vknj.kh; ikyd egksn;] ueLdkj vkidks vkids ikY; ds fo|ky; lacfa /kr fuEu lwpuk,a nh tkrh gS A cPps dks fn;k x;k x`g dk;Z vfuok;Z :i ls djok;sa A mUgsa izfrfnu 3 ?kaVs i<+kbZ ds fy, izfs jr djsa A x`g dk;Z ds vk/kkj ij tqykbZ ekg ds izFke lIrkg esa QkesSfZ Vo vlslesVa izFke fy;k tk;sxk A x`g dk;Z lac/a kh fdlh Hkh izdkj dh leL;k gksus ij 9926013134 ij laidZ djsa A fnukad 20-04-2015 lkseokj ls 07-06-2015 2015 rd fo|ky; esa xhz"edkfyu vodk'k jgsxk A 'kS{kf.kd l= 2015&16 dh iqu% 'kq:vkr fnukad 08 08-06-2015 lkskseokj ls gksxh A ftlds fy, fo|ky; dh le; lkj.kh esa dksbZ ifjorZu ugha gksxk A fdlh Hkh izdkj ds ifjorZu dh lwpuk ikyd dks nh tk;sxh A ftu ikydks us l= 2015&16 dk izFke fd'r dk pkyku ugha tek fd;k gSA og d`Ik;k tYn ls pkyku tek djsaA 123456- izkpk;Z ¼Mh-- d:.kkdj½ ¼Mh Sum m er V acation H om e W orkork - 20152015 - 16 ClassClass - III E nglish Q.1 Write as many word as you can think of when you see this picture. _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ Q.4 Q.2 Write the young ones of the following animals. Q.3 Learn these action words and their meanings. 1) Play ¼[ksyuk½ 2) Sleep ¼lksuk½ 3) Drink ¼fiuk½ 4) Draw ¼fp= cukuk½ 5) Cook ¼[kkuk idkuk½ 6) Run ¼nSkM s u+ k½ 7) Eat ¼[kkuk½ 8) Show ¼fn[kkuk½ 9) Jump ¼dqnuk½ 10) Sit ¼cSBuk½ 11) Stand ¼[kM+s gksuk½ 12) Climb ¼p<+uk½ 13) Dance ¼ukpuk½ 14) Sing ¼xkuk½ 15) Erase ¼feVkuk½ 16) Comb ¼da?kh djuk½ 17) Brush ¼cz'k½ 18) Wash ¼/kksuk½ 19) Walk ¼pyuk½ 20) Talk ¼ckr djuk½ 21) Speak ¼cksyuk½ 22) Whisper (QqlQqlkuk½ 23) Sweep ¼NkMq yxkuk½ 24) Wipe ¼ikspk½ 25) fall ¼fxjuk½ 26) Swim ¼rSjuk½ 27) Bath ¼ugkuk½ 28) Feel ¼eglql djuk½ 29) Go ¼tkuk½ 30) Take ¼ysuk½ 31) Bring ¼ykuk½ 32) Buy ¼[kjhnuk½ 33) Carry ¼ys tkuk½ 34) Give ¼nsuk½ 35) Pick up (mBkuk½ 36) Drop ¼fxjkuk ;k NksMu+ k 37) Break ¼rksMu+ k½ 38) Shake¼fgykuk½ 39) Cry ¼jksuk½ 40) Laugh ¼galuk½ Use these polite words everyday . Please, Thanks, You are most welcome, Sorry, Ma I, Can I, EVS 1. Write about your daily routine in your note book. a)What time did you wake up, Brush your teeth, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, study, watch tv/ play b) Where did you sped your holiday write the places where you have visited. c) Write the special food items which your mother cooked during t holidays. 2. Write the name of sense organs paste their pictures and write their functions. 3. Write the different plants in your note book. 4. Write10 fruits and 10 flowers and 5 animals , 5 vegetables name your note their names then. H indi iz-1 iz-2 iz-3 iz-4 iz-5 nl Qyks]a lfCt;ks]a tkuojksa o if{k;ksa ds uke fy[kdj ;kn djsa A fgUnh eghuksa o lIrkg ds fnuksa ds uke fy[kdj ;kn djsa A ,d ls ipkl rd fxurh fy[kdj ;kn djsa A lqUnj ys[ku gsrq fdlh ikB dh udy djsAa ckjg[kM+h fy[kdj ;kn djsAa SubjectSubject - M ath Q.1 Write and learn the multiplication tables from 2 to 15. Q.2 Write the place value of each number. 1) 2252 2) 9846 4) 7615 5) 4220 Q.3 Write the followings numbers name. 1) 4550 2) 2320 4) 7328 5) 9999 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.6 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 3) 6576 3) 6387 Draw the following shapes and learn their spellings and colour them by given colour. A) square(Green) b) circle (Yellow) c) triangle (Red) d)rectangle (Orange) e) cylinder (Pink) f) Cube (brown) g) Cuboids (Violet) h) sphere (Purple) i) Oval (Yellow) j) Cone (Green) Write the things that are circle shaped in your home. Write the things that are Squared shaped in your home. Write the things that are Triangle shaped in your home. Write the things that are Rectangle shaped in your home. Add the numbers. 24+55= 39+74= 85+87= 76+54= 63+79= 56+94= 98+72= 53+68= 79+80= 94+10= 23+59= 77+25= Subtract the numbers. 59-43= 74-22= 63-21= 87-61= 29-10= 22-10= 45-44= 88-43= 65-25= 95-84 32-16= 78-27= Precautions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Drink plenty of fresh water. ¼T;knk ls T;knk rktk ikuh fiyk,s½a Do not go outside of your home when it is too hot. ( vf/kd xehZ esa ?kj ls ckgj u fudys½ Avoid eating fried/junk food. ( ryh Hkquh phts [kkus ls cps½ Carry an umbrella/summer coat /cap when you go out in sun.. (?kj ( ls ckgj fudyrs le; Nkrk@lej dksV ;k dsi dk bLrseky djs½a Wear cotton clothes and sunglasses. ( lwfr diM+s o /kwi ds p'es dk bLrseky djs½a Study 1 hour regularly and complete your home work. ( izfrfnu 1 ?kaVs rd i<+kbZ ,oa x`g dk;Z djs½a Obey your parents and teachers’ precautions. ( ikyd ,oa f'k{kdksa dk dguk ekus½ Eat plenty of vegetables. ( vf/kd ls vf/kd gjh lfCt;kW [kka,½sa Eat fresh fruits instead of drinking juice or artificial cool drinks. tql ;k vkfVZfQlh;y BaMs dh txg ij rkts Qy [kk,s)a
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