“HOW TO GET THE BEST FROM YOUR SUPERVISION” A Workshop for Supervisees Presented by CLARE FENNER BSW MAASW (Acc) Qualified provider of Margaret Morrell Vibrant Training workshops DATE: TIME: VENUE: COST: RSVP * 20 June 2012 (Wed) 9.00 am until 4.30 pm (8.45am sign in)- includes lunch and morning tea QUT Kelvin Grove campus, Health Clinics, Large Seminar Room Members AASW Earlybird $195 if paid by 30 April 2012 (Full Fee $210.00) Non – members Earlybird $220 if paid by 30 April 2012 (Full Fee $235.00) (all are inclusive of GST) Places are limited to 18. Please secure your place with a $65 deposit paid at the time of booking. Full payment is due by 6th June 2012. Ever wondered if the supervision you are receiving is as good as it could be? Or if you are getting everything from it that you could? Social workers and other health professionals work in complex, challenging and often stressful work environments and we all deserve quality supervision which helps us to: manage the demanding situations we face every day prevent build up of stress and possible burnout stay invigorated and robust in our work stay in touch with our core professional values and ethics provide the best possible service to our clients. Come to this interactive, practical, and enjoyable workshop, and find out: How to make supervision work for you and your clients What to look for, what to ask for, what you deserve, from supervision What it really means, in practical terms, to be a reflective practitioner How to recognise a good supervisor What it’s appropriate to talk about in supervision sessions Easy ways to make supervision sessions useful and productive How to negotiate an individual agreement with your supervisor How to give honest feedback to your supervisor There will be plenty of opportunity to reflect, discuss with others, and ask questions. A comprehensive handbook is provided for each participant. Feedback shows that supervisees who have attended this workshop are more proactive, and much more satisfied with the outcomes of their supervision. Clare Fenner is a Social Worker with a varied experience across the human service sector spanning over 15 years. She has a passion for clinical education and has a private practice which specialises in supervision and training for health and community service workers. Margaret Morrell Vibrant Training has been providing high quality supervision workshops for both supervisors and supervisees throughout New Zealand and Australia since 1997. The workshops are well-known for being practical, practicebased and enjoyable. Visit Margaret’s website www.margaretmorrell.co.nz for more information. Evaluations of this workshop: “I’m astounded by the difference between supervising someone who has attended your workshop and someone who hasn’t” (Queensland Health supervisor) “I have clear guidelines about what to expect from supervision & how to be prepared” “I can go to supervision more confident that I can fulfil my part and I shall now get a lot more out of supervision” “A wonderfully interactive and delightful learning experience. Much better than expected. – exceeded all expectations” Copyright© 2005,2009, 2011. Margaret Morrell & Associates Ltd.140466904 E-mail: margaret.morrell@clear.net.nz. TAX INVOICE/RECEIPT Australian Association of Social Workers Ltd (QLD) Incorporated in the ACT ACN 008 576 010 ABN 93 008 576 010 (This form becomes a Tax Invoice/Receipt upon completion) TRAINING REGISTRATION FORM PLEASE REGISTER ME FOR THE FOLLOWING TRAINING / DATE / TIME: Workshop for Supervisees (20 June 2012, 9am-4.30pm) TO BE HELD at Venue: QUT Kelvin Grove campus, Health Clinics, Large Seminar Room My details are as follows (PLEASE PRINT IN CAPITAL LETTERS): First Name Surname Organisation Position Postal Address Suburb State Post Code Email Phone BH: AH Mobile Do you have any Dietary Requirements? Are you an AASW member? □ YES □ NO TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE (incl of GST) $ N.B. If more than one person from an organisation is attending please complete a registration form for each individual. Thankyou. Please TICK payment option below: □ I am paying by e-transfer: BSB 062-919 A/c 10149878 AASW Canberra Branch with reference “Your Name Qld” OR □ Please register me now & my employer will pay (Please specify if you require a separate invoice) OR □ I have enclosed a cheque made payable to Australian Association of Social Workers Ltd (QLD) OR □ Please debit my credit card. My card details are as follows: Credit card number: ___ ___ ___ ___ / ___ ___ ___ ___ / ___ ___ ___ ___ / ___ ___ ___ ___ Expiry date: ___ ___ / ___ ___ Name on card: __________________________________________________________________ Card holder’s Signature __________________________________________________________________ Please return this form to: AASW QLD Branch PO Box 1015 MILTON QLD 4064 Fax: (07) 3217 6938 Phone: (07) 3369 9818 aaswqld@aasw.asn.au Office Use Only Date Received Date Payment Deposited AASW (QLD) Cancellation Policy A full refund is available for cancellations received in writing at least 10 business days prior to course commencement. Those received within 10 business days of course commencement will be subject to a 20% administration fee. The course fee is non-refundable 72 hours prior to course commencement. AASW (QLD) reserves the right to cancel courses due to insufficient registrations or conditions beyond its control. AASW (QLD) will not be responsible for any travel or accommodation costs incurred. Where AASW (QLD) cancels a course, a full refund will be provided. Thank you. Member Y / N Member Type Receipt No. Member ID
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