Instructions on how to fill in your e-tax declaration. Click the English flag to go to the English part of the SKAT webpage. Choose E-tax from the menu on the left. 1 Click here to open the next page . . . IF your TastSelvkode is valid click on Adgang med TastSelv-kode ELSE click Bestil ny TastSelvkode 2 To order a new TastSelv-kode you write the 10 digits of your CPR no. (Without the - ) and click Fortsæt (continue). 3 If your TastSelv-kode is valid you write the 10 digits of your CPR no. (Without the - ) and the TastSelv-kode. Then click Fortsæt (continue). If the code is valid you will now enter your personal TastSelv-menu with all the information SKAT has on you. If the code is not valid you can try again two more times. Or you can order a new code (read about Bestil ny TastSelv-kode above). 4 In your personal TastSelv-menu you have two main areas: Indberetning / beregning (here you can CHANGE information ) Ændre forskudsopgørelsen = change your preliminary taxation (only relevant for the current year). . Ændre årsopgørelsen eller selvangivelsen = change your final taxation. You must choose which year to change. Skattemappen ( here you can SEE which information SKAT has concerning your income etc. ) . Forskudsopgørelsen = your preliminary taxation. You can only read it here. If you want to change anything you must go to Ændre forskudsopgørelsen. Kvitteringer for indberetninger til årsopgørelsen = If you have changed anything in your final taxation you will have a receipt for it here. Then you can check that it is Okay. Årsopgørelsen m.v. = your final taxations. Choose which year you want to see. . 5 . Aktuelle indkomstoplysninger / eSkattekort = your e-tax card. Oplysninger om restancer = debts you may have to SKAT. If you owe any money to SKAT you can see it here. If you chose Ændre årsopgørelsen eller selvangivelsen from the above menu you will have a new window like this . . . To continue click on Ændring til årsopgørelsen 2010 – efter fristens udløb 6 Now you enter a large page. Here I have put together the relevant parts of my page. The first you must do is to describe in your own words what you want to change. Write it in this area Then you look what are written in Rubrik 11. This is your salary in 2010. Is it correct? If no write the correct amount here If yes go to Rubrik 51. In Rubrik 51 check your transportation deduction. If it is zero (0) you must fill in the amount (see how on the last page). In Rubrik 53 you must check your deduction for staying and living (travel expences = rejseudgifter). If it is missing you must put it the amount (see how on the last page). Click Godkend (accept) to finish. 7 Now you will see a window showing an overview of the changes you have made in the former window. If there is an error you can go back to correct it by clicking Fortryd (Regret). If it is Okay you click Vis konsekvenser (Show consequences). 8 In this window you see the result of a preliminary calculation of your taxation based on the changes you have made. If you find errors click Ret (correct) to return to the window Ændring til årsopgørelsen 2010 and make the correction. If you accept the calculation click Godkend (accept). 9 If you accepted the calculation you will get a receipt (kvittering). You can open your new final taxation. Get a printer friendly version. Change your contact information’s Or go to the TastSelv-menu. When you have finished remember to Log off (Log af). 10 Calculation of deductions Remember that the no. of km is two times the distance between your home and your place of work. E.g. the distance between Peter’s farm and Bucharest is approximately 2300 km. This means that the no. of km in the calculation is 4600. Year 2009 Transportation deduction + 0 – 24 km = 25 – 100 km = > 100 km = 0 dkr 142,50 dkr (No. of km - 100) * 0,95 dkr Staying & living deduction (No of working days * 650 dkr) - bottom limit of 5500 dkr = result If the result is negative write 0 dkr in Rubrik 53 Result No of working days * 650 dkr = result 2010 + 0 – 24 km = 25 – 100 km = > 100 km = 0 dkr 142,50 dkr (No. of km – 100) * 0,95 dkr If the result exceeds 50000 dkr write 50000 dkr in Rubrik 53 Result + 0 – 24 km = 25 – 100 km = > 100 km = Result 2011 0 dkr 150,00 dkr (No. of km – 100) * 1,00 dkr Do you have documentation for at least 40 days of continuous work at another employer more than 8 km away from Peter’s farm? Yes No No of working days * No of working days * 650 dkr = result 195 dkr + actual expenses = result If the result exceeds 50000 dkr write 50000 If the result exceeds dkr in Rubrik 53 50000 dkr write 50000 dkr in Rubrik 53 11
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