H ^*Wi ^^gv,^^^^^ rfQf JYIQQSPfQUS f^ Tneyp want managers and ao* tftinJ^itrtors, not political lectufers/in business, Industry and in the univerttttft *itiit, Moo wqnts to moke sur* that Red Tsa**ig stilt Otitic* ofam Ns death continues along M f t f his QbcMifct the paths he has fostered. But Mao has b w i bw»t up In tf» has not kept up with the times* The power struggle does not mean t . f JwWk of tht C h i m * people. t # ! ^ " But if* t*rtoin th*» M* hoW on fhe that Red China leaders ore turning *9*m Is not as strong os it wot o few their bocks on communism. It meons years 090 and his enemies abound. that much of the revolutionary fervor Moo seems to be trying to turn bock of "the long march" has died out. the clock in China to the days of reMao is pressing his attack with skill volutionary zeal and political atti- and determination. He may welt be tude, to the days when the movement able to remain as the No 1 Commumust have seemed more pure than nist in China. For he has great pres* now. Moo wonts to replace skills and tige, great power, and is regarded by technology, science ond management, many as a God-heod. with ideology. This is what the strugBut Mao is out of step with 1967. gle seems to be about Even if he wins this power struggle, Those opposing Mao seek to put his success will die with him. Moo can things on a modern footing. They want no more turn bock the clock that any weapons for the Army, not political other man. By nUNE PBOV08T FIFTEEN YEARS AGO: Col. William N. Thomas. Jr. was awarded an Oak Leaf Cluster to his Legion of Merit for •ervice in Korea. Accidents: Wayne Gonyea, a leg fracture in a coasting mishap . . . Joyce Herron, Dannemora nurse, injured in an auto mishap near Gabriels . . . Jack Carrier injured in a fall at Lyon Mountain. Calvin Bedell succeeded Henry Prespare as head of Prudential's Pittsburgh district. Neulyweds: Rita Ryan of Rouses Point and James Jams of Champlain. Deaths: Mrs. Man- Dashnaw of Morrisonville at 86 . . . Joseph Gerou of Mooers F^rks . . . Mrs. Birney (Mary Cotter) Donneil in Los Angeles. • • • TWENTY YEARS AGO: Fifteen cases *f diphtheria were quarantined to Pittsburgh. The State purchased the R H. Guibord propert on Court St to establish a home management bouse. Dr Edwin R. Raymaley came from Pittsburgh to establish a practice in Pittsburgh. Rosalie Finch ef Morrisonville won an essay contest on school bus safety. The Rev. Earl Taylor was appointed director of youth activities in the Diocese of Ogdensburg. Accidents: George Lee Jacques, 55, of Keene Valley, fatally injured when struck by a wooden door during a windstorm . . . Floyd Gonyea, wounded by a .22 calibre bullet, discharged while he was cleaning his rifle . . . David LeRoy Smmins, two, of Mineville. suffocated. ight Side Newlyweds: Joyce Cramer and Roland Matott . . . . Iris Smyth and Stanley Barcomb of EUenburg. Deaths: John Doak of Reekmantown at 73 . Mrs. Nettie Lamoy of Peasleeville at 77 . . . H. T. Robertson of Verona, mother of Mrs Frederick E. Moof~r . . . Clarence J Miller, of Saranac at 52 . . . Henry Cantin, grocer, at 54 . . . Roy A. Tenny, prison guard, at 51 . . . Mrs. George Allen of Peru at 71 . . . Thomas E. Mooney, barber, at 74 . . . Mrs Jsabelle Palmer Bartholf; Albert S, Barnes of Chateaugay at 74. » • H i B w * 0m*y Magi* tnrtat bcM B atee astta! tit* stoo and tearit the Airport Ina at Westport. Toastaaster for the festivities was District attorney DanIn introducing magistrates present be said, pointing to Willsboro peace justice Bernard Oliver, he's one "who has a helluva time getting to there." And of Wilmington peace justice B.J. Cook, Manning introduced him by saying he's the "new JP who combs his hair the same way I do." Incidentally, they both haw some hair—left! • * • Maamiig was assenting he hadn't missed Introducing any of the magistrates when he was informed be had missed one. To that peace justice George Weston of Port Henry said that Manning was doing better in that he had missed two the year before. The old days Alas, then Manning was informed he had missed introducing another to which Weston re* marked: "That's par, Dan!" Manning was nice in introducing me as the honorary peace justice from the PressRepublican. • • • Sen. Ronald Stafford ef Pern was there to meet the magistrates again and perhaps had the most amusing—true — story of the evening. Must admit that some of Manning's stones were amusing, but hopefuliy not so true. Anyhow, Sen. Stafford said that on inauguration day he • TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO: Sherman Hoyt Mathe rof Whallonsburg received a Century Farmer award. The Northwood School, an exclusive school for boy£ at Lake Placid, extended elementary courses to include girls up to 15. Rationing of sugar was ordered. The body of Fred TromWey, 72. of Morrisonville, missing for seven weeks, was found. Newlyweds: Margaret M Coolidge of Keeseville and Clarence J. Gilroy . . . Esther LaFontaine Quivey and John Hector Recore of Beekmantown. Deaths: Sadie M Ling of Bloomingdale at 54 . . . Edward St. Clair, Union Falls native, at Saranac Lake at 78 . . . William Graves, retired carpenter, at Redford at 80 . . . John H. Mullen at Gabriels. THIRTY YEARS* AGO: The will of Phelps Smith provided for the establishment of Paul Smiths College. Joseph Gravel died in a fire at his borne at Owls Head. SRIN AND BEAR IT ByGENEfcROWN The mcW - mmtag couple took their Infant son to a movie. The usher warned them unless the baby remained quaet the management would refund the money and ask them to leave. BY LICHTY looked aoroN the room saw a ttatformed er that ha knew. and The senator wafted over to ahake hands and greet his friend and while talking a state police captain walked up to Stafford. "What outfit are you whh officer/' the captain said to the senator. •Tin with Troop B, Captain," Sen. Stafford quickly responded. c. Doubts mod chick story By JIM BISHOP "Then you had better get to your post or youll be up for charges/* the captain returned. Official doubt Is now cast on record ever? Or maybe just a outer reaches of Montana and the intelligence of Little Red few lonesome hunters who were California's Sierra Nevada. • • • Otherwise, vwill just have to Speaking ef magistrates, Ben Riding Hood. This mod chick, kissed to death by timber kick the itch, because the only you may recall, skipped wolves? The word virtually is Kirsner of Hizabetfatown repl^ce where the wolf isn't cringthrough the woods to Grandas dishonest as a starving gamceived special note in the local ing in terror is in Alaska. The ma's house* An old gray wolf, bier; as crooked as a snake Kiwanis club bulletin. Bureau says that the wolf gave whose hobby was child molest- with the bends. Virtually no"Ben must have made a new ing, was waiting in Grandma's body has ever been killed hop- himself a Jt>ad rap with h i s resolution. Would you believe bed in a lacy nightcap when ping out of a plane without a howling. This ,4is a social event it, be lit a brand new cigar the racy kid arrived with a bas- parachute, because you virtual- for wolves—like a community last week, and didn't even ket of booze for the old lady. ly cant get anybody to jump. sing," says the Bureau. To my take the butt home with him," The people at Interior a r e tender musical ear, they keep The story went sometlung like so says the news letter. that. In any case, the wolf tip- copping out on wolves because hitting flatties. I wouldn't listen ped -his mitt by licking his this continent is almost wolf- if they could do Home on the chops and little Red Riding less. I hate to watch a grown Range in Barbershop. "A glaring misnomer," says Hood knew that his bicuspids man like me cry over the decimation of wolves, but somethe Bureau, "is the term W i f couldn't match Grandma's, As you have many members one has to shed a tear. They as applied to humans/' The which were in a glass on a in one physical body and those have been hunted, trapped and night table. male timber woif is no Don members differ in their funcpoisoned so effectively that the Juan. "The real male wolf is The Department of the Intertions, so we, though many in Bureau of Sport Fisheries and a faithful devoted mate/' His number, compose one body in ior tells me that the fairy tale Wildlife has "classed them as is most unlikely. Secretary Udprimary interest is the little Christ and are all members of an endangered species." all and his Bureau of Sport kiddies. He mixes the formula, one another. (Romans 12:4-5, Fisheries and Wildlife claim Once, the good gray ghosts sets the alarm, tucks his spouse Phillips) that the wolf is a good guy who ranged the United States and in a warm cave, and says: PRAYER: 0 God, from whom wouldn't eat Little Red Riding Canada. They hunted moose "Let me take care of the feedalone the fullness of life pro- Hood if she was on a platter and deer and small game in ing." ceeds, grant that Thy church with an apple in her mouth. packs. Later, they attacked • • • Scientifically the Umber wolf may not glory in wealth or num- "Authenticated records of sheep, cattle and chickens. If bers, May it glory rather be- wolves attacking human be- you don't live near a well-stock- is a large, broad-headed wild cause Christ is in its midst to ings," states Endangered Spe- ed zoo, you may never see a dog (Canis lupus) who can offer through its ministries com- cies Series No. 3, "in the Unit- live timber wolf again. Unless grow to 175 pounds and 5 feet passion and the peace that ed States or Canada are vir- of course, you want to travel 9 inches in length. That < to the Lake Superior region of enough. He's so big that I have passes understanding; to Thine tually unknown." honor and glory. Amen. Okay. How virtually? Like no Michigan and Wisconsin, or the no interest in his eating habits. If The Bureau crossed its heart and swore that the wolf is a vegetarian, I would still wart a 155-millimeter howitzer at my side before saving hello. I am not moved when the Bureau points out that they prey mainly on the "old, weak and diseased'* and thus contribute to the health of wild game. If those words were on a Wanted By SYLVIA PORTER poster, they would still describe m. . .e. Oct. 10. In this case, you should used for reporting income tax- local gasoline taxes. The There are several \*ays to amount of deductions allowed get the new. revised Form 34es withheld save the remaining good pay If you paid arv federal ex- depends on the number of non- 68 from your local director. umber wolves. "One is :o nulIf you are a wife whose huscise tax on gasoline used for business miles you drove the lify the bounty system, which your boat, plane, tractor, pow- car and the state tax rate. The band is serving in the U.S. er saw, lawn mower, or for oth- chart is geared to a six or armed forces in Vietnam, you offers so much per wolf hide er non-highway use, you have eight-cylinder car. (If you drive may file a joint return without Another Is to restock the wildfor the first time an easy way a four-cylinder car. you get your husband's signature. The erness areas where there is r" to get a refund on your 1966 only hali the deduction.) But Treasury announced last year conflict with livestock herd.-. return. AH you need do is fill as an illustration, if you drove that you, as the wife of such The third is to locate the reout simple Form 4136 and show your eight-cylinder car 10.000 a serviceman, should indicate maining live wolves and prethe refund due you on page 1, miles in 1966 in New York, you lr *h*> snace prm^cted fnr vour serve their environment." Well, you go ahead and do can claim a gasoline tax de- husbands signature, that he is line 20 of your Form 1M0. that. You'll make sissies of the in military service in Vietnam. duction of $44. • • • wolves. They'll become accusAny tax refunds due you on this • • * Many of its never tethered return will be expedited. Thus. tomed to the pampering, like If yo« are affected by the to file the formal claims previously required because the ef- suspension of the investment the earlier you send in your the rest of us, and will only eat :he moose if you charcoal fort wasn't worth the relatively credit, applying generally to return, the better. broil it. Next year they'll be • • • small refunds due. But now it's purchases of business machindemanding finger bowls. After A warning: take special care so easy that you will be throw- ery and equipment after Oct. that, petits-fours. ing away money if you over- 9, 1966, there may be a slight with your arithmetic this year, 1 don*t believe a word ef it. look the credit. You get a cred- complication when you file your for \*ith the use of computers Wr.en 1 was a child. 1 read the Treasury plans to check all return. To claim the credit, you gallons used for the non-highstones about Russian droshkiecalculations. it of 2 cents per gallon for all must file Form 346S. But "the in the snow, followed by wolf Until now, the Treasury's way purposes from July 1, 1965. Form 3468 \*1iich you received packs. .And of how mothers to Dec. 31, 1966—a year and a in your individual tax return mathematical check has been their babies over the package will be the wrong one limited to verifying tax liabili- tossed half. c If you own an automobBe, to use if you placed in service ty. But for the first time, all .de to get a bead start. Basyou'll* find a handy chart on after-Qd 9,1966, any property computations on your return ically, rm with Little Red Riding Hood all the way. page 9 of the official instruc- on which you claimed a credit, probably will be checked. Incidentally, she must be a Tomorrow: Check these tion booklet to help you figure or could have claimed a credit big girl by now. Real big •« . out your deduction for state and if it had been acquired before points first. Daily devotion How to save on tax - - first of series (In collaboration with the Research Institute of America) In this 10-part series, starting today, you will find vital hints on how to use new tax law rules made by Congress, the Treasury and the courts to cut your 1966 income tax bill to a minimum; how to avoid costly mistakes; and how to save money by following specific do's and don'ts. First, guides on the 1966 tax Form 1040 itself, which differs in several major ways from your 1965 return. • • • If yea received dividends in 1966, the section on page 2 in which you report them has been simplified to eliminate unnecessary computations. If you worked for more than one employer last year and your total social security taxes were more than 1277.20, you now have a separate line on & elairo 4be ^ff^gf as a direct reduction of your tax. On the 1965 return, you had to squeeze this figure into a line Inside Near the end of the feature, tbe Intend nudged Ms wile end whispered, •'What do yon of t r * / iyHAlOTUCT Washington Renewal of aid to Indonesia approved By MBDtT & ALLEN n d PAUL SCOTT Is important oow is that help he given the n&ng military Junta so the vital transportation tad commagtcitioo gyt» tems of tlit oewtiry are restored.1 •TB this ton dooe immediately," be waraed, "economic coneookt eaifijr become 10 ted ttat tte _ of t h e desperate struggle that defeated the CosamuBfts' attempt to seize power/1 In ad&tkJB to military aid. the U.S. provided S80Q million in economic aid to Indonesia since 115!. Both economic and military tad was terminated in 1MB after Sukarno declared war on Malaysia and increased tes ties with Red Chma Asked about soviet aid to InS^cretary Rosk reported tbe Kremttn is supph-mg 1 limited tmoos: of both military Vhfie Rask made ao mentior of tbe Rhodesian controversy in his prepared statement. Senator Kari Mundi, R~S. Dak lost no time in bringing It np 4 'How can you justify a policy of barring oil to Rhodesia while permitting tbe same products to go to Conmmnir. Cuba?" demanded Mundt "Is It U.S. policy to regard Rbo desia as a bigger threat to peace than Communist Cuba**' You are Unktag two different situations,*" replied Rosk. 'There is no ennnectioc betveer. ihem *e are supporting tbe Bnosfc in Rhodesia *h;> Cuba a a problem in our bem- Except for Red China." be deciared. 'it is U.S policy tc welcome any aid sber coonTBiUiHg to rrsftd ^ ladooesa. She aeed5 aO tae to be!p rha: car be obtained fltw rma ym eeparaie tbe MODESIAN ISSUE - Tbe r*-c^ " retared Mjadt *TV B th*a m s C i n i / be Foreign Reiatfcw Cosjsuee'i Bruisfe are iLSfcng ai to dec; ^t heiped to crmte ties first dosed-door SSSMSJ with Rbodesu everytfcag ibe is frttodairspB wisfe mf^tary Risk produced sadkcaDons tfeat shippi:ig tc Cuba. R5»des:a lsr \ tbe Repobbcasis rss^ad to wta today ire tfe-easecmg any 'Xber coonsry a mxyx xem of U S areabet Cas&c A i^^Lzz agents tr US a* t t t tf*mst fnef*fe m L a s fte e&e U 2 K and AJnca ' i3^£^i-";* v^-^u'fc:;
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