Volume XLIII, No. 17 Oshawa, Ontario August 30, 1974 A. N. How to Fill New Position As General Secretary of the Canadian Union Conference By L. L. REILE, President Canadian Union Conference With work expanding and responsibilities increasing the Canadian Union Conference executive committee voted to increase the staff of the Union headquarters office. A. N. How, president of the British Columbia Conference, has been called to fill a new office, that of General Secretary of the Canadian Union. He will move to Oshawa to take up his new post in September. Elder How is a Canadian, born in Edmonton, Alberta. Prior to becoming an Adventist he served in the Canadian Royal Navy, attaining the rank of Lieutenant Commander. He also worked for the Alberta Railway Company. After accepting the Three Angels' Messages he and his wife moved to Lacombe, Alberta. Elder How entered denominational work in 1949, first as a full-time literature evftngelist, then as assistant secretary of the Publishing Department of the Alberta Conference, later becoming the publishing secretary. This was followed by his becoming the Book and Bible House manager. Some time later he accepted the call to become secretary-treasurer of the British Columbia Conference. Elder How went from British Columbia to Newfoundland as their president until he was recalled to British Columbia to become president of the British Columbia Conference, which responsibility he carried until his recent call to the Canadian Union. Mrs. How, Frances, also born in Alberta, is a secretary by profession, and has served efficiently in the various conferences in which she and her husband have laboured. The Hows have two sons. The elder, David, is controller in the Columbia Customs Brokers of Vancouver, British Columbia. The other, Fred, is married to the former Beverly Tetz, and teaches at the Okanagan Academy in Rutland, British Columbia. Elder A. W. Kaytor, president of the Alberta Conference, will replace Elder How as the new president of the British Columbia Conference. Youth Leaders' Convention to Be Held In Each Conference of the Canadian Union By WINSTON DE HAVEN, Youth Director, Canadian Union The youth throughout the Canadian Union are really on fire for the Lord. This is a day of action, and each of you should be very pleased to know that our young people are anxious to serve, rather than be served. As a result of this renewed interest in having a part in hastening the coming of the Lord, it is imperative that we have youth leaders within our churches who are trained and ready to serve the youth to the very best of their ability. Therefore, we are scheduling Youth Leaders' Conventions in each one of the conferences at which time we are inviting all of the MV leaders, the Pathfinder leaders, the pastors, and all laymen who are interested in preparing their lives for better serving the youth of their church. Each weekend will be packed full of fellowship, inspiration, and training that will be beneficial to all who attend. So that you can make plans for attending, the schedule is as follows: Maritime September 27-29 Newfoundland January 6-8 British Columbia January 24-26 Ontario January 31-February 2 Alberta February 7-9 Saskatchewan February 14-16 Manitoba February 21-23 Quebec March 7-9 Each weekend will begin with registration Friday afternoon from 4-6 p.m., and will end with a farewell dinner at 12:30 on Sunday. We would be most pleased if each one would plan to arrive on time for supper and stay by until the closing meeting. You will be happy to note that at each of these meetings we will have a representative from the Youth Department of the General Conference. This will be a great opportunity for youth leaders to be better prepared to serve in their churches. Each person should plan to take his own bedding, and at "bargain prices", — lodging and food will be furnished. Watch for further details from your local youth director. The important thing is that you PLAN NOW TO ATTEND THE YOUTH LEADERS' CONVENTION IN YOUR CONFERENCE. Our dear Ellen G. White wrote, "With such an army of workers as our youth rightly trained might furnish, how soon the message of a crucified, risen and soon-coming Saviour might be carried to all the world." The De Havens wish to thank scores of you for the fine hospitality which you showed to us as we travelled across Canada visiting the Camp Meetings. It was a glorious privilege for us, and we look forward to associating with the youth and pastors and so many fine people here in the Canadian Union. Let us all determine and pray that we will work together in such a way that our heavenly Father will bless our efforts and His coming might be hastened. The Dangerous Aftermath By GILBERT E. ANDERSEN, Director, Lay Evangelism, Canadian Union Camp Meeting is over for another year, but what rich blessings we received. Many were heard to say, this is the best Camp Meeting yet. The attendance was greater than ever before. All during the week the meetings were well attended and again the Lord gave the rich showers of His grace through His chosen instruments. The Holy Spirit was evidently working and ministering to God's people. After such rich blessings, what happens now when we return to our homes? Here is the greatest danger — because a time of spiritual enlightenment and blessings is always followed by a time of spiritual stagnation and decline unless we are prepared to meet it. The same is true of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. If the blessing is hoarded it is quickly lost. Did the disciples stay in the upper room when the Holy Spirit was poured out upon them? How could they? "The appearance of fire signified the fervent zeal with which the apostles would labour, and the power that would attend their work." — Acts of the Apostles, p. 39. The priests and rulers "had thought to find the apostles cowed with fear under the strong hand of oppression and murder but they find them lifted above all fear, and filled with the Spirit, proclaiming with power the divinity of Jesus of Nazareth. They hear them declaring with boldness that the One so recently humiliated, derided, smitten by cruel hands, and crucified, is the Prince of life, now exalted to the right hand of God." — Acts of the Apostles p. 42. The Holy Spirit not only fills a man, but sends him out to the Lord's work! And the man who then continues to tarry in the upper room does so at the peril of his own soul: for — what was to him the greatest blessing will turn into spiritual death. The "upper room" will always remain the place of private devotion where we reach out by faith to receive from Jesus. But he who does nothing but pray, will soon cease to pray. Jesus sought the mountain solitudes to be with God, but having received, He returned to the multitude to minister grace to their needs. "Often He passed the entire night in prayer and meditation, returning at daybreak to His work among the peo- ( .1,! (ESSEX GB] 306 ple." — Desire of Ages, p. 260. "Under the training of Christ, the disciples had been led to feel their need of the Spirit. Under the Spirit's teaching, they received the final qualification, and went forth to their lifework. No longer were they ignorant and uncultured. No longer were they a collection of independent units or discordant, conflicting elements. No longer were their hopes set on worldly greatness. They were of 'one accord,' of one heart and of one soul.' Christ filled their thoughts; the advancement of His kingdom was their aim. In mind and character they had become like their Master, and men 'took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.' " — Acts of the Apostles, p. 45. Paul says "we have this treasure in earthern vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us." — 2 Corinthians 4:7. "As His representatives among men, Christ does not choose angels, who have never fallen, but human beings, men of like passions with those they seek to save. Christ took upon Himself humanity, that He might reach humanity. Divinity needed humanity; for it required both the divine and the human to bring salvation to the world. Divinity needed humanity, that humanity might afford a channel of communication between God and man. So with the servants and messengers of Christ. Man needs a power outside of and beyond himself, to restore him to the likeness of God, and enable him to do the work of God; but this does not make the human agency unessential. Humanity lays hold upon divine power, Christ dwells in the heart by faith; and through co-operation with the divine, the power of man becomes efficient for good." — Desire of Ages 296, 297. "We are to be laborers together with the heavenly angels in presenting Jesus to the world. With almost impatient eagerness the angels wait for our co-operation; for man must ne the channel to communicate with man. And when we give ourselves to Christ in whole-hearted devotion, angels rejoice that they may speak through our voices to reveal God's love." — Desire of Ages, p. 297. Official Organ of the CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE of Seventh-day Adventists, Carl ICIam, Editor; Pearl I. Browning, Associate Editor. President, L. L. Reile; Secretary-treasurer, Carl Klam. Departmental Secretaries: Publishing, C. K. Okuno; Public Relations, Lay Activities, Sabbath School, Radio-TV, W. E. Kuester; Education, P. W. Manuel; Public Affairs, D. L. Michael; Medical, H. W. Gimbel, M.D. Issued semimonthly. Subscription price $2.00 a year. Second class mail registration number 0912. Printed by Maracle Press Limited, Oshawa, Ontario. CANADIAN UNION MESSENGER The Church in Canada By Union Conference President, L. L. Reile As of June 30, 1974 the church membership figures in the conferences of the Canadian Union were recorded as follows: Alberta British Columbia Manitoba-Saskatchewan Maritime Ontario Quebec Newfoundland Union Total 4,098 5,924 2,832 1,400 7,330 894 658 23,136 On the chart shown below you can see the baptismal results as reported by the individual conferences. Our hearts are filled with gratitude to God for His blessings as the church continues to grow. We realize much greater blessings are available. Please pray earnestly, daily, that many more will learn to love the Lord now. God wants to finish His work on earth. It is our privilege to share in His closing work. 1974 CANADIAN UNION BAPTISMS B. C. ALBERTA Ontario — New Church for Iron Bridge By PHILIP MOORES, President Ontario Conference of S.D.A. Everybody was willing to help and the new church at Iron Bridge seemed to become a reality overnight. The church is beautifully finished and carpeted inside. Outside, it not only has stairs but a ramp, so that it is easily accessible to wheelchair patients. Since opening day a number of people who have lived in the neighbourhood of the church have been coming out to services. The Vacation Bible School has been a real success and a number of the children continue to make it a habit to come to the Sabbath School. They plan to have a Neighbourhood Story Hour each week. The young people of the church are very active in singing bands. They go to one of the Senior Citizens' Homes in nearby Thessalon. The last report indicated that they had about forty of the senior citizens out to their program. The Iron Bridge Church is preparing the area for a full fledged evangelistic effort. They would like to see many join with them in worship from Sabbath to Sabbath. 203 43 Voice of Prophecy Sunday Broadcasts — ONTARIO — MAN. SASK. 105 ONTARIO 406 QUEBEC 135 MARITIME 68 N FLO. 47 TOTAL VoL. 43, No. 17, AUGUST 30, 1974 1007 Wide Area Stations KS JB 600 11:00 am WMAQ 670 1:30 am WNBC 660 12:30 am CKPC 1380 10:30 pm Brantford CHUC 1450 9:30 am Cobourg CKLC 1380 9:30 am Kingston CKLC-FM 99.5 9:30 am Kirkland Lake CJKL 560 7:30 am Leamington CHYR 710 3.30 pm New Liskeard CJTT 1230 7:30 am CFCH 600 11:00 am North Bay CKLB 1350 8:30 am Oshawa (See Smith Falls) Ottawa Peterborough CKPT 1420 10:30 pm Smith Falls Mon. CJET 630 9:30 pm Thunder Bay CKPR 580 9:30 am CKPR-FM 94.3 9:30 am Timmins CKGB 680 7:30 am Toronto CKFH 1430 10:00 am 307 General Conference President R. H. Pierson and Mrs. Pierson Visit the Oshawa-Toronto Area of Ontario Conference By Philip Moores Ontario Conference President The College Park Church congregation was indebted to the Branson Hospital School of Nursing graduating class for the privilege of having R. H. Pierson, President of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists as its guest speaker on Sabbath, August 3rd. President Pierson took the morning worship service and also conducted a question and answer period for two hours in the afternoon. The church members appreciated the fact that the president made himself available to answer questions. Saturday night the president and his wife enjoyed a sacred concert by talent from a number of churches in downtown Toronto for the benefit of the Multi-lingual Center where the Portuguese and the Hungarian people hold services. Pastor Henry Feyerabend was grateful for the surprise appearance of the General Conference president. The president and his wife stayed to look over the building after the program. Elder Pierson met with the Hungarian people and had a special prayer of consecration in the Hungarian chapel. It was very late before he got away to get some rest before the graduation service the next day. Elder and Mrs. Pierson seemed to cherish every moment in the Toronto area because they met so many former friends from many countries of earth. Elder Pierson expressed the hope that he might go north and see the work there. When asked how far north, he said, "To Hudson Bay." "You mean Moosonee?" "That will be fine. Do we have any work up there?" "I regret to tell you no, but the conference treasurer has been after us to go to that part of the world to distribute literature." "A good idea," said the General Conference president. "Let's get some SIGNS and do that!" We hope the General Conference president can find time in his busy schedule to help us evangelize Moosonee. If he doesn't, I say, "Let us do it for him as soon as possible." We can do it by seeing that a SIGNS OF THE TIMES is sent to every home in Moosonee. Some speak French and some speak English. We have the addresses of a thousand people who live in that area and would like three thousand dollars to see that the SIGNS goes to every home. If you would like to help The President's Fund with the project, mail your contribution to: Box 520 Oshawa, Ont. L1H7M1 General Conference President R. H. Pierson and Mrs. Pierson on the left with Branson Hospital Administrator A. G. Rodgers and Mrs. Rodgers standing in front of the North York Branson Hospital where Elder Pierson had just given the Commencement Address for the graduates of the Branson School of Nursing. The graduation will be featured in the next issue of the CANADIAN UNION MESSENGER. 308 CANADIAN UNION MESSENGER You are invited to: A Panorama of Sights and Sounds "ADVENTISTS AROUND THE WORLD" See it in Ontario at Sept. 27, 7:30 p.m. College Park Seventh-day Adventist Church 1164 King Street East Oshawa, Ont. Toronto Jr. Academy Auditorium 555 Finch Avenue West Willowdale, Ont. Perth Avenue Seventh-day Adventist Church 243 Perth Avenue Toronto, Ont. London Seventh-day Adventist Church 180 Waterloo Street London, Ont. Windsor Seventh-day Adventist Church 5350 Haig Street Windsor, Ont. Sept. 28, 7:30 p.m. Sept. 29, 7:30 p.m. Oct. 1, 7:30 p.m. Oct. 2, 7:30 p.m. A MULTI-SCREEN PRESENTATION by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and the producers of Mission Spotlight COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS David Lonsdale Reaches Investment Goal By having friends pay 25c each to sign their names on his grandmother's cast, David's comment was "I could have lots more names but grannie got the cast off." David is eight years old and attends Mrs. Atkins Primary Class, Ottawa Seventhday Adventist Church. OTTAWA SABBATH SCHOOL Vol.,. 43, No. 17, AUGUST 30, 1974 Hamilton Vacation Bible School By LOUISE PROUTY, VBS Director In spite of two other Vacation Bible Schools held simultaneously in the area, our attendance came to 88, out of which 49 children came from non-Adventist homes. An enjoyable and profitable week (July 8-12) terminated with the closing exercises on Friday night. Most of the children attended and presented a short program consisting of songs and a Bible Quiz for their parents. A gift was presented to each child who wrote a composition about VBS, and each family represented received a copy of Steps to Christ. As the parents viewed the craft display there was opportunity to become acquainted with them and hear their many appreciative comments concerning our work. As a public relations activity, VBS performs a special function in establishing rapport in the community. But more than that, it helps to lead people to Christ. Each day a special guest was invited to participate in the opening exercises. John Blaney, Jr.. is shown with his display of sea shells on which he gave a very interesting talk. The lunch period was one of the daily highlights. Mrs. H. Kinney and Mrs. C. Hesketh are seen passing out homemade cookies and fruit juice. 309 Vacation Bible School at Kingsview Village In summer when your time is free, VBS is the place to be; I'm just a visitor here, you see; My mother said it's good for me. In case you're wondering what we do, I'll let you in and list a few; There're arts and crafts, and music too, And Bible lessons they're good for you. You meet new friends and what is more, VBS is not a bore; There are prizes and awards galore; That's something that's worth going for. Alas, the end is very near; As we leave we shed a tear, I'll shout this loud so you all can hear; Come to VBS with me next year!!! The above poem was written by Renee Nadeau, age 10, to qualify her for a special award offered by the Kingsview Village VBS to a child from the community. This special award was a trip to Friendship Camp, July 21-July 25. Teachers, Shanti Krishnasami, Mrs. Frank Juriansz, and Debbie Waylett help the kindergarten class with activity books. The dedicated staff, which included both those who arrived each day and those who contributed time and energy during non-VBS hours, pray that the influence of VBS 1974 may extend from this present world to the earth made new. ALICE SELIVANOFF, leader A Further Report of the Bikeathon Our camp equipment fund raising ended across the Conference with a 50mile bikeathon for the young people July 1 at Camp Meeting. This Bikeathon should net about $2000.00 with 45 people riding. However, much of the money had not been collected for the ride, at last report. One boy had sponsorships for over $350.00. The Conference office secretaries rode for a total of more than $500.00. And the Conference M.V. Secretary rode for about $180.00. Next issue will carry a report of the total fund raising effort and list of equipment purchased will be given. NEVILLE GEORGE, Director Youth Activities "Jesus did not suppress one word of truth, but He uttered it always in love." — "Steps to Christ," page 12. Evangelism in Ontario Renee Nadeau, the ten-year old who wrote the above poem. Pictures by Bev Connors Pastor Lyle Pollett at the North Bay Crusade. He uses Black Light and two screens. It makes an interesting and effective presentation. Mr. Taylor observes Elizabeth, his daughter, and Deanna as the juniors make plastic urns. 310 Three major Crusades have been in progress this summer: Elder Orley Berg in Hamilton; Elder Ron Halvorsen in Ottawa; Elder Lyle C. Pollett in North Bay. Each of these men have local pastors and laymen assisting them and all report good decisions for Christ. By the time of this printing, each will have had baptisms. Our church members and pastors are rejoicing. God bless all the believers in Jesus Christ. L. R. KRENZLER Communications Secretary CANADIAN UNION MESSENGER Report of Branson's Participation at the Canadian Dietetic Association Convention For several reasons, which altered the pre-planned program of, and difference between "Vegetarianism" and the Vegetarian of Hosting C.D.A. Dietitians at the Branson Hospital June 20, Diet as is promoted and supported by the Seventh-day Adventist 1974, other arrangements were made by the Dietary Depart- Dietetic Association, and thus by the Dietary Department of the Branson Hospital. ment in order to provide an alternate service, and thus contribThis in itself has been necessary as a foundation on which ute equally in the "Vegetarian Nutrition Education" expected the Dietetic Association and the Department of Nutrition and presentation. Sciences can construct, and further conduct education in this Miss M. L. T. Gaffud and Mrs. Elsie Sokol spent the entire day (June 20) at the Convention. A desk and a special field. Promotion by way of practical exposure will be necessary sign denoting the Project was provided. Special announcements as the demand increases, for the use of meatless proteins, which would of necessity replace meats. were made previously, to inform the Dietitians of the availThis has been the second time that the Branson Hospital ability of Consultations and Materials on the subject of VegDietary Department was able to comply and contribute acceptetable Proteins. ably in this field of interest, in answer to an invitation by the The "Special" Life and Health Magazine was made available, Canadian Dietetic Association. We wish to gratefully acwhich presents the scientific evidence and its relationship to an knowledge the authors of resource materials, which we used acceptable balanced protein intake. Much printed materials were as references in preparing scientific and statistical data, in order prepared, which essentially, was to provide the nutritional data to provide guidelines acceptable to Canadan standards, for use and caloric value breakdown of meat analogs, as applied in the by the Dietitians. Though we are pleased to have made these use of menu planning. Possible modifications as well as diets that are restricted in the use of variety analogs, were among contributions, we realize that there remains the continuous need for further Community Health and Nutrition Education to the data provided. which many must give dedicated service, if the need is to be met. It was a busy time, but more than 200 Dietitians were able to receive information by discussions and printed materials. We were pleased that nearly all Dietitians availed themselves of the materials at hand (a small fee was charged to cover costs). We feel satisfied that the program change (due to necessity) did not distract any from the importance of the contribution which was to be made. Many expressed their appreciation for our making these materials available and also the possibility of having numerous questions regarding the "Now In" meatless diet idea. Since June 15, 1971, when Dr. Nevin Scrimshaw alerted the Dietitians of the challenge they would face in preparing for the future changes to come in the style of eating — continual inquiries have come to the Dietary Department of the Branson Hospital from across Canada. At first we were requested to provide evidence of the validity of a "Vegetarian Diet" — providing a balanced protein level, as well as the nutritional adequacy of the diet such as the B6 and B12, iron, etc. More recently, the trend of the inquiries was geared towards availability of varieties, methods of preparation and application in therapeutic diets. In other words "SHOW US HOW!" Many pages of printed materials have been made available in answer to many inquiries from across Canada during the past three years. We feel certain, and satisfied that the breakthrough has come, and that sufficient verification has been given to clarify Miss M. L. T. Gaffud, Dietitian, and Mrs. E. Sokol, Food Service Director. the doubts and fears of the oft-questioned vegetarian diet. recently spent an entire day at the Canadian Dietetic Association Conven• interested in the "Vegetariar _ It was possible to provide the facts, which showed the logic tion, providing information to Dietitians Diet". Do You Know? If anyone has any information as to the whereabouts of the following former members of the College Park Church in Oshawa, Ontario, please notify the Church Secretary whose address is given under this list. Barker, Miss Catherine Barker, Mr. Douglas Foley, Mr. Reginald VoL. 43, No. 17, AUGUST 30, 1974 Godsoe, Mr. Clarence Hanson, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Henry, Mr. Ross Hurren, Mr. & Mrs. John A. Hutzkel, Mr. David Issa, Mr. Nabil Keys, Mr. & Mrs. A. Kovaleu, Mr. Nick Mandzuk, Mr. Darcey McDermott, Miss Frances Mitchell, Mrs. Marilyn Northcott, Miss Helen Presnal, Mr. Tom Rhind, Mr. David Scott, Mr. Harvey Terry, Mr. Calvin Thomas, Mr. Everton Watts, Mr. Macon Please notify Church Secretary, College Park Church, 1164 King St. E., Oshawa 311 Manitoba-Saskatchewan — Manitoba-Saskatchewan Camp Meeting 1974 By STAN GALLANT, Conference Lay Activities Secretary I do believe we have had one of our best Camp Meetings as God's people met together both in Saskatoon and Clear Lake to rededicate their lives anew to their Master. As the servants of the Lord presented their timely messages every meeting was well attended. Sabbath School Workshop, taught by Elder Rampton and the Lay Training Course by Elder Weiss were most inspiring on how we as a people of God need to press together and work together to help many thirsting souls to know Christ as their personal Saviour. May I add, many precious moments were spent in groups praying for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that we as a people may move forward for the cause of God in the finishing of His work upon this earth. The climax of Clear Lake Camp Meeting in Manitoba on a Sabbath afternoon was the scene of a beautiful baptism where three young men as pictured dedicated their lives to the Lord to go with Jesus all the way. Lay members of the Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference, I want to encourage you to be faithful, and as you prepare your heart for the coming of Jesus, think of your neighbours and friends and help them also to prepare for eternity. Elder J. Doward, General Conference, speaking to a group of young people who filled the chapel during each meeting. Ukrainian group that met at each meeting. Third from right in front Samograd, second from left in front row, Pastor Koesitsin. 4.00110k , Left to right — Elder M. Roshak, Greater New York Conference; Elder N. Ilchuk, Voice of Prophecy; Elder S. J. Demchuk, retired in California, who brought spiritual blessings to our Ukrainian-speaking members. Baptism 1974 Clear Lake — Albert Chernipeski, Elder Samograd, Randy Chernipeski, Elder S. H. Gallant and Tom Liske. South-west Manitoba ACT Progress Report Recently in the MESSENGER a report was given on the work and aims of the two-man ACT team hired by the Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference. Their plan was to open the doors with the arm of medical evangelism. Starting with Listen Magazines for the health of the body and progressing through small book312 lets on the health of the mind the two young men, Norman Manweiler and Bill Moore have come at this writing to introducing the people they have contacted to the conversion set of study guides Steps To Eternal Life, a six lesson course using Today's English Version commonly called Good News For Modern Man. This course, similar in format to the other gift Bible courses, leads the student to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The response has been overwhelming. This is the Lord's work; only your prayers ascending with those of the workers involved will bring a rich harvest. Another exciting part of the work cenCANADIAN UNION MESSENGER tered in Melita, a town of just over 1,100, was the Vacation Bible School. The VBS run by the wives of the two young workers, Carmen Manweiler and Barbara Moore, assisted by their husbands and Mrs. Burgess, the pastor's wife from Brandon, was a real success. The first morning only nine were present, but by the end of one week twenty-eight had registered and were enjoying the creative crafts and songs and stories. Twenty-two were out the second day. At the graduation held Friday evening over twenty students were present and nearly as many parents and friends, brothers and sisters. The parents expressed sincere appreciation and many were willing to have their children attend the follow-up Wednesday morning Story Hour. Some very good friends have been gained for the Church through this ministry to children. Some are already taking the Steps To Eternal Life. Pictured behind the graduating class left to right in front of the hall where the VBS was held, are: Carmen Manweiler, Norman Manweiler, Barbara Moore, Bill Moore. "The heathen systems of sacrifice were a perversion of the system that God had appointed." — "The Desire of Ages", page 28. Twenty-fifth Anniversary for the Soloniuks Elder and Mrs. Soloniuk opening gifts given to them by their friends. The evening of July 2, a come-and-go party was held at the home of Elder and Mrs. Soloniuk when they celebrated their 25th Anniversary. Approximately 213 guests came to wish them well and happiness. Elder and Mrs. Soloniuk have laboured for the cause practically in all the conferences across Canada. They have endeared themselves to many people. Wishes were expressed that they may have many more happy years together as Left to right: Glenda Soloniuk, daughter, Mrs. W. Soloniuk, Elder W. Soloniuk, Gaylene Soloniuk, daughter, Mrs. Getha Manhen, daughter from Walla Walla College and Mrs. G. Soloniuk, Oshawa, Ontario, mother of Elder Soloniuk. they shoulder the work of God within their conference. Gifts that were received by the couple were very much appreciated and many thanks were expressed. In his speech, Elder Soloniuk reminded us of the wonderful gift given by God Himself which was His Son. He also said, pray that it may not be long and that the work of God may soon be finished and soon we will be in the kingdom. May God help each one to be faithful. STAN GALLANT Lay Activities Secretary Evangelism at Hudson Bay The good times started when Pastor Michaels held Evangelism in Porcupine Plains. The effort there didn't meet with much success. So the effort was moved to Hudson Bay where it blossomed into success and so far five have been baptized. The people who came to the Hudson Bay effort are people who were brought in by literature evangelist Nick Matiko. We are thankful for the working of the Lord through Brother Matiko. And it shows that the literature evangelist is still needed in the work of God. During the effort the opportunity came to have a child dedicaVoL. 43, No. 17, AUGUST 30, 1974 tion, where fifteen lovely children and infants were given to the Lord to do His service. An expectant mother requested her unborn child to be given to the Lord. Spiritual guardians were assigned to each and every child. More pictures Literature Evangelist Nick Matiko with people he worked with. Nick Matiko is in centre of back row. for Hudson Bay Evangelism on next page. 313 Hudson Bay Evangelism — (continued) Pastor Michaels with Evangelism at Hudson Bay. Elder Lloyd Erickson with baptismal candidates. Child Dedication at Hudson Bay. . . . News From Canora . . deer. They also enjoyed Sabbath worship under the skies. We thank the Lord that we had the opportunity to work with these children and it was a safe campout with no one injured. Mr. and Mrs. Genowey The Canora Dorcas Society was blessed with a substantial gift given to them by merchants of the town, Mr. and Mrs. Genowey, which amounted to over $3,000.00 in new clothing. A hearty thanks to the Genoweys from the Canora Church. June 22nd turned out to be a beautiful Sabbath day at Lake Nelson. The day outing was sponsored by the Hazel Dell Church. An investiture service was held. Children who participated, all from the Canora Church, were prepared for investiture by Brother and Sister Michaels and the Pathfinder staff. One adult was invested as Master Guide. The service was held by Elder Lloyd Erickson. The month of June brought beautiful weather to Saskatchewan, and with the good weather came the opportunity for the Hudson Bay and Canora Pathfinder clubs to go on a campout, under the direction of Yves Le Blanc and Mrs. Michaels. The nights spent in tents were below freezing, the days were hot, sunny and beautiful. The twenty-two children that went on the campout found that the beautiful clean air of the country increased their appetites one-hundred fold. They were taught to build pit fires and to cook their food on them. The young people were excited when they were shown the tracks of moose, fox, bear, wolves and 314 Hudson Bay Pathfinder director Yves Le Blanc at campout. Investiture Service. Smoke gets in your eyes — young people at campout. Mrs. Michaels, Pathfinder director, Canora. "However small your talent, God has a place for it. That one talent, wisely used, will accomplish its appointed work. By faithfulness in little duties, we are to work on the plan of addition, and God will work for us on the plan of multiplication."—"Christ's Object Lessons," p. 360. CANADIAN UNION MESSENGER Diamond Wedding Brandon Baby Dedication Randy Scott Wiebe, son of Pastor and Mrs. Ken Wiebe, was dedicated to the Lord at the Sabbath service hour July 27, 1974. Pastor Wiebe and his family on vacation from their pastorate in Harriston, Owen Sound, Ontario, were visiting Pastor Wiebe's parents and sister at Brandon and wished to have their second child, six-month-old Randy dedicated in the presence of those with whom he had once held membership. Left to right: Pastor Ken Wiebe, his wife Vera, son Randy and Pastor Jim Burgess. Alberta — Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Holm, Watrous, Saskatchewan. Many relatives and friends were pleased to honour Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Holm, Watrous, on the occasion of their 60th Wedding Anniversary, June 30, 1974. A Come-and-Go Tea was held in the afternoon at the Lutheran Church basement hall where over 160 guests were received. Mr. Holm, a native of Norway, came to the U.S.A. at the age of seven where his parents farmed in North Dakota. Later they homesteaded at Watrous. Mrs. Holm was born in Minnesota, U.S.A. and with her parents who originally came from Norway, moved to Craik, Saskatchewan, and homesteaded. Mr. and Mrs. Holm were married at Craik in 1914. They established their home in the farming community of Watrous and three daughters and one son came to bless this happy home. Mrs. Holm accepted the Advent message in 1946 and Mr. Holm became a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 1969. A delicious supper was held in the Recreation Hall at Manitou Beach where 110 relatives and a few close friends from far and near gathered. The program that followed was a huge success and was enjoyed by all who came. Two little greatgranddaughters presented this honoured couple each with a Bible. Congratulatory messages were received from the Queen; the Prime Minister of Canada; the Premier of Saskatchewan; the local M.P. and M.L.A.; and the President of the Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. VoL. 43, No. 17, AUGUST 30, 1974 The Girl Who Lost 85 Pounds Bev, a young mother grossly overweight, attended Fascinating Womanhood class tor the entire eight-week'session. At the close of the last meeting I could see her lingering and trying to get close enough to speak to me. When her chance came she took a deep breath and said: "You've changed my whole life! You've saved my marriage, and tomorrow I'm starting on a diet. I've already seen the doctor!" Then unfolded a story of young love, rosy dreams, three children, and a gradual deterioration of marriage until there "was nothing left" to use her own words. She and her husband rarely spoke to each other. He was rarely at home, spending most of every night chasing around. She spotted the Fascinating Womanhood book on the coffee table of a friend and attended the next session. She said the first week she sat there literally fascinated but weeping within. Every week as she attended she saw herself in everything that was said. She examined herself very carefully. She said that most women do a few things wrong but she did everything Bev AFTER. Nancy presenting Bev with her graduation certificate. wrong! Everything that I said not to do she was doing. By the end of the eightweek course she gave a beautiful testimonial on how happy things were getting around their house. Her husband was no longer staying out nights. They would sit and talk by the hour of their hopes and dreams for the future. I'm used to seeing marriages saved through the Fascinating Womanhood program but I hadn't had anyone before vow to go on a diet. I checked with her a couple of months later and she had lost about 30 pounds. That Fall when she repeated the course she had lost over 50 315 pounds. Week by week we cheered her on toward her goal. In the Spring, a year after she first began Fascinating Womanhood, she enrolled in the advanced course, Successful Fulfilled Womanhood, and by graduation day she had achieved her goal — 86 solid pounds lost and gone forever, we hope! "The requirements of God must be brought home to the conscience. Men and women must be awakened to the duty of self-mastery, the need of purity, freedom from very depraving appetite and defiling habit. They need to be impressed with the fact that all their powers of mind and body are the gift of God and are to be preserved in the best possible condition for His service." — Counsels on Diets and Foods, page 458. MRS. NANCY VAN PELT Director of Family Life Education Alberta Conference of S.D.A. Calgary, Alberta Youth Camp Meeting Program By M. S. GRAHAM, Alberta Conference MV Secretary NEW LIFE IN CHRIST was the theme of the Youth Camp Meeting program. The theme, prepared by the ACT volunteers, was displayed in large fluorescent letters across the front of the youth auditorium. It was evident also in the lives of a goodly number of youth from throughout the Conference as they participated in early morning worship, discussion and Bible study hour and the daily 11 a.m. services conducted by visiting speakers including Elder A. Mazat of the Signs of the Times, Elder C. Williams missionary from the Far East, Elder Mike Jones, editor of Insight magazine, and Elder Winston De Haven, newly appointed Canadian MV Secretary. Friday and Sabbath, July 12 and 13, the youth were privileged to have Elder John Hancock, our World Youth Leader from the General Conference present to speak in the youth auditorium as well as in the main Camp Meeting auditorium. One of the high lights of Camp Meeting was the Sabbath afternoon baptism conducted by Elder L. Tucker of the "Quiet Hour" radio broadcast, in which a number of young people publicly confessed their new faith in Christ and rose to new life in Him. The youth program which also included nature hikes, recreation activities such as volley ball and swimming, and afternoon visitation in the surrounding community was conducted by M. Graham, D. Yancey, D. Jackson, and M. Pond. ACT members Helen Northcott, Iris Cooke, Irma Hands, Loritha Graham, Raylene Littman, Dianne Simmons, Joan Sayler, Dianne Lamming, Gayle Rusnak, along with Warren Windels and theology students Klaus and Reiner from Germany participated in the programs and acted as custodians, dining room hostesses, etc., during Camp Meeting. Excellent Sabbath School programs were presented by the Calgary and Edmonton youth groups under the leadership of Doug Will and Brian Leavitt and Grantley Ford. Lesson study in Youth Auditorium on Sabbath. Youth Auditorium at SDA Camp, Alberta Mrs. Pat Anderson, Director of the Sedgewick, Alberta Vacation Bible School, as she directs the school of close to 100 children as they sing. Mrs. Reg Charles, Director of the Stettler, Alberta Vacation Bible School, as she listens to a group of young people recite all of their memory verses. This school was organized by Mrs. Tom Kay with an average attendance of around 60 children. 316 CANADIAN UNION MESSENGER Alberta Junior Camp Program Immediately following Camp Meeting, over 100 juniors from throughout the Conference participated in the Junior Camp program, July 14-21. A variety of crafts, nature study topics, recreational activities, and devotional programs were provided. Camping programs provide opportunity for children and youth of the church to widen their circle of acquaintances among their peers within the church. In addition, SDA principles and philosophy are taught and put into practice in an enjoyable atmosphere which demonstrates to our youth that the Christian life can be happy, enjoyable, and rewarding. We wish to express our thanks to parents who support the MV camping program and who send their children to such camps. A special thanks to the volunteers who helped counsel and taught crafts, etc. A growing interest is shown in the Friendship Camp concept as pastors and members from throughout the Conference brought forty-five campers to the campgrounds for a week-long program, July 24-30. Sponsored by the Lay Activities Department, the Friendship Camp provides opportunity to non-SDA children to enjoy all the programs provided for our own children. Campers are basically juniors who have been attending Sabbath School, Branch Sabbath Schools, Community Story Hours Friendship campers participating in morning prayer bands. or other share-your-faith programs conducted by SDA members or churches. As well as enjoying good SDA food prepared by camp cook Mrs. Vlug and her helpers and participating in the regular work program, crafts, nature study and recreation programs, these campers also took part in prayer bands, learned memory verses and participated in Sabbath School and Church activities. We wish to express a sincere Thank You to all who brought campers this year and trust that all districts will participate in this worthwhile evangelistic program next year. Campers on the way to morning flag raising. British Columbia — Report from the Surrey Church By HAROLD ZINNER The Surrey Antler Pathfinder Club, organized last fall, has been active all year. They have seventeen members. They have had many activities: hikes, bicycle trips and camping in addition to crafts every Wednesday night. At Easter we joined the Westminster Thunderbird Pathfinder Club at Hope for a wonderful weekend. The weekend of May 17-19 we went to Oliver to the B.C. Pathfinder Fair where we won a Four-Star trophy. On Sabbath, May 25, we participated in the Investiture Service at the Youth Rally in Vancouver. On June 15 we had another Investiture Service in Surrey during the 11:00 o'clock worship service. We had nine Friends, eight Trail Friends, two Explorers, five Pioneer Explorers, four Rangers, four Wilderness Rangers and one Guide invested. In addition, the Pathfinders earned about seventy-five MV Honours in baking, cycling, VoL. 43, No. 17, AUGUST 30, 1974 hiking, swimming, plastics and basketry. We also started on archery and edible plants and expect to complete those this coming year. Our new directors are: Brother W. Kuppers, director; Brother R. Wilgress and Sister W. Bergey, deputydirector. Our church has also been active and is planning further missionary outreach this coming year. We do not have our own building but are renting "Christ the King" Lutheran Church, 1338 - 104 Avenue, Surrey, B.C. This past spring we had Brother Bill Dull, President of the Silver Hills Missionary Institute (self-supporting Seventh-day Adventist school in B.C.), speak to us during the 11 o'clock Sabbath service and that afternoon talk to us on health and right living. He showed us specimens of a heart, lungs, stomach, etc., and how un- healthful eating and living practices damaged them. Then from May 5-9 at the Mary Jane Shannon Junior Secondary School we conducted a Five-day Plan to Stop Smoking. The average attendance was eighteen. The folks really appreciated that we were able to help them overcome this terrible smoking habit. From July 29 to August 3 we will be having a Vacation Bible School at the Guildford Park Community School (formerly Mary Jane Shannon Junior Secondary School), and in the fall and winter two more Five-day Plans to Stop Smoking, each followed by a 6week healthful cooking school, will be conducted. In addition, the members have their individual witnessing program to finish the work. Let us all do our part to finish the work so that the Lord will come and we can go home with Him for eternity. 317 Farewell for the Hows By W. W. ROGERS, Communications Secretary, B.C. Conference Conference workers held a farewell program for the Hows on July 10 at the campground in Hope. Following refreshments, an evening program of speeches, songs and reminiscing was conducted. Pictured on the right is the farewell gift presented by the staff. It was a specially painted picture of an Alert Bay totem pole by Helen White. A remembrance book of pictures and happy memories was also given, each conference worker contributing one page. Fellow workers and church members wish Elder and Mrs. How God's richest blessing as they move to Oshawa, Ontario. Brother How is the new Secretary of the Canadian Union Conference of SDA. Elder and Mrs. A. N. How. A. W. Kaytor, New President for British Columbia On August 1, 1974, A. W. Kaytor assumed responsibilities as president of the British Columbia Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Previously, he had been president of the Alberta Conference for eight years. Before that Brother Kaytor had served as hospital administrator, departmental secretary and pastor. This varied background will be a real asset in his conference leadership. British Columbia extends a warm welcome to Sister Kaytor and Lyn as well. Lyn is featured in a book just published, Born to Live. A. N. How, former president of B.C. has been elected Secretary of the Canadian Union Conference. He and Sister How will be moving to Oshawa, Ontario. W. W. ROGERS, Communications Secretary British Columbia Conference rlivianina riracirlartt A N Hrtur harsrlina +ha rhairrnarl'a env.", to int.nrninaa• president, A. W. Kaytor. 318 CANADIAN UNION MESSENGER Golden Wedding Anniversary Horsefly Voice of Youth Meetings BERT WILLIAMS, Youth Pastor, Williams Lake Mr. and Mrs. Henry Spenst Brother and Sister Henry Spenst came from Russia and settled at Rosthern, Saskatchewan, May 1, 1930. They farmed there until 1946 when they moved to Debden, Saskatchewan. After seven years there, they moved to B.C. They accepted the Third Angel's Message in 1932 when Elder Sam Reile held evangelistic meetings in Rosthern. They had twelve children, ten of whom are living. They are: Elizabeth Shearer, Grants Pass, Oregon; Henry Spenst, Lacombe, Alberta; Mary Nations, Walla Walla, Washington; Kay Zachary, Lacombe, Alberta; Dr. Arthur Spenst, teaching at Loma Linda, California; Dr. Helmuth Spenst, dentist at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; Hilda Welygon, Lacombe, Alberta; Elsie Schwartz, Castlegar, B.C.; Nettie Gill, Marystown, Newfoundland; Erna Wirene, San Francisco, California. They have thirty grandchildren. All were present at the celebration except Nettie, wife of Pastor Victor Gill. She had been visiting her parents previously. All the children are members of God's remnant church. Also present for the happy occasion were Sister Spenst's brother, Jacob Wiebe, from Danube, California, and a nephew, Henry Spenst, and his family recently from Brazil. Open house was held in the Rutland Centennial Hall with many church members and friends dropping in to congratulate this fine couple. BERTHA E. WARNER Rutland The Christian Heirs group: Back row — Bert Williams (director), Gline Thompson, Harvey Rexius, Derek Thompson, John Mash, Ivan Chamberlain, Dennis Long, Mark Huber, Robbie McNab, Dave Carley. Front row — Helen Saylor, Anna Onken, Dada Ritchey, Donna Williams, Kathy Bouma, Lorraine Bouma, Lisa Routley, Linda Mash, Val Rexius, Susan Chamberlain, Tina Astleford, Marilyn Long, Joyce Bonlie (pianist), Gladys Erickson. For ten weeks during March, April, and May the youth of the Williams Lake Church held a series of Voice of Youth meetings in Horsefly, a small community about forty-five miles from Williams Lake. In the course of the ten meetings there were twenty-one youth speakers. Some of them spoke on more than one evening. In addition to this, many others were involved in visiting, music, organization, etc. Our youth singing group, Christian Heirs, provided music at several of the meetings. Most important, five Junior-age children and three adults said they would like to study more. Bible studies will be started soon. But the blessing from such an outreach cannot be compiled and recorded in a record book somewhere. We learned what it means to do something for the Lord even if one doesn't really feel like it at the moment. We learned to trust that God is leading even when only two people show up. We had the joy of seeing tears in people's eyes because God talked through us. We had the joy of making friends with people we'd never met before and then praying for them. The Lord didn't give us a gigantic task. He didn't bring masses of people to our meetings every week. But He did give us a job to do. And He really blessed us. Donna and Bert Williams celebrate in the home of Pastor and Mrs. Harold Dawes. This young couple interrupted their school program at PUC to join our church program and work for the youth of our church. We are indeed sorry to see them leave. "We cannot earn salvation, but we are to seek for it with as much interest and perseverance as though we would abandon everything in the world for it."—"Christ's Object Lessons," pages 116, 117. VoL. 43, No. 17, AUGUST 30, 1974 319 Mission Undertaken in Mission City Pastors T. R. Knoll and E. L. Stewart with the newly baptized members in Mission City, British Columbia. Recently, the evangelistic team for British Columbia conducted a Bible Seminar in Mission City, British Columbia. Mission City is a small town nestled on the banks of the Fraser River in the shadows of Mt. Baker and in the heart of the Fraser Valley. The prayers of the faithful believers there were answered when on many nights the church was nearly filled to capacity. The many petitions for the outpouring of the Spirit were uruugnt to run trunion when the Lord added to the number of the remnant through baptism. Many of the established members testified that their faith had been strengthened while families were united in the Lord and others found security with their Lord for the 1st time. The church rejoiced as fourteen were baptized and nearly as many more are preparing to take this step with their Lord. The seminar was conducted by British Columbia Conference Evangelist, T. R. Knoll. Each night the people were also inspired by the message in music presented by Pastor and Mrs. E. L. Stewart, the district pastor and wife. The great success of the meetings came largely because of the meticulous preparation conducted by the pastor and the people under the direction of the Spirit. The spirit of harmony, conviction and team effort between pastor and laymen as found in Mission City is the same spirit needed to finish the gospel commission around the world. T. R. KNOLL, Evangelist Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary the signs that herald our Lord's soon return. The Friesens have four children. Harold is now an evangelist in Texas and New Mexico. Anne (Mrs. Robert Small) teaches in Cariboo Junior Academy in Williams Lake. Marge (Mrs. L. Neufeld) is a dental assistant in Williams Lake. Glen is an employee for Jacobson Brothers Mill. Some friends and relatives gathered at Glen and Eleanor's home on June 6 in honour of this joyous occasion. They are wished much happiness as they' continue their lives together. MRS. M. HUBER, PR Secretary Williams Lake Church * Okanagan Academy VBS Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Friesen celebrate their 50th Anniversary among their family and friends at Williams Lake. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Friesen of Waldheim, Saskatchewan, celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary at the home of their son, Glen, who lives in Williams Lake. Mr. Friesen was born and raised in Saskatchewan while his wife was born in Manitoba. Except for a few moves to towns nearby, they have spent their lives in Waldheim. Their children have been raised iri the blessed hope and rejoice at 320 Another successful Vacation Bible School was held at the Okanagan Academy, Rutland, B.C., from July 1-5 with almost a hundred children in attendance. Of this number, approximately 75 percent were from non-Adventist homes. The good turnout of parents at the closing program testified to the interest in this community service. To follow up, a children's hour consisting of songs, stories, Bible studies, nature nuggets and crafts, is being conducted each Sunday morning at the Okanagan Academy. We pray that this work may eventually bring forth some fruit for God's Kingdom. BETTY BUNTING Rutland PR Department A Possible Change Coming for Pitcairn Island ? ? Glendale, Calif. — A little band of descendants of mutineers on Pitcairn Island in the South Pacific have turned away from efforts of the United Nations to declare them "free, independent and self governing." A United Nations General Assembly Resolution has recommended "to the General Assembly the most appropriate methods, and also the steps to be taken to enable the populations of these territories (17 in the Pacific and Caribbean regions including Pitcairn), to exercise fully and without further delay their right to selfdetermination and independence." The Resolution was drafted by the U.N. Subcommittee of the Special Committee of 24 on Decolonization. By short-wave radio today to the Voice of Prophecy, international radio production centre of the 2.3-million member Seventh-day Adventist faith, located here (at 1500 E. Chevy Chase Drive), Tom Christian of Pitcairn Island indicated that islanders have no interest in breaking away from Great Britain. Indeed, he points out that finding out what the Pitcairners want should be a simple thing. Actually, the United Nations could ship all 66 of them to U.N. headquarters in New York. There in the U.N. Building the Pitcairners would have ample opportunity to push their sentiments CANADIAN UNION MESSENGER about self rule. Christian adds that this would be an excellent opening for the Pitcairn population to sell their souvenirs, stamps, handicrafts and other items to the delegates and staffs. Also on the listing in the U.N. Resolution are the Solomons, New Hebrides, American Samoa, Guam, and the U.S. Trust Territory of Mikronesia among others. The little island which has no jails or police force, and is governed by an Island Council, has been grateful for help and beneficial leadership provided by the British government. "There is no declaration of independence here," says Christian, who frequently corresponds with the U.S. by short wave radio. Christian reports that plans are proceeding for wind generators to be installed on the island. They will help ease the fuel shortage which has been felt. These are now in New Zealand and will shortly be shipped by naval vessel to Pitcairn. Chris- * tian and the islanders will install the wind generators themselves. Funds for the generators were raised by friends of Pitcairn in the United States who are interested to help the islanders with their fuel shortage problems. Between Panama and New Zealand, Pitcairn is 5,000 miles from the U.S. and 3,000 miles from its British government in Auckland, New Zealand. Further information: Gordon Dalrymple, P10, The Voice of Prophecy, Phone (213) 2434266, or home (805) 498-6124. * Is There a University, College or High School Campus Near You? If So It Offers a Challenge! Damon Wall was a freshman at Cal State, Fullerton College, Fullerton, California. His philosophy: Agnostic. His major interest: Discovering the meaning of life. Young Wall had never attended a worship service in his life. Nor had he experienced close family ties. Then Joe and Nancy Jerus, on the staff of Wayout campus ministry, approached him. They shared with him the glad news of Jesus Christ. They gave him "The Wayout Trip", "What Happens After the Revolution?" and a Gospel of John. Damon carefully studied the Wayout materials and read selected portions of John. The conviction drove home that Christ was the Son of God. The college student accepted Him as Lord and Saviour. Damon became a part of the Wayout campus ministry rap group at Cal State, Fullerton composed of several Christian students. Purpose of the rap group: To help students who recently made a commitment to Christ to grow in Him. Group materials included Wayout High Way Scenes, and an outline of how to be successful in a new experience in Christ. Damon Wall Damon comments: The High Way Scenes were excellent. They made clear all of the basic principles of the Christian life, and I received a firm foundation upon which to grow. They were easy to understand and made spiritual concepts simple to grasp." Damon expresses appreciation to members of the Wayout campus ministry team including Paul Jensen, Joe Jerus, and their wives. After six months of fellowship with the Wayout team, he began to attend the Garden Grove Seventh-day Adventist Church. The year of attendance and study were climaxed by baptism by the pastor, Norman Versteeg. Today Damon is an active member of the church and is sharing with others the glad news of Christ. Says he: "The most important decision I have made in my life was that of receiving Christ as Saviour. The Seventhday Adventist Church has helped me significantly in understanding the Word of God and my relationship to my Saviour." Doug Pond, director of the Wayout ministry, suggests: "Is there a college or university campus near you? A high school? Should you and your church launch a Wayout ministry? "Why not write to Wayout ministry, P.O. Box 2828, Hollywood, California 90028 for information on reaching young people with the glad news of Christ and His love. The Wayout materials speak youth language in a compelling and convincing way." GORDON F. DALRYMPLE, Director Publications Relations All Conferences Please Note We are asking that ONLY black and white photos be sent to the Canadian Union Messenger. Colour pictures do not reproduce well for printing, so if you send a colour picture it may not appear in the Messenger. Your co-operation will be appreciated. Thank you. — Editors. 43, No. 17, AUGUST 30, 1974 321 Kiwanis and College Join in "Milk for Orphans" Project Recently the officers and members of the Seoul Kiwanis Club held an impressive "moo-in" ceremony on the campus of Korean Union College. The occasion was the establishing of a joint CollegeKiwanis "milk for orphans" project. Bob Burgess, a professor at Korean Union College and a ten-year member of Kiwanis International, originated the project with the help of his friends in the Montavilla and Sunnyside Kiwanis Clubs of Portland, Oregon. The Portland Kiwanis Clubs liked the joint project proposed by Burgess, their former member. They organized and sold tickets for a delicious Chinese Supper, which raised $1,000 as a gift for the "Korean Kiwanis Kow." The "Kiwanis Kow" will be housed and cared for by the Korean Union College dairy and the milk will be given to orphans and underprivileged children. The motto of Kiwanis International is "We Build." In Korea they are building better bodies for Korean orphans. Seoul Club members celebrate Seoul-Portland "Kiwanis Kow" project. College farm manager George Haley is standing to right of cow, and next to Bob Burgess, to the left of the cow, is Seoul Glut president, Judge Kwon. NOTE — Bob Burgess is a Canadian, a former student of Kingsway College, Oshawa. A New Declaration of Principles From the Editors of INSIGHT The editors of INSIGHT would like to share with you a Declaration of Principles by which they will attempt to prepare each issue of this magazine. The Declaration resulted from a day of prayer and spiritual fellowship spent recently by the staff in the beautiful mountains of Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. 1. We believe that INSIGHT must become a crucial magazine. We believe that time is important because there is very little left. Therefore, we are going to talk about what we believe to be most important— becoming personally acquainted with Jesus Christ and living in the 1970's as He lived 2000 years ago. 2. We will attempt to accomplish this objective through a blend of articles dedicated not to decrying problems, but to solving them. We believe that a relationship with Jesus is the starting point for anyone seeking answers to such problems as finding meaning in the church, choosing wisely a life companion, and in learning what vocation God would have one follow. 3. We believe that INSIGHT must be an intensely practical magazine. Since we take seriously the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy counsel that the return of Jesus is imminent, we will write on such vital 322 topics as the latter rain, how to develop an exciting prayer life, getting real victory over real sin, the power of surrender, saving a troubled marriage, how to really enjoy the Sabbath, getting ready for Christ's second coming, and witnessing with power. 4. Regarding issues and causes, we believe that Adventist youth today are confronted with countless causes such as ecology, social reform, consumerism, women's liberation, and others. But important as these issues are, we are convicted that INSIGHT's one overriding cause should be Jesus Christ. This does not mean we will ignore other important issues, but rather, with Christ's help, we will try to handle these issues with balance and perspective. 5. Simplicity is a quality we will strive for increasingly both in our art and in our editorial fare. We do not equate simplicity with simple-mindedness. We equate it with power. Ellen White's angel once told her that the moment she adapted her simply-stated messages to meet the minds of any, they would lose their power. 6. We wish to underscore the fact that INSIGHT is an international magazine for the international youth of an international church. We will increasingly seek news and articles from around the world. 7. We believe that God's people have lingered on the planet earth far too many years. We believe it is long past time for us to pull up stakes and get out of here. Our only essential investment at this time, in our opinion, should be in giving of ourselves to God and to our fellow man, thereby developing Christlike characters. To this purpose, we hereby rededicate ourselves and this magazine. We hope you will join us. CANADIAN UNION MESSENGER OBITUARIES SILVESTER—Reg Silvester was born May 8, 1970 in Kelowna, B.C. and met his untimely death, June 21 in a private swimming pool. During his four years of life, Reg loved Sabbath School and enjoyed repeating the memory verse and singing Sabbath hymns. Left to mourn are: his mother, Barbara, father, Len, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Silvester and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Tataryn, also a host of aunts and uncles and cousins. The little loved one was laid to rest with the assurance that on the resurrection morning the angel will bear him to his mother's arms. STAN GALLANT, Lay Activities BROWN—Cecil Gordon Brown was born in Camden Gore, Ontario, on February 8, 1911, to Bertha and Wesley Brown. He was a student of Oshawa Missionary College in Oshawa, Ontario, graduating in 1928. Brother Brown joined the Sarnia Seventhday Adventist Church December 19, 1970. He passed to his rest in Bestview Lodge on Wednesday, April 3, at the age of 63. He is survived by three sisters: Mrs. Myrtle Laidlaw of Sarnia, Ontario; Mrs. Beatrice Johanson of Chicago, Ill.; and Mrs. Beula McIntosh of Windsor, Ontario. He was predeceased by a brother, Leland Brown. Brother Brown awaits the coming of Christ in Dresden Cemetery. The funeral service was conducted by Pastor R. G. Christiansen and Brother Alf Wood. PASTOR R. G. CHRISTIANSEN, Sarnia DO YOU RECEIVE IT? Send Today ❑ 1year- $12.95 Perpetual-$10.50 ❑ ❑ Payment enclosed Bill me ❑ If perpetual or bill me, send to your Book and Bible House or ABC Center. This Offer Expires August 31.1975. Name Address State Zip Review and Herald Publishing Assn.. Washington.D.C.20012 HELP WANTED. Due to a rapidly expanding nuclear community, there is a need for Managers, Engineers, Accountants, Physicists, Chemists, Builders, Medical Personnel, etc., to work for firms in the Tri-Cities, (Pasco, Kennewick, Richland), Washington area. Two SDA Churches and a 10-Grade Jr. Academy. One hour drive from Walla Walla, mild year-round climate, and lots of clean air. Located on the scenic Columbia River. This area is a natural for the outdoorsman and sportsman. For information packet please write P.O. Box 2547, Pasco, Wash. 99301. Aug. 30(1) An Adventist Christian Writer's Conference will be held September 17-19, 1974, in Portland, Oregon, co-sponsored by the Tabernacle Church and the North Pacific Union Communications Department. Guest lecturers include Richard Utt, Book Editor, Pacific Press; Lawrence Maxwell, Editor, Signs of the Times; and others. For further information write Tabernacle Church, 26 S. W. Condor Way, Portland, Oregon 97201 or phone Communications Department 503255-7300. Aug. 30(1) We repair all makes and types — new, used, reconditioned hearing aids. Senior Citizens Discount. Duty Free. HEARING AID CENTER, 1717 N.W. Blvd., Spokane, Wash. 99205. Aug. 30(3) Vol,. 43, No. 17, AUGUST 30, 1974 Please send "Messenger" material to your conference editor who in turn will forward it to CANADIAN UNION MESSENGER. Conference Editors BRITISH COLUMBIA — W. W. Rogers ALBERTA — L. Cooper MANITOBA-SASKATCHEWAN — ONTARIO — CHALLENGE A 94-bed hospital located in the beautiful Tidewater area of Virginia is seeking the services of a Director of Nursing. If you are interested in an interesting but challenging position contact the Administrator, Tidewater Memorial Hospital, Tappahannock, Virginia 22560 or phone collect area code 804-443-3311. Aug. 30(2) POSITIONS AVAILABLE — Rest Haven General Acute Hospital, Sidney, B.C. would be interested in receiving applications for secretarial positions now available. Please write or phone: Mr. F. L. Bell c/o Rest Haven General Hospital Sidney, B.C., Canada or phone: 604-656-1121 Aug. 15(3) GENERAL MAINTENANCE MAN — Sherwood Park Nursing Home has an opening for a general maintenance man, capable of assuming full responsibility for the maintenance program at the institution. Applicants should have a definite mechanical aptitude and some experience in thin fields of painting, plumbing, electricity and minor carpentry. Contact: The Administrator Sherwood Park Nursing Home 2020 Brentwood Boulevard Sherwood Park, Alberta T8A OX1 Phone: (403) 467-2281 July 30(5) AIDES WANTED — Uncertified Nursing Aides, Kitchen Aides, and Housekeeping Aides required by Sherwood Park Nursing Rome for vacancies occurring in August and September 1974. Would prefer mature individuals with previous experience, but other applicants are also welcomed. On the job training will be provided. For more information contact: The Administrator Sherwood Park Nursing Home 2020 Brentwood Boulevard Sherwood Park, Alberta T8A OX I Phone: (403) 467-2281 July 30(5) S. Gallant L. R. Krenzler MARITIME — J. W. Wilson NEWFOUNDLAND — ADVERTISEMENTS Rates: Per issue, 40 words or less, $5.00; each additional word ten cents. Display advertising $6.00 per inch. Ten per cent discount per insertion for three or more consecutive insertions without copy changes. No advertising will be accepted unless cash accompanies copy. Send all advertisement to your local conference office for approval by either the president or treasurer. "No responsibility can be accepted for any misrepresentation or dissatisfaction arising from any advertisement." HEALTH IS WEALTH! Juicers, blenders, water distillers, yogurt makers, flour mills, etc. Order by mail. Will give juicer demonstration in Vancouver area. Send for brochures, price list. Free book with every purchase! Send stamped, self-addressed envelope to: M. Platt, General Delivery, White Rock, B.C. Group demonstrations interior B.C. considered. Aug. 30(3) R. A. Matthews QUEBEC SDA Church Association — P. Lemon Conference Directory CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE — L. L. Rene, President; C. Klam, Secretary-Treasurer; 1148 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. ALBERTA CONFERENCE — A. W. Kaytor, President; M. D. Suiter, Secretary-Treasurer; 201-16 Ave., N.E., Calgary, Alberta. BRITISH COLUMBIA CONFERENCE — A. N. How, President; E. F. White, Secretary-Treasurer; Box 1000, Abbotsford, B.C. MANITOBA-SASKATCHEWAN CONFERENCE — W. G. Soloniuk, President; R. G. E. Hillock, SecretaryTreasurer; 1004 Victoria Ave., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. MARITIME CONFERENCE — J. W. Wilson, President; Clifford Patterson, Secretary-Treasurer; 451 St. George St., Moncton, N.B. QUEBEC SDA Church Association — P. Lemon, President; S. E. White, Treasurer; Box 128, Westmount, Montreal 215, Quebec. NEWFOUNDLAND — R. A. Matthews, President, 106 Freshwater Rd., St. John's, Newfoundland. ONTARIO CONFERENCE — Philip Moores, President; S. E. White, Secretary-Treasurer; 1110 King St. I., Oshawa, Ontario. Messenger Deadlines Deadline for copy Aug. 30 September 15 September 30 October 15 Date of Issue Sept. 15 September 30 October 15 October 30 Deadlines and datelines are always the 15th and 30th of each month. Deadlines falling on Sabbath or Sunday are honoured on the following Monday. NOTE—All deadlines for copy are two weeks before date of issue in which article will appear. This means all material must be in the publishing house two weeks before magazine is mailed—Ed. 323 Annual Convention of Nursing Homes In Three Western Provinces By S. H. GALLANT, Secretary Public Relations, Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference This program was held May 11-12 in Winnipeg. The main purpose of a gettogether of this nature is to get all our departmental heads together to study ways and means how we as a people can become effective in helping others. Not only helping in their physical needs, but also to reach into the hearts of the people we serve and fill their spiritual needs. Each of the administrators of the nursing homes, Park Manor and West Park Manor in Winnipeg, Sunnyside Nursing Home in Saskatoon, Swift Current Nursing Home in Swift Current and also our guests from Sherwood Park Nursing Home in Edmonton brought their departmental heads to exchange thoughts, plans and ideas that in turn each home may be stronger and more effective for the cause of God. Our guests were: Mrs. E. Sokol, dietitian of North York Branson Hospital, Toronto, Ontario. She gave a presentation on healthful living and how important it is to each of our guests in our nursing homes. Also, each of our employees should shoulder the program and be good examples. Dr. H. Gimble, health secretary for the Canadian Union Conference spoke of the importance of preparing and eating the right kind of food in order that our minds may be clear and association with our heavenly Father may be in perfect harmony. Two days of panel discussions, business meetings, reports given, made each of those attending feel that it was very profitable time spent. An action was taken at the close that we should have another of such a nature in the very near future. We want to thank brother Allan Fowler and his associates of Alberta for being our guests and helping to make this program a success. NM= Elder and Mrs. Bill Kennedy, Pastor of Winnipeg English Church, look very contented — a good program and a good meal.• 324 Administrators of the following Nursing Homes, left to right, Brother Allan Fowler — Sherwood Park Nursing Home, Edmonton Alberta; D. C. Heinrichs — Sunnyside Nursing Home, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; Ken Reimche — Swift Current Nursing Home, Swift Current, Saskatchewan; B. P. Skoretz — Park Manor Personal Care Home, Winnipeg, Manitoba; Ed Gallant — West Park Manor Personal Care Home, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Elder W. G. Soloniuk, Conference President and Sister Yvonne Mohagen, Director of Nursing for Swift Current Nursing Home, are discussing how we can be more effective in soul winning through our medical institutions. Part of the group that attended the annual convention held in Winnipeg where Park Manor and West Park Manor played as host to their sister Nursing Homes. CANADIAN UNION MESSENGER
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