!How!To!Do!This!! ! ! 1)##Download#and#print#this#packet#of#forms.##You#should#have#5#pages#in#addition#to#these# instructions:# # 1.#Brattleboro#Hockey#Assoc#(BHA)#Registration#form.# # 2.#BHA#Fees#and#Terms#of#Payment# # 3.#USA#Hockey#Participant#Code#of#Conduct# # 4.#USA#Hockey#Consent#to#Treat/Medical#History#Form# # 5.#BHA#Parent#Code#of#Conduct# # 2)##Tell#your#kids#you#are#working#on#their#happy#childhoods#and#to#leave#you#alone#for#a# few#minutes.# # 3)##Enter#your#skater’s#information#at#the#top#of#the#BHA#Registration#form.##Look#at#the#USA# Hockey#Age#Classification#chart#to#the#right#to#select#the#proper#division#for#your#child.# Enter#the#division#in#the#Level/Team)space.# A.##If#you#are#unsure#of#your#skaters#skill#level#and#where#they#belong,#contact#one#of# the#coaches#or#a#BHA#board#member.##You#will#find#their#contact#info#on#our#website.### #Complete#the#rest#of#the#BHA#Registration#with#your#information# # 4)#Locate#your#skater’s#division#on#the#Fees#and#Terms#of#Payment#page#and#check#that#box.## Select#a#payment#plan,#do#the#math,#complete#the#bottom#line,#date#and#sign.###Almost#done.# # 5)#Go#over#the#Participant#Code#of#Conduct#with#your#skater#and#be#sure#they#understand#it.## Please#have#them#sign#their#names#at#the#bottom.# # 6)#Fill#out#the#Consent#to#Treat/Medical#History#Form,#date#and#sign.# # 7)#Read!the!BHA!Parent!Code!of!Conduct.##Fill#in#the#names,#date#and#sign.# # 8)#One#more#thing,#then#you’re#done.####All#skaters#are#required#to#register#with#USA#Hockey,# which#is#a#separate#process#from#the#BHA#as#well#as#cheaper#and#easier.##The#fee#is#$40#and# can#be#done#entirely#online#at#www.usahockeyregistration.com/register.##There#is#also#a# link#on#the#BHA’s#on#line#registration#page.##Players#under#6#years#of#age#pay#no#fees#to# either#USA#Hockey#or#the#BHA.# # Once#you#have#completed#the#USA#Hockey#registration#and#printed#your#certificate# of#confirmation,#place#it#with#the#BHA#forms#covered#in#the#above#steps,#and#mail#to:# # Debbie#Taggard# BHA#Registrar# 939#Meadowbrook#Road# Brattleboro,#VT#05301# # (You#can#also#bring#it#to#the#equipment#sale&swap#at#the#rink#on#Sat#Sept.7#from#10a`1p)# # ! # BHA P.O. Box 1 Brattleboro VT 05302 www.brattleborohockey.org Brattleboro Hockey Association (BHA) Developing good sports since 1976 2013-2014 Registration – Pre-Season Midget Skater’s name_____________________________ USA Hockey Age Classifications Midgets 01/01/95 - 12/31/98 Date of birth______________________________ (USA Hockey requires BHA to retain a Birth Certificate copy) Level / Team: _____Midgets________________ The BHA is a member of the Greater Springfield League (GSL) based in Springfield, MA Parent name: Parent name: Address Address Town State & Zip Phone Town State & Zip Phone E-mail E-mail I recognize that playing ice hockey presents the possibility of injury. I give my permission for the abovenamed skater to participate in any and all of the activities of the hockey program. I assume all risks and hazards incidental to these activities. I do hereby further release from liability, absolve, indemnify and hold harmless the Brattleboro Hockey Association, its directors, officers, sponsors and coaches for any injury sustained by the above-named skater while participating in a Brattleboro Hockey Association related game or practice. _________________________________________________________Date_________________ Parent(Guardian) Signature Permission to Use Images I, ___________________________, grant permission for images taken during the 2013-2014 season of my son ,_________________________ to be used by the BHA for publicity and/or award purposes. __________________________________________________________Date________________ Parent (Guardian) Signature BHA P.O. Box 1 Brattleboro VT 05302 www.brattleborohockey.org 2013-2014 Fees and Terms of Payment LEVEL TOTAL DUE ___ Midgets 01/01/94-12/31/97 $350.00 Pay in full All players Please check those that apply: ___ Pay in full PAYPAL OPTION AVAILABLE - SEE WEBSITE FOR DETAILS Total due at Registration $ _______ Check#_______ Amount Pd.$________ Date______ (Midget division players are not eligible for BHA Scholarships) Along with the full BHA registration, available from www.brattleborohockey.org , a 2013-2014 season USA Hockey registration must be completed for each skater. Go to www.usahockey.com. Once registered and having paid the ‘13-‘14 USA Hockey Individual Membership Registration (IMR) fee, and a State fee, the USA Hockey confirmation receipt and BHA registration forms must be submitted to the BHA c/o Registrar, Debbie Taggard catamnt@comcast.net 939 Meadwobrook Road Brattleboro, VT 05301 802-257-7802 before any skater is allowed to skate. Parent (Guardian) Signature __________________________________________________________Date____________ Thank you for registering with the BHA USA HOCKEY PARTICIPANT CODE OF CONDUCT NAME:___________________________________________________ To be read and signed by you as a member of Team: ____________________ Participating in USA Hockey for the ____________ season. 1. No swearing or abusive language on the bench, in the rink, or at any team function. 2. No lashing out at any official no matter what the call is. The coaching staff will handle all matters pertaining to officiating. 3. Anyone who receives a penalty will skate directly to the penalty box. 4. Fighting will not be tolerated. Fighting will result in an appearance before a Discipline Committee. 5. There will be no drinking, smoking, chewing of tobacco or use of illegal substance at any team function. 6. I will conduct myself in a befitting manner at all facilities (ice rink, hotel, restaurant, etc) during all team functions. 7. Any player or team official who cannot abide by these rules or violates them will be subject to further disciplinary action. Signed: _______________________________ Date:___________________ Form 1-P Rev 02/09 BRATTLEBORO HOCKEY ASSOCIATION PARENT CODE OF CONDUCT As the parent or guardian of a hockey player, I pledge to: 1. Help make hockey fun and safe for everyone involved; 2. Be a good sport myself and encourage fair play and teamwork in others; 3. Cheer good play on both sides. Avoid negative comments toward any player, including my child, both on and off the ice; 4. Refrain from any negative comment and/or action toward referees, coaches, players and/or spectators; 5. Leave all coaching to the coaches; This includes hollering directions from the bleachers. Please. 6. Show respect and appreciation for the volunteers who give their time for my child; 7. Bring concerns directly to the coach or Board of Directors, should I have any. I have read and understand this Parent Code of Conduct. I understand that if I violate this Parent Code of Conduct, my family may forfeit membership in the Brattleboro Hockey Association at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors. Name of player(s):___________________________________________ Printed name of parent(s) or guardian(s):__________________________ ____________________________________ Date__________________ Signature of parent(s) or guardian(s) !
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