WORKSHOP: HOW TO CREATE AN INFRASTRUCTURE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF TEACHING AND TEACHERS By Dr Hanne Jarmer, Head of Education, DTU Systems Biology and chief consultant Pernille Andersson, LearningLab DTU Dr. Hanne Jarmer and Pernille Hammar Andersson (Technical University of Denmark DTU, Kopenhagen) übertragen den Ansatz der Good Teaching Practice (GTP) auf die Gegebenheiten Ihres Fachbereichs oder Ihrer Studiengänge. GTP ist ein Konzept, welches am Department System Biologie der DTU entwickelt und erfolgreich umgesetzt wird. GTP fördert eine motivierende Lernumgebung und ist insbesondere auf ingenieurwissenschaftliche Studiengänge ausgerichtet. Zielgruppe sind alle Lehrenden, Studiengangs- und Modul-Verantwortliche bzw. -organisatoren, Referent/innen für Studium und Lehre, Studiendekane, für Qualitätssicherung Lehre Verantwortliche, Multiplikator/innen etc. Der Workshop findet statt: am Dienstag, dem 28. Mai 2013 von 10.00 bis 17.00 Uhr, Raum FH 1004 (Fraunhofer Strasse 3336, 10. Stock). Er schließt an den Vortrag im Rahmen der Hochschuldidaktischen Ring-Vorlesung am Montag, den 27. Mai von 18 bis 20 Uhr im H 0106 an. Weitere Informationen von Dr. Monika Rummler, Email:, Tel. 030/314 26 451 Anmeldung bei Hannelore Reiner, Email:, Tel. 030/314 24 030 To attract and motivate engineering students both the engineering educations and the image of the engineering profession must be perceived as interesting and attractive. Many universities offer training programmes that provide teachers with up-todate knowledge on student learning while they train the teachers in applying suitable methods to support learning efficiently. For a number of years at DTU there is an ongoing process to develop a structure for teacher training and to put emphasis on student learning and on create good learning environments at the university. It may be difficult to prove that certain teaching methods work better than others in order to create a good learning environment, but some overall features in teaching can be assumed to have a positive impact: Students need to be exposed to suitable challenges to be motivated They need to see the overall objective and coherence in their studies because it contributes to creation of a sense of meaning They should be in a social secure environment where they get a possibility, through dialogue and social interaction, to get acquainted with both their fellow students and the teacher They should receive continuous feedback on their learning progress and thereby perceive that this is an important focus point for the teachers. They should have the possibility to take responsibility for their own learning and feel that they are in charge of their challenges with course content. At the department of DTU Systems Biology the “Good Teaching Practice” concept (GTP) has been developed playing a role as a framework of support for the teachers at DTU System Biology, to build up a good learning environment for the students, and for the teachers. This department-based “Good Teaching Practice” concept consists of three different lines of activities. The most visible activity is a web-based GTP platform where the management displays the minimal standards for teaching at the department. On the same web portal, a second activity builds upon the foundation of these basic requirements. This activity provides a source of ideas to enable faculty members to develop their teaching competences and their understanding of the student learning processes. It also acts as a forum for sharing of experiences from teaching practice at the department and elsewhere, and is referred to as the GTP Tool Box. The third activity is not as visible as the two first, but it has proved to be the most important. In order for teachers to develop their teaching competences and to draw inspiration from colleagues, it was found to be essential to develop a faculty-teaching forum that supports open and ongoing discussions about teaching and learning. New initiatives have been developed at the department after the initial GTP-project and the methods to strengthen and sustain the professional learning community at the department are amongst others are Course development workshops Individual coaching of teachers Semester seminars on teaching Teachers retreat In this workshop the methods and ideas behind this development at the department of DTU Systems Biology will be introduced and elaborated on as well as the overall structure and strategies for teaching and learning development at DTU on university level. We will share our experiences with you and through presentations, discussions in groups and in plenary it will be given possibilities for you to relate the content in this workshop to your own practices.
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