How to fill in the Request to Offer Courses forms Notes: Please note there is a winter and summer version of this form. “Non-standard” dates refer to the offering of sections with start and end dates different from the usual schedule specified for each term in the calendar. Course #: This is the course abbreviation and number as it appears in the calendar e.g. ENGL115 Section: Insert a line for every section you plan to offer. The section identifier includes a letter to indicate the type of section i.e. Axx (lecture), Bxx (Lab), Txx (tutorial) where xx is a number starting at “01”. Year Long?: This column appears on the winter version of the form only. Enter a “Y” If this course runs from September to April. A section must be created in both the fall and spring terms to accommodate both halves of the course. Part of Term: This column appears on the summer version of the form only. If the section follows one of the standard parts of term in summer that is noted on the form, enter the part of term number, otherwise enter the start and end dates in the next two columns. Start Date: Only enter a date in this column if the section has a non-standard start date. End Date: Only enter a date in this column if the section has a non-standard end date. Days: Days of the week that the course meets: M, T, W, R (Thursday), F, S, N (Sunday). Times: The start and end time when the section meets. Max Enrol: The maximum number of students who may register in the section. This number is used to assign a classroom if required. WLS Max: The maximum number of students who can waitlist for the section. By default, the maximum is set to 100 for undergraduate and 30 for graduate sections. If you want a different maximum for your section, enter it or, if you do not want a waiting list, enter 0. If you enter nothing, the defaults will apply. Specific room requirements: This includes things such as the equipment required (VDP, iclickers), the type of room needed (seminar), instructor accommodation (specific rooms or buildings), whether different sections of the course or different courses should meet together (A01 & A02 meet together, POLI433 A01 and POLI533 A01 meet together) and cross listing relationships ( E S 312 is cross-listed with ECON330). Delivery method: F2F (Face to face), F2FOL (Face to face with some online), OL (online), OLF2F (online with some face to face) Location: Enter the location if the section will not be held at the UVic main campus (e.g. Port Hardy; Xalapa, Mexico; Aurora College; on-line). Enrolment Restrictions: These restrictions control who registers in each section. They are based on the characteristics of the students and their programs and not on the courses they may have taken previously (e.g. fourth year standing, BCOM). If the department wishes complete control over who registers in the section, Permission may be specified which will require every student to request approval before registering. For more information about enrolment restrictions, see “Prerequisites versus Enrolment Restrictions” found on this web page. Instructor: The full name of Instructor and their “V” number. If unknown, enter TBA . Once the instructor is known, forward that information to Academic Scheduling. Only instructors who are recorded on the section in Banner may enter final grades. Comments: To add comments which will appear in the on-line timetable, please enter them above the section of the course it pertains to, as shown in the sample forms found on this web page. Comments can repeat some of the information listed in other columns if you feel that extra emphasis is required. They should also be added for topics courses to describe the section-specific content. Topic titles, which follow the course title for a topics course, cannot exceed 75 characters. SPAN280 A02: Course meets in Xalapa, Mexico CSC 225 A01: Not open Bachelor of Software Engineering students. CSC 578A: Topics in Computer Systems & Software: Advanced Methods in Human Computer Interaction
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