How to Book Rooms Using Outlook Quick Reference User Guide How to Book Rooms Using Outlook User Guide CONTENTS 1. 2. INTRODUCTION PAGE 3 1.1. Skylight Activities 3 1.2. Basement Training Room 3 CREATING A NEW APPOINTMENT 4 2.1. Create a New Meeting Request 4 2.2. Invite Attendees 5 2.3. Inviting the Room 5 2.4. Scheduling 6 2.5. What Happens Next? 7 2.6. What happens if I try and book a room that is already taken? 7 3. HOW TO VIEW A MEETING ROOM CALENDAR 8 4. DELETING AN APPOINTMENT 9 _________________________________________________________________________________________ ROOM BOOKING-V1.0 -2- How to Book Rooms Using Outlook 1. User Guide INTRODUCTION This document outlines some simple user guidance on how to book rooms using the Outlook email & calendar system. These instructions are based around Outlook version 2003 – If you have another version the steps are very similar but if you need any extra help, please contact the IT Helpdesk on Ext. 5666 - or send an email to the ‘IT Helpdesk’ for further guidance. The following rooms/spaces have been included in the room booking system: 1.1. • Basement Workshop (Basement) • Basement Meeting Room (Basement) • Mac Suite (Basement) • Music Room (Basement) • Basement Training Room (Basement) – Reserved (see note below) • HR Room (1st Floor) • Meeting Table (1st Floor) • Skylight IT Zone (2nd Floor) • Creative Arts Room (2nd Floor) • Body Mind & Spirit (3rd Floor) • Performing Arts Room (3rd Floor) Skylight Activities Some of the meeting spaces are reserved for Skylight use and are therefore not book-able for certain periods each day and at weekends. Queries about making use of rooms during these periods, should be directed at Skylight. 1.2. Basement Training Room The booking of the Basement Training Room is controlled by Richard Brooks and Barnaby Green in the Employability team. This means that requests for meetings in this space will have to manually approved by them first – rather than being automatically accepted. You can still book a room in exactly the same way as all the other rooms but you will have to wait until you receive confirmation from them before you can use the room. ROOM BOOKING-V1.0 -3- How to Book Rooms Using Outlook 2. User Guide CREATING A NEW APPOINTMENT Creating an appointment in Outlook which makes use of the room calendars is very easy. Every Crisis meeting room is now included within the Outlook address book just like any member of staff. If you want to organise a meeting all you have to do is include your chosen meeting room as an attendee - like any other person. For example, if you want to book the ‘HR Room’, you need to include this resource as an attendee. When booking a room under the old system, most people opened up the appropriate spreadsheet and manually checked if the rooms were free – you no longer have to do this as the schedule for each room will be visible within its Outlook calendar. 2.1. Create a New Meeting Request From your Outlook calendar toolbar – select ‘New’ and from the drop down list choose ‘Meeting Request’ You should then see the following dialog box: ROOM BOOKING-V1.0 -4- How to Book Rooms Using Outlook 2.2. User Guide Invite Attendees There are several ways to enter the attendee’s names. Either you can type the names into the ‘To’ field (if you know them already) or you can select the ‘To’ button and use the address book to find their names. Note: Of course you do not need to include your own name as an attendee, as Outlook already knows that you are the meeting organiser. 2.3. Inviting the Room Once you have added the names of people that you want to come to the meeting you need to add the room to the list as well. Meeting rooms are like inviting any other attendee – and they may be free or busy at the time you want to hold the meeting. If you know the name of the meeting room, you can simply type it in or you can select the ‘To’ button and use the address book to find the rooms. When the Outlook address book is displayed, select ‘All Rooms’ from the drop down box on the right hand side marked ‘Show Names from the:’ Once you have selected the room – press ‘OK’ and then type in the ‘Subject’ line. ROOM BOOKING-V1.0 -5- How to Book Rooms Using Outlook 2.4. User Guide Scheduling Having got all the attendees for the meeting, press the ‘Scheduling’ tab on the meeting request. From this screen you should now be able to see all the names of your attendees on the left hand side – including the meeting room you selected, and on the right hand side you can see each of their calendars. In this way you can schedule an appointment when you can see that everyone is available. Note: You may not be able to see all of your attendee’s calendars as this will depend on whether they have shared it with you. Once you have found the right date and chosen the ‘Start’ and ‘End’ times. You are ready to press ‘Send’ ROOM BOOKING-V1.0 -6- How to Book Rooms Using Outlook 2.5. User Guide What Happens Next? Provided that the room is free – you will receive an automatic reply confirming the appointment. There is nothing left for you to do – apart from ensure that your other attendees confirm that they are also able to make it. The appointment is now in the meeting room calendar and no-one else can book the room at the same time. 2.6. What happens if I try and book a room that is already taken? If your meeting conflicts with another room booking - you will receive an automatic message like the one shown below: If you open the ‘Declined’ message – you will be able to see the details about who has booked the room at that time. ROOM BOOKING-V1.0 -7- How to Book Rooms Using Outlook 3. User Guide HOW TO VIEW A MEETING ROOM CALENDAR There are several ways to view a room calendar and this is just one of them. It allows you to view the calendar next to your own one which is useful if you often need to refer or book meetings in a specific room. Open outlook and select the ‘Calendar’ tab at the bottom left hand side: Choose the option to: ‘Open a Shared Calendar…’ and you should see the following dialog box: If you already know the room name you can just type it in. However, If you are not sure, just press the ‘Name’ button and the Outlook address book will be displayed. On the right hand side select ‘All Rooms’ from the drop down box: You should now see all the rooms display and you can choose one and press ‘OK’. This will place the calendar next to your own personal one. ROOM BOOKING-V1.0 -8- How to Book Rooms Using Outlook 4. User Guide DELETING AN APPOINTMENT If you no longer need to use a room for a meeting – please try and remember to delete the appointment in your calendar, as this will free up the meeting room for someone else to use it. Go to your own calendar and find the meeting you want to cancel, right-click on it and select ‘Delete’. You should see the message below. If you choose ‘send cancellation and delete meeting’ – you will be returned to the meeting request and you must press ‘Send’. This will notify all the attendees that the meeting has been cancelled and it will also delete the appointment from the room’s calendar. ROOM BOOKING-V1.0 -9-
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