GREEN MARITIME LOGISTICS: IN SEARCH OF WIN-WIN SOLUTIONS BOOK NOW TO ENSURE YOUR PLACE IN THIS EVENT Organizer: DTU, Dept. of Transport, Dept. of Management Engineering Date: Oct. 6, 2015 Time: 13.00 to 18.30 Venue: DTU, Anker Engelunds Vej 1, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Building 101, Room S9. This workshop aims at a discussion and debate on how one can balance the economic and environmental performance of the maritime supply chain. Typical problems maritime in include optimal ship speed, routing and scheduling, fleet deployment, network design, modal split, transshipment, queuing at ports, and terminal management. The traditional analysis of these problems has been in terms of cost- benefit and other optimization criteria. Green maritime logistics brings the environmental dimension into the problem, and specifically that of emissions reduction, by analyzing various trade-offs and exploring ‘win-win’ solutions. This workshop will present talks by a mix of academic and industry speakers on the issues that are at stake in green maritime logistics and on how one can balance the economic and environmental performance of maritime supply chain. FINAL PROGRAMME: 1230-1300 1300-1315 1315 1315-1345 1345-1415 1415-1445 1445-1515 1515 1515-1545 1545-1615 1615-1645 1645-1715 1715-1730 1730-1830 Registration -coffee Opening statements Session 1. Chair David Pisinger, DTU Management Engineering Line Blander Reinhardt, DTU Management Engineering, “Quantitative decision support in green liner shipping” Mikkel Mühldorff Sigurd, Maersk Line, ”Liner shipping network design in Maersk Line” Harilaos N. Psaraftis and Christos A. Kontovas, DTU Transport, “Combined speed and routing decisions under alternative objectives” Coffee break Session 2. Chair Harilaos N. Psaraftis, DTU Transport David Pisinger, DTU Management Engineering, “Optimal bunker purchasing with SECA areas” Poul Woodall, DFDS Seaways, “The cost of green” Kjetil Fagerholt, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, “The effect from emission control areas on routing and speed choices and CO2 emissions” George Panagakos, DTU Transport, “Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of emissions: A comparison between maritime and road transport” Closing statements Reception REGISTRATION: Attendance of the workshop is free, but advance registration is necessary. To register online, please visit this link: Registration deadline: Oct. 1, 2015 CONTACT: Christos A. Kontovas, DTU Transport, WORKSHOP SPONSORS GREENSHIP project, DTU Management Engineering GreenShipping project, DTU Transport Communications sponsor: the Transport Innovation Network
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