THE NEWSLETTER OF MORRISVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OCTOBER 2014 CHILDREN AND FAMILY COMMITTEE Please join us for APPLE PICKING SUNDAY OCT 5TH At Styer’s Orchard Meet at Styer’s at 4:00 pm Hayride begins at 4:30 pm Pot Luck dinner at 6:00 pm Bring your favorite side or salad Children and Family Committee will supply hot dogs, drinks and dessert $12.00 per person or $20.00 per family includes 1 bag of apples Sign up in the Communication Center Pastor’s Pen 10TH ANNUAL CRAFT FAIR Saturday, October 25, 2014 When life is going along just the way we like, we are satisfied and don’t expect anything to change, nor do we want things to change. Other times we want change but only if it looks like what we used to have before the last change occurred. When we experience trouble or desperate times we need change and sometimes we realize we need help and call out for a savior. MPC has experienced a lot of change lately and it can be easy to call out for a savior/leader who will fulfill each person’s expectation of what MPC should be. What if instead of providing all the answers we are guided to search the scriptures, our own history, pray, talk and discuss these things with each other? By now you have met Rev. Bruce Ballantine or at least heard him preach. He does not have all the answers, nor should he. He does bring a lot of experience helping the body of Christ to seek and align itself with what God is doing and where God is leading that particular church. Change will occur because change is the norm for a church. Whenever we come to worship God, we are a changed people. When we pray, we are changed by an encounter with God. When Sunday School teachers ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the meaning of scripture to their students, they are changed. Whenever we feed families from the proceeds of Hike Against Hunger, we and our community are changed. What are your expectations for this interim time? How will you open yourself to change? Many thanks to the Interim Pastor Nominating Committee. They have worked diligently interviewing candidates and spent many hours in prayer and discussion. When you see them give them your thanks: Jim Harveson, Andy Beidler, Pauline Underwood, Lauryn Gilbride, Beth DiTulio and Bill Hughes. Come shop at our juried Craft Fair in Fellowship Hall, where you will find a wide selection o f b eautifully handcrafted items - great for gifts for your family, friends, and pets! We've shaken things up this year, and will feature crafters you've come to love & expect, plus a variety of new ones! Bring a friend, and support Presbyterian Women's Mission Work with a day of shopping and lunch at our cafe. Don't forget to buy a raffle ticket for your chance to win a craft, and pick up a snack or dessert for dinner at the Bake Sale. We hope to see you there! FREE ADMISSION! In Christ, Debbie Heffernan, Interim Associate Pastor Come to the MPC Blood Drive! One pint can help at least three people. A diet high in iron is recommended the weeks before donating. Sing up in the Communication Center. 2 October 18, 2014 Please join us for the 11th Annual Hike Against Hunger to raise funds for the Food Center at MPC. Hike Day Schedule 9:30 am Registration 10:00 am Hike Begins 11:30 am Celebration Picnic BLOOD DRIVE November 9, 2014 Following worship - till 3:00 pm OUR CHURCH FAMILY In Loving Memory In loving memory of Daisy Peck, age 101, who died August 25, 2014. She was the mother of Dorothy Carr and the grandmother of, Stephanie Carr Caldara and Suzanne Carr Yancey. Births Charlize Kwon, born August 2, to parents Jessica Likens and Joseph Kwon, and grandparents Don and Barbara Likens. James Andrew Hunger, born August 14 to parents Greg and Kelly Hunger, grandparents are Gail and Drew Hunger. Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated on Sunday, October 5, 2014 at the 10:30 am worship service. Sacrament of Baptism BUILDING NEWS In order to facilitate bell choir practices and avoid the labor of weekly set-up and take down, the chapel is now home to MPC's set of 60 Handbells and 72 Hand Chimes. This does NOT mean that the chapel will no longer be used for other functions. The bells will be put away for funerals, weddings, or special services. The removal of two pew rows allows more space for services, makes the chapel handicap friendly, and will also be a welcoming space for musical or dramatic performances. If the chapel is where you go for personal reflection and prayer, simply stop by the office to get the key. You are invited to sit in the chapel for as long as you want and then return the key upon your departure. The sanctuary is always open for quiet prayer time as well. The Sacrament of Baptism will be celebrated on Sunday, November 9, 2014. Parents wishing their child baptized are ask to call the church office at 215-295-4191. Congratulations are in order for Shannon Waite upon her completion of studies at Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, VA. During her 4 years at Union, Shannon acquired two Master degrees. She is now the recipient of a Masters Of Divinity and a Masters of the Arts in Christian Education. Having both degrees gives Shannon the option of working with a church, working on a university campus or a combination of the two. While enrolled at Union, she enlarged a campus ministry program at Virginia Commonwealth University while working for the Second Presbyterian Church of Richmond. Summers between school years her work included coordinating Project Burning Bush, which matches college students to a seminary to see if that is a calling, working as an intern at Titusville Presbyterian Church in New Jersey and then as a Chaplain at VCU Medical Center where she worked in the ER in Virginia's largest Level 1 Trauma Center in the eastern side of the state. If you think competition and Seminary are words that don't coincide, you have never witnessed the Ultimate Frisbee and Flag Football competitions between Seminaries that take place each year. Shannon learned early on after a knee problem while competitively swimming where her athletic prowess lies so she used her skills to organize the games and cheer on her friends. Many were the demands during her time at Seminary, but as you can see by the smile on her face in the picture, if you walk with God, the challenges will lead to rewards. 3 THE WORD IN MUSIC All Saints’ Sunday November 2nd, 2014 The MPC Chancel Choir will be joined by a six piece chamber en semb le as th ey p resen t Ellingboe’s stunning Requiem during worship. The movements of the Requiem will be woven throughout the liturgy for the day, which will include a prayerful litany commemorating all of those who have died in the past year. Join us in worship for this ethereal worship experience. TEEN CHOIR REUNION All current and former Teen Choir singers are invited to a reunion rehearsal on Saturday, November 29th from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm in the Music Room. We will gather, sing a little, share a few stories, and have a pizza lunch! The Teen Choir & Alumni will be rehearsing to offer a special anthem in worship on Sunday November 30th. Please connect with Steve McBride if you are able to attend! HANDBELL FESTIVAL Scranton University Adult Ringers June 27th to June 30th Youth Ringers June 30th to July 2nd Mark your calendars and save these dates! Our bell choirs will again be participating in the 2015 Area 2 Handbell Musicians of America Summer Conference! Thank you for a warm lovely welcome reception. a joy to be serving this congregation; honoring traditions of the past, accelerating into the future. With Love, 1ST ANNUAL RING & SING First Sunday of Advent November 30th 1:00 pm Join the choirs of MPC as we sing and ring in the Advent and Christmas Season. This short festival of carols will include music from the Handbell and Vocal Choirs of MPC. Start your Advent & Christmas season off to a joyful start by joining us for our Ring & Sing! 4 Linda Seamon & MPC Youth lead singing at the Antless Picnic and It is fine the and Rev. Bruce Ballantine The Interim Pastor Nominating Committee (IPNC) is pleased and excited to announce the appointment of Bruce Ballantine as our Interim Pastor Head of Staff at MPC. Pastor Ballantine comes to us from a successful and recently completed interim pastor role at First Presbyterian Church in Wooster, OH. Pastor Ballantine was selected by the IPNC following a thoughtful and comprehensive search and interview process. Session voted unanimously to accept Bruce's candidacy. The Philadelphia Presbytery has given its approval after meeting and interviewing Bruce. Bruce has already moved to our area and has begun his ministry with MPC. His first Sunday leading worship is September 21st. A Meet & Greet welcome reception for Bruce will be scheduled in the coming weeks. Bruce was born and raised in Pennsylvania (Grove City), baptized and ordained as a Deacon within the Presbyterian Church, and graduated from Grove City College with a B.A. in Communications. From there he worked in several areas following college, including as a portrait photographer, newspaper reporter, and insurance salesman. Following these experiences Bruce heard God’s call to serve as Minister of Word and Sacrament and enrolled in the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. During his care and study there Bruce served as a Mission Intern in Malawi and received his M. Div. from Pittsburgh. Pastor Ballantine has 15 years of installed Pastor experience as either Associate or Head of Staff in churches in PA, OH, and WV. During this service Bruce recognized his unique skills and again answered God’s call to him, this time in the specialized area of Interim Ministry. MPC will be Bruce’s fourth call as an Interim Pastor. The search committee, his peers and references all found Bruce to have an engaging leadership style and for being an exceptional listener. He is also highly skilled and has a strong track record in working with churches in transition. These are all essential qualities of interim ministry and we are extremely fortunate that God has connected him with MPC. Bruce is married, has two adult children and two grandchildren. He enjoys outdoor activities (walking, hiking, canoeing, kayaking), as well as travel and reading. Please join in welcoming Pastor Ballantine to our MPC Family during Fellowship Hour on October 5 th. 5 BOOMERS & BEYOND by Linda Seaman As I write this today (Aug. 29) it is a splendidly beautiful day in the low 80’s – my idea of a perfect Summer day. When you receive this, you will undoubtedly have donned your Fall wardrobe. I think Fall at MPC is something worth celebrating as well. Please keep an eye peeled as you read the weekly Bulletin for upcoming Older Adult opportunities. For instance, Roger Anderson is on deck to drive a group for Fall Leaf Peeping and lunch. The date will be announced later. If you have not provided your email address to our church office – please do so ASAP. I will update our website and calendar as well as send FYI computer messages throughout the year. Not to worry – if you do not have a computer, I will make sure you get the news. I continue to staff MPC’s Congregational Ministry Committee. We were ever so proud to bring the Antless Picnic to you! Watch for more CMC congregational meals throughout the year. This Fall CMC will be making soup for shut ins again. Let us know if someone could use a meal please (or if you want to help cook). Call me or CMC’s chair – Nancy Kernan. SAVE THE DATE. . . November 2 after the service the invitational Heritage Luncheon will be held in Fellowship Hall. This will honor those who have been members for 50 or more years. A most special day is planned this year. Medical Equipment is available for loan. Wheelchairs, canes, walkers, etc. . .are stored onsite. To reserve, please contact me at the office. In closing. . .“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” - Isaiah 40:31 Let’s soar, MPC!! 6 BUCKS COUNTY AREA AGENCY ON AGING The main phone number for Bucks Co. Area Agency on Aging is 267-880-5700; it is one of 52 such agencies in PA. They are responsible for planning and implementing services and programs assisting older adults and their families. They are the local agent of the PA Dept. of Aging. For help with health insurance, legal matters, adult protective services, and so much more – give them a call. HERITAGE LUNCHEON November 2nd in Fellowship Hall The luncheon is for those who have been members of MPC for 50 or more years, and is by invitation only. ADULT EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES SUNDAY MORNINGS Conference Room Loving our Neighbors – A Christian Look at Immigration Reform Continuing through October 12th With Carl Lang and Elder Travis Keys “Give me your tired, your poor…” The words of welcome inscribed at the base of the Statue of Liberty proclaim that our country is a land of hospitality for all. Yet the reality is that U.S. immigration policy is rife with economic and cultural issues and is generating strong opinions on all sides. In this class we are looking at our Christian call to love our neighbor and what steps we need to take in our own community. Come join us, bringing your questions and open minds and hearts. The Beatitudes of Jesus in Scripture and Life October 19th – November 23rd (6 weeks) With Elders Carol Carpenter and Dan Jones “Blessed are you…” are the opening words of the ten Beatitudes, Jesus’ powerful teachings from the Sermon on the Mount. This in-depth study from the Kerygma curriculum will examine the Old Testament roots and context of the Beatitudes. Participants will explore the contemporary implications of these sayings, discovering fresh understanding and insights to enrich our faith. Weekly Prayer Group All Welcome—Men, Women, and Children Sundays from 8:30 am to 9:15 am in the Conference Room Formally known as the MPC Men's Prayer Group, we are undergoing renewal and are striving to become more inclusive—ALL ARE WELCOME! Each week, after offering our prayers for those on the MPC Prayer list, we will discuss the bible verses in the current weeks liturgy, how they relate to our everyday lives, and, time permitting, will try to anticipate how our Pastor may interpret the same passages during the sermon. ONGOING EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Brown Bag Bible Study Led by Pastor Bruce Weekly at noon in the Conference room (stay tuned for the day!) If we want to grow in faith, we make choices that allow us to spend more time in worship, personal devotion and Bible study, mission and spiritual fellowship. You are invited to grow in faith! Take a lunch break with the pastors and members – learn to read between the lines of the text! There’s a seat for you – and bring a friend! Presbyterian Women School has begun, leaves are turning lovely colors and that means Presbyterian Women (PW) are back at Deborah and Rebecca Circles enjoying fellowship and service focused on God's guidance, joy and grace. PW offers women an opportunity to share their faith with other Christian women while attending meetings that provide educational, spiritual, mission oriented, even fun programs throughout the year. Your PW board invites any woman of MPC to join us on the second Monday of every month September through June for an inspiring time together. Deborah Circle meets at noon on the second Monday of the month while Rebecca Circle meets at 7:00 pm that same day. Both groups meet in the church Lounge. Please mark your calendars for Deborah Circle or Rebecca Circle. Contact Carol Evans or Nancy Kernan with questions regarding these wonderful opportunities! Can't wait to see you there! Book Groups Several book groups are forming this fall. If you are interested in joining one, please contact the church office. 7 Morrisville Presbyterian Church Phone: 215-295-4191 Staff E-mail MPC Currents ( USP S# 204- 040), is published monthly. Periodical mail postage paid at Levittown, P A 19055. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Morrisville Presbyterian Church, P. O. Box 240, 771 N. Pennsylvania A ve. Morrisville, PA 19067. The Evangelism & Communications Committee is committed to keeping church news up to date. It is our goal to print and distribute “Currents” by the 3rd Sunday of the Month. Therefore we ask that you please submit articles for the November 2014 “Currents” by October 1st. C OM I N G E V E N TS SEPTEMBER 28 11:45 am Presbyterian Women Luncheon OCTOBER 5 8 18 25 4:00 pm 6:00 pm 9:30 am 9:00 am Apple Picking at Styer’s Orchard Youth Club Begins Hike Against Hunger Presbyterian Women Craft Fair NOVEMBER 1 2 9 16 27 29 30 9:00 am 10:30 am 11:30 am 11:30 am 10:30 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm 5:00 pm Haunted Hayride Word in Music Heritage Luncheon Blood Drive Stewardship Sunday Happy Thanksgiving Teen Choir Reunion First Sunday of Advent Ring & Sing Advent Celebration
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