Business in the 21st Century – 2011 / Issue 01

The Ingenics Customer Magazine
2011 / Issue 01
Business in the 21st Century –
How to Navigate the Economy’s Roller Coaster
Most importantly, you will have to look at quality, and make sure it
stays top-notch - in your products, in your procedures, and in the interaction between your processes and your people. After all, the fundamental issue is to empower and motivate your existing employees to
increase their value creation. In the short run, this will help you to
rapidly increase production as needed, allowing you to always perfectly
meet fluctuating demand. And over the long term, synchronizing
people and processes will help you overcome issues with personnel,
including a decline in skilled labor, demographic workforce changes, and
more – which we’re already noticing in a wide range of industries.
So far, we’re only seeing the tip of the iceberg. More is yet to come.
But for Ingenics, the emerging trend is motivation enough to examine
its reasons and offer solutions. The fact is, adapting processes to people
is becoming ever more important. And that’s exactly what Ingenics
Dear Reader,
As the global economy continues to go through its ups and downs,
companies are re-evaluating their strategies, looking closely at how
they can do more with less in order to stay afloat no matter what the
economic climate.
For these companies, their main concern is how to optimize the relation-
specializes in. True to our credo, “designing systems and enabling
people,” our multi-functional industrial consultants offer end-to-end
services, simultaneously focusing on people and processes to help you
accomplish more with fewer resources - and achieve not only rapid,
but also lasting success. Read on to see how our solutions are helping
companies all over the world.
ship between resources and output. The answer is simple: it’s all about
increasing efficiency. But how? Don’t worry! You won’t necessarily
have to invest in new facilities and new equipment to achieve this
goal. But you will have to pay close attention to several key factors.
Oliver Herkommer
Managing Partner
Jörg Herkommer
Managing Partner
·LeanOffice: Exceptional Space for Extraordinary Solutions
· ERP Solution in Record Time
· The Latest from the US: Mastering the Challenge of
Economic Growth
· Happenings in China: BMW Launches New Plant in China
in Seven Months
· Book Review
2011 / Issue 01
Exceptional Space for Extraordinary Solutions
New Ingenics Offices in Hamburg –
Stylish. Streamlined. Lean.
We’ve recently opened a new office in Hamburg. Situated at the Atlantic Haus, it offers
a breathtaking 360-degree view of the city. But what’s truly impressive about the space
is that it serves as a convincing real-world model for the power of office optimization –
thanks to its modern office concept, sophisticated workplace design, and consistent
implementation of LeanOffice principles.
When maximizing efficiency for the new space,
Change of Perspective
we first focused on the basic floor design.
on adding value - and no single person must
times or staff changes. How? By using One
organization. Free from mental and physical
take charge of ordering processes; all have
Point Lessons that answer the most frequent-
distractions, employees are able to use their
Employees need take only a few steps from
The kind of quality solutions that Ingenics
more time to create value. Employees can
ly asked questions, succinctly, in clear visuals
optimized work space to focus on what really
their workstation to access frequently used
customers have come to expect require neit-
use their spare time and dips in concen-
placed directly where the questions arise.
matters – creating value, and developing
equipment and materials. Conference rooms
her stereotypical environments nor creative
tration to process the data collected in the
and other public areas are strategically po-
chaos, but rather the systematic promotion
Kanban boxes, following easy and clear
Similarly, cabinet visualization ensures a
sitioned by the front entrance, allowing
of various perspectives. That’s why we have
directions. By shifting the Kanban card, they
seamless, efficient workflow. Even rarely
visitors to enter without interrupting the
built creative spaces in variable sizes, decora-
signal that the process is in progress. It’s
used documents and materials can be instant-
regular work routine. But the real impact
ted with eclectic furniture in exciting colors
only a small step for the individual, but it is
ly accessed and properly filed back after use.
comes into play when we look into the heart
that allow for a quick change of scenery, and
a big help for the office community. Work
At Ingenics in Hamburg, 5S is no longer an
Our new office in Hamburg is not only a
of the operation – the offices themselves.
help people unwind and keep their minds
times are used more efficiently, and mate-
abstract ideal, but rather a practical stan-
place where we develop top quality solutions
fresh throughout the workday.
rial shortages as a result of the person in
dard that is reinforced during regular audits.
for our clients. It is also a training facility
charge being sick or on holiday are a thing
In the office environment, just as in pro-
where we teach lean methods to up to 20
of the past.
duction, proven standards are the best
participants at a time. Feel free to call us
Built-in Efficiency
As for the interior design, we’ve relied on
Many companies wonder what’s better: an
professional advice. All of our equipment
open-plan space or individual cubicles. Our
meets the requirements of the latest ergo-
answer may sound paradoxical, but the most
nomic standards, and sets the stage for
efficient solution is actually a combination
maximum staff performance.
of both. Why? Because office work is multi-
the best solutions for their customers’ busi-
breeding ground for a continuous improve-
to schedule a training session, or for a tour
ment process.
of our facilities. Can’t make it in person?
Another example that shows that small steps
A rules round is also part of everyday life
taste of how this ingenious approach can
work in your office environment.
Download this handy Kanban Card to get a
go a long way: Ingenics’ One Point Lessons.
at Ingenics, eliminating problems before
Finally, we’ve designed and implemented
In our Hamburg office, questions like: “How
they even arise and promoting a lean spirit
“As much as necessary, as little as possible:” One
times of communication require different
intelligent processes facilitated by transpa-
does the copier work” or “How do I use the
throughout the organization.
Point Lessons, the central Kanban station, uni-
environments; and because compromising on
rent, powerful tools to ensure that workdays
flip chart” never even come up. No one
in our Hamburg office produce maximum
wastes time looking for the answer or asking
and perfect order in the file cabinets – Ingenics
Hamburg is a truly lean office environment.
either one yields poor results in both. That’s
why we’ve allocated a large portion of the
office space to include silent as well as creative and communicative work islands, with
Secure Processes
additional silent offices situated just across
the hall - providing perfect silos for any
A case in point: the Kanban system. Guaran-
situation. And since personal items are stored
teeing “just-in-time” part supply in produc-
in a central location in easily accessible, uni-
tion, Kanban also yields numerous benefits in
formly labelled boxes, employees can always
office environments. No single person needs
choose the silo that best fits their needs.
to keep track of material orders; all can focus
Come and See for Yourself
Keep it Simple
faceted; because times of concentration and
form boxes for consultants’ personal documents,
ness success.
Ultimately, all of these concepts in practice
colleagues for help. Instead, everyone’s
build the foundation for the final element
permanently in control, even during holiday
of Ingenics’ Lean Office system: staff self-
for Lean Office
Ingenics Tools
an Card
Processes: Kanb
for free at
Download now
Optimale Bestellmenge:
ProduKtiNf ormAtioNeN
Zusätzliche Informationen
2011 / Issue 01
Process Analysis and Optimization Ensures Success
Ingenics at JEOL Germany:
Selecting and Implementing an
ERP Solution in Record Time
The successful deployment of a new IT system depends not only on the software purchased,
but also on the selection process. And in fact, a process-oriented approach is critical to
helping companies select the most appropriate solution, introduce it in the most efficient
manner, enable continuous improvement, and ensure lasting success.
Many companies struggle with a similar prob-
minimize the risk of spending time and ener-
process optimization. Once exact require-
lem on the IT front: The need to focus on the
gy on a solution that would ultimately prove
ments are determined, this process-oriented
day-to-day business leads to the introduction
lacking. That’s why we turned to a third-party
approach helps to align the features available
of one partial upgrade after another, causing
expert to help us make the right decision:
in various ERP systems to these requirements.
them to increasingly lose sight of the big
All this can be done without disrupting
picture. As a result, they typically end up with
ongoing operations.
isolated and often incompatible solutions. But
The Difference: Process-Oriented System
this can all be avoided with the right approach.
Coming to America:
Mastering the Challenge of Economic Growth
Ingenics’ cross-cultural competencies can help companies quickly ramp up production
capabilities, without breaking the bank.
After identifying the best solution, Ingenics
A case in point: JEOL Germany.
business unit manager Heiko Finn and his
With the economy continuing to recover,
workplace trends – specialists like Ingenics.
challenging tasks. In the production environ-
What makes Ingenics a valuable partner for
team help companies to negotiate the con-
the American market presents a wide range
With proven expertise in both German and US
ment, for instance, clearly defined TAKT times
The German subsidiary of a Japanese manu-
ERP selection? For one thing: expertise.
tract and implement the system. This ensures
of business opportunities for German manu-
manufacturing operations, Ingenics provides
and additional visualization enable route train
facturer of scientific equipment, JEOL Germany
Ingenics´ specialists tap into an in-depth
a seamless deployment that is perfectly in sync
facturers. But even as they ramp up pro-
them with the insight and support they need
conductors to rapidly master their jobs, even
had long since planned to introduce a new
knowledge of the ERP marketplace, making
with customer needs, from start to finish.
duction facilities across the US, German
to improve efficiencies across multiple inter-
without prior work experience.
ERP system to better support its specific re-
it easier to quickly and effectively zero in
companies face a common challenge: how
national locations, effectively and affordably.
quirements. When the company was put in
on the systems that are best suited for each
At JEOL, the early results are promising. Thanks
to continue to leverage their existing
How? By enabling them to first analyze the
Once all processes are properly designed,
charge of the JEOL subsidiary in Stockholm,
company’s needs.
to the new ERP system, the company’s sales
methods within an entirely different cor-
status quo and understand its underlying
professional training is the icing on the cake,
process has become greatly streamlined – a
the timing was ripe to put the wheels in
porate culture. Increasingly they are turning
workings, then systematically identifying and
driving acceptance across all departments –
motion. "With several locations involved, we
But there is another reason why working
critical edge in an industry where large pro-
to Ingenics, whose proven cross-cultural
applying those elements that are responsible
from top management to shop floor person-
had to find a way to map out all processes
with Ingenics proves so beneficial. When our
jects usually take years to complete. Controll-
competencies and unique lean consulting
for long-term success.
nel – and ensuring lasting results. Such train-
and their interaction so we could find a so-
specialists first develop the specs for a new
ing has also been significantly improved. With
approach have enabled hundreds of com-
lution that leveraged existing synergies, yet
system, using a detailed checklist, they also
Ingenics’ help, the entire project ran smoothly
panies to effectively apply global practices
effectively met all needs," explained CEO
engage in a comprehensive process analysis –
and to perfection, and is well on track to
at the local level to achieve success.
Dr. Siegfried Falch. “Of course, we wanted to
setting the stage for professional, integrated
yielding a rapid and lasting ROI.
Module 1
Define Project
Goals and
Administration &
• Assess Status
• Corporate Goals • Define Target
• Core
• Develop Specs
• Technology Needs • Check IT
• Market Demands • Check Site
Define Project
Module 2
Final Selection Implementation
• Research Available • Develop RFQ
Solutions and
• Finalize Cost
Data Validation
• Consolidate
• Fine Tune Implementation Plan
• Plan Data Transfer
and Set-Up
• Conduct Testing
& Assessment
• Develop Training
• Contact
• Provide RecomSolution Providers mendation
• Manage Integration
• Present Options • Manage Contract
of Subsidiaries
• Select Top Two
• Complete Project
Market Research
200 Systems
on the Market
Decision & Contract
System Selection
Process Modeling
Project Management
Module 3
9 to 15 months
JEOL Germany develops
electron optical equipment and instruments
for scientific and industrial research including
electron microscopes
(SEMs and TEMs).
ing requires coaches who offer an industry
First Understand, then Act Accordingly
insider’s experience while keeping an eye on
the big picture, understanding the needs of
Let’s look at staff training as an example.
both the headquarters and its local subsidia-
When it comes to international business, the
With employee turnover rates typically
ries, and combining lean manufacturing con-
usual rules don’t always apply. What works
higher in the US than in Germany, Ingenics
sulting expertise with cross cultural know how.
in one country doesn’t necessarily work in
helps German manufacturers adapt and acce-
These are the types of trainers and lean con-
another. Yet global businesses must have stan-
lerate their job orientation practices accordin-
sultants you can find at Ingenics in Atlanta.
dardized practices in place to increase effi-
gly. However, bringing new personnel rapidly
To find out how you can benefit from our
ciencies across the board, while keeping costs
up to speed does not have to mean straying
industrial engineering consulting services in
at bay. Finding the right balance between
from the systematic work methods and high
the US, contact us today.
global directives and local requirements is
quality standards for which Germany compa-
2839 Paces Ferry Road
key. That’s why many German companies
nies have become famous. With well-defined,
Suite 1045, Atlanta, GA 30339
coming to the US are now turning to outside
simply structured, properly documented, and
Phone +1 678 528-7042
specialists who are as familiar with German
transparent processes, new employees in the
engineering practices as they are with US
US can quickly learn to master even the most
2011 / Issue 01
As Markets Set the Pace, Companies Turn to Unconventional Solutions to Charge Ahead
BMW Launches New Plant in China in Seven Months
With demand for German cars at an all time high in China, German car manufacturers are racing to ramp up their local production capabilities while keeping their budgets under control - charging ahead, while keeping a light foot on the brake. BMW is one company that has
successfully risen to the challenge, staying true to the motto “Think outside the box.”
Though BMW already had plans to move to a
Together, BMW and Ingenics focused on: plan-
which the collaboration between all parties
house structure including incoming parts;
and other global clients, Ingenics is available
new plant in China for the production of its
ning streamlined processes; defining staff,
involved, including BMW headquarters, the
setting up special cargo carriers for kitting;
to help manufacturers around the world real-
next model, local demand was rapidly gro-
equipment, and structural building needs;
joint venture BMW Brilliance Automotive
and, last but not least, efficiently bridging the
ize even their most ambitious expansion plans.
wing for its current 3Series, making it neces-
developing individual training concepts to
Ltd., BMW’s SAP experts from South Africa,
open spaces between the four facilities.
sary for the company to increase manufac-
adequately prepare local staff for the tasks
and various external partners, needed to work
turing capacities immediately. The situation
ahead; monitoring the implementation; and
to perfection. Seven months during which
Despite these challenges, BMW was able to
called for an interim site, one that could be
finally, supporting the launch. The project re-
Ingenics’ logistics experts were required to
successfully reach its ambitious project mile-
completed within just seven months. To meet
quired maximum performance at every level,
be on site around the clock. Seven months
stones in record time. How? By leveraging
this aggressive goal - and plan the logistics
while balancing seamless adaptation to local
during which seamless communication
flexible, low-cost concepts, implemented in
layout and processes for production from the
requirements and conditions. While these may
between all project members was required -
strict compliance with lean philosophies, and
arrival of ready-to-install parts to the final
have seemed like routine tasks for BMW’s
since every little misunderstanding, any minor
by keeping the project pace high and spend-
assembly - BMW called on a trusted partner
experts and Ingenics’ logistics planner, the
delay would have jeopardized the timing and
ing low.
with proven experience in the Chinese mar-
companies also faced some unique challenges
success of the entire operation.
ketplace: Ingenics.
along the way. For example: the new processes
Simply Lean
had to be synchronized with the plant layout
“This was certainly one of the most uncon-
of a site that was already selected and rented,
ventional tasks I’ve ever faced,” admits Dr.
Today, BMW’s interim production site sports
encompassing four hangars in an existing
Jens Nitsche, Ingenics Partner and head of
two logistics and two assembly halls, each al-
industrial park. In addition, spending had to
the Ingenics team for this project. “But since
lowing for seamless expansion as needed. Best
be kept to a minimum. Substantially changing
BMW laid the groundwork, we could proceed
practices are at play throughout the facility.
the existing architecture was out of the
without delay.”
For instance, Kanban-scheduled route trains
feature flow racks that enable highly effi-
question for an interim site. As a result, the
processes had to be designed to adapt both in
According to Nitsche, proven methods and
cient supply to the entire assembly plant. Many
time and in space to existing physical conditi-
best practices always need to be adapted to
other flexible, low-cost concepts have been im-
ons, which were less than optimal.
the specifics of each project, but the neces-
plemented in accordance with lean principles.
sary changes are rarely as complex as for this
Ramping Up Resources Just-in-Time
particular endeavour. Key tasks included: line
The BMW project is a great example of how
side planning; conceiving material delivery;
manufacturers can ramp up to deliver a top
The companies had only seven months from
creating kitting and sequencing areas; timing
quality product in record time, without high
project start to finish. Seven months during
and placing route trains; planning the ware-
costs. Tapping into its experience with BMW
的领队Jens Nitsche博士认为:“这是我所参与过
2011 / Issue 01
Book Review
"Too Big to Fail". By Andrew Ross Sorkin
Too Big to Fail: The Inside Story of How Wall Street and Washington Fought to Save the Financial System – and Themselves.
Perhaps nobody understands the impact of the recent recession better
As an acclaimed reporter at one of the world’s
than manufacturers. In the wake of the crisis they have been working tire-
premier newspapers, Sorkin was able to interview
lessly to restructure their businesses to become leaner and better prepared
many policymakers as well as key players at the Wall Street banks
for any economic scenario. But what led to the downturn, and could we
whose actions contributed to the fall of the economy. The result is a
have spotted early warning signs? New York Times reporter Andrew Ross
startling look behind-the-scenes at the relationship between the country’s
Sorkin seeks to answer these questions revealing the true stories behind
financial institutions and its government. Sorkin has kept most editorial
the recent financial collapse in the United States – a fascinating read for
opinion out of the story to offer a thorough chronology and compelling in-
all who were affected by it.
side look at a situation that some have said “reads like a fictional spy novel.”
The 11th Ulm Dialogues – May 26 2011, City Hall, Ulm, Germany
Visions, Strategies, and Methods to Shape the Future:
Addressing Demographic Changes in Your Business.
The prospect of exciting presentations, stimulating discussions, and valuable insights always turns our annual Ulm Dialogues event into a popular
meeting place for international decision makers. This year, we address the
growing challenge of integrating a changing workforce. The topic:
Demographic Changes in the Workplace – Breaking Down the Hype:
How Companies Can Prepare for the New Reality of Business
When it comes to aging workers, less skilled workers entering the market,
and other demographic changes to today’s labor force, everyone has something to say – whether it’s making the situation sound dire, or completely
downplaying it. Ingenics experts and renowned speakers will discuss the
changing workforce that often raises controversial yet rarely productive
dialogue. Our program will include a thorough theoretical and strategic
analysis of this emerging trend. TV anchor Peter Hahne will give the keynote address. And as always, all our presentations promise to be clear,
concise, newsworthy, entertaining, and informative.
To receive your personal invitation, please contact Selina Berendorf at
Ulm Dialogues 2011: Peter Hahne Expected to Keynote
+49 731 93680-211
Ingenics is growing! We’ve expanded our training facilities in Hamburg
and Shanghai, and we’ve opened a brand new office in Paris.
True to our commitment to be available wherever you are, our larger
presence allows us to offer consistent industrial engineering consulting services and reliable quality across all your global facilities.
For a list of our offices around the world, please visit our new website:
Contact information
inGenics Corporation · 2839 Paces Ferry Road · Suite 1045 · Atlanta, GA 30339 · · Phone +1 678 528-7042 · Fax 261-8699
Ulm · Stuttgart · Munich · Hamburg · Paris · Shanghai · Atlanta