WISCONSIN STATE JOURNAL SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1951 PAGE 12, SECTION 4 Classified Highlights of Today's Radio The Sunday Spotlight: A Guest Column •_'._.—«. * ^. How to Run a Quiz Show Special Events 8:30 p. m. — University Welcome (WIBA): Pres. E. B. Fred, VicePres. J. Kenneth Little, Football Coach Ivan Williamson, • Editor Jean Matheson of Daily Cardinal, concert band, orchestra, chorus wise )«!> ice WIBA IJW. Ic. . WKOW . f* WIBU Grant Count/Circuit Court Jurors Listed i. f* -., M £«, ~t 1070 kc ior class of Pardeevilie high school in recent class bailing 'at the school. Other class officers elected include: .News: M»rcn«» , coffee News Concert; News IFarm Servlo* M'lrninn $»u* , Heafro rina 'Smith, treasurer. I Farm for jury service n the Vallej ' Moments on I Frolic Jimfors — Bobert Hfeaus, president: the Mount tob.er term of circuit court The radio columnist is off shooting pool or ainon' Finger vice-president; Jean Musical Grant county: Renfro Vallej Smith, treasurer, and Margaret j^arsen, ' Milton Croia something, so I'm taking over. My attorney will Clock Christian secretary. call on him the first of the month to collect the fee. 1 Opera Album Freedom Stor? . old nm» M-oslcal ClocH Alfred Benlsb Muscoda: Clifford Bour I Sophomores —-Shirley Wendt, presiAd»entur« \s long as he has ordered me to fill this space Religion Charlotte Haroes, »!««»*?}: reu, Clifton township: Wesley Broad- dent; dert.: Lois Hill, treasurer; and Lol» today, I'll take advantage of the opportunity to ' Melndj Rev Bawden bent Watterstowu townshto; Charles Braj'dsma. secretary, . Devotions |* Time Civil Defense answer some mail. Maybe the anBuahnell. Patch Grove; Mrs. Mae Daley, Freshmen— Charles Stunners, presiBethel Lutheran > Class 9fl5 ' Meiodr The Rev r ' Hout Mirlt piBtlevllle; Silas Edge. Harrison to-xnswers will settle some questions in Church Tony Bonn, vlce-oref,ldent; Gene Time M: Bodamer hlD- Oscar C-llbertson, MX Ida t mn- dentPet CornerSac-ar, treasurer; and Pat O'Brien, sec-. jour mind. ship-: Melvln Guuderson, lit. Ida wwn- retary. MethndUt Sal: Laic* 1: "How do you pick contestants News sh p Charles Hamilton. Wyaluslns 10 110 j RellK'a f ror Today ' Dixie Cnurcli Cnnl: o e !••••••••»« — — —™— Four to^''nslilpT"Delbert""Hizer.; Mt." Hope; 10:15 • Sunday Melody for your radio and TV show?" a Cithnilc 1st Lu:ner»n Mrs. Edna Hill. Clifton township: Mrs. 10:30 u w Baoa Churcb We pick all of our contestants Israel 10:45 Boon Carnival Pj Osoar Jcidy.' Little Grant township; from the audience, except those Christ First Mrs- Mildred Jerreu. Lancaster: «O*. l:oo News with interesting occupations. The . PresbyUniversity Flo?ce Kcoke S. Lancaster township. 11:15 First 7arletJ terian Methndtst latter are invited in groups and Congregational Loren -Koecke. Wyaluslng township: 11:30. Wrestlinn Church Cnurob Clnirch Mrs. Beth Kramer. Cutta, City: Oscar 11:15 t h e audience picks one to be on Kreul. Pennlmore: Mrs. CUde Pea• S-jniUj Peonies the show, by applause. And if the • News, , AccurdinnUta cocl-:, Sroelser township: Loady iro12:01) Farm Hour Platform Snn:'»t Bom» latter isn't delivered, don't come cnaska, Castle Rock township: M. J. 12:15! News Serenade News BaseDall 12:301 Helm '.Vlscn'isIB Quirk. PlattevUle: Guy BleBe. Smelser Serenade . 3t 3 ? running to me; see your postman. Mnhtllzacinn Baseball Joer rantlllo Not to my knowledge. In virtually every case,, 2 451 towiiFhlp; Clay Robinson, Hatteville 2: "Do you chat with your contownship; Charles Eoethe, Fennlmore, Serenade thev. "o away from the show happy, rich and dazed. Dr. Charle* 1 Baseball Ca-hntto 1:00 Fred Schambow. Lima township; Mrs. testants before you go on the air?" Surer ade E Puller I just go away dazed. But that's the way I arrive j 1• Baseball 1 15 Hour Alma Schlocsser. North Lancaster town• Music BRUCE Dr Charles 1 never talk to the. contestants SHORT Baseball 1:30 ! • Yest'dav ship; Mrs, Hazel Scott. PlatteviLe. jewe: BIJ E Puller •. Baseball u n i i l 1 meet them for the first 1:45' A: Tomorrow Clarence Stlvarlus Wlngv Ue: Charles 6: "What's the most money you ever gave j •t- * C. Staver, Hazel Green: Wllbert TimL time on the show. In most cases, ; Baseball I News: Religion Chicago I Baseball awav on your show?" ,* ^ . Wnltz Time merman. Jamestown township. Mrs. f . To Be Ann d MARX they are chosen five minutes be»•<>.»••». 2:15, Round Table I- '• Scoreboard A Coast Guard sailor and a coloneU^dau|hter|^e^g/on Old Timer! Lawrence Trankle. Montfort: Mrs. Mary i Invitation Dsvld La.wren.ee 1 2:30! fore air time. Remember, they're picked in the first Bandstand Tornowfike. Patch Grove township; vri>. F. Van Deventei' To Music 2:451 • John O. Swayze Mildred Wehrle. Mi. Ida township: Mrs. place because they have something to say. All I ask won S6.000. Altogether, we've a. m.—St. John's American i* Watert/iwn Cecelia Wlederholdt. Jamestown towni News: iluslc ' Piano 3:0(1 ' Ihe World New» Playhouse __' _ 3:15 1 Saint Parao ship. Sunday at • Under . 3:30' Ifart la Boh Pehllne I the Chase Arrest on the show. 3:45 Kane . gotj i their'kids part way through college, and some 9:15 a. m. — Bethel Lutheran 3: "Is your program censored?" i' Baptist Pardeevilie Seniors News; Synco• The on money they won on our show. . . (WIBA): "The Church's Children." I:UU The I church The NBC censor actually has very little to do. married pation Piece Shadow Obviously, I'm on the wrong end of this thing. | h Rev ^ I Schmidt: anthem, 4:15 1 Whisperer i' Music. Varletj Elect Merwin Allen Rinse ' Detective Bui since our show is on film for TV and recorded I haven't set myself up in business, paid for an | Now R f a r 4:30 ' • T o Be Ann'd Riders: News j. d is Mindful of His 1:45 This Storv for radio, the editor uses his scissors frequently. 1 operation, paid off my mortgage, put myself through 1 Friendly Own." P^RDEEVILLE—Merwin Allen Drew Pearvtn iHow To We make a 35-to-40 minute program, then the Slnslug Aal'ns 5:00 Muslo [How To '10 a. m. — Relij-ion for Today 5:15 i 1• News was elected president of the segeditor clips out any dull stuff or doubtful material, I college" or got married on what they pay Music I BOX i « Nick Wayne .WIBA!.- "Let's Deal With Issues,'' 5:3(1 Klne • Farm Jambore Carter: News I 13 5:45 the Rev. Fred 1. Cairns. New* ' SLOP cn» 10:30 a. m.— Madison Catholic 6:00 • Quiz Church in Here's to Vets Music Kids . . CXinpel' In Hour (WKOW): "The Unyielding 6:15 Uncle Ray's Corner * Stop ch« f,:30 ' Roy Shield 2-00 News; Ralph Martlere tbo SW Fiesta Music Prejudice, a Good Will Apostolate," 6:45 and Company 2;15 Memory Tnnes 2:30 Luncheon Music the Rev. Andrew Breines. i Old Timers. MaHo Wild Bill ' The Sew 7:00 i Farm Front L&nzi 11 a. m.—First-University Meth- 7:15 Theater Radio bringi you B»rw Uvy's 1 Hlckok: New» l'-45 Sacred Heart PrbBram • Old TUner« Horace. Challenge of ' Theater 2:00 Sun Prairie Races odist (WISC): ' the Rev. W. Ross comedy about woman -hot»r« o«d o I Jambor«» Heldt the YuUon Guild Conner . . . Christ ' Presbyterian wayward wpman. 4;30 Weifft Radio Program 1 • Old Timer* Meet porlll* • Theater (WKOW): "City of Opportunity," 4-45 Ken Griffin 1 vt Winchell Archer 1 Jamboree L Parson* Guild 5-00 Later Than You Think 8:15! Old n.T.et» Greaiest of Thousands of Greek soldiers |r> R 0 y W Ziramer . . . Bashford 8:30 ' University ' Sones In. 5-30 Hour or St. Francis gvowing While Achilles Jambnre* Ancient Greek legends tell about These the AllWelcome 5-45 Doris Day •rewmg ueiwec,, »,c were^ „ by the fleet to a land-j M e t hodist (WFOW): the Rev, W. 8:45 a hero named Achilles, and how trouble was povVerfulbetween 5-55 News; Phil Reed 1 Farmerscity known! ins place near Troy. That city was B My Friend Paul GtirveJ 6:15 Package o£ New Record* 9:0(1 • The S64 ' 1 Friend his mother tried to save him from as T-ov \ Troian First Irma Wayne Sine 11:15 a. m. .6-30 Most Sold Record! •fojan. or resident ooff ]i the 9:15; Question the capital o faa country counry, and *-s Damoa Runyon • Band •}! ' N'eivs danger of death. 7:00 Vespers tional (WIBA): "Christian Educa- 3:3" ' American • Fiesta Tim* l i l J l J tTll Paris.! ftlll^tin ""•"'•'" by "t hi "-r* — J -strow - - - ,_. wa s TroV was "the prince named su.ried h, Theater' _ • EoS't Montg'rj ? 7:30 Proudly We HallForum 9:45The legend says that the mother V' -^ 8-00 Public ServlceTlnae was given a hard task—i Achilles joined the forces of lior,—a Meeting Place," the Rev. 1 • Silent of Achilles was a sea (roddess To News ' Music for 8:15 Here's to Veterans . Richard L. Snyder. IU.-UO, 1 New? to" decide whrcirgoddess among j Greece. He was the leader of hun• Silent the America.* ' Elmo 3:30 Barber Shop Harmony named Thetis His father was threp should be called most beau- dreds ot men, and pioved sumui 10:15i Clifton utley • Silent • Klwanls Choir i1 Plresi 9:00 Benny Strong three should be called most ioaii 1 • Worthy of • Silent Prince Pelcus.. o • Dance Orel). 9:30 Claude Thornhlll His Hire i goddess 01 in war. 10 '00 Dance Band Parade (to 1.1 > Wishinc to sive everlasting Irfe tiftil. He chose the 1 Some' Roamed Countryside ? Silent NewK Lew Newt: Oscar love, -\phrodite or \ enus. because • News, Contrasts to her infant son, Thetis took him Silent The ancient myths tell us -that Diamond Orch. !I Dumont • Contrasts Silent ' Ghost Lawrence Welle to the River Styx, and dipped him she offered him "the most beau- Troy was too hard to take by diWFOW 11:30 Dance Silent Stories ' Orchestra in ils water. This river ran tiful woman in the world" as a rect attack.- Many of the Greeks II '-45' Orch.; News ]04.9 Meet. .MONDAY around Hades, the land of the wife. • Starred oroirrams are also carried on corresponding FM The most beautiful woman at camped outside its walls, but othA. M. dead, and its waters were supFM channels: WIBA-FM 101.5 M.'WWCF (WIBU) . . 6-.OC TSarlr Risers that-time was Helen, the wife of ers roamed the countryside. posed to have magical powers. Achilles led his men to vanous WtSC-FM . . . 98.1 M. 7:00 News • King Menelaus of Sparta, while ' Covered Heel and Ankle "•05 Yawn Patrol cities and towns which belonged 7-15 NorthjHal! Weather V.'liile holding the child as he visiting the palace of this king (o the Trojans. Months passed, 1-18 Yav/n Patrol 11:55 News Paris fell in love with Helen and sank under wster, the mother cov7:57 North Hall Weather Hams. P. M. and the months mounted into 8:00 News: Clockwatchers 9:30 a.m. — Cathedral Echoes 12:00 Sunday Musical? ered the heel and ankle of one of took her'away to Troy.. years. During a period of nine 8:30 North Hell Weather Greek* Sailed to Troy 1:30 Masterworks Story (WHA1: Gertrude Stillman, organ-] 1:45 his feet with her hand. This was 8-33 Clockwatchers years. Achilles brought about the Music Album That deed angered the Spartans 9:00 Herb Kern • ,, a mistake, because it left a part 1st; "Choral Improvisation o n ) 2-00 Encore capture of 12 Trojan strongholds. WILLIAMSON' FRED 9:15 Ben Ught •j;(10 World Theater subject to injury. While and other Greeks. Several Greek He was hailed as a hero, and it Be'atitudoX« Verrees. COMPLETE COVERAGE 9:30 Dance Band 4:00 Sunday MUslc Hour kings gathered a fleet to sail to 9-55 North Hall weather speaking about a weakness in a 10:15 a. m.—Symphony Scrap- 5-00 London Forum became a widespread opinion that ON ALL GRIDIRON ACTIVITY Troy. They wanted to take re10-00 ilorElns Musical Variety Concert Airs man who otherwise is strong peo. book (WMAQ): Adolph Herseth, 5-30 he held the top place as a warrior io:45 Novelty Shop 5:45 News In Review pie sometimes say that he has 'an venge on the Trojans for "steal- among the men of Greece. Discussion principal trumpet of Chicago Sym11'00 -Willy Lupe FM ONLY ing" Helen. 11-30 Navy Baud 6-01 Dinner Muaicale Achilles heel." phony orchestra. ' T -45 Sacred Heart Program 7-15 Operetta Favorites 9:30 a. m.—Reviewing- Stand 10:30 a. m. — University Band 7:30 P. 31. Sunday N'.eht Concert 12:00 N'ews: Movie Favorites (WGN): "What Will the Japanese (WIBA1: with Coach Ivy William- 8:55 News 12-15 Slocurr. Brothers 9:00 FM Concert Peace Treaty Mean?" son; "Wisconsin's Pride," "Men of 10:sO News (to 11) ]2'30 "Martha Tllton 12:-!5 iloderualres 9:35 a. m.—Invitation to'Learn- Wisconsin," Badger medley. 1 -00 Ames Brothers WHA & WHA-FM DIAL 1310 "Queen (WBBM): Strachey's 12 m.—Sympnonette (WBBM): 1:15 Conaly Graves 970 Kc—SS.T Mccs. 1:30 Tropical Isle Victoria." MONDAY "Enchanted Lake," -"Ride of the 1:45 Roy Boss •A. M. 10 a.m.—Small World (WMAQ): Valkyries. 2 00 Contrasts in MUAIC 7:00 Farm Pronram G. H. Sylvester, English educator. I 3-00 Music to Listen to 12:30 p. m. — Invitation to Mu- 7:30 Band Walton I •! 00 Juke Box Jamboree 5 p. m, — Later Than You Think sic (WBBM): Sibelius festival mu- 7-45 Morning News i 1:15 Claucie Thor-iltlll 7:58 Weather Report DIAL 101.5 \VTOW': Ralph Peterson and sic. i 4:30 Easy Listening 6:0ii Mornlnc Melodies i 5-00 Ken Gnlfir. 9:20 Afield wim Ranger-Mac guest review "Those Guys in Baggy 12:45 p. m. — Joey Tantillo 5 15 Program Prcvue Markets Pants" and "A Time to Go Hoine." (WIBA': "Accordion P o l k a , " 9:50 I 5:30 C'( the Record 9:55 WeatHcr Report; • j! 5-Si Nc-.vi; Musical Menu 26 9:30 p. m. — American Forum "When I Grow Too Old to Dream." 10-00 HomemaKeri Program 7-uO Showcase 10-30 Piano Melodies CVVIB.AJ: ")s'-Universal Military 1 p. m. — Music With the Girls 10-45 8:00 Fuolic Service Tune Views of the News 8-15 University or Wisconsin Band 11-lK) History cf World War II-Eis-jm I ALL THE GAMES. HO.VE Training Necessary;" Rep. Deivey |(\VMAQI: "Anything Goes." 33 30 8:30 Package of Se\v Records Short iR-Mo.), American Legion 1 3- p . m.—Piano ~-"__ P ^ l. a— \ 4>YD 4JFAY. DIRECT FROM y ih. o u s e 111:50 Noon Muslrale 8-45 Twllieht Time 9-00 Sharpen Your Wits (THE PLAYIXC FIELDS. ;ornniander Earl Cocke. Jr (WISC): Erroll Garner and Sidney 12'20 Nc-U'S 43 9-30 Cuy Lombardo 12:30 Farm Prograam. \PL4-Y-By-PLAY BY FRED Footer, guests. 9:55 News • 1:00 Cliaatcr 9 Day 10:00 Dance Bano Parade (GAGE, FORMER BADGER 5:30 p. m.—Wayne Kin? (WIBA': 1-20 Eadlo Almanac '49 12-00 Let's Have Fun Prom 12 til 1. 2-00 N'orthweswra Reviewing Siaad ' "April in Paris," "There's No 2:30 Music You Want [STAR. _ Tomorrow," "That Naughty Waltz," 3:00 American Literature 3:50 Music "Johnson Rag," "Wine, Women, 4:00 Eadlo Journal and Song." 4:15 Inaulrlng Parent THE PACKERS Music or the Musteri 7 p. m.—Mario Lanza (WKOW): 4:30 62 5:30 Here Is Australia LLOW THE GREEK BAYt "Lolita," "Song of S o n g s , " 5:45 NCWS FM ONLY "Strange Music," "The Rosary" [PACKERS EVERY SUNDAY/ 6:01 Organ Melodies . . . Opera Concert (WGN): music 6:30 BEGlMVWG SEPT. 30 WITH* Dinner Muslcale from "Eugen Onegiri," "Don Pas- 7:00 civil Defense ProKi-em We bow t o d a y to old m»o THE PACKERS-BEARS GAME' 79 7:15 Views ot the News quale." "Romeo and Juliet," 7:30 Baseball and the World Series. 1AT 1:25 P. M. Orcan Classics LeGALLIENNE (We'll soon be w o r k i n g o r 8:00 Women A Politics—Mrs. Ralph B. others. Morris 38' doing the wash wich one ear7:30 p. m.—Sunday Night ConNews of Wisconsin cert i WHA-FM): "Gurre-Lieder," 8-50 cocked to the sportcsster's 9:00 FM Concert HIGH SCHOOL 10:50 News ito it) Schocnberg. voice.....) Drama 10:30 p. m.—Kiwanis Concert EVERY FRIDAY OR SATlR-i But Football — ah. now there's2:30 p.m.—Martin Kane (WIBA): i (WISC): Columbus Boys choir. 104 WFOW-FM D4Y yiGHT TUXE IN WIBA^ 102 103 something we can all enjoyaod FM FOR A MADISON HIGH i secret arms plant houses murderw,tch — in the flesh. And it'i SUNDAY Sports SCHOOL GAME. • just hitting stride.. A. M. 's p. ro.—World Theater (WHA): '• 13:25 p, m.—Baseball (WISC): 8:00 Wake Uo 10 Music The p c n n t n t j 8:30 Comic Weekly Moa "Family Reunion." Cubs .at St. Louis. 9:00 St. John's Lutbersn Churca 119 116 TTT waving . . . the 3:30 p. m.—Greatest Story Ever 2 p. m.—Auto Races (WFOW): 9:30 Tons In Pop* gaily colored COACH IVY 10:30 SonRS of our Times Told !WENR): award-winning SB- Sun Prairie events. • chryjtnthe127 LISTEN TO COACH ries begins sixth year. . . raumi . '. . the WILLIAMSON TALK. ABOUT \ 4 p. m._-You Can't Take It With l f o f Children smart, cocky 132 HIS BADGERS EVERY WED133 10 45 a costumes of the -You (WMAQi. rWTRVi- m.—Carnival of Books NESDAY RIGHT AT 7:30. rosy-cheeked • Fv' r,?^,nnP m "The r' <WIBAI: "Hem? Huggins." fff 140 139 EvaH LeGdl icnne m The 1,-1 , ^ ra.__Bobby Benson (WGN): fitlt . . . the grim mention of 136 137 138 the old grads uotil their boys :30 p°°m. - Theater Guild I Preparation for Hallowe'en 152 score ... and then the lightning. TOUCHDOWN TJ? NEW! WIBA): David Niven, Margaret MU;__-II__,„",,.,,. , smile and laugh »nd io»r of Suptr-power, 15 vdtt] •hillips, Nigel Bruce in "This jM/SCe//CmeOUS TIPS gleeful pride—. 160 articling)? ligh', _CO*v* 137 1:30 l). m. — Air Force Hour Woman Business" ., . , Proudly pact »ingl»-unit aid! THURSDAY NIGHTS AT 7:30' Sure, you can get good pictures We Hail iWFOW): Paul Lukas in (WGN>: training jet pilots. SAM. HAYES PRESENTS^ of the playing action, the pass168 167 3:15 P.m.—World News Round166 'The Last Trap" . . . llr. Moto COMMENT -AND PREDIC.t snatchers and the hip-swaying WMAQ): with James Monks as up tWKOW: on new schedule. •wing-backs — but you'll need TIONS FOR THE WEEK. 176 175 Oriental sleuth . . . Family The173 172 some extra-sharp cameras to get ater (WGN): Jeff Chandler, .lane them. We say, let's stay in our WHA and WHA-FM VVyatt in "'The Kiddy Story' 1ST own league and get simple, just370 K[-.—XS.T MCBS. Story." ROUNDY, TOO as-wonderful pictures of.guyi SUNDAY 8 p. m.—Corliss Archer (WKOW): 9:00 Dcvoclonnl Music "Super-Royal" , and gals in the stadium around 1 EVERY FRIDAY A:/GHT LIS9:30 CiUhedrfU Eclioes 'quiet evening at home' falls VERTICALyou. of the c'xcitement.' the HORIZONTAL .,,.,. : 9:s5 News TEN FOR ROVNDY COUGH-' apart. ' a11 |io:00 Education for Woraec—Harold cheers and the overall fun! LIN'S COMMENTARY AND 58 Make Into 1 A short 118 Pacific 122 Iniecti 11:30 p.m.—Ghost Story (WISC):| Taylor^ ,„„„,,,„_ 1 Overspread ~" 61 Ascribed i n rr law sentence Island Roe, FORECASTS, AT 9:45. 'The: Vanishing Man.'' • » . - - —• —• Yep, you can have fun with 6 Repetition / 65 Paradise (pi.) 123 Oo'dQers heorfbond o"d Jo" Conduction Devic«l screw pine 60 American 2 Faroe 1 your pictures after the game.. .Avoi/obie ol Moderate £«frc Coif 10 Part of Pitcher Indian ^67 vlitonarles Islands 121 Behold! (Ishhook So, like all occasions where fan's. windstorm 126 To gather 61 Bellow 72 Spoken 122 A savo?y 10-DAY RETURN PRIVIIEGI 14 Part ot after a involved — take your camera'. ; 3 Large tub meat jelly 62 Silkworm 73 Pronoun GAME PREVIEWS and reassembles the best parts. This method has proved of great value to us, "since we don t worry how the show is going at the time we do it. \\e can explore many things with bur contestants, and if they don't produce results, we ]unk ttiat. part of it By mistake they junked me one week and the program was voted the best of the yearjjy a number of people. • " 4- "Who are your favorite contestants? We've had 840 contestants on "You Bet \our Life" since we started four years ago and an amazing number of them have been wonderful. One of my own favorites was Mrs. Cordelia Russell, an'Indiana housewife, who talked without stopping for 25 minutes. All I said was: "I give up. Anothei favorite of mine is Harry. MacDermott, an Irish Catholic'maintenance supervisor of a Los Angeles svnazosue A creat man! • sf'-Have any of your contestants ever been mad By GROUCHO MARX I'M 7:15, J:3l), 7:45 8:iO 8 15 8:30 8:45 \>ws "rean Melody JacK Armor Show Cnurcb of Christ Jaottal. Cathedral! Sacred Heart ' 1 1 iTONIGHT!i DAVID NIVEN MARGARET PHILLIPS NIGEL BRUCE Achilles Became Greek Hero THEATRE GUILD r, AIR 7:30 p. m. WIBA J A V U.S. STEEL HOUR Your Fall FOOTBALL ROUNDUP gjWMWOhd WIBA PU}^ WIBA-FM m m fts Severe Loss of HEARING? if rss HEARING AID flower 19 To ntford agreeable satisfaction 20 Alleged electric . force 21 American Indian '22 A tea demigod 24 Musical note 25 Number 26 b ManchurIan port J8 Hivcr island 29 Hawaiian hawk 30 Sea bird 32 Abate 34 Letter 3ij Cruised 3V American Indian f 35 Russian ruler 40 Armed conflict «1 Child for mother 42 Toward 44 To annoy 45 Beverage (PU 46 Stitched 45 Proclamations 51 Large bundhj 58 Look at fixedly 54 Kind ol dy 56 Man's nickname 57 Frer.ch lor summer 59 TO ex.lst 60 Sign o! ZodlAC 74 Chopping tool 75 Remained in horizontal position 77 Preposition 12S „,„, 130 Kind of fish 131 Aloft 133 Heavy EastIndian wood 134 Sun god 135 High the Caucaiui mountain 79 Atmo»phtro x 136 To color 139 To aflluta SO Hawaiian 141 Javanese bird dramatic 81 Withdrawn performance 84 Sloth 144\Measure of icapaclty 86 Man'i nam< 148 sea eagles 57 Inclined 119 Babylonian walks' deity 39 First Jew* 150 Note In ith high Guldo's priest scale 152 Creek letter 90 Chinese 153 Plkeltke fish measure 155 House In 91 Supplants Italy 94 Exclamation 156 Bitter vetch 'of triumph 157 Cupidity 95 Before 159 Brazilian 96 To lessen coin 98 Symbol .for 161 Observes platinum 163 Philippine 99 Firearm (pi.) negrlto 1C4 Word of 102 Symbol for tantalum negation 165 Group of 104 A minute groove tribes In Annam 105 Experiment 166 Measurement 108 Man's of a thing nickname 109 Article 110 Splritedness 113 Symbol for . tin 114 Tierro- del Fuego ' Indian 115 Kiln to dry hops 117 101 (Rom. num.) 119 After awhile 1£0 Exclamation of oaln 121 Card game 169 The wallaba 171 Exclamation of surprise 172 Pertaining to the fjoods 174 Color " 175 Old pronoun 176 Station 178 Compound of oxygen and element 179 Fish (pi.) 180 Part of window frame 181 Rising step 4 Danish weight (pi.) 5 Restore to freshness 6 Impeded progress 7 Genus of evergreens 63 Rural dwelling 64 French for 'and' 65 Wrest fronr person 'by force 66 Station 68 Japanese measure 8 Small child 69 Dispossession 9 Developed of tenant• mentally (Pi.) 70 Unusual 10 Procreate 71 Nahoor sheep 11 Noah's boat 12 River (Sp.) . (Pi.) 74 An alrpl.ine 13 Bemoaned 76 A direction 14 Stem of / 80 Bone plant 81 Former opera 15 Goddess of singer discord 82 Symbol for 16 Depression radon 17 By 83 To draw off 18 Linger utterly 19 Plans 85 Prefix: not 23 Loop with 38 Cooking running knot 27 A direction vessel 89 The alder 31 River of tree (Scot.) Kansas 92 Greek letter 33 New Guinea 93 Month city (abbr.) ' 36 Anger 95 P/Onchdruntc 37 Palrn leaf (slang) • (var.) 97 Part of head 39 To make 99 To spill over resistance 100 Gray with 41 1100 (Rom, age • nunx) 101 State (abbr.) -43 River of 103 Soap plant Asia 104 A thorough45 Small fare (abbr.) particles 105 A weight 47 Kind of (abbr.) beetle 106 Poker stake 49 Fish (var.) 50 Greek 107 Young lady gravestone 111 Symbol for sodium 52 Symbol for 112 Concerning alabamlne 113 Chapter of 53 Body of Koran water i 116 Mountain 55 Group of lakes three (.Released .by..The.Bell Syndicate, Inc.) (Solution on Page 2, Sr.clion 4) 124 Feline 125 Signed Declaration of Independence 1Z7 Contracting muscles 128 Old military engine .129 Entire 132 3.1416 134 Note of seal* 136 Part of ham. mer (pi.) 137 A watercourse 138 Those in power 139 Observe 140 Symbol for ruthenium 142 Early Bronze coin of China 143 Pistol (slang) 145 Chinese pagoda • 146 Girl's name 147 Order of rays 149 Strong saline solution 151 Playing card (pl.) 154 Peruses 157 --- To - - Incite 158 Dreadful 160 Printer's measure 161 Christmas carol 162 Small barracjda 165 1.006 (Rom. num.) 167 Dlceate (med.) 168 The ttltch. bird 170 Turkish tills of reipect 173 60 (Rom. num.) 177 Japaneie Madison Radio Shop Documentary 111:30 p.m. — "Worthy of His [fire" (WIBA): success stories of landicapped workers. Phone 5-0276 Work and Materials Music 26 S Carroll Street. Madison. Wis. Park Hotel Bids.—Dial 5-457J PHONE ANSWERED DAY OR NIGHT Meuer Photoart House 411 William State Meuer 6-1919 ELI EF,.. and jGiUi'ity for rhe UPTURED Non-Skid Spot Pad Trusses • While trusses may be considered a necessary evil, that is no reason wh> you should be resumed to the wearing h e N o P a d Truss will hold you? Hernia, Just like your imser tins. witb. a fratrtion of the uressure of ordinary trusses. , _„_,„ Hernia when treated In ine early aecs can often be cured, and tne pfncatic^ ot this scientifically constructed Truss with the raised Soot Pad helps to hold the Hernia, thus u era Elastic Hosiery, Shoulder Braces, etc. The Prescription Pharmacy 26 5. Carrot! Street, Madison, Wis. Park Hdtcl Bldg., 5-4571 BEFORE BOTH BADGER* AND PACKER GAMES TUNE /V THE SPECIAL GRIDIRON PREVIEW PROGRAMS. SCOREBOARDS •(••"^^•i^^^^^^^™ 9 a.m. — Devotional Music 'WHA): ".Mass in G Minor," Wil- R THE PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY, INC. Z1EGLER Music Shop and School FOR COMPLETE SCORES .fVD HIGHLIGHTS LISTEN TO THE FOOTBALL SCOREBO-tRDS. SATVRDAYS AT 4:30 AND 6:«. SUNDAYS 4FTF.R THE PACKERS GAME. ' _ announces the acquisition of ANDREW LANGUM SPORTS PARADE —student at Royal ConservKtoiy, Leipfig; and/ Stern Conservatory, Berlin, Germany. Also * former faculty member at \Vinona State Teachers College—as instructor on/Violin, Viola and French Horn. other {acuity members: Mr. Jerry Vogt—Trombone and Brass Mrs. Wilnin Ziegler— Beginning Accordion and Piano Mr. Wrm. Alien Daniels—Drum* Mr. Bernard Henderson—Guitar.. ' Mr. Elmer Ziegler—Reed Instruments. Accordion,.Advanced Piano DULY MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY. TVNE TO THE WORTS PARADE AT 5:45 P M. FOR UP-TO-THE-MINUTE SPORTS NEWS, ~ ~ *~ ~ - Andrew Languni Teacher of VIOLIN • \7IOLA FRENCH HOKN ZIEGLER Music Shop and, School 114 STATE STREET (Second Floor) FOR THE BEST IN SPORTS ALWAYS DIAL WIBA DIAL 5-8482 AM or FM
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