Jinv PAGE FTVB Tores Hoateu At Club Card Party ;hain o'Hills Park Reports AVENEL PERSONALS' AVBCNBL — The Avenel Wolyn, Westbury Park; Mr. and Mrs. tf&n't Club fpttitoTMl Its seventh 4$ %wm% m. vmmmb —The Fire twrtjw. frfcM, »nd the three Kilo boye, tthd rt th» home of t i n . Tarcz, 103 Minna Avenue, MRS1. OEOEOE Louis, Prank and Gregory. Mr. F. FERGUSON aedlak'a gift was a third de- with Mrs. John MedveU u the cogree nights of Columbus ring. He' h*rt«is. 93 Homci Park alao received many other presMri. Leonard Laconic was the Avtnte ents. winner of the door prlM and Mrs. Ubtrtf B-U71 ' Avon?! flerhouse. treatment for a broken collar I - T h e Brotherhood of Congre- received, from a fall from gation Sons of Jacob will meet to- bicycle last V ' night at 8:30 o'clock at the Av- j —The Avenel-Colonla Fir»tJ i-ml Jewish Community Center, j Squad will meet Tuesday ! Lord Street. ! at 8 o'ctapk at the lieadqu - Members of Avenel Fire Com- on Avtneratrift. - T h e Avenfl Woman's '. pany will tmld drill exprcl»e« Monday in 7:30 P. M, at the flre- will sponsor a hot-dog and Sale next Tuesday at the A? usc. The Avenel Memorial V.F.W." Park and the Firth District Post will meet ne,xt Tuesday at I grounds. The sale prevk P. M. In the post club room*, scheduled \o start at 2 P . , will be held each Tuesday ub Avfnel. -Mr and Mrs. Haj'old Smith 12:30 P. M. to 3:30 P. M., : urd daughters. Barbara, Jean and to requests made by mothers . Rust Cleveland. Ohio, have desired the sale to serve as ; relurned home after spending the for the children. In the event oft/*, visiting with Mrs. Smith's rain th« sale will be held the toll sister mid family, Mr. and Mrs.lowing day. All proceeds will 1 Arthur Herman. 39 Madison Ave- fit the Avenel Library Bui Fund. nue. -Richard McHufth. son of Mr. , nnd Mrs. Jamea MoHugh, 63 Com- j Butler says Elsenhower atNUK meidul Avenue, Is a patient In dons his leadership, * —nntma and James Pente, Dlant Blzub was presented with Homes Park Avenue, are spending •*•s P M l a l a w a r d ' ™ non-player their vacation with their grand- W * * M w O n b y M # - w u l l a m parents at the New Jersey shore.! Mkeiwtom i.iri'wi'll dinner-party was M and Mrs. Arthur Blyden—Mr. Winners of the table prleei were. i|V \ii and Mrs. Raymond ,.],.,- wnudruft Street, for burg and daughters, Denis* and Mri. Edna Mwarjal, Miss Marl,,i MLS Leo Kosakawskl and Joann, Bloomfleld Avenue, spent lyn Laaanlc, Mr». Ruth>Oox, Mrs. ,Al\,\m\. Helen Rose, Kathle, Sunday at Horseshoe Lake. The Michael Holocik, and Mrs. Mary , Ann and Leo, Jr., whopicnic was in celebration of Lukach. Thi elub will hold Its eighth 1,'iiivcd fiorjri their home In Denlse's fifth birthday, —Karen Brauer,- Washington party nest Monday at the home , i.o Evansvlll, Ind. Present uis. s. Baura. After their Avenue, marked her fourth birth- of M»s. Thttnu Maritous, ifcita) In which melr day with a party attended by Harvard Avenue, with. Mrs. Ani,.i Vivien, took part, Mr. Christopher Smith, Deborah 8|n- drew Oallain at the co-hostess. nott, Linda and Karen Rosetti, i vi Alexander gave a party Liv Mrs. 3. Parness, Budd Robert and Joan Kaclnka, Debor- host at a dinner party Saturday In Mr .ind Mrs. Raymond May ah Orasso, John Defltefano, Ro- honor of hl# sixteenth birthday. '„,. Kenneth, Ro«el]e; Miss selle Park; Melanle and Susan He will be Joined by the Jewkes 4 liaum, Bloornfleld; yias Torgerson, Menlo Park Terrace, family for the occasion. ',. Hmith, Metucnen; and frdm and Karen's brother, Frederick —Neighbors bid good-bye to two :K Mrs. J. SaransMc and William,, Jr. families on Washington Avenue. , T Deborah; Mrs. Stanley - J o h n Qlll, Harrison Avenue, Mr. and Mrs. John Fitzgerald and with Stanley, Jr., Laura, has returned from a week's visit thsii daughter*, AllMn, Nora Ann, ,l ;md Steven; Mrs. Steven at Camp Columbus, Bamber Lake, and Paula Marie, are now In their M..,ei nnd daughter, Jose- Whiting. John was nine ytars old new home In Westchester; and Mr. ,iud Raymond, Jr., and Val- last Thursday. and Mrs. Santo Cavallaro with —Gary C h a b e k , Woodruff their children, Barbara Ann, Urn is 0 i o , Washington Street, celebrated his twelfth Sar.dra and Santo Anthony have planned a birthday sur- birthday on Sunday with a fam-moved to Massachusetts. n,:, —Anniversary greetings to Mr. jurty for her husband on ily party. They also spent a day : IIUI of July and the guest at Forest Lodge. Otry will spend land Mfs. William Moorhead, Park In mded several of Mr. Kilo's two weeks at the Pine Bush Bible AvenflS, married eight years Monday; to Mr. and Mrs. Chester tin, I i om World War II. Araon. Camp, Pine Bush, N. Y. —Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ftlce and Aronson, Washington Avenue, 5 present were Mr. and Mrs. I,I i v Ello and children, daughter, Linda, aUo Mrs. FUce's years on July 4, and to Mr. and hk Samuel, and Antoinette, brother, William Savo, all of Mrs. James Ikuts. Bloomfleld AveCONSTRUCTION BEGINS: With Caloil Presidtpt B. W. Plckard at the controls, the first earth was [ Mi- mid Mrs. Oeorge Weaver,Washington Avenue, are spending nue, who celebrated last Thursday. moved this week as construction began on a new four-story annex to The California Oil Company's OHM.; the Lawrence Pagens, a two-week vacation at Water —The Sewing Club met Morv administration building at 12«0 Statr St. Dim tine Mr. Pickard in this photo is F. W. Mayer, SecreWitch. William returned Saturto: ,ind Junior, of Harrison; day night at the home of Mrs. Sid tary-Treasurer of the company The nrw annex, containing approximately 9,000 square feet, will (i.i.l LaMarr, Bronx; Mr. andday from camp at Island Heights. ney Ooff, Homes Park Avenue. provide additional office spacr for somr fi» rmplojrres as well as a conference room for group meet—Linda Ferguson, Pines Lake, Is Present were Mrs. Thomas Caloia, .\mc\)h Dealing and children, ing*. Cost of the project is estimated at S14«.0«fl. W. J. Witek, Inc., Perth AmMy, is serving as 1 .mil Joseph, Astoria; Mr. spending this week with her Mr«. Richard Eckersley, Mrs. R. geenral contractor for construction of the new adlition, which is scheduled for completion in JanuMrs Eugene Jordan and grandmother. Mrs. Oeorge F. Fer- E. Murphy and Mrs. Albert Nevln. ary of 1957. The building was originally constructed by the Barber Asphalt Company, and has housed rj]r:i and Morris Klngsburg, guson. —Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Caloia administrative offices of Caloil since 1946. Mr. and Mrs. Michael —Elizabeth Tilman Manning, and sons, Thomas, Jr., and Kennut daughters Joanne Homes Park Avenue, celebrated neth. Woodruff Street, were IM.. heir Nutley; Mr. and Mrs. her second birthday Monday. On among the family group celebratE»idio and daughter, Sunday her parents entertained ing the Fourth of July at the home ind Mr. and Mrs. Peter at a hot dog and hamburger roast. of Mr. and Mrs, Pat Glacobbi itlli, Orange; Mr. and Quests were Mr. and Mri. Eugene of Bloomfleld. On Sunday they ; Napollllo. Jersey City; Stringer and their children, Vir- had entertained Mrs. Calola's I mill Mrs. Oeorge Sedlak, Ise- ginia, Elizabeth. Marlon and Eu-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pro- MRS. ANNA POLLAK , is survived by her husband, Frank; |,Mr ;md Mrs. Patrick Manno, gene, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Stewart vencher and Mr. and Mrs. Ar- PORT READING — Mrs. Anna a daughter. Mrs. Olga Johnson, linklren, Thomas and Marl Dooley with Louis, Ellen, Timothy thur Wagner, Ji\. and son, Wayne, Pollak,' 22 Grant Avenue, died East Orange; a son, tdward; her By AIXAN A. BARS 111 and Stewart, Jr., Bayonne; and and later In the evening Mr. andSaturday at Perth Amboy General mother.. Mrs. Anna Wodzinski; i Mr. and Mrs. Prank Markman and Mrs. Ralph Renna. with Ralph, Hospital after a short illness. A three brothers, Edward Wodzlnskl,' fl I do bttby-sittinu in a numj children, Suzanne, Patricia and Jr., and Ronald. Kenilworth. resident of Port Reading for 21 I«ng Island; Stanley Wodzinski, • b e r of private homes. I average over $100 every three months from Fred. —Congratulations to Mr. and years, she was a communicant of L i n d e n ; Theodore Wodzinski, this work, but I understand I jim —Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Levy Mrs, Robert R. Henry, Elizabeth SaSred Heart Church, Carteret, Perth Amboy and nine grandchilnot covered by social security be1 dren. Elizabeth Avenue, are the par-Avenue, on link;- bedding anni- and a member of the Ladies' JedPuneral services ifere held cause no single employer pays me ents of a son, born last week at versary. nota Society. Monday morning from the Zylka , as much as $50 in a quarter. Can't j i Beth Israel Hospital, New&rk. —In honor of his fifth birthWidow of Ignatz i-ouas. Mrs. Funeral Home. Perth Amboy and I pay my own social security on —Mr. and Mrs. John R. Jewkes, day yast Saturday, Richard John Pollak Is survived by four daugh- at St. Stephen's Church. Burial this Income, since I make over Hartford. Jr., and children, Judith and John Eckersley of Park Avenue enter- ters, Miss Ann Pollak, Port ReadNorfolk.'. was in the family plot 'jn the WOOaJ^ear? [ 70* {Rand, Eliwoeth-Avecw. spent the talMd his friends, Laura Rlchman, ing- Mrs. Joseph Juriga, Fair- church cemetery. .M.'fMa, there Is no way this ini week-end In Pleasantvllle, at the Richard Murphy, Christine and chas^i fc Pa.; Mrs. Eugene Dufay. come can be counted for social dur 0 I'M ud Busdaja. 1 Mb. | home of Mrs. Jewkes' brother and Peter Schwoebel; Peggy, Andrew Jersey City, and Mrs. George Paw- GABRIEL WHITE security. Since your work is for slMer-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs.N. and Linda Kolb, Colonia, and Jane lakos, Newark; two sons, Mark, WOODBRIDOE G a b r i e l other people in their private Katherine Eckersley, Richard's Port Capelll. - . . Reading- and Stephen. Elk White. 76 . . Caroline Street, died homes, you are an employe and j Anthony Gianpletro will be sister. City. Okla.; 17 grandchildren and .yesterday. He is survived by his cannot be classed as a selfa great-grandchild. I widow. Mary; a daughter, Mrs. employed person. If you were Funeral servc uorotny services were held Tues-lrjo An ^n sgino; i n o ; aas son, o n Robert ro th, A operating1 a day .school or a day day morning from the Bizub F u - | t h r e e sisters, Mrs. Martin Tompc- nursery as a business, and had nernl Home, Carteret. and at 8a-jSik. Ber- ntt earnings of $400 or more a sik M r s Andrew Mrs Andrew Wargo Wargo. Mrs Mrs. Bercred Heart Church. Burial ^ — J Kirscher: four brothers,! yew, y o u WOuM then report soSt. Gertrudes Cemetery. Colonia. James, Herman and Mi- cial security for yourself. ; hael. This same question often MRS. ELIZABETH A. WINKLEB Funeral services will 1» held arises with respect to other non-"* [ FORDS—Mrs. Elizabeth A. Wlnaturday moning from the Leon J. covered jobs, such as work for i kler, 85 East William Street, died Gerity Funeral Home. 411 Amboy an exempt non-profit organiza- ; Monday at the home of her daughAvenue at 11:30 o'clock and at 9 tion, or short time farm work, j ter, Mrs. Helen Ivan, of the same 'clock in St. James Church. Bur- There is no way that earnings • I address. » ial will be in St. James Cemetery. from any non-covered job can ur SET FOR A WONDERFUL TIME . . . She is also survived by two other Friends may call beginning thi.s be reported for social security Sh d fternoon at 1 o'clock. pith pretty, practical and packable fashdaughters, Mrs. Mary Ludwig and credits. Mrs. Elizabeth Zupko. Fords; a pus from our new vacation-special selec1 son, John, also of Fords; a sister. p We have a wide range of styles and Mrs. Mary Szendrei, Hungary; pi s for every type, ^hop here today! Model Illustrated: eleven grandchildren and ten Black and White great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held yesterday morning from the S. J Mitruska Funeral Home, Kords, and at Our Lady of Peace Church Burial was in Our Lady of HunBy gary Cemetery. AMBOY FEED SHOWS YOU HOW TO FERTILIZE IAWNS, SHRUBS, FLOWER* THE PROFESSIONAL GARDENER'S WAV with Just o Touch of Your Thumb! YOUR NEW SOCIAL SECURITY OBITUARIES phone rates are LOW not CHRISTENSEN'S »» "The Friendly Store" FOR VACATION TIME! this year step up to a new from 8 . 9 5 SORCERY MRS. LILLIAN W. BIEDRON 1SELIN — Mrs. Lillian W. Bied ion, 236 Middlesex Avenue, died last Thursday at her home. She Others from 5.98 LAWN-BOY for the most beautiful lawn you've ever had Women's and Children's [ 18" DELUXE j SPORTSWEAR -Ircl by Jantien, Old Colony, Sally Togs and Sacony TIM; Shirts • Shorts Bras • Play Suits IVdal Pushers t Midriffs Tcrrycloth Beach Jackets Sandals t Beach Towels Sun Dresses • Robes — ,II i—•—•— Complete Line of MEN'S and BOYS' . ' \$&j}t$it *:,•• ... ^ This Bates \'\disciplined cotton / ; swim short Is a / j neat meld of black and white. F1U foreverthanks to Jantzen (rinkeUstlc method of $hlrr|iig. Off-on strap*. Bra Bailing Adjust* to your shape, Staes pummer Sportswear 1 ONLY A Suit That's Fit To Print! Arrow, Tni-Vitf, McGregor, Kayrwe, Jantzen »t018 •wow MANY OTHER LOVELY JANT?EN SUITS IN STOCK Mid-Summer Now On!! FANTASTIC SAVIHCS ON ALL SUMMER FASHIONS TILL 9 P. M. FASHIONS Ail U FOR V O W t,-\ No other lawn mower ha« » • O'W ••* •*•"' e<"" many features to make graas • Nt* "T«rMid«" ™*'"""**« « * • * culling your favorite outdoor ' « "*" «•• " lw «' 1 • r * H I HK.rt.ABd no other lawn mow- • tf give* you the great new Lwlusiv« new "Turf Rider ,*,,» « l . «.(.«. can't tnlp. Cut* *o close it , A^MKU* W W I (M t'jt* I* « l ; eliminates hand clipping. ( U|hi wXtfct Keep* Tour lawn smooth u « • putting giecn. t HOURS: 9:30 AM to 6 KM ff Friday Till » H&H >*"•* a A. M * e P, 104 Maw W GET SPECTACULAR GROWTH wrth FAST-ACTING, EASY-TO-APPLY carac • PROFESSIONAL CONCENTRATES SAVE TIME, WORK AND Modern science tins found a way for you to grow a i green luwn . . . beautiful fluttering ahrubs and evergreens , of blooming ro«e«, dahlias, »«»le»s, mumi and othrr ornamentals . . . faitrr, easier anil more economically than ever before. How? Bytitpprying them with miracle chemieal eiHiceiilrdlM-tW itinie klnil the iin»fe»jlonul gardeners IIM'! ScWMc Gardening Marhod Now AvallabM For years, professional gardeners have heen fertilkin, golf-eourMi, caiiiuiisen, ball-iieMs and public park* aiiuply by spraying with ins* ncling, inolBully-availablc, concenlraled rheiniealn-und saving lima, work and money, loo. Until reeently, only the professionals were abla to use miracle concentrated chemicals liei au»e only they had the big 300-guilon taiik-epravs needed to apply them. But thanks to the CARAC _;""",' ...A-,,tMi Lawn and (Jarden Sprayer, and AND HERE ARE THE AMAIINv CARAC Professional Concen- CARAC PROFESSIONAL CONtrates, now you can take advan- CENTRATES YOU CAN APPLY, tage of this easy, ncientific garMORE BEAUTIFUL LAWNS with dening method yourself! CARAC Balanced Lawn Fertilizer SPRAY AWAY YOUR LAWN CHORES! CARAC LAWN AND GARDEN SPRAYER only Tht pi-rfett. essy-iu-apply, fiut-jtiing lawn food, containing the * vital mineral* all grass lias to have. Actually conuiru »>* Nitrogen tlie vital greening minctu - u well u 10% Potuhsod 14% Phosphorus.Thii U mart than tune si rauch •— Nitrogen »s molt othej jrpparatiunj, yet it ci»is lilt wan bmf lit price! High concentration enables yoj» o feHiliie 4 « 0 sq. ft- l»wn in l | m ^ ; Hti, thru your CARAC iprayer. MUST (iivt your lawn vigorous, more lining growth - monger wot system - grtentft usher color in 7 ityi linie-01 YW n"";y b»ck! Apply now for best results! J lbs. (for avtra|< Inwni) Mh 0 lbs. (<or larf>r lawns) LARGER, SHRUBS. EVER6REEHJ This remarkable invention (Paienti No». 2 J8Ii 8# 2.1HH445) until a plastic gadget but 9 feather weight, preci l i o n - e ngi neered, iii with CARAC Evergreen and Shrut Fertilizer Watch forsythiai, anleu, rhoJwlenjrons ind other rli<wernig shrubi »nd foundation plaiitings uke on new health; ile, bunt into radiant bloom when you spray wilh'CASAC Evergreen snd Shrub Pcrtiliici (2V14-1N). Trut'i because CDiiciintrateJ nutrients hccume inil'ittly available and supply lijif iiitlrumenl! the 'ighl combination of vital miiiariU, Simply fill the jar with th« proMr No fusi! No me»i! Just till and sprayl , iCARAC I'oncenuated fertiliser dil- 1 Ik. slu (lar vp »• 400 >a. « . , solved in water... much to the tnd shrub arts) mil f l . 4 | of your water-hose . . , and ipragr Ibal 1 all Ibert is \o it! shrub ar«a) <ml» M . t | You get the uinc nfula th« n pern do-withqufpumpini > ttak jpray or working bulk-fertiliienieio the soil. Becauu che uiaterprimtrt doci the "flirty work" for youl Fttd ihu irmnal fettilizcr tn the vil o' your indooi and f«arh*rwelahrl outdoor ornsmental»--and v e (or yourulf how mudi iturdi Ipsy-To-Hondl«l cr and lovelier they grow. The sprayer is so eaiy to handle Flowers burx into bloom eareven 1 teen-age child can use i lier - blossoms glow almost Amaiing 60 to 1 ratio permits you iwitc tht in* Unique prepa to spray up to 1) gallons of joluiion ration (22-18-22) is highly on your lawn with just one nllina. concentrated and goes to wort You actually handle 1W Ibi. of mil in minutes. Nothing like it for rosei) cure without feeling the weight. munis, dahlias and other precious blounu, 1 Ib. sla*... aaly 11.11 And it's to perfectly engineered thac it tuloMdiuMf distribute) th txtfi raiio of fertiliser and wwei GUARANTIED! from (he fine diop to (he Ian, t< gardlesi of watef-pctssure, even il Ord.r all CAUAC products In full it'j as Low »s 20 lbs. i t n f l d t n o . tbay «r» cbsalutaly So order immediately! Blimlnim fu«rsntt*« I * giv» you spKHKVktf iloiens of your liardeit chores, «ni r*auhs wh«n MMd os dirtftod—tf makes gardening fun again. Absoyour minty back, lut doni d»l«»l lutely guaranteed 10 save you umt, Th« Hmt to UrlillH is rlfnr ««wl work and money-or your purchase l a • ( ) at «n<«l price back. BIGGER, BRIGHTER FLOWERS wttfc GARAC lose u d PUmt Ftrtlll-zev, SALE Closed STORE HOURS: ottlta p«tU\ Anton QerotnV Amboy Feed - Garden Shop PHONE HM-llM Om GEORGE WALSH, President MONUAX TIWIJ SAlUltDAI 8 A. M. i« • F. M. - OUWIi WKDNElOAV U NOON 2 7 9 N«w Brunswick Avenue <c«w *a* •**> Perth Amboy .
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