How to create parts catalogues effectively and at lower costs Speaker: Herwart Schuette, Docware GmbH, Germany Agenda • Docware in short • Comparison of parts catalogue creation conventional and with professional parts catalogue software • Parts catalogue software PARTS-PUBLISHER • Example of a PARTS-PUBLISHER parts catalogue • Benefits and cost saving potentials of PARTS-PUBLISHER 2 Docware GmbH • • • • Headquarter: Fuerth, Germany Privately owned Established: 1987 28 employees Core Skills: Solutions for the information management in the after-sales service and the spare parts business e.g.: • Spare parts catalogues & service information systems • Spare parts shops All solutions are based on PARTS-PUBLISHER • Solutions based on the standard product PARTS-PUBLISHER • Customised solutions 3 PARTS-PUBLISHER Installations in Europe, Asia, Australia and USA: > 300 Europe: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Ireland, Great Britain, Denmark, Sweden, Spain, Czechia Asien: China, Korea USA Australia 4 Docware Customers Successful with PARTS-PUBLISHER 5 PARTS-PUBLISHER How to create parts catalogues effectively and at lower costs Obstacles of Conventional Supply of Parts and After-Sales Service Information Complex, expensive, error-prone • • • • • • • 7 A lot of manual processes No continuous using of existing data and data structures Missing integration with ERP, PLM, CAD systems, etc. Multi-processing for publishing catalogues in different media Different systems used to create paper and electronic catalogues Media breaks Redundancies The Solution: Electronic Parts Catalogues Spare Parts Catalogue Software PARTS-PUBLISHER Easy, economic, future-proof • Automated processing (incl. Linking) of complex service, product and spare parts information • Continuous using of existing data and data structures • Easy integration with ERP, PLM, CAD, E-Commerce systems, etc. • Single source publishing (paper, CD, DVD, Internet) • Optimised documentation and presentation of linked service and parts information 8 PARTS-PUBLISHER PARTS-PUBLISHER Standardsoftware for electronic parts catalogues Catalogue Creation with PARTS-PUBLISHER 10 Comparison of parts catalogue creation Conventional - With Parts Catalogue Software PARTS-PUBLISHER Conventional With PARTS-PUBLISHER Decentralised data management Central data storage Manual processing of data Automatic (also manual if desired) processing of data, standardised data import High percentage of manual work steps during data processing and catalogue creation High degree of automation for data processing and catalogue creation Multiple editing of the data for output on/in various media Media-neutral management and processing of data, free choice of the output medium, production of all media (cross-media publishing) from one data pool (singlesource) Media breaks, redundancies Consistent data without redundancies Lack of integration in an existing IT environment, isolated solutions Simple connection to ERP, PPS, PDM, CAD, e-commerce, e-procurement and e-service systems Great deal of effort for updates: Updates come along with the distribution of change notifications or redistribution of catalogues, high material costs Updates require minimal effort; Updating of CDs in circulation possible via the Internet; no redistribution of CDs required The uncontinuous usage of data means re-creation, delays and higher costs The continuous use of existing data means effectiveness, increased production, improved quality and customer satisfaction 11 PARTS-PUBLISHER Features • Standard software with open system architecture (standardised interfaces) market driven, technically mature product, guarantee of continuous development, easy integration, easy customising • Modular design configuration as required, scalability • High configuring capability flexible customising • SAP certified • Based on industrial standards future-proof, safe investment • With or without 3D integration 12 PARTS-PUBLISHER Standard Interfaces, Integration with an Existing or Planned IT Environment SAP Navision PSIpenta Baan Windchill Axapta ABAS PARTS-PUBLISHER easy integration with ERP, PPS, PDM, PLM, CRM, SRM, CAD, etc. Intershop Click Commerce etc. 13 Teamcenter keytech PLM PARTS-PUBLISHER Catalogue Examples im Aftersales und im Ersatzteilwesen Optimiertes Informationsmanagement Benefits, Cost Savings Optimiertes Informationsmanagement im Aftersales und im Ersatzteilwesen Cost Saving in Catalogue Creation Saving of time and money at all processes: Administration & consolidation of service and spare part data 16 Catalogue creation & modification Publishing and distribution Procurement, stock Cost Saving in Catalogue Creation Administration & consolidation of service and spare part data Catalogue creation & modification Publishing and distribution Procurement, stock Bundling of different data sources in one central catalogue database Modifications of data in connected systems (ERP, PLM, etc.) run directly into the catalogue database 17 Cost Saving in Catalogue Creation Administration & consolidation of service and spare part data Catalogue creation & modification Publishing and distribution Procurement, stock Automated data processing Direct data exchange with ERP, PLM, CAD systems etc. possible All catalogues from one and the same data pool; order-, customer-, useror version-specific catalogues on demand Catalogue templates once configured can be utilised again and again Multilingualism point and click Catalogue modifications and updates with only a few mouse clicks; modifications effect all media (CD-ROM, paper, Internet ); no redundancies 18 Cost Saving in Catalogue Creation Administration & consolidation of service and spare part data Catalogue creation & modification Publishing and distribution Single source publishing, all media from one data source Saving of paper Update of distributed catalogue CDs via Internet 19 Procurement, stock Cost Saving in Catalogue Creation Administration & consolidation of service and spare part data Catalogue creation & modification Publishing and distribution Procurement, stock Catalogue updates at low costs possible; therefore shorter update cycles possible; therefore smaller editions; therefore lower costs for storing paper and CD catalogues Smaller storage space for supply inventory of CDs; stockkeeping for Internet catalogues obsolete 20 Summing up: Savings mainly based on: • • • • • • 21 Connection of data sources Central data organisation Automation of data import Automation of data processing / catalogue creation One data stock for all catalogue media (Single Source) Flexible further and multiple use of data Possible 60 % Cost Savings 22 Statements of Customers Optimiertes Informationsmanagement im Aftersales und im Ersatzteilwesen Cost Savings, Increased Effectiveness Stiebel Eltron Increased Effectiveness, Cost Savings • • • • Electrical devices for domestic hot water, central heating, air-conditioning Headquarter: Holzminden (D), 16 subsidiaries and numerous agencies throughout the world 3000 employees, turnover 2007 (incl. turnover of sales organisations): 400 Mio € PARTS-PUBLISHER spare parts catalogue system, catalogues on CD and on the Internet Savings Time saving in data check due to automatic data check with PARTS‐PUBLISHER Cost savings in catalogue production effected by PARTS‐PUBLISHER Time saving Expenditure of time in data check before using Parts‐Publisher Hours / Year Source: Stiebel Eltron GmbH & Co. KG, March 2009 24 Costs before using PARTS‐PUBLISHER Time expenditure using Parts‐Publisher Savings Costs for production of parts catalogues with PARTS‐PUBLISHER Stiebel Eltron Increased Effectiveness Production of double the catalogues in the time period Increased quantity Number of brand catalogues Number of Internet catalogues So far So far With Parts‐Publisher Source: Stiebel Eltron GmbH & Co. KG, March 2009 25 With Parts‐Publisher Stiebel Eltron Shortened Update Cycles Increase Up-To-Dateness Less effort for catalogue updating allows for shorter update intervals Improved quality and up‐to‐dateness Update intervals so far Months Source: Stiebel Eltron GmbH & Co. KG, March 2009 26 Update intervals with PARTS‐PUBLISHER Months Hekuma GmbH, Eching Cost Savings • • • • Manufacturer of injection molding machines Turnover 2006: 35 M € Employees: 150 3D parts catalogues directly from Inventor Benefits, Cost Savings • Cost reduction in creation of catalogues and media • Cost reduction in order processing and administration • Cost reduction in support and hotline (less callbacks) Cost savings of about 20.000 € p.a. Source: Helmut Schmid, Head of After-Sales Service, Hekuma GmbH, Eching, Germany 27 Masa AG, Andernach Increased Effectiveness of the Documentation Department • Manufacturer of machines and turn-key plants for the building materials industry • PARTS-PUBLISHER parts catalogue system (CD, Internet) with integrated 3D models directly from SolidEdge drawings/project old new projects/year old new Reduced number of recreated drawings, increased number of catalogue projects Source: Technical Documentation, Masa AG, Andernach, Germany 28 SENNEBOGEN Maschinenfabrik Increased Effectiveness, Cost Savings • • Manufacturer of cranes, telescopic cranes, special machinery, materials loaders and hydraulic earth moving machinery PARTS-PUBLISHER parts catalogue system integrated with keytech PLM (leading system) Cost savings in paper: 750.000 pages of paper p.a. less Reduced effort in catalogue creation: Before: Today: Creation of a catalogue took weeks Creation of a catalogue CD takes about 15 minutes; PDF < 1 hour NO order-specific catalogues Order-specific catalogues Increased effectiveness of the technical documentation department: 1999: ca. 300 parts catalogues 2006: ca. 1000 parts catalogues 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Anzahl der Number Kataloge 1999 Source: SENNEBOGEN Maschinenfabrik, Straubing, Germany 29 2006 of Catalogues Stahl Konecranes Cost Savings • • • Manufacturer of carriers, lifting tools 3D-Parts catalogues for Straddle Carriers XVL Converter at Solid-Edge work station Michael Dietterle, Head of Technical Documentation, Konecranes Straddle Carrier Business, Germany „We save 73 hours of work per catalogue using 3D-data from SolidEdge directly for the catalogue creation. CD catalogues instead of printed catalogues save about 3000 € per order.“ 30 Zeiss Industrial Metrology Cost Savings • • • Manufacturer of industrial measuring systems Spare part and service information on DVD 12 catalogue updates p.a. Michael Maurer, Head of Technical Documentation, Zeiss Industrial Metrology, Germany „450 service technicians world wide use our service DVDs. We update these DVDs 12 times a year. Upating our distributed DVDs via Internet saves 28.000 € p.a.. This amount would incur, if the DVDs would be re-produced and re-distributed. 31 Kögel Fahrzeugwerke Decreased Ordering Errors • • • • Commercial vehicles, semi-trailers for general carriage of goods and vehicles for intermodal transport, production of ca. 30.000 vehicles a year (2007), 41 vehicle lines, 50.000 vehicle variants 1500 employees (2008), turnover (2005): 250 m€ Online service portal for spare parts ordering, complaint processing and vehicle history (introduction october 2006) based on PARTS-PUBLISHER, PSIpenta, up2date and f@stcheck.CAQ 3500 parts orders on an monthly avarage (19 % of the volume of orders is generated by the service portal) Ordering errors reduced by about 20 % % 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2006 2005 2008 2008 Year Source: Kögel Fahrzeugwerke, After Sales Parts Logistic, Ulm, Germany 32 Kögel Fahrzeugwerke Relief of the Ordering Hotline Ordering hotline calls reduced by about 30 % % 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2006 2005 2008 2008 Source: Kögel Fahrzeugwerke, After Sales Parts Logistic, Ulm, Germany 33 Year Kögel Fahrzeugwerke Reduced Expenditure of Time for the Order Processing Order processing time reduced by about 20 % % 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 about 150 spare part orders/day (as at June 2008) 2006 2005 2008 2008 Source: Kögel Fahrzeugwerke, After Sales Parts Logistic, Ulm, Germany 34 Year Philips Healthcare, Best (NL) Reduced Calls on the Help Desk Part Calls % of total HD Calls Percentage of spare partSpare related callsasto the total number of Helpdesk calls 40,0% Ercentage of spare part related calls on the total number calls % of SP Helpdesk Calls/ HD Calls 35,0% 30,0% Start improvement Target 8 months 25,0% Target 8 month 20,0% Actual Target 15,0% Introduction Introductione-SPF PARTS-PUBLISHER 10,0% 5,0% 0,0% m r t02 ju n02 se p02 de c02 m r t03 ju n03 se p03 de c03 m r t04 ju n04 se p04 de c04 m r t05 ju n05 se p05 de c05 m r t06 ju n06 se p06 de c06 m r t07 ju n07 se p07 de c07 Month Months In 2001, the number of spare part case related to the total number of Hepdesk cases was about 1 to 3 In 2005, this number was reduced to 1 to 7 From 2002 to 2006 the absolute number of spare part related Helpdesk calls decreased by 92 % 35 Source: Spare Part Call Reduction Report, Philips Medical, Best, Netherlands, June 2007 Philips Healthcare, Best (NL) Reduced Calls on the Helpdesk Spare part related Hepdesk calls Number of calls 3000 2500 2000 1500 3D-Säule 1 1000 500 expected 0 2001 2005 2006 2007 Year From 2002 to 2006 the number of spare part related Helpdesk calls decreased by 92 % 36 Source: Spare Part Call Reduction Report, Philips Medical, Best, Netherlands, June 2007 Philips Medical Systems, Hamburg Return on Invest Where the profit comes from one creation process 15% 1st Line Service 44% no paper 8% 3rd line Service 22% 2nd line Service 11% Source: Presentation Bernd Lehmanski, Manager Technical Automation Information Technology, Philips Medical Systems, 2005 37 Thank you for your attention! 38
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