— . : THE The The Periscope My • AwtMiabtd Napa Prart jBy Eiicien V. Alexis nieh of 'tetters there wilt Amine American soon appoar the New' '"IlVwpTjuc.' marked hj'^n analytic proclivrty dirccied with exerw-uluu* effect' npoft 'Chrudiunity anil democracy. His most iiN.-gro. citjtiiig characteristic will lie a desire to se% to know men, things, and mov citterns as they ate— fr« from the vcifecr put upon theni by an tirviionment dominated hy-Christiaiiity and democracy. If in his analysis, ba.ed upon the experiences of a people, tho"two concepts yield' sufficient .life to Negroes, this new man if powwrfu' influence ^iH'rally to th? cross 'ami the fiag that race of men known as dcVout tt» ail ideal, loyai to a causs. and supple (o influences of onviionmenT. If, howeveti, he fitwN thai those, two concepts stand between the \'e*;r<» :md larger life, h- will teach the brushing aside of t lirisiianiiy ii'id de •««.»( ey for swell new concepts as he, in the tight of hi* American ewperi nee. liiay evolve from his environment or as he may arise from the loud batterings of socialism, bolshevik ism and atui-chri>.iinm -m. Th*f most i'rrestble weapon, offensive and di?i'e!i*iw, ''if this new ma: of letter, \iilll* his'htnuor. his ever poking fun at black Americans for environment from which other' tares, of men bavc Won so miiv'h .and at white Americans for their friability to make tli^v pi.-utiee in "eligion, government, and life fjibe to their vaunted theories. Compelled by the experience of tie* American Xcfjjrn to the conclusions thai neither is Oiristinnity the last word in religion nor democracy the hi word in tortus of t>ovemmont. this neve teacher, while waiidethu* through, the lost or neglected literatnro ill Negro life, will chide with kuxhini; frankness the weakness of a people wlnv-e htiiptiise, religion, barbaric government .and ipodr of personal life will till how the African impiVeuce thi -*r FRIDAY, APR. wumLrful; they were bright ami 8, PAGE ELEVEN 1921 witty mv\ sh nved a disposition to naturalness. But every one of titer orations delivered by theie graduates showed that ihe hands of. their stiiieriprs had helped lo sliape them, anil thai those master band- luil THE NEW Man of letters ... LOUTS ARGUS ST. Colu-etJ graduates were Home Of The White Hair Preparations Lilly he>u.guided more by eOnsiilyntion of that part of-the audience uliirlv numbeteii fifty thmi by any regard of that part of the audi-.'nee uhtch nuinlwred two thousand, Thfef is a visible pity; it fettered the n.'itLiralness 'iid curbed (Jie puwer of these children! ? Filially the vait'diel orian, as a soft of s'ar witness, eamc on with li carcfvlly denatured oration on this suhject: "ii'hy jfmcnVn Slmnld Bff f'r.jTi,' pf tht''Xf<l>~fi." The child was a good speaker; and Inbriins, but they had been vfammed into uatrow channels. W." md give here? from memory suine of ihe./'iu'iiAf nude in the -pecc|i. b.V'-ause they have stuck, not so much in our memory as in .i.ir ivu:,-. In (he parenthesis we simply indicate nor mental innnueut >i lie time, Thf oiiitnr Pumnwal up: "Ameiiet should lie proad of the Negro— revolutionist 1" (licorge \Vas|iinglnii and 1. 'Iic-rni.se he is not a * i'hi.im;i'-. jiiTersonh i N^ i J. "Itcausv lit' '"It'rause b/r ;1. does nnt rebel!' (General t-ee and Jefferson Hnvi-i U not an agitator!" fSusan II. Anthony and the "rohilwrtoiiiatsf) i. '*tk-i'ftn«< 3, hy he belief, "ih'T inventor*, iiid all "!V-ause ihe uoodness of labor!" (Thonin- l\di<nu try to inaki- uiachints '"i''causc no never bvliev I), iD'Ce, fir'.' t" the ullcnno'-l "ll-eatKe be 7. of fret do the wort.';!") ( Robert" Hrown- or worry!'" F.zra !" rind RuLjUI lien in- ail in why ifoej no) (bntlil In- Iji-liw-. 1- es. force!" (AVooilrow Wihuut and in \J !*') in racial integrity!'.* (Three million miib » latmsl S. tiU lli'cr.uss- he lives by 'he sweat ^ k„ '•lie.-ntiR' he is not n Ard the 1'r-*>ident i.f •>. ' ra.li.al ot" brow!" (jews and his, • (ica- '*!'" Fjesits Chr&tiJ the Si-hooilward spoke appro.; nr.Ie. tlic "and trilial indirpctidcitec, jpive way to lle- Co ores! l-rincipHl loobwl «tfe„and the white fifty- clap|x:<l and Bo*l-.l udes-.-ndinqlv. and the Colored audience— talked for week= after hkUgua^r. ihe religion, and die serfdom ni America. Yc\ with fcawes*^ tinn- la untile humor, the New X^cro will jw of ( "hrviian'ty and democracy It y since the African Negro, even though tiv compulsion, surrenders so couiplct fy to them do they hrenk down Involved in thi, whin black men seek the efticicacy <if their terfents. A -hort while siuc<-. at Clyde, G?or^a, .Vegrr yro posseirren the town ;h»E for the iiar(i'-;itar'por|.tiSe epp vtkstiing.- whkh_-thtg.-X.rw man wilt prompt among his mnt penpk one uf ihc-ir lynch on will be the passing of 'he dominion of while Americana over the thought w;i- charged with tin- crime ni raj young i 'okircd > 6* black 'Vmerkans, a dominion which palintes." veneers, and covers, "irtitn. I'rimin.il violaiinn ot vv(iniaivlu«»l is met with ^uninu He will teach. ;>h',m'!il in llw Smihlattd. t,\ t the- breaking down of those two master concepts. gen-rally This pimi-'lmient aaaimw^M jiie.iih, write, and sing of desirable tusrflfl life as life not based en n Jodraiiintic aspects nf ;i lynching bee. It was meet, thircforc. Christianity and democracy ot at least as li fe not based upon Christianity !h;-l the Odored tnen of Clyde, (icorgi;i, should visit the jail. taJte cii.i-ect, fetishism, triba I life .- V THEY CAME TO SLAY m i i . fnimrlM 1 Taught h;. democracy as. per the dictum of white Americans. the esperi..'iBM of Negroe* in America that common language, common i'i r- lijjioii i—mmcm country t'oes not, cannot bind black ami (K>)t9 men New Negro as man of letters with his rharacicristic 1 ruthe''<oo<l. the analvtic proclivity will mii.klv j;rasp and jjlorify the conclusions coutcolor transcends language, p-.Hed hy the ways of whi'e Americans: r*tigicin, dwaocracy, anderjtmtry taken singly or coml»ii»?d ; men^awetcrna'ly of two classes, white and black— master and man Christian and future t!te long, ln-flg arc determined t«tftsk Americans democritk whfte wad him out the culprit, ot from whose bourne no traielVr returiv?. It veas a short step from resolution to action. To this was intly ail led the sensitively adjusted moral temper of the white ciii/cns ni Clyde. Lynching was the handy legal- instrument brought out, burnished lad oiled, in til.- comiTion instances wherever Negroes were charged with the crime -of rape hv the whites all over Georijii. ij.igic lieing logic, what better thing to do than go to the jail, apprehend ihe culpiii, then off to the nearest trec,and "ciu up^Jike^whin- folks 5 Ihi: ibt better ^nature of the Race liegan-to' assert itself immed- ; that etertud division: --iiiiily Inter-racial Race Commissions (By DruMlla Dutijec Houston) l^clifiu. of these comSnissions over the South, to study to help ltriujj tliem to e>]u>tahk' th'.' relat^'Hs lielwwn the races apjd nd ) nst nh ;il. is ih* most h^ieful sign in liftv years of reaching a true I'rohkin. Fifty-five years ago tie..vjlnlioii if Ihe Xet;ro slaves. giv- up lier Sooth IlY R)R('F. was compelled to SLAM-BANG! Down Go The «** FOR 10 DAYS ONLY Then it iv;i- t hnt the gun tni--cd tire.' 1'ray-jr meant Terejection suggested mercy, and mercy saved ttie culprii. A W.ir.l 1UII.Y. 'Hi- ethae of rape. tSlwatpyse it is leg.'liv* detertninerl. should b' ThSc* h.i.l '.JKmetl bv the eAtrcm.-.-t i«ratties providvd by I be biw. suffer alike, i'e Full the &„ Plate Upper *[ Dr. hi II Hi M .TO :., I'i IL' S 11 RENT REMEDY - r-'a'pi'ltj hm i How STKOXOEK THAN SKNTIMKN T to be Hk day A spirit of justke can 'iom the Negro bv CAUCMNY. is turne* The sword of truth is the only ho wwh for Him by the TKLTH. only wea:wi given Ws by the ^Fa^e^. AVYbavt ha<i two extreme wings. i»f leadership. Those who would, L'nder siKh guidane.-. iarepl ha'f 'a kaf rather than nime at all, we will indeed lose atf- Tlien we have the class who forget the Tbcs? would have of Christ, "See thai ye WKSiSl norxyit/' psychological. Let position is not tab? an AX to white folk. .Such a us come d.iwm out o£ the *i«ds of torrid oratory upon the grounds of eitn»inon Muse and consider the trat rounds «4l 'he ladder of ratT-huildIhcm, what power op earth can keep u^ fro-n ing. ami when we Beautiful v*» -i.Iei.uate housing csidi lions. Sail, the relief hi tl.ire-peel i" *wt ^nb-taijital. The *hoe continne.s to pinch. Xetttier lias the nuir^'lit purchasitig of residential pr'qierty by poptdariBBi dotv wry much to relieve the high rent i>re?sure. "TilFundus" unM sudden, oyenvhelming, conv-iucing. It sapieezcl the t'i (I nniinc out nf communities, that hithena' wore not unkindly di-pored toward our race. Ttie r--nlts were that rents and sour nature went =k;vmrd and sullenly refused lo budge fn-m the heights. .. lhn\ 'ueulcatrtbYra remedy of some 'sort. mint 1m orSeeefl in th:hop* tha: ihis really heavy bnr>let#niay l»c lifted from the a-onomir -houbb.-rs of the* Kacc in the large cities. More, ibt M%wd preenn• ee;stion-.i of many places art being strained to tin- hrc.-tking point and ^otng np? Hence?, ITiert was an hour, just behind us, when every unit of Km; Race uutowani friction lias asstmed sinister aspects a= a rcsuitant. ,• needed tc hammer iM«w 'tic gates of injustice, to wake the sleeping iM -morjiitHMediate necl for" a remedy that wiJ! work. That woek has been well tlone: hut mm to of stihiirhan sites ahd the erection tberenn of conscience of Awerica. t TMT-\ urchasiug the leader who does not now praltw that this hpuT calls for more thatt liMl Hy priced aiwt eomf(ffta!»le Itotnes with pKisant stirroii.ndtiigs ''Aiiwita is aw.ikv to the realtKttion that th? N'ejjrt* of nifjTit help to settle the difficufly. a^if Complaint Js various and «xiti^ iueisidtiah Wfr m Just how to be be&u. 1 sire of for * >"it'- Were spent of the e* -1 t.rfec's of -erowded living c'nirlit>4i"s"iwev;uli"g in Hi- Lir:-.men .-hies among the Colored ^-ments. This would t>e a step this side of has struct for the "t'aek"-tf>~ih£-fa!m"' |>leas and yet wotdd fee efc>se enough to Uiiwet whs can only whine over lb* Nefftos or the white matt's' wrongs. healthier Tu'twral^jfetlucnves'of targe ciiy Hfe to make liiV'lieaolljIe Vi EvTry^pronkm awst ih*- following amongst us, Uadershtp today calls tot eotwtriKtive twen. livin™ who have a dee|;>-rontvd aversion Witt the tntsrs»r«f «H- to the mastery of wisdom ami perseverance. > The hour CoBWisaionS be enjual to fiwling the key ? The root of in rhe-'vf»«d>- all this the h*«r.er types h»M failed to find solutkiuw. the hiwer classes, are Itying to solve the Negro proWem in tlteir own iniqttitotts ways, «t the ^Jurtie >d this great- (lotionlie tragic picturesque South, etesolaterf fey war. and today aa* hatef What more needful th»« in this nariua than sfaved hy her fatal point* that we t*y to uu. Jerstand her and that the South «' weakness. Sinee the war the etsarsc and Heightened white, few tw»«i pofeiaJ and commerciai supr?i«aty. Their only mental iptiuV They are the answer fur IkattoB beii* pMWr to TBtfy *e Negro. spint of the Oatk A*;*. %t« wius-t i«t«Ma»ion of Ae Aouth, maHing the ' Frotn ihe sfaoefc of cml strife, the toss of weahh and the errors Anyhow 'levaus:' it a plan l&c 'Be one we are offering, would reduce rents recluee the defnand for houses for our people in ihe wowhi emrgest->d districts of ttvc b^ cities. Every - lace ' . «« bin has not yet «4ttW*«A fe format the restoration of \n*w and fortune, the hept, South foe a B="erat»n have m*. Xegr» race who canr** U, ml ei¥k duty broHe« it> the %4rt pf SuVsySVriag has not the l»readth for real teaO> natton s fa*o»lUiC« *»d error today atooe teisper wfeh this. ttV i-f hip. dywawk profe*e.n. when th* fees* mmds ef Aafcrie* can s«lv< it • tte Sosch fra«s to the Xfjffo hi* Stood hoMsht n«hft*. rf reeuustiuctMw, the true BB*m*m of Wadrrship toe* totcefiri m «%fc*. % - Syntken Gem i*^. FREE sK^k in the effort charms — to make the skin, b*i£ht, soft and youthful. W mwbteTiesiB (he failure of the better type in froth races to uuoV As maud h*W to reach and lift th* depraved classes of either race. years. to increase their L ratx hundreds of Many hours each day ftexautse she least, she si*nd= C'lpies the j4aeev 0f serf in*this nation. wa tiit" for Sf *lt'TI*)NS..f how Uj lift the Rate totlie statute of RE.\DY WITH THHM. has been the dealmost all women tiful KNOW • frM-tal eeuis Wl. Tii.. q. in !i »= H. C. Downing, Dentist ' AREWK flnir or Lower : powerfut tHe t-'llJi.ie. 'I'.. SrXltAT wonuin black kor white. ' And yet i'l he Clyde «w» wv art unSfalhaa glad. that "Tln-y who eamc to -lay \maineil U pray.' Failh ml work will vet save ihv nation. vliite *-bnuid listrl ti|>on tlic not n.iw : Prices — AiiK.liMta .. ami Callmmi logic of nay. Waster crjfl^jyifccct of human slavery, this nation today Th miesftou of rc'it has become a serious problem. Negro.? "BPjHfcfrlwinrl of hate, beeaosc we forced exactioiis an> site rnf^ni have been \V< >N' to do. The day h.i« in 'he big cities have l«.'e;t "i-allcd Upon to wr.--atle.witli ils the Soiittt to do what " struggle ranch the worse for helteriiii they come out passed f<JC eomprofBise. The work that Cby, Webster, and Calhoun failed to do lies before :uii! lit- lacfrhjg wear. SMte S^gpaJimta for remedy Imve cine fast and fnriotts. VVj need pass no snare few: s «nni>el)itHi tlw" South to justice, u* ihing of » -"hiti.-n iftsstSB&ti itself in the organization of realty com IS tti^i is not the wisest way. To banks in New V"rk Cite, Chicago, fhiladelphia and other larg Ittter-Hacial Compulsions most diaojju s-«timeat LVW. porjJOM.' of providing ilicir inereaSnjj Colon'' th.' hearts of not ontv the South, hut of th« average Aroeric.iu ettie= with the-fi-W"! 1'ad btvn n*Td XtntoH ' , jr.iin. Th« appointment" !•/; cri'ntli liuii.ft-.--l the land iately fplh.wing the gfring over of ilw culprit in tlv,' outraged possen\-n bv ihe i-itually snre-sol*d custodian of the due processes nf \:v\. the -ierilf SoMcons in the crowd was fmjlhardy enough to ftuggea iravcr a^ ji fining |(relude to the main fi-atnre of the evenirr;"- [irn- SOLVING THE NEGRO PROBLEM The ai to the nearest rr>«^and give 'i-at him a quick pa-^age ;iul ts woman knows impfjssible blotciiy. tl that beamy. ottbe the skm is pimfjy. unw gi blemnhn. make the hue. neck, arms and haocb bnght. soft and smooth, the** * noihm* the f 1 1 y skin better t har, ihese tn«> well-known buury prrpj rat ions- Black and White Ointment iuid Black and White Soap. E'ack and White' Ointment whiten* the and removes those ugly little putt- skin pies, DnpMH bumps and other blem- ishjeSWiiilr you?>!crr. Vou lira! wish the vety warm watet and Black ami While Soap. Dry thoroughly Then rax and apply Black and White Ointment. The next mormnqi TOu again ckanx the skui with warm water and Black and r mt Soap. dun with dark and tough. Tu remove Follow this Beauty Treatment for several nights and you wtfl know the joy at j bright, smooth,' baby-bwe'Mn. Sow* lit w *e chinrtera of the TWnwintta tum *te shall not SerseW be tec.' ' - . The Awseated Nefr» " s Pnt»* . ***.' tf-hSM* . ?ou-Faot Powder :Sc:Forthehan, QiMniae pomade. &, and HatrDrew- ,L,_K» awwtw-IS-mw^ .
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