Vol. 36, No. 10 www.arlingtondemocrats.org October 2011 How to help win big Join the last minute push! See how at the right Campaign season is in full swing, and the gods are with us to make for more comfortable outdoor weather. Thanks to the 2011 Joint Campaign, volunteer opportunities abound for Arlington Dems. To sign up for any of these activities or get answers to any questions you may have, email jointcampaign@arlingtondemocrats.org or call HQ at 703-528-8588—and be prepared to leave a detailed message. Messenger Weekend Starting Oct. 1st til it’s done! Do you yearn for the old days when the friendly face of your local paper boy (or girl) delivered your newspaper to your doorstep? Well, we have the perfect remedy — help distribute the Arlington Democrats’ annual newspaper, the Democratic Messenger, to neighborhoods throughout the county. We have more than 400 routes to blanket the county and hit every door. The Messenger provides information on the 14 candidates on this year’s general election ballot, includes voting information, and hits at the core of what’s at stake this election cycle. Every fall, precinct volunteers make this stoop-side paper toss. If you missed the first weekend, check in at HQ as there are always a dozen or so routes to do after the first weekend. Median Signs Saturday, October 8th It’s a dangerous job, but someone’s got to do it! (And it can actually be quite fun.) If you liked Double Dare back in the ‘80s and are ready for a challenge, then placing median signs may be just the ticket to get your daredevil juices flowing. We place a max of two signs per candidate in each segment of median strip. That’s the county ordinance. If you don’t hanker running across traffic lanes, become a driver for those who do hanker dodging cars. Election Day Tuesday, November 8th After all the hard work leading up to Election Day, we need to do our part to make sure that voters actually “touch that screen” for our Democratic candidates. To help ensure this happens, we need you to volunteer for at least one of these activities: • Hand out sample ballots at your polling place/ Metro stop all day long. continued on page nine Monthly meeting shifting date and site; see DNC chair instead Oct. 5 The October ACDC meeting is not only shifting to another location BUT ALSO TO ANOTHER DAY. Do NOT go to NRECA this Wednesday! But do go to the Clarendon Ballroom instead. The date shift is because ACDC is encouraging everyone to attend a state party event planned for Arlington that night. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the new chair of the Democratic National Committee, will be appearing from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Wednesday, October 5 (overlapping our normal meeting time) at the Clarendon Ballroom. That is at 3185 Wilson Blvd. near the intersection with 10th Street and Washington Blvd. It’s just down the street from the Clarendon Metro station and just across the intersection from that renowned Democratic hangout, the Silver Diner. Brian Moran, chairman of the Democratic Party of Virginia (DPVA) is sponsoring this event so that more Dems may meet the new national chairman. It is a state fundraiser with an entry price of $50 for individuals and $35 for YDs. To attend, go to https:/ /www.vademocrats.org/contribute/DWSNOVA. Now, the monthly ACDC meeting is being pushed forward one week to Wednesday, October 12, at 7 p.m. at the Walter Reed Community Center at 2909 South 16th Street. From South Walter Reed Drive, turn east on 16th Street and you can’t miss it. There is parking on the grounds. This monthly meeting will be devoted entirely to the upcoming elections. WASSERMAN-SCHULTZ . . . DNC chair ACDC Voice, October 2011, Page 2 Report from Chairman Mike Lieberman Two votes Two votes in the Virginia Senate. That’s the only buffer left against full control in Richmond by Republican Bob McDonnell, Ken Cuccinelli, and their Tea Party friends. And this year, with three contested Senate contests here at home, those votes have to come from Arlington. We have seen what can happen when Republicans are allowed to wield power unchecked; indeed, their agenda – driven by some of their most extreme elements – often flies directly in the face of the progressive values we hold dear. Take, for example, Governor McDonnell’s TRAP regulations issued this August, which will severely limit a woman’s right to reproductive choice. Look at the budget passed by the Republican House of Delegates this year, which would have cut $50 million in critical education funding at a time when our Virginia schools need reinvestment. And take a close look at Attorney General Cuccinelli’s record – filing suit to overturn health reform, investigating UVA professors who dare to show scientifically that global warming is occurring; and issuing an opinion that Virginia colleges and universities cannot prohibit discrimination against gay and lesbian students. This Republican agenda has real impact on real people, and it should serve as a stark reminder to all of us of what is at stake. The Democratic Senate in Richmond is all that stands in the way of this Republican agenda becoming law wholesale. And this year in Arlington, the burden of maintaining that buffer rests with us. With two open senate races (Ebbin and Favola) and one significantly redistricted incumbent (Howell), our three Arlington votes may very well decide control of the Senate for the whole state. In the 31st Senate District, in particular, Barbara Favola faces a self-funding millionaire Republican who is expected to mount a challenge in a newly redistricted seat that may truly put us to the test. With five weeks left until Election Day, we need all hands on deck. Whether you en- Jerry Botland Computer Consulting Troubleshoot and resolve computer and computer related problems. Perform upgrades, set-up wireless routers and print servers. Transfer old files, address book and emails from an old computer to a new one. Phone: (703) 933-0558 — jbotland@msn.com Published monthly by the Arlington County Democratic Committee 2009 North 14th Street, Suite #612, Arlington, VA 22201 Tel: (703) 528-8588 Fax: (703) 528-2321 http://www.arlingtondemocrats.org Chair: Mike Lieberman —(703) 408-3940 (h), mikelieberman1@gmail.com Editor-in-Chief: Warren L. Nelson —(703) 243-7867 (h), warnelson@aol.com Deputy Editor: Eric Wiener — (703) 524-6899 (h), wiener_eric@yahoo.com Views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the ACDC unless expressly approved by an appropriate Committee Resolution Copyright ©2011, ACDC, All Rights Reserved joy phone banking, door knocking, delivering the Messenger, Metro flyering, farmers market tabling, or just writing a check to support our team, we have opportunities for you – and we need your help I urge all of you to go to our web calendar at www.arlingtondemocrats.org, find an activity, and lend a hand. Great field operations can beat a money dump any day of the week, and while we may be outspent this year, I know we will not be outworked. Two votes is all that stands between us and Tea Party control of Richmond. This year, perhaps more than any other, we here in Arlington can and must be the difference. $4Dems pulling in big bucks The Dollars for Democrats campaign has been another runaway success this year. As of the end of September, funds were still pouring in and the total had already passed $9,000. The total cost of the project was a little over $2,500 for paper, postage and printing. The low cost is because of all the volunteer effort. More than a dozen volunteers worked at home in August hand-addressing 5,066 envelopes. That saved big bucks. The handaddressing also assures that recipients open the envelopes and not just drop them in the round file with the junk mail. Then more than 60 volunteers—a record—showed up at the September ACDC meeting and put stamps and return address labels on those 5,066 envelopes. That also saved a bundle. (Note: The stamps and labels are all self-adhesive—no licking required.) The only machine operation was the stuffing of the solicitation letters and return envelopes into the mailer and the sealing of the mailer. (Machine licking only.) By the time the $4Dems campaign ends this year, it is likely the Joint Campaign will net—not gross—$10,000. But get ready for next year. In a presidential year, ACDC normally tries to post 15,000 to 20,000 $4Dems solicitations. That’s a lot—especially when you remember Arlington has 90,000 households. It will take a lot more hands with good handwriting and a lot more stamp and label appliers. ACDC Voice, October 2011, Page 3 Golden Gala: Eat & talk; drink & talk; talk & talk The final ACDC social event of the campaign season is the Golden Gala, the annual high fashion cocktail party, though no tuxedos or evening gowns are required. There will be lots of wine, beer and munchables that are now officially termed “heavy hors d’oeuvres.” On the other hand, the speeches will be light. This is the final kick-back-the-heels event before the two-week drive to Election Day. The food is courtesy of ACDC’s own Kitchen Crew, which has classified the menu and won’t talk to The Voice about it. But the Kitchen Crew always comes up a palatepleasing selection of delicious delights and frequently adds a new and enticing dish at the Golden Gala. On the liquid side, the Joint Campaign has created a new cocktail of classified ingredients to honor the evening’s special guest, retiring State Senator Mary Margaret Whipple. Like Mary Margaret, the concoctors of this concoction say the drink will be “elegant, but very strong.” The Golden Gala will be held at the home Next Monthly Meeting All Dems Invited Wednesday, October 12, 2011, 7:00 p.m. Walter Reed Community Center, 2909 16th Street South (located two blocks east of Glebe Road and one block east of Walter Reed Drive) l Specia st n--ju locatio nth o this m NEW Just DAT this Almost everything is changed this month! First, we are moving from the first Wednesday to the SECOND Wednesday— that is October 12. Next, we are moving from NRECA to the Walter Reed Center. What isn’t changed is the focus on the elections that will be only 27 days away when we meet. We hope to have some campaign projects for folks to join in, like the $4Dems mailing we worked on at the September meeting. of Nancy and Saul Pilchen at 1412 North Highland Street in Lyon Village. It is walking distance from the Clarendon Metro station. You cross Wilson Blvd and then walk one long block up Highland. The event will be held Saturday, October 22, 6:30-9:30 p.m. The event is free to Gold Card holders. For others, general admission is $75 and YDs are $45. The Golden Gala is the third Gold Card social event of each campaign year. The first event each year is the Chili Cookoff, held on Labor Day. The second event varies each campaign year and this year was the September wine tasting. Bumper Sticker of the Month E!!! mon Democratic Values in Action Cereal collection is really a boon to many families Cereal may be part of your normal morning routine, but for many citizens in Arlington cereal is a major staple of their diet—not only for breakfast, but for the other meals as well. The Arlington Food Assistance Center feeds thousands of Arlingtonians. Boxed cereal is the one item that is not normally donated in bulk, but is asked for over and over again by families. Since Arlington Democrats started collecting cereal for the Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC) in 2008, we have donated 536 boxes of cereal. So far this year, we have contributed 104 boxes of cereal. Charley Conrad, chairman of Democratic Values in Action (DVA), the non-campaign charitable arm of ACDC, says, “It is thrilling to pull up to AFAC every month and hear the dock crew say: ‘Here come the Arlington Democrats.’” With such a contribution, you are demonstrating our Democratic Values in Action in a very concrete way. Thank you for your continued support of our cereal donation program. th ACDC Voice, October 2011, Page 4 Donkey Ears K-K Dinner will feature Freedom Rider The 18th annual Kennedy-King Dinner, which will mark the half-century since the start of the Freedom Rides, is set for Thursday, October 13, at the Alexandria Hilton Mark Center. Honoring the legacies of the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. and Senator Robert Kennedy, the annual dinner brings together Democrats from around the 8th Congressional District while raising funds for Democratic candidates. The 8th District Democratic Committee, which sponsors the dinner, is chaired by Arlington’s Margo Horner and the dinner chairs this year are Charley Conrad and Dan Steen of Arlington. This year’s dinner is special as it will celebrate the legacy of the 1961 Freedom Riders, who were key to desegregating interstate buses in Virginia and the rest of the South. They also ignited a generation of student activists to engage in the civil rights movement. In addition to remarks from the dinner’s honorary chairman, Congressman Jim Moran, guests will also hear from Congressman Bob Fillner (D-CA), an original freedom rider, who as a 19-year-old student at Cornell left school to join the Freedom Rides and was imprisoned in Mississippi’s notorious Parchment Prison for his work on civil rights. Tickets begin at $100, with special pricing for seniors and young Democrats. Arlington Democratic Committee Deputy Chair Maureen Markham is organizing Arlington tables and can be reached at mbmarkham0111@gmail.com. For more information, contact Charley Conrad (charleyconrad@gmail.com) or Dan Steen (daniel.steen22@verizon.net). You can also visit the 8th District Democratic Committee website to purchase tickets. The 8th District encompasses Arlington, Alexandria, Falls Church and adjoining parts of Fairfax County. Listening to the doings of Arlington’s Dems as overheard by Dan Steen and Mädi Green The left touch: Some Dems have green thumbs to go with their blue proclivities. The garden developed by Kevin Ceckowski and Robert Christie was named one of three best in the county last month by the Rock Spring Garden Club. Four dozen gardens were nominated and a panel of judges from the National Capital Area Garden Clubs checked them all out last spring before naming the best. The Ceckowski-Christie garden at 2560 North Vermont Street “tames” two lots with lots of roses, azaleas and peonies around a southern magnolia and a Norway maple complete with running water. You can check out the garden if you attend one of the Democratic fundraisers the two often host. Your next chance is coming up fast—October 6 for Barbara Favola. Passages: Soren Henriksen, husband of Pam Henriksen, who keeps all of ACDC’s contributions straight and staffs HQ two days a week, died peacefully the morning of Labor Day. He had not been well for some time and was in the Capital Hospice at the time of his death. He was 95. Ever the loyalist, Pam made a point of showing up at the Chili Cookoff just hours after Soren’s passing to be with her Democratic family. Soren was born in New York City but reared in Chicago. A member of the National Guard, he was called to active duty in the summer of 1942, serving in the South Pacific until he was wounded in the summer of 1945. He got his BA and MA in Illinois and then went to work as a mathematician for the Army Map Service. That is where he met Pam. Soren retired after 35 years and went on in retirement to produce a dictionary of geodetic terms. Class warfare: Elizabeth Warren, the consumer advocate running for the Democratic nomination to challenge Sen. Scott Brown for the US Senate seat in Massachusetts next year, was queried recently about the GOP argument that raising taxes on the wealthy is just class warfare. Here’s how she responded: “There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody. You built a factory out there? Good for you. But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for. You didn’t have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory—and hire someone to protect against this—because of the work the rest of us did. Now look, you built a factory and it turned into something terrific, or a great idea. God bless. Keep a big hunk of it. But part of the underlying social contract is: you take a hunk of that and pay forward for the next kid who comes along.” Home for used goods: Patrick Hynes, spouse of County Board Member Mary Hynes, retired from the Senate Democratic staff long ago and now pursues his avocation full time—yard sales! Drive by their house on Highland Avenue in Lyon Village and three times a year you will see stacks of goods eager to find a new owner. Mary says the couple built a new home a few years ago partly to have the room for Patrick to accumulate everything between yard sales. Passages: John Morgan Browder, who served many years as captain in Arlington precinct, passed away in September at the age of 84. He often came to headquarters to help out and was described as both a charming gentlemen and a very hard worker. A retired Army colonel, he was laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors. ACDC Voice, October 2011, Page 5 Softball game gets soggied out ‘Wait’ll next year,’ say sluggers We are checking our encyclopedia of incongruous baseball statistics to try to find out if any postponed MLB game has ever been postponed a second time—because that’s just what has happened to the long-awaited Arlington-Alexandria clash on the diamond. Back in July, the much-vaunted sports classic was blistered out by the horrors of global warming that threatened to melt some of the best campaigners in the state while they pursued athletic greatness. So, the game was re-scheduled for the more hospitable month of September. But this time, the game was soggied out after days and days of Noah-like downpours left the field swamp-like and threatened to suck down every outfielder. A dismayed coach Gabe (Casey Stengel) Snow said, “I was confident that weather would not be a problem the second time around. I guess when I hang up my cleats, I won’t have a job as a weatherman.” For the postponed game, cleats would probably best have been replaced by fins. Gabe was informed the morning of the game by the Arlington Parks and Recreation Department that the field was far too waterlogged to support any athletic event. The downpours not only canceled the softball game but also washed out the planned family picnic accompanying the game, along with the Moonbounce that might actually have been a very exciting event for kids who adore mud. More like a Moonsquish. The Arlington and Alexandria coaches put their minds together looking for another date, but the fall campaign took priority. With no time available until November, they decided to cancel this year’s baseball classic. Coach Snow said an ice hockey game was contemplated as an alternative, but the teams are looking toward a baseball rematch sometime in 2012 to get both teams warmed up for the presidential election. The cancelation of the 2011 game has one benefit—it preserves Arlington’s perfect record against Alexandria of one win and no losses. It also gives both teams more time in which to try to come up with names for their squads. It also leaves the Nationals unchallenged in the Washington metropolitan area. Why wait when you can vote right now for your choices? Be the first on your block to vote this year. Don’t wait for the November crush. Vote early—if not often. Yes, remember that in Virginia you do not have to wait for Election Day to make your imprint on the ballot. The law only requires that you plan to be absent from the county for any part of Election Day to make you eligible to vote early. That’s relatively easy when you live in what is by far the smallest county in the entire country. Planning to smell the roses in Falls Church that day? You can vote early. Contemplating a shopping excursion to Seven Corners? You’re eligible. The registrar encourages early voting to reduce the pressure at polling places on Election Day. You vote on the Third Floor of the County Building at 2100 Clarendon Blvd. The hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday through November 4. There is no voting on the Monday before Election Day. But there are some evening and Saturday hours: Thursday, Oct. 27, to 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 29, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 3 to 7 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 5, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. You can go now. Early voting began September 23. You only need to fill in a brief form and check a box for why you qualify—for example, absent for personal business or vacation. Then you will cast your vote on the same machine used at the polls in November. ACDC Voice, October 2011, Page 6 Meet your fellow Dems Yes, Susan Lechner’s blintzes could probably win a television quiz show Thesis I Long time ACDC member and volunteer Susan Lechner hates change. She has lived in the same place, worked for the same employer and worked as a volunteer for the same party organization for over 40 years. Thesis II Susan Lechner is a change agent, and played a direct role in one of the biggest and most significant changes in our society. Can these two theses be reconciled? Let us consider the evidence in support of each. When we consider the first argument, there is much evidence to support it. Susan has been living here in Arlington since she first moved here in 1960 with her husband, a military officer assigned to the Pentagon, and would not think of moving. She has been volunteering and working at ACDC since 1961, and she has been one of the producers of “It’s Academic!” the television quiz, show for 49 years. If you have been living in a cave, “It’s Academic!” features a contest of local high school teams competing in answering questions. The show is a local institution, getting its start in DC 51 years ago and expanding to Baltimore, Charlottesville, Pittsburgh, and, this year, Honolulu. Susan started out 49 years ago as a question writer and has moved up over the years to producer. Readers can learn more about the show at www.ItsAcademicquizshow.com. Moreover, Lechner can’t seem to stay away from ACDC, volunteering for virtually every Democratic candidate that ran in the ‘60‘s, ‘70’s, ‘80’s and beyond. She’s a fixture. Surely, when considered in this fashion, she does not fit the profile of a change agent. What evidence supports Thesis II? Consider what was going on in 1960. There were two big political issues in 1960. One was the Kennedy-Nixon election. The other was the civil rights movement. Susan grew up in Bridgeport, Connecticut, in the World War II era. Bridgeport had a Socialist mayor, Jasper McLevy, who had taken over from a very corrupt party machine back in the Depression, cleaned up the city LECHNER . . . It’s Academic government, and continued to win reelection until the one year that he cut back on spending so much that the snow did not get plowed. Her background is in progressive politics. After leaving the military, Susan’s husband, the late Ira Lechner (who many will remember as a delegate to the State Legislature for Arlington and parts of Alexandria) became an attorney in Arlington. She wanted to get involved in the community, and specifically, wanted to work for Kennedy in 1960. She contacted the local Democratic Party about volunteering, and waited and waited to hear back. She waited in vain, because the local Democratic party was not endorsing Kennedy. It was comprised of Byrd Democrats and firmly in the hands of the Byrd Machine, which would have nothing to do with Kennedy. That Byrd Machine had also launched “Massive Resistance” as a way to thwart court ordered school integration. Susan and her husband then embarked on a two-pronged effort to gain voting rights for the black community and to reform the local Democratic Committee. The first matter is not lip service. Arlington County, like many southern communities, had its own insidious form of voting test, in which a confusing form was required to be completed. White people would be assisted by the clerks, and black people would not be assisted by the clerks. If the form was not completed correctly, that person could not vote. Thus was the vote suppressed. The Lechners worked for voting rights with others in the community and to insure that Arlington Schools would never be shut down. A big push on voter registration in Arlington was undertaken in 1964. Susan cites major inspiration and contributions from Joe and Midge Wholey, Lucy Denney, Ed and Elizabeth Campbell and many others. Ed and Elizabeth Campbell were major figures in Arlington history and Elizabeth’s contribution can be seen everyday in the form of Public Television station WETA. At that time, you had to put your name on the primary ballot to be elected a precinct captain and member of the County Democratic Committee. Susan ran more than once before she was successful, and Kennedy Democrats did not oust the Byrd Machine remnants swiftly. This was the beginning of the ACDC we know today, and Susan was there right at the start and should rightly be acknowledged as a pioneer. But, success at the local level did not immediately translate into success at the Congressional level. Joel Broyhill was the Republican congressman representing Northern Virginia and Arlington until 1974. It took Joe Fisher, whom Susan remembers as a great candidate, as well as the post-Watergate disgust with all things Republican—and better organizing—to beat Broyhill. Lest we think she spent all of her time on the barricades, Susan worked as a captain continued on page ten ACDC Voice, October 2011, Page 7 November ballot gains and loses The rumor has started that somebody is out to get Delegate Bob Brink since he is the sole candidate for an Arlington House of Delegates seat to draw an opponent— and he’s now drawn two of them! Below is the ballot as it will appear for the November 8 general election this year. It is revised from the ballot printed here last month. Candidates running against School Board Member Abby Raphael and Delegate Patrick Hope have dropped out, leaving them unchallenged for re-election. But Brink drew another opponent just before the filing deadline. Independent Kathy D. Gillette-Mallard will now be joining Independent Green Janet Murphy in trying to push Brink over the brink. The betting money still stands with Brink, but he has a new district that wends itself far out into the wilds of Fairfax County forcing him to spend more gasoline money and shoe leather working new neighborhoods. The Republican Party is only running candidates in the three Senate Districts—and none of those candidates is from Arlington. They are all from Fairfax County. Democrats now control the State Senate with a bare Senate, 30th District 22-18 majority. The lieutenant governor, who has the tiebreaking vote in the Senate, is a Republican so the GOP will control that chamber by picking off two Democratic seats and producing a 20-20 breakdown in the Senate. The state GOP is expected to pour money into the race in the 31st District, which has been vastly redrawn and now is only 57 percent in Arlington with the rest in Fairfax and Loudoun counties. In Arlington, third party candidates and an independent have filed to run in two of the 14 races in the county— with an Independent Green challenging Delegate Brink, a Green Party candidate running for County Board and an independent against Brink. (Note that the Independent Green Party and the Green Party and two entirely different political entities.) This means that eight of our 14 candidates are already home free—all four so-called constitutional officers (sheriff, commissioner of revenue, treasurer and commonwealth’s attorney), all delegate candidates sans Brink plus School Board candidate Raphael. The races with challengers are all three Senate seats, Brink’s delegate seat and the two County Board posts. Timothy T. C. McGhee (R) Adam P. Ebbin (D) Senate, 31st District Caren D. Merrick (R) Barbara A. Favola (D) Senate, 32nd District Patrick N. Forrest (R) Janet D. Howell (D), incumbent House, 45th District David L. Englin (D), incumbent House, 47th District Patrick A. Hope (D), incumbent House, 48th District Robert H. Brink (D), incumbent Janet Murphy (IG) Kathy D. Gillette-Mallard (I) House, 49th District Alfonso H. Lopez (D) Commonwealth’s Attorney Theo K. Stamos (D) Sheriff Elizabeth F. “Beth” Arthur (D), incumbent Commissioner of Revenue Ingrid H. Morroy (D), incumbent Treasurer Francis X. O’Leary (D), incumbent County Board (two seats) Mary H. Hynes (D), incumbent J. Walter Tejada (D), incumbent Audrey R. Clement (G) School Board Abigail J. Raphael, incumbent ACDC Voice, October 2011, Page 8 The day was almost too much for the chili It was hot. It was steamy. The sweat was pouring off the patrons’ faces. And that was before anybody even had a bite of chili. As it did all summer long, the weather bug bit again on Labor Day, the day of the Chili Cookoff. The classic Arlington in late summer combination of high humidity followed by a monsoon created a sauna like atmosphere in the Lyon Park Community Center. When canned heat and chili packing various degrees of hot punch were added to the mix, even the coolest county politician was schvitzing like Rodney Dangerfield. We now know what those promotional campaign hand fans are for! One exception was former (and perhaps future) gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe, appearing cool and collected while schmoozing with Delegate Patrick Hope. Even standing next to open sterno flames, the man did not break a sweat, the sign of a born candidate south of Mason-Dixon Line. When encouraged by Arlington Dems to run in the 2013 governor’s race, he replied, “…thinking about it, thinking about it.…” Non-committal words, but body language signaling that truly serious consideration was being given. The weather forced the event to move indoors. That had the effect of forcing cancelation of the dunk tank, which wasn’t disappointing to many prospective dunkees but brought sadness to many eager dunkers. One of those showing disappointment was softball coach Gabe (Casey Stengel) Snow, who had planned to use the dunk tank to prospect for some pitching talent. Despite the weather, the turnout for the Chili Cookoff was quite high, and nearly the full roster of office-holders and candidates made an appearance at some point. In addition to McAuliffe, another outof-town guest was Sean Mitchell, who is running against Republican Dick Black, the Snidely Whiplash of the legislature. Sean came as a guest of Senator Mary Margaret Whipple and received a lot of attention and encouragement in his quest from Arlington Democrats. Candidates who had fought the good fight in the primaries came together at the Chili Cookoff, some doling chili out and others judging it. That primary, the upcoming elections, the heat and the chili itself provided plenty of fodder for conversation. The event was not just a successful fundraiser, but a darn good party party. Much of the credit for the success of the Cookoff—with a record number of chilis on the table—goes to Sarah Eckman, who took charge of organizing the event this year. Creating much of the party atmosphere was the Morroy sisters and their combo. Commissioner of Revenue Ingrid Morroy, her twin sister and their bass player often play ACDC events. The sisters have great voices, individually and in harmony. The bass player adds oomph to the twin acoustic guitars and additional harmony. They can cover songs ranging from the Beatles and Bob Dylan to “Down on the Corner” by CCR to “And Then He Kissed Me” by the Shirelles. A surprise and surprising guest vocalist was Caroline Raphael, the 12-year-old daughcontinued on next page And the winners are . . . Chili Chef Supreme Chili Para Todo Arlington: Chili for All of Arlington Re-Elect Walter Tejada for County Board Chefs: Melissa Bondi and Lee Niederman (This was actually 4 separate chilis; a spicy and mild version of a vegetarian chili and a spicy and mild version of a turkey chili.) Chili Chef Silver Award (1st Runner-Up) Abby’s Black Bean Chili Re-Elect Abby Raphael for Arlington School Board Chef: Abby Raphael The Picasso Progressive Turkey Chili Adam Ebbin for Senate Chef: Lori Swain Most Gourmet Mary’s Mild Mannered Chicken Chili Re-Elect Mary Hynes for County Board Chef: Mary Hynes Aged to Perfection The Treasurer of the Sierra Madre Frank O’Leary for Treasurer Chef: Dave Gelman (Award for a returning entry) Wild Hot Award Janet Howell’s Howlin’ Hot Virginia Chili Sen. Janet Howell Chef: Donna Grossman Rookie of the Year Mr T’s Afternoon Delight Chili Theo Stamos Mild Tempered Award Bob Brink’s West Side Chicago Chili Bob Brink for Delegate Chef: James Schroll Most Ecological Hope for the Best Delegate Patrick Hope Chef: Patrick Hope Where’s The Beef? Award Soy Good Chili Arlington Young Democrats Chefs: Jamie Lockhart and Brian Alexander Jack of All Trades (Politician & Chef) Mary Margaret Whipple Senate Majority Chili Chefs: Mary Margaret Whipple and Arlene Spinelli Go Meat! Award Team Englin Progressive Chili Delegate David Englin Chef: Jon Alex Golden Most Valuable Sous-Chef Chef: Jason Stanford For Alfonso Lopez’s Fightin’ 49er Chili Veggie Lovers Award Taxes Chili Commissioner of Revenue Ingrid Morroy Chef: Sue Gruskiewicz The Edison (Most Inventive) Mike Murtha Chef for Doc’s Famous Boss Chili and Kate’s Incredible Shiska-Chili Colorful Masterpiece Favola’s Fabulous Chili Barbara Favola for Senate Chef: Mike Murtha What’s in a Name? Award (creative name) Jail House Chili Sherriff Beth Arthur Chef: Beth Arthur ACDC Voice, October 2011, Page 9 The day was almost too much for the chili continued from previous page ter of School Board Member Abby Raphael, and, apparently, the reincarnation of Bessie Smith. She sang “Rolling in the Deep,” by Adele, one of those neo-soul numbers. You will find all the award winners from the chili competition on the preceding page, with awards handed out like candy from a busted piñata. But, what of the chili itself? This reporter is obliged to maintain some level of objectivity, and must rely upon The Voice’s new food critic, a most demanding and candid individual dubbed “The Chow Hound.” “Call me a traditionalist,” he said, “call me hidebound, call me, of all things, a conservative, but chili should have meat in it. That’s what chili is. Beef, brisket or ground. Chicken, maybe. Beans if you insist upon it. Everything else is a stew.” Getting up to speed, he said, “I saw a lot of turkey. Turkey is fit for Thanksgiving and nothing else. I saw vegetarian chili, which is a prime example of missing the point entirely. I saw, greatest of all horrors to this purist, soy chili. When we are reduced to the point of eating Soylent Green, I will try soy chili. Until that time, it is the equivalent of green eggs and ham to me.” Then he put the screws on. “There was a general over reliance on green and red peppers to add spice and kick. It does add kick, overwhelmingly so, so that the flavor of everything else is lost. Heat and flavor should come from the spices, not from an overdose of peppers. Peppers, like vegetables, are secondary, not primary, ingredients. Buy enough meat or stay home!” He was steaming. “So you hated it?” we asked. “No. I ate until I couldn’t eat anymore. Then I went back and got some more anyway. I really liked Adam Ebbin’s Terlingua style chili, Patrick Hope’s well seasoned ground beef with beans—and Fritos, a nice touch—and even the turkey with white beans put out by Adam Ebbin. The carrots in Beth Arthur’s chili also added a nice sweetness and contrast to the hotter flavors in her chili. Theo Stamos forked out for beef brisket with fine results, and her steam tray was empty at the end of the day. “After a certain point, the taste buds are stunned into submission and some chili no doubt got short shrift as a result. I hesitate to say whether I regret passing on the ‘Shishka-Chili’ as much as I admire the name. The best pun and the best graphics award goes to Frank O’Leary for his awesome movie poster for the Bogie thriller, ‘ The Treasurer of Sierra Madre’.” “So what is your final verdict?” we asked. “Utterly appalling!” he replied “and I can’t wait to go again next year!” Now, some may say that the Chow Hound is just another elitist prig. To balance his view, we have spoken with our “Man on the Street,” longtime activist Sue Zojac, and asked for her favorites in the chili competition. She said that she liked Mary Hynes’ chili because it was mild, and she liked Abby Raphael’s chili because it was vegetarian. So, there you have the two competing views, but both agreed that they are looking forward to next year’s competition. Here is how we win in November continued from page one • Put up signs at the 52 polling places the night before the election. • Be a circuit rider checking in by car at polling places on Election Day. • Drive voters to the polls. 31st State Senate Race So, you’ve heard about our competitive race in the 31st State Senate district and you want to help? Great! We definitely need you. We have many options for you to join your Democratic friends in “doing your part” to ensure current County Board Member Barbara Favola is elected to the State Senate. Here are a few of the ways you can help: • Knock! Call! Come join! The usual “knocking doors” and “calling voters” efforts that we all know and love. • Drive! We need some fearless drivers to transport our younger and environmentally-minded canvassers to non-Metro-able neighborhoods. • Cook! Enjoy preparing meals for large groups? The hotly-contested 31st State Senate race means flocks of volunteers packing Arlington Dems’ HQ for mid-week phone banks and deployment sites for weekend and weekday afternoon canvassing. We need food to feed for these great volunteers!! Donations of sustenance tremendously appreciated. and, finally, • Preserving Great Data!! You know how important it is that we use all the valuable voter info being collected – and that means entering voter contact data. We need help!! If you are available on weekdays, the Favola campaign—and the entire Arlington Democratic community—will benefit. Quick and accurate entry of canvassing and phone banking results allows future volunteers to be armed with the most accurate list of voters who still need to be identified, persuaded, or reminded to vote. Reaching High-Rise Dwellers In 2007, our most recent comparable election year, voter turnout in high rise precincts was very low. There are many highrise residential buildings in the 31st Senate district, so boosting turnout in these high-rise precincts is especially critical. You can help boost high-rise turnout in two ways, by: 1) distributing the Joint Campaign grip card, and in-person absentee vot- ing information, at the Metro during weekday morning and evening rush hours, starting October 17th; and 2) if you are a resident of an inaccessible apartment building, becoming a building captain/ambassador for the Arlington Democrats. As a building ambassador, you could do any number of things that would help raise awareness about this year’s election with your apartment neighbors, including: hosting a voter registration drive or informational event, posting literature on bulletin boards in common areas, and distributing literature. Golden Gala Saturday October 22nd Our final Gold Card event of the season is our annual cocktail soiree, the Golden Gala. You don’t want to miss it. This year’s Gala is in near Clarendon, at the home of Nancy and Saul Pilchen, 1412 N. Highland St., from 79 p.m. Entrance is free for Gold Card holders, $75 for General Admission, $45 for Young Democrats (under 36). You can also be an event sponsor for $150 You can easily buy your ticket online at www.arlingtondemocrats.org or just buy it at the door. ACDC Voice, October 2011, Page 10 Dems visiting with veterans NUMBER 52 — Arlington has yet another precinct in time for the November election. This is Precinct Number 52 bearing the name of Gunston. It is located in south Arlington to the east of Shirley Highway. Voters in the new precinct will cast their ballots at the Gunston Community Center at 2700 South Lang Street. Lechner first fought Byrd continued from page six in the Woodlawn and Nottingham precincts. She helped organize the first Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner back in the 1960’s, as well as the Annual County Board Auction, and she wrote skits and songs for Follies style shows that used to be put on. Regarding the County Board Auction, Susan had a vital role in that event as head of the “Blintz Committee.” Susan perfected the “cocktail” blintz, a finger friendly form of the delicious but messy Jewish soul food, and their presence is still required at this function each year upon threat of civil disturbance. When asked for the secret recipe, Susan responds with a firm, “No Dice.” Susan and her late husband have a son in Manhattan and a daughter in San Francisco, and a granddaughter who also works in the television and movie industry. She greatly enjoys her work with “It’s Academic,” but does not limit herself to that. She has worked for 20 years for the Arling- ton Free Clinic, taking appointments and referrals. She lauds the Clinic for the great health care it provides to poor people and immigrants and is very proud to work there. Susan recalls the Arlington that she moved to as very different from today. It had a lot fewer people. It was primarily suburban. There was no Crystal City. Rosslyn was a series of one-story pawn shops. A Clarendon high rise had three stories—and there weren’t many of them. The Hispanic and Asian communities were almost non-existent. The vestiges of Prohibition were still strong, and restaurants had to fight to get the right to serve liquor by the drink. And, of course, each and every public facility was segregated. Is Susan the stick in the mud of Thesis I, or the mover and shaker of Thesis II? Her long tenures at her home, job and volunteer positions would strongly support Thesis I, but the end result of her efforts, the integrated and prosperous Arlington that we live in today, provides all the proof we need the Thesis II is correct. The ACDC/AYD Joint Caucus on Veterans, Military & Foreign Affairs organized a team of volunteers to visit with World War II veterans at the DC Veterans’ Hospital July 17. It is now planning a similar visit, but with wounded Afghanistan and Iraq war veterans at the recently combined Walter Reed/ Bethesda National Medical Center. Plans are being made for a weekend visit in October or November. Please email Jonathan Morgenstein (bosniathesis@yahoo.com) if you’d like to give back to those who have given so much. Additionally, the Caucus is collecting entertainment items for the wounded veterans. Please bring DVDs, music CDs, magazines, books and/or packaged food (cookies, candy, etc. but ONLY packaged baked goods. They don’t accept home made baked goods.) to the October ACDC meeting to donate. 1st Sat. breakfast to be held first Saturday The November First Saturday Breakfast will be held on the First Saturday, just 70 hours before the polls open for Election Day on the first Tuesday after the first Monday. And the November guests can talk in detail about the campaign as they are candidates Abby Raphael for School Board, Ingrid Morroy for commissioner of revenue and Frank O’Leary for treasurer. A usual, the breakfast will be held at the Busboys and Poets in Shirlington from 8:30 to 10 a.m. in a room reserved exclusively for hungry Dems. Please bring cash in order to avoid fumbling with a stack of credit cards when it’s time to pay the bill. Westover plans rally Westover Precinct co-captains Bob Orttung and Karl Nelson are inviting any and all to a late campaign Get Out The Vote rally in Westover with all the candidates on the ballot in the precinct this year. It’s designed as a meet-and-greet with no political speeches. It’s scheduled to take place just ahead of the annual Westover Halloween parade. The rally will be Saturday, October 29, from 2:30-3:30 p.m. at the Westover Market Beer Garden, 5863 Washington Blvd. ACDC Voice, October 2011, Page 11 What this year’s Senate races really mean by Mary Margaret Whipple State Senator Democrats control the Senate by a margin of 22-18. Should the Republicans gain even two seats, they would take control since a deciding vote on a 20-20 tie would be cast by Republican Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling. The governor is a Republican. The House of Delegates has a large Republican majority. Only the Democratic Senate provides a balance to Virginia state government. Only the Democratic Senate articulates a different vision for the Commonwealth. Some examples: The Republican House voted for a tax credit scheme that would reimburse corporations for scholarship contributions to private and parochial schools. By combining state and federal credits, the corporation’s contribution would be fully reimbursed with taxpayer funds. This version of vouchers was rejected by the Democrats on the Senate Education and Health Committee. Multiple mean-spirited anti-immigrant bills were passed by the House of Delegates. In the Senate, a special subcommittee considered the bills and Democrats rejected them. In these cases, had there been a Republican senate, you can assume that these misguided House bills would have passed since the Republicans on the committees voted for them. A clear indication of Democratic priorities came during the budget process. The Senate budget contained $100 million more than the House budget for K-12 public education. It had more for higher education at our colleges and universities. It had $114 million more for health and human services and included more for public safety. Thanks to the skill and fortitude of our conferees, the Senate position prevailed. So what is happening in this year’s election contests? Well, while the Democratic senators and our caucus have raised more money than our Republican counterparts, the governor has a war chest of major proportions, about $3 million. That money is already being thrown into Senate races around the Commonwealth to benefit the Republican candidates. The governor has made no secret of the fact that he and the Republican Party are targeting Democratic senators. Then this was the redistricting year. Due to population changes, especially the increase in population in Northern Virginia, districts had to change significantly so that even incumbents have to introduce themselves to many new voters. The stakes could hardly be higher. One-party rule in Virginia will have repercussions for the Commonwealth that are only too clear. And a Republican takeover of the Virginia Senate could be interpreted as a harbinger of things to come in 2012. So before we get to the presidential and congressional elections, let’s pay attention to our own election in Virginia this year! NEW LINES — In the newly redrawn 31st Senate district, 57 percent of the population lives in Arlington, but about three-quarters of the land area falls in Fairfax and Loudoun counties. Calling out all Barbara Favola precinct volunteers All precinct captains and volunteers in the precincts covered by the new 31st Senate District (map above) are being invited to a special reception with candidate Barbara Favola Friday, October 7. This gathering will give folks a chance to meet fellow preicnct captains and volunteers from all over the new district that stretches far out to Loudoun County. It also gives Barbara a chance to get to know the many people working the precicnts for her. The reception is being held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the home of Paul Ashin, 1302 North Nelson St. in Arlington. The house is three blocks north of the Virginia Square Metro station. Precinct captains are asked to pass word of the reception on to the volunteers in their precincts. This is not a fundraiser. But for those looking for a Favola fundraiser, a wine and cheese reception with donations at the door will be held two days later from 5-7 p.m., Sunday, October 9, at 3648 North Monroe Street in Arlington. RSVP to Abby Raphael at ajr3018@comcast.net.
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