L OO K H OM EWA RD A p ublic a t ion f or t he s uppor ter s of Vi s i ti n g Nu r s e | Ho s p i c e At l a n t a Advocacy How to make our voices heard 2010 Iss.03 Visitin g Nur s e | Ho sp i c e At la n t a IN D USTRY UP DAT E Medicare Reform Needed For Hospice Providers Terminally-ill patients become eligible for hospice care when their physician estimates they have less than six months to live. In reality, hospice patients receive care for as long as a year or as little as a few days. These differences have a significant impact on hospice providers because of the way Medicare payments are distributed. Medicare pays Visiting Nurse | Hospice Atlanta a per-diem rate for each day a patient is in our hospice program, regardless of the services provided. The first and last days, and last few days, of a patient’s hospice journey, however, require more intensive care by our interdisciplinary team than the interim days or weeks. When patients are admitted, our team spends many hours assessing their medical, emotional and spiritual needs. This may include changing medications – for instance, increasing pain medications – and carefully monitoring them until they are stabilized on the new regime. It also includes educating the patient and family about the disease process and supporting them as they make end-of-life decisions. Hospice Atlanta makes every possible effort for each patient, whether they are short-stay or long-stay. We are therefore inadvertently penalized because the Medicare reimbursement does not cover the high costs of admission, assessment and clinical care required when a patient is admitted 2 LOOK HOM EWA RD 2010 Iss.03 during the last few days of life. When these costs are not offset by longer-stay patients, we barely break even. Medicare’s current payment system has created a strong profit incentive and some providers aggressively admit longer-stay patients with relatively low service needs. We do not do this. We strongly believe that all hospice patients deserve our care and compassion, not an assessment based on their length of stay or Medicare reimbursement. What’s needed is a Medicare reimbursement system more in line with the cost of care for both long-stay and short-stay patients. A possible solution is outlined in the Visiting Nurse Associations of America’s white paper, “Medicare Hospice Payment Reform: VNAA Reactions to the “U” Distribution.” “U” distribution means increasing payments for the beginning and ending days of hospice stays and reducing payments in the middle of hospice stays, thus maintaining budget neutrality. The idea originated with The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC). As the VNAA describes it, the implications of the current Medicare system are that overpayment for longstay cases will drive Medicare payments continually higher while underpayment for short stays will make it more difficult for hospices that take such patients to remain viable. Visiting Nurse | Hospice Atlanta has the benefit of many generous donors to offset these high costs, but the core of our business still depends upon Medicare and other insurance reimbursement. We believe the recommended new system would dampen the financial incentive to increase average length of stay while more appropriately compensating for shorter stays. It would also create a more level playing field – providers would be fairly reimbursed for both longterm and short-term stays. Such reform would be a boon to our organization, allowing us to not only survive, but thrive. Vi s i t i ng Nurs e | Hospice Atl anta LE T T E R FRO M T H E P R E S I DE NT Advocacy (noun) – an endeavor to influence public opinion and attitudes that directly affect people’s lives. Advocating for a Healthy Future Whether we realize it or not, we are all advocates for the people we love and the causes we care about. The most obvious type of advocacy is political; I was in Washington, D.C. recently talking to Representative John Lewis and other members of Congress recommending changes in Medicare reimbursement for home healthcare and hospice (see industry update on page 2). We will continue to press for change in this area. Governor Perdue spoke out for hospice with his proclamation naming November as Hospice Month in Georgia. These are important moments in time that bring attention to the work we do. As we know, advocacy is essential and effective outside the political arena as well. Our clinicians, chaplains, social workers, volunteers and administrators work every day to make this organization the best it can be, listening to our patients and families and advocating for their care. Their compassionate presence speaks volumes. The Camp STARS team gives children and families a voice by providing a safe place where they can express their grief. Starr Moore, honoree at this year’s fall benefit, speaks out about hospice to friends, family and potential supporters. She and our countless other donors speak with their generosity. The members of our Board of Directors and Advisory Board – all influencers and shapers of public opinion in metro Atlanta -- are our ambassadors in Atlanta’s business, healthcare and philanthropic communities. Our cause marketing campaigns offer all of us additional opportunities to advocate for this organization (see article on page 13). Chances are you are an advocate for Visiting Nurse | Hospice Atlanta. For that, we thank you. As we approach the holiday season, we invite you to tell others why you are passionate about Visiting Nurse | Hospice Atlanta. Your influence can and will make a difference. Wishing all of you the warmth of the season, 2010 Iss.03 LOOK HOMEWAR D 3 Visitin g Nur s e | Ho sp i c e At la n t a F E ATUR E Advocacy How to make our voices heard The Visiting Nurse Associations of America (VNAA) is a national organization that promotes and advocates for Visiting Nurse | Hospice Atlanta and other community-based, nonprofit home health and hospice providers. Established 28 years ago, it supports our mission to care for all individuals regardless of complexity of condition or ability to pay. VNAA and its members have identified several current issues in the Medicare hospice program that suggest the need for reform and have developed recommendations for policymakers. These recommendations are designed to address potential fraud, abuse and misuse of the hospice benefit while preserving hospice’s core mission to provide high quality, compassionate care to individuals nearing the end of life. 4 LOOK HOM EWA RD 2010 Iss.03 Vi s i t i ng Nurs e | Hospice Atl anta F E AT U R E It was not until 1982 that the Medicare program recognized the value of hospice and began paying for services. Medicare was among the first insurers in the United States to do so. The hospice benefit was initially underutilized, but Medicare payment and coverage improvements have now made it into one of the most rapidly growing Medicare benefits. The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have raised concerns about the rapid entry of for-profit organizations into hospice services and the integrity and structure of the benefit. These concerns have resulted in legislation requiring across-theboard cuts in hospice payments beginning in 2013 and proposals for basic changes in how hospice reimbursement is structured. (See Industry Update, page 2). The funding provided by Medicare has allowed hospice programs to serve greater numbers of individuals. Unfortunately, it has also funded operators that have begun to compromise the mission of hospice. The result is an unnecessary drain on Medicare funding, reduced access for more challenging hospice patients and the real risk that the credibility and acceptance of hospice as a caring, mission-driven program will be eclipsed in the chase for Medicare dollars. The VNAA is urging Medicare to take quick action to address the inappropriate incentives and regulatory loop-holes that threaten to allow select hospices to tarnish the reputation of the entire hospice movement. It is recommending reforms that will support compliant providers and help assure continuation of the hospice mission while protecting the integrity of the Medicare program. While the VNAA is speaking out for nonprofit hospice programs like ours, there is much you can do on the local level to promote and support our end-of-life care. You can educate friends and colleagues about its enormous value to today’s patients and families. You can talk to political and business leaders about its importance long-term for the rapidly growing and aging population of metro Atlanta. And you can continue to provide financial support to ensure that our patients and families are given the highest quality care, and our dedicated staff is appropriately rewarded for their “calling.” *Sections of the article were adapted from the VNAA White Paper “Restoring Integrity and Quality in the Hospice Movement: A VNAA Response to Current Issues in the Medicare Hospice Benefit.” 2010 Iss.03 LOOK HOMEWAR D 5 Visitin g Nur s e | Ho sp i c e At la n t a P RO G RA M S Our Clients Tell Their Stories at United Way ‘Celebrating Success’ Event As a United Way of Metropolitan Atlanta community partner, Visiting Nurse | Hospice Atlanta was involved in the organization’s 2010 fundraising kick-off on September 22. More than 350 people attended. Four of our patient/clients participated in the “Celebrating Success” portion of the day, telling their personal stories to representatives of United Way’s corporate partners and other potential donors. Frank Reid, 78, used to sing bass in a gospel group called The Sweet Singing Disciples. His voice is as deep and strong as ever, but in the last few years Frank suffered a series of strokes which limited the use of his legs and made it difficult for him to manage his life. When we met Frank he was in his motorized wheelchair, having navigated the 10-mile trip from his home in Decatur to the United Way building in downtown Atlanta. “The 6 LOOK HOM EWA RD 2010 Iss.03 MARTA rail system gets me here quicker than a car,” he jokes. Frank has lived by himself in a HUD high-rise since his wife died suddenly in 2008. That’s when he began to rely heavily on Visiting Nurse for supportive services. Frank struggles to manage his life from a wheelchair, but his Visiting Nurse case manager Judy Holloman says he never complains. “Judy is my go-to person,” he says. He wasn’t eating a healthy diet until Judy arranged for him to receive five hot meals each week from Meals on Wheels. He was also embarrassed to have people visit his apartment because he was unable to keep it clean and orderly. Judy arranged for a homemaker to take care of these chores two hours each week. When he started falling a lot in his apartment, Judy did a home safety check and made several suggestions including using a walker. She contacted his doctor to request physical therapy and has helped him complete applications for his benefits and get prescriptions delivered to his home. Frank receives services through the DeKalb Office of Senior Affairs, which contracts with Visiting Nurse for case management. His services are paid for by DeKalb County, but it is the amazing staff of Visiting Nurse who help him stay independent in his own home. Frank says he is happier now because he has a knowledgeable person ready to help with any crisis that may occur. And while he may not sing publicly any more, we have a feeling he may still sing in the shower. Vi s i t i ng Nurs e | Hospice Atl anta P RO G R A MS “I’ve been an Atlanta Braves fan since birth,” says Lindsay Blake, a Care Management client since 2001. “My mother used to say that the first words out of my mouth were ‘Dale Murphy’.” Lindsay, now 28 and still an avid Braves fan, was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at birth and has been in a wheelchair all her life. For many years her mother took care of her, but she now lives with a roommate in Powder Springs, GA. Lindsay can’t get out of bed without help, so she has to have a complex, formal and informal system around her. When Visiting Nurse’s Community Care Services Program (CCSP) was brought in nine years ago, we provided her with a personal support aide. “The aide would get me up in the morning, give me a shower, make sure I had lunch, and ensure that all the services I needed were being provided,” explains Lindsay. “It was a huge help.” Three years ago, Pamela Purvis, MA, the Visiting Nurse coordinator for Lindsay’s care, suggested the consumer-directed care program for her which has been very successful. The program allows her to hire people in the community to support her, such as the driver who takes her to the gym five days a week. Lindsay has set the bar high for herself and hopes to walk one day. Working out at the gym helps her with balance and coordination. Pamela is the person who gives voice to Lindsay’s needs: “We are coordinating services, but we help people navigate the system. If there’s a problem with Medicaid we try to help them fix it. If Lindsay needs physical therapy, we can help coordinate services through her MD. Because she has gone through a lot of loss (both her parents died recently), we can hook her up with mental health services to try to help her alleviate any depression. I visit her four times a year minimum, often more, and we talk on the phone. You end up being a very important person in your client’s life.” “Pam is not just a coordinator, she’s a friend,” Lindsay adds. “She’s always there if I need someone to talk to. It’s wonderful to have someone who cares not only about the work, but about the person. If I need anything from her between visits, all I have to do is call.” Says Pamela: “Lindsay is young and has a lot to live for. She has given me as much as I have given her.” 2010 Iss.03 LOOK HOMEWAR D 7 Visitin g Nur s e | Ho sp i c e At la n t a P RO G RA M S First Physician HouseCall™ Doctor Hired Dr. Edward A. Espinosa is the first physician to join Physicians HouseCall™, our innovative new program of primary care for aging adults. His house calls will help keep our most vulnerable patients in their homes, advocating for their independent living and thus reducing emergency hospitalizations and healthcare costs. A Board Certified Internal Medicine Physician, he is on staff at both Piedmont Hospital and Northside Hospital. Heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, and depression are just a few of the highlighted concerns of his practice. These are conditions that many of our frail older patients experience. A native of Atlanta, Dr. Espinosa is married with two children. He is also fluent in Spanish. ***** In addition to Dr. Espinosa, we also welcome chaplains Bob Hauert and Theodore Turman to Hospice Atlanta. Bob Hauert is our new full-time chaplain. He will be supervising the Hospice Atlanta spiritual care program, replacing Daphne Clement, who is moving to Maine. Bob will visit patients and families at home and at the Hospice Atlanta Center. We got to know Bob when he started volunteering with Hospice Atlanta over three years ago. He became a Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) intern in 2009 and recently started a full-time CPE residency with us. A Deacon in the Catholic Church, Bob has been married for almost 38 years. He and his wife Louise have four adult children and four grandchildren. Theodore Turman, M.Div., is our new part-time hospice chaplain. He will support our palliative patients and pediatric hospice patients at home and at the Center. A native of Detroit, Theodore came to Atlanta to pursue his Masters in Divinity at Emory University. He did his CPE residency at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and is excited to continue his service with children at Hospice Atlanta. He and his wife are expecting their first child, a boy, in December. Visiting Nurse Leaders Participate At Alzheimer’s Society of Atlanta Luncheon Dorothy Davis, Director of Care Management Operations, spoke at the Alzheimer’s Society of Atlanta luncheon at the Piedmont Driving Club on October 19. Dorothy, who oversees our Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Program, shared with guests that for the last 20 years we have been providing specialized 8 LOOK HOM EWA RD 2010 Iss.03 Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s services. In 2009 alone, our professional caregivers provided more than 17,500 hours of muchneeded respite care to husbands, wives, sons, daughters and other informal caregivers. CEO Mark Oshnock and Advancement Vice President Lisa Robinson also attended. “The Alzheimer’s Society of Atlanta graciously invited us to be part of their program,” Lisa says. “This was a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the people we care for and let people know of the services we provide.” Vi s i t i ng Nurs e | Hospice Atl anta P RO G R A MS Hundreds Visit Hospice Atlanta’s Booth at Atlanta Pride Festival Hospice Atlanta nurse practitioner and volunteer Ginna McFarling talks with Pride attendees. Schaune Griffin, Hospice Atlanta’s new Bereavement Coordinator, organized an advocacy event the weekend of October 9-10 -- a booth at the Atlanta Pride Festival in Piedmont Park. The booth was decorated with the motto “Proud, Practical, Prepared” and drew close to 200 people who were lured in part by candy and the smiles of our 11 volunteers, but also by the important information they were providing about advance directives. Our hard- working team answered questions about couples’ rights under the Georgia Advance Directive Statute and helped those who were interested to execute the Georgia statutory form. This form makes it legally binding for domestic partners to make important healthcare and end-of-life decisions for the other. Several people signed up to attend the next volunteer training. Thanks to Schaune and her team for participating in such a meaningful way. Hospice Atlanta Video Wins Two National Awards We’re excited to announce that the Hospice Atlanta video created for us by Carr Video Productions has received two awards: a 2010 Bronze Telly Award in the category Online Video for Charitable/NotFor-Profit Organizations, and a 2009 Accolade Award of Merit for a sales/branding video. Congratulations to the talented team who made this video a reality: producer Jim Carr, cameraman Allen Rosen, audio Ron Lehr, our own Mary Arthur who was on-air host and narrator, and communications consultant Gillian Renault who wrote the script and coordinated the production. In addition, Jim donated his time to shoot video at the Big-ToDo this year – thanks Jim! The video was first screened at last year’s fall benefit and was launched soon after on our website www.vnhs. org. It can now be seen in the lobby of our Traning and Support Center. Elegant Tiffany Event Honors Fall Benefit Patrons Tiffany & Co. at Phipps Plaza hosted an elegant cocktail reception the evening of October 19 for Patron level supporters of our 2010 fall benefit In the Moment: A Celebration of Life. Tiffany Director Charles W. Ellis welcomed the guests who enjoyed browsing the store while Mark Oshnock thanked our loyal supporters. 2010 Iss.03 LOOK HOMEWAR D 9 Visitin g Nur s e | Ho sp i c e At la n t a C U RRENT EV ENTS Honors Advocate & Supporter Starr Moore 23rd Annual Fall Benefit Nets $225,000 For 30 years, Starr Moore has been a powerful advocate of our mission; as the honoree at the fall benefit, she was true to form. “I want to conclude my remarks with a shameless pitch,” she told the sold-out crowd in the Georgian Terrace Hotel ballroom. “The pitch is simply this. Please specify Visiting Nurse | Hospice Atlanta as your home healthcare and hospice provider should – no, when – you or your loved ones need these special services. I want these services to be available to all who need them. That is why I am here.” Starr also spoke of the importance of home health and hospice services as our population ages, and of the aggressive competition that our organization faces from several national, for-profit companies. Held on September 25, the event raised $225,000 for our palliative care program, which provides 10 LOOK HO M EWA RD 2010 Iss.03 medical, emotional, and spiritual support to patients with chronic or life-limiting illnesses who do not qualify for, or are not ready for, hospice services. The festivities kicked off with cocktails and a silent auction packed with more than 100 outstanding items, among them art pieces by Salvador Dali, exciting Vi s i t i ng Nurs e | Hospice Atl anta C URRENT EVE NTS travel packages, tango lessons, and a table of “Her Favorite Things.” The latter was a smorgasbord of items that Starr enjoys, including a gift certificate to Nakato restaurant, Ketel One vodka, a beach basket, and one item that made bidders smile -- a pot holder made by Starr herself valued at $5,000. [It went for $140, a true bargain.] Two tango dancers entertained in the foyer before the guests moved to the Grand Ballroom for dinner. At each place setting was a vintage sterling silver spoon engraved “In the Moment 2010,” the theme for the event. Our thanks to Holly Gardner and Mary Kathryn Metzger of McKee Vintage Designs for donating these one-of-a-kind gifts. Lisa Robinson, Vice President of Advancement, welcomed the 280 guests and introduced CEO Mark Oshnock who thanked BB&T, Dignity Memorial and Northside Hospital, Angel Donor Eula C. Starr Moore gets a standing ovation Carlos and her family, the Board of Directors and the Advisory Board for their loyal support. He also thanked Host Committee Chair, Pamela Chawkin, and Silent Auction Chair, Sue Griffin, for their extraordinary efforts on behalf of Visiting Nurse | Hospice Atlanta. Pamela Chawkin, Event committee chair, introduced Starr. “She started out as an anonymous donor in 1979, but soon grew into one of our most dedicated advocates. As a board member, Starr is both thoughtful and committed. She is not the type of person to get involved in organizing events and being on the public stage. She’s a very private person and is happiest when she is talking one-onone or helping behind the scenes.” Pamela presented Starr with a beautiful angel heart pendant, custom-designed by jewelry artisan, Susan Helmich. Starr recognized the many people who contributed to the evening’s success: Pamela and her enthusiastic Pamela Chawkin committee: B.J. Griffin, Laura Griffin, Sue Griffin (who chaired the silent auction), Betsy Hale, Nan Hamilton, Terri Hirsh, Sherry Krupp, Elizabeth Levine, Caroline Moise, Mirtie Rockswold, Donjenna Yokley, and the many staff and volunteers. As she walked down from the podium, Starr received a muchdeserved standing ovation. She could have been speaking for everyone when she described it as “a magical evening.” More photos are posted at www.vnhs.org 2010 Iss.03 LO OK HOMEWAR D 11 Visitin g Nur s e | Ho sp i c e At la n t a C U RRENT EV ENTS Advisory Board Annual Meeting Integrated partnerships with hospitals, leading to an integratedprovider model of care, was the central theme of Visiting Nurse | Hospice Atlanta’s Advisory Board annual meeting at the Buckhead Club September 13. Our President and CEO Mark Oshnock outlined the importance of “rethinking what is possible” in healthcare, especially in light of the new healthcare law. “Home healthcare is a vital part of Atlanta’s healthcare infrastructure and will become more important as our population ages,” he said in his presentation. Atlanta is aging faster than many other metropolitan areas. Census and CMS data shows that in 2030, seniors will consume 46% of the national healthcare spend. In 2009, Atlanta’s healthcare providers spent $11 billion on seniors, of which $150 million was spent on the kind of intermittent home healthcare that Visiting Nurse provides. Post-hospital care is vital to containing costs and managing patients long-term. Yet Medicare data shows that less than 20% of patients discharged from hospitals in the Atlanta region receive home healthcare, and over 50% get no follow-up care whatsoever. Under the new healthcare law, hospitals will be penalized if their patients are re-admitted for the same condition within 30 days of discharge. Visiting Nurse can play a vital role in reducing these re-hospitalizations and the costs incurred by providing quality home healthcare for discharged patients. (L-R) Roosevelt Giles, Bob Quattrocchi, Mary Long, Mark Oshnock, Eric Norwood 12 LOOK HO M EWA RD 2010 Iss.03 Mark stressed the need for a shift toward an integrated system of providers and emphasized the benefits: multi-provider chronic disease management that would lead to improved patient satisfaction and quality outcomes, and the ability to continuously monitor patients. He also envisions physician primary care as a critical component of healthcare at home. From a business perspective, this would entail sharing information with other providers and moving from individual reimbursement to an integrated system, for the greatest cost effectiveness. Andrea Stevenson, our Director of Clinical Development, gave a concrete example in her presentation: it makes no sense for a physician to prescribe medication to a patient being discharged if that patient cannot afford to pay for it and therefore goes without. We can do far more for patients, and for our healthcare system, by developing truly integrated partnerships. Senator Johnny Isakson’s Chief of Staff, Chris Carr, was guest speaker at the breakfast event. He emphasized the Senator’s belief in home health as a smart investment in, and a critical component of our health care system. Tyler Thompson, Sen. Isakson’s health legislative aide, also attended. More photos at www.vnhs.org. Vi s i t i ng Nurs e | Hospice Atl anta C URRENT EVE NTS Participants Give Back as Camp Counselors Six former Camp STARS for Children participants returned to Camp this year as junior counselors. It’s their way of giving back. One of them, 19-year-old Victor Reed, says he enjoys helping other kids the way he was helped. “When I lost my sister, Iesha, I couldn’t talk to anyone who could help me,” he says. “I was stressed about everything. I didn’t want to wake up in the morning half the time. When I came home from Camp STARS I had a completely different attitude.” Iesha’s cousin, Kelvin Williams, 17, also returned to Camp as a counselor this year and his sister Karen experienced the weekend for the first time as a camper. Iesha was cared for by the Hospice Atlanta team, as was Chelsea Haynes’ father. Chelsea attended Camp STARS after he died and felt so supported that she’s returned as a counselor four times. “I get this feeling of warmth knowing that I am impacting the kids in some way,” she says. “I love it. It’s my most favorite weekend of the year.” (L-R) Emily Lyons, Anna Wynn, Brooke Carithers, Kelvin Williams, Chelsea Haynes and Victor Reed Former campers Anna Wynn, Emily Lyons, and Brooke Carithers also volunteer as counselors. They all know how alone children feel when someone they love has died. They share a bond with the Camp STARS children that helps all of them heal. Camp STARS (Sharing Together As Real Support) is free except for an administrative fee of $25 per child. For information about funding this unique community resource, please call Lisa Robinson at 404-215-6015. DREAMGIRLS Marketing Campaign is a Smash Hit Our “Dreamgirls” marketing campaign was a smash hit, bringing in $3,205 for Visiting Nurse | Hospice Atlanta. We applaud all our friends who bought tickets online. Broadway Across America, the organization that brought “Dreamgirls” to the Fox Theatre, donated $5 from each of those ticket purchases to Visiting Nurse | Hospice Atlanta. We look forward to many repeat performances of this very successful campaign! 2010 Iss.03 LO OK HOMEWAR D 13 Visitin g Nur s e | Ho sp i c e At la n t a ME M ORIA L A ND HONORARY GI FTS July 1, 2010 - September 30, 2010 The following people were thoughtfully remembered with a gift in their name: 14 In Honor of: In Memory of: Mr. George Bevington Mrs. Eula C. Carlos Mrs. Pamela Chawkin Mr. Jack A. Dinos Mrs. Denise Greenberger Ms. Melissa Johnson Ms. Stacey Levengood Ms. Starr Moore Mr. & Mrs. Mendel Romm, Jr. Ms. Joni Affatato Mr. Thomas Algard Ms. Gale Bailey Mr. John E. Bailey Mr. Ralphe Baker Ms. Virginia Baker Mr. McCary Ballard Mr. Thomas J. Barfield Dr. Philip R. Bartholomew Mrs. Rosemary S. Bechler Mrs. Margaret M. Bernal Ms. Miriam Bernstein Mr. Milton Bevington Mrs. Ruth Blum Ms. Carol Bogue Mrs. Nguyen Thi-Nam Rosa Brin Ms. Ann Broussard Mr. Alvin E. Brown Mr. Richard E. Brown Ms. Annie Ruth Buckner Mr. Emilio Cabrera Mrs. Josephine McHenry Campbell Ms. Pamela Carpenter Mrs. Rachel Lee Gandy Chastain Mr. Theron Z. Chastain Dr. Jay Clark Mr. Warren J. Clark Mr. Raymond Coggins Mrs. Dot Cohen Mr. Lynd E. Cohick Mrs. Sarah Coleman Mr. Don Comstock LOOK HO M EWA RD 2010 Iss.03 Mr. Ralph H. Cooper, Jr. Mrs. Claire M. Correnty Ms. Julie Courtney Dr. William D. Culpepper Ida B. Danneman James DeBarr Mrs. Doris DeMicco Mr. John Dilg Ms. Joan Dorr Rev. Randolph W. Driggers Mrs. Marie T. Echemendia Mr. James D. Edwards Mrs. Phyllis R. Edwards Ms. Sally Epperson Mrs. Jane G. Ewing Ms. Jackie Fayhe Mr. Philip S. Flaig Mr. William F. Floyd III Mr. Donald R. Foster Mrs. Sara J. Goldberg Mrs. Virginia M. Good Mr. Thomas Gougarty Mr. William Graham Mrs. Susie Habif Mr. Allen P. Hagler Mrs. Mabel Halberstadt Anne Sheffield Hale Mr. Ray M. Hardy Mrs. Lois Irene T. Hartman Mr. Paul M. Hawkins, Sr. Mr. Robert J. Healey Mr. John H. Hendrickson Vi s i t i ng Nurs e | Hospice Atl anta M E M O RIAL AN D H O N O R A RY G I F TS Mrs. Adeline M. Henson Mr. Claud B. Hill Mr. Clyde Hill Basil Huntress Mr. David Hurst Mr. Harry L. Hurst Mr. Eric Jacobson Dr. Thomas James Ms. Ellen B. Jenkins Mr. Evan Jennings III Ms. Molly M. Johnson Mrs. Dorothy F. Keeble Mr. John J. Kelleher, Jr. Ms. Patricia Kelso Mr. Kenneth L. Koebrich Ms. Toni Lawson Ms. Sherla LeCraw Ms. Barbara Levy Mrs. Sidney D. Lines Ms. Sue Longino Mr. John W. Lundeen, Jr. Mr. William J. Markey Mrs. Nancy McClure Mrs. Joanne Carol McGraw Mrs. Vivian McLendon Mrs. Margaret H. McMahan Ms. Judy McMichen Ms. Ruth B. Meyer Mr. Robert E. Millspaugh Ms. Rose Molinari Mr. Gary Moorey Mr. Dean D. Mulder Mr. Marshall B. Nash Mrs. Eloise Newhard Mrs. Thuong T. Nguyen Mr. Roland Ellsworth Nordeen Ms. Margaret Olson Mr. Morris Ornstein Aurora Ortiz Mrs. Kathleen Lyon Parker Mrs. Mary Virginia Parrish Mr. Travis G. Payne Mr. Kenneth Pell Mrs. Betty Petrusek & Mr. Dutch Petrusek Mr. Tom Pollock Ms. Sibyl B. Poole Mr. Joseph Purcell Ms. Anne Rapa Mrs. Patricia D. Redmond Mr. William Redmond Ms. Patricia A. Reid Mrs. Diane P. Reynolds Mr. John J. Roux-Lough Mr. Hubert N. Rucker Ms. Aleta Rumpf Mr. Frank Scroggins Dr. Jeanne Shaw Mrs. Shirley Hamlin Short Ms. Rose Silverberg Mr. Stephen K. Singleton Mr. Brian B. Smith Bob Beallor and Murray Snyder Mr. Bradley Sorman Ms. Christine S. Spragg Ms. Mary Spragg Mr. Bengt Stromquist Mrs. Charlotte H. Sturgess Mr. James H. Therrell III Mr. James A. Thompson Mr. John Tollon Ms. Pansy Trotter Ms. Danette R. Tucker Mrs. Libby Tyner Ms. Esther Udoff Elsie M. Uracius Mrs. Shirley Z. Verner Ms. Adelaide H. Waller Mr. Ernest Wallhausen Ms. Marjorie Z. Walters Mr. Mark B. Watson Mrs. Constance Whittle Mr. John Winn For a complete list of the generous donors who contributed honorary and memorial gifts visit www.vnhs.org. 2010 Iss.03 LO OK HOMEWAR D 15 Training and Support Center 5775 Glenridge Drive, NE, Suite E200 Atlanta, GA 30328 Address Service Requested Look Homeward Mary N. Long Board Chair Mark Oshnock President We welcome your comments and suggestions. Please address all correspondence to Lisa.Robinson@vnhs.org. 404.215.6000 www.vnhs.org designed by 7926
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