The Beezid Success Manual
By Jason Cooper
How to Win at Beezid
Illustrations ......................................................................................................................................v
Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 1
About this Manual ...................................................................................................................... 1
My Journey.............................................................................................................................. 1
What I Came Up With ............................................................................................................. 1
The Only Manual of its Kind .................................................................................................... 1
How to Read this Manual........................................................................................................ 2
Disclaimer........................................................................................................................................ 3
What is Beezid? ............................................................................................................................... 5
Is Beezid for Real? ........................................................................................................................... 7
A Tour of Beezid .............................................................................................................................. 8
Home Page .............................................................................................................................. 8
My Account ............................................................................................................................. 9
Help ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Buy Bids ................................................................................................................................. 11
Beezid Registration ....................................................................................................................... 12
Personal Information ............................................................................................................ 12
Bonus Code ........................................................................................................................... 12
Where to Get a Beezid Bonus Code ...................................................................................... 13
Second Stage ......................................................................................................................... 16
Address, Date of Birth ........................................................................................................... 16
How does Beezid Work? ............................................................................................................... 19
Bidding on Beezid – How it Works ........................................................................................ 19
Getting Started.............................................................................................................................. 21
Close-Down All Applications Except Your Browser............................................................... 21
Keep Away from Internet Intensive Programs ..................................................................... 21
How to Win at Beezid
Use the Correct and Updated Browser as Well as Correct Operating Systems ................... 21
A Note about Beezid’s Lag time ............................................................................................ 22
Understanding the Different Types of Auctions ........................................................................... 23
Beezid Cherry Auction........................................................................................................... 23
Beezid Penny Auction ........................................................................................................... 23
Beezid Reveal Auctions ......................................................................................................... 24
Beezid Thriller Auctions ........................................................................................................ 24
Beezid “Bid For Free’ Bids ..................................................................................................... 25
What Can You Win on Beezid? ..................................................................................................... 26
Can I Win a Car at a Beezid Auction? .................................................................................... 28
How to Buy Bids on Beezid ........................................................................................................... 30
AutoBeezid and Beezid Sniper Explained ..................................................................................... 31
What Is Autobeezid and How Do You Set It Up? .................................................................. 31
How about Beezid Sniper? .................................................................................................... 32
Benefits of Using AutoBeezid and Beezid Sniper .................................................................. 32
Basic Beezid Strategy .................................................................................................................... 33
Waiting Until the Last Second ............................................................................................... 33
Average Selling Price ............................................................................................................. 33
Begin Bidding when there is Little Competition ................................................................... 34
Avoid Bidding against AutoBeezid and Beezid Sniper .......................................................... 34
Mistakes to Avoid ......................................................................................................................... 35
Buying Beezid Bids ................................................................................................................ 35
Never Pay More than the Retail Price for an Item ............................................................... 35
Avoid Bidding against AutoBeezid ........................................................................................ 35
Devote At Least Two Hours to an Auction ............................................................................ 36
Advanced Beezid Strategy ............................................................................................................ 37
Use the AutoBeezid late in an Auction ................................................................................. 37
Use the AutoBeezid Early in an Auction ............................................................................... 37
How to Win at Beezid
Beezid Pro Explained ................................................................................................................. 38
Get Beezid Pro............................................................................................................................... 41
What to Do After Winning a Bid ................................................................................................... 42
How to Win at Beezid
Figure 1: Beezid Home Page ........................................................................................................... 8
Figure 2: Categories Drop Down Menu .......................................................................................... 9
Figure 3: Beezid Navigation ............................................................................................................ 9
Figure 4: Beezid Help Page............................................................................................................ 10
Figure 5: Beezid Registration Page ............................................................................................... 13
Figure 6: Google Search for "Beezid Coupon Code" ..................................................................... 14
Figure 7: Retailmenot.com Home Page ........................................................................................ 15
Figure 8: Beezid Registration with Bonus Code Validated ........................................................... 15
Figure 9: Second Stage of Registration ......................................................................................... 17
Figure 10: Final Stage of Registration ........................................................................................... 18
Figure 11: An Auction.................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 12: Sample Penny Auctions ............................................................................................... 23
Figure 13: Sample Cherry & Thriller Auction ................................................................................ 24
Figure 14: Sample Bid For Free Auction........................................................................................ 25
Figure 15: Auction Navigation at the Bottom of Beezid Home Page ........................................... 25
Figure 16: Waiting Till One Second ............................................................................................... 33
Figure 17: Avg. Selling Price for an Apple iPad Auction as Analyzed in Beezid Pro ...................... 34
Figure 18: Beezid Pro Navigation .................................................................................................. 39
Figure 19: Beezid Pro Analysis of an Apple iPad Auction ............................................................. 39
How to Win at Beezid
How to Win at Beezid
Thank you for purchasing this Beezid manual. I guarantee that it will prove to be one of the
wisest decisions of your life. It will prove invaluable to improving your winnings on Beezid. The
advice, topics, tips and strategies contained in this manual have taken hundreds of hours to
gather and compile.
About this Manual
My Journey
When I first stumbled on the Beezid website, I was amazed to see people walking away with
highly valuable items for mere pennies. Initially, I could hardly win a thing on Beezid; I have
burnt my fingers more than few times. However, after endless months of studying the inner
workings of the website, I finally came up with a way to win … almost every time. I researched
widely including reading up on advanced game theory books, on which the Beezid site and
other similar entertainment auction sites are based.
What I Came Up With
After months of intense research, I came up with a raft of strategies which guarantee long term
success for anyone, even complete auction site novices. I also developed a nifty little tool
known as Beezid Pro which helps implement the strategies set forth in later chapters of this
The Only Manual of its Kind
This manual is the first of its kind. No manual currently exists that reveals the inner workings of
Beezid and provides you with real strategies to use to beat Beezid. Furthermore, Beezid Pro is
the only software tool that can implement the winning strategies contained in this book. It is
the only tool that literally accords you access to information held only by Beezid employees.
After acquiring this manual, you are entitled to free updates for life. Anytime, there is an
update, you will be able to download the new version at no additional cost to you.
How to Win at Beezid
How to Read this Manual
Regardless of your Beezid skill level, I recommend you read the entire manual from beginning
to end. You may find that the first couple of chapters contain stuff you already know but don’t
skip them because in later chapters, I make reference to content in earlier chapters.
Furthermore, I have found that most people rarely take the time to understand how Beezid
functions and usually get surprised to find there was something they didn’t know despite being
“seasoned” bidders.
Once more, I thank for taking the time to read this manual. Hope you enjoy!
Jason Cooper
How to Win at Beezid
Before we get into the important stuff, I have to dispense with a few legal matters. This is
nothing serious so don’t panic. As you well know, the world can sometimes be a really
twisted place so I just need to protect myself from stuff that I shouldn’t be held responsible for
because, frankly, it is out of my control. So without further ado…
Any examples of winning are merely illustrations and examples of what you could possibly win
using Beezid.com and the International equivalents. There is no assurance that you will do as
well. If you rely upon my Beezid advice, you must also accept the risk that you may not do as
well on Beezid.
Any and all auction outcomes discussed about Beezid and its products are not to be considered
average outcomes. There can be no assurance that prior success on Beezid can be used as an
indication of future success.
Beezid auctions are based on many factors. I have no way of knowing how well you will do
because I don’t know your knowledge or background. Similarly, I cannot predict the actions of
other participants in any auction you choose to enter on Beezid.
Beezid relies on having losers in every auction for the success of their business. Therefore, I do
not and cannot guarantee that you will win every auction you participate in. In fact, I cannot
guarantee you’ll win a single Beezid auction.
If you rely upon my auction outcomes and advice, you must accept the risk of not doing as well.
You agree that I am not responsible in any capacity for your success or failure using Beezid and
any related sites.
Neither I nor anyone involved in Beezid Pro or the creation and release of products associated
with Beezid Pro are related or affiliated with Beezid in any way. I am merely a scholar of their
business model and a participant in their auctions.
How to Win at Beezid
Finally, all contents of the “How to Win at Beezid” manual and BeezidPro.com are copyrighted.
No version of this manual or any other version may be reprinted or reused without expressed,
written consent.
How to Win at Beezid
What is Beezid?
A few years ago, a whole new Internet buzz began. The buzz was online penny auction sites.
These sites do not operate like the traditional auction sites you and I know of such as eBay
where, you place bids as many times as you want to, and the bidder with the highest bid at the
end of the auction, walks away with the item for that final bid amount. All this changed when
sites like Beezid came onto the scene. The following are the basics of Entertainment shopping
auctions such as Beezid:
You begin by registering on the shopping auction site. Registration is usually a two-step
process where you input your details and then confirm your email address. The
registration process is usually free and in the case of the example we are using, you can
register directly from Facebook Connect.
After registration, you load your account with bids. Beezid refers to them as Bidpacks
and they come in packs of 30, 50, 100, 200, 350 & 500. The cost of the bids ranges from
$0.60 to $0.90 per bid.
Once you have registered and purchased bid packs you then bid on the product of your
choice. Usually each bid increases the final cost of the product by a given amount. Most
sites set this at between 1 cent and 15 cents per bid placed. Beezid increases the cost of
each bid by a penny hence the name, “penny auctions”. Every time you place a bid, you
lose one pre-purchased bid – automatically deducted from your account.
Each auction has a countdown timer and each time a new bid is placed, the countdown
timer resets. Beezid’s countdown timer resets by 20 seconds. When the countdown
timer runs out without someone having placed a bid, the last person to bid wins the
auction and walks away with the product, usually at a massive discount to its retail
value. The winning bidder pays for the product and it is shipped to their home or office.
The losing bidders lose the money they spent in placing bids.
In addition to the normal auctions, Beezid also provides special auctions which do not operate
in a typical manner. For example, Beezid offers a special auction known as a reveal auction.
Reveal auctions work on a descending price scale and include the option to buy the item once
the price reaches a predetermined low. Unlike penny auctions, the price of an item is initially
hidden. Instead of bidding, interested buyers click on a “reveal” button to reveal the price of
the product. Each click costs a single bid. Once the price reaches the predetermined amount, a
How to Win at Beezid
“buy now” button appears which allows anyone to end the auction by buying the item at that
price. If no one does this, the price will continue decreasing until zero and the last person to
click on the “reveal” button wins the auction.
How to Win at Beezid
Is Beezid for Real?
When you search for Beezid on a search engine, one of the results you will invariably get are
websites and articles in response to this question. This chapter attempts to put your fears to
The main DIFFERENCE between Beezid and eBay is that Beezid auctions their own stuff. They
are unlike eBay where third parties sell their goods. Most of the items sold on Beezid include
electronic and electrical gadgets. At Beezid, you will find game consoles, digital cameras, High
Density televisions, kitchen appliances, lawn mowers and much more.
In order to bid at a Beezid auction, you have to pay. Payment is made by purchasing a bid pack.
Bid packs are sold in packs of 30, 50, 100, 200, 350 and 500. The cost of each bid ranges from
$0.6 to $0.9. At Beezid, one can purchase an item at almost 60% or less, off the retail price. This
is the issue that whistleblowers on the Internet have with Beezid. They simply cannot
understand how it is possible for you to acquire an item at about 50% less than the retail price.
How, one might be tempted to ask, does Beezid survive at such ridiculous prices? For example,
at the time of writing this chapter, a quick scan of the Beezid website revealed that some lucky
dude had just won a blue Ray DVD valued at $34.95 for a mere $0 .35. Situations such as these
lead the skeptics to declare that Beezid and similar websites are scams. However one must
understand the science… and math behind Beezid. For each item that is won at an auction,
there are usually hundreds if not thousands of bids. Thus, let us take the example of the Blu-Ray
DVD. In this particular case, this was a penny auction meaning that the price per bid went up by
$ 0.01. Therefore, a final auction price of the $0.35 translates to 35 bids. At an average cost per
bid of $0.8, it means that Beezid ended up making $28 for this product. Nobody knows the
profit margin for this item at a retail price equivalent to $34.95. Therefore, even if Beezid lost, it
was likely a very small loss. This is just one example and note that there are numerous items on
sale at Beezid that make a huge profit when you take into account the number of bids and the
cost of the bid. In fact, over all, they actually end up making a decent profit cumulatively.
Therefore, before you run off and begin screaming “scam”, you need to take a closer look at the
math. This is a legitimate business and numerous people have acquired excellent items at a
great bargain.
How to Win at Beezid
A Tour of Beezid
The Beezid website is divided into four main sections: Home, My Account, Help and Buy Bids.
Home Page
The HOME PAGE is where you will normally start your buying experience at Beezid. This is also
where you will get to see, among other things, the number of bids that you have left. The Home
Page also has a link which you can click on if you wish to learn about the best bidding strategies
as told by Beezid. You can also see which auctions you have been watching plus you can find
out the latest Beezid news which will be posted here from time to time.
Figure 1: Beezid Home Page
How to Win at Beezid
Figure 2: Categories Drop Down Menu
My Account
The MY ACCOUNT tab on the Beezid Home Page provides a snapshot view of not just your
account but about some other very useful information as well. You can click on the MY
ACCOUNT tab to find out about your auctions including every auction that you have showed an
interest in, your autoBeezids, your reminders, watch lists and the bids that you have won. This
is also where you can set your auction limits.
Figure 3: Beezid Navigation
The MY ACCOUNT page provides information about your buy bids, bid account, bid history and
your bonus offers. It is also where you get to invite friends to take part in Beezid online auction
shopping. The MY ACCOUNT page also holds your inbox, your personal information, address
How to Win at Beezid
and this is where you get to change your password, if desired. You will also get to see the
Beezid newsletter here and of course, should you wish to close your account, then this is the
place to do so.
If at any stage of your Beezid shopping you find yourself becoming lost or if you need some
help, then simply click on the tab marked “HELP”. The HELP Page shows you what Beezid really
is and how it works. This page also contains valuable information that will help you to get
started. If you also wish to learn how much a bid costs, then this is the place where you can find
the answer.
Figure 4: Beezid Help Page
The HELP Page also contains FAQs and information related to Bidding as well as Auctions,
shipping and delivery, as well as returns and warranties information. You can use this page to
check your account and learn about features and functions. Simply click one of any of the links
on this page to find out more about something that you are interested in such as different
payment methods and security as well as protection and prevention tips and much more.
How to Win at Beezid
Buy Bids
Clicking on the BUY BIDS tab will take you to a new page where you can select from a variety of
BID PACKS that each contains various numbers of bids that cost different sums of money. After
purchasing a BID PACK, you can then start using Beezid. If you like, you can even customize your
BID PACK so that you end up purchasing an exact number of bids to suit your needs.
How to Win at Beezid
Beezid Registration
In order to start the registration process, simply click one of many REGISTER links that are
spread across the Beezid Home Page.
It is also possible to complete registration through your Facebook account. This is a quicker and
easier way of completing the registration process as all your information from Facebook will
automatically be populated to the Beezid registration fields.
Personal Information
To register, first of all, you must provide your first name and last name. Next, enter your email
address and confirm it once more. This email address is used to help validate your identity and
to complete the first stage of the registration process.
Bonus Codes
You will also want to enter a bonus code (which I am about to provide for you). This bonus
code can be validated with the help of a Validate button which you will need to click. The next
step is to enter a code (not case sensitive.) Be sure to fill out all the information requested
including those fields that are marked with an asterisk that show that a field is mandatory.
How to Win at Beezid
Figure 5: Beezid Registration Page
Beezid Bonus Codes (and where to get MORE codes)
At this point you must be asking yourself where you can get a bonus code and maybe even
wondering what a bonus code is in the first place. Well, bonus codes consist of letters and/or
numbers used to identify an offer associated with a coupon. Beezid has numerous coupon
codes that are distributed to various sites on the Internet. They act as a means to attract new
members to register on their site. However, unless you landed on the Beezid site from another
site that was distributing discount coupons; you are not likely to have a bonus code.
Bonus codes are advantageous because, they can save you a considerable amount. The
following are some of the coupon codes available (updated as of last publishing):
FIRST - Ten free bids
DEAL - Free shipping for you first auction win
SHOP - 100% additional bonus bids
JULY - Double Up on Your Next Bid Pack Purchase
How to Win at Beezid
DISHTV - 100% Extra in Bonus Bids
HONEY - Up to $100 Off 1st Auction Win
TWITTER - 50% Extra in Bonus Bids
HAPPY - 100% Extra in Bonus Bids (again)
Luckily, it is possible to find even more of these bonus codes at the various sites on the Internet
where they are offered. You can Google “Beezid Coupon Code” and get the results as shown in
the next screen shot.
Figure 6: Google Search for "Beezid Coupon Code"
The first site listed, Retailmenot.com, is an excellent source of Beezid coupon codes. Unlike
many coupon code sites, the coupon codes provided by this site are valid and they do not try to
make you sign up for other stuff or click on links before they give you the code. To get a bonus
code, go to the retailmenot home page and search for Beezid in the search bar at the top. The
search results will be displayed as shown in the next screen shot. Look for an active coupon of
your choice and “click to copy” the code to your computer’s clipboard.
How to Win at Beezid
Figure 7: Retailmenot.com Home Page
Next, go back to the Beezid registration page and paste the code in the “bonus code” field as
shown below.
Figure 8: Beezid Registration with Bonus Code Validated
How to Win at Beezid
Click the “Validate” button to authenticate the bonus code. Some text in “red” should appear
below the bonus code indicating the type of coupon you have selected. Click “Next” to continue
to the next stage of the registration process.
Second Stage
Having entered all of this information, you can then click on a button marked NEXT. This will
take you to the second stage of the registration process. In the second stage, you will need to
provide your personal information. This includes your gender. Your first name and address have
already been entered and so there will not be any need to repeat this information.
Address, Date of Birth
You must however provide your date of birth. Further, unless you are AT LEAST eighteen years
of age, you will not be able to register at Beezid. Next, enter your address by filling out your
street address, which is used to bill you and ship your winnings. Be sure to enter this
information accurately. You will also need to enter your city and country of origin as well as
your state and zip postal code.
Finally, provide a telephone number which Beezid will use in case they have to contact you.
Your email has already been entered; so, again there is no need to re-enter this information.
Beezid also requires that you provide a username which will be visible to others that are using
the site. Finally, enter a password and then retype it to confirm that you have indeed entered
the right password.
How to Win at Beezid
Figure 9: Second Stage of Registration
The password should NOT BE LESS THAN 6 CHARACTERS in length and it must not be your email
address or even your username. It must include at least one letter, a single number and you can
also use special characters. Beezid recommends changing your password regularly to ensure
that nobody finds out what it really is. Be sure to choose a password that is easy to remember.
All that remains now is to enter a bonus code (if you had not already done as described in the
Where to Get a Beezid Bonus Code section) and tell Beezid how you heard about them. Once
this information is fed in, you must tick that you have read, understood and accepted the
How to Win at Beezid
Beezid terms and conditions, and the privacy policy. You can also choose to sign up for the
Beezid newsletter. Now, click NEXT and you are done – well, almost. You must take one more
step before registration is complete and that is to click on a link on a confirmation email that
will be sent to your email address.
Figure 10: Final Stage of Registration
How to Win at Beezid
How does Beezid Work?
Bidding on Beezid – How it Works
Bidding on Beezid is a fairly simple and straightforward process. To begin with, purchase a bid
pack. Bid packs come in bundles of 30, 50, 100, 200, 350 and 500. Once you purchase a bid
pack, you are ready to begin bidding on Beezid.
To place a bid, identify an item you are interested in from the penny auctions. There are
numerous items listed on offer so take your time to identify an item and then click on “place
bid”. You will only be able to place a bid at a penny above the current bid. Thus, if an item has a
bid of $18.50, you can only place a bid of $18.51. You can ONLY place a bid on an item whose
countdown has begun and you are free to place AS MANY bids as you wish. However, every bid
you place costs you $0.7. If you are the highest bidder by the time the clock winds down to
zero, then you win the auction. The countdown timer resets to 10, 20, 30 or 45 seconds
(depending on auction) if a new bid is placed just before it counts down to zero. Thus, an
auction can be perpetually continued so long as bidders keep placing bids.
Figure 11: An Auction
How to Win at Beezid
The implication is that you should be very watchful towards the end of the countdown timer. If
you are really interested in the item, then you must vigilant enough to make sure you outlast all
other bidders in placing bids. Luckily, Beezid has created two automated programs to make
bidding on Beezid easier. The first is known as AutoBeezid. Basically, it bids on your behalf. You
simply select the auction you would like to bid on, click on the title of the auction to access the
details and then activate AutoBeezid from the box on the right hand side. You then choose the
amount of bids you would like to place, the minimum being two, select a price range and then
submit by clicking the “Book” button.
The other tool is known as the Sniper. What this does is to act as a safety measure just in case
the price range you have set your Autobeezid to bid within doesn't get there. Sniper lets you to
set a number of last second bids ensuring that you do not miss out on the product that you set
your Autobeezid for in case your price range is never achieved.
In addition to bidding on Beezid through penny auctions, you can also participate in Cherry as
well as Reveal auctions. Cherry auctions are for first timers only and you get to bid against other
first timers. Bidders who have previously won auctions are not allowed to participate in Cherry
auctions. In a reveal auction, the auction begins with the price of the item hidden. Bidders get
to click on a “reveal” button to reveal the price of the item. Each click costs one bid and reduces
the price of the item. As more and more bidders click to reveal, the price eventually falls and a
“Buy Now” button appears which essentially allows any bidder to opt to buy the item at that
price. If no one opts to buy at this price, the price eventually falls to zero and the last person to
click the reveal button becomes the winning bidder.
How to Win at Beezid
Getting Started
This chapter provides you with useful tips to improve your Beezid experience.
You will notice with your first few auctions that sometimes when you visit the Beezid site, the
bid timer occasionally lags. You have probably suspected that this could be a way Beezid
owners keep you from winning as many bids as you would like. However, the truth of the
matter is that such lags are usually as a result of software and hardware issues brought on by
the fact that the Beezid website is a highly ingenious piece of programming technology. In a
good number of time lag cases, older software and equipment simply may not be able to keep
Close-Down All Applications Except Your Browser
For Beezid to run smoothly, close down all the applications on your computer except your
browser and other absolutely necessary applications. Resource intensive programs such as
iTunes, Windows media center, Photoshop and even email programs such as Outlook hog
random access memory (RAM). Running these programs at the same time you are bidding on
Beezid will dampen your experience.
Keep Away from Internet Intensive Programs
Avoid opening numerous tabs on your browser as this would have the same effect. If possible,
focus on the job at hand which is bidding and resume other activities after you are done with
Beezid. Internet intensive programs include applications such as Windows Live Messenger,
GTalk, Skype, Torrents, Video streaming programs and websites. Avoid these programs while
bidding on Beezid. If your computer is set to run these programs at start up, make sure you
close down the programs from the system tray.
Use the Correct and Updated Browser as Well as Correct Operating Systems
Using an old and outdated browser or an operating system that has not been tested on Beezid
will lead to an adverse user experience. For optimum results, use the following browsers:
Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher
How to Win at Beezid
Firefox 2.0 or higher
Safari 2.0 or higher
Opera 8.0 or higher
The following operating systems have been tested for Beezid and are recommended:
Microsoft Windows Vista / Windows XP / Windows 2000
Mac OS X 10.3 or higher
Furthermore, it is recommended that you use a 512k DSL Internet connection or faster for
optimal bidding experience.
A Note about Beezid’s Lag time
On a number of occasions, Beezid users report a lag time in the auction clock. It appears as
though the clock paused at a particular time and then suddenly resumed at a lower time, say 3
seconds. This lag is annoying and the guys at Beezid try their best to prevent such occurrences.
However, even the best techies cannot provide a 100% guarantee that it will not happen. This is
because the goings-on behind the scenes are highly complicated. Consider this, within a
fraction of a second, Beezid has to process your bid, calculate new totals and auction times and
send this information to multiple users. Web programming doesn’t get more complicated than
this. The best way to avoid losing due to this lag is to use automated tools such as Beezid
Sniper. Beezid Pro helps you use Beezid Sniper effectively and avoid instances where you loose
out on bids due to lag times.
How to Win at Beezid
Understanding the Different Types of Auctions
There are many different kinds of Beezid auctions. Each auction type has different rules and has
its own advantages or disadvantages. It is clear to me that most people do not quite understand
how each auction type works despite detailed explanation on the Beezid help page. The
following is an analysis of how each type of Beezid auction works.
Beezid Cherry Auction
Cherry auctions are the only available to Beezid users who are new and are yet to win any
auction. They are also the only auction type where FREE BEEZID BIDS can be used. The
competition at Cherry auctions is typically less fierce due to the inexperience of new users. If
you are a new user on Beezid and you make use of Beezid Pro, you can capitalize on this
inexperience and win yourself a fantastic item at an unbelievable cost.
Beezid Penny Auction
The name says it all; in penny auctions, the price of the item increases by one penny ($0.01) per
bid. Penny auctions are used for highly valued items such as Game consoles, Digital cameras
and TV’s. Beezid makes most of its money from penny auctions.
Figure 12: Sample Penny Auctions
How to Win at Beezid
Beezid Reveal Auctions
Reveal auctions work on a reducing price scale and allow the option to buy an item once it hits
its sweet spot. Unlike penny auctions, no timers are in place. The price of the item is concealed
behind the “Reveal” button. The price usually starts at a discount of 10-40% off the retail price.
When you click the “Reveal” button to see the price, it costs you one bid and the price drops by
a predetermined amount, in most cases 20 cents. The new price is revealed to you for a
maximum of five seconds. Once the price gets to its selling range, a “Buy Now” button will
appear and you have the option to purchase the item at that price for five seconds.
Alternatively, you can wait for the price to be driven down further. The price will eventually
drop if no one chooses to buy the item at its selling price range. Once the price hits zero, the
first person to select the “Buy it Now” feature wins the auction and the item is sold to the last
bidder at the last price revealed by the bidder.
Beezid Thriller Auctions
This Beezid auction will literally keep you glued to the screen and on edge. In this type of
auction, no one is allowed to use any Autobeezids. You have to place bids one at a time and
keep watching for what everyone does. Thus, without the superior intelligence provided by an
application like Beezid Pro, bidding on Thriller auctions can feel like you are groping about in
the dark.
Figure 13: Sample Cherry & Thriller Auction
How to Win at Beezid
Beezid “Bid For Free’ Bids
These are rare and are only available to users who have purchased a Bid Pack. Bids placed on
Beezid “Bid for Free” bids are free so your bid balance is not affected each time you bid on the
item. You are not allowed to use Autobeezids on “Bid for Free’ Beezid auctions. Furthermore,
once you win such an auction, you are allowed 7 days to claim it before it expires.
Figure 14: Sample Bid For Free Auction
Figure 15: Auction Navigation at the Bottom of Beezid Home Page
How to Win at Beezid
What Can You Win on Beezid?
This is a common question with many people who are new to Beezid. The question is usually
asked with a lot of skepticism as most people have not quite come to understand how exactly
they can win at Beezid. To find what you can win at Beezid, you need to navigate to the list of
categories on the Beezid page. Specifically, at the top right corner, just below the main
navigation. When you click on “categories”, a drop down menu with a list of live auction
categories is revealed. As at the time of writing of this chapter, a quite scan under each
category revealed the following items could be won in ongoing bids.
Car & Navigation
Cobra Voice Alert 15-Band Radar-Laser Detector and GPS
TomTom - XXL 540S GPS
Computers & Accessories
Apple iPad 16 GB
LaCie 500 GB Portable External Hard Drive
Games & Consoles
Nintendo DSi XL
Wii Fit with Wii Balance Board Nintendo Wii
Sniper: Ghost Warrior (Xbox 360)
Xbox 360 250GB Elite Console Slim
Red Dead Redemption (PS3/Xbox360)
Wii with Wii Sports Resort (Black)
Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii)
PlayStation 3 Slim (120GB)
Home & Garden
LED Shower Light:
Remote Controlled Rolling Beverage Cooler
Cocktail Chemistry Set
Retro Cotton Candy Maker
Sterling Import 7-Piece Wine Set
How to Win at Beezid
Homedics Extendable Percussion Massager
Kenmore 5,000 BTU Single Room Air Conditioner
Grand Trunk Skeeter Beeter Pro Hammock
McCulloch Electric Pressure Washer
Weed Eater 26" Riding Lawn Mower
Pure Fun 8-Foot Trampoline and Enclosure Set
Bradley Digital 4-Rack Smoker
MSpa Portable Inflatable Bubble Spa
Pool Jam Waterproof iPod Ready Wireless Speaker Set
HiFi Works 6.5-Inch Rock Speakers (Pair)
Black & Decker 18” Corded Electric Lawn Mower
Kids & Games
Disney Princess Girls' 16" Bike
Poker Go-Kart Ride-On Cars Pedal Operated
NASCAR Hammer Down 20" Children's BMX
Laptops & Notebooks
Acer Aspire 10.1 Black Netbook
Metallic Lighter Secret Agent Spycam
MP3 Players & Audio
Bose On-Ear Headphones
Skullcandy - Snoop Dogg Skullcrusher Headphones – Black
Sony BRAVIA 5.1-Channel Theater System
Apple iPod touch 32GB* MP3 Player - Black
Photography & Video
Digital Blue LEGO 3MP Digital Camera
8GB Spy Camera Pen - Camcorder DVR Recorder
Liquid Image 3.1MP Digital Camera Underwater Mask
TV & Video
How to Win at Beezid
Sharp AQUOS Quattron 40" LED HDTV
Sony BRAVIA EX 500 Series 46" LCD TV
Vouchers & Bid Packs
Beezid Bid Pack- 30 Bids
$100 Visa Gift Card
$100 Walmart Gift Card
$50 Mastercard Gift Card
$100 American Express Gift Card
Clearly there are many different products which you can win at Beezid. Thus far, the question of
what you can win at Beezid has been sufficiently answered. What remains is getting to know
how to win at Beezid, which is a different matter altogether.
Can I Win a Car at a Beezid Auction?
Beezid auctions are interesting places to be. They offer a once in a lifetime opportunity to
acquire high value items – priceless goods, for a song. Take for instance, winning a car. If you
never thought it possible, well, think again. Beezid auctions continue to surprise, delight and
confound many. Recently, they have gotten into the habit of posting a magnificent automobile
at the Beezid reveal auction every few months. Most recently, they posted a brand-new Ford
Mustang for-sale. A dream car for most people, this car was a hot red in color and anyone who
landed on their site could not help but want to participate in the auction. Imagine winning such
a machine at a Beezid auction for the price of a few dollars. Well, someone did and you can
To begin with, you must make sure that your account has adequate bids. You can get more bids
by winning bid packs in a big free auction or you can just navigate to the “buy more bids”
section of the website. Once you have adequate bids in your account, you are ready to begin
bidding. High value items such as cars are normally sold off in a Beezid “reveal” auction.
“Reveal” Beezid auctions are not like “penny” auctions in that the price reduces instead of
increasing. In this Beezid auction, the price is hidden from the view of the bidder. To see the
price, the bidder must click on the "reveal” button. This reveals the price of the item for a few
How to Win at Beezid
short seconds. If the asking price of the item has been reached, then the bidder is given the
option to purchase the item at that price. Should the bidder opt to purchase the car at this
price, then the Beezid auction end and the bidder is requested to make full payment.
You need to decide how much you want to spend on a new car. Once you set such a budget,
this is the maximum amount you should spend on your bids, use Beezid Pro. Beezid Pro will
help you find out, who has participated in similar Beezid auction in the past and how past
auctions performed. With this information, you are ready to begin. Do not be too eager to be
the first to bid. In fact, make your bids a maximum of four in a day. Once the Beezid auction
price of the car reaches the price you are willing to buy the car at, click the "buy now" button.
Navigate to the "my wins" section and claim your car. Drive off in style. That is how to win a car
at a Beezid auction
How to Win at Beezid
How to Buy Bids on Beezid
Buying bids on Beezid is simple and easy. The first step in the process is to register or log in at
the site. Next, look for the “Buy Bids” tab. Clicking on this tab will take you to a page where you
can pick from a variety of Bid Packs.
Each Bid Pack is different and their costs will also vary. You may, for example, want to buy a Bid
Pack for US $ 27. This will allow you to use 30 bids while for US$ 300 you can buy a Bid Pack
containing 500 bids. It is up to you to decide which Bid Pack is best for your needs. By
customizing your Bid Pack, you can also purchase an exact number of bids.
After selecting a particular Bid Pack, click the “BUY” button to complete your purchase. To pay
for the Bid Pack, use one of several different payment options. These options include paying
through debit or credit card including VISA, MasterCard, DISCOVER and even AMERICAN
EXPRESS. Beezid also accepts payments via PayPal which is the best way to buy bids as
explained in the “Mistakes to Avoid” Section.
To pay with a credit card, you will have to furnish certain particulars including your Credit Card
Number, Security Code, and Expiration Date. Next, provide your billing/shipping information
which includes your first and last name, company name (optional) and street address as well as
city and country. It is also necessary to provide the name of the state in which you reside as
well as a postal code and a contact phone number.
Beezid uses this information to send your order to the correct address and in the shortest
possible time as well. To protect the bidder’s interests, Beezid ships the order to the exact
billing address as provided by the bidder.
Be sure to use your bonus offers, if you have any available. All prices at Beezid will be displayed
in US dollars and these prices relate to the End Price, Delivery Price, Discount and the Total
How to Win at Beezid
AutoBeezid and Beezid Sniper Explained
AutoBeezid and Beezid Sniper are usually the most confusing part of Beezid to the new user.
Even relatively experienced users still have a problem understanding exactly how these two
operate. In this chapter, I attempt to demystify these two powerful tools and explain in
straightforward language how to use them to your maximum advantage.
What Is Autobeezid and How Do You Set It Up?
Think of AutoBeezid as your butler. In a nutshell, AutoBeezid bids on your behalf. However, it
goes further than that by allowing you to set the price range at which you want to place bids.
Let’s take the following example:
Item: Apple iPad 16 GB up for sale.
Assume you decide you want to buy the item at a price of between $30 and $40
Activate AutoBeezid and set the minimum ($30) and maximum price ($40) you are
willing to pay. Just click on the auction title to navigate to the details and then look for
the AutoBeezid box on the right of your screen
The difference in your minimum and maximum prices has to be at least one dollar
Set the number of bids you want to use within your price range e.g. 25. You can apply as
many bids as you like.
The effect of the above will be:
Once the auction hits your minimum price range of $30, AutoBeezid will outbid any
bidder to ensure you are always the highest bidder. Being a penny auction, AutoBeezid
will outbid the most recent bidder by a penny
So long as you remain the highest bidder, AutoBeezid will not attempt to bid again
Provided you have loaded AutoBeezid with enough bids, there is a very good chance
that you could win the auction at the price range you have set
If the item hits your maximum price of $40, AutoBeezid will stop bidding and you will
have to reset it or abandon the auction if you feel you are unwilling to pay a higher price
How to Win at Beezid
How about Beezid Sniper?
Beezid Sniper complements AutoBeezid in the sense that the auction may end before hitting
your AutoBeezid price ranges. This would mean you loose out. However, when enabled, the
Beezid Sniper works as follows:
It waits until the final second of an ending auction and places a single bid to prevent that
auction from ending
The effect of prolonging the timer ensures you win the auction or the auction hits the
minimum AutoBeezid price in which Autobeezid will take over the bidding
AutoBeezid allows you to set aside a maximum of 20 bids in your Beezid Sniper account
If the auction price hits your AutoBeezid price range, you can no longer use the Beezid
Benefits of Using AutoBeezid and Beezid Sniper
Apart from the obvious benefit or being able to bid while not physically staring at the Beezid
website, the other major advantage is the “server side” effect. When bidding manually, there is
always the risk of lag time due to hardware and/or software not being able to keep up as
mentioned in the “Getting Started” chapter. Using AutoBeezid and Beezid Sniper ELIMINATES
lag time completely because these tools are hosted on the same server as the Beezid website.
When AutoBeezid or Sniper places a bid, there is no delay, the bid is placed instantly. The secret
to using AutoBeezid and Beezid Sniper effectively is to combine them with the intelligence of
Beezid Pro. With Beezid Pro, you will avoid setting your Autobeezid price range unreasonably
high and in the process waste 20 Beezid Sniper bids. At the end of the day when you combine
the market intelligence of Beezid Pro with AutoBeezid and Beezid Sniper you will easily
outsmart your opponents and we haven’t even gotten to advanced strategies yet!
How to Win at Beezid
Basic Beezid Strategy
Learning how to bid on Beezid demands that you learn some basic strategies before you begin.
Mastering these strategies should form an integral part of your basic Beezid strategy.
Waiting Until the Last Second
When bidding on Penny auctions, always wait until the timer has ONE SECOND remaining
before you place your bid. Other bidders will try and do the same but that’s not a problem.
Waiting until the very last second is the best basic Beezid strategy because other bidders will
occasionally bid with even up to 15 seconds remaining. By bidding at the very last possible
second, you ultimately use up FEWER BIDS; the price may increase several times without you
needing to cast a single bid provided the clock does not go below one second. However, the lag
time on the server may prevent you from waiting until the last second in which case you would
have to increase to 2 seconds or three seconds. The point here is that this tactic is more of a
way to prevent spending too much on bidding rather than as a way to win every auction.
Figure 16: Waiting Till One Second
Average Selling Price
In this Beezid strategy, you will have noted the average selling prices of items on Beezid. This
can be a time consuming process thus, the best way to get this information at the click of a
button is to use Beezid Pro. With Beezid Pro you will be able to know the average price that an
Apple IPad has historically been auctioned off at. The actual tab in Beezid Pro is labeled
How to Win at Beezid
“Historic Price Stats” and basically provides you with a good gut feeling as to when the item is
approaching a good time to bid.
Figure 17: Avg. Selling Price for an Apple iPad Auction as Analyzed in Beezid Pro
Begin Bidding when there is Little Competition
This may sound like common sense but you will be surprised how many bidders fail to adhere
to this rule. As a general rule of thumb, you should begin bidding when there are only about 46 BIDDERS remaining in the auction. This Beezid strategy will save you precious bidding dollars.
Combining this tactic with the earlier strategy of getting in when the item hits its average selling
price can greatly enhance your winnings.
Avoid Bidding against AutoBeezid and Beezid Sniper
AutoBeezid and Snipers are great tools for bidders who know how to use them correctly.
However, it is a bad Beezid strategy to be a SINGLE BIDDER bidding against AutoBeezid. If you
realize someone is using AutoBeezid in an auction, you will have to wait it out. You can also use
Beezid Pro to obtain intelligence about that particular bidder and make an educated guess on
what his or her overall strategy may be.
Sticking to these few Beezid strategies religiously can result in a big improvement in your
overall performance; resulting in fewer bids spent and increasing your winning odds.
How to Win at Beezid
Mistakes to Avoid
All too often, new comers jump head long into Beezid without any strategy or game plan and
end up burning their fingers. The following Beezid tips will ensure that you stay safe and avoid
making foolish costly mistakes.
Buying Beezid Bids
At all costs, avoid purchasing Beezid bids using your credit card. ALWAYS use PayPal. This
protects your credit card information and also limits the amount of personal information that
Beezid has on you. Furthermore, always make sure you have sufficient bids before you start
bidding. It would be unfortunate to lose an auction simply because you have run out of bids. On
average you should have at least 75 bids in your account for every auction that you participate
Never Pay More than the Retail Price for an Item
The second Beezid hint is never to pay more than the retail price of an item. Factor in the cost
of bidding when making a computation. The moment the current auction price plus bid spend
gets dangerously close to the retail price of the item, bail! Some people accidentally fail to take
note of the retail price in the excitement of bidding and end up purchasing an item at a price
above the retail price. Then they realize how much they have messed up when it’s too late. It
makes no sense, just go Amazon.com and buy the product if you can’t get it cheaply on Beezid.
Avoid Bidding against AutoBeezid
This cannot be emphasized enough. We will make reference to this point many times in this
manual. When two or more bidders are going at it using AutoBeezid’s, don’t try to beat them
with a manual bid especially when the auction clock is still showing several minutes. The
recommended strategy is to save your bids until there are no more AutoBeezid’s in the auction.
Furthermore, when you do start placing your bids, wait until the very last second and place
your bid then.
How to Win at Beezid
Devote At Least Two Hours to an Auction
The next Beezid tip is make sure that you can spend at least two hours watching and bidding on
an auction. If you happen to be really busy and cannot be able to do this, then DO NOT start
bidding. The Autobeezid IS NOT a substitute for you actually physically watching the auction
take place. AutoBeezid allows you to take a bathroom break and take a night’s rest but at one
time or another you will have to be present at the auction. Most auctions will take over a day,
so two hours isn’t that much when you look at it that way.
Always Use Beezid Pro
The final and most important Beezid tip is, ALWAYS make use of Beezid Pro. Winning at Beezid
is like winning at poker. In poker, you must have to have some way of deciphering your
opponent’s strategies by their facial expressions and body language. With Beezid you don’t
have expressions and body language, what you have is bidder and auction history. Beezid Pro
allows you to tell which auctions to avoid and which to bid and, how to bid.
How to Win at Beezid
Advanced Beezid Strategy
If you have gotten the hang of how Beezid works and have used Autobeezid successfully a
couple of times, then this chapter will prove a real eye opener. The following are some
advanced AutoBeezid bidding strategies which you can use to improve your winnings at Beezid.
Use the AutoBeezid late in an Auction
Currently, this is the most reliable strategy to increase you winning odds at Beezid. The strategy
is best employed in penny auctions and requires a relatively high bid spend; typically 30% of
the retail price of the item. This AutoBeezid bidding strategy operates as follows:
Identify an auction that is approaching its average historical selling price and get your
AutoBeezid to start bidding within a price range at this level
The auction should have as little competition as possible and should not have any other
AutoBeezid bids (at least not just yet)
Make sure you apply enough bids to the AutoBeezid so that you constantly remain the
highest bidder and outbid your other opponents. You should set aside bids worth 30%
of the retail price as mentioned earlier for this endeavor. This may seem high but
overall, you will be acquiring items at 70% off the retail price which is a massive return
The aim of using your AutoBeezid late in an auction is to get in at just the right moment when
other bidders are leaving the auction, thereby improving your chances of success. It can also be
very intimidating to other bidders when they see an AutoBeezid that bids perpetually just when
it looked like the auction may end. You can call it psychological warfare if you like; the point is,
the demoralizing effect on your opponent’s significantly improves your chances of winning.
However, this AutoBeezid bidding strategy can be expensive. Make sure you have the financial
muscle to pull it off before making an attempt.
Use the AutoBeezid Early in an Auction
This AutoBeezid bidding strategy is risky but can reap the most benefits. It is used in penny
auctions and the trick is to overwhelm your competition. In military parlance, this strategy
would probably fall under guerilla warfare tactics. The idea is to ambush other bidders with a
How to Win at Beezid
sudden AutoBeezid early in bidding thereby discouraging other bidders from continuing or
choosing to wait. Here is how it works:
Identify an auction where the countdown timer is nearing zero for the first time
Gauge the competition and make sure no one else is currently using AutoBeezid
Set up your AutoBeezid for the price range needed for your bid spend to be equivalent
to roughly 2% of the retail price
Engage and conquer
This ambush will catch unsuspecting single bidders flat footed. In many cases, early single
bidders are usually new to Beezid and are still learning the ropes. When they see your
AutoBeezid bidding over and over, the natural reaction will be to give up and move on to
another auction.
Beezid Pro Explained
Are there any Beezid secrets you need to know to win? An online penny auction operates on
the basis that for one person to walk away with an item at an incredible bargain, other people
must incur losses through the bidding process. It is much like a poker game, a game of chance
where success is based in a large part to how the other players behave. In an online penny
auction, the other players are the bidders. How long they decide to continue bidding ultimately
determines whether or not you emerge the winner. Thus, with this in mind, it does not sound
plausible for there to be any Beezid secrets for the simple reason that you would have to know
the price point other bidders will exit from the auction. If this were possible, this would be the
only secret and the one that would guarantee success at bidding.
But, wait a minute. Is it impossible to find out when other bidders will exit a bid and at what
price. At face value, it certainly doesn’t sound credible? Let’s go back to our poker game
example. The greatest poker players have either been very good at reading “poker faces” or in
the case of Blackjack, have perfected the time tested method of card counting which casinos
loathe. Thus, in the case of this penny auction site, predicting how other bidders behave is like
being very good at reading a “poker face”. However, since bidding takes place online, you
cannot see your opponents face as he bids. The only information you have at your disposal is
his past and current bidding history. But, it would take you forever to analyze all the bidders
How to Win at Beezid
and make accurate predictions in real time as an auction takes place. Well, the truth is, you
don’t have to. This what Beezid Pro does for you!
Figure 18: Beezid Pro Navigation
Specifically, it provides the following:
Real-Time analytical data on all auctions and all bidders. The effect of this is that you
have a birds eye view about the bidders while they are bidding on the auction
It provides a total count of all bids, autobids, sniper bids, wins or losses of every bidder
It lists the historical prices of all products. This includes specific prices as well as price
averages, median prices, min and max prices for those items over various time periods
It also provides auction alerts which basically allow you to set up "rules" on when we
the program should alert you (via email or text message) that an auction has met your
criteria and that you should start bidding on it. This keeps you from having to watch all
auctions all the time!
Figure 19: Beezid Pro Analysis of an Apple iPad Auction
How to Win at Beezid
With this information, you can greatly increase your odds of winning. You are able to avoid
auctions that are too competitive with professional bidders, you can tell from a bidder’s past
history if they are likely to go beyond a particular price and so forth – the prediction possibilities
are endless.
How to Win at Beezid
Get Beezid Pro
From what you have learnt so far about Beezid, the following should now be clear:
1. Beezid is akin to gambling, to win; you must be able to know what your opponents
(other bidders) are going to do by reading the “signs”.
2. In order to read the “signs” and intelligently anticipate the behavior of other bidders,
you need have access to bidding, bidders and auction history; information that only
Beezid employees readily have and will NOT share with you
3. You must be able to analyze this information within minutes even seconds otherwise it
is useless.
The only way to accomplish the three points above, which are the key to success, is to use
Beezid Pro. It is only Beezid Pro that can allow you to literally “read the signs”; to correctly
anticipate how other bidders will behave by being able to analyze volumes of bidding and
auction history, AT THE CLICK OF A BUTTON.
It would be suicide bidding on Beezid without Beezid Pro. I compare it to trying to hit a bullseye
in pitch darkness; the odds are heavily stacked against you. Beezid Pro does not even the odds;
it provides you with a real winning chance!
After you understand how to use the application, you will be surprised at how many auctions
you win.
To get Beezid and to find out more about this powerful application go to BeezidPro.com. You
can watch a video of Beezid Pro in action or just proceed and purchase the application.
You can read up on the latest Beezid Pro tips and tricks on my regularly updated blog once you
acquire the application.
Don’t grope about in the dark on Beezid, get Beezid Pro today and win bid after bid.
How to Win at Beezid
What to Do After Winning a Bid
Once you have won an auction, Beezid will display a personal message in place of the timer on
the auction details page. The message will contain a link to claim your prize. Once you click on
this, you will be directed to a secure checkout page where you can pay for your item. You must
claim your item within 72 hours on your “My Wins” page.
The item will be shipped to you within a few weeks, typically 2-3. Beezid does not try to make
any money from shipping so you will get a fair shipping estimate at the cost it is offered to
Beezid. Pending shipments can be tracked by contacting Beezid support. Beezid ships
internationally. Shipping rates for American and Canadian users can be seen on the auction
details page while International users should contact Beezid support for a rate. In the event
that you need help with shipping, contact Beezid through their support team.
Finally, since you have proven that the strategies in this manual do work, go back and put them
to practice once more. Do not forget to use Beezid Pro. For those who have used Beezid Pro
successfully, I would like to hear from you. Please send a short text or video testimonial to
jason@beezidpro.com for display on the Beezid Pro site. Your comments will be highly
appreciated. Be sure to include your name and location.
Wishing you all the best!
Jason Cooper.