunity and provide entertainment alternatives such as harvest parties. No matter your views, you can remind children that though it is fun to pretens, we can always be ourselves with God, Whatever our features and flaws, we need not and cannot hide from God behid masks. God made us in his holy image and loves us as his holy - hallowed! - children. Office Hours Worship in October Monday - Friday 9:00 am to 2:00 pm OCT 5: 17TH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST (WORLD COMMUNION SUNDAY) SCRIPTURES: Exodus 20:1-17; *Matthew 21:33-46 SERMON: “The Parable of the Wicked Tenants” THEME: Jesus warns the leadership of his day, that they work for God. They are not free to substitute what they want for what God wants. OCT 12: 18TH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST PASTOR ON CONTINUING EDUCATION LEAVE. MARY BETH PALETTA WILL BE PREACHING. OCT 19: 19TH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST SCRIPTURES: Exodus 33:12-23; *Matthew 22:1-14 SERMON: “The Parable of the Wedding Banquet” THEME: God loves us just as we are. However. God cares too much about us to leave us in our sin. God insists that we cast off our old clothing of sin and put on the new clothing of righteousness. OCT 26: 20TH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST SCRIPTURES: Deuteronomy 34:1-12; *Matthew 22:15-22 SERMON: “Rendering to Caesar and to God” THEME: “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.” That is one of the most famous quotes of Jesus. How does it apply to our lives especially in the light of the fact that we have to pay taxes, but giving to God is voluntary? (* Indicates main scripture referenced in sermon.) Our Sunday Morning (10:45) service is broadcast on: Church Staff P ASTOR Rev. John F. Koerner 209 Ohio Avenue Nutter Fort, WV 26301 Phone: 304-534-2324 SESSION Beckie Alvaro, Clerk Mary Beth Paletta, Asst. Clerk PARISH ASSOCIATE Rev. Charla Waters Koerner CHURCH SECRETARY Sara Hatcher Jones OFFICE VOLUNTEER Kathleen Berry E DUCATION C OORDINATOR Terra M. Burnett MINISTER OF MUSIC Marjorie Faris ORGANIST Mary Kay Devono WGIE 92.7 FM - Clarksburg 102.7 - Fairmont / 103.7 - Morgantown Activities & Meetings Phone: 304-622-6831 Fax: 304-623-1611 Web: Newsletter Deadline is Friday, October 24 NURSERY ATTENDANT Isabella Keller SEXTON Gary Scheuvront DEACONS – Tuesday, October 14 at 5:00 pm TRUSTEES – Tuesday, October 12 at Noon SESSION – Tuesday, October 12 at 5:30 pm C.E. COMMITTEE – Tuesday, October 21 at 6:30 pm WORSHIP & MUSIC – Thursday, October 16 at 4:00 pm PRAYER GROUP & BIBLE STUDY – Monday at 10:30 am P.W. BOARD – Monday, October 6 at Noon BIBLE STUDY – Wednesday evening at 6:30 (Social 6:00) Book Group – Monday, October 20 at 3:30 COMFORT MAKERS – Wednesday, October 29 at 1:00 p.m. CHURCH TREASURERS Wayne J. Northey / Bill Pulling Richard Riddle / Dave Allman NET CASH FLOW - AUGUST 2013 2014 INCOME 131,462 117,988 EXPENSES 151,487 140,917 NET INCOME -20,024 -22,929 Pastor John’s Jottings . . . “Holy! Holy! Holy! Lord God Almighty...” thus go the words of the old hymn. What does it mean to say that God is holy? The word holy is usually associated with God and things that are divine or sacred. It’s simplest meaning is “different”. There is “the ordinary” and “the different” or holy. When Moses stood before the burning brush (Exodus 3), he asked God, “What is your name?” God replied, “I am who I am.” God further said to Moses, “ You shall say to the Israelites, “I Am” has sent me to you.” In Hebrew, God’s proper name then, is written as YHWH which might be pronounced as Yahweh. It is connected with the Hebrew verb hayah, “to be.” The Jews believe to this day that the proper name of God is too holy to be spoken aloud. Instead, they substitute Adonai (LORD) for God. In the Old Testament we ofter find references, especially in the Psalms, to the LORD. When “LORD” stands for the proper name of God, it is written in all capitals. “The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.” (Psalms 23:1) Modern Christians have placed less of an emphasis on the holiness of God. Instead, we have talked about how aproachable God is. “Seek God out,” we say, “God wants to spend time with you. God loves you.” While these things are true and good, we run the risk of losing the sense that God is also holy. God is far different than us. God is all powerful. God is all knowing. God is everywhere present. God is worthy of our worship, our praise, and our obedience. Toning down God’s holiness may make God seem more like us and thus more approachable, but it may also lead to empty religion. If God is just a good old boy like me, then God has no power to save or trnasform me. A god that is just like me is not worthy of worship or obedience. Our god is a holy God, nothing is impossible for God. Our God is a holy God, worthy of our worship and our obedience. “Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless God’s holy name.” (Psalms 103:1) Hope and Confidence, Pastor John Pastor’s Discretionary Fund Low on Funds On behalf of the 113 families that we have been able to help with rent or utilities, I thank you all. It is a wonderful ministry of First Church that we are able to demonstrate the love of Christ in such a caring and concrete way. Any and all donations to this ministry will be wisely used and greatly appreciated. First Presbyterian Church Session Highlights Tuesday, September 16, 2014 5:30 p.m. -Approved request of Amy Strange for use of building on Friday, Sept. 12th from 4 to 7 pm for distributing food for spaghetti dinner fund raiser for RCB band. -Approved allowing Mascaro Construction to place a camera on our flat roof top to monitor the site next door. -Our Ice maker in the kitchen is broken. We are looking into getting a new one. Session agreed to ask the congregation for help in buying a new machine. ($2,000) -Instead of the usual fall festival, this year we are going to do something in conjunction with the Clarksburg downtown Trick or Trick on Oct. 29th. Details are still being worked out. -Stewardship dedication Sunday will be Nov. 9th. - Pastor has requested study leave for the week of Oct. 6-12. Mary Beth Paletta will fill the pulpit for Sunday, Oct. 12th. -set the date for congregational meetings: Oct. 19 for the election of officers and Feb. 15 for the annual meeting Pastor’s Report: hospital visits: 4 baptisms: none wedding: none funerals: 8-30-14 Other significant Pastoral visits: 32 Leroy F. Perry, Bridgeport Cemetery Sacrament of Communion: Was celebrated on Sunday, Sept. 7 Deacons report 58 served. Home Communion was served in July to 2 individuals at Maplewood and with the help of Elders Wayne and Harriett Northy and in the home with the help of elder Connie Leuliette to 2 more. Pastor’s Discretionary Fund 2014 - As of August 31, 2014 MONTH # OF REQUESTS #COMPLETED AMT PLEDGED June 6 12 895.39 July na na 0.00 August 31 23 TOTALS 113 AMT DISBURSED 685.39 0.00 1,715.54 1,315.69 $9,031.81 $7,775.43 NEW ICE MAKER NEEDED CHILDRENS’ MOMENTS Oct. 5 12 19 26 - Janet Wilson Dawn Woodburn Maria Morrison Terra Burnett WORSHIP LEADER Oct 5 12 19 26 - Jim Wilson Pam Mitchell Adam King Bryon Delawder ELDER GREETERS Oct. 5 12 - Denver Atkinson 19 26 - Beckie Alvaro DEACON GREETERS Oct 5 12 19 26 - Sally Gray Connie Leuliette Beth Allen-Goff Judy McQuaid Our kitchen ice-maker has failed and we will need to get a new one. The estimated cost of the new and bigger machine is $2,000. If you would like to help with the cost of a new ice-maker, please mark your gift, “ice-maker”, and place it in the offering plate or mail it to the church office. Thank you! Did You Know....... In 1933, a Pittsburgh pastor, Hugh Thompson Kerr had a unique idea. What if churches all around the world celebrated Holy Communion on the same Sunday? He contacted leaders of various denominations worldwide. His idea was met with such warm enthusiasm that celebrating the sacrament on the first Sunday of October is now an annual affair. It unites Christians throughout the world, or in the words of the popular hymn: In Christ there is no east or west, In Him no north or south; But one great fellowship of love Throughout the whole wide earth. ACOLYTES Oct 5 - Ashleigh Brunett Abby Schorr 12 - Maddison Stout Isabella and Rebekah Rinehart 19 - Cassie Delawder Megan Strange 26 - Matthew Strange Brdaley Burnett The following dates are still available: November 2, 9, 23 and 30 and December 14 Wednesday Night Bible Study Join us for Wednesday Night Bible Study with Pastor John. We gather at 6 pm for social time, then the lesson begins at 6:30. We are currently studying the book of Acts. McClelland - Parlor Class The McClelland/Parlor Class invites you to join them as they gather at 9:30 am on Sunday morning. We spend a little time visiting and “catching up,” then the lesson starts at 9:45 and continues until 10:30. If you don’t already have a Sunday School home, we welcome you to join us! Young Adult Bible Study! Meet with Pastor John in Westminster Hall at 9:30 for fellowship, and class at 10 a.m. IN OUR THOUGHTS & PRAYERS... BIRTHDAYS 1 - Jennifer Wetzel 2 - Jackson L. Anderson 2 - Patricia Glaser Johnson 3 - Donna Smith 3 - Karen Nickerson 4 - Joshua Weist 6 - Joyce King IN SPECIAL CARE FACILITIES: Amy Garrett; Rex Kuhens; Roberta Davis SPECIAL CONCERNS: ANDERSON, Jack & Sandy ** ARTHUR, Rev. Bill *** ATKINSON, Denver *** BANEY, Pam ** BERRY, Kathleen *** CANTARELLI, Helen * CLARK, Peggy ** FARIS, Marj ** FORSYTHE, Cal ** FORTE, Amy * HOOD, Robbie * GLOSS, Cleo *** GOODWIN, Fred & Betty ** GRAEBER, Steve ** KENNEDY, Betty ** MEDINA, Rose ** POLLACK, Dan ** RADCLIFF, Kenny ** SHIFFRA, Everett & Donna * SMITH, Missy *** TETRICK, Jo ** THOMPSON, Mariah *** WARNE, Jerry ** WHEELER, Zach *** 8 - Karoline Colucci 8 - Braden Tustin 9 - Cameron Mann 9 - Sally Ogden 10 - Steve Maxwell ***REMINDER: Names with 3 astericks will be taken off the list the following month unless someone calls to put them back on. To place someone on the list please call the church office or email Sara at Thank you for your help! 13 - Sam Weaver 13 - Amy Garrett 13 - Jeremy Troyer 19 - Jeanne Unger 20 - Matthew Strange 21 - Jan Williams 21 - Sean Langley 21 - Judy Kennedy 22 - Kristy Vander Decker 22 - Bryanna Moore 26 - Bob Faris 26 - Linda Faust 26 - Brian Tustin 28 - Suzie Heger 29 - Sandi Nuzum (Call the Church Office and let us know when your birthday is so we can add it to the list!) F.Y.I. -Fair Trade Coffee & More! Presbyterian Women continue to offer Fair Trade Products for sale in Westminster Hall on the first Sunday of the month after the worship service, or you may call or stop in the church office to pick up some! COFFEE - $7.00 bag TEA - $4.00 box CHOCOLATE BARS - $2.50 each DRIED CRANBERRIES - $4.00 bg SALE! all tall blue & gold (12 oz.) bags of coffee, regularly $7.00 – NOW $5.00!!! -ANDCookbooks Still Available! You may purchase your cookbook(s) for $20 per book. Stop in the church office to get your copy. (Checks payable to First Presbyterian Church and include “Cookbook” in memo line.) First Presbyterian Church presents it’s eighth annual . . . Fall Festival Schedule for the event: u 10:45 a.m. - Doors Open! u 11:00 to 12:00 - Activities... a kids crafts! a face painting! a cookies! a Trunk or Treat! a and more! u 12:00 - FREE HOT DOG LUNCH! u 12:30 - Singing & Cake Walk The First Presbyterian Church, located at 175 West Main Street in Clarksburg, invites the community to our Annual Fall Festival! This event is . . . FREE & OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Everyone Welcome! For more information, call the church office at 304-622-6831. Saturday, October 25, 2014 ~ 11:00 am to 1:00 pm FREE HOT DOG LUNCH! Congratulations to our nominating committee on a job well done. Our slate of candidates to be nominated at the October congregational meeting is complete. This is an impressive list of spiritually deep and very capable individuals. Our church will benefit greatly by their service! Nominations For Church Officers 2014 Those elected will be ordained/install to office January 2015 Ruling Elders, Class of 2016 1. Jenna Bennett 2. Dick Ogden 3. Susan Tustin 4. Dianne Keller Deacons, Class of 2016 1. Susie Heger 2. Ashley & Chad Montgomery 3. Maria & Micah Morrison 4. Sandy & Courtney Nuzum Trustees, Class of 2016 1. Sally Gray 2. Bryon Delawder Youth Delegates class of 2015 To deacons: Cassie Delawder To C.E.: Danielle Rinehart Congregational Nominating Committee class of 2015 1. Mark Freeman 2. Jackie Corsini 3. Kris Pulling 4. Ginger Delawder 5. Kandy Atkinson
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